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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1905, p. 8

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Voter-s' List 1905. Municipality of the Township of Darli ngton, County of Durham. NOTICE is hecreby given that I have transmiitted or -dellvered to the persoas enondin asýetina 8and 9 of TheOnao Votera' Lists Act, the copies required b)y salit Sections tu heso transmittedl or delivered of the. iist made pursuant ta said aet of ail pe-rsons appearing by, the last revised assessment rIl of the saaid Mucipality to ba entitled te vote lu hesaid Muiipalty at.lflertiaus for members of the Legisiative Assembly and i Municpal elections, and that the sajd list was irst posted ?pa my office, at the village of Htampton, on thefouýrth day of August, 1905, and remiainB there for inspection. Electora are calied open te examine the salit list. sud if any omissions or any other errra are fon-nd therelu, to talee immediate proceed- Lngs to have the said errors corrected according ta iawH. ELLIOTT, Clerk of Darllngtan. Dated at Hamipton this 4th day of Aug, 1905. Voters' List, 1905. Municipal ity of the Town of B opw- iianville inI the County of Durhamn N FOTICE is harebiv given that I have -I tranmlitted or dllverad ta tLi ersansoi mleiioned iii Sýetions 8Sand 9, of the Otario Voter's Lists Act, the copias required by said gection ta be s0 transmittedl or delivered of thse Llst, nma le -pcrsuaant ta Sid Act. of ail prsous appeairing by the lasI revised Asemntuoll o! thse Sai lld nicîpaâity ta he entitlad to ,vote iu thue said Muulclpality at Elections for members of the LegisIativeAÂssembly and at Municipal Elections ; and that said lisi was firet posted up at my office at the Town Hall'lu the town o! B9owsnanvllý,ile ouMonday Augustt th.1895, aud r:îaan s thero for inspection. Elecýtors arec-a:ýlled upon ta examine the said Llst and if auny omissions or any ther errerra areý fonnid theraýin, ta, take nmmedatepoed ings to bha ye ha sait! errorcorrected accordlng, Dted this 7th day neAuust, 1905. iJHN I LYLE, C2-1w, Clark o! the said Mnliý5P<ity, We have a first-class upholsterer who ls preparod to do ail kinds of repairing. Bring your furnituro to be re-juvinated and uphola tered during the summer M. D. WILLIAMS & SON.f Bowmanville, 29-tf, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentiet F. H. S. Lowrey,- TT[ONORARY GRADUATE of Ontario ...Vaterlnary Collage. Toronto. Special ;attenition given t0 Deutistry, Day or nigbl cailks promptly raspauded ta. Officean resideuce 2 oores uorth of Peroy's Blackemitli Shap Fiins 0 16, ilver 8h,Bowmauvlla. 1.5-tf NEW LIVERY STABLE opened the Centrcal L-'ver, and have3 a ego)d nunber of carriao;ýc and hrA W--, -- f .---------~~Dr Lu he;3Zlatter te nporeose u for pub-ic lý ire. I soii;,ýt a aumaoyermmnytadm aecfNv.1, 94 patrnagesudassiume aur cst Mers Mss Jamiacu sali 'tiat bsic *,iad muci godseviceOrdors uigh or d ay w; l peaum1la _z tngte ïou the groat receive promapt attention. bonofit 1 lave received from ',tking- WILLIID ALDWLLFrui a-tressud I a1 caunof' taytoe WZLAPD ALWELmudli far a ujdelelaIl as douýe me I8se muci get"Contiuuing, Miss Proprctor Jamie 1dtil, aI uffen-iug frem kiduey Teleplono 137, Bowmaurille.- troubla, th;tt hem oplxonwssaliaw wýiti dama rrngs uae te3c es, baclr. Aci, ndgetincoLstipatlcu sud h4 leadaclesney mo.ufug on geltiug Albert Colle g en ofth diecton Bellevi île, Ont. itall 1er aalmansd mgaued per- oOver3c suusereledanul oi-ha2îf fect beaillu. Cleeildigaara hea-Led hy stam ud Hao asjut sitbî csesu lighteiïby altalectraselighta Žtw ip OgaArt Studio sd oaesiefyoabf pprt ti e wspaper1 Sciece ltom rcenLy added. Fucue-Man te iok it(,neciet lecases oallie vaioy cursea lu instrumental and oél'ui Cmnrialr 7oma ' -maug thetl1nestnOîat ouinsssclceairtsmu Spesa atenionvea taocutionmd Mîa. omaueaaî ul barmmngi PhyicLal treNew tynsumalarge ,-yonng lady cf about 22 year8 of age,j WIIIre penTueday Set. lth 190. Fr tlkîg o th meiso!f 4rui-a-hives. 7-lu Prncial YRRD. D "Mis Jmisn" aiti ha reporter,'i sec ou havu beau makiug a4atemauts L'oVer, aame lu the papera giviug gret credýt ta le mentIs Ifri--re B ~ iig a it M î ak o,.ianiour real )s ofr Pg.iig suha sroug ioetimoau3ial cf île effi e!rci-1 ____________ency of this medicneA ?" New Farm Wagon Gear. s, 'I am cQuî Vt teehs7 ,ppy letgVe15 e au lfrmtnuI a. ava said Scound Hand gar wag- uotiug about Fruit,-a-tivres bu,.t hlsl , 'e actuai Ie.Flcigscus n onl With boxý, eheap, 00.O.dein luthe famiiy, vwleuI 1h..d a great8 deai ai worm' and nursýing;, I bacame First-iilass second-hand lernibly mun dein anti few cf tle noîgîbeors tegtI shoulti over ha Bugy heap. Wall agaiu, "I cousu, teti the laie1 Dr. Churci anti h e ,île ue te h1ave took cousidamabla niediclue but witi vehcle fied up for Summer. Re- pon esuits. In May of 1904, I starteti pairinganti ing douie prornptly taking Frut-a-tives kuowîuglaih was a pateuntinedicine, but laviug s madical man's antioriîy tisatiti would W .E dqew r, do me good Pemonalli' I fait it ceulti net do me auy lâarm anti I iras pepared EO~AVILE l do alanost an tii;ng te do me good. t made uap mi md tegîvoticmediclue JÂ a goond far c ansd witi tua cundi £~Tf1flIhf luview Icaaulyfollaýwed alle& ditcelonsas a det.I ad suffereti àïrribly aii a circule counstipationC STEAMSHIPS. h asdbachacies, anti I novers knew wal h wa tagel up iluf ho men-a --iug iwhhuî a headacha tiat invariabiv PRIOPOSED SAîLINGPlatei l whale day , lu a very few das Montealto ive1o1, et1ý t he9n1fit of Ï, rUit-hstiveg. anti1 Alontrhel daci.s 1;!uthWark,.. ' 151h-t Saut swa ..ââche Di nin.. a% D m noT," s atca Kasigço. et 2dMiuistusct iJamisn Tha CAN-,ADA i 113 sea teme the he 1ýtath ussiastueonthie subjeet, "I iad Canaian n olding a record o!5l; ya, 'r v Owan6 i uddv complexie ndud mi- hor ud4piutshtec nsoýnlo at mes crsw i! !do not take Fruit-a- Head sd Fate Poit. tiaal the timsý, but I alwavs have a sud oincit.j Tc' ac wrtistentimes tle priceslu Rate. cc cwtaîin ibay wera aulv used FistCIsc 57000, ScondCisc t49.D su fCie e.You caunot sar ThldCas-$7.0tPrucPa Bilai Pni ui 'sC' ern sd I am n enitooa Chi ,ea i Sle5,Ord enadOt1. laala iem epncceat i bal!~~~~~~~~~~~~ý fae ntr a re.Scn C-a jesmsîte îe ovs i 'as.laitfart codr I ear r - Fanah i .s.uanss t!meghtndpev~. î ~ . .'.a,. CJCEIIA iply ta Bowmanville, Ont Tue aia.' eaquir H o!mare han a uu3-t ido îe taL citînt Y f cock aud frieud eujoyed the trÎp te Niagara Failsat Monday ...Master Fred Robbins is rocoverig .... Visitors: Mm. Gea. Hayes aud sou Harold, Raglan, Mr. J, aud Miss Auuie Wotteu, Columb- us. at Mr. W. M Wote's ; Mrs. Mc- Cullough, Misses Thorten, Blair, Noble aud Ruth McCullough, Toronto. visiting Mrs. John Martin, Boyne Watcr Miils; Misses Cowliugs. Tomante, at Mm. J. Cowliug's; Mr. Rose, Motreal, at Mr. T. B Hoidge's; Mm. aud Mrs. Cory.aud sou Orley, Oshawa, at C Stewart's . Miss Fiossie and Addie 'Pye and Mm Albert Staiuton, at Port Ferry; Mr. and Mrs. Hl Hutchinson ansd Mm. Gea.Samig Tomante, at Dr Tre2bilcockz's. MIAKE HAY WHILE THE SUNq SHINES. Tiaere a _3 e ua u tI werk cf tie thriftY farmers, fie knews that the brigit sunahine may lasi -but a . ear and lie prepames for tie sliowers whicl are so0lhable tc follew. Sa it should ho with every hcusehold Dîseutery, diarrioea sud choiera merbus may attabli some members of tle homo with- eut warning. Cthambertain's coic, Choiera sud Diarrhoea IRemedv, which Is lie hst knewu medicine for thesa diseases, should always ho kept at hand, as immediate treatmeut 18 uecessa ry, and deiay May prove fatal. For sale ha' ail druggists. TYRONL_ Visttors: A Misa Mav Sparliug-, Bow- manileahMr. Rebi. McCýullangh'E; MisAda Moùýse, Rociester, N. Y., ,wiýth Inoda;Mis SmthPort f erry, guesti c)f tle Misses viun Miss Swin, To- rout,Mm. B. Y, addy, Bowmanvii4le, at A.E uy ouv "Ms ALi c oakeil, Whub ansdàMisa F. Bouiden, O,;hava, gusofe Mrs. W B. Bl -,'Milbun nCtae.... Miss E. MI. Werry, Toront,l holidayiug ai home.. Mrs S Binisî sum ad Mr. W,4 IL Hi'cks ecentiy visited friands lu To-1 roulo. .The heartiei sympath.V of ail gens ont ta Mm. A. K, Edmison,i junior pstr l is recent sad bereaveî.1 nient hb' tic suddou deali of lis fatbere R-ev. J-T. Ed mison, Brighon.... Mr.1 Ed Tiomps has purchased the farm le Dow occnpies frolu Mm John llodg-1 sou..-.--.-Mm Samutel Binglam, aur ener- getie cooper, is rshiug out hammls, Rceut visitons :-Xr. anti Mis Hîi1, Orono, at Mn F L VanNest*s; Messrs, Paul anti Silas Wilhiams at Cînsarca; nr, anti Mns F. Hock aday ah Columbus; -Miss Beainice Vice, Bowmanvilie, at homie; Mn sud Mrs. T, Williams, Part Penny, have been visiling lis sans liene; M lessrs Gerny sud Tlonupsen have me- turneti home te Tronte; Mr. James A. le"nry anti family, Enniskilien, ai Mn. J ne. VauNest's; Miss Lena Elforti, Te- ronto, ai Mn. las. Vicc's; Mn anti Mms. A, 1ýcMuilleu, Kirbv ai Mm. T. Bakcr's, C, C.- ; miss Kivehi, Coiunîbus, at Mr S S-iortidge's ; Mns E G. Pascoe and Eva ai Haydon, Mr. anti Mns. W. N. Pascoe, Kuniskillen, MnI. anti Mrs. Geo Blair, Tauntoun Mns. A J. Courtîce ant iMlss Hattia Osborne. Ehenezer, at Mn. A. L. Pascoe's; 4n N. S. Bray James, Bow- muanville, anti Misses Mabel anti Becuc Bray, Tenante, ai Reselantivale. Oshawa Division wshil visil lene ou Fmin day nigîl,.. .. bias ! B1iaLaugmnait las been siî, Qaîel eeting aIZlion was ~ ~ ~ ~ r welatnti M , T. WestLake Mn. I ii Bakn ws vent sÏuccessînl lui ditng a iîinnipegExhiibition eunu Ô0 o anviti le Fariers' Atix'cate Golti Msetial. H d1e1u tiail oDtheicomipati- tors. Mn. Russel antid sssSpinks, PumpleHîi.lIs.H.Fee, MisssMuýil and --.tidanti Mster Earl Tenaýnte, nistei i n lcoîgmey'. _.The Somieu's Iîtiue îi mciWe ea A.u-. 16t4 ai 3 'coc ubiecî: "Pickles triw of Bnidg-enru!.' Devonshlme, Eng , is 'isi4ilg Mrm-S Edgarn10,clry THE PROV1NG 0F THE TRUTH ENQIRYAS TO ADVERTI.%E- M'E'NT IN THE PRIESS. Mîss ,Jaison, ofi Masson,, Toile a Reporter She Did Not Qive Fruit-a-tives Enough Credlit. (PrGm the Ottawa Journal) Maur huntrels af people meniantiD manvel ai tle columus of advertisiug malter put lu tle dailv papens ail cvr lic worlt inluconuediien witi tle ati- yentisomeuts of patent medichues. Mil- lions e! dollars are apeul aeyyear lu bringing le lis attention cf tle public tie benefita ta be taniveti by tia use of tie nemetiies, anti ilis le lhe frec use et printer's iuk lIaI many notable successes hava beau matie. These medicines are stivortiseti in ait kinks of was, but the bulk of lie mouey expentiot by the ex- ploitera e! patent medicines goas Imb colmue cf the newspapara. But how »nany people nead a glow- iug account et geood donc hy a patent metielue anti taie any trouble te futd ont tle houa fides of the case mantionoti? The wriiter atimits heiug someiug o! a akoptic lu maltera appertaiulug te patent medicines. AN ENQUIBY MADË;. A fow tisys age, howover, the wnitor, hapaonet 10 h stieti at Masson, or as it la now knowu, Buckingham Junction, wlth a waft, o! a couple of iouns for the train. Now Masson lsa - very pretty littîsa village, but lwo lotira with nolhing ta do te a newspapon man isa somewlsl Idions proposiion. The cohumue of tie Evouing Journal weme carefully run thoug when eue cfthe patent medl- dune ada caught thc ove of tie scribe. Il was that giron by Miss Jamusen, of Masson, for Fmuit-a-tives or Fruit Liver Tablets. ing a ivr. %vewngton oster-a. Mm. Jas, Gibbons, Orillia, recently vîsÎted lis3 sistor Mr@. Gea. Barfett. Misa M1innie Mustard, Brantford, is Visitiug ber aunt Mrs. J. R. Fisher. Millor's Granules will make a clear complexion. Soid by Stoît & Jury, Mr. Wm Tiomas las gone b Suiphur Springs for the henefit of ha healîli. Miss Annio Moore lias retumned tc ice- Position lua a lospital lu New York. Yeý sl true, I wis vemy weak sud Nillen's Compound imon have me aru.Soid b.y Stûtt & Jury, drug-gists Mr. sud Mrs. D, "J. Galbraith sud faiiy are holidayîiàn down the St. Aiwîays 3avoid lara prgtiePiUIS. They first lakaenscksd tien bave voti constipate-d.CaârtPr's Li11tho Liver Pile reg-ulaethîe h esanti make yen Wehi, Dose, GeePI, Mise Bpen Famnceomb, Lonidon, la vliMtiniglher aunt Mrs,. Fred Famncoanmb, Bond fRead. Tînt weak, lired condition wili seon change by the. use o! Millers Compoundi Iron Pille; 5u doses for 25 cents, Sold by Stot, &Jury, druggiste. Mr. Malcolm Uglow sud Mra. Stanley Ugljw, Chicago, 111, are visiting at AIm. John gows Mocre cases o! aiok linadadlie, bilions- ns, constipation, can be cned lu les lia, w'5itl bas Medicine, and for .essi Mruey hy usiug Cartem'a itleLiver Pilla,' han b-y auy otier menus. Mma. Geo. S Bacon sud twoe eLîdren, Toronto, lave heen visiting ber faller Mm. Brovul Make il very plain oteuordealherthat Perry Davia,' PaiAkiller for exhemnalus [rom nuraigia te a mosquilo bite sud iulemnally for 4ail hewal disorders, Ti Meilodista lad a very pleasan sud scaau hemmy social ou Mr Fargnsaun'a lawu Tiursday eveuing. If tiare ever was a specifle for ani' eue cemprlaint, thon Carlom's Littlo Liver Pilla are a specifle fer sick head- achei, sud everv wemau tiould kuow this. OffIy one pli', a dose Try tliem, Mîrs. Gnieývosund brother Mr. Gai- braith from L Uncie Sam's demains are renewing aquiansaller 17 years' Are yen suffleriug from indigestion, sieknas a1ater eatiug or duul pains lu vou stmac? ou eaueasilybhocured if you takeVite Taule, Natnme's rm. od.v, comnpoaod c f herbe, barks sud fruits. R. M. Mitchell & Ce., druggists, keap itln stock. R.v J. C. Wilson, Iiarry Poarce, Alhbert A lwan d W. H. B> Cha- lin aiteuded tlIe funeral of 11ev.T. J Edmison, a, fBrigiton ou Fmiday week. KEEP CHILDREN WELL. 1If yen wnl l keep your chidran j' learta', rosy antiflthof life turing lhe 1 hnt wenthp nonnths, . -Ina Char..an1 1V UmfaA'~. is bo>und to bocome an institution of ~gea1 magnitude. The medicine tà made from pure fruit juices;, put up ivi Tatblet form and no diffic-alty la Eýx- iperienced lu takiug them. Th6y are the product of the experience of an Otts-wa'physician who combined the julcea4 of applos, oranges, fige and prunes, making a compound 'which strengthens the stomach and makes the liver active, Tho establishment of a company and the manufacture of the tablets in large quantities *aiso rosui1ted ln tue3 redluction of cost of production, the rosuit being the fact that thia bouse- hld remody cati now bo sold for 60e a box, or a quarter what the original cost had to ho. The skeptical writer who iooked juto the case of Miss J amison doos not regret the time spent on the investigation, whieh certainly proved that that youug1 lady flot only derived wonder f ui benefits from Fruit-a-tives but that she la natur. ally anxious to let others who are sufferin.-' know the facta BIRI HDAY CELEB RATION, Portlandq Oregon, July 28 -A very interesting and happy avant oceurred at the reaidence of lier daughter, Mre. R. Brooker. 9971À Belmont st., when a numbor of friends showed their appre- ciation and favor bv surprising Mrs, Wrightman onulier 7th birthday. She received somo valuable presents, thie bouquetsz of fIowera beiug very beauti- fui The ovening was apent lu playing games, aud being entertained by sele- tions from the phonograpli. Ice cretm, and cake were served aud the party dispersod at a laie hour wishing Mrs. Wrightman many happy returns of the day. Bowmauville frionds join lu ex- tending birthday congiazulatious. UNNECESSARY EXPENSE. Acute attacks of colle and diarrhoea corne on without warning and prompt relief must bho obtained. There id fno ueeessity of incurrlng the expenseo f a physicsn's service ln such cases if Cham- borlain'a Colle. Choiera and Diarrhooa Bomedy la at hand A dose of this remedy wili relleve the patient, beforo a doctor eould arrive. Lt lias nover beau known to fail, even in the moat severe and dangorous cases and no family Fhould be without ho without ItL For sale by ail druggists. Miss Olga and Mr. Cecil, Williams eutertaiued the young people Friday evening in houar af their guest Miss Trewin. Bwmnville ...Mr. R. Bea.- Pilla la the oulp medîcîn e that sctuaily maka new blood, Common medicine cannai do thia, so Von ahonld uinsat upon getIug thsgenuine pille wyul the fu nos, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pillî for Pals People," outhie vnappen srouud evory box If lu doubt send direct to ths Dr- Willilams' Medicine Ce , Brcok- ville, Ont., sud the puis wlll be sout by mail et 50 cents s box or six boxas for $2 50 (oONoi Miss Bar e , aRickaby la il.oMea ïfo M the Cipy. Rey. H. V. Mounteer viited lIri-ý break. L Mrs, A. Belle vas lu Pont Hapa ne- cently. Mr. Wm. Underooed,Toronta, vîsi-. tadheliens Mn. Chas, Mller, West Tomanto, iras home neceutip. -Mr. Rarl6Pope Torouto,- vislted Ils unuei, Mn. Ed. Fluder. Mmm. Elizabeth Scott Toronto, visited at Mn. John Waddeil'a. . Mr. Jas. Lluiou, Pont Hepe, vas lu tes n raeniip. Mies Gertrude, MoKInnon, Bfao N. Y., la guest of Misa Frank MoCul. lagl. Mrs. W. L. Long aud famlv, Eoa are viaitlug lier aher, Mni- J. G. Hon;ey Misaes Nelle Gibion sud Pasmi O0 Neil vbited ai Mr. Wm. Syors Newcastle. ,j Mr. sud Mne. A. Kuox sud fa1l ---ited-her-fàter, Mm-ýA,--TaiyLu Bey. John J. Ln-we, wIfs sud famuly of Ottawa, are Vlsitliý, ng Mma. cComh aller friands home, Roy. Mr. Lowe pnsached lu St. Savloum'a olunaI Sun- dey.t Pie. RaIl. Connehi ef C. Sehool of Lnlanhry, Toronto, vlieted his brother, Mr. James Connali. Mr. andi Mm,. W, J. Ovens, Tomante, passuedt rougli tie village on thair -way te Pontypool. Mr. sud YMca.. F. W, Wanlmousd fam.ýly, vlihted at Mr. Alex Ra'a, Port Hocpe. Mn,. Jaasa Pllp, G. T. R. Agent, Newastle, vas ica tovu recentllp. 1 Mra;. Ode!!i aacomp'anled lp hE)ýem so, Mm. A. Odeil and fani ly, have returnedc lemo 11cfroni Cobourg. Meésra. Frank and Wes Gemmry %n Will Thompaon, nf Taranto.eans el- ing iheir nule, Mn. W. L. Gemry, Mr. B. L Mûean, Llndsay, vhrisia 'lu tovu.* M!oa Tnixle Riitherfcrd lm lu Peneion 'Fallu, isviug aýcoampanieti Miss Too- mpsy lamoeror avisit. Mrs Sssma ae -isd alter, Ms oeFeusen Falls, vers guesîss eh Mms. Maguira. i Miss flatchision, a former teacler lu aur School, vea lare euewng aid ne oceasfiuildose et Baby'% Owu TablaIts. uinac Tufs nedicin!e wilî preven-i al raï!o! I Mrf. Frank Staplea, wlo las bea stInchl'ldbewei troublas hc a', yisiting her sou, Mr. Alax Stspî, offso aiuiitloeues turing tlia lot Dalisugion, lias eturued 10 bar zaçn'e, summer entisOr il w1ill cutrethese MCl taîa troubles if nycamle onu uexpeîtiy.5 Mises Ethelandi Maime Hooýpar, t is just fle madliceine for icI -weathem sccOmpsuIed by Mies Minute Wen,, troublesi, because ià always dons gooti, Tyransvlllti3ieIsser, Mnas, cý. anti eu nover do hanîn, as il la guaran- Avde. Isieti Ina rom opinles aud lanuiful Ms-james 8Richards sud IaMliy j duiugs. ILus gooti ton chlltienat ecrn hv r houtilmo froua Port Pesmy, gafrom irti rowamti, anti wiil raiet' ýIIey viaitti hem parents, !Mn. pmmtycure ail hhi iner alimentssMs. %né fney.S Mlrs. J. J. McFFrann, Aubrav, Que , BMIpss loece gbssons, avlsiting sas -'ybaby was troubloti with 1er aai, ra. R 1n. Wnrder, et iran- colle tutui gaiva hlmfbýaby's Own Tab)- u i mi, nti îeyprmptr cmai im irqo .Y. IMIes Nellie Tamblyn No-wIl-whe a's azi!U-tIe eut osris, I acspna le e euut heall "',You ICsn gel liaTablai ru leen r lstu i sccMa mua at25 ce n ,s a beo vri iugTic M.'n a MCngPoniB Dr. Wiliims IMedicino Co., Brockvîlie, C', r(cen'ly viaihti lis su' ra Blel. Ont. *rd Brown. sud Mr. Jas Brown. A Neûw Woman Thatswat y wonian Js after a bot cup cf Frarant JAIssisGÂxJI.gunt FiuFOR ShLLING LiQuoE ANDT1iios. HiLL Pou, BuyiNG IT, 1 Treday asat Mr, David F. Walsh, Lice use Luspector, charged James, Gallagher of theý Burketon Rlotel, with selling lntoxicating liquor on July 1t 1lu the local option towvnship of Darling- ton. On the evideuco of MIr. Thomas HUiII, grain huyer, Poutypool, Gallagher was foind guiity sud finod hi' Plice, tMagitrate W. M.,Ilorsey $100 andj $17 50 costa which was forthwith paid. 'Saturday Gallaghlir ciarged said Thos. Hill with infraction of clause 60 of the Liquor Lienuse Act which states that auy person who purchasea intox-' a icating liquor- from a person who le not licensed to selI the same or any porson who drinks upon the premisea liquor so purcbasedi at tie time of tie purchase thereof shail be guilty of an offence under thia act. Section 86 deals with the penalty-aud statea: auy person ron conviction thereof shall forfeit and Lpsy a penalty of not less than 820 and .costa, or not more tian 850 and costs, or knot more than one month's imprison- ment. Magistrate Horsey lad no alternative buit to fine HllI on bils own tevidence (aud ho pleaded guilty bco aides) $20 aud $3 2c) costa. Thua Gallagiir got bis revenge. *We hear that Gallagher now threatens to prosecute Bulli for perjury. Mý,r, Win, Pope5 T-,oronto, visited friands here. Mr. 1)iuper.t Red,-es, Cherrywood, la vlsiting bis nats. 1MNr J. A. A-wde, Mirshal:own, La., i8 visitiug friendg bore. MIr. Evan H. McLean, barriater, Is hoilidaiing lu Belleville, Mr. and Mra., Biokle, Zion,, recently vlsited tIuo Misses Ballagh. Mms. Fred Gibson, Brockvilj, la visit- ing lier aunt Mme. John Scott Mr. Allan Poster. Cleveland, Ohio, visited his brother Wellington. Miîss Mag-ie Ballagh attended the wedding- of Mýiss Bickle, Hope. MIr. Carl Piekard has aeeepted a position lu a store lu Norwood MîilIer's Compound Iron Pilla restore the clor to pale cheek and bloodiess lips. Sold hby Stott & Jury, druggiats. Mrs, Gibson, Syracuse, N. Y. ia visit- GAI ZHELTH iND SR«iKTAII luQ D-a. WIr.LI-OUS' PINK Pr.1- Bloodleaseaslep 3the aureat atafting point of onsoimption. Wheu your blond I la bm sd weak and watery, your whole hoalth deolinos, Your face grows paie, pour ilpnansd gumna white, pour appetîte faimo, and pour hosrt jumpa and fluttersa si the lesat excite- msent. You have frequant attaoka of headache sud dizziness, sud Fsometimes faintlug apails. You are alwaya waak and wretched aud lotseheart in every- thlng. Theso are the aigu points of cousumption, sud pou May saasily slip Ib s aîpleias declile If yau do not bulld up pour blood with Dr'. Wilhiauua' Pink Pilla, They aotüeliy inake naw, etrgng, rîlh, red bload, whIoh brîngs hack pour roBy oheeks, pour hearhy appetiha, pour strength, energy aud genaral gond iesith. Rare la atroug proof from Mrs. Samuel Behle, wife of s well known marchaut and contractar at Sheet Harbar, N. S. Mmme. Bhles sapa: "Soma pairs igo I became Bo rmn dawn aud dlaîressiugly wesk ihat life seemed flot worth living. 1 ladt'a bail canal, wss tlred out aethie liant saxar- tion and waa unable ta do aven light housework. 1 had tle hast madical aid snd madloinea, hob diS not goti euy benefit, eud grew no aeriously 111 that 1 was sic last confined ta hed, sud my finonda thiought 1 was in a deollua. Me oough grow worseansd I dispatred af getng better. My luahaud then brought me Dr. Williamsa' Pink Pilla, snd to my joy they soon begtan ta help me. Gredually my atreugth eturned, me appetto Improved, sudthIe cougli 1sfè me, sud day hp day 1 grew botter until I wau again a well womau. 1 have ainces ad perfect healti, and when I compara my condition niow with thesatata I wss lu when I began taking Dr. Willisma' Pink Pille, naouaneueed- woznder that I1sam enthusiastio lu prals- Iug tie .madicine.» Cssa (fibis kiud eau only ha cnred hby fi lieg the veina with uaw riait blond, sud every dose of Dr Williams' Pink Pilla niaken rîcihealth-restoring blood, which goes. mght ta the root of the dîseas. That la why thons ptis cure emery-day aimnetslikgennoemis, heart troubles, Indigestion, narvanues3, head- soie3 sud ba-ikadheo, neuralgia, kiduey troubles, riaumatinu, eryoipoes, sud tle apeolai aliments of wamanlood sud glrlhood. ÂII these troubles arero- edin the Iln dg rsctD=Wiians1P ENDo? S-EASON SALEM During, the balance of August we are going to sim- ply SLAUGHTER ail. A lot of Men's andc Boy's Straw Hats regular prices were from 25e to $1.00, your choice for.......... IGcteq A lot of Ladies and childreu Straw Hats regular prices 25e to 75c, your choice for ......... .,.....,.... î OCts About 100 yds of assorted patterb ne ii ualins1, Ging- hams, Zephers, Prints etc, regular prices were from 1 2ýj to 25e j.U01IO i Uanu .;5is nonnets and nats, Icegula r 35c aud S"c sale piion..... ....... ............ l5ets Ladies Blous~es lu- white andà colors, Prînt, Giugham. Musliu etc a splendid assortment We have reduced prices in proportion te original value. The sale prions starting at 25ct each Par~asols Ladies and Childi-ens. IPrices reduced to 25eti eaich and npwards ini proportion te value, New Suite Have arrived for the, FaU týrade, the fal l ir- w-I1 soon be here, if yeuwata ordered Suit order uo î f YOU wn raincoat see the gran,ýd new lot jusi iu ýforfa. GoOers Due ]MIS Tae6D, as cash. 10 ij FM MPS$ON Duîiig memuiug's thuIntenr siarm lihe barri sud outinildings of Mr. Leslie Short wema struck hy iigluluiug anti bumnet iwitha about 40 tous Of Piay. seme -tmptenents, a -cow auT twe-carves and- 25 phgs, creamn sepamaien ant i bout îoe husheis of hamiey. lgm. Short was lu tle stable aI the lime anti was mendereti un- couscious by the shock anti paralyzîng tle lower part of lis body, but le cîmawbed ou lis bauds anti Incs anti iet ont a mare andi cait andtileu cmawiet t î lieuse. The buildings anti contents wce partiaily insureti. sas:-Iwaa troublfetifor saeatime witlI kitin3e tsae, sud iheugi I trieti a graat manyâdiïferenit medicines nover suceceede inlu obtainiug reliefnMl I bagan tle use cf Dm. Chase's Kiduer- Liver Pilla. Bp tle regular use of thia preDaratien for a lime I was cempieely cureti of kidnay diseasa." OSHAWA. Mi'sses Birie PoHard. Jaunie Stonia, Lloyd anti' Mies, Etiel Power, Mapie Grvhave beeu enjnying a pleasurej trp te Motreal .... Misa Atidia Sylvest- er, wio fer thn past lwo years bas beau luhi employ cf Jury & Gregory, has gene te ber lame iu Lindisay for a few week'a vacation prier ts sterling n cours e qaItleOntario College o! Piïar. na ' Tnoloe...Miss Frances MeCaf- 1fcfy, who) has beau xisltiug hiem parents lasF ratumueti le Mineapalis ...Mrs. W. F.Eaton la heiidaîiug witi relatives a-it Georzian Psy surarer masort .. ,Cira. FY. L. lHnry anti taugîter Riea, lave matumneti lame broui Dexter, Me.. an sd Mns. Bil bLuke ant idt. mýn, Moutreal,ane vlsiliug wlîl relatives lu tcu.Mn.Chas. Andenson bas 10 Wodstoek. aften 8euiug vacation witli bis parents,.. - Miss Lana Siapleten, London. bas beau guest oh har aunt, NMme. Sris....MsFlorecee May las netunneti alter tkiga mouth .5 course luniatue sluy;a.i li MeDonaiti lustilute, Guelýpi,. RtusanillLantier, Lson fo i- eteme ant wllenerïon tiniy Aug,. 141h Soit by Stot1 & Jury, dugss Co 0 i f~J~ o o e e z 'r e e e e e e e e e s s o e 990 DONALD GQ.2,M. 7ALBRAITH. BaFrnister, S cio.Notary Pbet- Pnivahe sud Compau n meys te an i anwe t cennj rts Agenlt for TIsex dln La sudSavngsCemany O)ffice opposite J. &t Martyu's store, Ring, st. Bowmanv;ille. 5-tf 1,O0N TO0 RENTS, S ACRES, mare or ha8s, o! lot Si, i4 4th 0oucee8ioi o aý!ngti,.as- '10 ocupe by Mesa5rs. Flintaif, tomrent. FulI pose ssion ou lst Apn1*i lnext. Possession ta- ploulici tis usal aune afr itar v28aitïlse Ap)yly t a Ms. SiGÂsI, Oshaivg, ortth e- uner eranSolicitor herein. Dated 24t!h, July, 1905. 31-2w C. A, Jasaso, Oshawa, ont. 'Farnilun Pickerinlg For Sae FAEI0M containfing 4 7 acre, A , ng parts of Lots 67 ud5,onth bse Dîna lu the ,tawnship o! Pickering. narymid- WaY beweeu Whlhbyasd Liverpocl markets_. Soa la f rom schooan ovietoba sund train. ,adcnelntaat Uthie premises is a large atone sud, framne dwalllng rhanse, a barn snd cattie stables, cýmnt îàQoars, two drîving bouses and liorsc stables, a niew pig peu, about five acres ga-od archard andü gardis a o pears, plums prunesad grates. Two gad weils and cisteru. The famis wvell drainied and well femced', sud t8 aý cmrtbefamily home. Oua, Iird of the purchase moaey ta ha paid clown, sud the balance cari ha securad oux the premaisea aht ive per cent. WIII be aald by ealedi tender, ho ha reelved until lst o! 'sept. addres taW.Y.lRICHARSON or ïP A vÂîll Pickeriug, P. O. The hlghest tender not ncsalyaccepted. possession ta, plough as 500e3 as the preseýnt crop' ls remiovad, sud full possession Aprd l st, 1906. 2q if. TORONTO FAIR ATTRACTIONS. The Can'lla~ati o!na1 Eilhibition managemenIt have dc'edths ear t(> gi,'e the people a grea deal mnore for thei moe-' tan hey ha ýv evr fhad before, aithough it;t nls f attraction& bas always bcu gn reat0y i e5 et that üffered i uy other fair, hs o'r any other cntient. GI seupon 84,03 ias beetn epede ipnsp(eel feature" Seiý d redluccd rate,,s have ben rainted by-ilia 1îMns of travicn n ectýiagz -ith1,1To6rontofrniAuu i ýt te Spt I. J ddiionspe ex- curicu wil h mntwo or hhree t'm aq wukfrmpon, ihi ria of i 000Pilesi. Lt ehases away that Old Tired Feeling and u lie.i'r with ace life. So Deliejous Too. ONLY ONE BEST TEA. BLUE RIBBON'S IT. sTHE MFýSON CO, o BOWMMÇ VILLE. 1 -F-21K --T 1 ýllW -1-

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