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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1905, p. 5

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Trunk1 WAYV WMANVI &eT. .1010w .6 49 pml 11, 1,4 .11.4o . t>iiday ra fs4Jtbe lio ;,If I start 'I wiIl always ha and111I havet Thi people1 and the aleng f( until thi e-d %nd ruinied; touas wl gan te gi ven tI tect ia siglit amount >JORA shows1 ',-asua ll1y fit you p glasses wîthout Stott 'The place wherey -b Grs WO-uIff'%ý For Diarrhq etc., We bave ir esý-t excellent re Money can reliable and sai Nicboljs sel Railwav Svstem. r IW zut î M B oi TIE TABLE. 1BOWMANVILLE, ÂUG. 9, 1905. Harpn ILLE STATION0_________________ iss idi1 GoÎNG msiarpil 1Local ...ý7 .57 ~ Miss Annetta Coles is vlsiting, friendi; Miss Belo A] ixsed...... 36 inj Newtonville. Mr. C. W.1 n.Mise Lola Downs has been visiting vIsitd bis mc i.. Senday only, friends In Coiborne. Mr. James -n Ls sold in aeo,.rdaae ates annlolznced in another Mli.ier's Griv Powders Cure. Sold by home over St nored on trains Nos. 1 or Stott & JurY,. druggists. Mr. R H. & IR.Town 2, geut Miss Victoria Tamblyn bas been vis- visiting bis1 iting frierids in Wbitby. Mr. G. H.( 'Miss Ada Moyse, Rochesiter, N. Y., is Mr. James Bi visiting Mirs Nettie Peate. Miso Nelie ~c r. T. C. Jewell rentlv visited bis ing Mis Etht Sisiter, Mrs F J. Joilow, Euei, N Y. Mliss Mabel Miss Gertie Roenigk, linidsay, is vis- ot Miss Lillie aïe LO wear LIIBII iting her grandfather, Mr. R, Darch. Miiier's Gr! Miss Mary Gi, Toronto, is visiting Stott & Jury, gongte tegn euncl, Mr. James Gi, Erpingbam C. M. Cw MisMaggie Bogue is7 vitaiting beretprctr cousins the Misses Galbraith', Whitby. Miss Rosie 0 Miss Edna Arebibaid. Belleville, lsevis- visiting Miss iting ber grandmotther, Mrs. R. Baiiev. 79 oniv, blo Mrs. Chas. E. Marshall, Woodstock, sale price 5c1 ds is a remark that le visiting ber sister Mrs. A Penning- Mrs. 1, Pa! le, by thoughtless ton. Clarke, Ken< Miss Westaway, Brooklin is vlsiting Mr. J. pou] many many turnes ber brother, Mr. J. L. Westawa-v. Port of Mr. Geo.N > manage to work Hope. Miss A&nnie or mnonths or y' ears Miss Laural Clavton, Wbitby, bas ing ber sister been visiting bet' aunt Mrs. Gro. Tamb- Misses Rubý oir oves are strain- lînson.1 Toronto, are the sight almost Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wickett, To Mr. J. A. ý - 8 ronto, have been guests of Mr C. bas been reng whberea by eoming Rebder. Mr. and M, hen. sight first be- Mr. and Mrs Arthur Doney and baby son, Toronto, fail we couid have Of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. R. R. lativee tere. Hoskin s. Miss Ma- g Itemglasesto ro- Mrs. Wm. Wakelin bas been visiting Brown spent nd preserve the ber daugbter Mrs. W, J. Morgritson, Cbaney's. Gst an nedesHamilton. 1Mrs. J E.1 and n enless Miss Maude lemence, Central klusi* tors, Toronto Of trouble in alfter ness Colrge, Toronto, spent Sunday at and Mrs. W. wvouId thus be bar father's. Mr. Franeii Rev. Dr. Talling, Toronto, preacbed Florence. Er! in the First Preshyterlan church, Port brotht~r Mr.1 Hope, Sunday. Mr and Mr Mr. James Jarvis and wife, Toronto, are spending en your siglit first wero guests last week of bis brother father and oti Chief R. Jarvîs. Mrs. J. HJ. sig n s Of failure 1Mr. D B. Simpson, K C , and Miss visiting ber, * t4 t 5 etu ipson are en!oyving holidays at Ken- Stephens and nrpry in bs ebunk, Maine, Mr. and Mi proerl ad te1 Mrs W. Sandercoek, Riverside, Cal,., ter Susie, Tre wili1 probably do is visiting ber aunt Mrs A. Buekler and at her father'i cbanging for 5 othe3r friends bere. Ms a Misses Della 'and Gladys Wright, daugbter Fra Toronto, are visiting their grandmotb- Mrs. W. H. El Jer, Mrs. S. Wright. Mrs J. 0.1 Jý Y is Elsie E Rundie, Bethesda, le MacMilan, '1 Ss;Dtndîng ber holidays with friends tn n lx Poetrboro 411 d r j) i, -s Misof BMr.A e 1 yon get Satisfaction.,; Mn and Mrs W. IL. Tbickson and ber brother li duate Opticiais. I Miss Annie Tapson visited relatives in Mrs J. G Gi Buffalo, N. Y , recently. Mn. and M: Mn. end Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Miss baby, Toron Grace Trewin recently visited friends fatber's Mr. in ýNiag&ra Falls, N. Y. Elgin et. Mrs. J. R. Finkie and ber guest Mrs, Mrs. D. b Weston. Detroit, recentlv visited Mrs. Etta and Mis A. W. Frer, Campbellford.11 were guests s Remedy tr. and Mrs, W. C Col@ sud daugh Monday. te eta spent Sunday wîth lier 1brother Mn. A P. S Mr. Cecil T. Oke, Cobourg. er of the Ce 0ea, OrampS, Mr. W. H. Heliyar and daughter Toronto, was Fannv, Clinton, have been visiting at US a eall. 1 etc. his fatber's Mr. John Hellyar, Miss Bertie Mrs. W R Bond and Miss Amanda ber frîend Mii canulactured this Bond, Oshawa, have been visiting ber Sundav at b( father Mn. John James and othen relit. Richard. emedy for over, 25 tives beire. Mn. Wilbui Mvrs. F. Manu, iMvrs A. Mann and recentlY visitý Miss Mann, Raby Head. Darington,, Hamilton, tal ýot produce a more have been visiting at Mr. W. G. Bld- tbe Falls. fsitory article. well's, Coîborne Master Rej Mr. and Mrs. S.F.Hoean Saturday roi iy 25 ets. dau,-hter Eva and Mr. and Mrs. Grahamn witb bis sister *MeDonRId, Toronto. have bren visiing Havelock. at Mn. J. B. \Matvn 's. Mr. and Mr Ms. A. G. C. Brown and son Capt. Mr. and r ary, J" A.Brown, Chicago. Ill, have been have been gu viSiting ber daughter Mns. McCrimmon bairn, P. M. You get Satisfaction." and other relatives boe., Misses Etne ýCol. of Phanmscy, Mn. and Mrs. F., N. Rose, Rochester, Walter Ricka ans. N. Y., and Mr. W. Peate. Cifton of Miss Maudi Springs. N. Y , are visiting their par- Hawkins, Poi ente Mr. and Mrs Thos. Peate. Bref. Lambi Mr. and Mrs. Jno. S. Ashton, Enfisld, sn, Jeliied bas been visiting n town. Her friends Bnawn, Bolb are pieased to see ber able to get round lard at C. M. pretty well witb aid of crutches. Rsv. T. W. Mrs. William Jordan, Mrs. Lunney, Sunday in pi Miss Gertie Hallandale and Miss Mary ment made Barker spent civie holiday with Mrs. will iupply fo: Tbos. Scott, Spion Oop, Oshawa. Auguet. Mr. Arthur B. Cornish, Miss Frank The appeai Wiley, Miss Clana Morse.1 Toronto, and lawn is imm 1Miss Jepsie Connish, Strattord. were guard rails bi recrut guests of Councillor L Connish. J anvis takesp Rev T WV. dolle ig supplying for fre sh and attr Rev. D. O Crosslev at the Tabernacle, Mr. John WhitLb y, wbil the latter and bis family Master Ram' are spending holidays witb bis brother, daughter. Mi Rev H. T Crossley ,in Mushoka. Sound. Miss MiÉs Louise Ilanson and Mr. Donald Ward to ecel Linden, Toronto. were guests of Miss One of the1 Allie Cawken, "Norway Cottage" Sun- Mn. L. A. W. day. Mr. Linden sang "Thy Wili Be 1w aint( Done" in the Methodist cbuncb Sunday more atat effi cheup. ir sale. See advL. fng, Toronto, le guest of SMeatb, Winnipeg, Mun. totber, 9Scobeîl, Pelerboro, 'vas 3unday. Mc0ýung, Gausuoque, is ruothen. Carter, Toronto, visited aI ârown'g. ie Ciurrey, Toronto, in vieil- el1 Brown. ýCoad, Oshawa, 'vas guest ,MeLeau. rip Powdens Cure. Sold by rdrugglsts. Item sud Son pays tbe higli- choice poultry. 3Pbilips, Toronto, bas beeu sLoua Richards. [use sels, regular l5cts., :s s set aI Nicholis'. atenson is vlsiting friends lu lali and other places, .110e, Toronto, 'vas guest Varcoe over Suuday. oJackson, Oshawa, le visit- ýr Mrs Wrn. Courtice. by Crago sud Ettie Gilbert, visitiug Mme. R. Crago. 5Awdo, Marsballto'vu, la , ewing acquaintances bene. ,s Arthur Luttroîl and aspent Sauday -witb no- ie Cbauey sud Miss Ethel the woek end aI Mrs. T. ahawa. Hamblv sud two daugb- o.are visillug Mrs Fred .W. Allin. îs Bassett sud daugbter rie, Ps, are vlsiîîng hus T'bornas Bassett. [rs. W. C. Allun, Glencoo, tbeir bolidays wltb bier bher fionde bore. Kennedy, Winnipeg. le ýr uncle Mn. Jonathan I other relatives. ns Harry Docb sud dstugb- rntou, N. J., are visitlng 's Mr. John- Gnigg. colm C. Galbraithi sud -Lukie are vlslting lier sîster Ellery, Buffalo, N. Y. MalcMillan sud Miss Kate Tronto, have been guests MacMillan, Churcb st. ar Yeoll9wlees !o Vififing là Winnipeg aise bier sister ibson, Alameda, N. W. T. ns Fred Brirnacombo sud nle, are vislting at his Richard Bnirnacombo, MePherson sud dauglilen ss Koae MeNeil, Toronto, of Mrs J. N. Lawmue, Sprott, Seemetary-Treasur- unIraI Business College. lu inetwn Motnday'aud gave eRiekard, aecompaniod by ss Cave, Toronto. spent or !sther's Mr. Gro. P ar and Miss Ida Tlrewin td fnieuds in Toonto sud ikiug in the excursion te eginald Jolliffe retunned Dm a vomy pleasaul visit ns at Treut Bridge sud rs. Rys. D. Fairbairu sud s. Jno. Brodie, Toronto, Lests of Mn. J. B. Fair- sil sud Florence sud Mn, md attended the wedding de Bickle. Canton, sud Dr. nIt Roe. , Veai, }'resb Pork, Cbiek- Tougues, Cooked IIsm, gua sud borne rendened Cawken & Sou's. r Jolliffo 'vas at .Whitby pursuance of an arrange. some months since. Ho ®r the chuneb thons during arance ef the Town Hiall nousely irnproved since thé iave beau rernoved. Chie! pride lu keeping il looking tractive.« Gr!igg, Miss Edra sud ~Gnigg are vlsiting is nrs. W. J. Ward, Oweu ;sGrigg 'vîli assisl Mme. Bivo ou Aug. 101h sud 111h. îprelîlest homes un towu le r. Tole's since ut bas beau ted sud otbenwise made iv. Paint, flowens, vines, tasIe eornbiued sdd greatly suc o! apla. Miss Ella MCDouýgal ile Visltiug fiends in Cobourg. Miss Phoebe Mooreý Pont Penny, le visitinugfriendu here, Buy your eut flowers at A ebn FLetcber's, Queen Strot. Dr. Julia Thoruuas, 59 Avenue Jload, Toronto, bas been -guest of Mrs MA. James. Miss Violet Stevens bas rolurned te ler home lu Peterboro aller visitià g friends bore Mrs. W. J Humphrey, and Miss, Lus Cole, Bethesda, visited frieuds ln the City recently. Misses Mary and Marionu Inderwood, Scarboro,are vustngthein grandmother Mns. A. Colville. Mn G D Sutton and Miss Lvda Ram- moud, Bolivar, Pennr., are visiting Mn D Davis, Becl Ave, Mme. N E. Gould sud Misses Nellie and Ilia are visitlug hon -sisten Mro. G. L Steveus, Pelerboro Mrs MeKenzie Nicbolls aud sou RoI- snd, Toronto, were guests of Mrs G E Jackson on the holidav, Mrs. W H Greonawood and two 'eblidren, Londou, are vlsitiug ber fathen Mn. W. W. Tamblyn. Cul flowors sud design work of al kinds for sale at A Herbent Flelcher's, Corner Queeu and Ontario Ste Mn. and Mns Albert Slute and familv, Tornto, are vlsiting bher sisten Mre, E. 1 Osborne sud other relatives. Salem Methodist Cburcb 'ili bold thein annual Hanvesl Homne ou Suuday sud Mouday August 2ï sud 28. Pan- ticulans laten.. Mn. sud Mrs. McLeod sud daugbtor Andmey. Newcastle, sud Mr. W. 'B. Kerr, Chicago, iII , neceuity visited aI Mr E W. Legge's. The commitleiu charge o! thoe Civie Holiday Sports desine te tbauk the menchants sud ail others who contnibut- od iu auy way te the sucesss o! the pmognam. Mn Marvin Bark bas our sîncere thauke for the besýt mess o! speckied trout that we bave bad iin ton %ears Ho sud Mn Floyd L Smîth, o! Toledo, O, have bad remankablo luck lu the Iront stnoams. Mns. Jamnes A. Phillips and twc ebild- non wbo have been enjoying a visil witb ber parents Mn sund Mme M. A. James at Lorne Villa, left Fniday nighl for L'Orignal te visit Mn Phillips' motb- or and othen relatives befomo rolurnieg te bier home in New York City, Mn J. B. Fairbaimu, Mies Faimbairu, Mn sud Mrs J B3rodie aud Mn sud Mrs Rhys D~ FairbAiri, Torouto. bad a plissant drive le Mt. Vernon, Solina, sud other points lu Darlinglon on Mou- day, taking Ira at AMn 'l bos Baker's. Wo bave requesled Mm Fairbairu 10 give us somo early histony vo! thi§, pLrt o!et lnlol Mn sud Mrs S Ël Reoiàls and~ dauglters eutentaiued about thirty friends 10 s picule ou tIhein lawn necoul ly. Abtindauce ef choico e dibles wýere sorvedsud old sud young eu egage d lu games sud social chat. Ail retunimed le their homes at an eanlv heur g-restly refreshed with the aftemuoou's outing.j The special featunes wve are giving] almost every woek -is miakiug Ta-tu STATESMAN More--op0,Ula1r than eVer. We are piting in ourn rogtluar weoiyv edýiin tonytwo ani~~usd flftV-' sxcopies sud s oirne week rxin as higb as two tbousand fivo hundmed copie3s The public avpmscate a live, uewsv, euterprising local parer and Ibis is the kind wo are tnyiug te preduce We are giviug il for balance of 1905 for 25e. Seud il te Sour distant fieuds. Wr psy the postage. Sore Throst Lnd Co-ughe A simple, effective and safé rncmedy for ail tlireat irritaions jefound ie Cresolene Antiseptlc Teablets They combine the germicidal value ofcresolenewith the soothing propertica of s1ippely elm and licenice. 100oAil Dzu4ikiiu 400 500 pins for Sets, at Nicholîs'. TrY a 1"Hiawalba" aI Thos Tode.> 12 collan buttons for Sels aI Nieboils'. Souvenir Peel Cards le. each aI Nicholls'. Gro. Smith makes goedl photos sud pnices are igbt. MilIer's Compound Imon Pilîs, ouly 25 cents for 50 doses. It will psy you te take youn pouitny le C M. Cswker & Son. G. B Chocolatos "The fines3t in Ibe1 Land" a full lins just arrived at Thos Tod's. Cornbs! Combs! Our owu importat- ion "Nicholîs' Special"L'big- cornb, ouly 10 cents. Trv sorne of the usw linosý of cakes at Thos Tod's, Magnolia sud Al ceadria 15e. escis. WARN WEATHER UECBSSITIES Clrk 's Sliced Smnoked Beet aud other canned m~s ocoO)dng, Refady te, s'erve. Pull of flaveur and wbo1esounl- ness. Trry a Fruit Sundae nt TIhos Tot's Souvenir Chinaî, lovely goods aI Buv your Poultry supplies aI P. Murd.och. Fur re[airing u ow ou at Mlaven's Pur s'tore, Bowmiarville. New wedding cake 1boxes-lovely ones -St STATESUAN oflice- C. MN. Cawken & Son will have spring chieken for sale this woek. B)pfdmneal, Meat me.pii. 0% teýr eell, Mica gril, at P. Mun4ch'is. Tmy Lowuoy's celebrate3d împortled Chocolates aI D. Luttnell's. T. H. Knigbt wili pay higbest cash prices for ail kinds of produce. Have vou sent THE STATESMAN te your absent fiend ? Do it now. Pratt's Poultry Food, Pratt'g Stock Food, Ppatt's Lice. Powder aI P. Mur- docb 's. JM A. Jam)es is ý,Gaveru ment Issuer o! Maniage Licenses for Durbam Counlv. A very successful Garden Part e was beld undon the auspices of Trinity Ladies' Aid Soety Monday evening Lawn was preltilv illurinaîrd There was a lange galbering The DOG& P Co band unden the leadership of Rt Lowen, gave a very enjo% able pro6rnas les cream and cake were served brj the ladies Pmoceeds,$16 were devoted te the [und for extinction of debt FURS-REPAIRED- FURS. Ladies, tbis is the veny best season of teyean te take ý our fur, eunu aleigrepaining and rnovating to Mankus Mat'or, the pracîial fumrier, Bowmauville. Bing tbem in aI once, please 29-tf. Top Priees for Butter and Eggs. T. H. Knight wants y oui, butter and eggs, farmers, Vemv top pnices will be paid, Donl't hesitate te bring -al younr farm produce in the provision fiue-be eau take aIl at besi pnicos, He bas undentakean te supply a finm in Mloutreai aud can hiandie a ton of butler a wekl sud 11000 doz. eggs. Ho wauts vour produce andl will pa-.T cash or trade. Cail to see hlm about il, JJAINES' BLACKSMITH sud wood shop te rani. vwirh toold. -Apply, Mrs. L. A HAINES, llOWManVile 32 t!. A PPRENTICES WANTED-to leamu £.miliinery. 8pply te HsrNy & ,, ~1GGIEsý FOR SALE-Good second ii hanS McLaughimn top buggy for sale eieap also nearly uew Bike buggy only used one season. Appiy at STATESMAN Office. 30-if, T ORENT-6o acres of land. lot9. ceon. 3, DarU.-,gton. Good brick bouse,ý stone stables and. good orchard, About two1 miles northo£RoBwuianville. Appiy on em ises te MRs. CalAs.HUTCfnîNSON, BbWmanýVille. BRICK HOUSE AÂND LOT FoRl taiulng seven roome,, halls and kitchL len, oua acre huaSd wail puates wm ýth appie, anS tfer frulit treeS. , ppY to Mas. PDoWNs, ug st.,ý Mas. M A. JEWE-fTL1, 'VYrone, Or 'SVÀ'ESMAN F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT- good f arm pf 22 acres, wth iýl acres orch- anS on lot 7, con. 6, Darlington. Good frame house andSstone stables, hanS and soit water. For partîculars apply to ROBERT MARTIN, Tyrone. 21-tf [iiner Cjk, MCKÂ-InStakvileJuly 28Jh, tu Mr, aBnd Mrt. JOhn Mc:KaY, -% da11ghter, WÂRD-In Oshawâ, July S9rd, the wîfe o1 Geo. Ward, of a daughter. Donald Hall, a aughter. HURST-Ifl Oshawa, Jttly 53oti, the silfe of Mr. Lents Horst, a daughter. TYxo--In Oshawa, Jniy 318t, the wvite ot MijrR, J. Tee, a son. OLARK-REIP-At Millbrook, Aug. 21nd, Dr. Clarke, Milllbrook, and, Miss Hettie, se.ond daughter of the laie James R. Reid, 13tarkville. COLVILLE-BOT-At the residence of the bride'$!Parents, Braebank. Darlingtn, by Bey. J. . MeKeen, Aug. 2nd, Neil Coiville, M. D., ronoiandlMs Edna, younger daughter of W. J. loy, Bsq. HOGAUTI-WHIT1IELDAt the home of the bride, b y Bey. D. 0. Crossiey. 6h Aug. 2nd, Mr. G, . 1varhand Mise Martha Whttld, CÀAEY-SMITH-In Oshawa, July 29tb, by Bey. W. B. Tucker, Daniel McK. Carey, and Adeline B. Smith, both of Oshawa, WIMELEX-TALBO ýOn Ang. lIt. at the church of the Holy Trinity. Toronto, by Bey, John Pearson, Arthur Bollm Wheeler, New Yorkand Marion Frances, daughiter of Bey. Jas. H. Talbot, Oshawa. BowL*ND-NoRTHi-Ât Picton, Ang. 2, James Francis Rowland of the Standard Bank, Brighton, and Mary Avena North, Pieton, DDmSog- WÂaBEN- In Bowmanyille, A ig, 7th, by Bey, W. JollIffe, Mr. Roland T, Dayjdson, Belleville, and Miss Lena A Warren Newcastle. MONTGOMBRY-GORDÂSNiER..On Wednesday July 26, at the home of! the bride's parents, by Rey. Henry Thomas, Sandhurst, ey. W. H. Montgomery, B. A., B. D , Newton Falls, N. Y. and Addie S only daughter of Mr. J. T. P. Gordanier, ïMoryen. GABFÂIr-GOULD-III Port Hope Aug. 2nd by Bey. G W. Henderson, Ada Grace, eldest daughter of Mr. Norman Iinrr Gould, and John Franklin Garfat oniy son of Mr. William Garfat, all of Port Hope. WILSON-In Poil op, Ug fth. Gerge Wilson, J. P., pubisi er o The Guide, aged 80 yearr. M[ACKF)-At KnalJul Y il'ilIian Mai- guerte.belveddaughter of MIr.&id- Mrs. C. Mackey, agcd 2 years and 10 months. BOWMANVILLE-ON-THE-LAKE Mn E G SUis, ex-,M P, P.. aud family are ekijoying the lake breezes in Trv a dozen German Dougbnkuts, 'Oc Mrs W. L. Mallonv's Cottage per dozen at Thos Ted's. Tbey are Mr. Malcolm Gal braith, Kansas Civ deliçious. Kausas, ii visiring his mother Mrs. J Mr. W. A. Lrîgh of tbe Ingersoîl K. Galbraith, Kilcaine Cottage Chronicle staff, died at bis home ,July The Gox'ernmeut Lighthou e supý 27 after an iliness of aoout eight weeks. boat "Occola" made a short stay iu the On the 29th of May Mr. Leigb was barbon Sunday-. She's amonsten. woundsd lu tise left hip by the accident- The Epworth Leagtie picnmc on the ai dîscharge o! a sotguu ,wbile wilh a green Wsdnesdav wasa verv pîrasant Picnic Party ào n enos'a p. event. The bon tire and 8siuging in prebehded for a few daýyb, but Mn,ý the evening were much enýoYOd, Leigb'8 constitution, eiifeebledby cn sidenableAIllnqss ln the past was un- Misses Gladys Iýdick aud MWinnie equai bt he dernands o f the beallng Morris, Beach Ave., akre visiting Mrs. procu-ss and lie doeloped esterltis, ne- F. W. Çjûh takç Brerze Cotlage sulting ini dealli Docea ed was a seau Mm! Sheridan Cmn!pheli tp _ son of empramntand idl Victor, Toronto, wert) recent, gueZiso0 dfispositio)n, and wài îýdeseiïývdisr potiIa 1Mms J I 13ijaçmhe), ViçtQria Cttage. with a large circle of tniends. 'He 'vas Mrs. J. . Aieýkanddr, Miqs lorA aniember or many years' standing J'u Galbraith. Mrs. Thos, Cowan' Clarke the Mrthodist churcb and since co)ming Misses Tena and Kate Colville, and Mn' te Ingenrsoîl had engaged actively lu 1Ruddock Waddeil, Orono, have been the work of King street chunch and guesus at Utucle Toms C 4abin. choir. Ris boybood borne was at Mn nd rs H ennr sd fmii',Beaverton, but for a number o! yeans StMtr~r and M nsJ Chïuwran as Wnh, liivad at Lindsav, being emplo% ed ou Strafor, Nl an MrsCha c thestaff of the Lindlsay Post-occupy- Teronto. A F Sprott, SecretRam--Tras- isgthepsto !lrmnfrsm uren Central Busin ess College ornelme rom there ýhe 0 Bdt ee- wit wie ad dugterareregsteedon, thence te Ing-ersoil 11eý is buryived at H J Knight's. by a wvidow formonyEdItb L. Mminde(r Mnr BYnon S Vntne eono nIndradaltl agias w sud Mrs Luciuis N ,Vanstonie, ootbohrR) .Liho lnn weme Neî I~Mle' o I."MnL an1, E. Leigli of Beaverton., and N Vanstone has just returned fmom the enle sister, Mns. Thomas Elev, of Locýk- Manufacturons' Excursion to Great pont. N. Y. The nemains weme taken Bitain and France. te Lindsay for Intormeut. m 11 and biscuit are made with Royal Baking Powder than in t'le old-fashioned way, with cream oüf tartar and soda, or salera- tus and sour mnilk. The ingredients of Royal Baking Pow- der are mos.ýt highlyv refined andJ abso- lutely pure.Roa is always rfrn in strength, mîaking the food evenly good and' N1Gý spoiled or wse materials where it is used, ROYAL àAMINS P5IWD4K C.,_mîW YORK.

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