I foe serv,;i ng po)u r a gjll e l Ii-r ni ~~araî\ lL)te the pie thrvougb Le c;ltsfreiiet i'blata fjour pigeons,ý * ~ptcces l'ut these illes, ie a pn tth te1oLttuob-od't1, cite on two of butter, oc isc b e ba, tIsu ic c- fý FR THE, COOK. -hat lma, at abepotl PinapbeIc Sak1 cap tapioca co oked. ane-ie aîefor hep's 0%vIr aigbi, add 1 cup granlulateti kitiui-ys, season vith peppur, aiw lip auigar, acr1,ape or chop tIse soit pari eaclî ido liriucfîed buitter. Wlren the cfý a pincapplo and ti hiwiI mbt the pigeon fillets are cooketi iay a bal! tapioca,. lPlace on ice aiid srve ias filet ie a urli butteot scallop cltdiÀas possible urtb sugar -spriliedsabolI, pxevious1y dustot ith spipeti ve-top. breati ci-uni-bs, lay a halvod kliaey Fo Cueca Alexandra's pudding on ch tot coter this again -ith bout a g,çooti-sizec cgg to a froth, tr triiintýidi-shroooi-s, alsc dip- wcrktee ablspoosfultifl1~~-- po ldini-butter, anti cireur iberallyi wo" w catorsptgarsîoo oflfler aldto ut tisespiced breati crumhs. Placel oii ofcasor uga aiclohly thse shelis in a hot oveu nd3sti s 50cr it, i-ui adti hait a plot cf sieur mua, as theo mushrocttts are cool cd tIse uith a;! îmich of sait. Butter a pinit I ishî l e rady. Ser-ve the shelas on puddctodis, he thickly uith tasp- a napkin, garnîshced witb sliceti lemon berry jansi, thon pout-ln tIse batter. anti parsiey. Lay a si-cet of buttered White paper onI top anti steam 1cor an haut'. RICE ILECIPES. For rbcl-,trb jeliy sieur abolit a polid ofrhuarb ellytil tener, Butteted.-This is aalec i-adeocver poant of ruar jehl tilten ar. entr-e. Bail ice in the usual way witb occiît sgar t swetee, antini attr' dî-aicslng w-ellpress urbile aliIe , Iýiciion)p«. Pass ilthug a-elboa oieteqt. Iet a~~~it siee, ntiaddce cuce f glaled tin iidissolv t i e nheît fa ' y turc- ii i-ct caî-efully upon a pro: watr;thî, rit tsepîtpei n ro Iplte and (iset ila aquictc)Veni. il ïln Ilbo tail thi-ough tira îte Ise uLeul merur n anl aquart. Col-tio cftha oes-ani butterlahi-ta- Toui . l i-i-rn ieutiuicultiatibouallhy u tter ai ai- i ni att poui cistari rcun.11 tthtkce> ti-g 1 graicm heeI (P- Olj1, l "uiic i t-elery nîce ïoan, ilynîbi, î>cir1il T 1 n teu utcucib cave _ýs ,,i nt ise1 ovni'1or1alt; xviinte cild. breat an itti--,anti t inttbocj e ci ie be aii-luou 1ro bard laytbomla eitiuhii'1 , ani f et eecgsbotn p rlh- i fil, ant li ui'LI- nltl tecsr a lezen I spatla iiunuleî tiwi-e i-odli aniiase sncdi aad ftnly oiceioiv-s d " arfly t a lbot pi-Ltrhiis aý thLe juice cf hait a9 lomroti, aiii oail npretty, -et a aimipie, dedishi, gooc crtul.Sprciad the nmixture (,ors thoandti easily matit. bai ai-i butter, roll up Iiightiy, or 1 ulaeeti itbh Pcppers.-Coolk an, cccruitIs another suice. cOecu cptaI cf ice'tust in turc quarta Te a eild tIser-e is a gréat charer cf saltcd boili-tg watcr for t-venty abolu ,t any cake ci' dainiy uwhich isi lt-s, or until lti-den, but niot matieihoi-oc for is special bcneft j broken. Dlrain ici-a colaîsdcî anti set nd pleasure, andti ibis wje wb e lcnan opent cx ccito dry off for fOve , cg' ptheitl -oc-ceca-iut cakes. Iminutes. 1h,-lave rcady cite lange otr The1( rei is vxysi mple-Mýix te-t-vo algensweeot peupc's, soeet- gehn hia peut-coijIl cf d-(Iectdc crfl anti eboppeilfin-e. Put woc intl uc aîepîtî t a ea ittg tabiesponifai o! butter il)i Ocam, ati iai a oucîi c cator tr't i i pat; uhenit bisses îaddti tIs augx-.2.W O cfth li-o dlil sntoklag ,bot Il! tor1g(i a t adi. Makti-o u-iruh u h e n-oa ca baL-, cit geace papr, e a aic pan ail vec it, îooce ni o a- tc mss oven tIl ebghtl broum.!ih ao fr le e alo u tIe li ce t petîi ccihr 0 icre f iie.îu a pic-i etnec mi a rll quate- ! polii c couflar! oten;coL- iibç-pr fseeo the ad hebotonýi iLte t lcri-cesen\t vtbrig acsI egs nia ti oii-to jice. L, ; tubafi 1l pl-ist I ot o or t il tra tIsa icei aclluih a acliwtraciottaebfr utie cchisa, nt aititIs urli-sorisî. O. etircaI-;jIng, dran beate cvhies c tho ggs. atinmie crefcil tiUio tee eIîlIbotes- a ~ ~ ~ o biitetec deh(olyth-c pCecg,(-)arepoc-gett hes ful e lovpîditg at-ee cii ai tbiaooi ute, at ia baLefcî thtcc-uai-ai- cf u hur. poo sai; bke aloi micnie c Betore sc-i-vîsg tic a pico o! papor-slicu uss oin su i- eu r ,ti-udtIbsinani comd t tbl tuu ofoe oo -iag us~~~~iii Jet sFetd.LEU TIS Pg on Pic l outlei nt f eliy torpeirc;nio ts tînasfoi-mpIgens i-eatl. tSlth'arl c 1 h i rIll icravI. ucît mice ha l-~o-e.urje ca u--~i~i-i. Acluh erîmgci-t e hiiicg1v1te Tnec 0-oncil ajune emee t t() ocokTuead y .r!g Hý ai alheba agreiný t utadil t)I by Gia d.ffrent uniciP-1lititca cf thc couetesha~ eauratltied by au Atc ParI aneLt, 'ud thaqiueAIot'c Apa eationhad beau AUtîadasifatriy lu ~ ~ i rfrnobtho noîlgu l3oee c R ugethatuaha~beau- 1-,rdd. t hould be aen pu thWa geasiln. The wiLdrn-Mi la00tof o rde0r',îtho v:staer î.uip p; y %Iltjthe j a i1 btea it- bade&tvThe coaimi"t-ee bava rerda uwwhseEl wiich sbeuld tetffeayQa'-sq iaw ývrMe. flenry Jcbao asto,- $1500tebe given h1lm forae ' j3ý2'U' cfvfge. iHe agraed ilte l a f rgo nother year. '0- i ù~a f aevý nil essione cf dia oueil era xeaA, an a he b nilanus cf the Specal Se82ioa cf yez- Couim'ni7catione were recelved f rop- OataýlO Cointy sate 'br4dgcs biebveen OQ.tario and uriham boing lan1,0--) cou. dition, Rotýd and br.d rge. An Order lu Cuicil freni the D.e- p&rtmrnt at Otaa w. a read, utf;. the Councl th4t in accordauce wlth the patlîcene cf tleoceeu,-)Y Ceucilr cf Puterboro and teeUaie-adCotiufiasu, wnich was prcenttd cite the Miexister of iRai'iwayllan-~Anrby a depulatia a'z ug the viete that thi Ttent Ctnjal clin no ,eug r lbs reLadedl as a meraiy local watêrwsy, but ttaý it la a Fart cf dia Canal s- stem tdfUUdada theri-fare Ile bridgea appung the cânal ahofalti bie ssuned and operaed by oia De- partrrusut. The 'Mirlater, race oWing thaý fi that the (bvernent canal, wcksdtha equ ireameuts cf their ope7etleomut tal îIiL c--expeoionthe i mulclaiilea epeseuciaitassme-i th', p'ato o Leal rde trcc. wok<pn blhthi mab jIldftly r.1 Thssumin~ls-ed isbat $100', ry tau.o iv. W 1'. Shb Jntý, a sca r-ng t l 'rsecin t! cas at.itn a runa c ýrjgairw&c *thé t uei aitenldauca. lie 'on t h was ussal- tary. A' ew jil ws. arrlzilelyne eun. Bar ý aidt as -tho wbaa change n le ïtie WadansBisdgecm ahoit 'de p'tacaon astth ne bad wa cL.ngeti, a;id'soe auew blrtdgei ivere needed lu',2dia tacýt to epcp'aee oru Ioo appt tt i ee Jua psson Eqo r l U flni î-te.' H ne dia~~~~~t lollgCounta: it, d. sot.alin thýt p (f te 1902d (JL bea ànira C qi'Ua asssion. l ia JFg'srquizao caie mur.gIic eaLc Utle bty f ntui:odu. bo bcd~ ~~ brnan fj"wP eibl c eeone b ~ri Tedl;Meto t.edrlod.w soTîla u ew fth d. onc others by m nil, and this hias been go- ing on for- t-, eety years, d. y afler day. P'urelY woen re wise lu seeking advice f romn a woaef such experi- rrnce, espýciall1y wenit la absolutaly niai ltter pblish d dne se wîtl the witncnetor requeostcf 'L'hl wrÏ'".iner, je edr that ether sickwen aybe banefited as theoy have ben. Mr.Fred Seydel, o! 41 North 5th Street, WstPhiladeiphia, P. rts "Ovar yaragoI ro Ieaattcrassking eaiviee, a ai ud fo3mala Uis and eeui-d eût carry n eild (1tematurity. I rÉ eeived your L'le ttien cf instructions and follçwed yeur adylce. Iiarn-1 itOe il y Pa wei, worr -ilancee- SaquCa1ce. baf 1t va abeut !ubay girl. 1 wis oarysufarngwonl thie iland wotnld write yen for' odylce, as yen bava doua se mach fer nme," Just ïas SUrely as Mrs. Seydel -%as eene-d, '!i1 Lydia L. Pinkham's Veg et blie Compound cure evcry weman sLlMfe:iîg £rom any frrc fernale 'JUS. 1 No ether mnedicine ie ail the wonld bias sucb a'record cf cures of fetale troubles as bias Lydia E. Pinkhaîu's Vogetable Cempound. Therefere ne prudent womaa will aeeept aey substi- tute whicb a druggist m y, offer. Il yen are s ck, write Mns. Pink] -am, Lynn, Mas~s , for speuirci advice. It is frec and ulw ays helpf ni. The Wr onastiha thcught the c- -eli honidiappoInts commtt e to mr ieconititec froini ha Tewn Conueil cf Oob!)gtrg, sud cîjnfer aste a Cocu, Trýi'ýieck fsali thora wa3 a Cowniniue a ppuinted l&szt year, but rne report !Lad lýaru madie. Coco;. iýr s 5.jid haýhoAnsd Ceun. Spnabdpe;rhapa lsema 3fiicti, but he dii7é nehh4aiL puppera haro with h L. Z iln .ýi.'%Fit-tigee. àn Cf Wd at 3wrznvay..ToFnaut ùw. Tt lllu ssku!grhuîacf,$7 fr ts oienai Bow u i T iee ancTe Cninririce ,.;lo h3tb AÀ wpe ýtle sfeint enumbea rou.Te izam. L woudhm a xr 'h spaCL ýî r 11r À i 1don sud akesorn malte was iii o tbe able A ion.~ time waî pntiisce1ngte round. The air oi filalyref thluz the Scb-l ComnitteA 1 lipsu4- eVENINO,ýg ant 1ýi hm aia foVb i ren dùlrco1rL V Cte l, Cunu. owarî char Tey balneVo nisnd, ani for bu eada 11:3,Ule hA r hei t wai a-m m, akeFýr, C! 0 i. a FIJNED )FOR ÂAU . "Thlitin bhaior" is a cryels ticchgen Auslýtralia. It mlay covr aythÀieg from pitch-and-toss ta en-sIaught or. Its latest appli- cat ion cerneýs from Bendigo. In that golenciIhrot h l ate Marqis (if Sa lbuytied hlis luck as a di,- goýr in 125 the authorities of a MMot d ltcurch docided te supprcss juvenilo, gigg,,ling. They introduced a policornýa iii plain clothos, and ho dotected a couiple of saîall boys laughing cloring the evening service, The boys woro brought into courti on a charge cf "însulting bohavior," and fiiaod I0s each, plus :Ils 6di ccsts. 'ihero are vcry fow of us xxvho have oct heen guilty cf this crime at somne pericd of our lives. CI1ULEIMA INFAN'TUIX. ChIlçI Not Fxpected to Live from One Houi' t, Anotner, but Cured by Cliaxberiaîin's Colle, Choiera _and fliarrhoea Remedy. Rluth, the little daughter of E. N Dc of A-ncwville, Va-. was se- lousI ii e!choiera infautum last surnimer "We gave her up and did not expecti her te livp from One hniur to anotheor,' ho sas. 111 happeuoed te îhink c f ;iiamblerlain's Colle, Choiera anld Diairrhea Remedy andf got a bettiecof it frocm the store, Tu five heurs 1 saw achanze for tfie botter. We ke-cpt on haîf o ne salibetila she waa wIel1-- C- iINEiSE_1,M; i SS'TOMB1. l'le Elnipress PDowager cf (Chinla is foeeilng thIe x olig !oer yas a (sa oiust havehr atreta plaýe made ready befIloore she is -Ii- výited to booe a guI ;ýest cf heaven-i." ýTheSh- aiNcrth Ch'ina Hrl sfays that aeacrly $5.000.000 hrAs aliý bear th aen ieHafoul ista the blnauds cfthres iawyere. Tht was essough teý finish hlm. ounl. Tebilcocirsatiwa 11,ad rîympa- thY, but wa more net haudIîLug ue wovn 1 meney. T-Ib weuid te apsoert aandI er uaI ha guard;d Cocu. Powàs sali e 'rus stusa>te dtOida new. -Ha muId nf-t lot synpa îhy cule ýhlfm.Watn ighî ao P.a Commiutte e fMe-sss, Baker,1 MoMiLlan and Weir,- beforsspoîu te Ierastîgate. Thîs mas seonda-,i by (12 U -).'Brag. Mý)ia Jmendment by Cauni. j Crea ansd Arceld, thîât me do net en- ter7-in the dlalm. The airendmeut mas carrled-12 yeFoi aud 9 nais., Cestucil adjocruai cutil 3 o!clock Tburzdsy aftsrnoeu. (To ha ooucluded usxt maak,) His Kldney Diseas and Gi 'tv t Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pis. Triai mauni Medicines but get ne Relief TilIlIHe Usedj the Great CanadiaL Kiduey Rer3d. Rosedene, Ont, Juli' 3 (Special).- Mr. Samnuel J. Crow, tLe well-knowu mutýician of thits pince, relatc an'a expenience that addts te thea Irnde great pepnlariîy o! Dotid's Kiiuyills in ibis Iocality. 11I suffereti for years w!îld-ijey Trouble," s. sMn. Crew, ' which hc- cane aggravatel 'ivLi arery ttc o f coîti a-n-i i eausad e nîuch geny T Idl'seRaci tivelopjed ltegrve, be -,a,,, otaiy u11fi, foranti, daieiresuit sud was iimach msr 1ieuJdacided te try Deddt's Kidtei- Pillts, wheu te invyustenithmnt andi deàigbtImt iiaîal- ean te rcecovr. "Alter usig fineboesthé alment hI- entîrely ceaîseda nu 1 ws;s again eLjo)ý iax !perfet vigon- all of wbicb I 1 TIse in ct t hat g ravai yields sa rend y te, Dodd's KiduinmPills is geod new li dleed. es it dues, away with those 1 erribiel op,.rations that were suppesed te be the onl.y relfief f roue ibis trouble. IUIÂK'IA AKI' S. 89mlen f pitresque seueryanti popular summaer resor'Ita ýsis llir îlu Ii Province cf Lkes Ecletsem boai s'ric broughouiýlt ;ludail7 oI' eu- ïien with G T. R,. and C. P> R. triu JuneLai eOctobe-r lst.-steamer levtLid~for Suren enad î-) C 11 g TÇ , àn div aIt il a ni. atiu 54 ivn i- X'!est à(1nwaèi tv îLe arri vhi oà îLe1 G. 'X R ntf; P.ii. eveniung trains fren Terotoanti Port Hqope, leaves Liîcdsay trJi of-kî iodas Faîls., sdaeandti Coenk, ruaru- ing sainCied'ey, iJaun e 1th 'o Sipteýnsberîyioust.-Sî'm ens lev Lkfi o'r Stei' Lakez_ Ponts dilyon arrivaI of alilG. T.' R witb teme forBuibo0,Cem at bc-euanti dring ne sie rer réLtes feocr Inparies, tue.fý carda, (iders, tc. ppînte T!iseTre,ýrt VaîsyNavi-tio £ompauy Linittui cIl teca bout ta threds iof Taw n ,lt New Tor elonepionCne Dfirm a eceo trye dIes ha ab othe pocal a a newissunec the Dstric o!LEcter Onne n PartialnteorsîlaiconnectoncL-g cors î11in H nam :, ando! nretd ireas lo fo dupiata euantie holt l1ipatioti te the Ltoln agra;ne Correct Eigiishr How o useit" PLAN AND WBK ",Plan n i-r oreucclvsrk or plan,ý." It urcltihard 1te ;,et o re rai c -1,iai uisticai- into ;sevot i urrta.Foeg i la botter tIsai- Lint!sigt. PerÈsevernuce conuiibineti ibaL-o0 a touni IsnLa lmnys clos ii- thse longrin-htIsicatinet be iCep froint wmniiicg,!by cha c rciretiai- stanve, houg h my b1e1ytic- ONE DOLLAR SAYED REPRESENTS Tie average Manllecs not Sure te xceiten e pr cent-cf Lis ien;ruivn axassfor -rydlrsaeiTt h'e'ntg Le ýcase Lecane b te o rf0 1borieunneepsgry exTecures, Veýre 11< lite,ý For sl .'nlb ugs PACFI C9STEXCUIrSI&NS Durug JaeJuiy, Aunst anti Sep- tomaber îLbicogenutNerth Western Rn.I 'rI sli inChoagotund trip- Aug!e ,Perlanti, Ore.(LeIs&. Va-muauar ut' e ylew ats.Coirnes-. poediegi cbenp es fiUi al insl -Cana wda bececfruts,1 et ftrain- etcmntsna nbeoh aat froi 1B. H. St~~~~Iý î~otdo.2-w hi- to ecbc, cc dccrnirl ibs td co p- icu 1 u of n cita -sioteiîti ie uvi-,ciird coiiu. m y Is 00,I ii Islu bca arc-. Ai Lutris 1eil Ug ;îîî ('ve irai-e -Unsy four, sta Wnorpu--lad ~o~I ~cofua, czoa c-plu, liti Mo ai-c10h tmm gi--ce invOtuietIsWa fi-he tAsi"gîî Mcfda cana 2o r -11aidilaitd suf ai-est For a L~-haw te ap~o'ai Boarti i-sf E r r-i-sic tri. a Csnuiy vCTS ziLlN sevaa bridge to cary the weske E fnd trvdSyatem zl ai l ifcn :d eL n-mndr 'cf 1 hac e-i', mai i-W-tl drom oz n napplicaon for a grat e bf ontale ýne, of îLe to-,neo obng ThIe Coire Ater- mited te ipok, CUn(iy C-, > ýjroire17, ; Ati-oney, M. W. F. Kerr saihias o,1a-, hic tiery te et constabiesfro- at oi-sda Hacitai cas wmeho Ledai ro«be onaccouet o! thu-Ir lack cfexpar.eca Ha spoka cf thse c ise cf abeoLisgut P-aeneath sgGea ima0 vugo . TIsoy Lsd onesabla iharti s0 haac êt ut Chiot Rusa L' te sot, isolu)tsa'Lat ine afoodte sa spld it rus kieti. Ha uns so obr ug'gae cuti usas place'] for $5 u lu Omar cui'eunLeConuseaconîccilad gm'nted relif in anch case. Hoa mas b~~~~0 th rc-neo is supi-toi-s muho Uyoun,ý, yo. r i- ii orl atvîife ri F i, riey,S t. iti- Dnceo ahlIg Sictrnui, witc fr n t i.î oleat vla Wî-NMOTiS PIIEVAI-L. tihi i-g i- aa fr-an ciganrboxes qc r i-c cict ifo'r peigici - niic thIa sm i-e.. h rnlso io d i--o etIs aIl e niaie clothes lifrtl n e liko p,-incre' fnne ici taes licai-e aeuîaixta caif ci- lse o ma-esaura urIIsdis- Lievic Ith fn isepoic t t 1caa1ygote ts rni !srp WL L CL E DEIWAPE OF Il,----------------------- -, - Wharcut, 'S-ey une i ot e oSay, mauscleuni-, Wurocf Pel-iîclg, tiescgnui- Ci-nise lu Latter Wriiln and Punerniation oti "tIse 1Hppy 4audotcf a Myriati AIphabaefje liii cf Althroviatlcctî. Vears," usunssi Ecgllab for thse Buc.ce- Mais. Comrisîti orda li t rteTei HOW'S THIS? Studie3 in Enghas Literai-ura. W'e offlor OofcudîdDlasn'la--e r$9aYar O a SiN O P-s rai ,ýe ofC'lti-,r tit 1 cînv ee 1 l l c -neS ( Ci-tney For!'lice lttis yo, anti llea Un perfeniyScirt;bl, ! lý'e ic icp uiec rnai acc( ticssc ,t ;iyait cryetrtyblcldsBUT 1i-' Now. icdo by Lb i irs WIsoeice DniggstmToido o Nnw l L e to b Chamberlaini-'a l-iii' Caar-IsCur i t~conlnoruaii. cî-ColeChoieraatiDiarrb.o QaRemlnedy 1v-glir dietycct-bioedal dmueuJ!raee"flacartatu rite Le nec socuenor o! Isesytol Tetientis On fra P-c-e nte aa wen ba ilxiceres üou 75cnape ote Si yat rgits lînec lbtà yv~wi netI