S !IL ,E8 01F IIEALTH AO BEUTY 11, a recent intýerview wi'tl Mrs. Lîly agtry, she Very wisely said: IllTeat that I believe in the superior force Of mmtd over niatter does flot blind me to the trLi m Gmý11t the foundation o f every succese f11 is good liealth; that the key- G1tone to pyil beauty is perfect physical "A icK wonuîan çauuot lie a beautiful woîua, inr caa she be anything bt what we EniglisL cali a poor-spirited woman. "oa great extent a waianls beauty la zlaýisred by lier vitality-by lier liealtb. "Wî,Simuaine, Exercise, Water and Soap, Plain, Nourishinig FoodLot:s 01f Piresli Air, and a illappy, Cnntented Spirit j~pg The Russian.s Madle But Little WAS AIE Bsy.Sglai, the Japanese landed at A dcspatclh frno ï,Toi says, It isiïMugatai, dislodg, d( the lusianis oninonni(c-d at-irmy hondqo'rtorsthat th 'reand yaptured 10,000 tons ni the'I~pnco fon Sgil.nIslo ale and soin,-,ra,,ilxay material. on tho ornofn July"24, xitliout w'-ro hundrod prisoners, gun carri- Inoting ieavy resistanc- froin t1he ages aiid ammruniion woro captured 1-ussio, coîmocrdla'ding in t1hoe, on Mond(ay. 1 Iiighborhood nf Alkova. eIe't. miles orisgin t wu une, ougOit tu have a copy oi aur free booklet on raafing-îlie riglit kind., Write for it. Dlealers -verywhere seM, r Wire dge" While this habit is bcin-g noquiroci, hwcrthe, bodv shuld o î4e- tlh Cli-J aninst i niicnos tobdrafts Thv s toa, eat in ru old watir. 1h mlcf v int(r tiin o-duces an axavto, and a moorate (fraft, need Fn 0e raid.-Youis Conipanion. IIJNS LIt TuE SICK lBooM-ý. An1 hin mor ditreussiug tO"a- a ýI>ndto teel 'trange-r. _~i2~ince theni Thave b'n -.' gtanafy rstoedtai baok cosytuItei1npro'i.nnt las been Il.,ehhg ade rfu1. 1 used ùin iforty lioxea aS 2 pri, e t 1 r'unýv~d ilto -"l.,ho e zi,,n&tir. ai1Dr. A. W. Chas, thefaraous te- lpt book ~ula-ar ('11erybo cou, jnst lie ii1) a darkeoued rool,, ~ wit ls. ys and try t,0 rest tlie brain. Stl'lio gae the. i);de ay brothr. 11 Ni 1thi tmo tny1h lod eir iog lc 11,)abu t ilier'." zernn, i te nîycnntin M- Se-ven Million boxe,,sol 1 ý'ý1 j man wflo comIplaineci that lie had STOTT &J1JltY, Sp$",_:IalAgnï Cw'es Grip ,Bro m in P9eso~~~ en at1 otz. Ti intr eL2c YOUNCI Verai Colins was hvn lier tenth irtdY party, aud -tlie ten girls and thc tear boy hd lcupll ing going to Jonalm h j l '( y said, "Ltshavo a gaine oi hide-anci- At once Harold Lliss bogan count- ing out witli "E na, Mena, Mona, MiLe!"and jesslie Groolier xas "il." -e can hide aniwhlieie in the house," Vra sain; and tlion aucli a scattering nf the-,nineteen chludron! COn Z T~n-o! oShut Eyes b Siep-octrs id No Goodl ËN ONE MONTH why IaQaiyVre V OU know hoxvtlie quality of tab'risf' h same patch illsomneimes va-y fonoedyt another. One'day sweet, compact, vweýl rîjiene, eI :1c4ored , richly flavored-next day uýt rbisclu,-oowg picking is soggy, sour, green, col--rsely-flvrd poor. 'rea, also, on account of its vpoatility of flavor, after picking and during the curitig process is very susceptible- to weather changes. A few hours of sunshine or bad weather aftcr picking may make the difference between fre ox