L"dIies. hiero il'sen ffer foryou. Send us el r qnew subseriber to Tu.m STAT~MANfor ne ear and wo wilI make i ouiapii t'scnt of a year's sub- ïeitou La1?aadi(an Good Iloutse keepng b eEtl llustrated mouthly m'agafpzinue of itq Ciesq lu the3 Dominion. BIG OP1ER TO ALL. if every present subscriber to this journal will ëend us a new subscriber from now ta Jan, 1, 19C5, t 25 cents the publisher wiIl be happv Try ta have a share in the good work. TuaE STATES- MAN iiearly 6 months for only 25 cents. The Kùlapore Cup, t he most coveted prize of the Blbley Meet la England, was won bv Caradians with a total of 758 points. Competition is open to the mother country and ail of ber colonies. In 1908 it was captured by the AuQtral- lans. Canadp ' held the Cup in 1872, 1873, 1881, 1884, 1889 and 1896. The Cana- dians are Daturally jubilant over their succes SECOND1) JOWLEII 'ERSOI(ALLY CONDUCTBD EXCURSION To CALIFORNIA AND LEWIS CLARK Ex- P'OSITION, PORTLAND. OREG , AuG. 29TI- TO SEPT. 24TI, I1905. $î 5o oo inciuding transportation, meals in dinirng car, sleeping car accom modation on train and at botels for above period. As party will be limited to 125 cari> reservation is necessary, For full particu'ars call an Grand Trunk Agents, or address E. C. Bowler, Room 308 Union Station, Toronto. NEW LIVERY STABLE. 1 bez'to notify the publie I have re- opened the Central Livery and have a good number of carrnages and horsesà for publie hire. 1 solicit a share of your patronage and assure aur customers of goad service. Orders night or da> will receive prompt attention. WILLARD CALDWELL, Telephone 127, Propnietor, Bawmanville. F ARM FOR SAI,âE OR TO RNr A!good fr f2 acres, with l1~ acres orch- ard oit lot 7, con. 6, Darlingtoni. Good frame bouse and atone stables, bard and soit water. For partîculars &PPIY tb ROBESR MARTIN Tyrone. 21 if Dofinion, Lîlle 13TEAM SHIPS. PROPOSED SAiLINGS Montreal to Liverpool Canaca..*July lot Southwark . ... Aug 12 Southwark, 8 th Dominion. ....119 Dominon ,_ " Itb Ottawa .........I26 Kensington 29t5 Kensington.. Sept 2 Canada ...Aug. 5 th Canada:.,.,........ The CANADA ls the fastest steamer in tbe Caniadian trade. holdng a recordof 5 days, 23 bours and 48 minutes betweenj~inisliowen Head and Father Point. Midsbip Saloons, Electrie Ligbts, Speed and Comfort. , Rates. F irEt Clas"-70.O0, Second Class-~$4O.r,0 and upwards accordlng to steamer and bertb. Tt'd lass-827.50 toprincipal Britisb Ports Children.-Firat Class, under 10 and over 1 yr. balf lare; under 1 year free. Second Class, under and over 1 -3ar, balf fare; under 1 year free. ---For ztil pa. açqtr# " t4 fre6lit anïd passage- apply tg L .JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville, Ont Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamnboat Co., Ltd. -Route between- Cobourg- -Roohestor- - Port Hope STRS. N01R Tm"K1IpNG AND -GASR>[ÂNm SOUTH Boum) - Lv. Cobourg, Ont.......... 1.30 PlMI Il Port ihope, Ont ........2.80 Ar. Sumnierville, N. Y (Port of Rachester).......... 7.45 NoRTH Bouiw: YOUR APPEARANCE duinagbot weather. Trv ClarkL's eau ned mneals, wholesomce, tasty aud appet- izing. Its a gndcpba1ge' FURS-RPAIRED- FURS. Ladi's, is athe veny best season of the > ean ta take yoaun funs requing aitering, repairing aud reuovatiug la Mankus Mayer, the practical furrier, Bawmauvilie. Brng lhem ln at ance, piesse29-tf. NOTICE TO HORSFEMEN. The regnian Season being aven for 1905, parties desiing the service af "Hîarry Wîlks" or <'Jas Wiiks" mas' arrange for sncb by' communicatlng witb Mn O. A. Gambsy. "Mapie Ave." Orono, 29-2w* FIRST 0F THE EEASON. Seashone Excursion $io. four Special Excursions froni Suspension Bridge. Niagara Falls, ta Atlantic City, Cape M ay Ocean City or Sea Ile City via Lebigb Valey Railraad july i i August 4 and îî, and Sept. i Tickets only $io for the round trp Goodî5 days. Ah trains via Phîladeiphia. Tickets allow stop aven retunning. Tickets good on Regular Express trains ieaving Suspension Bridg&e aI 3 5o and 7. 15 a mn 6 2o and io 15 p mn For Tickets, Pullman Benths and turîber particulars, apply ta ROBT S. LEWIS Canadian Passenzer Agent, la King Street Fast, Taronto, Ont. 27 4 w. Miss Edi b Lockbsnrt la visltiug in Moutreai, Mrs Simmons la visitiug lber daugh- ter, Mns Renier, Graveabunat. For biliauness, tny NMiilen's Granules, Sold bw Siott & Jury, druggists. Misa Vida Scott is visiling ber sistor, M 9' (Dr.) Brent, Mabo, e Bay, N S Mnr Asa Otton altended the uerai Of bis stc-i-aMna. Chas Otton. Neiý lîfe for a quai-ter. Miller's Couî- Pound Iran Pils. Soid by Stait & Jury lruggias Mns S. Mason and daugbtenR atie are vlEiting fnîends at Orillia sud Mua-r kôka.i New vigor and energy are soon at- aîned bv the use af Miiier's Compolind liou 1 ils. 50 doses 25 cents. Sald byj 8tott & Jury, druggisis- tý Mr,, Wr. F. EdeY, Liegina, N, W. T ,Y who bas been viîstîîg bore, bas retura- ed h;ime 1 A plr lu î,,e,3tîon : D,) j3ou reallv oget v he olv MnilerPov Daývis'- F vhe '-nas., oril Ietter ho sare flan.sorr-v. thbas ngt, la 60 years, failed ta 5stoploseneas and pain lu the Mr Albert aî,d X1iîs Ev-'t Corii. To- ronto, anc visiting Ibeir uncle Mri. S. skerville.e That bol, dry ezemataus conditionc f the skiu will -disappear by the use aif Miller's Compound Iron Pulis. 50 dases 25 cento. Sold by Stott & Jury, dnug- fi -liss. Mrs. Brown sud iwo grand eilîdren, n, Oharles sud Greta Bnitiain, Toronto, 'T rie viaisting Mfrs John Douglas. f WiII poeitively Cure slck - head ache TI nd prevenc ils nelura, -Carier's Litleh4 Liver Pilla 'This is nul talk, but trutb. 1< nle pili a dose. Sec advêrtisment. il nmilpiil4. Small dose. Sinall.prie. ai Mn. N T. Selby bas a splendid cnop )f trawberries. 1He shipped 4000 bask- to 3ta Salur-day we0k sud on the following-- 'pvsday 7000 marc Are you suffering frôobi indigestion, ekuessafater eatlug on duil pains In aur slomacb? Ya aueasiiy be cured ai ,yau take Vito Tonte, Naiune's rem- H] ýdy, camposed of herba,, banks and ai rujîs. R. M. Mitchell & Ca., dnnggisis, a: cep il in stock. cI Mr. Frank Ailiu's big bax n raising P( [oaday week was succeaafnlly accomp-9 abhed About 8() men under the dilPl *eotian ai Jas. TIhanipson and R. C. M Eoar dld the work. M Gi NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA, Mu. GBORGa R OLErN, Spry, Bruce Ca., wntes:-"i M vas troubied wiib nervaus dyspepsîs Ei on soine vears, sud afler uaing aine axes of Dr. Chase'a Nerve Food I felt sitter -tbu fi afor years. -Dr Chase s-- oerve Food is ceriainiy the besl medi- T, nue I ever used, aud I say sa becausef waut ta gîye full credil wherb ti si ue.",f FamIn Pickerinlg For Sale. Ai F Ai l c c t i u i n c 1 - 4 7 I I SÂATURDAT, Julv 22-The executors of thq Haines Estate wlll seii the Car- niage Works and Plalning Milli en bloc on the premiseq, Kin.- St , Bow- manville. Sale at 8 p.m. Sec advt, and bis for termes, etc. JAMPS Bisnor, auctioneer. SALEM Following are the onomotlots of Salem School : Jr. IV ta Sr IV-Dora Prout, Katie Siepheus, Lawreuce Sýquair Sr. 111 ta Jr. IV-Ruth Squair, R,,da Rutledge Jr IMIta Sr. III- Alex Prout Hubert Poster Sr. ta Jr. 111- Madeline Stephens, Edna Hobbs, Alva AMin, Katie Fester, Leslie Colla- cutt. Jr. Ita Sr II-Donald Yellow- lees. S. M. BiIILLMAN, teacher. Not long axe, a man wna was always cross and tired arrived home smiling jas fullyi be explained ta bis delighted PROOsToION EXàMINcÂraNS To Sr, IV.-Norman ]Reynolds, Vera Baker, CharlItéSCQtt, WilPisSpry, L'zzle Truli, C:areuos Vie.ý Edusà Truli. To Jr, IV.-.InéneÂArgue, Gnéîa Van- Néat,' ]Edua Taylor, Elizle Taylor, Mamie Wésîlske, Ida Vies,. Freddie Van Ne4i, Gardon Montgomery, boy Hontgoý,tisry. Beatince Law. Sr. 111-NoaaTruil, Elwaad Mont- gomery, 9Willié Westlaké, May bey. nolde, blary-VanNest, Lorenza Tru, Bo)y Lanigmald, Rois Keralake. Ta IJr. 111. -Gentie Pascoo, EBsn Bill, Florence V!cé. To lie. I.-Flioe sVNési, R, J. McKzSSCen, teachen. HAMPTON. ;wife that bis 1i.'er trouble was cured at Visitors-Mn. P. Philll'po,Rocbssler, last through Vito Laxative Fruit PIl. at Mr. W. Beer's; Mise F. Tazier, Te- R M. Mitchell & Ca . dnuggists, keeps ronbo, st Mr. G. Taylor'à; Mr. Joha themn in stock; price 25 cents. Lee, Kedron, ai Mr. A.- Treuouth's; DARLN GON.Mn. aud Mns. J. F. Allun, Broaklyu,N. DARLLNGTON.Y., ait M. T. Eillott's; Mra. F. Goyne ansd daughter Ethel, 'Oak Lake, Mrs. Chas. VanCamp, Omaha, Neb., Manitoba, xt Mr. Haistingri'; Mr. Brr la viaiting bier sister, Mrs. Ed. Dellant Crosper, Torntno, at Mn. T. Creeper's. and bier father Mn. Jesse Trul....... Mies Robina Jobhne le bolldaying ai Miss Wight, Providence, visited Miss Grimeby Park. Stella Blackbunn,.. Mn E J. Burk Coapgratulsttous ta Mie Aleta Mar- and, Mn. A. Maun were iu Toronto buy-, tin, en lier splendid succees ast the En- ing cattle..Mr. Russel La ngmald 'îrance Examinaious. bas gone ta the North West Terrltory,. Me. Bert Creeper, accompanled by ...Mr Albert Goade is buiding a hay bis sieter, Mies AleCreeper, spent barn witb aitone basement ..Messrs. Suuday nt Bowmanvllle. Arthur Bnitton and Fred Blackburn are holding a senies of meetings at the Report afi aampton School at the C E. Mn. Bnitton desenves mucb credit receint examinatlous-..names lu onder fur the gaod program given Thursday of menlt, eveningr. Mn. Blackbun eads this Entrance-Leta Martin. week iiud a -goad time la expected. Jr. IV ta Sr. 1V-Lattis Horn,Frank Do ynu reali ze that every organ in the Brown, Roy EBillon, Nelsan Wilcox, humait bodv is camposed of tiny cella Charïie Johns, Arthur Ward. called ti8sue? If tbis tissueis bealthy Sr. 111 ta Jur. IV-Elma Clarke, von ueed have no dread of discase. Lily Burns, Myrtie Truil, Géntie Mar Vito Truie renews the tisane and builda tin, P, rcy Ulanke, Byron Taylor,Frank up the svstem, Mn. R. M.,. Mitchell, Moore. dlruggist, keeps It i-n stock. Jr. III tb Sr. III-Mildred Cale, OSHAWA. Lyra Trenoutb, Rhoda Johns, Pearl Glbson, Reeis Johns, Edua Hanuan, 1-is dn C Bertha McDonald MisEdaCysdaie la visiting Miss. Sr. II ta Jr. III-Mark Hannam, Maiane Wilson, Mitchell.... Mrs F. L. Nancy Johns (Eqial), Mildréd Marn Hlenry, is visiting bier sisier Mrs. R. Harry Welsb, Jaunie Taylor, George Latimore, Dexter, Maine .... Mn.Clke(cmedd Lawson Clifford la viaitinz fnienda and CJr.keta r. IIWîllé WkslyHII relatives in Dexter. Mainë and Boston J.I oSta1Wli Wkl,11 ....Mns. C HI Honey, North Dakotaton Paters, Vernon Welesh, Lucille bas been gueet of Mrs Jas Reynolds., ' en.r, Lewis Ward. ...Mn. Orvil Tuttle, Detroit, la spend- Teachens F.~ J. GROAT, ing vacation with bis parents.... ,Miss t.R. Jona. lessie R H. Panton Who' bas- bedU su; bhe lligh ScLool teacbing staff for saine years, bas resigned ... is Frakie Vickery la viaiting MrS A A. Blit, Brooklin .. .. Mrs E L. Culi, Orilli , is visiting her parents Mr. and Mis, E E. Mundy .. M and Mrs. ,1l;nry ihhî- ar'd, New York, are visiting Mn. Hill-vard's parents.... MispEthel Me<-ov, Kingston, la visiting Nlos Loule Ashie'y, Cedar Dais... Mn W. A. Bain, B A. A. I A , after a deligt.tFui Tacht trip ta he es, iii i<nond!ng the remainder 'of his Well earned holida.) s witth bis pan euts. Mn. Bain was anc af the few ouc- cesaful candidates ai the necent exam- !nation coaducted bv the Institute of Actuaries af Great Bnitain. Hia many friends extend congratulations. 1W-AS CURED op AsTm 11Ifinal .scd Dr. Cbase's Synup of Linaeed and Turpeutine witn my daughter who suf- fei7ed from a severe fanm of astbma. The leat exposure ta cold would tay bar up and ebe would Ùearly suffocate for w4nt of bneath 1 muaI say I found [te be a moat satisfacîor.r treatmeul nd tl bas eutirely cured ber.'"-Mrs. A. A.VANBusKirRK, Robinson Street, Mone- on, N. B. A vcry InteneSting and happy avent îdcurned at tbe residence af Mn. H. C. [oar necently, Wheu a few relatives tud friendesbsowed hlm appreciation ind favar-gatherng with kindlygoad iceer, la a bousc-warminx led by bis )opular aud esteemed pastor. Rev. L.S. Wight and amiable wife. Amaig those, )resent were-Mr. and Mrs J.D. Hoan, 4r. and Mns. W. H. Hoan, Providence, Uns, J. R. Cale and daughtens Misses loorgie, -Odie. and Ethel, and son J R. Il Cale, Mr. W. R, Cale, wife and family' qrs. Anale Wight Hoar, daugbten dith and son Edgar and Mn. S. V. .aoar, wîfe and sans Everett and Harold eU1sd#-Mea-A~1ma-Wight -nd- Mr-. eten Wenry and daughten M'innie, T-ronc; and Mn H. J . Werry, wifc sud amily, Enniak ilion. A bountiful qpread rm baskets of the visitons was eujoyed ud with conversation, neminiscence, ýcital of past and present happiness rîd future expectatian, music, sang, ntai goad-will and feilowship,ceriify- ug the tar-reacbing influence af buman- tv in chnietian recognition, blood and ffe<tinnat( oz~arial had a an,, ENTRÂNC EExÂMs. basute af the examînations for Eu- trance ta Higb Scbools sud Calleglate Institutes, beld at Newcastle centre. As tbe wnttîeu examInation ln Draw., I iug, Histony sud PbysIology bas been dis pensed wiib snd thé privais report of thé Candidaté's teacher acoepted lu lien tbereof, thé maximum mark bas beau reducéd ta 650, aixiy par cent ai whicb aggregaté la required forpa. The foilowfing isuceseful candidae c-.natÎtute about slxty.fivai par cent of thé ful l iet cihai tnled ab Ibis cenre:- NAemF SeLOOL Lillie lMitcheill Néwtonvilll Harvoy Br;ti-on - do Olive Jabuaton Newcastle Jean MeIKeouzie Newtonville Effie Jackson S. S. No. 9 Inas Adams Newcastle C3haneas Toms dD Helen GIbean do Erie Lockbant de JoehCoulscu do Ha.1rlda Sharpe do muniel Bradley do Dela Million Oraoked Creek Aunla Kéebitt Newionvlii Eari Flabor Nowcastle Edua Ailln do Reg. BrAdfley do Asa Gibson S. S. No. 9 Ethel M illéon Crooked Greek Géo, Trewln Sbaw's' Katé Tnewin do PUBLIC ýcxoo.L 462 440 450 447 434 432 432 426 413 402 400 394 394 392 392 390 390 390 390 390 590 Midaummen Promotions, Naines lu order at markis abtaiued. __jýunior Divfiion, Jr. Pt, 11-8r, Pt. II,-Percy Gommé Ideilei Raicliffé, Willie Jase, Ellîson SrtPt, Il-Jr. II,-Ida Wallon sud Noreen Qo>inlan (cqusl), Eva Beeh or- ville, Chênres Davidaon, Clans Gomme, sud "-Arnold WsrmainRtou (oqual), -Vivian Gaibraitb, Dowuér-Parkes. AN ENGLX8U PJZERE58 Praisos Dr. WlimsPin,-, Pilla for pale people. From the London (Eog.) Star. Thougla mhariug wlth msny of aur aid tsehillty i-udr traditional rolutinae- ta emerge fnom anleitocratio privacy and corne before thé public a3 the pubipet ofila noepaper article, the nlgbt non, Lady Btaldon bas exprees5ly parmaitted the pubication of a s3tatement recently made to a repreetatlve of the Star regardhwz her wonde-lfal core' by Dr. Williams' Pink PilFr. Recogn'zlng that the words of a tl. lied lady lu ber poittoe muet necessa- rlly bear great welght with the public; reallzlng that in respect ta the alimen ta af the body, prince and pasant, lord and laborer are alike, earnestly deslring that the baoefites he had derived from Dr. Williamas'Pink pille ah onld be pu blic- ly acknawledged, in the hope that oth- er suiferens mlght beo lofluenced by ber tesihony, Lady Haidon waived ail personal reluctence snd told a @tory whioh cannai but Imprese every reader wha coaidens for a moment the serions reasons wbfoh muet have promnpted a member of the British peerage ta corne fonward lu thla way. Lady Haldon'a openlng ,worde cm- phasîze the iofty motive with wbich s granted the Interview. "For tbe sake of ail aniferers," sald her ladyehlp. , "Iwau t ell ycu wbat Dr. Williams' Pink Pillei for Pale Poo- pie dld for me wben 1 had given up ail hope, aven tbougli, au wae nainral ln oey posltion, I bad the best avallable profeesional treatmeut. LADY HALDON. "I have beén a great travaller. Fîve yeans &go, wbeu I was resillog l u s- insits, my beani became seriously ai- fected. Symptomne ai advanced Anse- mia showed themeselves. Ona ai tbe résulte was the muet sente indigoîlion you enuImagine. 1I aieed eeverely i-n thé baekasud nder the ebouider blados; but thons wene p rosent lu an aggrs-vated fonmtail ibte sympiarne of ladigaitlon, lnoinding au esipeclslly se- vcne oppression af the chest. I tis mosi canafl nl my cholce of food, but dietlng bnonght no relief. Even ai ter a glass of watén my dîsconifoni was ai- mobt unhbeanable. Food af any kind cansed me snob misery thâi I gnew ta bave a sirng averlon to it. I aie legs aud lese, tilI I ws prao'iially stanvlug myseli. J aauld'hsndily gai about, for Iu attempiiug ta wsik aven the shonteat distance th2 dreadf ul palpitaioneaiofibe lheant would rmaké me feel s iough I were suffooatiug. "As the arma developed, 1 grew stuh mord alarmingly ill. 1 aould ual eleep lai ulgbî. My wbole eystem was déranged.,. My nérves broké clown; my only road by the &id ai gîseL;es." "Snob suifenlng must have inténfoed with youx eujoymeut of life, Lady Haldon?" "Lt did, indeed, sud Il aIeo took ail the pieseurs oui ai travél. Wben I was lu Rupeas1I ealiy thought 1 was dy-iug. 1 was*neady ta do anytbing or go auywhené ta séék relief snd nelease from suxiety. 1 bad the advantage ai the treatmenb ai mauy léadlng physi- cians. My ilînees seemed Bo deeply naoted thai 1- determiuad lu go ta Swlî. zarland for a course oi tresimest aI the Clin!que de la Carolino, whera i was. for a time, as-iduously attended by physilane ai Enropean :epution. cal men swho bave prescrlbed for me aI varions tines, unfos tunately wîthoui auy laetig amase, wonid Indoed be a lengtby iask, sud onteide thé abject of tbis Interview. Suflioe ilta s ey that about Augnet, H03, afler niy returu from Australie, I was-neanly prostraté with oua ai my attacks, I wae travel- ling by train, but faIt too III to read rtnfl, caeul!'y piekînrgiup-a amî pam ONLY ONE BEST TEA. BUTE RIBBON'S IT. ITHE MPýSO-*NCO gReduced Prîces on Sm mer Goods OLadies' Blouses GReduced to 50c each g * This price includes White Muslin with insertion in. front, * Colored Print in good selling designs, aise Chamiay and *Gingham in. some sizes.- Equally big reductions"inu. our * higlier priced goods. Ladies'White Wear Am ncluding Gowns, Skirts, Draw'ers, Corset Covers, etc. Special prices this week. You will bc surprised how good an article you cau. buy for a small ainount of money, > starting at 25cts each. oHosiery and Gloves G We are sustaining our reputation of having the best * value in these lines by showing 2 very speeial bargains this G week, llosiery 10e a pair and Gloves 20o a pair, Sec these lines *Men's Ties G Just recelved clearing line from large faet"ory 25 ets G your ehoice of several designs and colors. Bargains lu. Clothing, Bargains in Raincoats, Bargains* Gin Prints, Shirtings and Shakers, Bargains in Stra,-w Hats, G Lînen Rats and Tanis. G fHot Weather Bargains ail throughoat the Store.' G BOWMANVILLE.O neyer ta hé wlîhont Dr. William"" Pik Pille, sd bth at home sd brd I1 fiud Ibem ta hé my truet béai friands. Thnough thein aid I havé, ai various limes, lu distant sud' out-of-thé-way parte ai thé wcnld, been able ta givé relief tu suiférero. I nemembén bow, Whou I was lu Rouetofi, South Russla, I met ai the, Ratai Continental, a pour, aummie creaturo wbase auffétngis wené terrible. I advised han ta try Dr. Wil inom thé aupply wblch I aiways carry with me, To ber gréat surprise sud delight thé pille epeedily cured her,aud ebé was 50o grateful ta me tbat @ehe gavé me a beautitn nke-rlng as a-kéépeake. I trésere that rnug," said Lady Haidon, impnesslvély, "fon I, iso, kuow how ta hé gratefuni ton relief irom pain." guéai ai MisFlorence Run ton. Mise A nuis Fielding, Toronto, la vishI!ng ber nucle, Mn T, W. Jackson. Mr. sud Mrs. Fnenk Woodward ai Oshawa, visited hie fathen. Mima Hoee . outer, ai Jèeey-Flale Hospîtai, Quebec, le home. Mr. Clarencé Vineon, Toonuto, le lu towu.. Mises Melîlcnt Quinn, Panry Soun, vriifted-her uceTn.M .7ravéleL, Mr. Fred Wlntér, Toonto, le bail- doylng undor thé parental roof, Mn. G. H. Linton sud family, Bow- manvilie, vissird ber father Mn. Thos. Doncaster. Miss Elina Tounje, Toronto, and Mis Aura Ca'dweli, Bowmanvllle, vietted the Misses Toujrée. Mr, Robt. Giles, Prinûipal Port Hcopa Public Sohool, sud MnThomp- ~~ wer-o ln townirer. Blàouse decoratng WT Big 20 Bvokstora, r ~properîy wili be offered for sale subjeet to a, I knaW Of.", dbyaldngiso y Mn. and Mrs. James Hoskin vis- resarved bld. Tother terme and conOlitioo0f mi I 5cnsbo by wniîugiuthe yiled at ber fathen's, Mn. W. Corani sale and more partular description of pro-. ala 5cnsabxb rtn h tn'am! the Iundersigned solcitors sud auet- ont.. Sec thal evenv box beaus tbe oMS dy, W detnadduh ' I L A, W, TaLE, SimpfoN& BLAIR. Inm Bb' w ait, u h Auctioneer, Veudor'a solcittors. picture ai a four-leai claver on te vîSIted at AMr. B. G. Carscadden's on -,awmanvi1le. 1 Dated it>July 1505. 2.w rpe-Astinesla mlto.Suaday. M rM. Gea. 'Jamiéson, Toronto, was home ta a numbaro r ai n'on -Weu Ilhome nécéntly. nssday eveclng lasi, A véry etpjOyabla leMu Manilu, Mount Foreet, ia gueat limé wa% speut.i f aiMiss M. E. G, Waddelt. Mr, Walter A. Roo0;dy, forenmno Il ie EfleEsmud Beivllé l guetthé Prnutlug Dépi. a!h ltbiRude Papeïr j af Mîmipe iaHoé.Box Co., Niagars Yele, _N. Y., Vlté4ed Mies Joui, DSFlaon, Newoatle, l sé â ilnd, Mr. pérq LDonoatar. Partîiular Po-plet Like Because it is tightly sealed lin Iead paeýkets, not~ Iying abc>ut in ail kindi of places like ordinary bulk teas. BLUE R113BON S care- fully watched From Plantation to Home and pleases ali. BLUE BIBBON'S IT.