fofr Senior divi. ,-~ , -~.-- '.~*Jj~SLYLS~~ ~ ~W I Rtatfimflrlt JIM MitohalI ,~ - "' b andam isuallY Cfsre hsmr-ITeachr'anad'Sunday 1ho Speitno ings, he neyer emPloyed a stenographer St. Catherineu, Ont., .writer I am aoqUmintOd atiLake Sixnapee, becquse, hg said «-j With Mr. anad Mns. Win. Miller, and believe I ~ do flot want anything hore which' re- th&t they would not make a atatement beliey. Lmlnds me of m ý of1ce:' ,Ing it to be i Auy wâ&y rmsleading or uintrue.' The ver y Iatest in Weddiug statin- Dr. Ckuse's Oîntmneiit.60 e, a box, ât aul 5OwnaviIe.ers and lWeddingz cale. oxesdea1, ,or Edwaneon, Dates & Ce.., T)5onoto. ýSAgxv Ofce, eýat THu, pri rà Ondatueeo0£Dr.À,W.OIhgan Ings and. Plumber'sSbupplies. lRed Cedar Shing'es.- In season we speclal patterns o[ waiL' pape£ for r ' re large 'on-ers of Grain, Seeds, wwo~iw & ~~imu and Beans. jvour inspection, lu,1JoG il'Gbort & Son, rTu~nI h m e 2 6 ,e i t e B c i w -w . ,& n i l e l -b many and as -J - -y W, . .w Big 20 Bo-okstore,