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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1905, p. 8

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and upholsterad uuring ti -Ime months before the Fait, rush. M. D. WILLIAMS & SON. FU1lIS-Ï1tEPÂ1:RED- FUJ RS. Ladie3s, this la the very beaFt season of heyear to take your furs requirng a.tering, repairing Prnd renovatlng to Markus 'Mayer, the3 practical furrier, Bowvmanville. Briun- them in at; once, please.29-tf. APPLES WANTED. d(On %and af ter August 28 we will buy el1ivered at our Evaporator, Bowman- vill le, als-o Orono and Newcastle, Apples for oea-porating, also Cider apple-1 early varieties if sound. We also want a number of Women and Girls on and after Sept. 5. FINKLE & AKERMAN, Bowmanvilie, August 21st, 1905. 84-tf. Top Prices for Butter and Eggs. T. H. Knig'ht wants Sour butter and eggs, farmers. Verv top prices wili be paid. Don't heitate to brlng ail your farm produce in the provision fine-he can take ail at best pricea. fRe has unýýdertaken to suppiy a firm in Montreai and ecau handle a ton of butter a week RA.d 1000 doz. egga. He wants Sour produce and will pâj cash or trade. Cai to se lmn about it. Lake Ontario & Bay of Qui1nte Steamboat Co. Changes in Conneetlon withiServicee of this Company's Steamers. - i:- S , ; Boeeter, Bay of quinte and 1000 Islands Route. Daily service will be discontinued after 2th. From that date and until Seiptember 3th steamers will leave SummrvîleN. Y. (Port o! Rochester) for Bay of Quinte ports, Kingston and 1000 Isla-ndoeon Saturday oniy at 8 80 p. m. Returininz' wil Inave 1000 Islands, Foilowlng are dtso aiF4 Toronto-Augilst 2ê tO Septemnber 9. Ottawa-Septerber 8 to16 Orono-Septerriber 15. 19n Lindlsay-Septemfber 2L, 22, w8. Cobourg -Sep ternber 25, 26, Peterboro-SèptemIber 25, '26t 27.! Car twright--SePteinl,5r 126, 2i., BuW MANVIL e'ene_28, 29. Colbornie-OctobSer 2 Whitby-October 2, 4. port Hope,-October , . Millbrook-October 5, C6, Warkworth-October 5, 6.1 Woodbridgo-OC,-tob5ýrlS,_9 Mr Richard D. Power passed away quitly Wedïnesday rnorning, He was abjout the oldest citizen of this part, and one of the miost respected. Mr. Power always wore a cheerful countenance, be- tokening a merry heart. He was highiy respected, and bis dcath causes a heart- fett expression of sorrow, far and wide He was born in Cornwall, England, and came to Canada an infant in arms. His parents at once took up the homnestead on which deceased lived his whoie life. His father was a builder, andwent to the city at times to work at bis trade. but Columbus was always the iamily home. Mr. Power was several years a member of the East Whitby council and served once or twice in the county counicil. For eight years he bas been township coilect or, and always managcd to gather the taxes quickly without pinchîng' anybody. My daughter bas irnproved so much ttbat you would scarely know hier. Mil. ler*s Compound Iron Pis did it Soid by Stott & Jury, druggi ts. TYRONE. Recent visitors - Miss Lizzie Cornish Little Brittain; Misses Nellije and Jessie, Bingham, Woodville; Mrs. James Hoimes Black stock; Miss Carrne GibbardToronto, with friends; Miss Lizzie Virtue, Toronto, at home; Mr,.0OSS Polard, Toronto,. at Mr. Blake Poliards..Messrs. John Congdon, James Simpson, Chartes Bail, Arthur Vîrtue, Lucher Hooper and Harry Staples, left on the harvest excursion for Nanitoa.. .. Union Prayer service wil be held in the League room Friday at 8 P. M, Women with pale, coloriesa faces, who feel weak and discourged, wili recelve both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pilîs, whicb are made for the blood, nerves and complexion, Bowmanvllle Pair le on Sept. 28-29, You can stili becorne a mnemrber of West Durhamn Agniculturai Society for1 I0,1 Darlington Council voted the usual grant o! $ço.oo to the Agricultural "Society. Fi71ve expert judges se3nt by Govern- ment wil udgYe live stock including1 poultry. Direc.tors are reqiuested to seil tickets sent them and report at once to the Secretary. Prize lists were maiied to ail members last weekç. Parties who wish a copy should apply to M. A. James. Secretary. >Ladies, decide to exhibit in your de- partments o! the Fair. Encourage your girls to enter cooking, butter and the other ladies' work. Boys of West Durharn, What are you goina, to show at the Pair ?' Fit some animalIs; if yGu bave nonue eood enough, what about grain, fruit,,vogetables ? Join the West Durham Agricultural Society Payment of Si to the Secretary or any officer or director before Sept. 1 or $2 after that date makes a member for 1905. We want to make Bowmanvilie Fair botter than last year. Farmers. wili vou help? Encourage your bov.s to exhibit something. If you bave no stock good enoug h buv sorne for breed- ing purposes. It pa*ys to raise good stock. lion Edward Blake, M. P , when re- presenting West Durham in the Hous of Commons of Canada, donated- to West Durham Agnicultural Socieu. $450 which was invested in stock and or inga in a revenue yearly o! $18.00. Titis year'a pnize llst containa eigbt prizes known as the Edward Blake prizea Write to, Sour frienda in good time"to come to Bowmanville Pair. Send them Tms STATESMAN if they do not already receive it that they may keep posted. Several familles hold a sort o! family re-union at Pair tixue. It is a good time for absent ones to corne home- they can sees o many old acquaintances at the Fair. We earneatly solicit co operation of f armera o! Durham County to make the Pair a pronounced succesa. A good, up-to-date exhibition will add to the material proaperity of the farmers o! the district, as it will 0e known far and wide that Durham County farmers as shown by their exhibita at the Pair are enter- Mrs. R. McDoug been guests at U3 Mrs. Norman' Trhursday aftern Scarif of Stratfoi friends here. nd Miss Nellie laylie, Cobourg, Mi3 Loile hbave n's Cabin. ieaAtHome ,nor of! Mrs. Fred la visiting oid DABLINGTON. Mn. A. Eimory, son of Rev 'V. Hi. Emory, Bow-manville, ta teacbing Fît No ý2 School .. .. Mrs. D MIcSporranx and daug hter Mary who bave been witb their cousin Miss Mary MNc Millan have return- cd to their borne in London.... Misa Helen Fitzgenald, Toronto, is visiting hber uncle Mr. E. J. Burk- . .. Mrs. Walter Olte la qUite ii ... . Mn and Mis. -E VanCamup and dauglhter, Branttford. hv been visit- ing Mnr. joseph W.Vnap Viitors : Mr. and Mr3. P. Trebilcôck and son Norrran, Bowmanvilte,. Mrs. W. Smith, and son Clifford, Toronto, at Dr. Trobilcock'8, Mrs. Abhton, Toronto, at Mn. W. M. WXotten'F; Miss Lena Niddery, Enfieldi, at Miss F, Virtue's; Mr and Mns Rosa, Bobcaygeon, at Rev. T. Snowdon'sý Miss K. Rosa, Peterboro, IMrs. Sinclair and daughter Kathleen, Bowmanville, at Mr J Hochin's, Mr Cameron Martin, Bowmanville, at Mr C. William's ; Mr and Mrs Howard Hloidge. Misa Grace Hlarris, HIampton, at Mn T Hoidge's; Mr and -Mrs Wm Stainton, Mr and Mrs H J Werry and fanily, with frienids at Orono; Mr and Mns Arthur Gilbert and !amily, Bow. man ville, at MnI John Pye's; Mra W7VH Martin is ln Toronto, attending the funenal of ber sister Miss Libby; Mis Duncan MeMiLlan bhas returned home atera pleasanrt visit with ber parents; Mir H Rogers is hone . ...farvest Homne service in the Methodist churcb Sunday evsning was a decided succeas The churcb was very tas,-tefully decorated and the sermon and the singing by the choir was higbly spoken of. The scrip. titre lessons were read bv Dr F C Trebilcock and Mr Jas Atbiur Werny. Mrs Howard Hoidgs very ably assisted the choir in their singing EDWARD MORPHY DICAD Every mother who has triol Baby's Own Tablets becoïaas entbusiastic about themn-tolls every other mother bow safe and bow effecetive they are, k ow mueh it relieves the anixietv over baby's health to use these TIablets. Mrs. S. W. Crawford, Thomupson, Ont., sava:-M baby was îll with consti- pation and teethin g troubles and 1 gave hlm Babys Own Tablets, wbich gave speedv relief. I onusider the tablets an excellent medicine for bilidren. These tablets cure constipation, teethtng troubles, diarrboea, simple fevers, destrov worrns, breŽik up colda and pro- mots naturai bealthy sleep. Ami vou have a guarantes that there is not a parties o! opiats or poisenous sootbing stuft in thexu. Sold by ail medicine dealers or sent by mail at 25 cents a box by witing The Dr. Williams Medicin-Co , Brockviile, Ont. Send for our little book on the cars of infai-its and young ehiidren-!ree to ail mothers. Mise Edna Adams, Io vlsïing friends bere. Miss Morgan, New Jersey, la vlatngd ber aunt, Mre. Geo. Moagrove. Dr W F McElroy bas retunned from a week's holldaye; Mrs (Dr.) Patterson bas reburned to Hamilton; Miss Olga Hoopor bas retunned home !rom the clty; Mn Arthur Maguire, Stratford, Io ( home; Mrs Dr. Hamilton, Toronto, la visltlng ab Mr John waddell's;. Mr Frank Moment, New York, ts home; Misa Maud Harnden, Bowmanvllle, I& vlsiting Mrs Doncaster; Mn Cham, ii- 1er o! the C P R., Wabt Toronto, lasý home; Mn Fred Winten,-Toronte, visit- ( et home; Mr and Mrs Stevens, CourtIce vialted at Mr P A AI!ord's; Miss Bertha McComb vi-ited nt Mr AIexandrer's, Whltby; Miss E bel Sturgeas, Whitby, v'iolted at Mr S Guttell's; Miss Mildred Eturgess, Syracuse, N. Y., la vlslting ber aunt, Mrs 9 Cuttle; Mlss Julla Moment bas retunned from au outlng ln Mukoka; Mn and Mrs Thos. Bing- bawn, o! Bowmanville, vlsited the Misses Colville, recently; Rev J A Mo- Keen and Mrs McKeen bave raturned froxu Antwerp, N Y, Msas Floreuc5a. Hunter was guest of Miss Jaesaie Davld- non, Newcastle; Mn and Mra G H Lin- ton and famliy are viliting ber father, Mr Thos, Doncasttr, Mrs 1R Moment basicrturned fromlNew Ynrk, Mma Nel- Vo Live and Die 'Without ever drinking la to die without knowing the Fli Joy of Living. Wýliy miss the satisfaetion of sipping a bot eup of this Fragrant, Refresbing Drink? ONLY ONE BEST TEA. BLUE RIBBON'S iT. 'THE MPISON ONEW GQODS I We are receiving loads o! New Goods now:. New D. B. Suite for Men and Boys, New S. B. Suits for Men and Boys, New Overcoats for Men and Beys, New Hats, New Undcrwear, New Dress Gooda, New Ladies' Neck- wcar, New Tickings, New Shakers, New Staple Dry G&ods ail kinds, etc., etc. We make a point te bave ail you need for a trip te the west. We bave fitted eut quite a number durinig the past week., FALL FAIRS Get your New Clothing ready, now, order your New Sanit, islect vonir New Dresisr nèlNe~ w Ra ruv,., fm a~o~Y~ ~ 1 Miller Mr and Nir"Dav rX A <JNHAWA ti yn&zti, axsd lb~ hridtiiatir &U~-4flUtfl têl,, O» Li i "pw u~i -F)bCeenand areno'turneti mp~~ Ê.,4%À ,t.t',.kt. s. -. .>,t~nw.,t, *nO t.,~ ~t,,. ~e an pleny, wih bana tia B Mason, an old Orovo boyj 1 W P Leave orders now and get c nSmo ILRNAS theý .Mrn rM:>r4J{ UL, CO. Cl' 'Ce alid Plenty, with barns that 1 nan n" Doi ice on simeofa i MILLER-NEADS, 1 hî CI A

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