Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1905, p. 2

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) /t~ Fruit-a-tives wîi set everything igh. hese fruit Stablets act like magic on the w-,hole dige-stive tract. Trhey stir up the Iliver-mia ke i't excrete an aboundance of bile. The bile mkest- itetie mnove regularly and naturallyry day. And Fruit-a-tives leave no consýt-ipating after-effects, like cab-mel, cascara and liver pis. % B y curing Constipatien to stay curdd, FRUIT-A- TIVES purify the blood---clear the complexo- stop bilious headaclhes-help digestion-inake you eat and sleep well. «I have used Fruit-a-tives and think tlei the best reinedy fo- Constipation 1 ever tried. 1 glad'y econend thein to My f riends andi to everyone suffering fo So ansd irer trroubles. " Miss J. C. I.AW. Ilasex, Ont. Fruit-a-tives are pure fruit juices in tablet forni-the dis- covery of a well known Ottawa physician. They act so mildly that even the chil'lren.inay take theni without griping or harsh pain. And Fruit-a-tives leave no astringent after--effects. if Constipation is your trouble, cure yourself with GEnrI1U s O A G E A TIL A ST E'R eaut Y 1off Nat1U r e Manefv1ns or Look Pty A despatch from DBrooMvyn, N.Y., thiat Qod' wok is beaut Ifu, ha preecbed froia the follow:ing text:- that al lis Iaves aire eýxqujisisely The heavens declare the glory off sculptureid; that his e-very sapphire God.-Psalm xix. and rubýy is pi,ýshed to the inner- The foreiga dispatches tell about iaost atom aaýod that the bounty off the rare good fortune off an Italian Iovelinessý is la) llower and face and prince. TiS bouse is an o10 palace of ndsau-uhbountynd, that Stone, gray, crunibling and inellow tbe surplus off loveliness le achharo- witlh tirno-ricli also ia its old paint- bell would doraas bas been'said ings and art treasures.I One day recently ho noticel Iliati A DZE CATHIEDRALS. aa olO clesk cover was splittîng side-' But toae off rock and grass aad ways. On examination ho discovered flower is a -vise page. Iadeed, ai that the top was moade off two pieces tbe wisdom offo the books cones frornt off board. gluefi togetherr. Seperating the readIing off nature's book. JobI thent. 10! he cbanced upon a page said: --lis footprirnts are la the brlghtwith the colors ofof some nid cîcuds a;n(i on the sea shore, and in m)aster's brush. e page -,as off the waves.", > Newt9n, the astrono- velluas and u iatd Each word nmer, once s:aid that "the astronomer had been xritten by hand and each thinks God's thougbis out after M OTE S C0F-,PRlOÇEElMNGsIC:IN~ THE HOUE0FC±IVN. sica nd niv of ientos n in $12.00 bïla t ()î emers Tahre L ae aloieoff the 000 per year fo te rtterae l)ader0oaf ch pposi- sitin2,tct ins crs, ad an incedase in the sesso udiialsalaires. Th ,fieanemithe sevional2,n00,naty N toer tayfe th' sentroryemb miases.ansesio the nemity wgll be vat te rate9off $20 a aeuportra elttin Iat nsthbouontry iday. Whens haiienaryxceps thit, days The QoLd Dust Twirus are aiways reai-y to work; they are certainly artists in tb.o cleaning lino. There's nothing cleanable vwhich are lai princess shapes tr1uned off cloude,, choirs off streatad st(ioesrns la a palace, to fetch and, absstaats will reeuve 85.,200, lii- aIltars off stonr, uLd aults off pur, carryfrhii oîdrhiîie so stead of $3,200. In Nova Scotia an-i area te oton wthpiko sf-Child :bot Expected tolIive from One taes~b h otnossas illumninatedi page for the artst-tvie Brunswick tho divorce judge will fles. Hour t:)- Anther, but Cured by The illumninated page off Nature is a a rich mauript, for the scholar and recoive $500 extra,.l In thea l Vovcornfortale and servireable Lhamberlains Colle, Choiera and pg bti lewt t rcr et;i sarcr f at o'teSorth W est, and British Colunia slcuîsl lc5slk bae the lee Diarrhoea Remecly. for the scholars. it sn ot enoegh historien; it' is a bondie off sciences the Supreaxe court Judges reci, an I oloof cotton, the latter rein 1ihitb, the little.da,,ght-e f E, N ifor the s--rn~ hjk orspaigices swthos n foshcinL xrLrnsl corsodrg nray. KingEdwardV11, the. band ofthe Iris!iýGnards, His Majestys favorite household' band and th e fiuest mïlitary musical o. ganization in the Em-. pire, ixili give two concerts rsach and every day. Ail and Treeasures In an especially but, exten'ive, ire-proof art gallery will be presened the graudest collec- tinof art and art treasures ever got together ou fhi, continentL, iuciuding lbans trou, the ducel beforethse Canad'an people, enxl this rneut rccent off the world's most appaJiing event will be vi-sidly portrayed wvitl real Jaýp. anese and Russian soldiery taking par. h fireworks display svill be on a brillisant 5,10 introducing new feanires of an Orintal eliaracter. Othesr Thiss to Seo The1 Ptoceso. Buildng, Saepies 0; '-it tise lu ~ns-'., ~ gmrn~uu4tP ~ le. s vs i55,-~ r-<u~~ 55 i r- lý' , w--

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