el :-81.00 Per Anflum. Oun Towx AND COUNTY Ît, Tua WORL APTERWARbS. M.A. JAMES & SON, Proprietox s BOWMANVILLE, ONTAUIO, 'WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9? 1905. VOLumE LI No 32 'eat Sale- of Sum= mer Goods From to-day Coueh, Johnston& Cryderman will give great bargains in ail kinads ofSummer Goods, Muslins,Gn- harns and some unaes of Prints at very 10-w 4 prices. Also a lot of Dress Goods at about haif price.H Men'sH Ready-to-wear Coats and Pants for Sum mer wear at redueed prices.I Just openiedot ohe shipMent of Bowmanville. ie Corner Shoe Storej WIFT 8ELLI NG S FOLLOW PRI4JES LIRE THESE:_ Lady's V i c i kid Bljucher Shoes, fancy eut, very elegant, Ine-. gular $2.00. .. .,.....- $1 55 Mven's Box Calf 1 a c e d up-to-date shapes, mellow soft uppers. Regular $2. $1 58 Lady's V i c i Kid Strap Slippers Frenchi heels, beads on front- $1 00 iReliable shoe polish small bottles. ....... 5e. -.Stylish Laced boots, good weight, smnooth Wppers, lYonogola kid -egs. Men*s, 6 toll 11 $1 Boys', 1. to 5,... 1 Youths S, 1 to 1 3e 1 Dongola Ki.d ra f3ippers: Crirls i to 2, .... 0 Infant's 3 to 7,. bows, Men's heavy Knock- >outs, al i e'.- Jijl. * DON'T MISS * h xamination ut unr fine new Cata i Swhkýh imaieounr graduates su suecess- 1 in ugettlng the-best positions gong. A post card will bring il to yuu, and we believe il viii prompt you tu take the1 inost iiportant.and sucuessful step o f youýr life, Will you write that post card 00w and address k b "'J I u 69c.1 NWLady's Chocolate or Black Kid Shoes, sui- e rior quality. Re-.$ - uced t..... 12 Pliwo jkinds of Mo)ulder s Gaiters OnSae Oshawa. Sept. FirstL I 1 viil cpe. the forty.slxth year of j succel n labineu Itrlinl Y the COOLLECEI or Shior thind. 'rvpçewiiting a ,ndBo- keeinig are 6rst class. Ourgruae do vell alwayfi. New catai!logue iad now. P4eats A how many caîl! or Wrte . A RquHÂRsoN. 13. APicn A.. Bldgs, Toroimto,Cad. DROPERTY FOR SALE BY TEN- Lder, A f rn conainng ares b, ii-g pa rt of1t loison üthe Stil Con. of Darhugtn itated en the Eazst skLie of theSuogra mile north ut EnHiskilleni. 011thelce il lsg ramle bouse, a bairn aidt'les aot2 crsof oreliard cnaun pls pears, plins. chri,ýie ldother smallritsas br qnusfi w~trSae ede-VI areceiv itil t1h o lO tiÂurst by e.W.Tato m :N innsiskillen-, Ont The, higheu oran telàe r lot neceeaerily ucepted. 05 WHITBY'S SUGAR FACTURY. L.T he Keystone biugar Comlpan'y have nanudo!the WhitbyiUirbour Co., s 3plendid site for the sugar Co., with shippiug facilities. The establishment o! this involves au expeudituri, o! at least bal! a million dollars. The town voted 325,000 to be paid when sugar isi made Beets have been extenisively grown for the last three yeans, sud the farmers o! York, Ontario sud Durham counties will supplv the factory nextI season. A thousaîîd acres are under1 crop at the present time, HELPLESS, WITII SALT RHE£rM.-e'Por mau'y months my wife was unablo to serve herself with ber bands because of sait rbeum, Dr. Chase's Oiutcmeut bas eutirely cured ber sud we strouoely re- commend it to aur wbo sufer from sinilar alIments, believiug that it bas no ua,-a Lui>GER DUGUAY, Pig. eon Mill, Missistiquoi Co,, Que. TISITOR FR011 AirICAkt, The Dominion Organ & Piano Co. had the pleasune of a visit on Saturday last front Mm., P. H. MarKay, o! the firm of MacKay Bros., Johannesburg, South Africa, sud wao showu oven the Co's. plant by Mm, J. B. Mitchell, Vice- Presideut sud Super!iinteniideut, wbo is lu chargeo! the busiiness during the absence lu Eng!and o! M r. J. W. Alex- ander, President witb the Canadian, Manufacturers'IL5ociatio». Mn. Mac- Key was veny much impressed by his1 visit to Bowmauvii! e, and was sunprised at the exteut o! the plantand business dons by the Dominion Organ & Piano Co. Ho le!t an orden for a large num- ber o! organs to ho sbîpped to their firsu nt Johsnnesburg, Mr. MacKay ex- pressed himsel! as heiug highly pleasod with bis trip to Canada, aud particularly to this part of Ontario which ho cousîd- ens one ot the flnest agricultural dis- tricts ho bas3 over visited. Ho greatly admired our churches, educationai sud public buildings sud cdean sud beauti- fnl town. Mn. MacKay met several of our business snd professional mon who wene most favonably impressed by bis geulal manuer sud the complimeutary nefoereuces hie made to this pretty town M.Mitchell sccumpsnied MnI. Mca to Toonto, sud bad the pleasuro o!f showing bu a numberpo! the lesdiing public buildings j» th3e ity iDcluidiîg the City Hall. Ho was veny ni uc'h as touihed o se somauyfluepubiri-. stitutions sud biligs iiu Toront,sud sctted that lhe nover saw so many fne shopq nsud stores h lunv cUN ho bias visited duning b- is travels, While i n Tononto, Mnr. lMacKa 'was ~ ~ ~ U '01tacdatte Kn Edwar," ad exresoeýi,,d tho piio thatthen wasnota fluer hl lui Anuerica for 'ts slie-H regreîtted veny ncwh tht i im was too 1liied to mata e teudtrip to thie No)rt'b Westo! -wh;'ilhlic bhas heard Homuci lu its favo-r. Mn acKayreiurus home, deli'ghtsjd in every sens", witb b is short stay in the couutry known as 'Tàhe bnilhest gem in Yugland~S crowm1 Nerve and Gàr The total number o! stu(leits v, ho have passed tbrough this ColegCe, leav- ing their names On its meg-ister., i o-w above the eigbt tboutsand mark, and with thiis ferce o! representatîve-s scatten- ed throughont the varions Irovinces o! the Dominion. alding lu the co)nduct o! the commercial enterprises G! o ur countr , soundîng til e oraises o! the College, sud sending their friends to eujoy the training wbich gavea theliaa sucsess!ul stant, it is nu surriîse ',0 find this schooi the strong, weil equipped, well org-auized institut:9io t ilto-dlay. The Colege is lusin thro--ughout the year, asudis rmeeting wit.h great suce n ulocatiug its graduates-, luigood poisitions "te moment "bey are r.eady for aPpointmnents. The5 recordis show verv man calîs !r,ým busineýss in-11js wh'ich coulnii ot be suipplied 1for Iack of materiaL. The Eail session opens Sept. 5th, sud auv one interested in business training] shouldwrt the Principal, Mn. W. H. Shaw, Tforouto, for a copy o!is baud- somne catalogue. Mm R HD Davidsou, treasurer Co! the C1hurcli sud Jubiles Fnudi-s, has paid $12 30 off the $2000 mortg-ageo ýn Triuity church. GÏroat efforts are ho iug mnaeto extiuguîsh !ho debt befone te cl 1ose o! 1905;m Are you seudiug yonr absent sou or daughter Tiira IiATrsdAN? lifot,why P It isau interestiug lettem fmom home every week. Don't try cheaP cough medi- cines. Get the best, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. What a rerd it bas, sixty years of Cherry Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor îf ho docsn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchiti.s, and ail throat and Iung troubles. - 1 have fonsd that Ae' hryreoa lit ibe o SÇMit mi a rs~iefrbu M.LODEIMA&I; MD., ta,2.Y giMc.1.00 . c.7. O. oE0. Ail drm jis, o.esi a Brônchitis mi JAMES Lý HUGHES, Inspector of à oreo Public Schoois. and President of Durbamn Old Boys' Association. Tissue Food As. a nerve strýengthene,-r and a tissue -builder our -blood and thirouglh it reaches al parts o! the ytmisaiglife' and vig-or. Fo r t re ating, wastng diseases it is peeuliarly suitable. 1.6 oz. bUl for 75,., ad wt gutaa,n1ec t First u»y F.R.Kerslakei The Drug-gi3t and Optieian, Phone 49. Bowmaniville. Eyes Tested Fe Nils als at Phone NQ., 76. THE CENTRAL BUSINESS C0MLLE OF TORONTO. Amung ýthe ed0a,,nl u ttos iii Cana da organizod and con4dcted as a private enterprise, andpridn special courses of traininig fojr ta ieou. it of souing men ancd women, it isl evident that ÉecCFnŽnuAL BIEtSrr, CorLEGE of Toronto ocpessadn place, Fromn the records of the school ý4piaced at our disposai we find this C uewas organized bs its present Priufpaý-l, Mr. W.' H. Shaw. in Ags~19,justî thirteen. years ago. It hû--an oper tins iLia modlest way, erroed durjsi- its first year lî ut oni-,hundre4 dUfýfty- five sdesWho were carçft! by ai staff of three teachers Now0w-,v t'r naîà annual enroliment o!)[twel1y3 1tunadreX and forty.threebr, This remarkable growtLi à bat- tributed more laïrgely t@ tý ý- r n methods wih r~ill l~>,to theo thorcuginýess which hro3fe the3 work "f every department, suad 1t0 the conlstanlt endoa-vôr of the PrmucipaI and every mexmbir of the 3taff' to s" that ail studeuts recehei such carefui persnalsupe'ison l thir studie: as In bt inlar. <rn.A rc,.ta ,nl taon, Durhamn Old Bols' Association o! To- route held thpir 7th annual excursion on Monda.y Jaly 31. Over 501) versions particlpated nud ws have yet to hear o! ones-who failed to have a verv enjovable outiug T he day thon gh showery in, sooplaces was faim sud plepsant where the excursionists were, the only ain we lisd ws fter embsrkiug at Lewis- ton. N. Y,. for the hoineward journey about 6 p. m, A special G. T, R. train ru» fromr Trenton sud mani people camae from the e0astemn stations. A s3plendid ecrowd went fr-omr Bow-manville -betwceu îione sud two huudred-and snearly 5100 weut bvý train to Toron-to al- toigetheýr, so that the excursion was a higsuces.The run to Toronto was swift. about an hbour aud a quarter. Arriviug- at the Union Station, excur- sioflists proceeded to Yn st. wharf sud embarkied on theo steamer Corone, and were iciued by a number from the citv. Whv more East Duirhamites edd pot participate was not explaiuedl Thil sail to Qusenston was pleasaut, but a !ew ladies founid it9AdvisabI(e to keep ratlýer quiet wben a few whitecsps begani to appear ou the water, The tneWass speuit in greetinge s ud ca tigwïtbI nd dths trip of 24 beurs W&ts uot soo long' Cor the exchanùËo!i complimen5ts sud îuiquiring after the welfa're O!' the friends o! auld lang syne., Psthapsi the busiest man o! the comp- any was Mr, John D.Kehi whose sýpecial dJltv was to decorate t4 friends ,rt n. rnr ina f lnhor not< laie ae wringtmfobrces tbeesl5c booh we have seen. Pleasaut as was the sali over the trip fromQeetu to Niagara Falls was not ouly exhilerating but full o! lu- terest, ospeciaily for those who had not bec» over thislbit o! electrie road be- fors The electnie cars zig.zag up the sido of ! th miniature mountain to Brock 's ilonument sud a!ter passinz it sk-imts aloug the river brink, roundiug the wbirlpool, till the Falls are reaehed. Reaching the beautiful Victoria Park excursionists proceeded in command o! Presideut J. L Hughes sud Secretary Thos Yellowlees, to the pavilion where Mrn A. J. Hook aud others who had pre. ceded us by an earli'r boat had two big cans o! milk, abundauce o! bot water alllgeadv su ad tableS to acco)mmodate the crowpd. The bracing lake air, the deligbtLful trolley ride o! 'ne miles, added to the tou'ic o! an early breakfast gave us al a sharp appetite. Contents o! weli-illled bampers were soon dis- tributed sud disappeared with usatuess and des-'patch L-uncheoni over the company roamed round amoug the sights at their own sweet will. Man Y after Yiowiug the Fails sud other senery froni the cana- dia» id took carrîagos sud drovo across tho river to the Amnenican side sud -vleweýd the attractions there fromà the diffement view points. The after- noon spod two quickly sud 5.30 p. ni. found us at Quesuiston again aud wene very soon ou the staunch steamer Chippawa on which we returued to Toronto. The jouneny across the Lake to To- routo was a ltting climax to the dav's pleasure Mr. J.L Hughes. President. called the companv to orden on the 'spacious deck sud called on a number o! gentleman in turu to make speeches. Rev, Dr. M. P. Talliug opeued the prognani witb a live speech on patriot- !Fm, Secretamy Yellowlees. read a letter froni Mn. Jas I. MeGiII, Wash- inglon, D. C., wblch was accompanied bv a check fr 25 towands the expenses. Thse compjany sang *'he's a daisv'" sud suppontod a vote o! thsuks for the libeýral donation, Arten a, selection bv NaIrpoIiïano's orchestra spceei-hes suited to the occasion were made bv Edlitor M A. James, Brig-Gen. John 1Huzhes, Reeveoio Clarke, sud Rev Chas Skopr .d IHisiBoy" by Mn.Johin 1). Keachie, Treasutler. M.Yellowlees having nead a poemn o! his own co)mpesitioni It was suggesoted( b-> the President thaat the î1IolD ons w9 be publi shed lu book form.ý The sugl- gestion wasq spproved sa neques made tha t cpiso! tC >ncsogs be sent to Mn. Tho-. Yellowlees, 233sr, 2 Diviision st., Toronto. Mn. Henry Elliott, Township Clerk, H-ajupton, who bas reside5d 7L) yeams lu D)urojand served the public Over lihe Toronto, Secretary D-unhani Old Boüys' samie counter for 57 yearsý, was the next speaker. Principal Wm Scott, B. A,, o! Toronto Normai School and M r. Jrohn Lb mason, Davenport, Iowa, male short speeches, Mr. Mason spoke of the mlany from this country iu the Uuited States sud saîd ho "I have nuýever yet had to blush for a Canadian."ý The orchesýtra plaved some Plantat- ion Mielodies and the compauy joiued in the ehkoruses. Mr W. A Sh,,rwood, R C. A_.,3ei- dent o! Victoria Couuty Old Boys' As- sociationi, conveyed getnanad re- ferred ýo another speech as the IModemn Epistîs o! James. Wheîher ho fhad lu mmnd the President or another James A good joke on the Presideut came ont when Mr. Wm Pateo! Cleveland, Ohio, wss asked to speak. Mr. Hughes dlaims to be a good judge -6o! chairacter sud sizing up Mr. Pate as a prac-her, courttiously iuvited hlmi to speak. Arlsing to speak he said aithoug-h taker for a diVine ho was a rosI estate dealer whch statement tulred the laugh en the, chiairm2an, Nr. Patle cougrstulated the Phesident ou tho good tinie the comn- panï were, having aund wouad up by iigahumorous recitation, Mr, J. D, Keachie sang "'llomeland! oi Durham, " ail jo)inýiug ieartily lu the chorus "Huirrah! i ltraih' for Lshj ana~trUr,' Hu:rali ý iTurrab! for Dniem womeI -; i ci.l do weremreinber alte oigfri'eniiwe know Down in Itie fomclmnd of Durbarin." Thea clo-sed with Auld 1Lsng synesud God Save the iung. 6 During theevoniug a cordial vote o! if 8,u îu rîysî of mth Secretary sud other members o! the Executive for their services the past 1 sar sud for snnaugiug thîs enjoyable excursion. The gond boat Cbippawa lauded us safely at Yonge st wh~arf at 8 d5 p. m.E Those wbo wished tu comle home the samnilgbt fournd the special train wait- ing for them Inean the landing sud shontly a!ter 10 p. m. Bowmauville was neachefi. No accident or mishap oc- cured to mar the pleasure o! tbe day. NExT YEAR'S RE-UNION, Before the compaur sepanated lu To- ronto Mr. Hughes intimated to the f rieuds from the couuîy that itlwould be agresable tu the members o! the To- ronto Associat ion o! the Re-Union of 1906 were to take place Fomewhere lu the '"Homeland o! Durhami Durhami Boys sud Girla, come to Bowmiauville. We know you'ne ever welcome. The latch striug is always ont for y ou. Wo bave been nequested té convey to tse people cf Bowmanviile, Newcastle suad Onono theappreciaî,ion o! the offi- cens o! the Association for niaking July 31 their civie holiday. "We appreciate veny heurt ily the bearty response o! the pooplei to oun invitation" wniteig Secret- amy Yellowlees, DURHAM GIRLS AND BOYS. Lut the weikin ring for unr Durharn lads And Durhamu iasies, ton,- As we sali away, un the Chippawa O'er Ontariu'î waters bleu. A kappy thruug, mid gladdeunlg song And huart enricblug joy, Who wuuld nul Se, corne tel ltu ue, A Durhamn girl or boy? Lut the welkin ring, for the luving lSlei And bannis, sud memories dear Whlch linger long. lite a goud uIC suug, And grow with the passiug years. Furîtbe sighls and sceeusof buyhoods' dreanm And cups vu qnaffed vilS juy Retumn again wvth a sweet refrain To uac Durhamn girl sud boy. on the deck ut the stautich Bhip, Ohlppawa As in gathered groupa wu stand, Thuru cornes tu view, t15e tir£ d, -tht, trise Afar lu distant land('l Ruarud from the salne ,gnod Durham stock, Sharing unr griefs sud joys, They eare ilt s teu day, ihough far away, Thuy stilizare Dirhiam'boys. We grasp 15e badaittof e dear uld frieuda. of the (cear ouid happy îlim, Welv gi e a., iliowed past And days (u'au Id Insyn. And the imemurlscon as plepsaint druains To gladcien sudaeeenunr juys, IAnd the sg hysiu1g, the message theY briug r 18 'lternimburyour fubnby. eare pruud ti 15le lamd wbieh gave ns The Ianc cf ng sud story; May tht , Rose sud Tbistie anCf Maplu Lest Ayu e u ous, su u On(j0iUýniry's giory. Aniibul me izvaders >'.-ridare lu tread Ouï ýlaudlu ,dCepul Cor delroy Thuy'c]ho adlu fuý'el)p ebranldeshec st eel 0feuy paîrlî t Durham boy. Tie awuK!1ringfor thîs Sapp liP,,me Witî ilriilin!g, 0lbrohbing Juys; A DU bngr rboy? Our hapulý,y SnI tUugh b ath to paýrt. But wý,e shlaie rpn Frwe'll uetaganin, o theýr day (TQ be etUw. NE.WBRO'S RERPICIDE. STOTT & JusY's WîNSnow DISPLAT., One great attraction in towu t his weok bas besu the grand Newbrols Herpicido preparations in tho windows o! Stott & Jur,'éi Drug Store. Wo have requested that thri display b,3 kept in the Windows this week to givo tho public funther chance to sece It. Docu't miss seeing the display. AUGUST WEDDINGS. evening. Auguist 2nd. at 6 o'clock of Mr G. Hf. Hogarth, Principal o! Whithy Coilogiate Instituts, sud Miss Martha Whitýfleld, Whitby. Thte cerem.ony was performed by Bev. D. O0. Czoss1ey at the homeofo the brde. The mamiag-e was a veny qiet one. only the immediato relatives o! the bride boing- pr;sount. Mr. sud Mrs. Hfogamtb took the eveulug train west for Muskcka, where, thy will eujoy the depliglits o! that Countrz for sevoral weeýks. A quiet weddiug tooki place at the home o! Mnr j C. Noruh, Picton, Wed.- nesday momning, Aug. 2nid, whon bis daug-hter, Mamie A , was united ïu ma&r;iage to J F. Rowlaud, fonmervo! Picton, sud now o! the Standard Bank. Brighton. The ceremony was prefonin- ed by Rev. J, J. Raa. of the Firat Methodist churchi, lutho presence o! only a very !ew more iammdiato friends o! ithebride Mr. sud Mrs Rowland ie!t on the iuorniug- train for a trip to the nontheru lakes Mr Rowlaxnd.was fonmerl:y iu the standard BaLik la Bo)w- mauville and bïis nany find here- juin in bheartist congratulations COLY1LLE-ilbom. One o! the prettiest scenes the e ' e could rest on was te be fciuud at 'Brae- bank Fanm," Darlingtouî, the homeo!C Mr. sud Mrs. W J Roy, WcDduesday afternoon Aug. 2ndo, it beiug- the ocea- siQu when their dauaghter Edua becýamoû the bride o! Mr N-,eil Colville, M. D Orono. At five o'cloclr, to the soitt strains of the wvedding mamcbi, the bride leaing on the arn o! hem father sud gowned i in 1be3a t1utf1Iembroidemedî Brusisels niet over taffeta, emcefged frini the bouse sud approached the bride- groom waitiunleatb a ïprctty vergýrMeu arch, studded with fiowers, wliere. under a suspendedl bell o! beautili dlahlias nlsg a bunch o! heather, the happy couple were jojiu.ed -lu wed- lockz b y lev. J, A. MeKesu, B. A Thie t *l-de and g0room wn'a boh uatu sudai appearedthe03avemy hprito o! happiniessa as tliey receied the con-~ -rattilations o! theîr mainy ass(embl!e frieuds. About seventv five guests sat dowu 'o the dalntv deieuner served on iihe bea&utiful lawn sugd eulivened bW dancine through- the trees. At the breakfast table the toasts "The Bride- groom," "'Tho Bride-' and <ýThe Un- drecided Bacheiors w er e proposed, honored and replied toilu witty -and euntertaining speeches. The groom 's, gift to his bride was ahandsome peari sunburst. aud from her many friends she received ahosto! beautif'uil pesents, Early in the eveninz the happ.y couple, leaving their assembled friends me4,rry- makîng, departed on the west-bcound tirain for their houes moon. On their return Dr. and Mrs. Coiville iii take up their residence lu Orono. Do yen realize tnat every or0 î h humait bodv is coinposedo!tncel called ti8sue? If this tissuels healthy vou ueed have no dread of disease> ,Vito Tonte renews the tissue and b-uild9 up the system. Mr. R. M icel druggist, keeps It in stook. DAULIN GTON. Base- Line Christian Endeavor held a social Thursday evening on the beati- fui grounds of Mr Geo Pearce Sursper was served on the Iawn after which é, program of music and recîtations -7a3 given fromr the verandah A heartv vote of thanka was teneiered to Mr. and Mrs. Pearce for their great kindness and for the use o! their liouse and gonsPro- ceeds $17.. .. Visitors: Mary MecSporran Londort, wîth Mary MeMivlllan; -mr- Bradburn, Cartwright, at Thucs Van.- Camp's; Miss B Heylall and Allen Dehil, Toronto, at Albert, Goode'8, Maud Power aud Mrs Hlouck at Thoi Power's; Edith Goode at home; Edith jenuinigs, Shannonville Mwith friends;, Dr Norman Allun at home; iMiss Edlua VanCamp is going to Chifton Sprinlgs -to train for a nurse; MîS5 M E VanCamp has returned from visiipg lher ïisters at Cleveland sud Oshawa; mi"s i.aud Witheridge bas been visitîng la Oshawa Catarrh là a constitutional diseasù origlating MhI mpure blood an eqwdrmg constitiitioal treatment acting thiroiie and Purifying the blood for its radical and permanent cure. Be sure ta take Nasal and otboe local (ois Ofaarl discbarge. ,Hood*-a SarsaprlUB4&Ha. et Fotethno al of m2u ïeqd fer01 rb Mm , - C Lwt XL tÎeLn~r van&e DURHAM OL» BOYS. SEVENTu ANNUAL ExcultsION ANIi Ru* UNION A GRAND SUWLEns. iCOU( What do You Kio!?. Do you knuw that after a Sot band or Commercial course wîxth us, you are sure of a position aM $45.00 and upwards per monîi aIS a starte r ?1 Send us a pstai, xith youar niaine an'd address. antd ve wltel yon a%;, about it. 4 ihmond St., East, Toronto. R. D. NIMMO, Principal. i 1 -r a -1 -f -r r-L Il t-I ý_r 4L 1