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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1905, p. 5

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Grand rrunk Hailwav Svstem. RAILWAT TIME TABLE. BOWMANVILLE STATION. QOINGo WÂST.Golue WEST Mi... ...9 %)a.mE. !zpfl...502 a. En 3W eau ....- 1010 1 ocl.....7 57 'U Wie ..... 59 pm ?seg.13 p. n xP i LOcL.-6 49 p.m. 1Mxet..... 7 33 lJaiL..... 10 24 p.m. aon Express......11,4o P.mi.. Sulidy Ol Tckets to certain points 011on ld n ccodance with speciai hiliday -rates annojiuedini another columln will no ftbe houoreti on trains Nos. 1 or 4. STorrT & Junv. Town Aizente illi always haïe to wear Ihoin and lmn not goîng to begint aultil I bave W5of This is a remark thati is made by thoughtless people many many times and they manage te werk along for mon thls or y ears until their eyes are strain- ed and' the sight ams ruined; whereasIby ceming te us whien siglrt first be- gan te fail we could have given themi glasses te pro- teet and preserve the siglit and an endless amount of trouble in~ after years weouid thus be MORAL WMen your sight frst shiows signe cf failure (usually at 40 te 45) lot us fit yenu properly- and these glasses will probably do witbout chauging for 5 yoears. Stott & Jury, "The place where you get Satisfaction." -3 Graduate Optîians. WNouiff's Remedy For Jiarrhoea, ramps, etc., etc. We have înanufactured ibis most excellent remedy fer over 25 yoars. t> Money cannot produc3 a more t-iab1e and satisfactery article. Price only 25 ets. Stott n& Jury", é,x BOWMANVILL)X, AUG. 23, 1905 iss Emima Tabb speni Suntiay lu Whitby. Mn Alboert lleTret, aholidaY- ing hene Miss Stol la Ellis, Lidsay, le visiting fio3nde bore. nI. JohnMcll Toronto, spent Sun- day mu tewu. Miss Helen eii ih, Ottawa, le holiday- ing ut homine Miss Eva Edwvards, Orono, la visitiug frientis bore. Miss Richa-rd, Chatbum, h guesi of the MissesL1. Miss Clun ClwilWhitby visiteti f;ni ebre recelil. Miss Bvrnes, CoIlllgwood, bus been guesi ci MiLss Canrol, ,Mns. A. Baprber is visiliug ber daughter ut Proston. Miss Anule Coulter le visiting fiends Lu Toronto anti Buff alo N'Y Mfiss Evelvu Dinner, Hope, la Viiiug ber cousin Miss Elva Power, Miiss Rubv Runidle, Dalingtoi,- recontly visited Miss Bertha Allun Mns John Grant end mies Grant, To- route, bave been visitiug friendes bore Mr. andi Mrs A. B. Roboit s, Cobourg spent Sunday witb the Misses Clemence. Mn. Henry Melcuif bas been visiiing bis brother, Mn. Fred Meicaîf, Cobourg. Miss Ethel Brock baLs neturncd from a pleusant visit wiih MissBesieStaples, Clarke, Misses Ethel unid Ililda Tubb are visiting their aut Mrs. John Bathi, Whitby. Miss Eva Countice bas been enjoying hon bolidays wlth tnientis ,Inear Lako Sci1gow;, _ I 1dIÎSB Wookey andi Miss Fiera HlilIkûl, Toronto, are yisitiug uti1Rev. Win. Hipkiu's. Mrs. W. H. Osborne bus been visiting ber tiaughfer Mns. C. Blow, Oshawu.on- the-Lake. Mrs. A. NMcCread.y anti Miss Boita Fleming are visitiiug Mn. M. B Annis, Brantford. Mn. Wmn. Curvin of Luttrell's bakery, bus been bolidayinjg witb bis parents ut Warkworth Miss Lithoe Gilbbon, Raglan, reeently visifed Mns. Wmn. Jontion and othon frientsinlutowu, Mn, and Mrs. J. H. 11, Jury and Mise Mildned Jury have zone on a trip te the Pacifie Coast,. Miss Ethel Warne, Cobourg, is visif- îng hon aunt Mrs. C W, ioskin andi other relatives bene. Miss Edua Archibald bus returnôti le bber oe lu Belleville uccempanieti by ber auna Miss S. Failey. Miss Kate Murdoch bas relurncd fnnm Petitl's Point, Laho Scugog. Mn. Fnank Kytitiloft Thursday ton Cuba whene ho will speuti a fox" weeks anti uccompany bis mothor borne. Miss Ina Buekerville bas reiunned te hon home ln Toronto uflen a pleasant visit ut hon uncle's Mn. John Curtis'. Miss L. Antinew relurneti lusi week fnom Baille Creek. Mili , 10 vieil i'iends. bore proviens te golng te Toronto, Mrs, J. Wood andi son, Mn. George Wood anti dauzhter, Mies Leitie, Ro-zhoster, N. Y., are guesîs ut Mn. Jas. De',manîýs. Mrs. Wallen Manning anti two child- 1 1 Buggies for sale. See advt. Hair pins le. a buneh aft Ncoi' 79 onlv, blouse sets, regular 15eths., sale price 5cts a set at Nicholls'. Rtev W, P. Goard and wife Hartney, Man., are visiting Mr. Wm. Poley. Mr Edward Riches, Cambrav, is visit- Ing his grand-daughter Mrs W J Humphrey The annual sale of Summer Goods now going on at Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman's. mr and mrs James Tom and master Cecil, Toronto, are guests of iurs M Cryderman, I3eech Ave Our best thanks are due Mrs. A. Me- Millan for pretty bouquets of flowers for the Editor 's diesk this summor. The methodist Epworth League will in future bold their regular meetings on Tuesday instead of monday evenings Salem will give yen. a treat nexti Monda3 evening-Chicken Pie Supper and good program. Don't miss being there. If Vou want to be certain about get- ting the besti quality cf ail kinds of meats and poultry buy fromr C m Caw-' ker & Son. George Janes, son of, Mrs. llenr-v Janres Charlecole, was kicked by a tiorse and it is feared that thre jr may prove fatal. Mr. Robt. Cale fias greatly, improved the appearanecocf his house by remov- ing the shop in front of it and by giv- ing it a coat of paint., Mr. Henry J. Morden, Port Hope, dlscovered a bur-lar ln his room last week, but the latter became frightened and gou eut xwthout booty. Business men cannot begin tee seen now te plan fer a big fail trade. Get your advertising into THuu STATESMAN forthwith if net already there. Owiç -te threatening weatber and a Latber rough sea, th3 str Argyle did net go eut with'the D 0 & P Ce Banqý's 1moonight excur Eion monday night Thétsons oz . nperance Re-cord for August contained ê photo U kindly notice ef the late Miss Aima Shortrldgo daugbter ef Mr. Samuel Shortridge, Miss Luolia E. McAmmond, M. E., daughter of Rev. Thomas McAmmond, Moorisburg, bas been appointed teach- or of elocution in Alberta College, Edmonton. iMiss Beatrice Joness who passed tibe examinations of the Normal College of Pedagogy se sueccssfully at the end of last tortu has been appointed teacher iu S. S. No. 4, Darlingtun. Messrs. Burns & Ce , Oshawa, an- noune this week to the people cf West Darlington and East Whitbv a fine stock cf boots and shoos for sehool wear anid foot wear generally. Apple buvers gretqmbling ever eaçh other And are àtUyinô rc13ai-dsa tgecd prices. There hs less than an average crop and pricos are some stiffer than last year. The heavy rainstorm last Tuesday prevented the Methodist Sunday school from having their excursion te Ceobourg. The excursion bas been declared off for tiis y'ear. mr L B Williams who recently pur- chased the Bracebridge Gazette bas leased ilte aimr Aif ailsaac, and moved to Tor onto Capt W C King, Meesrs G J Rowey and Frank H Morris are attending the Ontario Rifle Association matcthes at Long Branch. mr Richard Poster sold 7 spring chicken te C ai Cawker & Son for the sum of 24.20, If you bave choictii poultry and want the bigbest prie take1 tireurte C ai Cawker & Son's. 11 DO YOU WANT JARNESS?- Farmers, Horsemeti, nun' bodi andi everybody owning a hb0rse now la your great opportunity foý getting agood,i new set cf harnes, douible or sing-le, or uny part or parts of baYness or horse goodsataiwbole3ale <pnîces and some things for lbas than ivhobesale f or cash. The Brown & Martinii Harness Ceom- pany, Bowmauville, bave decided te go eut Of busine(ss anideeytigwili be sold ai pnices that comnpeli ou attention if you need anytbing lu stock. Tbe advt lib is ýpuper wiil give% ou au idea of whut is ofrd Leather bas gone up 10 per cent and 'If You miss this chance yen illpuy mamch dearer, for banneas and al other leaibeCr gootis lu fihe future. Caîl1 us sooni as possible and s00 the genuine harniess bargains now being offened at Lbhis re-a t clearing suie cf The Brown & Mantïn Harness Co., Bowmuuville. airs T J Sheridan andti eblidren, Osha- wa, are visiting ber tathen ir R Trou- cuih. Trv a dezen Germras Dougbnuts, 100, per dozen ut Thos od's They are delicieus. AIl kintis of Summer Goods ut re- duceti prices ut Coucbi, Joehuston & Cry dermun's. Au Ice Creum Soda drawn fnom Thos Tod's Soda fountuin is a eooling drink those bot days, Mrs (11ev) T W Joliffe and son Regin alti are visiting reltiïves ut Brad- ferd and Cooksviiie Don't buke during te ho'o weuthor but get your supplv cf breati, buns anti fancy cakes ut Thos. T1od's. Cocgbs. colds, horsnea nother ibroat aliments are quickly reeted !-,by Cresetene tablets. ten cents par be.Alildrugglots Are.yen sonding your absent son or daughter TEJT ECMÂNii%ý? If not,why? Il lean intoresjtiug lettonr from home every week. -Lever's Y-Z (Wisc e edf) Disinfectent Soap Powdcr du7ste i lu the bath, soflens Mn. L. G. Bennett, LPçît fHope, bas solti bis fumions rucer ' Looiû Gass te Mr. A. Proctor, Newma.iprket. Buy the -boy bis achool suit, BnÇ nowund you'Illget a edbangalu if yen bu ai MeMutry's ,Read udvt. Dr. J.C. DevitI basplurchusedtiiho new brick residenecon eonsîreet now in course etfeecton nomMn. W. Brock. Mn A.Barber hlas lustifutet a fiourisb- ing R. T. of T, Counàcil ut%; Burk's Fulls. Hlis noxi field will bet he Temiscam- ingue negion. The fumîllar buzz et the planer lu Haines Planing Fuctory iýs daily hourd aguin Mr, John Ç9x ïý ilu ebarg-e und fraqde Aeemg very brisk.- Don't miss the Chien Pie Supper ut Salem next Monday eein.It la the finitoetthe season aind will sure te be a treut. Remomber the dt FRESE FISH-We wifll'ha-ve. a variei.y of Fresh Fîsb every ThurstIuy andi Fniday. Tbey are iasiy-, 1leve -your eors eanly.T.HKngt Setho lovelylotetffGing-ham1s anti muslus for Se, O. .Sonie of hearwtdobthern e cmoney ai D.CVEmaor, l&t4o oino Tomperance, will visil xelinCouan- cil, Bowmanville, ou TuîesduY sept. 12 Mn. aniMns. J C. Truil an I Master Lorne antiMiss Hielen are huving a pieusaut visit witb ber siafen,,s Mns. S. N, Roborts, Springwuter, ýN. Y_, and Mrs. Wm Iiigauam,Irondeenii.t N. Y. FOR IDEAL SANDWICHES M ARItIED. FROST-VANCAUP-In Darlington, A ignat 16th, aithe residence of the bride's uncýe,Mr oehVaCamp, by Rev. William Jolliffe, M P i rost, B A., Mathematical Master, Bowrnanville High School. andi Miss M. Vida VanCamp, tiaughter of Mr. E. VanCamp, Brant- ford. FIELD-EVANS-At Wellington, Aug. 9, Mis Lucia Helen Evans, danghter of thse laie Dr. Henry Evans, Picton. and granddanghter of the lete J. N. Carter, Mayor of Picton, anti Mr. Hat olti Pearse Field, Regina, soit of John P. Fieldi, Esq, anti grautison of the laie John C. Field M. P. P., Cobourg, ANrOER5oN-BÂRRETT-III Toronto, August 12, by Rev* fG. I. Taylor, M. A . fector of St. Bar- tholmew's church, William Henry Best Anderson, son of Dr. William Anderson. New- castle, anti Wilhelmine Eleanor, tieughter of Mr8. Eleanor Barreti of Windsor. BALLACII DUNCN-At Syracuse, N. Y. Ang. 15th, by Rev. A. Mancrees, Mir. Thompson Ballagh, Mortien. Man , fornierly of Newcastle, and Margaret Petie, dangliter of Mr. Thos tiunean, Canadien Goverrument A g e n t, Syracuse, N. Y. Oic-In South Darlinglon on Auguist lacis, Menti Henrielta Tooley,' beloveti wife of Mr. Arthsur J. Oke, ageti 30 years, 8 inonibs. BRET'TeNGA14-11 Oshawa. Aug. fth, eo infant son cf William anti M-y BreýttingJhnm, aged 5 month8 anti 14 tays. GiLmoutz- At Toronto J unction, Aug. 21, Jane Leet, relici cf the late Thca. Gilwoiîr, fprinerly of the ccunty of Dur', MULI1OTL'- -M Au- _.n-Sutidenly ai Nelson, B. C, 'rret.Mary, beloved Vifs cf R. Mtulhollentl, SMoeaow-In Delington, Ang. 151h, Rtobert Morrow, egeti 71 yeers. TAYLOIt -In Tornto. Aug. 14, Newton, ol. est son of lise laie J. il. Taiylor> BowmeaiîAieLo ageti î@ years. O'LEÂCY-in Euifalo, Aug. 15, Mitry, tiengil, ter of tise laie John anti Catharine 0'Leary, formerly cf Oshawa, BuLLLE-At NewtonvÏlle, Ang, 19, Leslie Wallace, son of Mr. anti Mrs, Leslie Buller, ageti 6 months. NAans-In Bowmanville, Augnat 20, Seraih, relici of thse late Jacobs Neads, ageti 91 years. Bo W M A NYLLE N A RIKETS. 1 Noie fBIrtilsF, 25ï-,cents; M Parriagesi, 50 vente; Deatius, 50 ents4, eaeh in- sertion. Wlhen mjarriage licensca are obtainied or funerai eards are p)rInted;ait isg office, Insertion free' WE5TWÂYinOwmanIIville-, Aug, 22, thie Wife of bMr. Jeirry VeStawaY, or a sonl. RowE-In Oshiawa, Ang* ltth. tie wife of W. B. llowe, of adugh'r TRULL-1n Oshmva, Ang, 171h, the wif e of Cameron Trutl, of a daugbter. COIJRTICE&-At "Hilîcrest," Ebene rer, on Tuestiey, Augnet 151h, to Mr. anti Mrs. S. 3. Courtice, Kinicardine, a- deuglter. J-AmEs-l Oshawa,, Ang. 18, te Mr. and Mrs.- Edwarti J. James, a son. WONNACOTT-In 1owmanville, Aug. 15, te Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Wonnacott, a son. SAVERY-At Shiloh, Aig. il, to Mr. and Mrs Wm. Savery. a son. QUINLAN-In Newcastle, Anug. 13. to Mr. andi Mrs. ThoS. Quinlan, twins-son andi daughter. BiloCK-Ih Oshawa, Aug. 14. to Mr. and Mrs. John Brook, a daughter. T HE officiai tests by the InIa'nd TRevenue Department of, the Cana dian Government show the Royal to be a pure baking powder, superior to ali others in Ieavening strength. It tiherefore mak-es purer, more whole- some aIndý economical food than any othrbanoder or leavening agent. RoafBkn Powd;rýer is more con- veniern for use than creami of. tartar and soda and makes finer-flavored food. ROYVAL BAKING POWMEP CO., NEW YORK. 500 pins for 5ets. at Nicholis'. Rev. Dr. W. A. Mackay, for the Pa st -Try a "Hiawatha" at Thos Tod's. 28 3 ors pastor of Chalmers chureh, Try a Fruit Sundae at Thos Tod's Woodstiock, hos tendered isý reaig- 12 colar buttons for 5ets. ut Ncol' nation te the cburch board. TUris action was rendered oesrilvii Souvenir Pest Cards le. each ut bealtb. Ho is widely known thrugh Nichoils'. eut Canada as an ardent cpoirc Souvenir China, lovely go"rods at Prabihition, and is ex-presid!ent cf the Niebollb'. Dominion Alliance Bofore gîgtoc Buay /-' ,r Poultry &supPlies' ut P. Wo"dstotk, Dr. M>tcka waspast r o Murdpfi. the Presb-ýtin îî ubrch u BltioÀ Geo. Sm-ith imakes geod photos and sdCliSpig,'rh tCbug ncsare rigbt. '1 is 1é&0p0 fiUaire I li i heaith, I li epairing now on ut Maser's Fur s,,tore, BowmaUVillIO. ACRES l'OR SALE OR, TO Blood rues],,Meut meut. Oyster sheîl, 6 S'~ret cg part cf tise James Shaý:,ne estale, composei cfo f lots i3 ant id4:in rte LMica grit, at P. Murdoch's. Itliand & con. of East Witby. Apply to Chocola tes at D. Luttrel's. Clscbs 2I -lios, there le sometbing' new' in 'ARM FOR SALE-Goodl farma of 60 ba.4ft- -ent this week. .1 acres lot 81, con. 7, Dci tington. Thcre 15ý 11=0 e frame bouse andi gooti frame barns wihton ýje eP~~ - highest cash foundations. Goti bard weter anti arung r~il. {idht vlilia - pring oui premihes. For full particulars a ppl;Ay 'i premises te MR. A. B. FERGUeSON, SliAP priceâ foi' ailkinds of preetiie. G. B Chc -ae 'The finest iu the O Larî-" a fui he just urrived at Thos II)!-l'-Niuct-fou017raCros; being lt ot 2,,.ý, Pratt's Poultry Food, Pratt's Stock are geod i trme hue on euwith 3steo Food. PpaýftVýLice Powder ut P. Mur- stables u,îderî ,nd oalt býer ubuljn doch's. ,,s-orciard, nex er-faîli'J oe o trFr particulars appiy ce MItaSSSAI1 G. ALLiai, Combs! Combs! Our own importat- Courtice, P. d.,43w ion "Nicholls' Special" big comb, enlyF RM ORS E13acso!gd 10 cets. tnd Keilig loti9, con. 2, Cartwright, on Try some of the new lines of cakes at wieih are a, frame bouse, gooti barn, 106x36 fi., Thos Tod's, Magnollg ejQ flçxandrij&sens stablisîguntierneatis, gooti well andi cîsterii, Smali tyoung Orchard. Plowtng 15c. eucbh. s.v.~.Fuît nOo.5~iqu Jan, Men'"s unlinod couts sud punts ai ro- 1- 1906. Fortrm~s and partîculars appiy of 2 duced pi-tees te cleur ut Couch, Johuston premiSsate RoBLET G'asoN', Blackstock, P. O. & Cnyderman's. P-r There seems te be a good demaut inlu F ARM FOR SALE-Owing te i-! Enoi~d or geciearl aplesbutnef ntihealtis I have tiecitietite g1ve up fermiag9 En'n o octeryape, u o nit offer for sale my gooti ferm being the for infenior qialiîties. Sonuth i of l3t 14, Concession 2, Clairke Tewn- You'l auve the price of a new bai if ship ccntaining 15o acres, miore or tess. The farm 15watt situateti ou the Kinesion Roati yen bu.yyour suit during the Augusi isetween -xewtouville and New castie, endcouc-- Clothing Sale ut McMurtr.y's, Reud ventent te shool,Pl'st office- antidiuehsin on .- atoewls niaalu eetaseh village, anti bas gooti buildinýgs wîth barams C M Cawken & Son have bought lu gzond silo Tis soit is geotiday 1,oam nd (ýis Toronto 25 cattie oqual l u quaiitv te elwaaa nit tapeifratsrdiyn best exporters,uveraging iAB()lbs eacb; nsyremeain oorîgae eue ow rate ofý aise thirteen bouglIit from some of the interest. Ptnugiing possso iv Iis fi besi feeders lu Darlingten. Ail those anti full possession n.exi spii"g, For further particýutars euire of CHAuLES caff le are under tbnee yeurs old and A. COULTRe, On premlisesor te Naýw csiP are for their fail trade. 5t FLU oreeted cach Tucstiay f 100tbS ........$240 to WHIAT. Pull, bush .... GO f te Sprn il. ( il Gooso .....0 0 BMîLEY, 1ý bush, No., O 40 il il 2 0. O40 ît il 3 0.. 0() If t Two rowed 0Q00O n jÂS white il"......0 38 I ..... .... 000 f BUOKWnEA'rfil......Q OQ PEt-S, Bluckeye, e bush.. o 0 ni Canadian Beautios 0 00 fi n u11c " 0 0 n Smalh 'i O(60& ~TEboit tabloe iblii O 0O e doz ............ 00 f P(OI-aToEs, ?t bush new ,0 00 B'ev. ?0ton .. . -70 1 O0 1 10 0 85 0 42 o 40 0 88 0 40 0 45 0 70 Q 0 0 75 0 60 o 0 17 0 17 0 5e 7 50

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