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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1905, p. 6

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Graduate off the lRyal College off De"ntal Surgeons, Ontario. Newcastle and Bommanville Tc Toro nto. Sr icel Éeffect May 23 antiusern misa ni Friuiay aiter that date. Leý asing Nj!a)t at 6 80 a.,te, Bowmanvil 7. 10 sm ,0sawa at8a, in rrt'n ai Toronto ai 11.15 alm lire: Newcaîstle 75e Bowianý lville 70e Retunin levesTorntoat.5 P. M. Tickets rmay le extendeti-for the 1eso1pon applicaption to the puu-suau andi pa-menr-iýf 35u addilona Frelght Eiited sud handiai prompt Iy ianti cnrefully. Masor stateroýom accentmodation ai tanalerates Forfrteinrmtn apply te HL CANN, Aet.--Bo iunan ville IN.3TRUCTIVE "Correr-ct Englisli= HÎToW to use it". A MONTHLY MAGAltiE ui sVTeD ,TO THE LTSE 0()P iNGLI If. JYo.ephtne Turck IBaker', ]id:tr. Partial Contents for this Mnth Conrse in Eîîgish fer tfIe negicner. cursýe in Eigisbfor the Alv.s'î.cei Pupil. The At off Cias'eieuit>oý;. Profnniaiens (eul;*oto iFlocany) ci reat Engl! >'in th fe cerne. CareiELisi lîl the Select Wlil.t ho Saýy s'i Netife S.iy, Ccuuae le ettarWi ifi~g ati Putmli . Alultuate 1sf f îbrxlatiu Busiess uugisi fr lii luusiîe erSc Cepat crti:H,, a~ruoTe Stcdeu ii Enîuîl Litt tuuAe ý ish it inside andoliti. Tihe toitai biut Dot Up against it. lm- C]. acreca."" 7cost, iwuIll te digginur, the Zouri-niîeditclýcote . gthehorsbor, "The latcrs ifoeciouded a;-nd hisI'110ilssanshrugged bis' should- (lafli n iai,(i ilabor d n ýotet ceed 1isordow ratitunip -,eil 0V lipscpes i i he, la a hard, dry! criad w as silent. ~ i u etrot ~c~îc, i naMaa tielx(Vs jbracateoVîchesid t 5sua Isahrco-asaDON 11- FIE A D T H 1 S, iï IMP 1'r.AN PI NT ."hLJpnse nav s cnra h a p ceInsuc il liiog, bus;tc Rs-Atth Tlheo are ibut tw o doors ina he in kept upiia1 furlaus but inoefec- - lfrst 18 fe't. 1 4ose arc 2,1x32 iL iuýrmn, io- net !at ail. Peaecon- thueflre, as, aithough she socdU b L e ~i L eled ta 2 feet, 2 ljch£s by 3 fe 2 rFetI, Intlihm ht nnt as apparent, There wnn delib- insittetht rnaurî_1s I 3 aeUHI'y olents tail 1)0rr cap- Lverati itsn no frosuitant d ilasg inhso'tsi leneasureirrnt. Irefse a -1np0- hera- craionta er ire ItserJ das ar iildac nit teiMy charge ilaogtathe Ii inthough ber gunniiers reasooed thlat binedandswng nt thmslo GornentL, an11I l"re elxilc1-0a 'Il-the l'aster they flrgd, the greaher 111e dor franues are mandeo of 2-lich oale tlion the ýcoi. O their chinces of hitting. 'Ibis nade W are stili handling Lest Braîids Cm nadian henueck ariarr lahes snaller eIIIIIJ ieutQnnotrepetetihls re-tit vcry unncamfortable for UicBrjitish cach way out.54dec than inside. This IIIr about c(lltrri-,Ii t(I. ship, andi such Cnlctas ia emnsaUihCou Rbed Cedar and other good aloxs the heveicti doar to lit an the -Ecuse nue, lbut ma. nils trelot Dmoreunscrupuiens than the captaun N rnsCd adPeShglPiean-Fcuok franie tiBrandsaCddwrn thdiline ShitgleadiPineMae lernloek frn tghlvani xhn ~slo0istrnte h t' conrb Il etrdîl XfiChad believedti pos:sible.Lmb Drsean UdesdDur ahLiis -'- f lied ithey are firniiy la place. We rnt~ u and 1 irm lalyiyhlA irefi ng 'Heolorerti th" passeogers t e,(Iow, Cme, Dee ndUbeseD)r, Ss.Bi have hati mo diffculty with these With Mi-o-na. and K%-eep te give iup noy t'rt:'fiti'e" di ever3otie i the bridge,,. !t a and McIuiding, doars. ilo bis lacateti in anc Wrell "ut" rgtith lcueuio, ny n-etIùles sk ta rîaniatbee cernroff a baVa whicb lis cavcred prIaietoe, iil silea, :1 ' spose Yen don't wish ta) re- Fres ie eatnC'l anlCaSe taua 111e Silo uir rover aed York s d b atsofdlaseer etitra.' ~ ' epyour people. andi yoo rSplit, SasELngand Plaqter, Fine and Coarse coci eîiltlY arraîgci, se tînt the summer prcviding milk fr h b4bie, "M1 deani', Tont:ont1hatmi1t gt illeti. "Wl-res J ohn- Sul'i bari els and sek We aIýays irn to give tle feet icaei ottcîm en ut i l a Mids of wth îhe resuit tLat the rnoîtacitm o n omet"siitecatiï e?' li urmi andi askcd as thay! v wather iut g-oing outsi de. g'reatlv dec-easeà. He apeeae tcxith a qu,1er littieluo ."But 1I0 desccnuîed. tcscas Pic 3.1,bIiIinila asu-anc silo it is iro- [set that dwFeise gernis are Common 'lD î 1amr goîag te , eg Ixoîti a rny i'IIthe,' eyo of th iiir Ls vieahraslibl ri". ih,1C$hPe poutaitt ld - depeîauh e nsreîl înarani tatib îuîae Ltshfemtb San. ha hga ngbt I anlgt thrd" pti fr ran ndSeil. OenbaerinWi ixmIaisthe.ucntyleut'ie ivil M Linaio l Sfetbelow Older people do Dot Uli-e on a ii.oinghogiv P teani tctohsiyrhrcih the laseunat f ti bau. iîrrowv diet to in-nre heailh, but ievieau sil Tic Rusiauî,aoe esemdtc rde a -!c o ri 0 e1 Lch long, trengtlLn ftle stomIachIC 0 niiehv o t aeasinat mnems Ii tue w o;st ff hi sitod thIc King ï t E 'stL, olw-rivi il îe, f aiabalimth HTave himorgangbythae ofM -na ha. hvtru ig/i bultui cesRusa ilhpmn iih b aiL aIwier t,, shape ch cti nt dr eit w'11îLtoo, wil bc f refrom inFkcknes lathe l wtr htcCdi t.[ialzaux cf is ii ,. They wre laniiag , ethead. Ilumib ais -nltf ae lon aiLbefûre ecî t niIc m fat' -i oieh-'t lit hnge ii leseiitrifl i;i- -ne_________________ se the înaseca ca tie,_ou'e îid Ofi bis mial, and tiLwill sootIe anti heal aui Icamie plgicmycpaî xvihatea'gim'ttange-e chek neaVuai ue ot, arujmoinflammation tuat may epreunintplit a pri,ý,'Lc ix aeu'i OU an1 yi lo ol iîg ntentIy loito i eg ato get avay nae,,, antiHd TIO RNS it te, hie wntis as a gWmdo ;1itw tLie lini.lg cf the stomach, give tone ggo abonniforiuîtîcia;mn- eliteigdptsa rtas List rot'ug akl p us lat tIc lineo ,Frmc isnt ,te Irnats tiedin li uechali hie, ianc in- stiongth t il ho ll, îubtvewiia, I shilI a4'c c gaîIinti llcag nn ots ut ban clîdr. lr;but cllhsa ajob," ha coin-! aciaopog m I ulclt tiicting ti lade anti the aller the s3 stem, andi aid ou in natitrally at 1amtsîia a( an!" 1 As thredisatainniinhe aprace..-,mntai outîci of ti ixîl ~ e-98uasly dige;itlng the food, Itisethe uni' i îdhimaai saîaei As, c hegcopaandi nor ietioohlv de.t: oud ea iniceci, t the waissIantwoulî wbave a1 taries. Te r arczt î l imsiieaîlec h nat inax iaeremedy lunown that cures indigestio oîebiî cii rmigaipt lintantir selip;ciila odmore ortt It nteVhI Jt ys mLuilDameFortne muera iai111 isd.wlcobckp )ui;.1lliianti stomai troubles bv strAnzthenia- ticlasses, anti aorCalais dactor las. aunIe tie saine sizc offIle iranroci ~digieLîvo Ë%stem. IL is gulara mlnahIa lamghckt I tek vctirepwads.Suiellars(Aoeier hm Hsemassteaout tîreugha a -iacb blacks. Saw iltus in toMaku a e 0plete antipwrds permanent cruSlssrer. i, 1lý t oa ndai lt it on eihh ' i- de o i' hie C lrai iloff LIeîuiati ha was1e"Scr'i kcl3 b fuf tei ïi,, n diAs ta -. -. . cur disases o testoumarlh ei .-tIl,ereivs ia smotierei yell beint i uinylsclt ot udle nals.IIsam sP.h- e, antiý i-ad hliizthe chalir hu;e iii place 1 ï 7cer o tacfai ils aseag'rs hie C aptaiJîe heLlt1bhsnty rifIcine hi sop, batilh crruer lie toekawae iktidhels asîl ial gestp.ii tlSîcy, M--na resieres coieplete healt a ci el ounaiuesa i nsbunefrelciaayiit isbnî Si s apis nw"saihi ia uîtrees-dariictoa ùa thieVc' is ne tkiatger of th i l i i p- tnnbiesstmanicue haa-hs aterofvaciau h Is face. - "huithand wci utofmge a iana1tIc o oIî yiein.fpaceetiskipper; -Lgee' l iii ii2 lhe gr1;itiz îiag on thle cat. Aa1 eae caatetîu- bache. sieplesnass, pains anai dis- INet tn1 e' or'dla lîe-Se ilatenit \sce te e niddy ant i s!o c'aste vi iku o 10O0 b.Hewsce tr r ltig uidin aatnesuîî heili ras atterentriunzvertigo, hcqrt bIna I di' n t!i t bv3ae uit tci irurauag slip thamntl -.I 'eme t e cpp cy-i____ i usiýe i 1mi,01Lrui'off ns ho uný,1ýej) e ii 'etneal debility bih' sl i ci p mca e u~tt-tsîe"1geut ichsîa tClu luteia x il puunb otane ieatiîl ~. llc rsut raphailîlsin" o ha puuip i i, itelîlinereiy gancecl round uat he hic noise. gI' he la 10 xxii wale le ho i01,une an 'omi ma veak stornaciant i iper(eet t ceauî, aniiring a fir u.Bigcmit i ir ulai steca" intti -1ct iýd Johia. ap tig-ten I ('u)5,l"s mviîg~i." nitisaie secondis ciapseit befaro tlîev 'Sl ils situimiig, Jaobiso a BUY l' NOW. sila waii and keep ilt Inb 1»withaut A -uaran'ee te rf'fund tih e nnas IPIJohnson. Vaelised>cti tt tuya-are dii-iiiiatcl i<lly. Sw-cp thie sîip rnîiLe part;- a guide off ibis sort. M-o-na ulees net show iaip. lis gixen I "Atm! Wats saiiytg? qeit y irîitsuatinat ae icf 1 \1(0 tiiist hip tapick lvii..ot devils 1o eLeLm ebsCaVeli' GJtZOWVI\u- SILAGE t'uCORN. with averv 51) cent box. Ask StOUh thie skipperýl, stidîgthie binoccu-lhi, ffJcers aitti rovolvers iii their uPýHalla! Wliah i le Jap saying ~Coeaat irhu ani I. have ,cl-,vaý-s' utîlc iLun'silo xuiti Jury te show uW 3th e guarane. a-ae. Cets al~ii omdai u- l le, chert at nederioeenr or commi, puthing illui ivliicna liecnrs le- _____'tn es-aiyto nep oll" ber f ss'crîs-eIyolir voýyage. Ami pro- ltrat hnta recre O gn ha giaze. If lfroat tireu-emîs, J4u-- -nt ff Se' ale c- 'T' lmodty raifer bis swarî1paireil le pick up Sirviv ors.,il iJneeiiLfad,-e will neeti il soiet'incs 1 I i hcsiloa n utile Pac- Ilý 'S GF' UTTFRZFLIIS 01riiaZsc"leaiiai s Ile "hIf au rs ît 'h ire 'cmed the I "SIc vitictly toes înot ,vant U usic Liilrilv1. Buy l. ILnow. l tavcase lieur, ratier ttali: an dxclia"î0 c;Ii cmda - SI, l lassacîg i cara ptaill, coVeriag ni.' Gseuîpta atm'fce.' hnxngam c mnfrsiei.I se mi- y nki pîce oteî sc va betiag aîtisa a teni" curcris~îîî xTitxiî a d îigrt. Ashb Aîiamn reurci1crliiior-al b ai0iugst heu, sucýh a ivui u n'i unu k f 'u-. 1ù f i -<le IO J- t' cXtrruîe iiin- aci iitig nieag aheetirse paralîci " 'tii - he tLlIiThe nlip tucrolei îibh-t' s ira sdtenyppencii dtefliy haeiees' - s 1oo- hacirlahelyput ti-.e Uacde thh'mea Pls h nui -i l"-aiiiiA T b"g af hi r froua 1: tif-'me in ',!I andia t Iauu", g cuî- ume mioo ra I'omtc of ouion jucio a he ame um hocuam Iiemacil: caeimg ati x 'b maveiomsahcnty hu'spnccc aofi ithem c>tli'?."tui s 'i c i ' tix <xx be'tful-u nleIt te qiirxtuiatrl i ni 'o, xi l'alimuinc'1i, thly gai-a uîî Auuaix drn art' j ' hi., i_,J - l' i. '.l 11, ' -fi- NIl u -. iu M O' auvp m1pnt mili aAsntsî wer H r Ilsn ud ( n aa ei)'Ys ui in goal 'latotallus'cthof the tbaiI c i. ic Mrs. Bcy~uîe L el --'o --- t ic w a'ltlis stc.l ta e 1-i 54,000 rah nil! îi celI iauiJtif thora ils cd t'ctcnnin ui iou i ese- ' ~-iu i-ulirmt lit1 a ia c'hai i l 'i o lit e i ci til, r atl lic= ui, f'el sh'h in luis i 1 eimu c itXiuLAO imu f1' u h n u lt~ t. - - - ' como, ii't ae ilus ,tl c xi', - V G ET ~h SSii'cL'cf Aî~1' 1 .ffcuu rie aie-, 'c O 1jIu; ti i e'i1 [ . mL .- .-' ia ,x i ilc .an î', t"i ns-n Act m - ux sf-t eotgluit infuaut",Inxu'tymun na -ai ci ' e ica lt e -'~'~i'V " tia xiuy scubari: ~ Pe'n ps ~ ' ~ ha ; iui îCui 'ro p il Ir-a eis nu off n l ce a"'t te cuiumpt am m - xit Ols s s drh' nu i. i ¶î U l k ~ 7u ,o ill-, î.

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