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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1905, p. 2

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laFui--tvs And they are a pstv cure for cosiainanc al blood imipluities. Those mwlil-haVe ýuse-d these marvelous iîttlefruitliVer tabletsare thIe onies -who priethr armestt. Here is one cf huundreda of tetmnasfrom those wh1o owec their good I1ealth to IFrrit-a-tives - "Wetred~rita-tve ad ik thm xcedn~y.We happened to aeed mchia miiidand harmiless liver 'tan>i and .ishali keep Fritt uvs byrne alwayi,nowthat I have used th-rn and llnd they do rue so iucli good. " Miss M. 1,. RICHARDS, Calgary, N.W.T. or Fruit Liver Tablets, 5oc. a box. At druggists. hlanufactured by ruit-a-tives Linited, 'Ottawa. UBERAIu INDED GUI IIftNIIY Re. haleTagnrrDrawsi,, Lessons Fr-om- the Shortcomings of Jesus' Disciples. Now, whim ci sus was in BethaîiY,,j!Stitutledti terrselves for Ilima. It was in Ihehouse of Simon the leper, therre'ý an abuse Iiat was customnary to theic Came litoto bhlm a«Iw orna1] bat ligan! andt0iCh is stili tory usual lu the aaatrbox of vcry prciJous Oint- ltisciPILsosf the present day. They moIÉPl, cd poured il un1 bis hoad -,s ho l;loe to speïik in the narreocf the sat! at meat. But whern thc discii'- Maser', su as toc loihe the infi"mity Its saw it tii"5 ha i indignatio, say aof'theýir 0w n -w ords xvltlithe' coloôSI- îng, T 'I waL purpo, ie is th-s1w-I [, ý'-ni nti titoauthoity of the u ne For. this cotn.ecnt ligbt basoen I hn hey call Mosti ,.r. latinwering. Worn. witli line lingerie! bons gatherecl on one etige anti 10cm- SetS, et Peciaflv w lth thle higli cutifs d into flow er designs. sol nch lna t ce U, tiiose b louses are la black pattnt leather makCcs the vory înodish anti heccmiîîg. mnost stoanng ls but the soft A vert' clegant anti dressy bi)Pt de- blar'ý i l is iuhtya pretty. toc; andi SignA dfo"' an ciahorate linon Suit is an oddtiloclac] t, mateienl two pieces of blue suetie Mith strapplngs of the shapeti above anti btlow a straiglit1 Saine allaterini, ('atl outlincd with a line, takes on the bln of the ligure golti threai. 'J'le boit Is la gictile cf- in the trimmest cf w ays. ficct, \tory narrcw andti cushinig siglit- l'ocsarnie cf the c ft leathler heits ly, Mnt IsliashetI wltiî a heavv golti CouaenIcow metlsupiports, w hlch u p thebnw ilicce pacesanti (lcor thIli,, tdotiresla he re urvti icrSlittie tc mýalte way cf inerI i a îlkflanr, he tlIe lino taXe ( ýho ilt tilt. Ilila or tPt. bta awhite I Lnen be)Its baie swepeverything ptictat thec kneeo. Thio i\ant-befoein; that is, linoni as stanti- age of the attachcd rile!, are, first or iing for thoý grtat as.ortmurt tof ail comesanti the ,lîghtm'sG whiih ab bel os whicli last. soîrnier cornes cf tispensiag w lbiithe oehictod t tanti this sumnier 'bas de- petticont. The oconomny ofithefiah l c'tt leself "very nauch for.", ion is another strong reconîrentia-1 Thora are linca haîts om broitiorot tion. Une mray bav e several match- in eyelet or blind i naroiticry andI ing flIlces to one petticat. iclaspoti hy a simple little penn blici' Snch a houai cf tiainty, lnexi:,nsve le; anti n heavv încslistuli embrolder- cotton Staffs'as are dijsp)iayct these ed uith ILartiang-çr motifs or W ith days! Tihe couniters evortu liee e lir- the qucer. motifs(t-igd by Slav ]Y groan untier tlieir Weighlt cf gocto osais in equally queor blures andj things, aiic ach pattera, anti nia- rods-sirc-ng, Lut wcn4lerfully P!ee- tcriai is so -mach la fashlon that the tive. There are linen boîts cunilng nîct icîdoi inils tifficulty jai]y lai in box-ploucs ta get thetcf mat iii a Cholre. ' fect cf a crnsheti beit with'ant rcstcr- Now that ail wasl gotis are cf- ing te stringiness, anti beits wlth fer,,i for sl at very sniall pmies, su-pciiers attacheti cf' th linon, the- shopper is temlitedti tcpurchaso jbotb int roid erci cm matie cfxtbe lcngtbs of floworcd cegondie or dtua tank matenlal af tihe skirt, lacet lty for betioncai, cuc-tas. A charim- j tin t(ho front like a pesants ho ing co ttage- betieooni, ng wlth a dico, ati trimmii dw 1(1 buttans. Wall rdrraIl linge ycllouv roses, llltings-by tho yard are alnicst ivas mtiestili mora chnnmiang by asnneru.Clivions diii l l hit- cut on f organchein a bîb th e i -or anti sîil-are vo o n 11,low rose Odsigans opattîut wihdu11 gruetior o riluceameile.y la lipo , tane. 1la; fr, 'lie e i- cf rolors wbicb oolo isl into catsniw n lii hr whui aiSl adzea cil 1n1roif l Ig iae ng n atg teoth i lovnov !a clIcwi0sftat yts ich i coma- aile tny wlaicla le liatinat spremai sonne 114-ht Isco, foc this straîager is a scul, onti on donc sumne gond. Whoi.c or '11e Ian the othot' site place yor, gocti wa', 1ie w a on a battlcflelti r i.hOrnrons, al yon (wève. , cur bcst Hol cardie toc ea'-ine w onts wait% ira"scn, andI thon ttll mc w-Pther enýmis o ianlînd oronsom pr-!tbey arc wortlie cf what xc'î have pi(cnus grîiund wbore He dm ccitcloe? W hy trouble o tIcw nn to cultivate cccdaess, tentierncss, foi:- A sLc.'the -~aster hbcl spokený. iteness te Spiritof loti, anàti tc Just mt he discills bcd spo'.cn s0w' WII a geneouns hnad tihe seeoti n tho Mn sr'samie. Now- that the ubat spnrccs fcr the tingtlîa'wof Ggti. 1 MaWtr S'upj"kf or {imsolf it lu qulte ANOINTED i-uI- HAI). i ammother ila:a. Nctlhing co-ltl equol WhlHowas tb0re an u kmowa ibo aarcuw'-mladedaPs cf thie tdis- wocaban oppoatcd ant i cntd iS ine î. sI.wocth caIan boati w-hIa perfuot w hase peC wC In ethl tralc ing'anti subhilosmoll at once prcvetiaimtwnt HoEU f n ati, anexpînaonn to tbcc present tInt soiiet-tig vecy !cf1thc womaa'a aet liat sIc ers'lf pnc'eious bat bcenen niai--t.not thouý,gît oin"Pa l ta TIhe 1iIples ilanother gaispeî sa,,s sho latb pourct i ts ciatvnnt on "sonne peoplo, but Ilatiaaw says rmy boOdy she di(1 If for 1ry borial.' -(ho dtscipits" ati naines ukrh i m 'I The 1lancuoly cf th-is reroark docs WcItoui at (bis. The mas an not (;"'frct frcrn itsls ia-dias or cxplo7s:oii cf dsppo pi:ag mrurs. ciir'rous tonch. It is ecocftheý Mlcv tont waste? \Iy'sucli extrava- gio ff lic gospels. gnac? oul Itcio la e cca bo.- A il tat is relateutinlithe gospel, ttc to use Il (o bestow aas ucoca MY Ietîrca-, is aur a nomnnoltura tIcn poor? la ;pca!k1ng Muus the dis- cof classltietil anti dateti faets; tlacy ciples spoko for the Mastoc anti sub- are, Inets (bat are liingagnui et-rnai. - ~ ~ 'i bey a M is la comra n wi(htbe grains cf -lenét rwhitli coma teo us ni rniot ceturies, i et are 'stilI Cure Fer The lle ahe, aarnilating anti fruitful. ____Al(Mat rrocecais lroni the 'ceai O~~~~~~~E~W MEIIETAIS~ElFI nitruc gospol hanrouis cnstantlv. DUE EDIHE TÂT AS HVERFMLE Toy areo onaent fants, as por- ;nianetnut a Chrst Himnstit ,ho is Hîeai4h Ftily Reetored andi thE JOy O of ithe j fac liassry of oeday. but the Vo Ri inedet-tl.îwlî oai:iipoi-pî'y. IThe foots mein acheerfutibrave, iight-hearted tntMa ct TIiin flstory areîîot farta_ ,n'oaa s saiddeniy plungeti into that athehaoniou'oce ai perfeecaof maesy, (he BLUES , ej xctweialttfarts Ma~t nappota a sufpiooc. I c arnmly(li wy: in thc vomy essence cf llange tat i h hs been îcaar g "ocf Sorm hppn c spnok, ia ee'ciiy. 21)lNG 1T1E SPHIT. IJ~ i 'mi La1,élili oi tpaue cou R 1 1ý ;n renîiraber iiow tbey aliy but net stuinodisciples w(Y-uldwlsli (o preî'cnt us froni otï'ering ltucp ini tlie aniai f hicLord, who, -(li-v say, oal ' v canas for cOe iý' cf on" spocial Fshape an orlu. ýArcord;7ng ta il-ai the Loird bas a pcoiurcia"e for certain proucets. Well, fois ýis sot so, for He bas saiti q'ito the op- posîL'e. The sanie spirit that isia Ilini ti0sIareti it lainlte 'id Testa- moncit:-"CUlve me tht' oa".' CHARLES 1WACNER. ONE DOLLAR SAVED REPRESENTS FOUINDLIING A c US asked inlaregardtot the disappearance - of ltuIc by -ho as the hein te the IHeir te Estates Discovered 'ruijliaiao, estâtoS.. in a Youmig i.aborer, "naro o,"hw'ver, treateti the liy lie iail steaiaship Onctava, cormnicuîlations lightlyI, as he be- fcorn Australia. tbore recet t ravi'.1-"lieveald tsa a T sak abeen nmade. cd from Feciacante, î~'os anaîandAtiltas only at (laeurgent soluci- a youtl w-ho w-as branglit up ah I a tatuon cf bis fiacd Francisco, who j iucdliag bospitai, anit aoha lios -hoglt "luremiglit ba sarnethîng tablisieti bis cdain 10 o b he Mar- la If," (bat ha sent al possiblein qui oofIayan blforinatIon ta ltaly. Three weeks e quisr cf etuillinno f taly,0aid tafore (lic Ontava lbit Australia 'An vosr.brose- recoivoti a conammuiatlC Tblilfe story cf the yonti, wiholmghm ( atr oIay a lîa~eea Ita tueanuie 0 'Ar- oce, as bis right te (leie tlleo.f (ho lîcose" at (lie fcnnidllnig institution 1iate nmarquis hat bon stblshui us a pavticuîarly conanntic emle. aùîeiI od -ceulcd tbstisisl a littlc chilti, how-as lait fiiltho raroI Ambraso" tiecicti (o obey Ihe af lay iiomti hie bs .areîc sommouas, amat cabloti bis intcatîoa of wühcit an a tour for the bondfit A- lj Itoing 50. aicthe's bcalth. 'hee guai-tiamacoder l (cth siut iica jnmma ouIi i la ciTo prove to ye hli i iDr. (imeseronsIliios cfa dstat sla-Çîîse's Oîntmautlacc1 crtain tive, aati sbc w s illoti Iiacra e0ad bsl . 5rL cd accitiemat. The cii ra s sa--t, li.and every fo"m o! Itcihiig, as il coultimit t IiIl edngnprtdi ils 1 i0 the manufacturer,; have\ guaran.terd it. Sest teï- sciat (caGao a a t bondIIi cg mi-1timenals ia the daiiy preas andiaI ou oga 'sta tut-ion. jbers whet(bey think c i.Y0tn can usýe Iand Thc parenits sbeunl crmciget -,ouar momier harei.-if note a1crti.Sc a I b-at the fathcm , h wboios hiclonntivc____________ L(n (ha ,Tuilliano marquisat,- . ins ilmi- 1 ci "-" "'-' ' o ' ai a ' ' rte 'C poneat 1 ie ica aow arica way te ttari Iandi "boomnoti as the woek oi a-cel-; for eli!. 1Ibat triedth(e tortore but they jebratedti itoi'. tit not iîlp mac. I w-as advied ta try Lydia E. Pinkîmuins \ogetahie Gompounti, so I "(ine acier b nots ab,.,at wi ihI as' booglit a bottie. t arn glati (bat I titi an, aç, wFcmat n.w- andsi mant s stucacf the ~imzi.N OW flah ii'ý f y iti f, toktynreion. j 'v te iscoveect, hv car stuz!, yuhv oe eaieeto thtsI' bis' a g cent loh ial-,ig fiaiaii the fim-aÎeoralm write Mrs. aîod nai ihîi'- (at is jui b,ý ýeyo'n Pnhoe ynMs,,fradle Ou' ntn To cadicf t ýssiasporial seul bas lit ,n givEau, la which a perfi ne burmis f h at is ico r u p recoius (bin a l h oý ptniurnes of (ho Orient. It is ah j that is mct porsomial, macst lnw art in ciriiigbt, aur feelings, anii we o0el î ntJc aL]tar la wo- int if ccir mnenaetocs net re- stlable exaculy (ho kundti tat ilaasic-J i Sr AUD AU..FOR0 0 KPNEYAL BLA5DEZ 11,15 A CURE Lf. AT HSPEOP Lt RIS cure in i

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