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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1905, p. 5

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Truik -Ialwav Svstou, WA'Y TIlE TABLE. (WàîANVILLISTATION. Goxue WvaeT, S ...5.02 a. mai 10 10 C" oe... 7 " 359 39 p. lPasgenger-1 36 P. aM, 6 4t14p.i. IMuet.. .7 33 *10 24 p.m. *11.40P..., Snday otiiy CE,,3sp"a sal in aceortiance holida rates annou»ceti luanother tiot be onoreti ou traîna NOS. 1 Or 5'orr & JURY. ToWn AtteniS "If I start weafing glasses 1 i11 always have to wear theff ,d I'tn fot going to begin 1 bave te" This is a remark that ls matie by thoughtless people many many limes and thoy manage o -work along for monîlis or y ours until their eyes are strain- ed anti the sight aimost - ruinet; whereas by eoming toits when siglit firet be- gan, ta fail we couid have given them glasses to pro- tect anti preserve the siglit and an entilees amount o!-trouble in after years Would thus bo avoideti. MORAL When your sight first shows sigils o! failure (usualy at 40 to, 45) lot Us fit you properiy and these j glasses will probabiy do without ehanging for 5 years. Stott & JuryJl "The place wbore yon get Satisfaction," -3 Graduate Optîcans. WouIff's Remiedy For ,Diarrhoea, Cramps, etc., etc. We have manufactureti this most excellent remedy for over 25 years. Money cannot producti a more areliable and satisfactory article. Price only 25 ets. Stott'l & Jury, "'The r, lace w' eroernu i ýet - iction." 2Grauats o!0.î. Coý. Ph'r-rmacy, 4OWNANVILIi, UG.. 16, 1905. PJERSONAL. fi tiliss Jean Tod 1systigf In Brantford. Mr. Arthur Emory bas beson visiing Wbitby friands. 11 Mr- Colin MeLean, Toronto, is holU- daving at home. Mr. Geo. P. Freeland, Toronto, waB in town over Sunday. f Mr. Reuben Cox, Toronto, was home last waek on a holiday. Master Perey Lawrie, Tbedford, is visiting his uncles here. Mr. E Fielding, jr., Toronto. recent- e ly_ visited at Mr. Richard Alien's, Mr and Mrs. Win Manning. Osbawa, ylaiteul Mr.,John James racently s Mrs. J.-A. Wyllia, Toronto, is vif it- ing ber sister Mrs F. J. Manning. Mr. Frank J. Garrett, Minneapolis,n Minn., has been visiting oid friends bore. ri Miss Fisher and Miss :.Brougbnll, s Toronto, are holidaying at Dr A. Beith's; Miss Rbea Manning bas returneda from a pleasant visit witb Mrs D Daly Napanee. Miss Anna Beliman, New York Citv, U. S. la visiting ber father Mr, Ed Belman.n Mrs. A. A. Thompson, Rochester, N.C Y., recentîr visited her father Mr. W. Dingman.0 Misses Marion and Anniea 5m41, Port f Hope, are visiting their -cousin, Mrs, Win. Mathews., e Mr. and Mrs. William Robbins and daugbter Clara are visiting relatives in Rochester, N. Y.k Mrs. A Tbompson and son, Escam- hia, Florida, are visiting ber father Mr. D MorrIson. ai Mrs. (Rev ) J. E Miles anai daughter,a Detroit, Mîeh., are visiting ber father Mr. M D. Williams. e Mrs. Charles Warder and family, f Rochester, N. Y., are visiting her mother Mrs Wiimot. t Mr. J. B. Mitchell attended the funer. t ai o! the late William Fleming at Markham on Friday.a Mr and Mrs. Wm. Alexander, Mont-0 real, Que, have been visiting ber t mother, Mrs. Bleaklev, Mrs. Sam Hughes and daughter t ilelene,1 Lindsay, bave been vititing hier sîster Mrs. S J. Hall. -Mrs. Geo. A. Yelland and family, jingersoll, visted Mrs. Geo. Tamblin-s son and other friends in this viinity, Mr. and Mrs. John S, Ashton,Enfield,s and Mrs. flomer A. flurlbut, Komble, their eldest caughter, vîsited roilatives bere reeently. Miss S. A, Olford has been vlsiting fi town. 11cr friends are pleased to see ber able to get reund pretty weli with aid of crutches., Mrs. C, Rehder, Miss Macie andi Master Ernest Rebder are attending the Old Boys ro union at Paris and vsiing friends in Hamilton and other Rev. H. A.7and Mrs. Strike and sons, Ross and Glenn, Deseronto, Miss Emma Thompson andi Mr. A. A. 'El ford, Toronto, are visting at Mrs John Elford's, Providence. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, Miss Sarah Williamns andi Mr. A. Clare Williams, (Potg la Prairie) are visiting their daugBters, Mrs. William lngraham andi Mrs. S N. Roberts in New Yourk state. Mrs. W. W. Aluin bas receiveti word o! the death o! ber aunt Mrs. John llambllrn (nee Caroline Pengiiiy) wbo !ormerly lived near Stephen's Miii, at bbtr borneat Cedar Springs, Ontario,t aged 70 years. Lindsay Redi Birds were beaten by the Bowmanville base ball teain in a Mitlanti League game bore on Satur-t day afternoon by a score o! 11-. Mr. A. J. Bennett, Newcastle, umpiroti the game. Mr TF-os. G lîbard, a generous citizen o! Cobourg bas insertoti a provision in bis wili giving $10,000 te lthe Publie Sehool Board of that town and If they decide to ereet new buildings during 1906 hoe will advance the money during bis lifetimo if ha be living thon. King Edward is setting the worid an an exampleofo!h umane treatinent of! durnb animaIs. He bas delared azain-1 st thé use o! the overhead checkrein on horses, against thb use of steel traps in catcing rabbits, andi other game, and against sbooting pigeons fromn traps. The f vnerai of tht late Mr.- George Wilson 100k place Monday afteruoon, Aug. 7,from is olti homo Walton-st., brutal, murderous welfara upon tbem [)y thb 4&loons."-Neal Dow 'A GUARANTEED cuRE FO rPILES. Itbingw, Bind. Beedingor Protrudng Pile. Druggisls refond imny if P1AZO ONTMENT, ails t0 ture any case, 1no mattEr 0f11019 long sýtan ding lu 6 0i o14 tisys. Firso applicalios' lb send 5(1c-,lunStompe ana il W.- 'efrwrte poast-pait 'jyi'aria tl (Âin? Ç0., >iL Louis, Mo Whan in Port Hope lasI week Mr. Thos Baker soit bis beautiful importeti Weish ponv to Mr. Chas. WVlrot at a bandsome price..Mr and Mrs J. A MeCillan anti famil ' , Mr anti mes. Blake McMeurtry;. Bowmtsuvilla, Miss ,colt, Chicago. 1Ui., anid Mies Pearl M nie.Kejntal, were g-uests at MNr Thoas ake's. .- M.U. L Werry o! 11e Wiktn)ess staff. Montreal, Que3., mate a brie! visit at Rloselanvala Satlirday ... Mr. S. E(Igar Werrv and mr. O CArtbew vsteinre ~l Cartwright ioceRîtiy, Niecholls ssli cbaap. Buggies for- sale. See Aadvt. Ilair pins le. a bunh nt NichoUSe'. Mr. Hobart Knicht, Liadsai', le hc'xaa oer holidays. Mise Leila Gale laIoll01daying with friends lu Coîborne. You will ba interested in reading Mr. R. B Andrew's latter. Cartwright anti Town Council reports ire on an inside page. Miss Etîb reenaway. Port Hope, s visiting friands bora. Royal Householti Plour Is the popular fleur to-day. See ativt. Senti STATESMAN 10 friands. Only 25 cents to January 1, 190W. C. M. Cawkar andi Son pays the bigb- est price for choice poultry. Mr. A. E. Skltch bas bean bolidaying with bis parants at Linstiay. 79 oniv, blouse sets, ragular iSets;., Saie price Sets a set aI Niebolle'. Reati synopsis of sermon on '"Kind- îess "by Tan ialaron on an inside page. Mr. ant i Mrs Frank Jaekrnan have rerovat b Toronto where ha bias a, situation Rev. R. M. Phalan. B.A . Blackstock, prahed lu St John's ehurcb, Brough- am Suntiay- Two girls adrlft ail nlgbt ont Lake Ontario lu a skiff. Read report on another page. The annual sala o! Summer Gootis îow goiug on at Coucb, Jobuston & Cyemns. Mr. William Williams, Acton, calleti en Mr. John Halîjar and other 'olti frientis recentiy. You eaua buy a New Lincoln f ountain ion aI STATISMAN office for 81.25. It ie iquai to other $2 50 kintis. Cnt fiowers anti design work o! ail kintis for sile at A Herbert Plateber's, Corner Queen anti Ontario Ste Rev S G. Itorka bas been alectet ucceati the lata 11ev. T. J. Edmison, ae ebairman o! Brighton district. Mr Colin S. Macdionald, letigar keep- er in the Ontario Bank. bas baen Iran s- eérrati to the Branch at Sudbury, Mr. Davis Luttroîl bas a fine new Bread wagon. It la one o! the finest bhat bas ever beau brought to 1Ibis town. Weekly Globeanti Canada Fariner and TEE STATESMAN to naw subecribers only 60 cents to anti of 1905, Order to-day. Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. Sherin have re- turneti from a pleasant eight weeks'- visit witb their danghter Mrs. G. W. rhexton, Mitianti, Mr. Blake Crawford, Port Hope, bête tolti bis interest in the hotel business and wiil devote bis attention 10tb he soda water business. Messrs .Geo- A Stophûp-g anti O. sm1th réprèsentea lIorence Nightin- gaIe Lotige, No 66, 1.0 O.P., at Lotige Mi BroÇkvilie last week. The Bell Telephone C-oinpaiy lias A gang o! meu iu town puttin,& in new poles anti making other changes anti iprovements tb their lina - Mr. F W. McClung. West Chester, N.Y., anti Mr A.C MeClung. Phoenix. 13 C., who have been visiting their nothor have returnet 1 their homes. Mrs. Chas Smith o!fJimes, Ohio,w%ýrites 1 bave usoti every remedy for siekz heatiacbe I couiti bear o! for the pa'st iten vears, but Carter's Little Livor PuLls titi me more gooti than ail the resI. Sore Throst and Cough.» A simple, effective andi safc rcmedy for ail tbroat rritation$ la found ln Cresolone Antiseptic Tn>.blets They combine the germicidal value ofCresolenewitlt the soothiug propexlies of slippery eltu anti licorice. 1Oc. M rî'4g1a1 S00 Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Massie, Port Hope, were gîven a surprise August 11. the- first anniversary o! their marriage. A number of frieuds assembleti at "Glenvalo" anti presentedt tem with a beautifîîily bounti volume o! "Jean Ingeiow's poems AIl spent a merry time. H las it ever oceurreti to yoîi that most sieknass commences witb thae tomaob? This is bocause the blooti becomos !i- poverishedti trough laek o! nourish- ment. If you want 10 gel weil anti kaep well tako Vîto Tonie. R. M. Mitchell & CJo., druggists, keep it in stock. Mr. Michael Basse, Toronto, the Italian interpreter, is eelebrating the 66tb anniversary o! hie birthtiay, anti bis fellow country men wbo live lu Toronto marketi the occasion by pro- santing birn with a bantisome book o! Italian views Mr. Basso reridet inl Bowmanvilie for some lime andti akes pleasure in attenting anti joininin lu111 West Durhamn Olti Boys' caiebratione wbleh. ara se popular. Dr G. C Bounycastie bas movet in- 10 the Qtick residence on Temperance et 1 wbich harecentlv purchaseti from Mrs. W.G. Yule Ho bas greatly im- Tain STA&TlqSMAN b prinited a day earlier tbim week t all-w the staff to attend the excursion to Cobourg Tues- day. This explains wby smrn news lettarà do not appear. DO YOD WANT IIARNESS?) Fariners, Horsemen, an' bodi- anti averybody owning a horse. now le your great opportunity for gtting a gooti, new set of harness. double or single, or any part or parts of barness or borse gootis at wholesale prices anti soma things for le than wbollesale for cash. The Brown & Mart-yn Harnaess Comn- pany, Bowmanville, bave decidadt o go ont of business andi overything will be solti aI pricas that compeli vour attention if you neeti anything in stock. The ativt in thîs paper willlg ire vou an idea o! what is offo3red. Leather bas gone up 10 par cent anti il you miess btai chance you wiil pay mueh dearer for-harne8s anti ail other leather gooas1 in the future. Call as soon as possible and see the genuina harîîess bargains now baing offereti at Ibis greal clearing sale o! The Brown & Martyn Harnes Co., Bowmanville. Mr. Sytiney Charbran spent Sunday1 lu Port Hope. Miss Florence McCrimmon spent Suntiay in Toronto. Miss B rnes, Colingwooti, is guest of Miss Carroll at the Receory. Miss Loule Jackman is visiting ber grantimother, Mrs. Perkin, Oshawa. Miss L. Corbett, Midiauti, is visitingt ber cousin, Miss Gertrude MeGili, Miss Violette Osborn,Tïoronto,is bell-1 tiaying at ber father's Mr C. Osborne. Miss M. A. Haynes, Rochester, N. Y ,1 is guest o! ber sister, Mrs. G C. Haines, "Ash-hurst" Miss E A. Allun, M. A, bas returneti froin a pleasant visit at Gilencoe and other western points. Miss Edith Preelanti officiateti as organlet in the Mthodist cbnrch Sun day in the absence o! jMiss Cawker who is enjoying ber holidays. Rev. James Ross, B A., Poterboro, preachet inl St Paul's chureh Sunday Rev. Hugb Munroe, B A., proacheti for Rev. E F. Torrance. D. D , in Peter- boro. The body o! Norman 141i, Oshawa, areti 16 vears, wbo was drownod off tbo -Argyle about two week s ago, was found last week about two miles east of Neow- castle wharf by Mr, Joh bv smon Durham R abber Comapany Bandi held another very pleasant anti successful moolîght excursion ÎTuesdlay night, It~is expecteti the 'Argylo" wiil be rtiaaiyfortlhçir next înoonaligbt. She is botter fitted for àâî Utlg 0fM 1 kinti Combs! Cornbs 1 Our own importat- ion "Niebolîs' Special"bi comb, only. 10 cents. Trv some oi the new linos o! cakies at Thos Tod's, Magnolia andi Alexanidria 15c, each. Trv Pa dozen Germa in ahut, O per tiozen at Thos Toýs. Tbo-y are, delicious. Alkinds of Summûer G,,oois aIre- duceti prices at Coucb, Jobuston & Cry- tierman 'm. l ako in the Bargain CarnivaI at Me- Murtry's. Gooti Bargainis in every tiepartment. Mon's unlîneti coats anti pants at re- duceti prices 10 clear at Coueb, Jobnstou & Crytierman's. An Iee Cream Soda drawn from Thos Tod's Soda fountain is a eooling drink tiieso bot days, Don't bake turing the bot weatbar but get your Eupplv of broati, buns anti fancy cakes at Thos. Toti's. Ceughs, clds, boarseness, and other thront aliments are qnickly relived by Cresolene tabiets. ten cents per bo=.AUl druggisa Be sure anti seaOa. Smith's now photo mounts. The UOWwbite Tor- sebon is a beauty. StudIo STATESMAN Block. Are you sentiing yonr absent' son or daugbter THE STATESMÂN? If not,wbyp Itilean intoresting latter frorn orne every waek. ILever's Y-Z (Wise IHead) Disinfectant Soap Powtier la better than other powticra, as il is both soap and disinfectant, 34 FaBiE FÎsH-We wili ha ve a variety o! Frosb Pisb every Thursdav anti Priday. Tbey are tastyý, leave your orders eariy. T-.YaKight. Sea the loveiv lot o!fGng0 msanti musiins for 8e., loc., l22ce. somo of tbom are wortb double tb(3 money at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. F 1R TO REN T-1 20 acres of land lu >goodstate of cultivation, free front musiard audail wild grain; about 2 miles front chut ch, about 31 miles from Bowîuanville; about 2 miles from cheese factorY' On the premises are a flue hiproof barn, 32x64, with stone cellar uuderneatb,and al modernfixtures' a dwelling bouse 16x24 anti kitcbsu 10X24; bard andi sof t water andi a neyer failng streamn runS a cross the farm wlicb makes ih a goo>od dairy farm and aiso fruit of ail suris in abndance Fire wood on place. WVil ent or sel]. Pos. session tbis f all orto suit tenant. For further particulars apply to M. A. JAmES, SrArEsmAN office Bowmanvllle. 28 if, - NEýED EDA Annuaily, to f111 the new position s created by Rairoati and Telegraph Conannies. W want YOUNG MEN and LADI:Sof g5o habits, to Learn Telegraphy .And R. R. Accounting We furnish 75 per cent, of the Operators arti StaItion Age, vsi in Am"rica. Our six scisuols are tht l argest exclusive Telegrapli Sebools P, Tip WoaLD). Establisiheti 20 years autu,durBediby alleadIiug Railway Offiais. .We ex ecite a $2.50 Bond to everY stude2nt tlu furnish hlim or ber a positio)n jaying-,fromn $40 vu $6 a rmouîh lu Slavqes f thelloeky Mouan.or rom $75 to $00a nmosthin Slates west of the Rockies;, imfine(diaitely iup on1 graduation. Stndenbt,;an enter at an y uniS. Nvac- tioiis-. - or <nilprtievLulrarregarimg any of o)ur schlools write direct to ùUr eEctlve olile a CicinatiO. at-loge fret. The làorse Sehool of Teïegra.phy, Cîinnatti, 0h10. 1B'uffabo . N.Y. Atlanta, Ga. Lac osse, Wis. Texarkaaia, Tt-X, Sari Franeiscu, Cal. V51w. MCDoNLD-ii Bowmiraaviile. Mig. tbî, teMr,. and Mlrs. John MesDonald, a-son.i TRtAYE-AI las'cock, Mieh., Auig. imà, t EdIbor and Mme,. W, F. Trayes. ,adugtr MAtTY.-In Osbawa. Aug. slb, ip 1Mr.-anti M"r. Jobn MariÉen, a son. An g usl St, by ]Bey. Williain Jolliffe, ltfr. Richard lVibheridfre, anti Miss Almna Bonelta, both 0f Bwavie DoUGAS-AMcsix-InNewCaSLe, Ang. 8, bv Reyv. J G. Wilson, Frank Lanceeter of st. Mary*8, te Annie, yoongeÈt tianglter of Mr. Tho$. Douglas. Jouss-THobis-In. Oshawa, Aug Sib. hby 1ev. S. J. ShoreY, Hobi. Newton Johns anti Mabel Gertrude Thomas, al of Oshawa. MOîRlIS-H'U-N mE-At St. John's eburceh, Glasgow, Seotianti, on June 19th. Morle Morrie -Glasgow, anti Lillian Frances Hunier, taghe of the laie W. H. Hunier, <ormemiy of Oshawa. Boutwa-At London. Englanti, Jniy 26, 1ev. F. W. Boumne, Bible Chritiran Minister, author of1 "BIHy Bray," ageti 75years. Mraî.z-At the resitience of Mr. Jas. 1 Davitison, BaIsais, Aug. 41b, William R. Miller, youngest son 0f tbe laie W. M. Miller, ageti 21 years MBsAGi-In Monireal, Jnly 121h, Dorolhy. younigeat danghter of Mm. Frank B. Menagli, ageti 12 yers anti 7months. GoyaF-In Drayton, Aug 5h. Clarke Snilth, infant son of Mr anti Mmm A. IL. Goyne, Osha. wa, ageti 1 year. JAvaaEs-In Monireal. Juiy l7tb, ai bis son-lu. law's regidence, 680 Cadiexsi.. W. H. Jaynes, ageti 67 veara, formeriY of Oshawa. Faws-rg-In East Whiiby, Ang 7th, Itaehel heloved wife of W. Fewster, agcd,71 yeara. 500 pins for 5ets. at Nieholls'. Tri' a "Hiawatha" at Tos Tod's. Try a Fruit Sundae at Thos Tod's 12 collar buttons for 5ets. at Nichoils'. Souvenir Post Cards le. each at Nichoils', Souve- ,r China, lovely goods at Nieholl,'. Buy your Poultry supplisatP Murdých. Geo. Smith makes good photos and prices are right. QP=EF{P\ HOUSE BOWMANVILLE. Saturday Anullt 19 One Night Only. Patten & Perry in JERRY FROMi KE RRY A Roaring Musleal Farce Comedy and Vaudeville Attraetion, Introdueing Many New Features and a Superior UDiformed Coneert Band and Orchestr. Watch for Street Parade. Prices: 25e., 35c. and 50e. Plan of Seats at Big 20. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Correeted eaeh Tuesday FLOUa, 4P1001'jS ........$2,40 to$2 GU WHEAT, Eaul, bush ...000 '1 O0 f Springil00if 1 00 il Red elfe.........090o"f i1I fi Goose ....0 00"fi0 85 BARLIEF, 4Pbush, No. 1 0 O40 'ilO042 t' n2.. 0 40 fi 0 40 n ni3l 08 :11 Two rowéd 00 00 O 040 DAS.white i ...... 038 et045 RYE, - f.............0>00"il0 70 SLJCJWHEAT fi.,........ 0 00 'i O 50 PsAs, Blackeve, e bush.0 0 eOt' O 00 tg Cangadian Beauties O0 0 il O75 fi Mummey t O000Otg 0 0 tg Smalr t 0 O60 'l O 60 il Blue Il 0 00 fi0 60 CLOVISR SEED ....... .......O00 O' 00 TIMOrrHY SIID ............O (00'" O01)( I3urrxR, best table, 1e ib. O0 0"fO 16 VI ,doz .........-_,()00 t0" O 1 POrATOES, e blISh neW .-OOU"105K' H w torg 7 00l,75dû F ARM FOR SALE-Good farm of 60 acr-es lot 3i,con. 7,D~arlington There il a frame house ftud good ramne barns with StonO founidations. Good liard water and sa running spring ;on premnises. For <rdl p4r$icularg, apply on premises 10 vIst4, A.B FY, Solina, P. 0.-4~ F'ý ARM FOR SALE-Owi!ng to i11 Xbeaiîb I bave decided tofive up famg 'uid to ofFer for sile my good arm being the 14,CO3~iI12, Çiarke Town- ship vad'ê,Mûô r 0. eGs Tse farm is weil situai pli1 the Kingston Éa between Newton vile and Newcastle, and cons- veilent to sebool0.1Post office and chiurebes ln each village, ani bas good buildings with barns on stone walfs, and stabling beneaili, also a good silo The ,soilis good Cay loam anid i, cd %atr',aud is aýda1)ted for either dairyving, or grain eruwing Part of the purchase money may remain on mortgage at a low rate cf interest. Plougbing possession given this <ail and full possession next spsrng, For furtber particulars enquire 0<ofÂAFLEs A. COULTER, on premises or to Newcantle, P. 0 - CLARK'S PORK AND BEANS Plain or appetizing seasoned with Chili or Temato Sauce. Ciark's Pork and Beans are the best food far the hungry. bc. and loc. par tin. Fur repairing 110w-on at Ma.ver's Fur store, Bowmanville. It wiii pay you to take your pouitry to C M. Cawker & Son.- Men's Suits at MeMurtry's at Bargain prices. $7 50 Suits $5.00. Blood meal. Meat me 1t Osster sheli, Mica grit, at P. -urds___ C. M. Cawker & Son wili have spring ehicken for sale this week. Try Lowney's celebrated imported Chocolates at D. Luttrell's. Ladies, there is soinething new in Home Department this week . T. H. Knight wiil pay hig'hest cish price for ail kinds o! produce. Have you sent THn STATESMAN to your absent friend? Do it now. Allover Lace sale at MeMurtry 's this week. 50e. laces 33e 75e. laces 45e. G. B Chocolates "The flnest in the Lani" a full lino just arrived at Thos Tod's. i Prýtt's:pouitrv Food, Pratt's Stock Food. ýfiatt's Lice Powvler n~t P.Mur. M A. Jaines is Government istiler of Marriage Licenses for Durham Couinti. TrTA1NES' BLAC4SMITIIs~ yo IL. àhofý (o tfêhi.with toom. Appiy Mrs. L. A HlAnSES, I3oivmanville, 32-t. A PIETl' learn O_0RSE FOR SALE-Young, horse, il ooi andi kinti in barneSs. Suitable for any 6kinti of work. Appl'y to JOHN GsîoO, 32 Otarlostreet, Phone 17, Bownianville. 33 if B UGGIES FOR SALE-Good second hadMcLaugblin top buggy for Saleecbeap also nearly new BUts buggy oniy used one season. Apply at STÂTESMAN office. 30-tf, TORENT-60 acres-of land, lot9, Tcon. 3, Darlingion. Good brick bouse, stone stables and gooti orebard, About two miles nortîs of Bowmauvîlle. Appiy on prem. iseS tu MRS. CHAS. HOTCHINSON, iiOWManville. 32 2w DONALD G. Mi. GALBRAITH. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public, etc. Private andi Company moucys tl an at lowest current rates. Agent for Tbe Midianti Loan and Savings Comnpany. Offie oposte J, B. Martyn's store. King, St. Bowmanvpie 2-t B RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR sale: A comfortable brick bousecon- taining seven rooms, balls and kitc hen; une 1acre laud well plan ted with appies and other fruit trees. Apply to MRS. DuWNS, Scugog St., Mas. M. A. JEWELL, TJyrone, or STATESMAN roffice, liowma nville3 2-w. F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT- -Vgood f arrn of 22 acres, with U,- acres orcli- ard on lot 7, con. 6, Dariogton. Coudi <rame house andi Stone stables, bard andi soit water. F'or partîculars apply vo ROaBERT MARTIS, Tyrone. 21-tf 1 r 6 ACRES F0OU SALE OR TO rent. being part ofth James Shanti esiate, composed cf parts of lots 13 and 14 in tbe 7th andi 8tbp con. of East Whutby. Appiy 10 1JA>tas A. Bornfe Raglan, or 30o11qSADLER. 7Columbus. 32 If. 1 LA MFOR SALE-133 acres of zood r adbeing lot 9, cou. 2, Cartwright, on which are a frame bouse, gooti barri. 106x36 ft..j Stone Stabling undetneath, good well and cisterît. Small Young orcbard. Piuwing possession af er harvest. Fnllpossession Jan. 1, 1906. For terms andiparticulars apply onthe Premises to ROBERT GiBsoN, Biackstock, P. 0, 3 3 w Baking Powder Ma.kés Ce Breed With Royal ]3aking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness,-greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full înstructions in the Il Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" book for imaking ail kinds of bread, býiscuit and cake y"U Rtoyal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. IIOYAt SAKINO POWDER C., NIW YOR14. EThese Arte A .Few i of the E * SIJVIME BARAINS i E A snap in Prints worth from 10c to 12-ie yd for Se y&L~ ~Sik Waists in Black or White, regular $2.50 to 83.00 for - $10 E Two pieces oniy, White and Black Lawn wt ESatin stripe worth 20e yd for 9o yd. ETorchon Lace insertions worth f rom 6e to 10e E yd, chance for - - - 3o yd. SLadies' Tailor ,made Skirts regular $2.25 to E ~$2.75 for 817 SLadies' and Misses Corset Girdies, reg. 50e pr for 38c. g: Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits, a few left at lets than Ecost of manufaetux'ers. E Ladses' Muslin, Lustre, Silk, Satin and Print Blouses at sacrifice prices. Ladies', Misses and Chldren's Straw Uats to elear at cost price. E Summer Dress Goods of every kind at bargain prices. P E Men's and Boys Suits at 25 per cent off "Ua prices. E E Bargains ail over the i'ouse in every department, thaL -ý g:will pay to invbstxate. Groeers' due bis tak en as cash. S.iW.Mason& Son rx m:Next PDoo-r to Sandard Bark, Bwayle In1i, lî TO CURE A COLD lx OSE D&Y. 1Take LAXATIVE BROMOQtTININE tablets Ail d.rugtss refund the money if il <ails b ceure. E.rove' in~r aoec box. 25C. BU WMAN VILLE WILL RE-OPEN ON TUESDuA'YI" SEPT. 5 AT 9 A. M. Pupils prepariug for ail grades of Toachors' Certîficates and for TUiver- sitv Matrieulation- bath Pass and Honor. This Senool is thoruughly equipped in overy partieular, noew apparatus is being addied and each teacher is a speciaiist in bis departinent. [t ii desira ble that ai pupils be pres. onÉt at the o pening o! the soehool that no tipi(- be iost Board ma-y he obtained fat reasýonab!e rateq. For furtbaýr par. ticularsa-pply persoliItllv or by letter to BûwManivilii, Aug. 11ý 1801. S8-w

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