A Joy the Whole Year Round The joys of amateur photography are limited to no place or- season. Its delighis are as great -in1 budding Spring, as lu ful-blown Sammer, in the tinted Fail or when the grounci is white wiLîh Winter's 5now. Indoors and ce., the whole year round, is camera time. You are xissing much real genuilu pleasui'e if yon have no camera NOW. 1?fraCorne. here to cair store and let us tell you how falaittle money will go in fitting you out. Let us show yon cameras and the rest of the few necessaries. Bookilots and Catalogues for the asking. t â &% t JuÜry, Phon- 78.Druggists and Opticians. G ~rand frunk Railwav Svstem. RAILWAY TildE TABLE. BOWMANVILLElST AT ION. GolietW se Wxsi' Mail..... am xr....502 à ml Ir oa.. 0 oa 7 57 ixeti. .. .3 39 p.m. Pasao ger -1l 36 P. M Loexl . 6 49 p.M IMixai.. 73 Mail. 10 24 p. Exjress...11.40 p.m.. Santiay ouly. iekets to certain points sol,î in, accordane with apeciîal holiday rates aunoneti lu another eolumnn wll nt be honoreti on trains Nos. loi SîO'rr & .irRr. Town Azents FISHING IN TEIVAGAMI, TViis is the best lune cf the season for, bass aikd t1maI fi8hing iii thes Temagai reg-ion, the oportsman's para(dise TL urists tickets ont sale daly at Grand TlfkOffices. r '18"-Nx-a-old.By ail druggists ittls sold Miss Hcleni Walter-, Cleveland- is-vis itinliher unc! i 5r T Walter.. .. Re v and 1T Snowdon E nniskiilen, weîe te t guests attheý Parsonage. . .. Mr T W anis has, sold his house and land to Mi Aj Courtice and bais gone to live with1 his daughtes .. . .MriFank NVorden basi ~bought MrilHed'ey O!-e'sfam M Los Penfoujnd blas bougýht Mr Sainuel C Rundie's faim MpeGvv.,.n Qefuld has îentedbhis faims. nue to lrj Thoruion, JK irb ,, aM nt tIr iR- Adas, Mapie Grove.. "" Mi las Sullyl ls iased %lr S J Hal's faim. town liue é,RlyD i l be observed at Eben- 4ir8SSept 24.,. Misses Osborne, MIeat1and, weîe recent guests of Mis A -Courice. MAPLE GROVE. >h trustees bave miuch improved the hool house by new steps. new chimney ;%da freslh coat of paint.... %Nomen's kisioma.y Society was io--oîganized on 'Tuisday afternoon by Miss Ml E Joness ,fBowianvil!e. Mis <Rcv) J R B'îtler teng elected, President.. .. Mr A, W Foley bas been atI I oonto uîaking an ex- bit of poultry for t 'e Doii-inion Govern- j-:.eit and givýnrg tai- on raising cfljcken U Mi Thos T. imble, bas zone to the h.wet o#.eHarestrs'ex-uirsion -MesssT ol nd- nowden oui enerpiising hog 1b -eders have beeu t ý7-oroillo exhibition making some rýu- ass..Mis B J G;,v is returned bo be c home luT-ionto afier hou iugai nsiters is 'AmnSn.a-,ýderu.lis m J Jeffery 'gave a pair for the youngl lieks Labor Day wen, a joll iewa apntb)y ai'.Leaýlie \vas rq upened hrdyevenling ' itf,' iqs IElei a. - 0rsident Thurbdayý,evening's; subeýt Te Temperance AI are i'miîed.. -Th,1 ,ýny friinds he e of -Mis Wondh'e %kt faxa"z Jtaittowu J OWMANVILLE, SEPT. 13, 1905. PEIRSONAL. Mr. James Rilman bas gone to Winipeg, Mani. Mi Fred Pattinson, Toronto, apent Sanda>' at home. Mi. Erne.t Smith bas accepîed a position lu Treunton, Mr. John Rico, Gal, visitei bis mother over Suuday. Mi. Fred Quick, Belleville, visiteti fîlendo here lasI week Master Haroldi Gully, Oshawa, visited friends here last week Mi. Donald Sutherlandi, Forest, is visiîing'Mn. Hugbi Greenlees. -Mr Geo Rice, Clinton, was receul guest o! bis mothen and brothers here. Miss Ruby Gale, Rochester, N. Y , recently visituti ber uncle, Mr. James Gale Miss Junnie McCluug bas been visit- nglier uncle, Mr. James Brown, Kirby. Misses Btatnicu and Amy- Hamsbere, iClinton, have been g-ueste aI Mu. John Hellyar's. V Mr O Reginalti Joues o! the Post Office bas accepted a similar position lu Bracebritige. Mrs. John Hicks, Winona, Miss, ta visiting hieu uncle Mu. C. M. Cawkeun, "Norway Qottage." 1Mr. andi Mus. Thomas Sheila are vis- iting Ibeir, daaghten, Mis. F. D. MeKa>', Peteiboro, Miss M. Mitchell, Boston, Mass, -isit.etl mr J. Fl. Çyduntau and ottier friends lieue Satunda>'. .Coanclloer and Mis, F H. Masoü iave been visiting their sou Mi, L. L. àMason aI Graveuburat Dr 'Arthur W. Morris bas neurneti to Gbicago, Ill e after a pisasaul holiday at bu mothers, Mis. D. T. Morris, Mis Ethel Kemp Miss Ediîb Smith anti Miss L -ouis Gillies, Hamilton. were guests aI Mr, Win. Hamblyu's, Labon Day. Mis. Geo. Mitchell and Mis. W. G. Randîs, Toronto, wene recea: guests of Mis Lewis Cornish anti other frienda over Sunday. Miss E. Gardiner, B A., Professor ot IModens, Abert Coleoge, andi Miss Ella Upper, Belleville, have been gueste o! Mrs D. W. Downev. Rev. M. P Tailiug, Ph D , Torcto, is supplying for Rev. Dr John Abraham o! the Presb3 terian Cbanch, Whitby, for a couple o! weeks Mia. W. B. Couch and Miss Norma Coucb have rearneti from a pleasant visit wlbh bier daagbten Mis. C W. E. Meath, Winnipeg, Man. v' Mr. Habertl igginbotbam bas been transfeirsd frenmthe bnancb o! the Standard Bank boeste Bradford. Mi. Arthur Tnsbilcock filse the vauancy bere Mi. Russell E. Maynand, Campbell- fond, son o! Mr. John Maý nanti, foîmeni>' o! Bowmauvilis, bas accs'pted a position with Mr. L E. Bailey, jeweller, Coin- wall. WYMr. a ntiMus. W. T. Werry, Dandalk, and their daaghtsrs, Mis C C. Hock- ridgs anti Mns Eti. Rockridge, Cedar- ville, have been guesta o! ber fatber Mi. John Beacock. Miss Launa Wick-etî, Pont Hoipe isthe winner o! the $25 Purslow Memorial Scbolarship. for igbesl standing aI the S~eior Leavinez Honon Matriculation exams at Poil Hope achool 'J Mi Frank Dowunev wbo bas heen for sevenal reans employet inl Messrs. M D. Williams anti Son's tamnitunt, andi udotaking establishment. bas accept. cd a similar position aI Sudituni Dr aqndMia. G A. Pollard. Regina, au- visit ing Mrs- 1. Pollard. Caî.tou Dr. Pollard la weil pnsted on North-West malters, bavinz reqidedl there for the pasbtuao yeurs.-Port Hope Guide Mr F. D. MeKa>', Peberhoro. son-lu- law o! Mi Thoxuas Sherin, Bowmauville, lias been electeti Vice-Pîssideat of the Panadian ludepeudent Telephone Mi M.' J.* Hachinson, cibv editor. The Examiner, Peterboro, bas retunned from -a Itîp 1 the Pacifie Coast andtist -spe nd iug a le_ days witb bis, father, ri W. utchinson, before resnmaing duty. Mn ErJames Cnvdleman. Oshawa, vis-, ited bis sou Mr. J. H. Crdermiî, Fridav. Mr. C wag carrne~u a baud- gnme gold.beaded cane presented onu bis 8)!th birthdav bv hb is s.adonM. N J. Beilamy, Moose Jaw, N. W. T. A GIJARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itcbiing. lnB1 igor Protrutiinz Piles. DIrugisýý,s refunti moue>' if PAZO OnýIENTEN fýa aioue an>' case, kan matai o! how lon staiing' 6mS 1014 tia>s, IFi'mt Aplirationt ~tvs ese nt re. 5eIf youiigltant 'tisend 50e la tamnpeaaah iti orl.a 8- -. by hParis md lue j.,6L. Quis, 34o i PJEB8ONAL. Mirs. G. Haworth le visiting Mrs. Joseph Hambly, Napanee. Miss .Warue, Torcato Junction, la vlslling Miss A. L. Armour. Rev. and Mis. W. Hipkin are visiting Rev. and Mis. T. B. Hyde, Toronto Mr. Hughi Wleox, Brockvllle, is vis- iting frieuda here. Hugh Aooka well Mr. Wmn Quay. Port Hope, and Miss Brereton are visitlng Mis. F Bleakley. Miss Louie McDougall la visiting lier brother Mn. Arthur MeDouzali, North Bay. Mrs. John Spry and Miss Edus. Sprv, Rlastonl Massq. are visiting the Misses Spi>'. Mrs. Allen, Detroit, Mich, was receut guest of the Misses Mooreraft, ",Map.le Gore." Mi. Fav M. James, Short Tract, N Y., has accepted a position in Tii STATEs- MAN Office s Farmera ln Durham and South Ont- ario are baîng cauvassed foi the Whitby Sagar !actoiy, Mr. and Mia. William Langton and, sons, Herbent and Wiilie, Toronto, were recent guesîs of Mis. W. B. R, Cawker. Mis. Andîew J. Crawford, Detroit, Mich., bas been visiting her father Mr. Win. Waîder Miss Charlotte Warder accompanied lier home Miss Annie Westaway bas accepted a positi ou lu a millinery establshment lu New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, and le! t Moaday moîning for there. Mn. Manly Cryderman, Graveuhurbl, visiîed his mothen here previous t0 gig 10 Regina, N. W. T , where he, bas se- cuîed a good position as assistant post- master 11ev. Dr. Emory and wi!e, Toronto, and Mr. Wm. Emory and wife, Burllng- ton, were guesîs o! their brother, Rev. Vernon H. Emorv aI the ýMethodist Parsonage over Suaday. Mr. Herbert L. Creeper who for the ast foui 5 ears bas been employed lu I] TATESMAN Office has accepted a position in The Gazette Office, Brace- bridge. Mn. Creepen possesses the quai. ities that bring succeas and la wortby of auy position for whicbh le à qualified. Mr. G. W. Thexton woobh, for several yeaîs been holding au imîport. ant position ln a large machine shop inu Midland, lefI at wsek for Brandon, Man., whers e h as aecared a situation as superntendent o! the Brandon Machiner>' Co. Mi. T,.exîoa la a son- in-iaw o! Mn, Thos. Eherin, Bowmau- ville, 1 Mi. Wm. Jordan visited Mr. T Scott, Odhawa,recently. MX3 John Reid is visitiug ber aister Mis. T Bridgman, Ottawa. Mr. John Pice,Raglan, visited bis brother Mr.Wmn. Fiee Suuday, Mi, Wm, Dowsoa, Baddow. has belon guest o! bis brother Mr Mark Dowson. Mis. Daniel Houcx, Webbwood, Ont, la visiting bier sister Mis .Thos Power, Darlington Mr. Albert Gouid and bride (Mis. Hawley, Kingston) have been guesta o! lier sister Mis. H. Isaac. !Councillor aud Mis W R Clemona viaibed Mis Mowbray and IUev and Mis D O Crosiey, Whilby, lasI Friday. Mr? Albert Ham and Mr. Wmn Pol- lûck, Mleaford, have been visiîing the [Qtmner's sister, Mis, Wm. Edgerl. Peaches and cream at the Methodist church Fridav evening. Good progiam, Corne andi enjo>' a pleasant boni. Practice bas begun for the Methodisal Sanda>' Scbool annivensar>' on Sanday Oct. loI. A good time la expecteti. Mr.J.BIb , fQimerly o! Lisbowel, son of Mr. Chas. Horn, Ilampton, bas gone to Kingaton to take charge o! a Mill. The puipit o! Triait>' church was filleti Suaday b>' Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, who will also pneach there the next two Sunda.ys. Mia F H Frost wiIl receive at Mis L A W Tole's residence, Church st. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Tharsday aflernoons of uext week. We bave juat opetid out a fine assoit- meut o! Scoth Tweeds and Worstede. Now is the time to leave yoar order for a new Fall Suit. Couch, Johuston& Cryderman The Sewing League o! the Saivation Armv wili hoid au Ice Cream social and entertainruent iu the barîaeka ouThurs dav night ai So'clock. Admission, 15e; hblîdren loc. Laving o! the corner atone of the new Presbyterian church, Port Hope, will takre place Sept- 251h, Rev. Dr. Anm- stnong. Moderator of! bbc Cbunch i-n Canada-oEiciatirng---- John Lewis, who bas occupied bbe Mowbîay fari on the sixlh concession W hitbv, for severa l >earshbas Purcbased the faim usai Brooklu, formeil>' own- ed b>' Mr. RobI. Cummen. Rev. V. I. Emory pîeached a ver>' i iutunersbing sermon lu bbec Methodist Chuf-ch Sanda>' aveninz on "Japan the p6 ore anong tho Ntlns" iss Ethel Y. Kiug sang the Solo.' "The Plains o! Peac.e" in a. vary pleasing and acceptable riauiner. There wasa largo cougegatlin preseaI. The RepresentAtive of the Rzosclan Comiie Opera Company' 30 people le in townl to arrange for theiutroduction orf bis; compan j lun john l5hip Sousa's Comlc Militar>' Opera El Capitan They carry a rpecial baggag-eicar of scenery and equipînenit and Include in thoir roster, it is said, artists of hig-h rank and cometdians Who bave appeured in the big New York musical productions Nicholis sela cheap. a New wedding cake boxeïi-icv"ly nues .-&t STATESMAUN office. r Send STATE&MAN to friends. Only 25 icents to 3January 1, 1906. Have you sent TnE STATESMAN t0 your absentfriend ? Do it now. Sehool opeuing. Eecs1Dictation and Composition books aI Nicho1îs'. An Ice Cream Sgoda drawen [rom Thos Tod's Soda founitain la a coolinig drink these bot days, Bug gies for sale. See advt. Hair nets and Halrplns ut Nicholîs'. SIates and Siate Pendis cheap at Sehool openiug. Bdy your child a pair of stockings at Nicholis'. Appreutices wanted imdaeyto leain Millinery at Iladdy & Co's See advt. M A. James le Oovernment issuer of Marriage Licenses for Durham Countv. Trv a dozen German Doughuuts, 10e per dozen aI Thos Tod's. They are delicious. See the Neiw Faîl R ata; in Fella and Ready.to. wears a% Miss Siîh's,Corner Millinery store. 'New clothing malerials ;,"et opened ouI at The Mason Co. Leave yoar mneusare with Mr, Skitltc. Don': bake daring the hiot weather but gel your supply o! bread, bans and fancy cakes aI luos. Tod s. c4oq ,Qua ,h.(eeem, md thtront alments ara qnickly rli.ved by Onasolen, tablais, te~nmeper box. .4.Udzmctltte Be sure and ae Oeo Smith's new photo mounts. The new white Tor- schon is a beauty.,,Studio STAâTEsmAN Block. Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer and Tim STATfflmAN to fl8w subseribers oui>' 60 cents to end o!11905 Order to-day. If vou want 10 be certain about gel- ting the best quality o! ail kinda of cneats and Poultry buy from C M Caw- ker & Son. New Uuderwear, Rosier>' and Blank- ets. an, immense shi pmeîît juat in at The Mason-Co. and bought before the receut advance ta prices. FaBSiU Fîsï-We will have a variety o! Fresh Fish every Thursdav and Friday, They are taaty, Itiave your orders early. T. H. Knight. Business men cannot begin too soon now to plan for a big tal trade, Gel your advertising intoTuE STATESMAN, forthwith if not already there. Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman are showiug a superb stock o!' Ladies' Coate The>' bave the fineststock o! these goods shown by any hous in these counties. Try a l'Hiawatha" at' Thos Tod's, Try a Fruit Sundas at T1hDý Tod's Ail the latest iu Ladietý lasat Nicholîs'. Bu>' your PoUM(çy supplies at P. Murdoch. SGao. Smith makeï, good pb9tQO iprices arA ,1 FuPr repairing now ou at Ma,ýéïo ÊUf store, Bowmanviîle. Biood merel. MeaI meai, 0.ystor sheli, Mica gril, at P. Murdoch 's. (1 Tny Lowney'8 celebrated importe 1 Chocolates at D. Lattrell's. i T. H. Knight wiIl pay highest cash prices for aIl kiuds of produce. Ses the nice assoilmtent of kuives, forks and spoons at NichollI'. New Ciothing for Menand'Boys just in at The Mason Cosa. Seo adv't. G. B Chocolates "lThe finest in te Land" a fulli une jaut aîîived at Thos Tod's. -Pratt's Poulti>' Food, Pnatt's Stock Foodi. Ppatl's Lice&tF'owder aI P. Mur. doch's. 1Tri' some of the uew lines o! cakes at Thos Tod'a, Magnolia and Alexaudria 15c. each, Wash gieasy disijes, pots or pans with Leveî's Dry Soap a piowden. It will ne uaove the grease with the greatest ease. 36 For the finedt stock o! Dresa Gonds, and Silks luali colons and ail qualities, call aI Couch, Johuston & Crydeiman's. Bice & Co. have receive d a car load of Souvenir Stoves ln prepanation for the Fail trade. They are the ntul>' Bowmanville ficm that have neceiveti a car Ioad of stoves aI once. The stock la no'w cpeuaud ready loi inspection. Sore Tbroae and Co'ugit A sm~1, efeciveand =aae reasedy> for ail thicat Pline, Jul>' and-Aagaast 54,006li. ! butter, the greateismhare o! it puat up i one pouind priaIs. Crops are good I thisi localît>' tieI raîtist of a secition o! th, counat>'famous foril s stock ati other agmiculturat pînducta. I~0 UII - - - ~ AY. Ternis anti cnndiioxus of!1sale will ha matie 10CU EA CVL !NON È D - kuowuouiitle day ef salenor may ha had on - pctin b eâie. Dow & Mlciilvray, tablets~oiicloraWith>', or theantoe. Ta>ke LAA.XÂTIVE B1ROM9Q ININE LtaFARBNKeActoner j'il dntus~1tG a ndtke monay iffit failsto cure. LV FIBAK heineer r9v'8Sgm ~ VRlc.Uaee oxm2e. 37, Royal F Colt for sale. See advt. Bay of Quinte Conference wiil mcci lu Port Perry nezI year, Mçilliner>' aPprentices W&nted immc-' dlately by Haddy & Co. Methodisî Sauday Sehool anniversar>' Sunday Oct laI. Special Prograru, A specialI purchiase of Ladies' Sample Manlesnotwoahie»SeoThe Mason Co's new advt. gaivation Armv annuai Hanvest Tban-ksgiving service3 are on Seplem. ber 28, 24, 25 and 26. Mr H C Tait had, a ver>' saecessfal furniture sale Saturda>' with Auctioneer Tole a: the hammer. Noties of Births, 25 cents; Marrlages, 50 cents; D"aths, 50 cent*, ech in- sertion. When marriage Ilocases are obtained or fumerai carde are printedl at fiels office. Iniertlon free. DORits. ALCUMRAC -Te owmanrille, Sept. 12, the wifa of Mfr. Philip Alcnmbisck, of a son. Mosr-In Orono, Auguat 301h, to Mr. anti Mie. John Moise, a son. SÂuesoas-Ât 874 Ossîngton Are., Toronto. Àug. 27, te Mr. anti Mis. Arthur J. Saundaîs, a daugbter. BÂAanowcouH-în Oshawa. Sept. 7th, the wife of Wesley Baî-rowclough, of a danghter. TuNANi,-în Oshawa, Sept Siti, the wife of Mr. Albert Tannant, nf a daughteî. McLAurî.Gn.-In (Oshawa, Sept. lis. 10 Mi. anti Mis. R. S. MeLaughlin, a daughteî, Wixges-In Oehawa, Ang. 8lst, the wife o! Milford Wilkins, of a tianghter. SCOTT-In Oshawa, Sept. 6ih. the wi!e oi W. S, Scott, of a daughter. .~VA8A2W66 #owaa ~ Naw YomL Thursda.v afternoon Rv.D. O. Crossley, H. H. Blngham, Whitby, and 11ev. V. H. Emory qbmanville, con- ducted a very 'lnjoyable song service, at the Hlouse of Reifuge for the inmates. Mr. Emory is a great favorite et the old people, and they were delighted to see hlm a,-ain - Whitby Key.stone. A flamber of the memtbers and adher. ents of Trinity Congregational church assembled at the home ef Mr8. R. Free- land, Beeeh Avenue, Tuesday evenlng to bid farewell te Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Tait who are leaving for Edmonton, N. W T.g where part of their family is located. Mr. and Mrs. Tait have beeni faitbful members of Trinitv church for rnany s ears and their familîar faces and efficient services will be missed with much regret by their friends there. A short program of music and reading was rendered and a nlcely worded ad- dresa was read and pre,,ented b>' rastor Rev. W. Hipkin to lqr. and iNs. Taiti Refresments were served and a -eneral social time einjoved. The company disversed with singing "Till We Meet." Ail join ln wishing them every possible success in their new home. BOWMAN VILLE MABKJITS, Corrocted emaTuceday FLOEfl100 bo ..,...02 401toi12 80 WD;Faîl, bush..,.., 0000 et O 75 :: Spnn Von 0tg075 Goose ....0 0 leO070 B.A'u.m, fbush, No: 1..0 40 ia 042 1: n2 .0 40 'a 040 n Two rowed o0o0,il 040 OATS, White t',...... 0 00le 028 RYB, ...........00 le0 5 BUOKWBEMAT'I .........O0(() n O()O0 PuMAS,' Backeye, f bush.. 000 0 OC,1 oCanadian Beauties O0(0O"0O70 '.Mumme>' 0 00 leO"0O00 aiSmali 0 O60 silO 0W " Blue i 0 00 il0,60 CLOVER SEED .............0 (0 0 00 TImoTHY S»ED .........o o00 00O(J BUTTERa, beal table, VI lb. O0 0"0OJe8 EMG, ?Pdoz ............000" c018t POTÂTOES, bUsh new O0 0 IrO08A A NEW HARNESS DEPOT Is started lu Oshawa. Retalilg ail unesinuthe lis'., at wholesale factory prices, made in our --' _ ness business, ling direct to the consumer wP nwaFcor.Sl men's profits. We P-, c ut out travelle rs' and giidd1e cost. Comxrn"1 >'_ offering harness at one haîf the usuai kiA , eete Nickle Trimmred Buggy harnes87.50 and al --ts ut prices neyer before heard of. À4 cail will convince you. gStore one door nortli of the Wtestern Bank. WALTER STACEY, ORMISTON-l6eGg3l-At the residence of the brbte's parente,ý Sept. 6. by Rev. R. M. Pbalen, B. A. Blacketock, Rev, Albert Orinistoni Shawville, Que., and Mis Edith, second daughter of Mr. Alexander Riggs, Enniskillen. TÂaiflLyNq-CoRÂm-Near Leskard, Sept. 6, by 2ev H. V. Mounteer. Orono. Mr. Albert eohn.Tablyn andi Miss Laura, second daughter of Mr. William Coram, Clarke. HENDERSON-WANNAN-At the Manse, Orono, Bept. 5 1by Rev. J. A. Henderson and Mis Llzzie Wannan, both of Clarke. MEBCÂLF-BRITTON-Ât Toronto, Tuesday Sept. 5th, by 11ey. Dr. Gilray. D. D., Barriet, only daugbter of Mr. andi Mrs. James Britton, College nt., te George Maticalf, both of Port AmBaoz-MBax-At Cobourg, Sept. 6 h, byR ev. Dr.Reynar. of Victoria tUniversity, Thèmes H. Ambrose, Esq., of London, lOng., andi Ada Mari ory MeBrien, Cobourg. FoaBEs-BROwN-At Port Perry, Sept. 2nti, by 11ev, B. GreatrIx, Hect r Mackenzie Forbepi of Toronto, and Florence Isabella, daughter of J. K. Brown, Esq., Vort Perry. MILLMAN-MIDDLEToN-OIi Sept. Sth, at the Church of the liedeemner, Toronto, by Rev. Canon Sheraton. D. D., assisteti by Rev. Lawrence Skey, M. A , Rev. R. M. Millmari, M. A., curate of St. Anne's Church, and Eduth Ethelwyn, youngest daughter of Wm, Mitddle- ton, of Toronto. 1TEALL -TA PSCOTT -In> Port Hope, Sept, lat, Mr. George W Teail, Vienna, andi Cuarlette Mabel, daughter of Mr. Sam~uel Tapscott, Port Hope. CONNER-PIERSN-IO Oshawa, at the resi- dence of Mr. .bimes P eson, ptrantifather of the bride, on Wîednesday,SP. ith, by the Rav S J Shorey, Miss Georgina Pierson and Mr. Fred S. Conner cf Toronto. LowERY-BuRRouORS-At Niagara Falls, July l5th. by Rev Mr. Bevan, Mr. Charles Lowery te Zella M. Burroughs, both of Oshaw'a. Tiiome'oN-FOIID.-In Toronto, Sept. 2nd, by Bev. W, P. Fletcher, Mr J. . Thompson, St. Catharines, ànd Miss E. G. Ford, Oshawa.' EÂTON-KING-In Oshawa. Sept. 4th, b>' Bey. W. B. Tighe, B, A., Mr. W. B. Eaton, Halifax, N. S., anti Miss Alice M. King, Oihawa. HOLDA WORm B- liithetownshiponi Hamilton , Sept. lat, Anniie Peter8, [beloved wife of Robert L. 1lold2vworthi, aged 5(; years. leLHA oit iHope, Sept. 2nd, "Thomar, M. Welch, aged 7U years- Father oni Mrs- W, ibson, Newcastle. RICHARDS-~~~~1'T.çtýtet r.sd infant dau-- f . and MiSept.CSr. eade, nlot .~rn i u r ..Rcad GîflsoX-At Beluiont, CJlarke, Sept. 7. Mary Bileen. daughter of 1MT. aud Mys. D. J. Gibson, ageti 10 menthe, 2e days. IIÉsNtaPsoN-în IHattieshurg, Mississippi, Selg. Sth. Berta. only eand heloveti deugliter of' iMajor A. G. RHflderson. 35 Sussex Ave., To-1 ronto, formerly of Wbitby. _ýFARNcomB -At 2gewl3aâtle, Sept. 9tb, Jane Robsor, reflet of the laie Frederick Farne:imb, ageti79 years. CLARK'S POTTEfl BLEF. The best of the beef deliciousls feason- ed. Very appetiziug when spread on bresud and butter or in tandwiches 20ACRES LAND FOR SALE- Z1J ondbouse, brnanti well. Smallý orchard on it. Southiof Ppesbyterian Church. Apply 10MaS. P. BARCLAY; Enniaklllen, 89.8w"* 0 OR S E S FOR SALE-Pair of Archers, rlsing a andi 4 y ears. Apyto A. J. HuaGiN», lot 27, 'Con.. 3, Darlington. Courtice, P. 0, 36 '2wl. A Leti on Sale of» Farifs Important combination .ductionS'ale of a number of /lrst class farmns in the Townslkip of Wkitby, East Whitby and Pickering. T H UNDERSIGNED has-received ..InÊtruetions to oiler for iale by public auction. aVtb theO-YAL -HBOTEL. W181TBY, on SATUutDAY, SUPT 801h, 1905, at 2 o'clock p. M.. the following vaîniable farins, riz: IN PICKERIN6G. 200 acres knownas the Htckîngbottons farm, couaoseti ni part of lot 3 anti 4, 9tlh Con.. atone dwefling antigond outbnildings, gond landi- gond for either stock or grain--situate 1 mile from Balsama P. 0. 91. 250 acres knowni as the Buinker .farm, lot 2o, Ist Con. and N. W. ?j 28, md Con., situate on Kingston Roand, between Pickering anti Liver. pool Market. Fine brick dwelling anti a fram.e bouse, a splendid f arm in every way. I N WIIITBY TOWNSHIP. 1. 205 aecs sonth haires 34 and 35, 7th con., known as the Dow farma occupieti b> John Gordton. qoit firsi class, comfortable dwelling, gondoutbuildings, young orchard, conrehtent' tu Brooklin station. 2, The Campbell f arm, 65 acree, part of lot 28, 2nd con., soil f!rFt.eliss, goond buildings, nearly new, close to Wbithy towu. .3. The John Anderson farm, 64 acres, rear part of lot 23, 2nd con, god brick house, rnn. nirg stream, gond for stock or grain. 4. 80 aores, part of lot M5, 4th con , gond Pasture lot. running stream. IN TOWN Or WHITBY 1. The Jo-. Thomson astate farmný mile north fromi centre of \Vhitby town on gravel rati, contasuing,130 acres, gond clay luam, orchard anti pienty of spring waler running in pipes. well kromin as a first- class stock farma, good barri. atone stabling, comfortable bouse. IN EAST WITBY. 1. The James Shandestate, parts cf lots 13 anti i t4,71 anti 8th con.. between Columbus anti Raglan. tirat.class soil anti situation, la being SOMt to div Me ae ýstate The aboveý collection of farina affords an un- usfual opportnnity tb purchasars 10tesecure ex- cellenit f arma of! atablish1et reputateon at reasoujalle prîce, as the.ne s are desirous of ELadies a>- ~We kindly invite you to, see our display _ of Fail and Winter Coats> which we are con-~ Sfident you will pronounce to be the most desir- Eable, perfect-fitting, high class, and Up to date SCoats to be found in this town. Also to see our New Fail ready-to wear = Skirts. Our Fali Stock of general Dry Goods is inow- omplete -in-,ever-y--departme-ntL. -We invite your inspection. Iu GGntlox un,hnel ieateti o 0-Fi an Whinut, lasand Overcots hic wel ke p ta OurstGer Gets ' urnisbing Dp tre.110 0-Grocers' due buis taken as cashi. Ma Q1ÂT0A,1fA&»I wÏ,I1n B3akinag PowdVcer Se)#ves Health SaVes Money 36-4w. Proprietor, Oshawa.