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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1905, p. 5

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____________ s i Grand Trunk Raliwav Svstem. I1UJLW.AY TIME TABLE. BOWMA1NVILLE STATION. eoxa.UAl?.Goi» sWX.ST -lui 1010 Io Io Locl ...... 75 s ized. - 3 3 8 9 p.m.I P&wenger ...1 36P.1. D, .....1. - 649 p.m, J Mixed.. .7 33 ai. 10 ....W24 p.M. xxPress..... .11.40 P - m. Suinda y 011y, Tickets tW certairn poinits sold in aceordlanQe Withspeiai hoIidayi rates announiced in antiier 'rSolumfil *111 Dot be honored on trains Nos. 1 or 8Torr &s Jily. Town Agents "If I start wearing glasses I illi always baye to vear themf and ISn not going to hegin, 1ni baye to" This !s'a rexnark that le made by thougbtiess people many many times >-, and they manage to work along for montlis or years until their eyes are strain- ed and the sight aimost ruined; whereas ly eoming to uswhen siglit first be- gan to fail we could have given them giasses to pro- teet and preserve the siglit and an endless amount of trouble in after years would thus be ,avoided. MORAL Whuyour sight irst shows signs of failure (u-,suaiiy at 40 to 45) let us fît you properly and these ilss-es -wi-ll probably--dD ithout changing for .5 years. Stott & Ju. ryT "The pilace,,whiereyouget Satisfaction" -8Graduate Opticians. aud We have a splendid supply of fresh and strong Spices anld Flavor- ing Extracts that wiil do a great deai to ýuake a success of your \3$rY9 iclsec Don't buy d d dcad stuif when you can get our spices. rt Stt Jury, Draggists and Opticiaun, P~hone 78. DPITC1~ IrThe wonderbuiIy rapid eBeet of fln Pltcher's ]iackacbe-Kidney Tablets in cun- ini bhe severeet kidney, blader and urin- try troubles, makes those affected rejoice. Iluch diseases and disorders as lame or wcalC back, swelling ut the feet, puffiness uuden bhe eyes, gravel, brick depcosits in iii. urine, scaldiug, frequent crlîs duing the day or ight, pain iu bbe joints, uric acid in bbe blood, drowsiness, beadlacî.e, 'uapd loss cf leshabituai constipation, Uivcn torpor, weakness of the uninary or- Cans iu children and the aged-are ail quickly relieved and pernoanently cured. Mr. E. Dawson, Main St., Kincardine, Ont., says : '"Hard work and constant .uoojing, together with exposure bo cold, brought on severe backacbe and Kitney trouble. The secretions were Ihick and .acanty. Nothing relieved mue until 1 got a boble of Dr. Pitcher's Backache-Kidney Tablets. They soon stopped the pain and ýSonenes. The Kidney action becamne ,normal 9a1(1healthy. I arn exceedlingly-i ', ateful, ail lad to add 'his tesîirnony toý e expressions of goodwillI have eard ..bbcrs give titte,'ance to. It is 11o WoerDr. Pitcher sb atLeîs" eune Sa welt rhey are bbe prescripti Cu t a Kidnley specialist sud euntaju inýgr .de ntýs oud in coluluokidcoy ple T lt.i a battie. Fr: ce Sc. or 3 foq &,t ruoTiib. -r by mail, Thit Dr. Ter.sutL, OCt. BOWMA2NYILLK ',SEPT. 6, 1906. Mnr. W. R. Cole, Bethesda, bas -gone to Manitoba. Miss Violette Oshorue, Toronto, was homle over Suuday. 1Miss Miande Emmerson le! I au Friday 10 reside in Peterboro. Mni. ana Mre. W. H Fearn arcenjoy- iez a trip ta Boston, Mass. Mr. George Martvu, Welcome, vbsited at Mr. James G. Rlckqard's. Master John T. Nuln, Coîbrone, visited relatives bere recently. Mn. sud Mrs. Fred Allin, Whitby, recen l'y visitet relatives here., Miss Cona Deý man, Boston, Mass., is visiting at Mn. James Dci mau's, Mr. John and Miss Efta Power, Ol tawa, arc visilbng relatives liera. Mrs, N. B. Cobbletjck and famlly bave been visbting friandseliere Mn. and Mrs. Tbos:Ashby, Fetarboro, spent Snnday at Mr. Isaac-Tabb's. Mr. John J. MacDonald s-peut the holiday with friands in Stou!fv'jlie. Mr, Sid. M. Scott Gravcnburst, epent Labor Day at Mn R Brimacombe's. Mr. W, J. Eunten, Toranto, bas beau gucet o! his cousin Mise Mary Faiuton. Mis Jenige asretunued from a pleasant visit wibb friands in Brantford. Mns C Kett bas been vlsiting ber mother and other relatives at Cambray. Mr J. D. MeBnide. Cnanbrook. B C, le visitiug hie aunt Mrs. James Elibot. Miss Amanda E Bond, Osbawa. spent, Snndaýy witb ber uncle, Mn. M A James. Miss Bertha Doncasten, Oshawa. was recent guet o! Mrs F H- Morris, Beech Ave Mn. F. N.-Stevens, Manitou, Man., is visibing relativas hero aller 28 years' absence. Messrs. Robent Beith, W F Allen J P, and Thos Smaic wcne in Pont Hope nccentiy. Mrs. Canmpbell, Chicago, 11L, was recentut est o! bier sister, Mrs. Davis Mr, Go Cox o! the 'Brown-Martyu Harness Co., bas returnedto1 bis home in Toronto. Mrs. Fred Roblin and sons Charles aud Max, Hamniltont, visitod lber fathor Mn. M. Mayer Mr. sud Mrs. H C. Brittain and !amily, Stratbroy, visibed bier mother- Mrs. J. M. Jouess. Mrs. 'Herbent Creeper, Miss Alicia sud Master Lonne have, been visbting fniende in Toronto. Mn, Alex Edmison, junior pastor o! pastor o! Tyrone. recentîy visited at Mn. James G. Rickard's. M N. and Mrs, W. H Chaplin, New- Scstfle, w-ere recent gutests o! Mm W. Hl Mrs 'W. H- 1Heilvu sund daingher-s aansd Amy, Clinton, are viiîn u MIr. joliIU ilyuJ O. Miss Minnie E, Howson, wbo former- iy taught ut Salem. je now teaching bu Calgary, Alta , N. W. T. Mr. T H Everson, Oshawa, gave us a caîl Saturday; ho was driving- a fine new Stanley'automobile. Mr andi Mrs Syduev Down) and baby, Rochester, N. Y., have been vissting bis mother Mrs John Dowu. Mrs. (Dr.) F. H. Keese and Mrs. Frank Chapelle. Cleveland, Oblo, are visting at Mr. J. D.- Hear'dl poultry and want the highest plnice tak them to C M Cawker & Son's. The following have been appointed bailiff s for the counties o! Durham antd Northumberland:. Johin Marshall, Brighton, instead 0of James M. Snyder and William H. Smith, Coiborne, in- stead of Geu Sanderson, resigned. The corner stone o! the new Presby- terian church, Port Hope, will be laid Sept 25 by Rev. Dr. Armstrong, Ottaa, ldQýatgIr QI tp@Presblytcniau ,Zýîurch in Canada ant, a flrntnnn u. Mrs. Win, McConnell and two child- I He wiIl preach the Sanday previous in ren, Chicago, ElI., are visiting ber tisteni Port Hope.i Mns lQlp Çlarke, Base Lino. ITîte Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth. Mrs. t ü~4rden afia dalighter and odist church announce, a social o! IMrs. Gallawav aild sdfl4fBuffalo, N. y,, Peaches and Creama and other good bave been visiting Mrs W, Tapson. 1 things to) take pIaC3 in the echool room Mrs. James Caiey, and daughter'on Fridav Sept. lSth. Tea served at 6 Marzaret Fogg o! Chicago, fI , are o 'cia ck. 'A good program o! readingsb, visiting hon sister Mrs. Wilson NeIade,. music and soug to follow. AIl for 15c, Rev F. C. Harper. Knox Cbarch, 86-2w. Si denbam, bas reei éved at caîl from Wo notice bv The Globe the appoint- Pickering Pand Brougham Presb% tenian mnto! Mn. J. M. R Fairbairu, to the churches. important position of chie! engineer o! Mn G L Stevens and familv Peterboro the Eastern section o! the C. P. R. He spent Labor Day bere. George is a son aitho late T. M. Fairbairn, driving an $800 pair o!'llacknevs-a banristor, o! Peterboro and nephew of prettv gay oulfit. Mr. J. B Fairb.eirn, P. NI , Bowman- Messrs. Thos, and Alfred Hardy' ville. tise present tenants, bave bougbt, MI'- Sor-îbhot andCo'ugh-i fleitd Farin ownod by the Thomson A simple, effective and sale remedy for ail throat Estato, for $7.500.> irritations iàfound in -Mn Arthur Marvin and Miss B Cresolene Antbseptic TeMbets Uglow, Hope, and Miss Adella Don- Tbey combine-the gerasicidal value o! Cresoenewith caster, Oshawa, were recent gueste o! theso0otling propeties of liPPery etm sand icerice. Mm. L. Paterson,.1*,Ail Dtpsi»e * 4e Mn Herbent Todgban, Misse's Ethel- We have opened a subseniption list fodgbam, tIa Richards, Elva Power and ipvite contributions o! any amounit and Aileen Keye epent Labor Day witb bowever smail, and wîll publisb the list !riends in Oshawa. for a rew weeks. Ail amoitnts sent to Mr and Mrs, S. H. Reynolds and T,, STATESiâàN office or banded ta MU. !amily have returnet !rom a 150 mile A. James or an"; momber o! the local trip, visiting Port Ferry, Lindsay, W Cý T. U. will be !orwardcd ta bbc Wbitby and other places. proper officen. Mr, and Mrs. H. Gilbert and daughter Mn, W G. Fairbairu, Honeyoie Falls, Madeline, Mrs. J. Montgomery sud Mrs N. Y , bas been enjoying a visit with C. Gabý-, Toronto, werc recent guets his brother Mr. J.- B. Fairbaîrti, P. M. o! Mrs 'W. R. R. Cawken. It je over fifty n cars since Mr. Fairbairu Rev. W J. Jolliffe, Peterbono officiat. left bis native town and, be bas ouly cd &t the marniaze o! Mn, James Millar vii11t81 e ure îce osc and Mrs. David Elmen on Aug 28. The lots o! changes. Lyroom îyas 85 n cars of age and the bride The Exhibition nuxaber o! the F~arm- 82 yeans. ing World is very fine and ts a zreat Mrs. S. B. Gerrv and daughtors Misses credit to the publishers It is printet Lou. and Pansv, le! t Thnrsd-a-Y for their ou good paper, bas a 9ra mn illus- homne in London after a ploasant visit trations and is about twi1ce bmts 'regalar mth ber inother Mrs. AiKen and other size Agriculture in the varions pro- relatives here. vinces receives mucb attention. The barnneo!fnI Henry G. Wilson, Mirs. W. G Russell, MYill1bnooke Gardon 111 were bnrned last Tuesda eie btfîlrcnty he caught night ding the severe elecinical stormi, han bcd buthe carpet at theheadcf the witb thle sca-son's, crop, macvhiery. etcsatiad ife headlong down and witàh Loes $4OC0; na. int urance. 1snclb force as to break througb the fluor Mn. George Richards Who bas been lu at 16efoot Rer wnbstwas badly sprain. tîhe emplov o! Messrs S W.asn d, and berecxcwas scenely braiset, Son for somne timnebaacedapstn ail iogether she got a bad shaking up. ivithNMontre.T.Mle & Son.,, The Soepcialjkrutncncl- Arcae, shaw. H is~uccedc byioni a rurnor that digging for coal lias Mn. Ernest Smitb. (commenced at Pont,,ýpcol, and sample Mn. eut Mrs, Hlaroît G. hr ave nugigets found indcating that anithra- returned froi a ver-, pleasant tnp 10 ocite bacho ound. The C. P. R. are the West an,' visited ber parents befoire pnsbing the matter sas s the dispatcb. rcturning to BPenlin' Tey visitcd Ed- W shahi be able to get car supplies mouton and most o! tne principal cities cbeap wben the mine is lu operabion. o! the Weab4. "alo ma- te a bnpto Ban!,, Ilu the meaubimo we bave orderet our, the Rocýv Mountain Park of Canada. Iitlor uppv. Whie teretbey limibet Sulphuir Mt. Péak on o!the largeeis ut a i Crops su tht, vicinity vo! Brookîbu are thelaon Rokis.tuing ouI su hadly that ea number o! __________________________ farmers are plowýing !nfrrows nonne the fiits aut settingý fine to tbe grain One A GUIA-ANTEED CURE FUR PILES. man remarked tbat bu infRUv ears he bas ItbaBidlebgo r'rdn ienvr heard 0o! aýtnir inglh tb that l.rugbt riudmose f PAZO 01N 1ÈMEN dIitre failm Io cure any casee, Du inatber o! ho)w long dsrc os ha i b nY grain ss,tLirg. li, s to 1:,ie s.Firs application. Ibat bas corne tatun)thiug. Beyoudt to givs a* ad es. 0e fyonridrn south par~t o South Ontaritr the-,1 itsond ws in e stasape nna i lb &r ho tontwardfCWop Be sure and sec Oco. Smith's new- plj4to mounts. The newv, white Tor- scllon is a beauty. StudI'io SýTAT1SMAN- If Vou want to be certain about get- ting the best Malty0fal inids of mxeats and poultr.v 'yki~CM Caw-, ker & Son. Colt for sale. Se advt. Miss Renwiek je visiting relatives in Brooklyn, N. Y. MisesNina Neade je visitlu Mis Neille Cotter, Oshawa. Millhlnery apprentices wanted imme- diately by'Haddy & Co. Miss Lottie Cornish was home over Labor Day froni Betbune College Rememaber the sale o! household fara- iture at H C Taits Saturday next. Method jet Sunday Sehool anniversary Sunday Oct lat., Specia.l program. Mrs. E. I. Osborne les In Toronto to attend the Sunter-Winter weddiflg, Prof. A. S. Vogt, Toronto. bas re- turned from a trip to the Atlantic coast. Mrs. E. Mutton visited Mr Arthur W. Burk and other friends in Toronto. Miss Hephizibah Allum. Toronto, spent Labor Day with Miss Mav Otton, Mr. Colon MacDonald of!*,le Ontario Bank, Sudbury, was home for Labor Day. Messrs Artbu r Wright, and , larLry Foulds, Brantford. recently visited at Mr Tho$ Tod's. Silk bats in Black and colors in al the latest shapes at Miss Smith's, Corner Mllincry store. Mrs. John N. Lawri'e and danghter Mildred are visiting bier brother Mr. D. MePherson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Cherry and son, Schenectady, N.- Y. are visiting bis mother Mrs R. Cherry. Dr. Thos. W. Poole, one of the oldest physicians ln Lindsay died at his home there last week, aged 74 years. Master W Bruce Honeywell bas ne- turned from visiting his father Dr Honeywell, Hanter River, P E I Miss Smitb o! 'the Corner Millinery bas returnied from .ý the openings with the very latest stïles in ladies head- wear. iMrý W. H; Parsons and wife, Edmon- ton, N. W., T., visited her sister Mrs. W. R. Cote, Bethesda, and other friends in this vicinitv, Mr James Haw'sliîvcry stables. Port Hope, were dcstroyed by fire Monday night. The borses and most of the hacks were saNed. Mr W Oke, engineer, o! Montreal who-served- 14- -ears ruthe Brittslï-- Royal Navy, visited his cousin Mr M A James on Lahor Day Will not every STATESMAN reader wbo reade this article endeavor to do his or ber best iu helninz ou so necessary and so gracions an undertaking? 1FREsiS FisH-We wiil have a variety of Fresh Fish every Thursdav anà Friday. They are tast y, leave 37our orders-eanly. T. LKnight. Rev Vernon H Emory will 'ýpreach next Sun day eveninz in the Methodist church on 'J apan-The new corner among the Nations" AIl welcome. Mrs James Martin, Whitechurch,-Mr Wmn Wight, Widder. and Mn and Mes James McClellani, Whitby, visited theit mnother, Mrs Jno Wight, ePoiec Mr Richard Foster sold: 7 spring cieken to C M Cawker & Son for the eimn nf L0û If vnh ve scho,' THE WE8TEJtN rFAI L0NDON Will open Sept 9tb aud rate of single -fare will be in effect via' Grand Trunk, Sept 8tb ta îSth, with special reduceci fares ou Sept ,î2tb and . h. Alil tickets good returnîng until Soe t. i 8th. NEW TELEPHONE OFFICES Te'epbonie offices have recentlyv been opened by the Bell Telephone Company at Enniskillenanad T.Yrone It is wortlh noting that residents of these villages ean now be reached by 'pbone. SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST. The Chicago and North Western Ry. will sell low one way second -class set- tIers' tickets daily from September lSth ta, October 3lst, 1905, to pointe in Utah, Montana, Nevada. Idaho, -Ore gon, Washington, California and British Columbia. Rate fromn Toronto to Van- couver. Victoria. New Westminster, Bý C . Seattle, Washinztoui or Portland, Oregon. $42 25; to Sa» Francisco or Los Angeles,1 Cal. 844.00. Correspoudingly low rates from ail points in Canada. 'Choice of routes. Best o! service. For full particclars and folders write to B. H. Bennett, General Agents, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. 35-7w Nicholîs selle cheap. Mies Belle Allen bas been visiting friends in Toronto New wedding cake boxes.-lovely ones -at STATESMAN Office. Seud STATESMAN ta friend1z. Only 25 cents to January 1, 1906. Mrs M B Annis, Brant!ord, is visiting ber aunt Mrs A McCready Have you sent TýE STÂTESMAN ta0 your absent friend? Doit noew. Scbooi opening. Exercise, Dictation and Composition books at Nicholîs'. Au Ice Cream Soda drawn from Thos Tod's Soda fountain is a cooling drink these bot days, Miss Freeland will resuime ber music class the first week of Sept. and, will be pleased to receive additional pupils at her home Beenh Ave. 35-2w We are pleased to sec that Mr- H F Holland, son of MrnIH F Holland, Counties Solicitor, Cobouirg, bas been appolnied mftaager of thefe branch of the Bank o! Toronto at Welfland Buggiee for sale, Sec advt. Hair nets and Hairpin-s at Nicholîs'. Slates aud Sate Pencils cbeap ati Nîchoils', Scbool opening. B-iv vour ciiild a pair of stockings at Nicholil Use Lever's Dry Soap (a porwder) to wash woolens and flannelsý,-you'll like it. 32 Apprentices wanted immediately to learn Millinery at Haddy & Co's, Se advt. The annual sale- of Sunmmr Goods vow goinig on at Couch, Johuston & See the New Eau atis iýi ects and Read3. to- wears atMisSt'sCrr Millinery store. A CAMP NECESSITY. Clark's Pork and Beans arc a neces- sitv in every camp. Satisfying-, tasty anâd wholesome. 5c. and 1Oc. per tin Plain or with Chili or Tomato Sauie ARGULE eHANC~ES. Steamer_:Argyle leaves Torontu at6 IiU i iy U~umay adl £iuay cUU iiLI balance of, the season. N1o extra charge for stop over privileges. No more Satur, day trips" W ANTED APPRENTICES - to yy learu l, mkm.Apply to Mus. N Business mon catnnot begin too soon 1rfAINES' BLACKSMITH andi Wood now ta plan for a big fall trade. Get 1.LL.shiopto reilt, with to(ol0. 'Àpply MIS. L, A. 1U~,s~If your advertisilig ino32- SIf.MA L forthwith if flot airead"ýy there. WNTDt er M A. Jamesis ' ' . illnery. APPIY to RADDY & Ct,., of Marriage, Licenses for Durham Centrn, si,,Lratise il., rBwanil. 3,f Countv. c- 1AREi ln, DFOR RL n - Trv a dozen German Doughunuts, toc ' Good bouse, barn and we... Nmalb per dozen at Thos Tod's They are Or'-hardionit. South o! Piesbytertan Church.1 delicious. Appty to Mas. T. BARCLAY, Enniskitben. 39-8w," Don't bake during the bot, weatbcr Il O R S E q FOR SALE-Pair o! but get your supply'o! hread, hans and Archers, rising 3 an d 4 y cars. Appty to fauy ake a Tos.Td A. J. HUGGINS, lot 27, Con.. 3, Dartington. Courbs, colds,, Ioarsen.ess, end ottier tho1 ailments are quickly relleved by Cresoloe ACRES FOR "ALE OR TO tablets. tenceenta.ýper box. ÂLldruggists l.6 .rent, bebng part o! the James Shan d estate, eomposed of parts o! lots 13 and 14 in the Weekly Globe anld Caniada Fariner 7th and Sth conS, of East Whitby. App]y 10 and THEE STATESMA'L'N to neW subscibers JANxss A. Bui>Ns, Raglan, or JOHN ýADLNR onlv 60 cents to end >ïo! 190ý,5 Order Columbus. 32 if, to-day.TEER STRAYED-Came on lot 19, Miss Dyer bas returned0 fromn spend- con. 2, Darîisgton, aboust a month "go."a, ing the holidays at ber homeý in Exeter ster,. Owiier may bave sasse by prpving pro and will assist MissSmitb at the Cortui r perty and paying expeuses. T. J. <OLE laptle Millinery. Grove. Bowmâanvttte P. O. . 35,f. Rice & Co. have received a car I oad ARM T,) REN T-Ninotv-four acres, Of Souveuir Stoves lu preparation for .A2eing lot 23, con 1. Dartbngton, oit whieh 'theFalitradunlyare good franie bousgood barns, wsth stone th Fîltrd. They are the ul stables underneaîh.s d other outbuibdi gs, Bowmauville firm that.ha ve rocived a orchard, never-failbng wetl o! water. IFor car load o! stoves at once The stock particulars apply to Miss SAI G. ALI.aN. 15 110w open and ready for inspection. Courtice, P.,O. 34 3w" Try a "Hiawatha" at Tlhos Tod's. L ARMl LANDS FOR SALE-Com- Try a Fruit Sundae aI Thos Tod's Ail the latest in Ladies' Coilans at Nicholîs', Bay your Pouley supc.Fplies at P. Murdoch. Gea. Smltb makes good photos and prices are right. Fur repaining now on at MI aser's Fur store, ,Bowmanville. Biood meal. Meat ulteal, Oyýsten sheil, Mica gril, at P. Murdbtch'e. Tny Lownev's clebretet împortod Chocolates at D. Luttrell's. T. H. Knigbt will, pay ig-hest cash pnicos for ail kjnds o! prodae. Sec tbe nice assortnent o! kuives, fonkesud spoons aI Nîcholi,'. G. B Chocolates -'The flucat in the Lan&i" a full lino jaît arri,-ecd at Thos Tod'à. Pratt's Pouitrv Food, Pratt's Stock Food, Fpatt's Lice.Powdernat F. Mur- docb's. -Trv some o! the new lines o! aI Thos Tod's, Magnoila and Alexanndnia lSc. 6cd. r1 p-o-sed -o! thbeNorîh -fi fty -acres, moreor lese, o! lot Number Four, lu bbc Second Conscessiou o! tbe Tcwnship of Dalinglon, and Twenty-. live acres more or tees, in the North haîf of lot Number Four lu the Third Concession o! the sabd Township being parte o! the lands owned hy the 'aie John Hoar On a corner o! irstti' deecnýibed parcel i8s ebuated Providence Sehool blus and there 18 also a brick house with banne, beiug about tbree mites, from the Town o! Bowmnanville. Apply to DNoALD G. aM GAL- BEAITE, Bowmnanvulbe, Ont, 3e t!, FQ ARM FOR SALE-Owing to 111 sud 10 ofien for sale say good frm beiug tise south 1 o! lat 14, Concession 2. Clarke Town-. ship contabinn 150 acres, more on lees. The farm tes well stoaîed on the Kingston Road betweeu Newtonvblle sud Newcastle, and cou- venient to echool, Post office aud churehes lu each village, -and bas good buildings with barns ou stone watts, and tabting beneatb, also a good silo The soit is good dlay loam and te well watered and le adapted for either îtairybug or grain growing Part of the pureýhase moncy may romain ou mortgsge at a 10w rase of interest. Ploughtng possession given ibis fait and fuît possession next spîseg. For furihen parliculars enquire O! CuAsr.Es A. COcassa, on premises on to Newcastle, P. O DO 1011 -kNT MIARNESS? Men's unlinet coats sud '[ants at ne- %larmers, Horsemeri n, ab r d'. aÉ dueed prites ta dlean at Couch, Johuston evenyhoti' owning a horse. now is nour & n4ara s great oppotunity for getting a goot, Sýes tbe lovelv lob of Gingbams sud new set af banne, s, double or single, or musiuns for 8e$ tOc., t2ýIc. some û ayo arfo prt o arness or horse, thein are worth double theIue moty at good.s i,, wholesale- pruces and sorne Coucb, Johuston & Crydcrman's. 1 thioga for less than wbolesaie for cash. C M Cawken & Son bave bougbht in 17Týhe Brown & Martsn Harness Com- Toronto 25 cattie equal la quaîjtv ta panvy, owmauvilîe. have decited to best exporterg,averagiug ou100 heoach- go ount cf business sud everytbing will aIseO thinbeen bought from qsome o! the be sold at pnices that cmpjeli your leta ees uDnigon i hs attention if youncned any thing in stock cattie are vuner three years old and The atvt uiis pper will give %.ou are fer their 1,11 rada -an itea ef whart is o'ffenet. Loatherý has' gone 11 0 pe(-r cenjt and Îil nms lbib chanee ycu wil Rp ay mueb earer for han.ness and aIl othen icathen goocie TOICURE A, C014 IN ONE DAY. 1lun tre future. Ca", as soon as passible3 ansee the genuine hianness bargain's- Take LAXA'TWIEIOQ o being offei-ed at tbis greât cieuring- Ail4ruglss~fad sejsesey~i Clte~1~sal o!Tbe Br-own & Marts'n Haras E. W. is on ïiehu ox, -Uv. C.,Bowmvnv4lbo. ' 75 70 f h riQ cents, Deatihs. 3o coits, caeb ln- serti1n. Wlen Inari'iage iltenses are *btined or fsUIIral cüard. are prinrted a4 thig offie, 1noertlin froc. WîLg~s-n Osawa Au, Sit t qr. and Mrs, ýMilford Wîtkfns, a oi, atna ir2. Albert 1.S, Bitagh,a s ,o, M1r4ARLtANFI~ii Brussetsý, AgMrM. anl(irs. A, C., a a one f the Sadr Bank or canada, a danïghter, AýNDoaWS-111 0Oshawna, Âug. 2719,te wife of R. W ndrews, o! adager and lirS. A. (OliVer, adagher TERWLLEGR-î Bas Whlby.AUg. 23nd, o air. sud airs. A. Terwbttegar.,7 a son, Cunnn~ha-4nCedar Date, Aug. jot, tb ai. ,n irs. Cnnnîingham, a son. lit A RIEPD. ID'vuy--RL.-At the manee, Oreno, by Rev. J. A. MuKeen, B A., Aug , 2th, Willi am E- Davey, 0Otono. toG(3ertrude M., Yoninger daughter of air. John Hill1, Clarke. 0oLE--OK-On Wednesday, Aug., 23rd, at the residence ofthtie bride's mother. Hampton, hy Rev. WV, R Rmach. Mr. Nathaiauel Cote, o! Wheatfey, Ont, to aiisa Carotmne Oke, Hlampton. CLÂ*RIE-WTR-In the Methodist Chareti, Buntsvi1lte. by the bride's father, August 29th. Randait Livingstone Clarke, Sheiborne, ana Amy Etten Bhtbrough, only daughter o! Rev. C. W. Watch Hutsville. Aystz-WiITeuaînAa.Àt the residence of the bride's par*ents, Datington, Wednesday Aug. 801h by BRev. J. B. Butler, Thomas H. Ayre. and Sarahi Mand, daughter of Mi-. John Wtheridge, botu of Dartingbon, D3BD. CouRwpxex-Xn Dartingtou, Aug., 301h, Mary Grace Grills,, beloved wife of Mr, Robert COurtice. aged 56 y ears. MiRsAC-Iu Montreal, August Slst, Razel, daughter o! Frankr Menagh, formerly of Oshawa. RoBsoN-In Oshawa, Aug. 3istjames Robson, in his 64 year, leavening- agent known. It Con- tains ,1-0olime, alum,, phosphiate or ammonia, leaves no acid or aikaline residuum in the food, an-d its use always insures pure, light and sweet bread, biscuit and cake wvýhich are perfectly digestible and wholesorne, whether hot or cold, fresh or stale. Royal B3aking Powder has been aa 1'uzed by the Chief Hpi~ath Officers o f 4ireat Britairi, Caniada and the UniÉted Stýýatecs who recornimend it for îts wholesorne and economic qualMtes. ROYAL BAKING POWDEFt CO., NEW YORK. ipnt- 10 40 28 Capt. W. C. King and Mr.H. In the final- scores, the extra serie 56 Morris attend cd the RifleAsoitn aggregate shows that Pte F. H, Moris, 50 matches at Ottawa last week. Capt Bowmanvllle, made 269 points and ou -Ring w-n thet'Gibson -Silver--Cup for ÛCapt. v~Qn 6 ons b 70 best scores and several otiier moneyv highest was 287. 50 the record ofou ()( prizes. Mr Morris alto did sorte L-ooditownsmen was Ligh considering t ha&t 60 shooting winning several good prizeslabout 150 men' competed 'in thea 60but owing to the storm during the 90 Dominion Rifle Matches ant Ottawa last, 00 ds match failed in getting near the week. Un for tunatelY their sc-ores Were 00 top, consequentlv neither of them are la little short for ginCthe pace (I 18 eli-gibie for the Bisley Team. the Bisiev te am for 19c'(3) 18 35 00. A, NEW-," HARNESS DEPOTU Is started lu Oshawa. Retaiiing ail hues lu he harnesbuisiness-, ,at w7hoiesale faeýtory prico,,made lui-our Oshawa Factor,). Sel- ling direct to the- cons,.umer.we cut o;ttraelles' nd idl men's profits. We are offering harn ss -U one -hal!> theýusunal cost. Compîcte Nickle Tri1 mmed Buggy harness $7.50 and al. kinds at prices neyer before heard of'. A cal w111covicyout. Store one door nortin of the Western Bank. WALTER STAOEY, 36-4w. Proprictor, Oshoýaa . ILadies! a> Coatsx xi m- The latest creation E l Ladies and Misses' EECoats and Skirts. Just Arrived SSee ThemI Grocers' due hbis taken as cash. E l.iext Poor to S and1 ard Bau ,1wr u i 'w5E l à4i T HIEabsolute purity of the ROYAL BAKING POW- DER make3ý it pire-eminiently the most, usefu!. and who)le-some BOWMAN VILLE IMAHKETS. CJorreeted each Tuesday FLOualf 100Ibs ........$240 to WBAT,'Fal, bush._,,.., Q Q i 'i Spi'rng . 0 0i n Red 1Elfe.......O090t Goose........ 00i BARLSIY, P bush, No, 1 ... O 40u et i 2 ... 0 40f I n f i ...0 00 le le etTwo rowed O 00e DA-.s, white 's............ 00e RYE,.........0 00 f BUKWE.T-... «.6.0 00 Piuse-Blackeye, P--bush.. 0U' ilCanadian Beauties O 00i fi Mummey 6i0 0'l u Smah nfi O060 e fi Bine Il O 0 si CL"OVER SEED----------O.0 TIMOTH-YSILED------------ 0 0 13uTTER, beet table, e th. O0 nf E3gis, Pdoz-----------...0 00"l PorAToEs, P bush new 0 00O i0 EB>v.10»ton . ... 6 50 f $2 Q 0 o o 6 6 o o o o, 0 0' 0' 0i 0' 0i 0' 61 0. o O: 7' -i -l 1-1 1- --IR-, lu ý l m 1- Il --I-l uç -L:ý -l 1

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