JBowmANvirLLE STATION. <CluerN AsT. Gone WxsT Mail ... 9 06A. M. I Express - - - 5.02 a. M Mied.. 33 pm.1 aisen<r-1 6 P- Mi, Local ... 649p..m ixed... 1. 7 3 Expres. ...1.40 p.,m.. 'Sinday only. Tipketst eertalnpoints sold Inaccordance with sp)ecýihulldaýy rates aiiiiiunCed in another "c]lamn wiot behonored on trains Nos. 1 or ST0T-ý & JuRy. Town I eent@ illi always bave to wear theni anld ISiiflot going to begil ultil 1 baye to"l This is a remark that is made by thoughtless people many many times and they manage to work along for months or years until their eyes are Btrain- ed and the siglit almosi; rliled; whereas by coming to us when siglit first be- g an to fail we could have given them glasses to pro- tect and preserve the sight and an endless amount of trouble ini after years would thus--be ,avoided. MORAL When your siglit first shows signs of failure (usually at 40 to 45) Jet us, fit you properly and these glasses will probably do without ehanging for .5 years. Stott & Juryr "The place where you get Satisfaction." -3 Graduate Opticians..', For Diarrhoea, C)rampe, etc., etc. We have manufactured this most excellent remedy for over 25 yearF , M1oney cannot produce a more reliable and satisfactory article. Price only 25 ets. St%ýott '& Jury, "'The DIlace whereyou ge t satisttctîon."i 2 Graduates of Ont. Col. of Pharmacy, 3 Graduiate Opticians. i MM"Thc wonderfulhy rapid e&act of 15r. ritcber's Backache-Kidney Tabiets in cor- ing the severest kidney, bladuier and ornu. .ary tropbles, makres ticie affected rejoice. Suach diseases and disorders as lame or weak back, swehing of heicfot, puffiness ejader thie eyes, gravel, brick deposits in 'the urine, scalding, frequeul cails durnug the day or nigit, pain iu tie joints, uric ai lu lie blocS, drowsiness, icadache, -rapid lois of fiesh, habituai constipation, ,tver torpor, weaheuess of tie uriniary or- 4ans in chijdren and lie aged-are ahi quickly relieved and permanently cureS. Mr. E. Daw,,son, Main St., Kincardime, Ont., zays: 'IHard work sud constant .tOoping2, togetier witi expesure ho cl, brougit on severe backscie sud Kidney -trouible. Tic secretions were tiick sud -carty. Nothiiug relieved me un1til I got -a bottýIe of Dr. Pitcier's Backache--kiduey TabIeýts. Tiey soon stoppeS lie pain sud àoreneas. Tie Kidney action became aormal and healthy. 1 arn exceedingly geatefuh, and glaS te add Ibis festimrony to the espressions cf goodwill 1 bave beard *thens give uttersnce to." It -s ne wousder Dr. Pitcher's Taul!etsJ cure so weil l'bey are the prescription *fa Kdney specialist and contain isigre. 4riLe.sj't 1,>nd in comun nkiduney plUs. or~c riaobyssiaif TL cDr. BOWMANVILLE, ÂUG. 30, 1905.1 Miss Wiunie Joues la visitiug friends ln Port fUope. Mr, Charles Mason la heilidayiug with friends in Toronto. Mýiss E vàa Trewiu la visiting ber uncle il Washington, D. C. M Ii ss Effie Brook, is visiting at Mr. R Brimacembe's, Et-in Street. Mrs. W. W. Hlorsev and Miss Hilda Herisey are visitiug friends in Toronto. Mr. John Laing, Newcastle, was recent guest ofhbis graudmother Mrs. Aiken. Mis. Johni A. McDouald and Master Jack. Orillia, have been visiting at Mr- S. Lav-is'. Mrs. Wm.. Painiton and danghtcrs, Lizzie and Carnie, are visiting friends lu Toronto. 11ev. Thos Brown and son, Oakwood, gave TEE- STATEiSMAN a frieudly cal last week. Miss Peterkini, Toronto, who, la spcud. iug the sumamer at Resebank Is guest oh Miss Molion. Mr. Ciande R. D. Davidson, Caro- borne, has been visitiug bis uncle, Mr. R. D. Davidson. Mrs John Dowu bas returned home from five weeks' visit wiîh ber sens in Rochester. N. Y. Mr. K. M. *Merrison, Birmingham, Alabama, bas been visitiîîg bis hather Mr. D. Morripon. Mr- Geo. Lytie, publishez of the Watcbman-Warder, has gene on a trip to the Pacifie Ceùast. Dr. and NMrs. John Montgomery, Oshawa, wcrc guests ofhbis sister Mrs. J. J. Gibson, Sunday, Mrs. Ra. Brimacombe, and Miss Laura are visitiug at Mr. Fred Brim- acombe'.i, Toronto. Mrs. W. C. Fergusen and sou, Biack- stcvisited at ber hather's, Mr. John Becck, over Suuday. Rev, C W. Barrett, Castlelon, and bis mother, visitcd ber brother, Mr. Wm Hutchinsen lasi weck. Mrs. Gilbert Parent, Miss Mabal Bentu, Walkervîiie, are guests oh Mrs. G. C. Haines, "Ashurst." Mr. and Mrs, F. P. Wright, Leam- inglen. have been visiting ber sister Mrs. Walter J. Todgham,'i Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, Hope, have becu guesîs of Iheir sou. Mr. Wiliard Caldwell, of the Centrai Livery. Miss Lela Down bas gene te Toronto previons te resuming ber position in a millinerv establishment in London. dard Bank bas been ransferred te a: new brandi h fthe Bank lu Teronto, Missi Florence Leslie, Eimwood, has been visiting ber aunt Mrs Robt. Freeland and friends lu Newtonviile. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn and son, Dr. Tambivu. attended the funoral of the laIe W. H. Warner at Whitby. Mr. Frank RIare, editor oh lie Poultry Journal, Quincey, IEL, yisitcd bis father, 1ev, Dr. HTare, Bowmanvîlie-on-the- lake. Mrs Geo. Sandercock visiied ber parents Mr. and Mrs. John Heard at ber sister's, Mrs. James Beliamay, Port Whitby. Mrs M. D. Williams and dangbteir. MIrs. (1ev ) J. E. Miles, bave returned from a vliti with Mrs, John Curtis, Fort Hope. Mr. Robert Beith is eue of the judges1 on GenetïLI Parj2ose Horses, Tborebreds and Herses ilu Uarfle55,ai tie Canadien National Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Griffu oh New York. are spending a week wiîh 11ev. and Mrs. T. W. Jolliffe Mns. Griffis Mrs. Joihiffe's sister. Mr. Fred Rebder was in Lindsav last week atteudiug the Higb Court Inde Dnuient Ortier of 11rteters as renre- àentative oh Bowmanvilie Court. - 1ev, Vernon H. Emory, pastor of the Mthodîst church here, wifc and daugh- ter wbo have been holidaying in SI. Catharines, bave returued home. Mrs. John James, Columbus, and ber rister Mrs. M. J. Redman and Miss Frances Redman, Detroit., Micb , were guests oh Mns M. A. James Ibis week. Mn. and Mrs. James Gilmour and famiiy. Mushegon, Mici., bave heen visiîing ber brother Mr. W. McRey- inolds. Broekbiil Dairy. and other frionda bere. Mr aud Mrs. Adam Dickson, Co- bourg, fermer resideuts of Obhawa. ceiebrated their golden wedding anul- versarv on Aux 2. A number 'oh beantiful presents were given them aud a pleasant day euioyed. Mr. Lawrne Wilson wbo bas beau altendinz sehool here and residing witlî bis aunt Mrs D. Biti, bas3 returned le bis home in Vermillia, Peace River, Athbasca. accompauied by bis unce Mr. E. C. Southey, Mn. Arthur nad -Miss Lang, Port Hope, Mrs Alex Orn, CobourR', Mn. Andrew White, Sarnia, Mr. Everet Clîubb, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns, J. Cooidge, Tauton, attended tbe fan- eral of lue laIe Mrs, J. Neads. Fcw men who have passcd the line score sud ten mile-stone are as virile sud brighl oh intellect as Rev. George Brown, Toron to. who bas been taking- tie pastoral work of 1ev, V. H. Emony lu tic Mthodist churcihers for the pasî twe weeks. He Isas ood preacher and bas won tic good-wiloh al bis hearers. If minis5ters generaliy wboarè ',upilu ears" couid nelain tic viility aud vivacily of yolb as 11ev Mr Brown bas, we sbould hear iess about "ceuîtiug oui tbe old meno " One idiosvuerasy possesscd by -Ibis venerable divine is bis habit of seeiug lieh pleasing side oh thinLys sud actions-be saw very mucti ta admire aud conîmcud lu tiechcurcb, in tie people sud! in tic town sud did net besilate ta exprepssbis approbation Iu Ihis way sud bv bis verv affable simd geniai manner ho won a warm place iu the hearts of Ihose wb-o met bim persanally or beard hlm prcacb. Mrs Brown aud daugiter were aise ery mucb llked by 'Ihosc wbo imet lbem. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES.* Iîiurg, lud1Bleeeltng or rotru-ding Plies. Dt!gistsefunrdmoney If PAZO INTMENT faýits t.. ure zamy case, n matier cf how long staniding, ineC> te 14 duYs. FinI appîlcutton posl-palSJ by Paris let inle j , t. Louis, Mc -~t U , - "-T Mr. Albert A.- Colill, Newcastle, received recently a shipment oh five very fine Tamwortbs from Mr. Morrow of Hiltoni, te whom he sold some prize stock a few y cars ago. The first herd of Canadian cattie, comprising about 40 bead oh Ayrsbires. Short Horus, Devons and, Hoisteins, purchased in Ibis country for Japan, wili be shipped Sept 18. six Richard Poster seld 7sprinig cbicken to C m Cawker & Son fer the sum oh $84.20, If yen have Choic,, pouiîry and waut lie bi.-best price lake them te C m Cawker & Son's. Toronîo's big PFair is now on and se are the reduccd rates 'on the Grand Trnl, Sec advt lu another columun. $1,45 from Bowmanvilie. Augusî BlsI, Septemaber 3nd. Slh and 17th Quly $l-2b, Cobourg Pair cornes off immeditely before Bowmanville Pair Iha days bcing Menday and Tuesday Sept. 25-26. Tbcy expect a very snccessful exhibition. Write te R. Cullis, Camberne, fer prize list. Her many Bowmanville rieuds offe r heartiesî congratulations 10, Miss Clara L.Neads, danghter oh Mr, W. A Neads. Rainy River, who was married XyVednes- day 10 Prof. T. B Millar, Portage la Prairie, Mian, Robent Hlbbert, a farm baud oh Hope township cloped lasI week witi the wihe oh a farmer named Davidson et lie samne lewnsbip. The woman leaves a family oh four hblidren the yeungest a yean sud a baif old. Canada eau hold ber owu on w sIen as weii as ou land as sbowu bv tie follow- ing dispatcb : Eddie Durnan of Toronto defealed Tom Sullivan oh London, Eial]Fnd. over a bay course Thursday by 15 lcngîhs for the sculling champion- sbip of Amerlea for $1000 aside. Tic moonllgbht excursion rom Blow- mauvilie sud Newcastle under auspices of lic D. O. & P. Ce. Baud Friday even- ing by steamer Argyle was vcrv enjoy- able. Music was furnnshed bv lie Band and Mn. H. Workman- Dancing and other amusements were indulged in. The funeral of the hale George Fox, Linîsav 100k place Thursdav to River. side ccmeîcry Deceased established a papier lu Bowmanvilie mauy years ago aud was aI oee ime a preminent ucws. paper man~ befone he became totally blild. He is a brother oh Mn, S. J. Fox, M. P. P,, for South Victoria. Miss Claudia Bunniss, Pont Arthur. succeeda Miss Fraser lu tbe Junior deparîment of Fort Frances Public Sciool. Miss Bunriss Is a daugbter of Mr. R. A Burriss, Goverument Immi- gration Agent aI Port Arthur, comles higbiy recommeuded as a teacher is a gold medalisl sud stands high lu pro ficiencv.-Fort Frances Times We are always glad tebear oh the succesa oh Bowmanville girls. Should yen be lu Toronto Ibis week for exhibition, vou arc inviteS le cal ou the British Amerîcan Business Coi- loge, cerner Mli and Venge sts. A cellege that bas 600 calis for office bclp oery yean la woti loo-kiug nu) Fal terni opens Sept. isI. 5000 graduates sud among them 200 wcil known Toron- to business men No College lu Cana- da bas sncb a record. R. A. Farquhar- sona, B. A.. Y. M. C. A. BlSg , Toronto, weill scud the bsndsomc illustrated cala- logue te yonr address. Mrs. (Prof.) Kesuen wbo spent lic summier witb fieudsata Aunera, New manrket, Broloklil, Bowmanville anS Toronte writcs liaI she bas retuned te beýr home aIt Sida, Coorado, sud found beýr famlily ail very well. She I says she slial cberisla veny lplessant remembranlces of ber visït te Bowmnau- ville antI of ber visi tot Niazara Fais1 and the maný kiud friends on the Dur- bain Old Boys'. excursion wbuo a - qsiatance ste made tbhat day. 1 *~*flzADlT V,3 tttouarn-i Priday. They arc tasty, leýave yvonr orders early. T. H. Knight. Tic DurhamRlbe Comipany Band wcnt te Onono Saturd4y eveuiug and gave an open-air econcert. A large number of cilizens tnrned eut and en- joyed lhe musicai prog-ram. Rice & Co. have received a car load oh Souveuir Stoves iu preparation for lhe Pali Irade. TbeDy re the unly Bowmanvillc firm ý Iý . avereceived a car ieoad oh stoves am t~.The stocký is now open sund ready forinpco. AUû4TION SALEÀ. SATURDAY, SEPT, 9-11r. H C. Tait wil seil ah ofhbis bouseiid furuilune and furnisbings a i bsresidenïce, 'The Octagon,'" Division St , Bowmanvil le Sale aI 1 p. m. Sec ,bý iîs. L A. W. TOLE, auclieneer. CELEBRATED 91ST HIG(jHLAliDEflS' BAND, The Band of h Ie lsI R egiment, Canadian U-lighlanders' of Hamilton, which huis been eugagedî for Bowmau- vinI suda, uis bzcvme rognizeu ai tue finest miitarv organizpation lu Canada Ibrougi them excellent playing sud numerons engagemients. [t eau be positively stateS Ibat Gliey bave aecomp- iisbed more lu lie lwo v7ears since or- gafflzing under tie leadeýýrship oh M r. Hl A. Stares than auv oter Bad iu Cana. da lias doue in s decadeo. A hew facîs as te bow tbey have a,..omplished Ibis in se short lime: 1sI Baud,(master Sîares examines most seyenelp cevery applicaut for the baud sud will Dol acýcepî aupone who dees net corne up ti lie standard-, secondiy Le insists upen regzular attend-- suce aI the practices; sud lihirdly every member must be a strict!ly sobér man.- Tiese facîs coupled witli bis excellent ability lu teach ihas Ireuotgl the OlsI Baud te lie front raiiie oh Bauds lu Canada. TOW'N 0F BOW-MANVILLE, Bowmauville is beautifuiiy situated on an eminence, surroandad by pic1turesque sceuery, overlookIng Port Bowmau vil le Harbor on Lake Ontario, and one of theý prehileat expanses cf water in Canada. In summer boais ply daily in fulview op and dowu simd tic dune boas o f lhe Outario & Richelieu LiSe ecaU bh ways ln stimmler. Tic population ocf Bowmauville ils ho- tweei 3090 sid 41>. Streets ad sidewalks are firat lassimnd haudsome residencaý s are rmimer-- ceus. Streets, publie ainigssd resideuces are ighted with electr.'city. Abondance1 cf sprlmg water, good driasid reliable fire protection. Tic postal serviceial tiat can ho desired. Tie Dominion Organ & Piano Cols. great factorles for mamufatuiriugPianos, Or-i gaus, Bicycle Riras, etc., a-re Locatediere; aise tie Bowmanvilie ltubber Cc's wcrk8. Tiere are excellent Publicesimd 111gb obolot surpaso eS lu Canada for equiplui smdeficeuy The cburcies are MtodsPreibytarian. EpisepalanCougregational, Disciple simd Roitiasu Cathioie. Only two hiotels with reason abîle i-aies sud other rmodlem c ýouvemieuces.8 S*0* as aeijumerous sud ci arry fullDUes of ail infiis oftirai clasa geodai; 2crmpetitiou le ktees sund prices as 10w as Ie a city. Telegrapi aud1 helepione systemas conneet thie town wti ahl places imear sud ditan.;rt Bowmnamville ih bccoimig a favorite summenr resoi1, heing one cf tic mosialifl locatins on tleie nrth i shore.9 paper snd eicys a very extýensivYecirculationj.. 'tie tawn sýtandîs ready tb otler tiberai indace- meni fatojes50locale i Boweanvile Corresponidacin iviteel l'o CURE A UOLI N ONE »AY. flNi.f , iYATXYW n13ROM Sowerby, aged 77 years. Powaa--At Coumbus, Aug. 23, RichlardD. Power, aged 71 years. HlAbi-in Montreal, Aug, 12, Martlia Helen Blow, beloved wifecf Geor-ge R Ram, aged 56 years. Interred ai Whltby. Sister of MiS.W. Jf. Souci. Bowmanviile, !SÏarin6Ns-In Bowmranville, Tlïnrsclay, Aug, 245th, Jonathan Stephens, aged 87 years. MoiRnHy-At 18 Wellesley St , Toronto, Aug. 218t. Edward M. Morphy, in ils 56tlà year. V'ENN-Ini Blacketockç, Atig. 151h, Robert Venning. aged 73 years and.-) imoniliS. BENsoN-At 46 Leand St., Dtot ii Au.141h, fRarold eKenbeloved SOit cf Mr. T. H, Benson, aged 2 years, 4 montis. TASTY CAMPING DIS HIS. Clark's Veal or Beef Loaf heated lu a pan with white sauce or dipped in 1beaten eggs and fried with butter. Sece le 10OI-7lot oh Ginghams sud mIUs'i for 8e, 10c., 12îe. Some ef themn are wortb double the money aI Coucb, Joinston.& Cryderman's Sors Tfhroutt und Couzghe A simple, effective and safe remedy for aIl tbroat irritaions lu f ound in Cresolone Anitîseptie ToebIets Tiey combine the germicidat value cf Cresolenewiti the soothing proeres cf&sippe chuandd bortoe) 1Oc A %Wr'4gata 40 yourself going on a visit, or bave just returned,seud word te TuE STATESMAN, Teiepi3ne No. 53. or 'd rop a carS in ties poau office, or our letter box or corne lu-- te tic office sud tell the editor. TuaE STATESMAN wauts to geltich news, sud your friendS Wiii like to read il. WANTED APPRENTICF.S - te -w learu D-)essmakfug. Appty 50 Mus. N. E. GOULD, Kiug St. 85-2w. H AINES' BLACKSMITH and Wood Shoýýp to rent, witt tools. Apply )Irs, L, A, HNEs, Bowmanville. 2-. A PPRENTICEtS WANTED-to learu millinery. AlPPIY tu IJADY & Co., Central MilUineî-y, Bowmanvilie. 3.f BIUYCLIEFOUND-Ownerr mavhave 13same by proving property and paying expeý,nses. Apply to MAsoN & PALE, Bowman- ville. 4-tf HORS11E FOR SALE--Young horse, L.good and kind ln harness, Suilable for an-Y kind of work. Appt Lto JoIIN GaIGG, 82 Ontario Street, PiQue 17, owmanville. 33-tf 7GACREýS FOR SALE OR TO i 6rent, betng part of the James Shand estate, composed cf parts of lots 1,9 and 14 in the 7th and Sth con, of East Whltby. Apply to JAMES A. BIiýNs, Raglan, or JOHN ;5ADLER Columbus, 32 if, S TEER STRAYED--Cam .e on lot 19, con. 2, Darlington, about a mouth ago, a,, steer. Owner may have samse by proving pro- perty and paylng expeiîses. T. J. COLE Maple Grove. l3ownaianvilie P. o. 35,tr. VARM T 0 REN -I-Ninet-hour acres, -&'being lot 2.3, con 1, Darlington, on wlich are good fraine house, good barns, with stone etables' underneaili. end otier outbuildings, orGhard, neyer fallng wll cf water. For pjarticutlars aPPIY tO MISS SAitAII G.ALLIN, COurticýe, P. 0.84 3w, F RMFOR SALE-183 acres of good, land being lot,9, con. 2, Cýatwvright, on wih are a frame h ouse, good barn, 106i36 fi.. stone stahling underneath, good well and cistern, Small young orch,'rd. Plowing possession afier harvest. Full possession Jan. 1, 1906. For terms and partirulars apply on tie premiseS to 1ROBET GIBsBiN, Blackgtock, P. O. 3-w' F ARM FRSALE-Owing le DI snd to offer for sale m y good f arm bcbng the s0dithcf lt 14, Coiccýssiori 2, Clarke Town- --pcutiig 5 ces, more orles The farmîsla well iiuateid on the Kinget toRad ventent to sehoo, Post c ofilce asucinitreies bil esici village, aud bas geed buildings wii h aros on atonle watts, simd sabln eneati, aise a good u The soitla gond eday lçam saud is well atered and is adapteýd for cubher dairylng1 or grain grcwig. Part cf tie purciase mnoney iVay remnaîn on mclortgage ai a low raie cf intercst. Ploughing poEýesion glven lis hall and full possesdion nieit spsimg. E.W. <*rQve'5iUI 'iQise&ch Jbox, 2Sic. 5i Toronto 25 catle equaliun quality to besî exportersavcraging 1030 ibs each; aise Ibirleen bouglit from some of the besî feeders lu Danlington. Ail those caIlle arc under thre years old aud are for Ibeir fail trade Hou, and Mrs. J. R. Stratten, Peter- bero, celebraîed their silver wedding ai Iheir sumimer home) on Stouy ILake, Aug. 18. About 600 uests were pre- seul. 'Che U571h Regimentai Baud fu-risbe3d musie. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Will be belu inl Toronto August 281h le Sept. gtb, sec, Grand Trunk adver- tisement fer special rates. did short stories, amouig Ibem boeug, "Tic otier Miss Robbîns,"' by Iae Ecclestone Mackay. Send for sample copy oh Ibis purely Canadian Magazine, The Outiook's Magazine Number for September- conlaisis seven or e! ,ght specially'illustrated healures, aàcieyi charming story by Zona Gle, aud Ih usuai weekiy survey fo heticwerld's bisîory and comment on meýn, buooks.i aud Ihingzs. The ,PeiaeCuerneat Portsmroutti isdiScuIssed in tic e Scond oh ierilssn dine ctlyteThe Ont- look from ils stbaff crepuelat Portsmouth,, eud il is ~itrsul brougit befoîce th e- e bvý an eight pagex piclorial fealuare. The Outlook Comprý- auy, 287 Pourti Avenue, New Yr City. TheseArte A Few4 of the RLkEIïT t3UYRw i A snap ini Prints worth fr@m 10e to 12ý,c yd for 8e yd. Silk Waist2 -in Black or White, regular $2.50 te $3.0f';for - - - $1 0 Two pieces only, White sud Blaek JLawn with Satin stripe worth 20e yd for - 9c yd. t: Torchon Lace insertions worth hrom 6c 10 10e yd, chance for 3o . 8eyd. E Ladies' Taller made Skirts regular $2.25 te E ~$2.75 for - - - 817 SLadies' and Misses Corset Gindies, reg. 50e pr for 380. Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits, a few lef I at less than E cost oh auaeues E Ladses' Muslu, Lustre, S11k, Satin aud Print Blouses at Ssacrifice prices. Ladies', Misses and Ohldren's Straw Hats 10 clar at Ecost price. E Summer Dresa Goods of every kind at bargain- prices. E Men's aud Boys Suits at 25 per cent off regular prices. E Bargains ail over the bouse in every department, that Swill pay to investig»ate. Ec Grocer s, eueilI aknas cas-h, iSW. Mason&S o N.eYt Poor 10 Standard Bak,,Bowmýanvillo. -W, n, llý«, Z-PAMP-aw Nichoils sells cheap. Monday next-Labor Day-ls a holi- day. Harvest Home at Tyrone uext1 Mon- day-Labor Day. Model School re-epens at Port ilope Sept 7. Sec advt. Bowmanville Hligh and Public Schools open Tuesday Sapt 5. Mr. Fairbairn's letter appears on au inside page this week. Women and girls wauted t*- werk lu the Evaporator. See advt. Miss Mande Parions, Oshawa, spent Snnday at Mr. R. Richards'. Mrs James Payne, Cobeurg, is visit ing her sister Mis. R1. MeDouagaîl. School opening. Exercise, Dictation and Composition books at Nichells'. Mr. Frank Jollow, Toronto, has been visiting at his unclo's, Mr. Lewis Jollow, AIl kinds of Summer Goods at -re- duced prices at Couch, Johuoton & Cry- derman's. An Ice Creamn Soda drawn from Thes Tod's Soda fountain is a cooling drink tieose bot days, Farmers should flot f ail te read isCrops Sewn in Autumu " by Prof., Zavitz, O. A. College, on anotther page The Misses Henry have retnrned from a pleasant six weoks' visit with frieuds at Wroxeter and Teeswater. Whitby junior Lacrosse team played with Bowmanville Saturdav afterneen and were defeated lu a score of 6-5. Mr D. B Simpson, K. C, and Miss Simpson returned Saturday evening from a pleasant holiday at Keuuebunk, Maine. Miss Freelaud will resume her music class the first week of Sept. and will be pleased to receive additional pupils at ber home Beech Ave. 35-2wý Miss Maggie Treleven of Stratton, En gland, wbo has been eujeying a visit with friends at Chicago and Indiana iii expected here this week. The Masou Co. have received some oh their uew hall suits and raincoats, some very cheice hunes lu both S. & B. and D. & B. Sec their advt. Von will read witb great pleasure and benefit the sermon ou child training iu this paper by Rev. Charles Wagner, author of "The Simple Lîhe," Wiuttsr Pair at Guelph will be held Dec.llte 15. Premium listisreceived. If yen want eue write to A. P. Wester- veit, Parliament Buildings, Toronto Mr. Geo. Pearson is visiting friends lu Toronto, Hamilton, Woodstock, Ingersoîl and Preston Springs, Mrs Pearson and Miss Vanu accompanied hlm as f ar as Toronto. Miss Luttreli will resume her music teaching after Sept. Sth and will be pleased te sec any who wish te arrange lesson heurs. at her home Temperance Buggies for sale. See adyt. H air nets and Ilairpins at Nicholls'. Every page cantains local flews this week. Farm columil cintaine much good reading-. Siates and Siat8 Penis cheap at Nîchoils'. Bargai in uail Summïer ,goods at The Mason Co. llHealth colum-u contains somethiing ta interes:t you. 1Go Smith Makes goo0d Photos and prices are right. Additional local newA will be found on an inside pago. Farmi Laborer s' Excursion from Bôw- manville Sept. 4. See adv,. Scbool opening. Baiy your child a pair of stockings at Nichoils'. Miss Regina Percy inill resumnelher music class Sept. lst ai her home Silver st. The annual sale of Summer Goods now going on at Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman 's. Dont fail ta read theo poemn by Edward Morphy "Onue Hundired Years Aoeo," on an inside page If seou wanit a fibb%!al suit. Se The Mason Co's assortment of fancy suitings and worsteds, etc Be sure and see COeo Smith's new photo mounts. The new white Tor- schon is abeauty. Studio0 STATEDSMAN Block-. If von want to be certain about get- ting the best quality oh ail kinds oh S.eats and poultry buy from C m Caw- ker & Son. Business men canniot býegin too soon now to plan for a big f'ai! trade. Get your advertising into TusE STATESMAN torthwith if net already there. 1M A. James is Governrment issuer oh Marriage Licensies for Durham Countv. Trv a dozen German D'oughnnts, 10e per dozen at Thos Tod's. They are delicions. Don't bake duaring the Lot weather but get your supplv of bread, buns and fancy cakes at Thos. Tod's. Cougbs. coldi, hoarseriess, and other thrat1 aliments are qtaickly rlevdby Oresolene tablets. ten ce nts per box, Ail drggists Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer aud THn STATEsMAN ý,zte newv subseribers onlv 6J cent@ te end of 1 905 Order to-day. Are yon sending your bsn son or4 daughLter Tnu ,SIATESMÂNýýfA-? If not,why? h is an interesting leýtter from home every week. Lever's Y-Z (Wise 1-1ead) Disinfectant Seap Powder dusted in theà bath, softens the water and disinfects, 8 FRESIZIFIsHi-We wil haeavret ortcescf lirthe.25 ents; aras. 50 cents; : esiths, 50cetah - Sertion. Whien pmarriage iteen6ecej are obtainmed or fanaIeral carde are Printaid at this office, ilinertlon free. Bian-In Bowmanvilie. August 255h, to, Mr. aud Mrs. 1R. R. Bird, a daughter. JOLLOW -At taildeur Man. Aug. 2Crd tu Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Joliow a son. BALOi-In Darîtuglon, Aug. 17, tic Wife cf Jamnes Baison , cf a 'daughter. PuAntI-mï Darlingion, Aug. 18th, lie wife of HarrY Piair, cf a daughier. 4 LîiNDSAY-lilOshawa, Auig. 22, tàe wif e f JaS. Lindsay, of a son.U ANqDERSON-IXI Si. Marys. Aug. 16 the wifc of B Mr. H. A. L. Anderson, of a daughler. MILLAR--NEADS-At Ralny 1iver, August 26, by 11ev. John, Hogg, D. D., Winnipeg, 1fiomas Bonne Mllar. Portage las Prairie, and Clara _v "S li ,a Louise, yu.estdaugiter of Mr. W A Neado, formerly cf owanie. the residence cf lie bride 's moîher, Zilampton, iv 11ev W. ic. Roaci, Mr. Nsthauiel Coter, of h us ofR y lB kns Wbeatley, ont, to Miss Caroline Okecese il to he b2I31~0, ofth JoNES- ARD)--In Clarke, Aug. 23, by 11ev, J. A. MeKeen. B. A, Orono. Mr. Richard Jonp,,, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Ard, Clarke. fm l o d ROBRTSOi-FRISE-At Peterboro, by 11ev. S. J. Sborey, Aug, 9h, Mr. George Robertson and Yeast ferment the food. Miss Fln rise, both cf Peterboro. SAVÂE-ROULDEN-At Oshawa, hy 11ev. 5. il g ode are ' J. Shorey, Aug, 16ii, Mr. Leslie J. Savage, TVo- Au algpwes îj.ro~ route, and Miss Maud S Houlden, Oshawa. INNER-WALKi£R-In Port Hope, Aug 23rd, by 11ev. G. W. Renderson, Mr. AlexaUder S. lunes, Royal Baking Powder saves health. Toroute. and Miss Editi Mac, second daugiter of Mr, Rugi Walker, Port Hope. BEIIRY-KELLY-At. the residence of the RYLBKN ODRC. E OK bride's parents, Brecbi, Aug. 23rd, by 11ev. W RYLBKN ona0. E O G. Clarke, B. A., Little Britain, Rev. James P, Berry, Hampton, and Miss Ciristine Agnes, youngesi daugiier of Mr. Win. Kelly.______________ LEwis-PAse iE-In Toronto, Aug. 23rd, M J. Lewis, propîtletor Lindsay creamerv, and Miss Littian Pasceo, Oakwood, formerly cf Toronato. Trv a l'Hiawatha" at Thos Tod's. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. CoesSîtÂu-MARu -In Toronto. Juty 25. by Try a FutSna tTo o' orce a-i'e( 11ev. Mr. Davey, Mr. Rarry Cossiam, of SoutiiFuthudea Te e' Wales, a. B, simd Miss Eva Marks, Oshïwa. All the latest lu Ladies' Collars at Oretdeo usa DÂyînSOi-LANDER-IC Oshawa, by Rev. S. Nichelis', FLOUE, t 100 Ibos........$ý2 40 to $2 S0 J. Shorey, Au1 21. Joie E. Davidson, Et Paso, S orPoîr uppliés at P. WHEAT, Fali, bush... 00 et 1 OS) Texas, and Zl M. Lander, cf Oshawa. Bu Yu Polr'V0et1U WooDwAR-uEsO-In Oshawa. b4 1ev. Murdoch. 1I CI Sprin.....O 0 t1O W. B. Tucker, Aug. 22ud, Wm. Woodward aud Fur repairing now on at Mayer's Pur f Redeife..... 90 et 1 10 Jessie Hueson, boti cf Oshiawa. sor,'t avll.Goose ....0 00"te0 85 FRENeln-LîrsÂvY-In Oshawa, by 11ev. J. R.soeILavll. - BARLET, P bush, No. 1 0. 40 il O 42 Talbot, Aug. 23, Fred J. French and Marie Bleed meal, Meat meftl, Uyster sheil, 91 e 2 0. 40 et'O 40 Lindsay, boou cf Oshawa. Mica grit, at P. Murdoch's. j t t il3 , 0 00 10 0o 38 DR.Try Lowney's celebrated imperted e" "lTwo rowed O 0 0I O4G Lianv-At 84 Robert Sti, Toronto, Aug, 26ti, Chocolates aI D. Luttrell's. DA'Z5, White Il..........O00 () O 30ý Elizabeth Libby, daugiter of tie laie Robert T. H. Knight will pay highest cash Rvsi, t'ý......060 ' 0G Libby of Solina. Aunt of Mrs. F. .Masce, pie oralkws hpeue.BOWeAl'. . 6 tO5 Bowmauville. pie o alkASo poue Es, lcePbsh.00le00 11ALsJTO,-At i111anid Date, Port HopeAug. Sec the nie assortrnent eh kuives, tu' a'a'i'eyeautiebsh. 0 t OI 0 27, Juin Stewart Harrai, eldesi cid ofeGeorge forks and spoons at Nicholh.'. ' CnaianBeu UesO0 0'fO"7' HRaîston,aged2 yrat. GBCoolts"b etl tc " Mmey ' 0 0 BONTâN-III Newcastle, ai the residene .1t, oae "h les nte Smalî 't 0O60 0I;6 cf ber sou, Aug. 24, Acis Fry Luxmoore, reii Land" a fullI hue jusl arrived aI i hos te Blue t O0 0 QO 60 -cf ticlaite Joie Bonatian, Licwmanvitle, lu Tod's. CLOViSu SEED............O 60 U GO O 1her 80th year.11 rt' olr Fod rt'SokTMTYSE ... 0() 0fl COAD-1Iu Oshawa, Aug. 25, Ruby Irene, PatsPutvPo, ltt SckTM HVSE ......O60 l0>0 daugbter cf Mr. Wmn. Crad, lue her iîth yvear. Food. Ppaît's Lice Powder at P. Mur- BUTTER, best table, P 1t)_ O 0 0 1 WÂRNER-in Wbitby, Aug. 18, Mr. w. H. docb's., hag, edoz.......... O() 0 tfO 17 WVarner, aged 76 years, formerly book-keeper Tysm htenw uso ae IPOrATOES, P bu]sh new - 0 0 IfO4ü for DO & P Co, Bowmanviiie - TosTod'sof Magnli ndAofexakdsa~ ~ lt .. ~ .65 i7O Bi.AiR--lu East Wbitby, Aug. 18, Cati4arîue hsTdMa ol ndAe nritn650U7v Scott, beloved wife of Dîucan Blair, aged 37 15ce ach. yearp. Men's unlined coats and pants aI re- HRnSONIs Carmnan, Man, on Aug. 22nd, duced pricst la tCuh ontn TeSpebrCnda aai, Doa, b toved aud oniy daugbter cf Mr. David ie ecera ocJhse h etme aainMgzn Herson,Osiawa Inierred in UniouC.emetery. & Cryderman's. coulains on "Moral Ilereism," Courting -v-lu "ý - jo!ani .1 .1. - -r i It -r ý-r 1- 1-( - 1 -L 1 jlriilàtýpL -ýuila m- i i * - - --- . --- - - --- i ".- - . - u y - M.- -- - -- hum Li Yeu tiave a vmi tor or . - ou are -i -r -L ý-r ýL 1-1 -L wL ýxec. or i for R 9plea elýn fi -V -il Il u 1, .- . , - --1, ..Rjq... tuer -p-amiculars enquqe ; 1 L- r-