T Grand Trunk Railwav Svste*n. M tAILWÂY TIME TABLE. BOWx.ANVILu.mSTATION. GOINe VÂST. 0o130 WEST Mail....«..9 03A.M. 1Exerei . 5.02 a. mý iltzreu 110w Loa....7 57" Mxd....à.. 889 p.m. p aegr.i36 P. m. if.i ...... 6491p.. IMxd...7 Express ...' 1'.40 p.m, Sndonly,l ~Tckets to eertý! point s sld in eod~c % iths spcal hoiday rates annoueedfii anotheÉr ollnmn wlliiiot bc honored on traii Nos, 1 or STo!,rr & JuRv. Town Agents Fitting 1s a Soienoe It requires skill that cornes, only af ter years of study and ex- perience, N Wlien you purchase Spectacles 1;/at our stores y ou get three distinct advantages: ist. An Optical Parlor-special- ly equipped with the~ rost accurate instrumnents known to the' Optical Poession. 2nd The experience of on.e of "e det (>piin ii Otalo $rd These ad.vantages are free of ail cost to you and if yen re- quire Spectacles you get them at the lowes-p~ossble price. Stot Jry, Di uggists & Opticians, One Applieatioln of Our Strietly -PURE- Drist&Otca. in the yo e on aes B O uar prile' 25 ivic oiday Julfr y10Q 3st &%dtak i & h ur- ~ Nia gras Fa& Routcnd. Tea Brownie nr W îllgi y u hen p et fuand rnany es frmc Hoia you l b ableto reail thke iny hesart hcone aud incid.E s io ~ n tricp ownie No.8, RailO No2 Tootot t & Jury,. The Drow t n pian ale Aurecl th lnOuantvlle.sD Ties uperlenitrof Dr. fPgches'eack.. "ulse-iduey Tablets ovor ether forSmaet #Mâstaient la due te the fect that they ame r6 prescripion of Dr. Zna Pitcher, the msous peclahlu-we used auccesafnlly *ad teted in p 'vat* practice b>' hlm focf mAny year9 befone they wcre given t'a the publ ~at large. The>' Centain expensive speciflc lugirredle net lfuud iluauy other Kldney remedy. LItej any wonsler, thes, *& hatbb> cure lumîbago, diabete, gravel, 13right'e disease, unlc acld in the blood, rhnîîmatisrn, neuralgZia. drope>', imitabiity of the bla4den, aud Kldney trouble of old sul ad chldren when ether remedie Rosi what Mm. W, Martin, Orange. Vi.,Ont-, bas t.Ytou>lr Saine tins &go 1I ha&sgood deal of trouble with my back, dote a cold that setthed inthe Kldneyu.1 1 %va i t tnlbWS W1 ý4* IU.8 U M..a ài B0WMANVlLL, &UG. 2, 1905. Mise Ida Richarde is viaiting fricnds in Toronto. Mr. Samn. egunî Lindsay, visited ~fiends bor e ftlY. Miss Arvil1ap . Cox la viaiting 'Miss Agues Convto, Caour.ig. Miss Olive MeColl, Toronto, visited ai Mn. Herbent Fietcher's. Miss Eliza Joncess la guf38 t obler ibrotber, Mr. Harny Jonces.ý M iss Edua Strutt, Reebester, N. Y., !E vitiing Mies Mabel Robbins. Mr. John Curnie. Oshawa. gave TH-E STÂTEsMANa fnieudly eail Friday. Misa Emma Chambers. Lindsay, le vlalting hien cousin, Mm@. Chas. Richards. Mn. John Sando, WasbbunIsland, visited Mr. John Morris, Beach Avenue. Mies Rhea Manning la visiting lu ýNapauco, guest of honr cousin Mnrd. W. Daly. 1Mn Chas. W. Nunu sud Mn. WiIi E. Gould, Coibonne, visite dl friande here Saiurday Mn. P. F. Ewan. Toronto, the well- know n'magazine wniter, itas lu towu last week. Mr. sud Mme. J.L-. Mason, Daveupont, la., are visitiug bis mothen, Mrs. S. Mason, or. Mre D. T. Monnis wcnt te Gait, Sat- unday morntng te vieitliber mother wbo la vcry fil. Mns Erie Carnington sud sou Wcir, Montreal, are viaiting ber f att or Capt. James Wigbt. Head wbai Rev. -Charles Wagner sa% son "Tito kinds oet devotion" ou another page. M1iss Coralie Adair la visiting friande iu Port Hope. Mrs. L Simpeon, Teronto, la spcnd- -lng- afew -weeks -lu -townï atok3,ng -ait Mrs, J. Neada'. Master enamero n Phiip, Coiberne, bas been visitIug Master Alec Lyle sud othe frinsina utown Mra E Petere, Pneecott, Iowa, la Via- iting- ber brother, Mn. S Poaten, attenl an Nbeuçeot124 years. MIrs. Mary Nunu sud Mns. D. P. Kane sud dsugbter bave rciurued frein s1 pîcasaut visit te Coilborue.i Miss Kate Stewart, Winnipeg, Man., sud Miss Ells Stewart, Toronto, are guesta et Mise Millie Mason. Mrs. W.J.Humphrey itas inqCa.mbray st week aiiendiug the'funerai oetlber graudmotber, Mrs. Editard Rtiches. Mra. John Boll sud Misa Vers Lawrie,Wbitbv,and Mme. Dsvey. Orono, itere neceut gucatsoet Mns. JLN Lawrîe. Heu. Edwand Blake arrived st week trom Eugland by the steamer Canada sud is atayiug with hie tamily at MoLle, Que. Miss M. Treleven, Stratton, Eng- land wbo, bas beeu vialting bier brother Mr. Rtobt. Trevolcu, la visitiug, Mme. Stumm, Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Miller sud Miss Leona Miller, Syracuse, N. Y., sud Mn Bd. Johnson, Tornto. are visitiug at Mn, James Johuson's, Chunch ai Rev. C. S Reddiek is euppi.viug for 11ev. J. G . Lewis eto the Methodisi chqtmcb, Cobourg, while the latter le bel- ida% ing lu Nontheru Ontario. Dôn't mies reading the recipes ou suother page. You will flnd somethiug good.o teaestasd drink,, basides mauy useful hînia for housekeepers., The 12 year old son et Mn. Wm. Corner, west et Brookliu, was killed by the herse ruuuiug away sud the bey being ibrowitu ofe the wagon. Mn sud Mrs. John Harvey sud Mr. sud Mme Gao. Harvey sud ltile dangb ber ofEst Liverpool, Ohio, are gueste et Mn. sud Mrs. Michael Loekhart. Mna. Kesuer. wife et Prof. Edgar Kesuer, Supeninteudent et Schools, Salida, Colorado. bas been visitiug lber cousin, Mra M. A. James, Lorne, Villa. An epportnnity for a deligbttul triv te Thousaud isianda willho given yen on Augusu 10. Sec adtivluanother columu Information sud tickets ai Grand Truuk office. Mn. E. R. Bounsaîl et Beunaal's Marble Wonka, wasata Linden Valley necently placiug a monument lu Eden cemeteny. W-bile there bie wae gueýsi et Mn. Alei. âMeKay. Mn SamauelHughes, Grand View, Man., wribing te THE STATESMAN Says; '«I hiave livet in Manitoba fitteen yeans sud have neyer seenu-botter prospects o-f s bumper erop. Quarter sections (160 acres) o! wbeat fnom 4 te 5 fateetnlueigbt is a eommen sigbt. If auv Durbamite doubla me lot tbem corne oui sud see. George Convoy, a wealthy bachelor farmnen, living tour miles ûortit et G'Ibert Plains, Man , recently commit- ted suicide by oeting himscit witb a rifle. R1e bad beau living alene for aome vearesuad was deapoudent ou PERMANENT CURE FOI R BtNoLtTS.- hoad.che "SI"Mv second dauiigbten was troule 1 tart.-d tawking Dr. Pitche-r's akee1________________ with b)roriehitis frein theagaeolofilrea IOl4&ey Tabletie,-sud b>' the Emu1rn d e4I p oks. Oittnti-inea1I lhouzibt ae wonid ued one btÈ*ti.th backache, headache choke te deaih. Dr, Chase'as 1'ymup of and feelingà of eiulainshad ail dise-p. A G.UARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Liuseed and Turpentino bnougbt ne- POAs'e.r gcousldktr the Tabletzi & geod Itclug, Blind, leouilig or Protrui î P les t, srud fcue i straieisrude a modicine.' * Dmngg>is'ts refuâ! moue y if PA ZO MN O I -1,lTTtougcue Thatobe dl Dr. Pitcla.r'u ackache-Kidney Taje»faits bo cure a.uy case, un niaitt(ro1,( hn a corne back frein urne te ttrne, but the w e c. a bcottleo oi ocItecotQsadinig t t 4 as.Frs ppiation ur 6 nwpermianent.- MRS.Rî- it send Sc lu stampe ana ilitîli 1e forwardi ~~.~* db~diagg staer y man, it eil oss a re Socif yo, ur drn1ist a 't dMAND WrnwSBAQIE Hat .'.~.@~A poi-albyFaxts oe iuQr, gt. Liuls1 Mo CO, N, S. NElholis sehi cbeap. Buggies for sale. See advt. iair plus le. a buuch ai Nicholsa'. Miss Panny Walbrldge la bolidayiug ai Kew Beachý Miss Margaret CKimie rccently vîsited 1fionds ln Coiborne. 4 John Walls Smith, Burear, of tbe Co bourg AMylin la dead. Miss Blanche Todd, Uxbrid4ge, h vietiug iMiss Jean Ted. liler's Griî) Powders Cure. Sold by rBleut & Jury, drnggiata. Mrs. Isaac Jeiteli, Brantford, is neg fnewiug acqualutanees bore. Mr.Arthur W. Kennedy, Oshrawa, 5visited frieuds bore recently. Mis Marguerite Lowmey, Qucenaiopi, la viitiug Mise garrie Hawkins Mn S. H. Reynoldsansd d.%ughter Evaspout Sunday ln Motreal. 79 oniv, blouse sets, rogular ibetm., sale prices5cta a set ai Nichol la'. Mies Ponfond la campng witb Mme. A. C. Elliott at Plue Point. Sengog. Mr, Orvilie W. Bond,, Oshawa, la vis- itiug hie cousin, Mr. George W.- James. Misses Ethel sud Edua King vlaited Col. aud Mme. H. A. Ward, Pont Hope, receutly. Mn. sud Mme. W. H. Williams visited hie sisier Mrs Sainsbuny, Pont Hope, last week., Mr. Chas. McClung, Spokane.. Wash- ingten. le vieting bis mother Mns. W. Mcclung. 11 Bey. Vernon H. Emory sud, family are ho'tidayiug dnniug August ai Si. Catharines. Mr. sud Mna Editard Mayer sud cbild, Bnuffaloý N. Y, are vleîtîuig Mn, M. Mayrer, Mies Gertrude Haltacre, Tyrone, bas been vlsitlug ber cousin, Myna Aldi. wortb, Oshawta. The ver y latest in Weiug statieti- -eny sud-Weddincr cake- boxes- ai Tn STATESMAN office. Meibodisi Epwortb League pienie ai the lako ibis (Wcduesday) aftoruoon. Ail yonng peopleof etbochnneb are invlted. Mr. sud Mme. Fred, Rutherford, Buffalo, N. Y., bave beourguesta et- Mr. Thos. Binghiam ai Uncle Tom's Cablu,, Port Bowmanvil. Mns W. J. McMurtry sud Misses Edua sud Helen bave netunud te thein boen uGali alter s pleseani viil witb Mr. T. J. MeMurbny. Mn. sud Mme. T. A. Wright, Black- stock, sud Mr. sud Mrs. T. F. Wright, St, Catharines. bave been guesis et Mr, W. A. Wright, Mauvons Road. -Norman 11i1, the 14 yean old sou et Sol Hill,. Wbitby, fell everboard from the Argyle Frida>' uigbi ithen ou the mouligbi excursion frein Oshawta. 1ev. W. Jelliffe itili preach lu the Methedisi cbureb nexi Snnday memiug sud 1ev. Dr. Haro, Principal et Outario Ladies' Coîhege, Whitby,lun the evenlng. Hello! have yen beard that M Maver bas s large stock ot hate,eaps and gents' turniainge, be "ys' Scotch caps, tam-e- ahanions, in the veny latesi stylo? Cal and soc thora. Mme. Fred Philp sud daughter, Editb, aecopauid b> Misa Helen Mtchell, et owanileare spending a tew- weeks ati sland Home, ou the Lakec abr.Ulon Express. Are yen snfferlng fnomn indigestion, asickuess alter esting or duil pains lu yeour stomacb? Yen eau easily be cnmed il -yen take Vite Toute, Natnre'a rem- edy, composed et herbe, barks sud truite. R. M. Mitchell & Ce., druggiats, keep ih lu stock. Peterbore sud Bowmianville Lacresse teame pîsved bore Wedneaday, the vie- llera beiug vietonlous lu a score et, 6 8. Mr. Tuer, PortHope, retereesi the game. This gives Petemboro the Distriet cbam- plonobip, sud witb their beat teani play- log junior lacroase ibe>' sbould make a big bld ton the Ontario junior, cobampionabip Net long atzoe a man itue was alwaya cross sud tined arrived home smiing jovtully; 1e expiained te bis doigbbed wife that bis liver trouble was eured ai hast thneugh Vile Laxative Fruit Pilla. R. M. Mitchell & Co., druggials. _keepe tbem lu stock; pnice 25 coula, Aften Adji. Scott sud Capt. Siekîe loti thei beadilaanlrs seme cvii disposod person (ou July 19) eniemod the gardon et the Salvation Armv people sud eut do wu a lot et comu sud potatees lu tull blosaom and eomritled other depreda- tiens of s diagraceful character. Auy information et dopredators wil be tbankfnl1ly receiyed. Address Box -96, P. O. The annual Snnday Seheol picnie of Trinits eburcb beld in Jackman's Plaie Tbursday- afttrnoen itae a deeided succeas, the weathen beiug favorable sud a good aitendance present. Iu the boot sud sbon race 1er the primany ciss the wiuuoera woro Clilton Spry, Hazel .,- 1 1411 hh Cone in fD&m i;t-i ucit occdtiped by Me8e8.. Flutofi, to roui. Fsull posýsessiOnou 0)tS',April -sext. Posses ion te TO CUE A ûm »b in fthle upenaianner afir hervest Ibis Ap1-Ylyta MRs. ilIGAN, OShita, or ta the 'laime LAXATIVE LItOMO QUEIXIE tehiets - idersignd hrlcitor bereiu, AIsdog emrfuud the moey Y it tajis tOcure, ed24hJuy10. ý F. , troe'sginow ý Ge qacebo, M, 1-2w C. A, jwio, s, .we, Ont. I - Mr. Wm. Cale, To ronto, le bolidaylu1 at homne. Mise Mildred Qtalck, rToronto, le home for holidaye. Mr. A.Jloney. Terouto, was in towu Modday.. , Mr. Ww-, Preelandý, Toronto, wa8 borna ovr Suin4ay. Mr Rbt.&icair bas roturued freina striip to Britishi Columbia. Millel9s Grip Powders Cure. Sold bN rStott & J ury, êruegsts. Miss Winuie, Morris has returned froin visiting frieuds ini Toroi4o. Miss Ida Weekes, Toronto, la viHiting her sister and brothers bore. Miss Petera, Norwood, is visltlng ber sister Mrs. R. D. Davidsou. Misa Horuibreek, Toronto, viaited ber mother and brother tiHi weok, Mrs. (Dr.) R. Young snd daugbter Miss Margaret Young left Tuesday for Pailely. Mr, A. F. Cox assisted the Port Hlope Baud with Lheir concert last Wcduesday avaning. Mr. sud Mrs, R. Worth are viiting relatives in Winnipeg sud other weeu- conu peints, Master Franklin Sharpe, Orono, le viaittng bis unesle, Mn. Win. Barrie, 1Scugog st. Mr- Harry Wonkman bas returued from a two wcelks' vîslit witui frionda lu Sand Point. Miss Mabel Borland lIL Monday to viait ber uncle Mr. Robert Borland lu Caribou, B. C. Rev. Cbas. T. Paut, Hiram Colle ge, Hinain, Obio, bas been vifiting his mother sud sisters. Mns. John Bath, Whitby, and tbe Misses Nevin, Walkervilie, bave been guesta et Mr. Isaae Tabb, Mr. sud Mra. J. R. Plukile, Mre. Weg.. ton,,NMr. sud NMrs . Jam~es Johnson sud tamily aud Mr. Julo Roenigk attendcd Belleville Old Boys' Rc4Jnion last week- and report a grand celebration. 500 pins for àets. at Nieoe' Try s '«Hlawtha" ai Thos Tod'e. 12 collar buttons for 5e. at Nicholle', Souvenir Post Carda le. eacb at Nicholis'. Geo5 Smith makes geod photossund prices are, rigbt. Send STATEmsuAN to frienda, Oniy 25 cents te, Jauuany 1, 1906 G. B. Chocolates "The flucat lu the Lau' a tulll hue just anived at Thos Tod's. Combae! Combe! Our owu Importat- ion "Nicholis' Speeîal" big comb, euly 10 cents. Trv a dozen German Dougbuuts, 10e per dozen at Thos Tod's, Tbey arc doudcous. Tny some ef the ucw linos of cakes at Thos Tod'a, MagnolIa sud Aloxaudria 15c. eaeh. AIl kinds 'et Summer Goods at re. duced pnices at Coueh, Jobuaston & Cny- demman 's. Meu's unined coats sud paute at re- dueed prices te dlean at C-oucb, Jehueton & Cryderman 's. An Ice Cresm Soda drswn from Thes Tod's Soda feuntain la a cooýliug drink tnese bot daya, aiments are quiokly meýliee4 by C<resolena tabiets. ton cents per box. AU dxrglto Be sure and sec Qeo. Smith-'a ncw photo mounts. The n60w whitei Tor- schon je s beauty. Studio Sj'ATESAMAN Block. Weekly Globe sud Canada Fariner sud THE STÂ&TEsmAN te ucit sub6cribers only 60 cents to end et 1905. Ordor to-day. Are you aendiug your absent sou or daugbter TiiE SATESML&N? If not,wby 1 It lan au terestiug lotter froin orne ovcry week. The aunual sale et Summer Geoda uow geing on at Coucb, Jobua3ton & Cryderman's. Don't bako durng tho bot iteathor but get your supply et bread, huns sud tancy cakes at Thos, Tod's. -Lîfebuoy Se--iînetn-s trou gîy recommended by the medical profession sas IL 8afeguard ageinst infections diseaues.. FuEsît FisH-We wil bave a varicty et Fresb Fish every Tbunsday anti Fnidety. They are tasty, leave your enders eanly. T. H. Knight. See tbe levely lot et Gingliama sud mualina fer 8e., -10t., 1e Some of tbem arc worth double the maoney, at Couch, Jobuston I& Crydormau's. -The coiored illustrations lu the Auguat Canadian Magazine are f uIly equal te auythiug wie h tIbis enterpnis. ing publication bas previously pnoduced The coloured reproduction ef Mn. Bnidens dawig l pcaly god, sud l8lapeasautteknewtht bovth d ra i ug s ud t h e la tes w er e , M a d e lu exc ptinaly eoi, uee y sborr la coutes l tis ou try. nU A letter -waq received yesterdav from Tyrongecontfiiningsl butue namegriven We de net know whom te credit.- Ed. C. S. FÀLL FAIR -ROTES, Girls, can't you make butte3r? Last year there was only.eue entrv, by a girl under 16. This la net erodîtabie te the fariners' daugliters ef West Durham. We should have 100 entries at least. Al girls are eligible ti) complete whose father, brother or employer ia a member of the Society. Corne, girls, do take ai band at butter-making and mnake an exhibit this year. Have you sent TUjE STATEýSMAN te oyur absent friend? Do it now. ISept. First fwill open the forty-dixti. yeir cf success, in business training by the 3TILH M EA Whaýtt a record of 8ucc"sý Thie courses cf Shorthaud, 'rypewrÏiand BIock-f kejepiug tare llrst ca.ourganae do0 well alwaLys. New atloueready Ic0w.' R1uaistaIl hcw mally caîl or wr ite for it. R. A. FARQuIIAR$oN, B . until Y.M.C.A. Bldgs, Toronto(,Cad, IMEWSTMfBOAT AGENT. M. A. James b'as accepted an ageney ler the LaRke Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co_. Limrited, whose boate the «Northi King" and the "Caspian" riln dàilv except Sunday IBetween Port Hope and C!obourz and Rochester. and from Rcetr .Y., to Bay of Quinte and 101)0 Islands. Time table is in an- other columu, These,4teamers erossing Lake Ontario land at Summierville, N. Y., (port of ]Rochester) connecting wh Rochester Railway Co., for &il parts of the city, including 81ation ef'tLihigh V Ie~Buffalo, ILochiester and Pitts- burg, Erie, Penusylvania and New York Central Railways. For anv information about this popular route- and tickets cali at T-n STATESMAN OffiCe. Annually, to filh ew psiionscreat ý by Rialirqd and Teleg'apbhCampntes. e want YOU~NGME and LADI ES cf goode babitý to Learn Telegraphy 1 And R. R. Accounting We furnish 75 per cent, of the Opera1tors and Station AgeLts ln Amenica. Our six sehools are the largest exclusive Telegrapih Schools IN Tint WORLD. Established 2u years and eudorsed by al ieading Railway 'we execitea $250o Bond ta every studevt ta f urni8h hlm or ber a position pa1Yi9 framn J4,) t)o66o a month Iu Stateseast cf tbeRaocky Mon uiteins. or from $75 ta $100 a, month ini ftates weýst of the Rocheps, immeodiately up, o1 n raduation. tions. For fuît patrtiulmarsrega1rdtug Luy cf or Suhios write direc't tqour 0exeentivie The Mlorse School of Telegraphy, incin a tti, Ohio.fBu ff al o.N. 'f. Atlanta. Ga. Lactosse, Wfls. Texarkanai Tex. San Francisco, Cal, 28-11w. 'Ciawk's Lusuh Tugue-jnicy and delicioualy cool sprcsd btwecen two pies et hin bread well buttered-it makes a tasty morsel. Try a Fruit Sundae at Thos Tod' S. Souvenir China, lovely goodes ati Nieholila.1 Buy your -Peultr supplies ait P. Murdoch., Fur rcpuiring uow on at Mayer's Fur store, Bowmauville. New weddlug cake boXes-lov0iy one -at STATESMAN Oflbce. ------ Biood meal. Meat mekt, Oyster ablli, Mica grit, at P. Murdoch's. Try Lowney's celebrated lmported Chocola tee at D. Luttrell'si. T. H. Kulght will psy higheet cash pnices for ail kinds ef produce. Two posems lu this issue are real gema -,8,vympathy" and 'Why do yen wait iý '1 Pratt's Poultry Food,. Pratt's Stock Food, Ppatt's Lice PoWder nt P. Mur. doeh's. M A. James le Goverument Issuer of Marriage Licenses fer Durham Countv. You eau buy a New Lincoln fountain peu at STATESMAN office foer $1.25. It la equai te other $2.50 kinds AN OPPORTUNITY For a deliglittul trip te Thousaîid Islands will be givcu on Auguat lth, wbeu a apecial redueed rate excursion will be mun Pull information aud tickets at Grand Truuk Ticket Offices Top Prices for Butter and Eggs .' T. H. Kulght-wauts your butter and eggs, farmere. Very top prices wil ho paid. Den't hesitate te bing ni, ,our fartu produce lu the provision line-be eau takes ail at best prices. H1e bas undertaken Le supply a firl M ontreal and cau baudle a ton ef butter a week aud 1000 doz. eggs. He wants vour produce and will paj cash or trade. Cal te sec bim about it. STEADILY ADVERTISED). MCCLARY'S "PANDORA" A HOUSuEi.OL WORD'lU ALL CANADA. MeClary Mauufacturing Ce , London, ont.. start their fail advertisiug in this issue, and arc agaîu specializiug on their Paudora jKauge, vractically a new range, baviug been firat placed on the market about three searA ago During that trne its makera have advertîaed lu the best wcckiy papers te a vcry large extent, with the result tbat the Pandera le well known, fromn eue eud,. o! -Canada to the ether. The advertisïing. e ourse >bas been backed up b)v a hîgbcelaas, modem article. The present seriies e1 ada explain a few o! the leadhrng virtues of the Pandora range, and doubtiess every woma n wanting a .-oed stevv ill examine this fam-ous range before buy- lug. J B. Martyn is sole agent ini Beowmanville. Itead the advertîaemient ouÀ another page. Q HAWL FOUND iu Bowmaulville. "J Owuer mey have sarne by proving2ro- C uty and paying expeuses. Appiy et THE fA-.TESMÂN a0l(c, s1i f G11RL WANTE-D-Strong, capable gzirl, for general house work, ta go to To- ronto, ons or abojut Auiguet 21. Apply ta Mrs. A. N. hlMIIcI, Cane, of Dr. W. E. Tilley, Boit. ma"nville o.he-lake.8.w WooI Wan&%tcdl ~F¶H Undrsined is prepared te pay A. the higest Taranto price iu cash for ula- wa-shed itoal frec fro'xtage. Alseehigýhest l ie for washed fieece, ,lelivered ýat the Cern. rau Waolen Mille, Hampta. D TAYLOR. 5-GmlPraprietor. FARM 70P. SALE-Oviug to Mi and to offer for-sale rny good frmbe[ug the ucoutb I0f loi 14, Concession 2. Clarke Townu- eltlp coutaininlZ110 acres, more or les. The farm iswell sltuated ou the Kinegst4n Rond betiteen Niewfttouville iiiandNwete nd cou- veulenut to-scbool, Post otlice aud chuurehes lu eacb village, sud bas good b)uildinigs wtth bernas ou stone wiaals. and sa lîu eneath, ai1qo e gaod silo The souia L;goGcl cay loain and iml iteli itiereti and is aidalpied for iher dalr(yingý or grain groýwigPat ftepraemoy niay reimain on myortgalge ai a 10w rie cf linterest. Fogigpseso Iv iis rfel anid fulpeslo.i neMinp1-g. Fur fui7ther oatclr nin f CuIÂRLEs A. COUL'II, oui preucteOSor to 0ceter 25-f to lIr. and Mrs LùWis T. Pam(!oe, a daugbter. FÂscN-A CearsdeDarliu&rton. juiy 2Sryd to Mer. RA dmm. H. f, Fa.eoe, a (daughiter, DNON-WXII,.N.ItlClarke, JuIy 2nth t)by Rey. J. W. Bupuecr, Mr. Mni. Dixoa n iss Mabel Wakelini, bath of Carke. BUTLER-WÂ,AMO)RE,-Il Crurtilce, JUly 218t, Hobt. W. Butler and MlsMary E, Watilore. bath of Toledo, Ohio~, O'cOiNx0SW RIU1Y-On ilJuy 218t zat St. 11amil's ghurcb, Toroto, lb Rev. 'ather Kelly, Lea. P'Ccnior aifld EmilSoeryTuruxito. both formeriy of Oshawa. War.soNî-Iii Port Hlope, July 26th, Melimsa Ann Muruey. Ùeloved wi(e 01 George Wilson,' J. P> , Publisher of The G Pde ort Hope. EDmmJoN-1I Brighbton, July 26th, liev. T, J. Edisfon, B. A,, B. i),, tu hbi 6th yeatr. Coucri-In Port Ferry. July 18th, Mrm. IMenry Oouch. aged U years, formerly of Oowanville. QUANTRILL-111 LOUdon, JUly l7tb. MI . Quantnill, aged U5 yea.ys, formerly of Kendal. DuwÂA-.4 t the reildence o4 ber o.nlw Major Bagurant, Veron, Itatly, Julv 5, Aunie Dewar, rouiet cf the late Dr. -John Forresi De- war cf Fart IHope. Hlm"alts-Ini Oshawa. July 22mî, MiriAm A. only chili of Mr. Edwin MIHeu-y, agtd 8 yearu BAL-Fu Oshawa, JuRiy 26, Marlon Uleanor, onfly child cf 1Mr. and Mre. Arthur Baie. CLINTN-111 lonobsa, HawiÏI lâDadi, , JUn 30, Fredierlck S. Clinton, only sont 0f Mro, S. GatesBoWmanv lie' aged 49 yearq. e A PES"PPECoT These Are A .Few of othe I UMMER BARGINS RLkERT IJYERS. A npi rrt og- zw 0 o1ýcy o 0y Silk Waisti in Black or WhIite, regular $2.50 to j$2.00 for 7 1U ETwo pieces only, White and Bla&k Lawn wt ESatin. stripe-,wýorth 20c yd for 9e yd. ETorchon Lace insertions worth from 6c te 10e E yd, chance for -3o yd. E Ladies' Taller made Skirts regular $2.25 to $ e:.7 -s 8for Ladies' and Misses Corset Girdies, reg. 50o pr for 38 Ladies' Shirt Wýaiat Suits, a few icI t at leis thaL E coBt of mnfcues E Ladses' Muaslin, Lustre, 511k, Satin and Print Blouses at Ladies', Misses and Children's- Straw flats to cdear at Ecest pnie. Summer Dress Goods of every kind at bargain prie*. E Men's and Boys Suits at 25 per cent off regular prices. Eagin l ieuse in every department, that-Î E il Barga1ns i v er tite Gfrocers' due bills takren as cash,I z. W. M'Cn&SoI ENext Deor toe Sandard fak Bo,.wmaniyille. TQN TO RE1NTS Ahsoluitly Pure -9 lSNOSUBTIYT igiving the party- an opportulty t ii pointe of lutercat. The excursiona reauhed Bowxanville asunt 1 p. m, m 1 1, A MA T TEà 147 OF MEZ, L rffi