DeatI té IBugs Absolutely pure. Thoroughly rehiable. Sure to kill eivery Paris Green is uùsedl for a puar- pose which miakes poor grades worse than useless. IVs a ques- tion of death to the bugs or e death to the crops. It won' t pay you to experi- ment with Paris Green o! in- terior quality. Derge-r' s Pari$ een is bes! quýality. Made by Lewis Berger & Co., Ltd., Lon- don, Eng, and distributed in th-is country by The Shrwin- Wiliams Ob.> The name of ruaker and 11Gcid Medal>' Binder Tw ine at the LOwVest mre prc.Cail dand see us before pîacin 0yo Ur rer. OppoitePost Office. Phone 66 BO()W mA,,N viLL JULY 5, 1901-1 h 1nPte'4 rom n4Pae. thbexbud-, Mr A de3J, prcsented Coun.~biiock mved tf ue ~pflcr ofterepoxi t, seconded Ly Cuuli. P CoinTr~~1cckin he ab-eece o! hupeotr TlEy,of Dtirhaui, read the 2ýt aar u&!l e, ert, Which ea very zut- 1sfactory. C'unne Trvcbikoek aud BrâaL gg oved, Ti'-at" the report 5,6 rcceived. CJouri. TreoUlfcck gave notice Ihat hO would introduce a by-law tu appoint a CJunty Bard of Examinera, *Cocu Bragg gave notice of a by-iaw tu hvy a rate for county purpoues aud sluklug fuud end intereet. Ca0un. Powers gave nottc3 that he would ask for a grant of $25 for the Frtit Growera' Association te be glven lni prizes ut; the Fruit. Flower and Bon- ty Show to exihibitora fr(meiaa countY. Coua. Trebiicock reporbed froni the Sohool Committee, t1he chairman lu the chair, The comIttee repDrted On the p6titton (f D. Bleraid as ta S. S. NO. 16. Tbe committee was a tie; they re-ferred ït back ic, the ccci.Report Counciýl went into comnmittine o! the wboie on the Couuty ProFerty CoM- mittee's report. CouR, Rutherford tu the chair. The corumittee recommeud- ed that some defluite aýtio be token ou recomaiendation of P. B. Smlnth am to a cao] sud bouse of rLfuge. The commnttee recoommnended eitber recee- Vating o-r resmodeling the prescut build- inig or the erectIon of new buIldinkgs as tme oouuciliuay deeraproper. îRe- port adopted. Ici oe th rt Coun. Trebflokmvd h ia saeadiog of a. by-lRW to tppint a Board of Couuty Eyamners. Cotin. Brag' g moved firBi; reading of 1a by-Iaýw to levy a rate for Oounty pur- p )ees for 1905, for s: lnking fund and ln- tere,t Cous. Trebilcock.ý and Crews moved, thât the prayer o! the petition etiF D. Harald and ethers at Gore's Landîng tie granted, and that this couni ap. point arbItr&tors. Goun. Trebilcock said that muet of ne here knew about thie matter. He miade the mnoton because he t)elievtd the pettion was§ jusi;. Be thought that any person amklng for justice should ha heard. Titey went te the Township ceunoil f1rat and wers refused, they came now to thD Counties' Council. 'Phare would ho no cust; to appoint the Cana Trebiicock and Tweedle rnov- ad that the treaaurer's acconuts o! re- ItL ha- t 'rou 1ci ntpUt ihe aMnàÛt, oC C1air, aM theY 0&eedfaif ;xnt9rxght. Ccn eMillIn tdc!hrke shouid aoz ne expe(cted to bear any nore- Cartýýright and Menvera w"ere the ase- abaEt aaaes8ed ln the couatiep. Ooun, ?ze2ton saiçi Cou,. cMia did net say Frnythiug about the tamarac awamp np u he noth eeýst ci Mauvere. There y;ere 'tioaaütk of asres, and the timber was dead. Coun. Arinald Ithonght 1he coimmttee had strvok gm equitable & rate as we poasîble. If h. thought SeYMour W&8 tou )]>w, he woul"dnet raio enV objec- rions, Coanuï. BrsgZ cornparel Peroy wth seymrri ,andhe peakoe as though ho knew 8a1l about eyioR. e did flot tell*i ou tat two riveirau& in Sey- mnout for fr miles. It as fat rock. The Farne rillway tan thrucgh Seymour up to Percy and op to Bastings., Coun. Weir thought 'Seymour' war> iow, anid it eoGDd bu brought np. On motion Mr. Rolland wae heard. He was mot of hie lifelu the township@. He weit with Jndge Benson lu 1902 ln eqlu&lizing over ail the 1ownâhipa. - Sorae were willng te give fi evidence, others were net. We went over tae whole cnUs and Judga Banson wtighed the e hc1e xcmtacsandi decided, One jear Judge Clark te- duced Seymeua r ie hd appealed.- Judge Benrseon's qulit o rught the two conntlEs very n.arly equal.- The witneaes gave evîdence under oath. One thing that truek hlm was that Darlixigion waes eesaed tee high, as it had pourV land. It wuas aaeased at $40 an acre aud Cartwrlaht et $19.- Soeseyeaîego the back 'townships were aseeeed low> r than the front en accouut of ratlway faelities. Now the back towlisips bcd saliva>' facilities. South Moenaghau waa assessed higher than ainy other touwuship. Be had corna to t conclusion that Deyhngtou was eqjualizýed too high aud Ortwrlght too loir. ;Manvera had as goodiland as la to e hofonnd, sud It wa% asaessed too Low. Cliarke, Hope and Hamilton are ou a par. If yen dîstribute thîs amount ovei CatwrightManveris aud Seymour, y0u are net doing auythiunuiri. Conu Taylor sald when h. inade the motioýn he hadl net ail the information lie nuw haýd, Mr. Bolland had given us miicit liglit on the equalîzation, yet he thought the amount should ho plâced ,ver the 5 towushbpa., Co-nn. Taylor and Arnold withdrew their amnident. The report wass adopted. Coun Baker reperted from the Road saud Bridge commttee. The aouobi werit luto comiitee of the whoie, theo chairmaxi lu the chair. Be sald wo have &A çunora1 renniott. evnrt from Sý,plendid Valuesý i n S)umImer Âo, I .Good I Conifortab Je Wearables for lien for Warm Weatber Neglige Shirts Inewest patterns fast colors, W. G. & R. branid, sîzes 14 'Io 17 eaeýh $1.00. Low Collars either lu straight baud, turi point or stand up turn down W. G.& R. brand 2 for 25c., Wash Ties iu four-in-hand or strinig 10 eacli, 3 for 25e to 25e each. Lightweight U'nderwear lu Frenchi Balbriggan, Merne or Natural wool sizes 34 to 46. Pnices 40e to $1.0(). Beits newest styles in brown anld grey shades, 25ets and 5Octs eaeh. Straw Boaters the nobby hat for mien to wear 25 ets to $2.25. Fancy HoSe lu cotton, lisie thread or fine cashmere plain or. embroideried iSets a pr. to 5Ots. Oxford Shoes for men lu Tan Russia Cal! or iu fine patent colt. Comf ont- *able fitters and sure good weaners. Pnice per pr. $3. 50. e e e Comfortable, Wearables for Womnen e'ar Warm Weather 0ool qloves -iu taffeta, lisiet1'edr in sllk-lu eream, whijte or lu fashion- able mode shades. 25e to 75,e a pr, UnTiderwear iu cotton or mereerized garments. AI- neatly tri*1md. Short sleeves, long leeves or without sleeves. Parasols good fast blaek eloths, 201h Century runners do flot catchi youn flugers, neatt haudies, 75e to $3.00. Summer Corsets special value per painr 5c... .. Print Blouses, new styles 50eJ and 75c F5aney Net Ties 40o to *,1.00 eaehà. Oxf ord Shoes and Sandals, some rare 'values at $1.25 to $2.50, Wash Drescs Goods, lu Muslins, Ginghasms, Voiles, Linens, M-,eeriz-,d Goods, New ('olorings, uewv designs and prieed ai; lowest mayrk, 10c a yd to 50e a yard. - , r Sprinq is flere Witli er wvarmn sun and twittering bir,ïs and Spring su;ts wiIsoon be the order of thie day. What more iittilg then than to go arnd be photographled when you are IookLing your best. Why Plot drop in one of these Spring days at Tait's-&Coù's Stuadio, opposite dhe New Posit Office, where yen can be sure of 2' good Ilkeness, stsatr work and right prices. Whien the day, Is very brigit wo shut out some of the Idýght and wheu dul Y-e !et more light in on our subject so yort see that any day will doý--Chiildren's photos are a speeialty wthi uas. Brin.g-s long the littie ùones. Poorapiers, T I"& C , Oppo,ee w pet Offce. fIT & C . JEWEL PAINTS Ei