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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1905, p. 2

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nus L L rk - Cen uîne ~~ of crackeri, you lever COG i. ARS G1IEN ICEAE The Andover The ran whiteness of the TCre us iPai runa apio TiHonorable Charbos, . cre-aiThmu wapelp, h lost Acoplse 25a.e Iightnes of a iiniF'ofieýýp1 wi Awl 25.Blefo ipe ed n otato boctieýs'bas toparha;ps, sllcrackamanntij I s ime lie- A 500. Botteý forý L F', .mr rurita ha ia~pio mee amongst the highes-t circles, second - the crispness cf A6.0SuefraOe-eldCui. ue nt~ias rj h ada and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ha--eenr-t-sm--th'Sl h i rugse But corrisiderable complaint has arts- _____________________________ e eflate as te its injurieus efieut ill as a man et fa'shion and bilianco th d ~I St Bar Signature of a clever andi adroit thief. Hie alwcys flcious "Ofin lis thed fith iy unique."la-brin iOfn isue ae worked n itir a scientific preCisioni 14 t 'reported. To ascertain te whatex lev ribll Tenseeho wevecoi- a"' net ,Lirprised tohear, yu 1 tent this distrust wxas properly based, and iris procedure wasiv,ï,-ly hnsehww'eC ay o eilio, nwrd.S1 ba'sed upon a sourid sequeu u& George Wel at an er,, Ssi iovhen~w , "but curr cal deduction. Naturally, the 5UCi( oed and thes fv ponts bnc mut dmt ha or rindChr cesses he scered were considerable. one cracker. Andover has ne of thre shrow-dest le ae itss cemd e10 Seo Fac-51Miie Wrappcr celow. But if yeu should ever meet ime'ee o rceu tnsl nln by the expertient station at Genova, novr b an chncemenionte lmI must tell yeu now what I have N. Y., aPPlYinig the Poison in various 'Ve~ 5~fl ~'ine naythe affair ni tire "Mnau Pearl," or Il nover told anynor before. This is, im.Totesrrsen h x hoe wili neto ntycogt his IPerfection tiat I have, hiait made the exact re- I enrnesuyteoag frieds. reaM Sodplice oi this Pearlin je nest paste. -h I luedi aay case lex n though cee- ~R tEDACILTire Honorable Charls Af7e ret o a would bce more than dangereus tedien apardtlvrsuh e' c. - 0b11WZ 11 t3,à first saw tire 'Moen Pearl" le the à arry sucir a stonie as this abouit I jury and the poison was uised in - ~ F~IiLIOSEé- -hanids, ci Sirý GereWelr, -when _tiat - idical si n, et o tr rt,~ ag unite. O-ie ntay ~'~RtD LYED gentl ean hadt just retiirned rirn hi s yotcakrad a tual 'Meon Peari,' scldomn or nover tePrsgrc n eyieeiill I ~~celebrated tour je Indlia. It Wcs comace-ades eut ni the salfe, jute wirich it adn ecnrlbihseigli PI ~ Q'~lTIATOC then supposed te be one ni thre finest you'l find it in Moorue/s Per. is going this moment. Hundrcds ni ly one-third thre powner ni wr-il made t.D S~LC 8KI. stonues of tire sort existing, and our lcoile have seenr the imitation stoee, bordeaux. -J TC~PEXO gentleman scouadrol Mare itdu to reai boas ut no one except Andover iras Tire dry, or powder gun, metirnd of as bis lcwful perquisite eIt, first slo-ht! drclamt for a moment that it was sàppli iing Paris green is inexpensivo, . ~The sigirt ni the great stone tor- 'otho.r tbana real." buit it il net considered as effectuai T urod hlm. Wheneves' ho sc a t ' j And the Honorable hrcsAd- as spa teten,5 it was net, r'~.o' tz~t~, puire white, ced dazinlaar - oerecptedl the ominetwtr cuddjej th t est. Trposn xx as Gerg cirsarn, a thi 1i ni gren ___________________ eitngmens n grere. lie applJýie n le uter, i lime water ced ADVRTSIG ATE. eldgo througir bis iroart._ The -ccurd ra eptto s a lebrdax tire 'mus thus treeted U7ic C nadian, Statesman la puirished thought oi tire jewel denied hilmn sirop 1the transformation," ie rofelctef; j dge ni precý(inus stones. 1Hol uce'l îyng Î,d bî 5 side; white a muw on ryWednesday mernieg at the office and ulght alter nigirt hoe lay awake' Inl u u a xetcul 'ît glad ni thle spttnbut rog-retted on,, sidu. wns kift unsprcycd as a; 26 tatsmnt. Ber M. ng Street, scbeming for its possession. Idifference iretxveen tire txVo."taitcshltw iudrdonfs cireck, and c mou on the otirer silo ~ditrasd On., ry M A.James, At last, irowever, iro d.-cided upon iThre uoxt day ie bat tenud te a jew- -London Ansuers. usssae lhLreu ny and Popritor.Subsoriptien a pa_-e wihbrau ony Per annurie or $1.00 if plaid a definite plan oi action. Amongsticers, aed askod hlma to -Vaine thir these two mu s being kept froc fronm s Int advence. Advertising rates, iris acquaintances wcs a certain Mr. aurh dasrce rn tg trsnsien-it adveltisinig, ton cents per rmne, ilasSyieweeslil tir stirne e r' seo ond b tire ro-a FOR 0'l-ERi IIXTY YEARS. bugAs)IICvIG firlt insertion; five cents per line ,each d dlaiSyhe hs kl indeSi ereWi' cr o h ie 3 ADPCIG iub se tjase Centract rates on mnanufatcture ni paste diemonds, adcengafterneon. Ms iso' otigSrpbsTi ciso ierw arpae .qnsn tien. ~~imitation jeelr eeal, ceosn -r1 Winsou' Setin kymnp the ubssuismosvemsta epce ______________________mail'__ h owebery ueel o ade, biue e ko tr tnteen used by millions ni mothers for fixe tiexes se that es-ch troatexent uns. A. E. McLATJGHLIIN. ecohm vr siit Anoe'value," ire said consequeetiy. their childree wil teething. If dis- used on Onu tuntir nf an acre ni pie- flarli.rSeicf.r ndCeveaee ancd te tis person nnw our cdx on-Tr oele mid tumred at nigirt and bmoken ni y-.urttu.Tr lnt cesrydfx 'ILlrst;rSolciorandCoveyncr.turer introduced SirGog Wclr.ttè.Tepat eesrvdfv 0Beumanv1lle.lle easy t Knga esn-Gog "This le very fine peste,"h sal ýrest iry a sick child snifenlng ced cry- tincs, hotu ecu Juiy 7 sud August OffIc-nv1eie Moneck.o lag Street, Ail MXr. lmxythe had te, do iras tnl honin tir " onP n"bc teIdg trpi iCtig ctsn 5 iespa un ne vr birae.48-lyr. taire particular note of tire "Moon i An-over " roiti-a oc n e oteo Ms --Pearl" ced iraving thnrnughiy mas- i noe;"u fcustr sti- toc cdgeebtt n"M . thnroughly uith a kncçsack aprayes' .-POErTYO-UG, V S. eredits hape colr, ad prpor-sic vaine is absolitl rotiig." 'weslnw's Soeti'ng .Yrup" fo Chsî'. ng u nesd o o adbc ('h CI IN IIORSEiY'S ILOQX, tiens, te croate tire exact fcc-smiile Ile I etig twl elv h hohr Ton alonraolI littie sufforer iiaunediatnly. De- Pitnia ritde ie ls incm paseait Poiso wa,. a.m.te te lee past 'M r e w~~~~~~~~~~~~ie found from8 ..t a adPd pni mhester 9 p.m. Night calis at resideece, diret- Mrls. Smythn uns an artist la iris It iras net until Andever ' cdpn pt t oies hr s nle tructexuent as tire fluage oi tire mus Iy eppesite DrUi Shed. 17-1Y. peculiar lino of business, and ira 'g a visit te uees'îy every expert lea itk bu t i ue irina nt tructud uitr bonrdeaux wxas s0 ARIAeý rder tire auspices nCires London that ire iras finally convincedl regniates tire stoiliacir and bouliîrdbrilgr ttrttm AIZIAIS LICENSES-M. A. onf plut-e An-e Wlnd'9 Cnî,slen h u a l thatned ci. gn lnigjr oul thav ie 1 ýJanes, isser ni Marriage Lie- 'dever liuched wltir Sir George Weir tirat hoe md boe schomning ande pltettd cuee pound nle tirosteGuuthtn _______ontre casosh asprfcl ting for xveeks past te steal c woerthr- reduces Infilammiationl, aed gives toe endtce.GoPud o h S IMSOdNce Cetr sLARe. onpa tro ocains ho uvlcs er o ht less article. At first tire dlscovery! en-i eergy te tire whole systent osnws sdt ati5 aln D. B. SIMPSON, K. C., CHAS P. gentleman's extraordsncry scrf-pin. stunned hsm. Ho knou Sir George " mr9. Xinslnu's Sonthlng Syrup fe' Pof irasd uhed tari een a0 g naln BLAIR. Barristers, Solicitors, Netarjes. -Wiat do yen xvent it for, Char- Wuir w-cil enougir te, kn tiat lie eildi'ea teething is pleasant te telzdadfui ob fgo vr etc., Molrris Blck, up-staiirs, King loy?" ie asked, as ie irendod an imai- iras net tire Pian to lie or te repre- ýtaste and is tire prescription cief 0 n e eday fnud te ireenig ther etreet, Bewmnanville. Seliciters for t'iie ftre"nt ., sent te iris friessds tiret ire was tire! of thre oldest and best female physi- ceqeiy e erseig tr the Ontario iBank. Private mneys jean'.os-St .tio of the dMo nursesý latie nte ateriai genuerally iound le market ed at îewest rates. Andever's kecplng. possessorof a magnîficont treasline cians aud nresi h jiei tire sîcte. 'Tie ceseunt ni spray- X ouv no rigirt te be cus'ieus. uhen sucr iras nt tire case. Tire States. Price tweuty-live cents aj. lq'dape rc re 2 I'xe pald yen wil for tire job, I be- neîly oxplanatien w-as tiret ire iie- bete ediyaldngists through.In lot e." suif bcd bouc lmnposed upon by tire out tire wrld. De sure and asic 'for gallons at tire, first treetexent te 225 DENTSTS."Oh, certaieiy! Put as we've- ai- astute Indien notabllity w-ho, as a MMs. Win)slow'aq Sootbing Syru p."ý gallons et thre inurtr. Tis gave S_________ freex 2-- te 4 1 î'ounds Paris green te DENTISTS. ways been îrieuds-" mark of personal esteem, hard swadn iear tccr oîctocd. Wil ir bct Blclsteck on tire irst "Ifl ire are te romain fiends I tire Engish, traeller e prescrit ef R~WK'i  .teacr dun eah apiatinon, ai-i ae Tinnodey nf eacir no-ntir, et Omeno 1 sireuld advsse vont te Put a uadlock 1tire celeirrated "Men Penrl." . 1k A à tire are, lhe tieao ofse- a12 ssuar- 211d Yolerlay, cli day, and et New- onu trot f tengle' ni ynurs et tire cari- Wireirer tis xras tire case or not, Jo th txarx àtv!.M-aei lX t csti i t Wdnsda irm 2p.m lst oppor)01tnnity." the w as ano deubt tiret Anoe U ROT WATS AN JAPY ANS , nw peunds ineshly slaked lime Ofica:TemeraceSt. Boman. ithouIt veucisefing eyfutirer te hadlxel e mr tice ouyLed te Coocnrud Lalefleld ie sdfrecr 0glosutr vMle, o f Hligglnirethem's drug irsmsaiesisgssAdvrd- trnieCuldII af,;ord le iursuit nif a 0mlsoaa s-ueqe scenexy anil - 2i bo deaux -ùsneeix h sa xre p~tedimnn M. Sythind humi- vluies %ý:c. o vs ne't tir 1ou l sui~~,o seitl is645 oml i-t- strungli) - rýc fdl aZ)-no te thIe resdesc if uretesller- siuir indiglty, -quietl -, Prvneo ais Ecletsem ept te eueý wpa n hen six pounds j> flj' ~ j ~ ome, en, asuulueiitdt n eppou.-ity nýimakýing Su Gcoirgo tien "il G T. R. ""d C. P. IH trama, of four po'unds. Tire ,peisen ires cd- 'S tiemmbeAdvr.Weir pay f, sr al tira trouble cnd 'ai- dunrg tire seasoni. ded te tiru bordeaux xvttireut naing i 'el, Ciirley, myi- boy," hes-aid xioty an itisapipeinitment ho mdlilse 1 ctoee tgt-Steamer any more, iuin. C. HARN EN, L .S., aat are yenu dning te diay? 01f to uenittiegly caused hlm. t ae ida o trenPitad Tire potato beoties uerc periectly Scedoun, Isuppose?" Hall a deozen frieeds, emonget tirent Bobcavgeon. dailv at il a un, anid 5 45 controliud n 'ail tire meus. 'lire ordat f tire Royal Collage of -NO; I don't' thiek se. And yen, Aisdever, bcd been dluing' e t Sir p. mi. except on Salurdaye, When tire iras ne exidencu of fe-liage mmmcnç! by Dental Surgeons, Ontario. my dus-r Weir?" - Gerge's toue boeuse, and citer dinnrer eVeninar boat aut- ie arrivai cf tire, tire Paris green-not evcn uhen tire "Certaiuly net! Racing is net la tire conversation turned upue tire G. T. R, and C P R.L evening trains puison. iras used le Nrater clone and Ofice:-Oppesite T. Ilingiam'a ofice. My lino." - Moon Pearl." Tire stone wass pacs rmTmenar otHp.attr ae<i' oeî o tr VITLIEDAI. G et cnlytbing on thon?" cd frein baud te haud round tire June l9hte September.-Steamer s-cru. Cn tire~ cont"srr, ail trong "No, absolntuîy nçthing." table. le!e ida rio-weekly (Mon)days. tire seeson tire foliac on tire tire LaeOntario Navigation ,1sy, coand have lunch et snay "You've sien it oftlen enougir." WeneasnStudv)e eo o os sprat cd iriti poison in mater Co., Limited, flat," ie sanid eonchaîcutîy: -I can scsd Sir George te An-lover, miro la Fale., Rosedale arnd Cooconk, reture. ced le lime-w eter wias nc4ticeably 111d yeu cibut I ,ron't promise1 tome iras examining tire joxxel. ing saima dy, MORE FREE PROM BLîGHIT, tiret tire xxîno xvil ire np te tie stan- -I bave, my dear IVir," saîd An-' June i9th to SEptemiber 16th .-Steam- more perfect, greenen ced smore vig- SI R. ARGYLE dard Of yolir own collar"- doyen, with a queer look le iris eyc'5. ors leave Lakeiield fer Stony Lake cous than tiret on adioining check -CraJo;1 hl wc meih e, t Ad1dotmn elling you tuat Peinte daily n rrivlaZ cf ail G T. Rý meus 1 in whirci tise bugs uoice plcked Ncwc-astl e and BoWmanvill o doni't belove yen about tire ui I 1mconvinced tire tiring is notming ris enete tBrlii al by bond. It ires,qsslte evid-nt that Toronto, tirnugir, fer I iie-w, Charley, ynaebut Peste. wifis steamer ookBclhorn, CiremeugtrPaigru csndseiepsus a bit ni e ceneoisseur in sucir mat-1 Tire no irsset, arnnel d Boecaî-geeu, ced during tire samet uss îgii ioui fcoret Scvieluefect Màav 23 ced ei-ery ters."- "Aly dean luibowx, you ar ileyperied Bus ceuneoý_tion1 le given betweetec tehnîcý11 Tuesay ed rida1a7 r ircidat. Tre iro r'a's rovtnilsîsostdurTghd" u lugtirsai SmGonnn, eteborouïdChoengte ad Ie alee.oxtit hSndrdlire1er,,0 's *t(ir st Pi'.... aLt on, z tir atird tuer roenaei ois Levig ecatl t 6 3i) a. m., lmoiti tei AC1vr' paltie j i Io s ofsî n. FSIIIi-ls m Arlvin at omat et 1.15a m ngiymehiordeed hnciriresciredy my pinlen.I' mii th yen( tle For rtsfor excuirsioni parties, thn-leeiesne e rs n mni auaiing irexl irsnde pnnswc irItr tnecreIionecap te Tire Trouted'utrC lae:N w asl 5 tr xest cirtîu ove tI irrhls! t 1 t omre LiMited tirepio,,ss u eu Liuer ecubogrexxtrcletr mmstiaadf tire, tiOug1lt tire irordes-uax-siprzycd rowe, ritir ced e Urerie1g ica v,, Tr to e ,t 5 p. Ir. ia-d c igers xvr1 e ligtei. S ir Gerg t docrbd ireen indulging tee witiout Paris green. TVicket(s May bu extendedi for tire cemimeniced, te relate onle ni iris sdmuvjemnACFa COS ECRIOS1iggirsg time, hoeu-er, hs'ought ont Seso ipon apic tict tbe pnervtues witir e native priet in, . "-nxe ri' e Cetnyo more strengly tire advanltcge nf tire Fre;,t ii hadld roptHO seit, opposite tire narmator, iritir Tire othors le tire rool statred et tember the Chicage ced Northr WeEtern a une aise shoun beireu tire mnws F rea Lgi o ',ted ad ir h n dd p o m p a cion i s an di a y n h ie retirter i t the m at. A n evr m s c r aiiwl . mii sa i f ei h ca o r un n m icr o linxe w ns u sed ltir tire p oison ly iit~ c~reul1y. ue cedc irar gîlîtr in rinot tiem-t1lmxrsoe x y excursion tickets te Sac Francisco. Les and whire tire poison w-as asccd cloue, Meai o sateoonacomodaio ireunweisn t&ugit aIn t Aneie. erbau, re. (Lwis& thii sea unevheiietesir U of0 teaonl~e ats xciting, assd Sir George, as as sexens-i nf tirose preserit tiret ie must Ciarke Expos'itioni),S'eattie, Victoria and ie. ce differetsces more 'cen- For7 furtir informaýtion apply te custemcry iritx mma in mroments ni! keoin more about tire clone tliai irel Vancouver at, veny low rates. Corres-tst trmongliout tire semies, but ac H. CANN, Agent. Bowmanviiie personial rumrnsconces, gusticuleted had saisi. W'as 1h possible tirat Sm1 peedirtgly cheaip lareýs Item ail peints l ino ml eoutm rvo'i r INTRETI lidly. George Weir bcd boon uïaking gane 1Canada Cicice cf routas, best of train ieirs aitrout more exidence. Paris ITR$IN TUTV siii ae i aeadm alpnosIa~seieot udnyiI rozdfc x tie iee'ioyfrtr aee rsOn evcfHea tpaesadlhrlgeni r-e usc~u ieyed4 inuerarture r î "irenidboy xxlll nover dreenaim otx goiyM.Wii- Sextie Lorg vini us-cnet maire Up ionr sîtting hune ire iid not use tiref t IlflhlUl IPPIÛ, L11011l011, fil, ____ -i e smoXcd iris cigar leisuruiv, feeling chou" xicgih rsoder, but seperated thc ciricirs lu ___________ - ~~~that iris poukets w-cru alccuy ires-y- ________________ lots of 20 xltir ne be to ecci ~ r~q~ Rot Cen ouL 1e hy tro iueiri penis.coopl. Tirese more confined te mi Iii:11 Tise experts, -77-7,anitiost rues ismsing sterixy mes then s-ni giv-1 - Treoniysaiaeffectnsimnentiiy7 a- as te1 i They cosul4 toîieen pîcutt' ai littor le ubjci te p fl PTY ~ d mdn ce wirjuiroEr, ixor oseIý, bmtm 1111e lmcc ic tic, sur atuir Tue or tirree times a day stregtl-Ne.1, t r rdiunryelir nitir ta- eiance te dur craliquanliy et juillet ceiias Barhîmnîs sdotberwioreimze he sdvsairs' n ~ cases, $1 perbex; Ne. 2, 1Ode> Geor'ge Wýeir ced rctune th iMeo sct1re L;og islitrt n st iiaugtheir ratent idestaîcm rs rne o P i ir xei.Pisuredlefe.cag e, $5P., box. ,SA - i u-l b rsbuscuaeexrie u on irigit, sue-, unodeate.0cr lventr's Arîse sentceeuskie Ceek' C1 'T"Iis is, punrape-,tr_ uetpn hn astieciiswm i efo ieieiaien & Marina,, Newn'o kclciie B Mg, . ~ ~ ~ tiene tir't il ires ever heus m lot te f rne Me.r1,cdWahateDCD.Ci.,o U.S.A. î _ensrOtriis-de" osl, -t afuirn n--Tnn nmcia ie il m Comin-mrange$ maeke îth e cli me sesl It is comparatively FTAc Pandera -Range inare s he srifty easy to build a range heUseui m.f ius. that wi]l make a lot of heat, but it requires the exact science of Pandora range building to, produce a range that will use ail the heat in the eoaî'ihou waste. A common range rnay burn twice the coal that a Pandora will, and yet do oniy haif the work. If you use a Pandora range youcan ibe certain that your coal money is lot wasted, but used. L-Ondlon'Toronto, b~t~i St. 'sipe, V.B.,~ ga PENNINUGTON &LAPLANTE, Sole get DON'T READ THIS. Every Day is Bai-gain Da y At the SPeople's Fuel and Lumber Depot. We are stili handling Best Brands Canadian S Cernents, British Columbia Red Cedar and other goc"(1 Brands Cedar and Pine Shingles, Pine and llemloek'l S Lfnnber, Dressed andi Undressed, Doors, Sash. tllinds and outdings. Fresh Mined Scranton Coal, Cannel Coal, Steani C oaI, Chareoal, HaTrd and Sof t Wood,, Sawved and Split, Siabs, Edgings, Land Plaster, Fine and Coarse Sait in barreis and sacks.- We always atm to g'iv.e the best value at reasonablo prices. Higliest Cash Price paid for Grain and Seeds.- j w King St East, Dowm»;nnville. . have f orgsd Itheir own chahea by thz ùcscferl cub exposure te contagious disease, or the cesses of maehoed They feel they are lnetthUe men heogI t beor cedto e Tevin,ve, ard vitality cf ialedar aka Are te force youse1' throegb h day's work ? hv yo Bulaà, btoiaedený y re>uirialeade.c!t Ieyes ae5uderssd n gardi c? 'meyperand-j uriefage ,haeLIu ekbacir 'w ilb. rezansa id bseu ai 1 ih? pt ve-,rin? uwea_. 7 Ally?-yea havà u ots ebliy ziSm!a W anes cl-o o1No jpay. 2z ess, h Ietot a Fe, itf, for 0tetlec l fl.r- ereteL esmal conisîci ni, cumrd cisCs qemillet j1le cmore Isalatll i , ex un u-rore se tiraî and w-mle ubeat, ubopped eniens, 1tise other indiors namexc, cci it aiso lettiicu or an'y otiru greens fond cvail bslances tihe rabtin betutrs-hn thene. chie, witir unsxoccasinnai feed of frSh eaes lvr sq aenI tirey 55eroe ausoustirold, xrieukahn euir a îuusposo. '1hat is s.ot 1tmue n cern eteurod ls-rgel.,v mb thir r diot- i~t tire preset voir. Tire cioerrco s-rt, and lhey w'ere fod ibiirrlly on was uuucliy pl--tîtflfi. Not a uittIle tris groin unlil usanketeci. ni it, ireurerer, us-s s,oilcd on lei 'Tiiy acne sou iunismg Jaumy and jureci by sain. -Mucirofnitj is aisae February ah lire heet prices ex'er re- coarse, s-ni suci cie-rer is usot rùlisir- ceixci oneour fmmfor youn,- poul t ei by ciruep. Tiey mil mejecitirau try of iryung size. One tr'ial ni nais-i coas-sest, portions. l'à ieg Augnet hatli iicke xxil pmoi J Wiru tire second umop meas mel ably pey if only for Lise on lie home ecx ('i il t x'esw clifor esuir peod- table; but there les-ialw ey a good 1 ing. Eut tire ps-st seasons lu sose market Ionrcirs e f fsyieg cime ironi s mtions mir i t ïilesee-cosnd crop iras .Janucry ontii Mïarrisor Apnil. 'Iirenose ilcli h -lu. Noltlthauiing tire more ea.iy neanei-, gnou repiily.anti amo nntitîsus Injunci, tire crop uns se ivere neo une ru 'oble tirsn eamiy 1irc itsxuhgond cloî'or is arc il.' sprlng halcici chicks. 'aile fur ieie.Il cannot ise do- voIci b e btter -m'e tirais bfecdi t CLOVER TO I/AllEN SI-UEP. 1teirhecp thel caru eing ac e iucîiied Ine iattenîng eep tihe ciseactur ni abexe. Il is ai. o excellent for broui- tire muder loi exorcises ce important tjing eues,, partiuulcnly le tire 'or- influence,.9/heu corn, or oven barley ing season. Il us gond for pronucing is the important grain factoin treelllç, cci sheep are vcry fond of it fend. cleve r ai'. led as tish fiu whun lire s'lorm leproperly txi mlii ettonlire ireepnuno cui'" i cend more setisfautorily lisecom louder or tinsolhy ba.y. Tire receon le fou ni in tire f ccl Ihe lire ulover It's ne use 'tnusîîug te Prýovidence il yen fini gour pactimo ueintic.lliug tire meon rendi ni a mule. T 0 Ïonwhnu yu -P,.i1 Cu rciz.Tî ~ f r

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