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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1905, p. 5

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,Gand frunk Railwav Svstem, B fre fro &Il% BlvO ands h lntr.PR ON&VL Ai~WY IM ABE. BO MNVLLI UY 9,195 From flourlsh refrain Even down by thesaveyoe Bo1W _ IM L.BWMANvILLII STATI19,905 Speil well and write plainYte eavryoei BOWMANVILL STATION. QoxuG WEB the _ . t cosnplainimg ci the heat. ~ ea.. JEire W14ST 5.2min ail that yofl S6l o D r..rr and Mrs Aif Militchell, Toronto, are J ... .. xrs ..5,20 afxrw.. a10 'i Local ...... 7 d7 Il Send ns name and address of 1yeur Miss Victoria Tamblyn is visiting In guests of Dr W E Tilley.s ixe ... ... 39 3)p.m. IPxissenger... 6 . i visitr. 1Toronto. M~r and M rs Sils and faiy. Belleville, Loa0.....64i p.m. Mieý..-7 3 âss Ethel Milison, Clarke, 18 visitixig Mr Alân Keith, Torbnto, is holiday- are sojourning at ' idle'Hc.ur" - ~ 1140p...Sondayoy. Misa Gertie, Cox. n ee Mr E Douglas Armour and son. To- Tickets to ceti onssold ini accordance 0âA wlth special halilay rates annoned inianother Mliss Rose Robbins ls visiting friends Mr, Fred Pattinson), Toronto, is ronto, are guests of Miss M M Armour.1A colutin wili flot e honored on trains -Nos. 1 or in Détroits Midi. bolidaying at home. MrBrySVntnTrno pn 8OT&JY.TwÂens Mr ornmn W. Creeper bas been Miss Zella Garvin. Hamilton, 'S visit- holidays with his mother at Miller's Rest a holidaviug in Toronto. ing Miss Bea J ouessvstgZ Mrs and Miss Conger, Toronto, are î ~ ~ ~ P _____________________________ STATESMAN to January 1, 1906, for 25 Dr. E. hleynolds. Toronto, !B viiil uests of Mrs J M Brima-comi-be, Victoria cents to new suibscribeis. at Mr. S. H Reynolds'. Cottage. miss Olive, Osborne is visiting her Miss Lena Bartlett bas returned te Misses jean and Lucy Galbraith, ie alh~ 11,3î auntiNMrs Geco Allun, Whitby. bier home in' Coiborne. Shaw's, spent a peasant week at Uncle ~-i C 1 Mr. Clare Thompson la spendinoe Mrs. J, F. Eby, Toronto, is visiting Tom's Cabin. C f livacation aF)t bis home ini Cresswell. ber sister Miss McMurtry. IlBathelda" the summer home of Rev rived' solelv fr e-i n grapes,3 r(f c Mrs G. W. Saper bas been visitiiig Mr. Clarence Noice, Guelph, SPent Dr Hlare, Vhitby, has been enlarged ber brother b.John Ghent, Castietouc Siinday at Mr je j, aRQ4'5, and looks very pretty *na nçw çoat of L-9i-th Mrs Thos. Pingle is visiting bier Mjiss McNall, Port H1ope, is visitîng paint. I '. absoiute purity s t e a t e mother Mrs. Thas. -Burton, Whitevale. the Misses Hoskin, Centre St. Mr Arthur White, Toronto, Miss Mc.->ýè îl% 'T Misses Edith and Rubv Jolliffe, Peter- Mr. and Mrs Arthur Bowman, To- Caw, Port Perry, Misses Lena Bartlett principîe or every po nd of oya bord, recently visited friends In Co- ronte, are visiting at Mr. S. Pollard's an'd Miidred jury, town, and Miss Aileen bour. Mr. John J Scott. Fort William bas Tod, Whitby, visitedat "Kinig's Retreat". Miss H. Radmore, Stouff ville, is visit- beeni visiting at Mr. W. H. (Jsborne's. Misses Mary and Jessie Taylor, Port in lerbrter M. e. mihPot- op.Mr and Mrs Broadfoot, New York r ki g Powder. in~berbrthe, M. eo.SmihPhoo- Miss Emma Tabb, Rocheiter, N. ~'iY ,rsYuKianyMnTs grapher. la enjoving vacation witb bier parents.« Crit, orounto, biarye been, guestse c tt a o a a i g P w e We have iniported a stock of adMrs. (Col ) F. Cubitt ls visiting lier Dr and Mrs J C Devitt and daughter Mrs J K Galbraîth at'- Kilîcaire" o sn Mr. F. 0 Cubitt, 476 Aylmer st-, Béatrice are holida5 ing atLaze Scug'og. orubs large enough for a town Peterbora, Miss Gertie Piper. Whitby, is visitiiig Tr - a "Hiawatba" at Tbos Tod's produces fo od rcniarkable b t n fn fie ims slageasBwmnvll. Mrs. F. Goyine and daughter of Oak bier cousin. Miss Ethel Warne, Cobourg. a~e ibee cotto Haein prpi Lake Man.,wr etget fMs Master Howard McBrien, Whitbv, la at ilcMurtry's. fa ora d w o e o e e s Emmerson ~~~visiting bis grand father Mr, Gea. Moses. Geo. Smith makes gaod photos and fa o n 'o e o e e s These are the fines t quality the aMrs 1H, B Creeper, Miss Alecia MrsL.JolfeS.Thms vstprc aeig. and Master Lamne are visiting friends L olfe t hms svst rcsaergt world produces. ln Toronto. ing bier fatber-in-law, Rev. W. Jolliffe. SAnd STÂTESMAN to friends. Only 25 ROYAL BAKING POWDER C.,i NaW YORK. It pys yu f0buy ombslike Mrs. G. W. Henry and daughter Miss Etta M. ilolmes, Newcastle, bas cents f0 Jauuary 1, 1906MisFoeeBatTroo suu.Hllbve srdh MM Kingvile, nthaveb~e viit~ been visitîng bier cousins, the Misses Miller's Grip Powders cure Sold by - issn be e ater.THSîe. IALÂ-n0hwulotwiejayu taar ths n nodrta start them Miss Tena *Scott, Toronto, .bas en Oon Mtt &is Jurytruegeit s Aiman ofit P. Mise basli a lag stock ob atscap and gan- h Mrs.e T.d E. H ryMis.i Gertrude Prout, Toronto, la MisGrrdu~ilbsbe ii-~Mse elead Maynme Thompson, JOI.Low-At FivePoints, East Whitby, July furiitgs, bosScthapam- been oid eterboro, are guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. 1,tewf fMthl olw fasn hnes nfnvr aetsye ai going we have decided ta seil 12 visiting Mrs. Weslev Kerr, and other olaying at lier grandfatber's Mr. H in- frienda at Janutville and Lindsay,.2 th. B.f Tapof MLE-ithl oiwofasn frens u usviinty Mlln.G. B Chocolates "The finest in t OIeRA Hlebury, on Jaly 12th, the wife and Se them, Brdr e Millinerv shldyn tle oei os ed an Sunday, The Durham Rnbber SOMERVîLLE-Il Orono, July 1bih, bo Mr. andfiCaainNtoalEhbinfr of thm at xactl fli thal R oevER.Yning sevies Port ri bldyn a e oe nTds Ca. Band assisted at the affen Mr$, T. W. Somervilie, a. daughter. teCnda taie pries Perry Methodist churci Sunday. Extr i id fSme od tr.march. OdtSot n LÂYIoN-iL, Bowmanvilie. Jniy i4th, the live stock, figuruptatolinecs Mr and Mrs. William Scott and Miss Effie Baud, Oshiawa, spent Sun- duced pnices at Cauci, Johustan & Cry- have given faithful srieber asssdn __________________ Iieo r .F.Catn o o.o 3,0,o call* early and gef flie besf of daughfer Greta atteuded the Orange James. . carr wîtbater tMr. John besfnS sie of aurndtE.6,00 apg.8C0 t olr n e tbem. ~Walk in Toronto on Wednesday. Came quîck and get first chaîce of the people. MIOPO-TAHR-In F iaD.n $2 ,5toc, atd $4g,Oat das Ti MrFJ.ihhl Tleri feOni Mr. C Rebder has been ou a business Wasl, gonds saie at Bargain Prices gt DcrioDaCmmtemtMn-AThurMeSN-SUhomson Osawa,oEdnae genera strize aist o!teC da Bank, and Mrs Mitcell are enjoying tp fo Kingston, Brockville, Montreal McMurfry'S day evsuling fa receive and pass youngest tlaughter of Mn. 1. Stuart, Toronto. NainlEhbtoAgs2tbf A nicer StOCk was bolida3sa witb friends lu Lindsay. an Otaa Men'sa unîinod coafs aud pauts at re accalntfs incnrred. Thé fotal expendi 0FLEY-CLNGAN- Jaîy 12th by Rev . SNptinemer The D O & P. Co Band serenaded Dr. W. F. Tambîvu is sxamînîug duced pnîces fa clear at Couche Jainston ture was 846 05 wîicî bas been appor- Denn Ký C. »sd., Treodntoe bofi rak fewer than I261 akspovso frn nfeyer Sblown in Toivn, same citizeus before leaviîîg for Black- papers la Toronto for fhe Educafion & Cryderman's, tioned to ae Saci iety parficipating. of the bride, Annie Laurs, Clingan, and Rev. of 30 sections, 1hc en fa ls stock on fie morning o! the Twelfth, Department, An le Cream Soda drawn from Thos Votes Of tbanks were passed fe minister Herbent W. Foiey, B& A,, B. D., Bayside. upn800dfentaiisndrics M.JmsCfeyadlMiss Grace Trewia and MISS Ililda Tod's Soda fou'ani coig drink fie baud, fhe marsials, thast who sold MLÂ-LI¶-f inpg uyId are providedf t +ey SeoHadn revstngfins ieebo a@by itev, J. IV. Churchllt, Mn Harold G. MeLean dfri i n r it hc MR.cJestr N.YC ae DeMs afrSeo dnarevfn ned us bo das, badges Or otherwlse ielped ta make fie W4nr.ipeg, Man., and Gwe-.o.,îîe, dauglhter of cani be had an apiainr i a. S tott & r R ohteN ,ha ne vistn ifnO shwa Be sure aud ses Oeo. Smifh's new aerVic Jie 0ucs ifws fwa n r enyEiotPr oe y friends, guests of Mr. Tbos. Burden. taric theaw anm usi s tws twsu-M. er liPr oe Mrs. R J Dilwarti and son Ralp, Ms W. W. Tamblyn and daugiter -photo mauf s. Tie uew white Tor- fan nosy resolved fiat Union Decora- WITHERrDGF.-TULLY-At Toronto Junction, D-rggst ptcins.Mri.Ewat . reee M. Fan Cl Béarcr visifing at London and scian is a beauty. Studio STATESMAN tinservice be made au annual Jnly iith, by R ev. G. C. Pidgeon, B, D., Wm. Cootviie iMr aM lens. PotBrel lc.Cerenlauny and fiat thbe Council be T itheridge and Manîha A, Tuliy. ~ P " ' ~ ' oranto visif d at M . Jas M Lean's Port B rw ell.Black.rsquesfed fa take charge o! it and m ake l ( C T I R R A R R Mrs Frank Law and tires bilidren, Mrs. Wm. Fiee and daugiter have Are yon. seuding yonr absent son an if a Citizens' ratier tian a secret DE.I and Mr. Gea. Burton, Toranto, have returned from a pleasant visit wifi daugifer Tu-ESTATESUAN? If not,wiy? sacief v affair. -ILImçNI Catwigt Ily7bJ been visitiag Mre. Wm. Law, Lýiberty friends In Oshawa. If is an latenesfiag 1sf fer fron borne H._____ WILLIamson. in Cisartwht Juy tb Js. IJ Si Mn Herbent H. Tadgham la speuding every week. Top Prices for Butter and Eggs. H.NA Piiimot Hope bisy iOth, yer.chard Mrs. T. J. McMurfrv gave an At vacation witb fniends lu Wakerville and Try a Fruit Sundas ah Tias Tod's. WodCan age 83Hoer 4ui 151th, 'uN E E D E D Home Fniday eveniug lu honor of Mrs éte*etentws Bay vuie'rraultry supplies at P. T, H. Kigi afslor ufradJ HARb,-A Brandon bMt.nor, near Port Hope, by Raïiroad and TigahCmpne.W (r)W. T. Willand (nies Miss Htilda Mn Ranry Basksnrville 'and daugiter Murdochi. at 3orbte adJl 2h William Hamilton Harris, J. P., in want YOUNG 1iNadLDE Sgo Dr)egs, farmers. Vsrv top pries will be bis 511h year, iast snrviving grandson of the habits, ta iate Myndert Harris, Es .,U. E. L h It Pays to Buy the Finest Logan). Ina, Toronto, are visifing bis mother Fur repairiog uow on at Mayer's Fur paid. Don't issifafe ho bring ail] yaur the firi oettier at Port H0ope in1793. wows L an T lga Mn, Sid M Scott wio graduafed re and ather nelaf ives bers store, Bowmanviile. far, prdcLufseaiinln-e TOp0-nOhwJi tGog .aodR. .Acufo Quality of coutly frntm fie Scbool a! Pharmacy, bas THE STATESMAN staff returu thauks New wedtding cake boxss-lacv(ly elles eau fake ail at besit pnices. Res bas Thampson. efrih7 e eno h prtn accepted a position lu a dnug store ah f0 Mrs. P. T, 1er for a basket o! 1904 -at STATESMAN office. undenhaken ta supply a firm in Moutreal WESTLÂRE-In East Wbhitby, Juiy 5111, Editb and StatiAtsh inAerc.5ui Gravenunst.appleslu god condtion.Blaad meal, Meaf meai., y'ter aboli, and can handîs a han of butter a week Headon, beiaved wife of Wm. Westlake, aged sohools are the 1ags xlsie'eerp Mrs, (Rev.) Jas. Hodges, Master Mrs T E Hgginhotham, Mn Hubert Mica gnif, af P. t%Çrdocb's. and 1000 doz. eggs. He wantsyu 27 yvcars and 3 montbs. -coosIN Tuz OL.Etbihd2 pr onysceertd p r d uad Reid in bis ssth vean. Deceased was a native Officiais. recent guests o! her ncle, Mn. W. H. joying fhe breezes a! Lake Scugog. Chocolates af D. Lut trell's. Caité Seo hlma about if. af Coienine, Ireiaxif, and a former nesident of Wt execî,ea $1 odaevr tdn Williams, Libert y St. Mrs. J. W. Kuigit and daugitens Oshawa. ta fuanisb h asta ayn~f prce oral idso pGue,. aklraged2ilyears. Iatenred at Oshawa. Mountains. or fnor 7 a$0 ot x AadMaster James A Phillips af sisten Mrs.. John Wvilie, Attica, N. X. prcsfrai id ! rde, trent cofltaining 150 acres ta the town. OrnEr.-In Cobourg, Jniy 12, Darothy, the States west of the okeimdaeyu Th~e -world doles not produce a New York Cify, are visiting ber parents Mn. B. Schuylsn Edsall bas faken a W7.00 aud $7.50 mea's suifs 641.5(j and ship of Picekening betng lot 9, con. 2. on King. fa aiality- fian we are selling Mn. and Mns MI. A. James. position in Messrs. H. P. Eckhant ,& $5.00 ah MctMurtry's. Odd iines. sicrn nt . ApyapersetaECRELL. t daGH-nghBo aill A, OdeiI. P . Sdent grdatine ' rut. PrttsPol odPr,É' Soc 8 w.lain Wright, agedw51 years. tdons, Fon funllPniuasneadgsn at 25ts a pound or 5 lbs for $1.o0 'Mn. D. B, Simpson. K. C., aud Mn. J. Cols whoiesals -nocery office, Torno Poaf' Pourry FaoPaffs Soc SMooncnaff, W. M., ah fteudiug ýhe Mns W. B. Couci and daugifen Miss Food. Ppatt's i?ýPwe tP. Mur- AMFRSALE-Soufi hait o! RDI,-tRhmnHill, July 151h, office at CincinnatO aoon re Masonie Grand Lodge ah Hamilton- Nom oc r vsfu o auie oi..Lt FORtcoasi Careblg RobentRedit, fathen of 11ev J. J tdit 1- acres aiuc gare iand;in bie daghe dohs 3,orhooesoCak President cf Toronto. Canference, Meholt Ti os Sha tTeerp Qutalify is absaluifely guar- the Jubile o! ifs arganization. Mrs. 'C. W. E. Meati, Winnipeg. Man. Use I.even ry 1oap apoertacabes Hof gna nye fo arlns teamd odaernkehd h os ate.For panticnlars apply to Miss RENWICK Bo W: JARVIS-At 54 Dundas St., Toronto, Juiy 14th. Cincinnatti, Ohi.Bual.NY ~~nteed. ~~MissIva Venginia Young, A. T.Cý M , Mn. and Mrs Neil Ysllowlees and wash wooiens and flannels,-you'1l like manvilîs. or W. Stinson on 1tepemssh2 f Batrice Katiiieen, eider and deanly beioved Atlanta, Ga. 2îw arosWs Tarant o, bas besu guest s! Miss Edifi daugiter, Toronto, ans visifiag ah Mrs. if. 32 daughter of James Rand Lueila Jarvis, aged Teaaaex SnFrnsc aI B. Leask, Taunton, befone goiug fa James Kuight's. Port Bowmanville. MAJaeis ovrmnisurVefsrinary Surgeon and Denfist 1 yr andi il montha,__________________ S tott & Jury, Brnoen aoe co Miss Sttlla Masan and Miss Carnie o! Manniage Lieuses fanDuha Miss Elizabeth Duer bas an out-doon Osborne are visiting Mrs. F. W. os- Countv. F. Hî. S. Lowre , Diuggst & ptiias, aceinLinxpincoft's for July wbicb will bonne, 133 Dagmar St., Winnipeg, Man, Tnv a dozen German Dauginuts, 10e TTNRR RDAEo nai l Druggisfeuil sthptcas e seasonabîs neader. It is Mns Wm. Poîand and son, Morley, ozenL atToVo'.Te r t enteninary Coliege. Toronto. Special calisd "The Trowsers af Tragedy,' bave netunned from a two week's v i per doe tTo os hyaeatningiven ta DentistrF, Day an nighl M.- Mn. ud rs W. Tewin Boman-wit berdvi ous calispnamptlyrespoadedto. Office inresideace = ,,, vilrpn. Sa and M a m rwnd oay ah h ie faf ber Mn. N. Butsou, Brook- umrSl vrtiwt u- 2 doars iionth of Pencyls Biacksmitb Sbo a-T vilsetSna n odya .ln umrSl vrtigwt u-Phoide no 126. Silven St., Bawnlanvilie. 151,tp F ewe ;+1,qe e.nlons.Te aeupo h oisi look sella ah Hangain Pnîces ah t R. hlorns.The cme p n fe nr. J~ W. Ancîibaîd, Belleville, McMurtr.yS ~VARM FOR SALE-The Rowan Es- Bruce Old Boys Excurson.-Tara setSanday ah Mrs. R.,Bailey's Mrs £îae, being nonîh haS of lot 7, concession 8, ï) g u A Lae.Archibald and cildren accompanied Tvsmofteewle fcasa Danit.aglon, camprising 100 acres more or iess, DYh YOUiCSEcipler.. and Salvation Army hlm home. Hln erad Thas Tad's, MagnolIa and Alexanidnia The ,fanrm isin a f air state of cuitivation- 1 acre o h Sunday mUR o""l pîcicke a te Lake MisssMb and Hl Bray, dag-cedar; ban7âx44, atn uuiaind ,CiRE FI'ULLY.& Tusa Schroals and fie Presbifer- fers of Mrýae Bray, 8 Gradugi., Tea- n sale o! Summer Gooda o524 openba d, acre ai sandgier Auni du the ian Scbooi Tiunsday afternoan. Ail Toronto, are visiîiug their aunt Mris. uow goiug on ah Cauci, Joinsfon & stane hanse wxth new woadshed attache. 1 Cryerans.will leave two-third ai purchase nxoney on@l bad an enjo able fime. M. A. James.,rdra'.poeiya eyraoalJ praentyaIa vnyresoahe rate of itrs Mr.-nd-M&-D-onaDon2Lbakeg-h dnin h io- weaaben foi, a tenm-o aies.If-nat soIf may be renteti, Mn RÇMniRoad.ldibrg -Tic Ph-e-Inspectan for--Underwrihers-b reRn94oR Ascoitinlandn ow Tusau ad fa 9ef your suppiy o! bnead, buns and investînent. A. H. MOzE aydon. 28wý am- Mns. Grace E Jackaon, Praprietreas o!faîdaffebrgd. efm m ade nc3' cakes ah Thos. Tod's.AR the Balmoral, They came ouf by te asatfcorCoughs, colds, tioarsexess, and ciller throat TO RJ,_ crso!ln 'llonian" o! the Allan Lins a aefcoy aiments are quickly relbeved by Cresolene -L ngoodstete of cuitivaion, freefnom Mns. C. W. H1oakin and datigihen musiard adilwxld grain; about 2 miles froma torr Mn. . F.Alle anddaugten iss ola ave eturned home aften a e ggischb, about&'1 miles iromn Bawmaniville; MrV.F.Alnancodu he isLl aetbes et ern,.AUdug!bu riles re m a fin e bpofbannoy On64 wthe Clana Allen and Mn. John MeMurtry pleasant visit wlth bier sishen Mna, C.W. FPEsH FÎsHi-We will bave avaiehy aboutmiles eafne Oiro a n 111e, it daugiter Mrs J Wand soit water sud a neyer failng streamma- Kerr and ohber friends ah fie Coast. Mn and Mrs. Wm. Audterson, Jaef niay he ae taf. lv cros dwtîhne 16x2 axich mkxton m04 brdn A ville, n MnP.T Pillips. Rochester, oreseny agt rs 1efn hcmksisguod dainy Mn. T. A. Kinkeonsîl, Headmasten N. . were recent visitons ah Mrs. M. We wauld direct aur readens atfeîh- farmn and aiso fruit oS ail sorts in abundance. w. Fine wood an place. Wiil rnu an seli, Pa. Pont Hape Higb Scbool, was presenfed Crydermail'o, Beeci Ave, ion ho fis advt a! the Haines Estafe session Ibis Sai ir ata suit tenant . For further wih an addrea and a quarter cut Mr. T. B. Lapp o! the Cabourg World sale lu anatier columa,. A bangain for p niioniars appiy te M. A. JAMES. STÂTESMAN golden oak dlock wihh bronze aruament 0 e omnil:28 f. hy fie fwo senior classes o! the School. is swelferinw- fis wesk dawn In Webb some oua. Remembe fie date, fie owavle Mns Chs Ofondie laTornfoCity, Missouri. We exfend aur coin- Ses fha iavely lot o! Ginghams and 1CýARM FORSALE OR TO RENT- A snap in Prinf s wortli from 10e fa 12je ydfa 8 yd Mr. hsOto ie n oonomisration -Sentinel Star. muahins fan Sec, lac., 12ijz. ",ome of Xl1 70 acres aS lauf mare or less. N. W. pari ratier sudevnly asd eek. e s a sn Mn. Jno Grills, Whitbv, bas been hhem are worfi double the mauey ah oS lot 16, con 7, Dariingtan. On. above lot there ~- Silk Waists in Black ori White, regular $2 5( t Boens lensptHead Ove 300es stndat ennoiec annali cno-halSlia Maioa a ece h ra g f4- payt neica. Pr et oada Salas wsno sung by fie latter anid Mis 105ye ans, fie Souris Plaindealn States. ______________________________-- aawhom ae youngladies Tongue Coafed.Beacoek. Rev. V. H. Emory fie paston Hon maiden name was Margaret Jame. Coilege Buil dings are beated by steam, ad «aesdcbusUkna a Tone atd canuntsd thoý service. sopn sud.she was bora in Ineland Sho -cr leblstkna TieWorn-Out Feeling. lii swthhrduherwoi 8ghted by e50 eioctnie iighîs. _______________________ resde wîb elduitrwbp.7 New Pipe Orgau, Art Studio sud Domestie lnability~~~e ro sle.~s o! a,-e. . .SineRooým recer.tly affef. Full danser. Deranged Dgsinvaoy courses lin instrumentai sud vocalmousic. -Reoem ber fiat Dr. Pitchen'a Backeah.A URNEDC ERPIE. Comme'rnc.ilnooma amang the finest in 0-tania. nelale-~ f' re.po. ~ Itching, Bîluf. .letl1 or Pnotnding iles %,ted Kidney Specialif, Dr. Zina Pitck* i>n uitrid maiiy if l'AZ(O Oi.TMENT To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. a; tietics gcoltuse ..-. Nxfaiu Doon ha Sadad ak away ansd cure where other remiedieuW ate psanin in p,( ta 11 da ys >si pcaonWlreon eday, Sept, 12tb, 95 Fn~ ibmefit. The, prie of the Tabita à. n. gvs se rOsi. il yanr druggýLtasn't SSII Ssi ucr.llsrdctoued aFurs * .t..or3 or$îa< a dur~xteet~ il senf 511, in sý impea a" if wih M 1e forw anded Take LAýXA-ýTVE BROMO QUININEe tabiets " The Dr. Zma 11'e Cen' ~ oiMo~bx 25CE, i. -7- prkscîpal " -, B.B 11 auaai ÂAÂLÂÀ Â ÂAÂÂU

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