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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1905, p. 1

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5g'£fý 8-1.00 Per Annum. OuR ToWN AND BOWMANVJLLE, ONTA D S'TERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietors. 0SDAY1 AUTST 2, 1905. VOLUME LIINo 31 Gâreat S,-ale of um mer Goodis Froni to-day Coucli, Johnston & 4) Cryderman will give great bargains in j ail kinds of Summer Goods, Muslinis, Ging- ham::uctzrlu lineof as at verv lowv Menbs Pat Coats~ and P fsfor Summrer wear at redueed prices, Il Just opened out another shipnient o Men's pedcfectly-fitting Summer Vests.H * Bowmanville. Th le Corner Shoe Store Sensational Prices Clearing .Sale- Misses' Doagola Strap Siippena, Bizes 1 anti 2. ý price, 55e. Misses' Kidi Batton anti Lace BZtots. Slzes 10, 11, 12, price 50e. Men's Workimg Boots. AIl sizes.$ price, 69c. Mon's Kid Shoos, turacti soles, Sprice 95e', Gooti Poliah, bottle1 or tins, for 15c, iLatiy's Low Shoas, & ýStrap Bl1ippers, kMts anti patents, elearing a.t 98e. Lady'e Chocolate andi Black shfoes. Fineg Crnt cown to 01.25. Men's Dongola Laced Boots- easy fitters. Clearing $1,49, Men's Box Caif, Lacet,- Goodyear weIt, MePherson 's round toes. Regular value $3.50, $2.S9. Cild'a Stralp Slippers, -bows on Btraps. Sizes 'à to 7. 50c. Ail su-miner remnants redueed in prices. -ÏBargaîns iii Shoes anti Strap B4per BURN nl 0O OshawPM FALL FAIRS. Fillowinc, are dates of Eall Fairs: Toronto-August 27 to Septemiber 9. Otta'wa-Septeýmber 8 to 16. Orono-Septeniber 18. 19 Lindsay-Sleptember 21, 22, 23, Peterbnro-September 95, 26, 2A7. BU WMAN VILLE-September 28, 29 Whitby-October 2, 4. Port Hope ' -October 3, 4 Milbrook-October 5, 6 Derangement of the liver, with con- constipation. injures the complexion, induce pimples, saUlow skia. Remove the cause by USing Carttr's Little Liver Pilla. One a dose. Try theni. Recent visitors: Miss Miidred Werry, Enfieid, at her grandmother's, Mrs. Geo. Vice'F; Miss Clara Nichols, Maple Grove, utbir John Reynolds'; Miss Lulu Blair, Taunton, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Miss Muriel Hli, Orono. ut Mr. Geo' Vice'p; Mrs Jas. A Phiilips and famiy New York Citv. and Mr. and Mrs. N.S. B James and Mr. Geo W. S. James, Bowmanville.... Some froni here took the trip to the Falls Monday .. .Quarter ly meeting at Zion Sunday moýýrnng... .Dr. Ellus Reý,noldz§, .'ýrboro, bas returned home f romn visitbng frlendsi here.. .. MissMarv EIf.rd, Isiay is wait- on her sister Mr,4 Jas Vice, who is imi proving in health.. .. Mr. and Mrs. John VanNest and Miss VanNest, Bowman- ville, have been visiting at the old homestead, . . Mrs. James Taylor, and Master Hlarry Jay Taylor, Toronto'. have been visiting at Mr. Hiarry Argue's .... MISS Irene Victoria Argue is hoit- daS ing with friends in Torontoý A~yer' s Faliîng hair ineans weak hair. Then strengthen Your hiair; feed it with the only hair food, Ayer's HaIr Vigor. h clwcks falllng hair, inabes the hair grow, coxnpittely cures dan- druff. And it always restores color îcogray hair, ail the rich, dark çoàlG f early 1fir. - I xà qu t og ut bad ir&e anS lu ufW w**Ilo..ittIaThonlItrieS Âytr's eifeklytepp1% the faUiflgand Z]k A LL, £ -yý, Elizabeth, N. .j. FI SbMM.J.C.AEir. AJ2.,rýl ste.L0owell M.30. 1OONLIGHT EXCURSION TUJEFSPAT NiG3T AUGUST Il. Durhami Rubben Co' s Baud haar- n ra'n-d for anonther , excursifon No Ti toi If you have p1ntýy o!soap ant1I water. You have pleaty o! water ut home, and If you wlll let lis Suapply it wlllfo cost xwuteh and yblou miay usei the purestsol G ENUINE $HFELL BRA;D CA STILE, las the purest und best so ap matie. You can buy a fa]l1 size ý ar for 25ec at Kerslako's Drug Store. There is no c-A cu.-e for being dirt'y. The Druggîstau Optielan, Phono 49. Bo mnlVvlUle.! EFye;s Tested Frvee. r Nght Cails at phone No, 76. AGRICULTURE IN DiJR HAX, hy a mLemb11ene!fthe etiltoniasffe h Weelv suni, we takýe th'ý following l extracts, refeGrring te Wo'st UDt:rhai lu paticular: lu tho isritarouni Bwani the genenral reportla t-hat gancrops are gooti, bave on low lantis, eanti much the sanie conditions are founti withi hay. The fruit cnopla ot heavy, I Along [ho laie front, iutiee 4, thec appleý cnop is very light ; funther b1)ack itla btter, but [ho ecop iU haidlky be up sections, are lgh.E.Pojatesthat Stark anti Ben DiVIS une ale ut [he oin, vio3lLing -vaioties o! app1es - ves yoar Spies -,ai B.lwi arer hr 1.î genon.eaîly. Mr. PrOuW ' a Oè[i good mnuy z» th-ds r' , cuftivution are very marni Mr. Js. Pnfouni, Çurtico, aone o! -~~ ~~~b thphae g utuil cnop thero ls ahrtily up tot&eauge, due to tho wot ivether. Ou high ati tho biay cnop is extra goo. O! [ho copper sulphate in preparing the Borde 1111 SPRAYING POP MUSTARD. John Darch hes tnied the copperi suphteslutilon fori- ling wild muistard, az)d reportsý good results. The plants were killed outrighft, or ut least prevented from seeding, - ad without injury to the grain. Resuits go to sho)w that the incroaseýýd yield o! graint will more than pav for h sry mng operations. SHIPPING CRMAM. A new method of deaiing with milk is being tried ut Darling-tou cheese factor.y. Ail the milk tuken to the factorn-y, where it is put through the separutor. 'l he creainilas hîpped to Toronto, and the sakin i mlk resturued to fanmera. Milk is puid for on the basis of the pniceo! cheese. Bzesuits are quite satisfucto)ry so fan, the fanmera getting miich better resuits frem feed- ing skim milk thau thev used 'ïo fnom whey, and realizing as munh money for the creani as for cheese. FATLLINGO OPv1>7 CHEESE. lu the. district aýbouitKrb cheese- making as an lndustry has almoat eas- e- t---xist. C J. Thonuton sautesthat tre are two rea sous for this. The firat is thut dairying involves much more labon than raising beC! cattle, and us labor hus becomne veny scance dairy- ing bas fallen off us a consequence.- aiiother reason la thut more attention is given to butter Paking and shipping creani than fornierly Those who are la the dtairy business seemi to favor selling thein creani on making butter, rather th= using thie mlk for cheese muaking purposes. In this district the beal breeders are gaiuinggrouud MORa POULTRY1 BEi-NG RAisEO. AW. Fiv who bas harge of the Domi?1ion Poultry Experiment Station ut Bowmaqnviile, States that in that district more iritenest is be3ing taken in pouitry anti more ehicks are being rais- edt han formenly. Th'is ,>ear bas been verv unfavorable beCauýse o! the heavy !osq in the y ouugch1 k through a dis- ouse known as4 white diarrhoea. This bas taken off mocre thani liai! the inew stock, buit luSpite o Of wing to the fact that more peopleaire in the busi- ness, there are more chickens lu the country thian ever before. Resultsfrom eýxpenimuents so fan conducted appear to indicute thut the whjte dianrhoeu is caused Inlupart ut Icestvbythe incubat ons beiuig run u't [eig a tempenature. flhc turlkey cnop is vr light this Year, 0výiug teuthe wet wealhen; and- geese are neot plulntiful,. VALUE 0F RO0TATION. Albert Ta-ixà11Iýn, Oonsua sho coni- idors rý 7egulqu- rotation Qof fanm cropa iand be bruhtlto a good uniformi state o! ferti1iitv. and the weeds control Med Mn. T-amhiyný prcte-a three- 'ears'rotation. The farm is divideti iintosix fielda; on tWo are sowa wbeut Pid ciats, are sýeeoddwith lovbr; tivo TURNINO FIRST SO» DURH-AM RUBBER Co's EWWOK Nlayor Tait turned the first soti on Thunsdav for the excavation for tLe large uew work s to be enoecteti by- the Durham Rubber Co Tte site purchus:. ed froni the Ra'vnes Estate la south-east from the Rligh School ou east bunk o! Bunber's Creek, pretty noarly behindi the hantisome brick residonces o! LMeýsars Rich. Trenouth, T, H. Spr.v, andi Wra Brock, Quaen St. Theý chie! officers o! the Company honoroti this occasion by thein presenco andi took prominont part in the cere- m7ony. Business men andi citizens ut- teudeti in considerable lior. e fore the asod-turning cnmnMn. Jý J. McGill, Vice-President, expl)ainoti [ho lay-ont o! the grounida, the plans and specifications for thý. new buildings, etc. The main factorv ivil be o! brick,i 225 by 75 feet, [heu thora will 1,d powrre bouge, pumping- station and Other uecessary structures. -A*new 500 Forse poiverengino will beluistalled i sudthe ivaton systoni for general aupply ai for fine protection will bts very comnplote, factories will be adfid te the Present plant and the equipment of the uew ivonks wîil be very ýomprlete and up-to- date, A titigely increaseti aumber o! hands will bts employod as soon as the now factor v geta in full operation. Prosident R'ebiason requested ïMaYor Tait to break the ground whieh fho did and to do the job lu good form Ris Worship reqluested the officers sud citizons to show their active latereat too by tunning out, a spadieful. Mayor Tait expressed tho great pleoasure he foît lin entorning ln his officiýai capacity the act of turning the finat soti for the new works ant expresseti the b"lue! thaIt wîth siuch a troag com)npanyv andi with greater andi botter facilitie.3 for nail,,uring the bniness o! the Dur- humn Rubben Co would continue to p? Ov a great succesai, Speeches o! a congratulatory and optiistie char- acter were madie by Mn. James Robin- son, Presidont; Mn. J J. McGill, Vice- Presidont; Mn. James Young,, Man- aging Director, Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C , Solicitûr for [he Company; Ex- Mayors J. B. Mitchell andi M.A James; Mr F. R. Mason, Chainman of Finance; Mn, J. H. Crvderman, and Mn. W. cJ Joues o! the Electric Light Cmay Mn. J. R. Finkie, Managero h ]Évaporator Co., Mn. Jas Gale o! thie News; Mr. J. E. Plamoudon, Superin- tendent o! the Wonla, AMn, Nonnis Wilson, accountaut, aud othens. Mn W. roc ha benaivardeti the con-1 tract for [hoeuidiganti atone, brick and Cotheaten1aýials are aow baing- got1 oul the groud. [t is expectoti that thýe pe1fw Wýýt s iIib-ii ppertioa br .he first i_'tii[h-OvNèyear. LHAUTY RECEPTION. parStr AGYL o Tustiy vennggrains, oats are thie best crop. Baniey are cnt for hav or pastureti; anti two AuguA 8, on ut Boa ville in many cases has gene [o straw [<oo aneaoccupiedj by baïley anti boa cropa A very eathusiaatlc welcomo ivas6 angti 8,ciigol te Boave ~ ~mnch, ant iIt iilI net filîlwell, Mn. .each,) ear, The boc crop anti barley given [ho coming champions of tha Mia-r an ewcastle, Bout olae t9 Peufounti reports [bat [ho applo crop follow the cloyen andt ho whoat anti landi Loagua Basa Bull Association on o'clock, returning about il p. ni., giv-ý is veny poon. Groeeinga are almiostat oats !oliow barloy antiune crop. their ratura froni Oshawau Thursday ing tivo houns' sali. Tickets 20e Seecomplote fallure anti spias'arts very thin evening Some iveeksaugo whon Peter-I amai bus. 3-2wanti acattareti. bore teani visitati this toivu they ivore ______ 1.A. Atiams o! Noewcastle reporta THE LATE MRS. COCHRAN. defeateti. Satnrday week our boys [bat tho cropa la his district are gonenal- visiteti Peterbore anti sufferoti a bati WEDDNG gooti. Barley la not extra gooi, 'but --dofeatilua score o! 6-2, Fientiao! each1 ihohr rincrn alprmieofi Ls e hein respective touma anti couse- During tho fine iveather of lat week a nThe es (Ca of TMrs eorgJue 1 9) en veev3ofdnto h blt MONGOERYGODAMER. lot o! fine bay was matie. Mn. Adams Thdoho!M.G rg Ccr.a quontly a challenge mi as accepteti bye A vry leaautavet ias elerattithInka [ha dloyen seeti crop [bis yean o! this city ha aiakeneti in [ho=hursManagerSautions anti a match arrang- A Orchplard PaMva a en [o hoe Will be gooti. o! bundretis [he tentiereat thoughts ead for $100 a ide, [neganie te bo playetd at lrhrPak"Mra.tehm possible. Rer maay kintinesses ivernl Oshawva Thuratiay.g The rosuit ivas of Mr, anti Mrs. J. T. P. Gortianien ut ALL GgoOD BUT BARLET, feit anti appreciateti ntet nly la ber that Bowmiauville teuni carnieti off [he high uo» Julv 26[h, when [hein eniy About Onono ant i Krby cnops gon- ow» famuly, but aise by manv iitheut honora in a score o! 10-3. Rundretis o! duughter Atdile S. was unitat inla mr- orally are gooti, excepting baley, wbich that intimate cire. Alice Ma'îd fientis o! both teams accompaniedthorm niage with Rev. W. H. Metgomarv, B. ia not an average crop. The straw O! Cochrun ivas beru la Bowmanville, anti a groat cnowd o! people witnossod A., B. D , Newton Fulls, N. Y. The ail e-ains, is inelined' [o be weak, but Ontario, Canada, July 7, 1864. For tho tha ggae. Newsa of [hein victors neach- ceeemony was perfonmeti by Rev. Henry gooti yiolds o! ouots, wliast anti peasaara finat twonty-[thrae yeasao! ber Ile honertidharo about 6 o'clock anti ias joyens-c Thomas beueath a bail coniposeti o! are looketi for, homo was lu ber native toia., She ly receivod. Proparutions were ut once roses anti carnations anti backeti by a At Onono [he prospectsfor a goond spont soieasaduring [his time lu mat[o give [ha home teani royal ivel-1 choice collection o! palma anti fenus co p u les aro nther botter [han utt[he Ontario Ladies'Cllage at Whitby coma on [heinratura. 1Ilhe D O. & P oven which floatodt ho fiaga of the [wo rpits nearer [ho lake. M any orchards us a atudeut e! painting, for whltéb she Ce andt ha Durhami Rubbon Company countnies. At tho straina o! "Mon- are being bought now, [ho fanmera ne-btamukitle.lu18ah enbndacopleiyalogrcsin delsshen's3" wotiding March beautifuliy ceilg 75 cents for fali apples anti $1 00 wi[h hon panants te resido in Newceastle, o! carniages, amali boé s with torches rnntereti hy Miss Gertrutie Sexsniitlî, for witer. Ontario, wheno ableivas living utt[ho snd citizens on foot ivent [o tha station Bath, tha bride loaning on honr !athen's tme et han marriage te Mn. George L. andi escertadt he victons up [0w» where an n becominglv attinet inl white silk GROWING MIXED GRAIN. Cechran, lu Auguat, 189f). Mn Cochran great crowtis siaitedti hem. The eolionne over taffeta [he o bdîca [nimoti Sam. Snowdoen o! Bewmanville, a was ut [bis tume pnactcîag law in Les bauds gaye abuntiauceofo inspirlnga wl[b nrocatiet chiffon anti applique promineat breedor o! Berkshire hoga, Angeles. Heobnonght hie young ivife music anti hear[y cheera rose froni She ivone the conventienul tulle states [bat ho bas given up grewiug witbhlm te tii city, anti haro'the [brouts o! hundretis o! people-Who tun»-1 veil bcing, aught on the le!ft shouien grains for suie, but new soiva mixedt i eaunhappy.vears e! [hein vetided! lfeacd ont te shew [ho boys [hein god iili with a rose anti sunmounteti by [he grain altogother, anti feeda it ail on [hoe aeba sotDnng[aeyaS for holding the houer sud fuma o! [ho orange blessonis hen mother huti ioru. fanm. Expeniments aleng [bis finetso!fMroCechran hue gathonati about ber a tewn for clou» anti manly sports, The bride le'arnioti g shoiyer bouquet o! work have ail gonoý [o show tbat more vorywiida circleofe friands whese love - rosasi anti maitien hum fruansd wore feeti eau be gnown ou au acre when for hon bas groivu with [bain acqualat- THE LATE RET. EMSN an pa ati iaoni rngth gi te!grainsarue uixed [han when sown suce, Sha ias aIwu ss a ympathetic the groom The bidesmaiti Miss sopanutoly, sud [he oxpenience e! Mn. anti beipful friand, a lovlng anti tioetetit Myna Reaitie, Mt. Vernon, cousin e! Snowdoen anti ohar practical farmers ilef, a truiy queoniy aud talenteti 0e Wetinesday J uly 26th, about 6 p. [ho groom, wva prettlly gownuatinl who have tnieti this methoti goos te ivoman wbosa place lu [ho a phone in Rev. T. J. Etimison, B A , B.D., pastor creani silk voile over'olti rosa satin and demonstrate its value in actual fanm which she nioveti cannot be easily filieti.-o! Brighton Methetilat churcb passeti carinitipink carnations. Little Mubel practice' Though the latter yeura of han fle hava away vory sutdanuly. Deceaseti hati Gordanien, uloce eof[bts bride, tiresseti BESULTS3 FROM BORDEAUX ON POTATOES. been y easao! sufferîng she boire her pain been making a pastoral caîl anti ou hie i» white silk muil matie a dain[y littie with reniankable patience anti forttuda ratura founti Mn. A. O. Maybee unloati-1 floiven girl anti ring beuren. Mr. Arthur The effects o! [ha bligb[ ara baconi- anti o![on fongot it ln hon intereat in ing hay utt[ha parponuge, ant I lntier Fraser, cousin o! [ho bride, ubîr snp ing quito noticeable arounti Bownin- thosa ahe lovotiaut tues overtaxinz ber te faciliata [ha work, Mn, Edmison won[ pontedt he groom. The grooni's gift ville now, as lu othor places, andtibs streng[b in [hein behal!. Promn ber into [he le!ft anti began wonk. The louti [o [ha bitiesmaiti ias a crascent pin [o condition led [e inquirea being matie as earlilee chiltihooti Mra. Cochran muni. was neanly off wheu Mn. Edmisen ceaseti tho floiver- girl aà cupiti pin te [ho grooms- te wbethor [ha Bordeaux mixture liat festoti a dieep interest lu religionsg anti working an~d sutitenly feil backwarti man golti cuif linka andti t Miss Sex- been tnieci. lu repiy [o [bis quastioa, benevolent wonk, an interat turing 1*Mn. Mayboe jumped into tho loft, fauneti smitb aise a crescent pin. After [he E Prout saiti: ' Yea, I :havo usad it theO latter years fan lu excesa o! ber hlm. anti calleti for ivaten anti help. Mn cenemeony about sixty guests sat doivu now for [brees n. Thnvaee ors u9o ph3 ical strnngth. She ias a meniber Etimison ivas ramovedt teh bouse, anti [ o a recherche luncheon ant idt justice anti twe yoars ug-o I spnaved with [he of tho Westlaka Methotiis[ Epiacopal tha ortiîuary niothotia for resteration te ail kintis o! refreshmea[a anti fruits. Bordeaux, anti those y eara I1buti ne rot church froni thae[ime of!its organization woe reserte otitewithout avail. Dr. The table tiecorations ivere vary affect- in niy pe[atoos, wbile niy neighbers' anticeue o! [ho dinectora o! tho Young Dean arriveti, but ne hope ivas givea liewihganluntia o! amlax anti fieldis iere batiiy affacteti. ua er 1 Womuns Christian Association. la as the lita spark hati fleti before bis an- bouquets oveir mimeor contre places, putt[ho potatee-s ou higb1 sauti laund, andtil[hse ivider relations shes penfermati ber rivali Mn. Edmison ivas ber» in Smit[h The apprepniate arrangement of ail [hought [boy woulti not nead auy treat- prwibbliy ud it ha samo township anti ias lu bis aixtieth y car. tiocortiens waa due te [ho taste o! iMr. mnent, se tii net spray. In [hoeal -u sii bc ia ecaater a iloimauy prominottpstosi Rïiiteli, fioit. Napanea. Alter soea [ey wena ntteti oui[e bsdly iu s1rte e! isti(e of ber homoe lifa. For four tiecades the chýuncb, being ex-Presitieut o! [ho humerons toasts tho bridai party took the fact they wero on dry aantiy IanO. she wore [ha white floiver o! a bIs mneless Bay o! Quinto COu fcerece anti s former [hein tiepmrturo suid ahoivara e! ico This taugb[ me very plainily tha value lite, a lifo whicýh will aiwaya boe a sveet pasten o! Newcaustle Mthodiàst churcb. antioltiboots The brlde'tsgeing u, way o! [hoBordeaux, andti [is year uni ma1nier', te thoso whoepiibg tw1 awaque ninnsuig but aven costu1meýwpa swhite silk blouse aud uiug it ag-alu, anti thoinoneigu e! te know hon.Bste bnhaat asruy[ d hth houg h[ ivas i-ht ishot sllk akint with bhat te match, The blighit.'"luvsb bintider lierhu Imindiat,ý e - geo aen orti pso. e- populari[y o! tha bride was showu by The expenience o! Mn. Frout ia lu- tamaily hon parents, _Mn anti Mrs. Thos. ceaseti was [ivica marnieti aud bla sa [ho mauy hbeauttiful sud eostly glfts 3h, o[n, bo[h freni a scientifie sud MeClung, hber sisters MNis F. A. Powell wifa anti six chiltinen, [brea eita ud neceiveti. Another ceremeny tookl pructicai stantipoint, ani s heulti. serve anti Miss Isabel McClung alil et P-nn- [breeaiangbters; Dr. B. Etimisnpnac prlace it being [ho chriniung ot convmnce farmens of [ho valua o! audJo,sud ber brother, [ne F Me hn aiiai atao;M' .K Helien Grange, infant daugl-hter O! J 1Bordeaux for [be potato cnop. Mn. Clungo! [bhis city. The o the! me nsEi io, uio a tutTyrcuez Or Aime»i Gordanlier, brother o! tha bride. Pront bolilevos uinuslag pountyof!fMlime luo! [ho famil> circle un Les &nglesantiRaiph Eiisnwho puLrPoseW ler T"ho action of Carter's Lit[l1e Liver [hoenmixture in onder t[o maure [bat thora 1vicinlty are Mrs. (Dr)',Ge1orge Co tu e, aof tha professions ut an u y date; Pillas is plasaut, mId anti natural. iili bo noeburning of [ho louves, lie Misas usie J. Cochrun. Mr, anti Mrs. Misa Mlarlon eant twO' littIe grl.,'le They igentiy stlmaulate [ha liven, aud lises e ouapounti of 1 anis iren lu50 C 1 D XMoro, Mn. ai N1s.J. WN l'anti Marjorie ut homo. Tkho fanraIî regula[e the bowoi3, but do nit purge. galions of thoemixure dtt puts troui Wilson. Rqev. alud Mns.Aitsxaier 'teck place Friday afteruooh to Bri-ht m Thyrsýr up1eai,, Il'y thmsi, ixtu ewi p0tudaof .Uuuo , W Iur of Hrdie, andi Mr. tsud Mm,.Arkiur Letto mWr' The Grwandest antrd Bemt Trip of the- Season. wil b te bsExcursion nu f itbhe Ch )e Fniends bto 'Kingston and Tliolland lslands Tliursday, Aug. 10 190 5. Special train service sud rates us follows: Timo Adulta Whltby Junetion 6.45 amni$ 2 55 Oshawa 6. Ci655 a M 2 50 Dalington 7 031 a m 2.40 lîoivianville 7 o9a mnil 5 N(3weastle 7.18 a ni Su0 Newtonville 7 88 a ini2la Port Hlope 7.4ý7 a [n 2.05 Cooug 8 0a mn1 9i7' Grafton 8.12 a ni 1 85 Coîborne 8 21amni1 75 Brighton 8 87 a m 1.70 Trenton 8 95.1ani 1 65 Ghlld $1.,30 1 25 1 2?» 1 20 Froni Kingatom throuigb the 1000 Is18 lands on the palatial steamer Caspian. Returning special trainiwilIlalove King- stoni at 5 p. ini.AUIltickets good toe - tura up te ant iniuluding August llth. This mukos oue o! the most pleasant outiu&La o! the season. CORNISHMEN' S PIONICO Tus STÂTErsMAýN gave ashort paragraph last week abot the first au- o e uaipicnic on July -22, at prospect Park, Osh. awa. of the Toronte C (Joniaheu's Associa.. ~ ~ tion,but wasthen unable to give the program oci sports and prize winners. Mr. Arthur J. Saundera, Sacretarv, -874 Osington Ave., Toronto, has since sent us the followlng report for publication: About 150 Cornishmen and members of their familles took advantage cf the delightful weather, and went by special train to Oshawa. Their numbers wvere augmented by brother Cornishmien froin Oshawa, Bowmanville and elsewhere and ail had a jolly good tume, Gýreat iuterest was taken in the sports, eapci- allv the wrestling meatch, whlch w-as soirethinoe nrew lu the ulne of ici sports. We nope in another year to be able tijarrange something m rore ea. Association, We take this oppor-tuu!tttý' o!f thanki, in ut1he name of the Associa.. extended, also Mr M. A. J'Iaes, kEditor oi STATESMAN, for PUbiiýshing thig lengthy program sund for papers sent ta our members.' Following- is the list of sports and winners of prizeýs ln order K meit : Men'a race, 200 yards-J. Curry, P. H. Thomas, N. Jones. Connlahmen'a sons unden 16, î75 y ard4 -B. Ham, W. Smith, C. Pellow. Sack race, Conniehmen, 75 yards-F. H.Thomas. - E~vans, - Rodda. Ladies' race, Cornishmen's wiyes, 75 yards-Mrs. Smith, Mrs. A.-Babcock, Mns. Ede. Girls' race, under 14, 75 yards-Nel!Ie Snell, Olive Ede, B, Rogers. Ladies' race, à56 yards-Miss Gis Mrs. Smith, Miss Ramn. Wrestling match, Cornish mon oai- J. W. Ham, Jos. Martin, J. M Basset. cThrowing 56 lb. weig-ht-Ârch, Bb cok, W. J. Ram, J. Faire. Coriuishmen's race, 10yrd-.H. Thomas, J. J. Barnes. Three-legged race-Miessrs Joues und Cheeseworth. Cornishmn's tug of-war, I0 member:5 vs, 10 outsidera-Outside Cot.nishmen., Married ladies' raCe, 75 yards--Mrb. Smith, Mrs. A. Babcock, tie-Mrs. Snell and Mrs Ede. Boys' race under 16, 100yar-B Ham, C. Pellow, W. Smith. Cornishmen's daughters, 75 sRar- Nellie Snell, Olive Ede, B. Rogers. Singing couteat, Corulhme--, Snell. Special prize for member selliug rmost tickets-J. W. Ham. Committee: R. A. Rogers, Presîdent, J. W. Cheesewortb, Chairman, . .& Saunders, Secnetary. F. Thomuas.T, Pezack, J. Thompson, Capt. Fugyler, B. Balson, F. Gist, I. Balson, RH. Parsons, J. W. Ham, John Penberthy, F. Eborail, R. Hosking, James Penber- thy, W. Snell, E. A. Tregaska.s F, Heawood, J. Ede. bs very often ac uIre though generailylînheit Bad hygiene, fouI air, impur water, are among Its causesâ Et la called 61"te son for, tûbercles,"Ol and whee i l aliowed to romlain tUberCU.ý lbsis or consumption pretty sure to take root#81 ;scrofula. Cet Hood's. lor tekhbouius ofwnoeé 11uid fIb book ensooI1., No. 1~ :=====;p= fg t

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