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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1905, p. 4

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Keep yolur Sonc Cjean, and $weet, Ai3 th' ý g 4 iýtaqit ds 111ï~ iments are the results of a gied disorderadi stornach l iways give- this iorant organ your careful attenùtion, if yOîùtf Stornach is J41ot RFight, M you ara 3i1ious-, A you atfe Cntptd at once purchase a bottie of Woif's Indlian Stomach -Ritters Reînedy lrom Nature. Pbiq inediire bas cured 1'undreds ùrothers an)d it m-111i cure you. Prlce 50e per lyottie or 5 bttfles for ?'- Ol% S'oe -sg xtý fr (entaflo, BODliKIIYMmYTCILL &C. Chemists, Druggists andOtiwn Phone 92. Bowmanville. EILE coming before the people of West Durhamn TV under a new titie we do not corne as strangers. We are proud to do-homage- to the county of_ our- birth, the one where our earlier school days were spent, and where we gained five years of vailtable experfence -itOaehhTgý-- Since-leaViflR Mt. Carswell at Xmas 1891., we haver Thor O)rgan and kPiano FactorY the lfte blood of Bowinanville. 'Se moto it ho Nowspaper publishera are making thiir papers too large and cumbersome. A paper in thrce or more sections is a nuisance. Lifo is too short for reading uuch big paperr. In spite of the huge. ness they uae small type anai set it aolid. thereby making readlnz a tiresome ordeal rather than a real ail-round p1ensure. lu Our opinion the Ottawa Free Press la the Most common-sense newepaper in this Province aEd it Io one of the boat and brigbtest editOrially.* What people really want in a aewspaper is the news served in short paragrapbe and the edîitorial page spicy, seasonable, pointed and reliable. Banish the dia- p1av headings too 1 A main heading and one sub-beading are enough for ordlnary use. SOUCH'S GRIST MILL la now open and prepared te dlo ail kinds of grain chopping. Wo solicit your patronage. S. SOUCH, 31-JBowmanville. D. 0. BOYS' EXCURSION. The excursion te Niagara Falls on civic holïday under auspices of Toronto Durham Old Boys' Association was at- tended-by -oveër-500ersons-and-wasa gratifying success We cannot report fur- ter in this-issue,- but-next woek-will irive fuller -nart-iculars--and comments, CY von TIIL OUNTRY TO irbairn has resi.gned anager of the Torreozi Leo Pîoishman & Co, ro to the big cotton rniit. near Peditepnf to I orrfaon tu take charge o utheu rncto-y here, and Miss Ethel Alcoru, oi this city will bave charge of the office. The mnany friends of Mr. Fairbairu willl regret te know that h ha decided te louve Torreon Hoe bas beon with the1 Torreon bouse of Loo Fleisbman & On. for three years. During that time the steady growth oethe business ha nocessltated a rnoving of quartera three time4., Under the management of Mr. Fairbairu the business bis shown a large and gratif3ýing increaso. Mr. Fuirbairn's successor is a thorough ex-P poi t ln bis lino, and Weil capacitated te 1111 the vacancv. Miss Alcor ha been ln the office bore for somo time, and la thoroughly competent te assume charge of itsafaflairs in a creditable man- ner. Boforo leavlng for this new place of residence Mr Fleishman and ho are taking a holiday coroabining ploasuro with bus3iness, s-ponfing a f ew duvs at mininig propoirtiee in the state of Dur- ange, ln which theyý are interoated. Tho Monoetarv News of July 28rd statea that Mr. Lmo. Fleisbman and Mr T. M. FuIrbairn have just returned frem a trip te their mines in the Nazas river eountry. Thoy brougbt back some fine specimouas of ores and froma essaya muade thoy are found to contain a large porcontage of copper. Tho copper ore taken from the6 silver shows the same gratify in- resuits froru the essaya whichý have beon made by exporta. Somo weilldefined stratas from four -te -five foot acroFs have beeu located on the over a quarter o! a mile. The work o! deolopi.gtho property-la bing-pushed- and the resuits of past efforts have boon Sê.umm er Stoclks On the Move WHITlE DOTTED MUSLINS Se PEU YD. 500 yards of White Dotted Musijus good value at 124e and 150 yardotp sae this week, per yard ...................... . .8c SHIRT WAIST SALE They ail must inove out at onee-the musln ones in white or black, the print kinds and the balance of shirt waist wash saits. Prico Movers: $1,50 Kinds Sale Price............* .7 5 1.75 " " "1.00, 2,25 " "1.50 3.00 ' '.................2.00 3.50 ta..................2.50 .75- ai4t.......................60 BARGAINS FOR MEN 25c, 35e and, SOc Men's Fane3y Sox about three doz. Pr. in the lot your plek per pr ........... .............. 1c 2bc. and 35c. Men's JFine Braes take your choieper pr ..............1e Latet Shapes In W.G. & R. Collar. SUMMER OLOTHING

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