chtyFlavor" ESULT of expert blending of strong, rich Indian Tea with delicate, fragrant CeyIon,, Tea. Thaât " rich fruity flavor - has made Red Rose Tea the table beverage of thousands of homes. I t distinguishes Red Rose Tea from al other teas. It makes it different rbm and better than any other tea -it's a flavor you won't forge. It mýak es 1 radd half a teaspon of sait and haif nf a two ounce packLage of gela- tino, softened by standLing soiyie time ia three quarter cup) of cold water. Stir until the gelatine is dissolved, then use as above. Wtli Asparagus.-Mold tomato jel- ly in a sballow dish, having ',he jet- 1v hali an inch thick. Turn on to a clean sheet of paper, and, %vith a knife dipped in hot water, eut the -jelly ini cubes. Pour ever the cubes enouglh French dressing te moisteti the jelly andi dispose these on a bcd of lcttuce IChres that bave bconcaare- fnlly dîpped int Freneh dressino' Abovc these dispose coke-d nspara- gus tips, dressed with nil, yinegar, sait, and pepper. Finish with a large s:peonful nf mayonnaise and two or more tengthwise quarters of bard boiled eggs. lrJIN\TS FOR HOME LI[4'E. Lamb should be well basted when cooking. Mint sauce should stand two hours before being used. To keep 'ment fresh, as soon as yoa gel it rover it with a eani mus- lin rloth wrung tightly thirough vinegar and sot in a' cool place Whean fruit piestdamp týhe odges of the pastry with nmilk In- stead of water. The luire ts not f ni fan and rub the uixture ~III~Sak his eut and ýj co liberatty ivith dcean finur 1d br r; over and leave over- Doctor the next dnybrush'and !shako MAINY PHYSICLiNS PRESCR IcE chiflon.p It should bc iound (lu ite Lydia E. RPInldîA m's -____-1_1 Vegtabe O mpond GET OUI 0F THIS ITAI3IT. Thereo are a great nuniber -of peopte The wonderfl power of Lydia E. wbo- have fallea into a haebit of nevor Pinkham's Vegetable)j Comnpound over feelinîg w ei. 1No matter b ow souLndty the diseases of womcrýankind is fot be- thoy ,;Ieep,,how gond -their appetites, cause it is a simuat not becanse it or bhow bealtby they- appear to te, is a palliative. but s imply because it is every inquiry in regard to their con- the most wonderfnl t<nie and reon- dition receives the saine stercopyped, structor ever d1sco-vered to act directly depressing answer: 'Not very welt,', upon the generative organs, positivety "About the saine," or "Not so wel." curing disease and restoring health and They are tike the sailors who tell vigor. their pet yarns so oftea that thecy Marvelous cures are reported from really come to believe them thora- ail parts of the country by women whoi selves. Tbis ailing habit is especialtv have been cured, trained nurses who 'active during the spriag. P'eople have wçitnessed cirres and physicians who suffer from this habit wil1fEnd who have recognized the virtue Of that self-confidence is a w onderfut Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Coin- tonlir. Their rosisting powver, that pound, and are fair enough to give innate force whirh is given for self- credit where it is dune. rtcin saafgrd gis. If physicians dared to be lrank and proetio n.1 his al sagad gis ope, hndedsof henwold ckiovl- Chartes Darwin, Herbert Spencer, edge that they constantiy prescrit,3 Robert Louis SeeioDr.,Samuel Lydia E. Pinkhan's Vegetabte Coin-Johnîson and many other eminent. pound in severe cases of fernale ils as onuedeaphsrts l they know by experience it canhbcre. order to Pursue lbzir wo-rk. f h' Sunlight Soâ-ý- is a welI ad SoaýI The makig of'soap is no longer a chance mixture, of miscellane- ous fats. Expert chemists carefuily watch and test every step in the mialing of The fats and cils must bc perfectly pu-re and at every stage of the proccss the soap must corne up to Sunlight standard. That is why it cleanses your clothes perfectly, makes your blankets soft and fluffy, does flot destroy your most dainty linens or injure your hands, Sunlight Soap washes equally well in bard or soft water. Your denier is'authorized to return the purchase money if you are flot satisfied. LEVER SOTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 1002 if,4, 'i . . . . . . . . .I.