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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1905, p. 3

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WVe have used " Sunlight Soarp, It., the bcst soap made, that's - 1hy that tihe Sunlight way is the besitv At first wve used to washIl wilthSu dlid wt commi(I en sop, bui tfter tZ printed on the paickagýe, we wouild ne frtsoap ihe articles, leave te to so washi board. Not much to do and A ASK FOR THE 01 Sunkkz' oap as/zes te 7Zots 'IL)W'-OTT"EP AND WHEN. The1w Ilowing brief quotatjolis arc frOni "Sleepf and its lRtegulat ion," by Dr. J. Madiison, Taylor: Dïluiig cidodand -exhaustive Étte ooe inuci sleep is raarely pos- sil.For thý)o in fuli tidoL' of vigor t0on uh se is ,ofton distinctly 'FILe act;,iniornarcotics presents 111oe o the cý haractcristics of nor- mal slce cxcpt the tenîperary ar- rest e onsiosnss h'ne narcosis is flot truc s ýleep. The beost position to assume in s]eep to ivite the least <isturbance of t1icfuncxtaisa o i dm, gneut organs is on the abdomen, or ncearly so. Man. obscure forms of digestive or circulatory disorders ùiay have been initjured in infancy through lying too l ong on the baclk. T< secure the most perrect repose the t'-mpe-)(ratirc of al parts should ho equaliebfore rctiring. Cold foot dcccdr-la in sccuring slcep, jnd it is~ hcn shallow wh 'n .1- iipist vi,-scto overfil the 'nnnhbeforeý retiring; thîs dis- turbe slecpjalmost as mueli as hua- ger, but mioderato eating before sleigis not hurtful, and is. often salut ary. iBody clothiug at iiglt sbould bc' loose. net dense, permitting thic ready pnsageocf ail, ne'. of wool next te the skie. Bed îctthing shouid îïot bc tee Close o.i texture, lankets heing ore- ferable te dense "comnfo rtables,"-and net 'tuckcd la" toc closeP . Air should be aliowod to i)ass occasion- ally uinder the sides at lcast as one turcs, about molre or less frccly. ~~ Early riig is a salutary ciistoîn, ï sPecinýýil., w. hon the day cornes carly, netothcrn iso1ý;,,. Mýoî'e stcCP is requirod leininter thain iîî suirner. The bcst slocp is had durng te heurs of darkncss. Th- iopî t ooîîîshould be cool, abundan air bý,:eing alu'ays adînittod. 'l'hi, sheuld c e nterpreted te meantha re n maI- saMry rernîin1 la h i, oder1 tra'îceîtof tuber-.ý clisfresh air i rî: ciedte o impraîvly eecdal day and ali nigit. Astficalheat ramI-, and shoud, e spplcd long \n'illi the foshair, 1i1th teýnîperature of the reruhoa or necar 50 or 60 de- gres abofActfor somne evea 60 CONS':TIPATION. Il wc-uid ho 1 i diffiruit to meontionm cri c!lb. secalefmicirm ilis, or~ eligsi eviaioms frin ealih. nhlmh ~isprcnctvc ! genir larcu thami o eC'tgmZii eetyaurs that cisc of tise emesl pet-toi fatous in tise calsatieîsi, net )1,1' o fi e diseoi-îsfort, but e!cofimme ii alidini, ia ichat wa to nîteiis cf ihe body '.vhimis vîmnieous nec'. cus diso2arres. poriodi- caliridaiodyspepsia, skims dis- am', iii teinpr, mîroutai cuInmess, acci et n saîuity areo cotse o! tise mechbim coîndiions attributa !,e et iais lu titis absorptions o! pcisonî- oua ie !,rm tise tauIit îýon- t ntso ibi' bcweis. s Cu uuation- is a melative ternui, ? W f i iis net easy fo ,inlme t je -a maime' cpicbete ail cases, for pom' pecahveîomnlytrco Pain frin a Burn Promptly Peiieved Pinace tise m'quired auneurut cf cci'c'ni by Chamberlain's Pain Ealm and amuic e in the double liciter ai,(, addi.1, ,te 2-3 oft! Cliom e!figa m dates for ecch iisree rcups water uscd, rA littie child cf MichRel Strauss, i!Clflcfnf)ifmlipee ofe Vernon, Conn , was recentiv ia great C1it msemfiruiibeoli isîandlîst:-, pain fromn a hure ontise band, anud as amîd cool, clitto ilmnger than n'h ,n cold applications only increased tise J'cfuti iei.1 n st! fe ieflamxlatioc, Mr.' trauss7caine te Mxr. jIthbo nieaiis ocicr hmay ha put ia J8mes1 N Nichois, a local nsrchant.,-e fer 1 obeu esoptepin M mps neand c d coîf, biag much ,r soilot 'ig u'to d hte i.Mrime bttin than wihiîut tise fmuit. Nrcbobss ays. - RaVie i m touse Ceaanieuse cen ao bu' usof :m' Cba wberlain's Pain Baim, and the first ibis cxcv imsngto us oligea appic jation drew out thme inflammation tri nd- . e wo mutsbniig w anf gave immediate relief 1 bave Ii ac b nl n iawt usef tbis liniment -mysll: and recom- eou gis graisans flous' te make a su!!ï mendd i vev oten or uts bu uisusis. tCk insthe doîublc hoiuer mnededit ertoltn er uts bujîs Ilike tise cercals. ity adding bal! strains aud lase back, aud have neyer c sga tiluimkes a nlmo pcmdu kaeýwn it tedisappeint." For sale by i michsai esi nien cten cî,ts ail drug-gists. acdditienoth ie sugne naakiîg i un- suitale to serte bot. A--De 'Ccumcv Sniyihebo ha as tht bhe crin tracebis amsesrv harle I lNTS FOR THE HIOME. theo timîseof tise'carly No'mi 13ns" B-. 1-1youiiîstekeeP yocî' haie iii "Wlltie Nencmaedai rs ob-ot tisetisit-u-e!nsegg in -a tisey won'i mimd." lC1up te a frob, iso fl lImUe cup up emîf Vu! 1Upen kid, in'lois To oflus hobaus tke30 grainsi 0f gmie tîgccmutî, ou ncres o! - mse ratr, ccithc dlseoir cvd admi mine i~ ucoecriso! glyrerinecd airouil Perumeas you dosire. ,l1ou 'ost t reaandf restorea duii elirer, ak a cnets n la iol ii. Follew tibis 'iitis c dry ceb K cg o i Ii'ilal(, tvefves onte galio ou atr - CreseLe hoif nverbe put -ýitoî - SELECTED RECIPES. Gîge PrrsToS 115s. pence >sai- _1Y e cf gir ecIai inch lonîgtic- mn ciih 1 I.watl'and 1 piet viai- egar Goo ccii ihirk. BeL",!Pikls 'lhceeneither1tuci [y to cmSulgh ca- ot o shlelup. _Peurbiin ly fwok ie vrts arîd lt stams-dfcuir1 hoe.To ve'ygallon of tmnegar - taeIsit cc Lp suJgax', i e! sait, i teasocî pgverzodalimni, 1 oz, tc V Baaîemil . icIo.l'uccd pol' bl)ýo evea pic kles. PumnpklIitn Mcimlade-Cnt arie ,and w want te teil you that yelv p1uîsmpk:iî into large piýces. -, parc, , amp u is e seefs, ccd twIb - vr we are writing. VWe found oc t weigh. TeOI emypouud aîlow a ilb.' ayto wasiswîtIs cSnlgt lop. o lin cid icaenge or linui. ,13e"t S0m)in the ld mway asVwe Ceaie hepmpin on a ceaî'se gent- .ligt Sop c, ccd peit im ite a presemvieg kel- towasIhC(codigt drcios te wit is tisesugun,, the grated rii eve wah te od wy aain We eof he orange or lIon, and tIr. standjuice 'Lot it heu iowy :oak~~~~~ an1hnrbetlgtyo h str img Ifrequeiiy ced a.icic l it makei-s the clotilssnhî a awmtil it yubave a snîoet tIrk ml' ni1alade. Vihile stili bot peulr him Ui )CTAGON BAR glass c himsa jars or tumobiers,fi mcg- mut qîite full. Wbeci cold, pclir okée na wo'tiijmre ue 7m 1. over thetop cca oimo f niee c aafidver nith tiisei1df or lrOwi ï 1IT 12, TO01ONýTO. lOapaoraîfkepili a (cOodnpi suet, ouie!ý n, cc ai! pcuad itse, forpunds cf p itatoes,,occc pl""d ether have but no cxoey tîmer 1cf four, ccc fcrrth pcccd cf i r. dabu0 ieM vrgemam na c-bcigpen'dee. Cbop tise suet ory ditcacf eailugoe 1 to re t iao, rut tise ocirons'sîsinl. parc (ii, cur c dy. hi vriaio dped", peli cievery th ýimu, ccd rut in slides thn apaolnt cd char- Tkocinago gaepie uishsbimter', acter f4th od amg esand mco uet clin fIst thon somne onice thos wh' lno rinipcly ponlhea l'some meai, cnd c layer cf pus- 'moglabes cf fuit coîîciicgtatees, pepper, ad sait, tli ail is: creansfbros or weod niaterici ill in, put potateos on the top, lheni nmraciy bav a gratr ul o over '.itb a muet mrade cf the fleur, wnrastm' incie ian snalters ce oflard, anîd ccc teaspeenful mii hakingl those wbý-ose diet comsists rhiefly o!frîewder; bake fer two heurreinca ucea cescarby oode asderate ovea., u-tet o strchyfoos, lot Pet-COepeunid flank !Mut- A slîsggish astate cf ts ecston, calrnet, tuemip, emîlen, foui' asay mepend upon defirient ac'tion o! onso oaos al m ac thse livor or uapona amuscoiar wenk- ouacs, e! peictos.our Ulasix;cndpare ces of the intestinal Wciis-esPect- turnip, rutlein dicos; sceape carreli cily o!flihe lower howel, or r'ectum, ccd ut ila sures; dmt oiofinlie; ct tis.' office of wich is the fimnal dis- mutten ie osnalcl pieces; put c litiile charge cf the choie mniaterial. cf hi ite the bottons o! the agate' 'lise imaivity e! time livol' mcy be stewpami, titen potaices, enien, car-' dîme te ,,s rions causes, but it, as mt, îîmemip, nsîxed with popper nei Vci l as tisc icrpidity of the intestin- sai, thromi snme more mutton, tilîlcl! ci ulIsries, is mcst dommemiiy tise is in; cdd cime pint of waier, andl e! umhygiecr ivicg--icstffic.i- stecm fcr iwo heurs. Serve bot. 1 cI-mt ixercise, liv ing ils erletod and Celery Saiad ini Apple Cup-Cut c s51 mmîy roome, lrregulariiy linseai5, geed-sied head o! celeey imtebalf- wcni of sleeP, werry, cnet, chovo inchs piccos, elice two cucînîhers Ibimi, ailirugiect to obey prcntptydîie rutý a dozen gltufleci olives iu rings cal c!inature. 1dd bat!Iasmcmsiy Englis wamtu -ý Oficr i- uboctiing isi failti. hnct aIeLav ics !c.r mnc1r n Inn te normi ciorareat hcp pa tffhein,usiîîg seine whcle o! abulo)minicirespiratiîin'biris if tes2iter oms tep c- f the scînci. 1ix, froe,eetr a sort cf iatrcl ilma- Il Iii cgedmayonniliaise ced filcp jsgo Ons the intestioce ccd facili-pis wih av ben rvesl tates tie m omnand movoam'Iofm o! hir srcped et. Serve cni biture letos.1 rontotrs. fecqent cf eleey itti Graiod Chese-Sc' Amntetse.cus cira isiloriýy. upeus a leîv disîî. ThI- constipation is the'iiud!ic'iciaio c ý should ho incIy gnnted, h'a:,emm - . upon ca dish, amîd seî'ved with.a specus laýie i isin îes s hih ,csd aller o ch guet nbe desires it. TIe lte fiecsoiatE, elieci s11(lpassef .celey je dipp 'd imtcthe Cheese canl t'hoeffet hs pascdbitten off. auîay, caretisent sore exbanated I (erme Rire Pudtdig-Cook tises' ansd w rakem' tbsefoe. tabtespeonfis o! rirce imn thm'ee cur)- fais o! înilik. Stveet"ii itis a siticl 1î'î,Z,:Szul AIR ANI) UNSlfl - upful c! peî'dered suagar cnd seascil iloionmitic1ibotter itfrîocmd be, Coir- ix ifli lsd!a teaspoomîful of salt ani tctmmy imi tbe ici eresîs cof us' h chu -tise grated ried ocu n ocaagm,. Add crei, if parnits, cand issothrlcs esperi- t-rtcounces e of eed ceci ried dur- al13 , î'enizod 5mre tisaisîhev appor rrants, four cuies ofi mcrrc.ii to dIo the imîportanîce o! fresîs crumst, astl ounce e! fimely shio'det and ,siinsire. Cbilds'ee shouid îit' cadai ed oramnge peei, four egg yeîks, oui, of dons, Ihey ouîglîlto e h iii the white oe! ccc, andcia gilo4' lruau nii laibe fres air acccii- Ibrandty. Cooislis a double bolierîmn- an fti tbick, icîrn iite cpreity servili isime. Wiiiscut it they droop rnu( lsh cmnd serve wiitis Emglisis orang.-, die, lite 'life la asua chlld." and sueuidsn eiva îIm its iîegi'îmjingcganmcccl ri'.o epsIII - iepami fcur egg y oiks ccd four ed m f isnatite lemont. 1m1 c'ilf- tablespoutuis o! sugar caîd ieat, un- boci the foumîdtinîoio Flaid for mac- tifise mixtumre horomes tbick ccd tiico tif1'. Paie, delicclt, o, lolisose ihitishin i colon. Ad'i one cupful o! clildimi - 'ihen bî'oumet istp in the ii' creanithe g.clefrnmd anui bo tc n iospiiere o! the i11xalim'rcns Ilico oc!ac sweot oranige, crd rock mmod'ri lirmise i1iv, -no stamiiîti ex' ovir ihot wcto' nîli recmîy. Remove !t( lie uttume. A',rbust, hardihm11ld- the pedding feinthe fine, lot Ceci, h.)d oS.scrfiyPleutyc! 01 loor exî andbcd mii nell frotbed. if.o'. 0i5imulii n-cwal hcî, sinicîa___ msoxm' lîîîgfoc ciregrîla i houes.CLE S îc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ERAS jîsmt iccke atv i OOKED WITH FRUIT swnce,ot lchln thai penîis cf lier- Tiscrghis nosi beîxsekeepece realize fi.I ileeminlu 'tbe msalzimsmjof m'ci ltit t du0O c!feecli fruit servef 'vi -b ohS îhereild1sis delm-ght, lie- cerclais, !oxv kmow ho-rt murs moll sui 'tb.eryte heu o! ,Ithe îld etis!acrory the hbreafast carf ho mrce'î'v lu uewouid lîelp te t sspri mcde hy ceekmsug dred fruit nitbc the terrcibîle moeiality- axîsemg chul- ceccal ussef. Any rereal eami ho us-'l deen, and emisumee tote isome bcr- jin coasinaticîsnis dgs, dates o.. Ibcrie 1or thecomms OFf adît life. 'raisins, andîf besicles being lori' lîccitbfîm ItIai en sere fplain, if, i. mccc plecsimîg te everyclue. Curmbor Pickles 12 large green Had Ste'nccitcumners, 6 onicca, i ccp gratef cermioppof horsenadhsh, tise mnit ,ç ~chopper is sfilfer, doaling tlis O'oioingredmersi, 2tbioos f mustard Gould scalrcely vvalic e2. k__scef, -2 lableapeons cf relery seof. Doctors gvehî ,oîya To ene îquart c! viln' cff wo t'wmnths ta ilve, oencres cf mixof spire, Sait andf pep- ME, JAiMw A. DEmc, Bridgewiara .s, lier'te.nd, efnd tovryultile sugar. writn: "Aou e a r aga I suufmed a strke Aiesuser amifpour OVcr tthehe1r ine o! parlSe woncbkbetlm. laa vry bauf eaegoias f! MeAitTo nadf te m tou,l witr apiQi c rencQ-Qbnsts I Ois la grippe, %Pih copetelyjxatd îsliie uearfas' gouif robe My U"arTo ns 1 = Icdui"eseiywak ÏtUsoredawgd, tap-, My lgsand arMasM wmpar-.îaly par. eepca afd Ulufm i te spimi- lyze, m blef id t ae, 1W ipetie uCîunbe'srnefi Morult rci", nd U IAmu-oekpa, stne a Midhcaon ~ l tat hiva seCaf MMa i leiurtpu= eO! te brimiatSc S an thagbtIoif olccl noaicg, bring tehbci byeIbrugi Vh sumer giimener ithe nuunîýbers amî.f teave "I oga th ce o fo isro fas.Themi toe eery two Dr. ham's ervFed, (quarts cf rider vinegar cff a piene acf ermvomd l th j!7aun isesze o! n hickory'mut, "damat ail nwI bi e-giseauronesa acf ,reiaess, ann ai -,-L' w7ork aga. 'ie ala feuon 'hie ocns, e. eral chngelum1oniio7 - ba bac mcalremris grce nppes cf asisnlihepo! evercate kaew otiTat -Bin g iiAeN h o afaii rnalloauiyd aga i iervusMy. acigtsepcl icrugiy Irnis tom as odi bult u woderfliyby bîs.e. he în, pu h-ais!ov!er tiaoin apettolefrt-Yaeand I have gained con- cf aîthers1raiai te ff avo Dr_.CGisse's NroF;od, tise grabtemtof! Jparup tiseirpictelsilaJem jarsbut amy esterabiv50as, ce at M m aldalrsegazed stone araCs aru he as SA ILcrease Of onl'y two C'gs a H.It :willgvehi neaead Imo re, besîdes gîvin"g t1isepumg bettr glosa, an iicijnevry,,y ce- ing them m tnptop hclthi, aise)I mlaking the chicks hardier. For thse wiater layirng cf g té here is nethung, as good on this or I aay other markct. Kcep your hiens from Fretting- by using HERGULES-LOUSE KIL - U..R. Try it and sec tise dfeec ia the wcight and egg proctcion. Nothink better for keepjing 4he Uhechouse cdeantissIa iCLES Ail Ciydesdale rpaaiosare lsold under a PO'SITV UR ANTYEE OF SATISFACI ON or maoney ciseerfully refunderi by thec I CLYDESeALr STOCKIC 01oonCe., imtJ a hellow tooth for tohce It ro- lieves pain, buît inox itably drstrovs the subs'tance of the toth"l itself, 'hic ;h U-r a1 s aay See011aîter t'dri b -rade bv Ixin gar. Stir tilt ilUis rot, ad t alus tîsat are discaedod ý, if sent tt a laun!ry Ite n'ash aîsd be birdachýeI, meake c ery good shirt waists and1 white tailored dresses,. Theiy are al linî, and work up beautifclly in this nay.' For n duirîty disb ofl peas, sten' the green poas with a litti e butti,- acd neon ator la a ccx ere tili tender, tho timeî varyinig accordin'-, te the age cf the peas. I the pea.% are at nl old add a littie scoce in the ccoking. Iîîk spilled on a carPet mnay bl takon iup nithout leaviîig m.y stain if dried saIt bc applied imimediatc1y. Ams the sait bocomnes discoloredlibrmia it cil amid apply more. W-et siightlv- continu(o titi the ink bas di;sappcarc d. A simple expodicat for riding the bouse of re is te place a litteo Ol of pepperminit or sprays o! the fresih lîerb round their hauîîts-, as thcy have a great antipathy te the odor. For cockroaches, petato ash fornscd hy buruing the parings te a cindor on the hack of tlie st.ove, iil ffci- tually hanish theni if scattircd ubout the places wbcre theycongogalo Water hugs, that i!,:st c fic it apartmoent, ivili vaîsish if il IIcrack- and crevices whore t.1-y1-ruaIare spraýýcd three 'or four timos a dar. with nater la whioh carhelic aud bias hecît dissolvef On lthe proprtionî of two tabiespoonfuls of acid te one plat of water. Gare must, ho taltae le handliug the acid. PULLINa ONIO)NS., To pool oîslons n ithout hricgiîîgi tears te the oyes, put theni la a deop) pan anid pour beîliîig wt ec thera, as fer skincing teto-oes.1v the ti 'me yen cau bear y(,cr Lhnnds la the n nIer the onion skies ar iosea- cd eocugh te ho easlly .iipc ie, ofleun itheut any nid freýin a kaif er Sbould, there ho any net se, readil'- ioo0soed-, hoid them neUi. nderthe n crîn water wiepeeLeg. ýYenm' AU.L, GS8 1EDLAR FE JA r cyoýs will he spa-red and your and nlahsorb lseof the oerthan, *a I thedondo wayof pcrimîg. DISH-ES OF .mIJIN CE. creani te a stifi freîh, add gradually a third o! a cupful of quimîce honoy and jsugar te sweetcn if, aleedd. I"tî m'deictey ith a few depaof gesa ousiy withbianred ad dcli- catly imrwnd imeas,ii cheýýpped ~twutil ender, tta ch ii rr o, the yoio!tce oggs asîd a cupful 1 ,.t (if ý s iugar I ,ý'> i Citililiiht. add th 1 gmSaied mm ad U~O f oaf al ao m t chppd ulaes acufu etrisn bet to beateanites cfurgg Stenni thoece hers artr a teedpudding meu-ad. Siervewith auce.dig nb QponfulefSaur-Lîin te ir frve ,ni 1 toc,orkod lqîsincos and ad suffloiea watr tte make fl ocpfuýtis andthen boat te ho Qineiing. Pur radumîlly ovor thiire. quaretea cfakecupe -u f muod wtima nucilagtable ixtte h o otil quitethick. Add allp :"ih fc mpficfbttr eadthea mie f cal! c lomon. a uc fiiemîtlipeqines lýthmnake a icutu caf pui, ed add fth aednrid at iuioeao! bai! a een. Beat te yolks cifueos d the hi tes cfý terven itîswiheeerucs'ter ota up2u cf sar, ibeocdd oithe buinespand a fesxtl deomes <if sclaband aîcfao omfl rcf reaîî. rcniagetaepud- diiigr. s ind iteswth aot bal! ck ie, ccd bfr nt iaktherrins moetdert n Cot roknitl aËmer iqjuertcf sihed oniies ote eoit- ineuveint d itb recoinor neta5 ie-e Tosato and Rire scup.(ofPiar athr so c fren tho boarand- udnsighthpe roscf canb aun afo t cfr t het arn' ng theheat la butter. tiss, season ith ofSali and pepper, cdidthrc uareraof uar cup o! rirece eyl utie grin aIe oiden obju no brkemi. Hstocab quar cfsidftematees t th heu te ip sepra o he eds. Add 10 th tomae pul cp ersop (e! which cd ~ o crn terrackf etra tebto finu tesbond agan todthe iree tad ndtofî-ma selaseîgc! sali crnan peppr eqied, ncube ofsugar pLeed hanh.d rcley bastos. d tom batenPisof-sixe a stockllba ceoon ogfashie cfhevi ci untite tfheique', uici a faglso ofrls,ar hang cutnpof ait.; lsimnîor an thoe, tifl eten dd iesedium sim tomx a atcs pce and l iced, adi tabrlesn cftceceercenash mut ntire quat cf th o. Breistoin ointo astrain iiethe turea.o Taom tatsTimalthes. Add on" eof toapon cfscdima-t ba a cup ! orearmaîd stirin ny tc rup forccld stenaete sedtom elad s Addhe tla had ryolks tfosixecggs, le tesooafsait, twahedsane qýnnt fosuioa rcuie c tabosponncfisugar atid aa sicg0f ppka lsti.,%chd lis the stifyatmn uhieswe! ihrepop moldsced bcaked unth emis. Standi thed moitis n in bot waterwchmaio tciheu aflerf te rngeisare set in thoiiie eto tikplp pedo sbciii plats antheelach iea oocf toatýecopesti utrîfalexil ase hboxe.anne, hoteindhyotho tr e!tomatoosBudtcrivothr10oras. to- p Fep ., te paie p -1-ccds-cetis E good and much more capacicus. tRed cabhage mnakes a tasty relish by way o! change and la casiiy ruade. Chop the cahbage or shakoe finly with a Sharp kaife, sprinikie wlth Sait- and whole cos, and pou r ever scalding vînogar. Cover close- ly and il will -ho ready fer use wjthin a wee. USEFUL HINIS. Wherî mixicg pastry add a littie lemon jucete the cvatir. Ih fi- proe s the flavor. Milk kept la shallow hewis in the hot weathcr will net get Sour se easity as when kopt ia juga. S-tand eharcealine your larder; yen will find that it onabies you tet keeep mont sçwoet and woeeî e a considerjabie tinte. To Tn ,o -n hbard w'ater for ivashino purpeses, add a teaspeenful cf ber-I ax te a quart. The borax is qultel Lt nosevon te a tory doîlcato I loltting paper ciakes a better! erascy for slight soul on writiag or water-cclcr paper than the regular rubher eraser, with less damnage te the surface cf the paper - If you wisis te kcep a kit.cîsen,]kaife particulariy Sharp. neyer put ilta greaso. Stir and tura groasy ceci,- ng with ai old, hroad-lded butchcr knife, or cemian, dul rase- kanife. ta romaking a niîttrcss or repair- icg uphoistcred fmrniture tbat ce 'ds tacking ett men ais, a home-atade needie may ho bcd fmom the ribs e!f an umlîrclla. Peint the end and i tise snal lio sertvos fer an e'.e for the twine. -Ia choosing a sponge. get an un- blcachcd ene in spite cf appoarnscos. The bieachiag proces rots the spoage and makes it tender. Bc carefrîl te wmicg dry ecch time, andi yen will bave a sponge Chat lasts. Scaid necasionaily wirh botling n nIer and wasiig sodaî, nse, and dry. -The selid parts of eue bodies are ceetinmînlly wnsting awny, and require te bu rcpnired by medical substances, that restore tise lest vitaiity. There are only two methods of building up fthe rua down sys! m You can censuit the pîmYscianocomscîutrt- ment witb Dr. Slecumn's famous, remedy, 4'PSYCirmNE," In nil pro- bability "PsvcmmE'" 'wii bis the best dector, and the cheape,%t in the end. Scores cf imedical mon advmse is use n the worst cases of decline and neakness. It is an invaluable teon ir, pleasant te the stomnacb, buda up the mon down systcm, stenibnstbe nerves, sets the liter rig t, cures dizzinoss and beadacho, croates, appetite, and is a cil round fan'iiy mcdi.. ine, uscd- by -thou sands of mca, woen cnd chljdren in cveey part o! the Dominion. Asie drugg-îst1 about it. GREATEST 0F ALL TON 108 SterIin, Tollet Ware Solid' and heavy-as Im well as of sterling quaI- ity-s the silver coin- posing the Toilet Ware fromn Diarnond Hall's own factory. Cbaracterized by more than ordinary beauty is 0cr P-ompadour pattern- a I signsorn'ewhat c A large full-bristied > hair brush selis for $6.oo. Prices quoted for sets of any number of pieces. STEAMSIPS. PROPOSED SAiLINGS Montreal to Liverpool Dominon. p '3Ottawa ..Sept 30 The CANADA is the fustest steamner in the Camnadian trad, hIoilding a r-eCord of ,i days, 23 bours and 48 minutestween Inishowon 21ea,4 and Father peint. Midship Saloons, Electric Liglits, Speed and Comfort, Rates. irsIt CIass-07.O Second Class--$40.tO0 and -Pward. ecr %ngtosteamer and berth. Third Class-827.50 to principal l3rtish Port Children:-FirtGlass, under 10 s.ndeover 1yr half f are; under 1 year free. Second Glass, under 10 over 1 viar, baSf fare; cader 1 year friee, P yeor ait Pa. ticulars as te fret ght acd passage' M.A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville, Ont, ALLANLIEb Liverpool arîd Londonderrv ROYAL MAIL STEAMERIS. FEOM4 MO2NTREAL - Tunisian.........riday, Sept. 22, 9 a m 1Vetortan.......' 296s l3avarian ..... ..... . Oct. 6, 5.80am VIrgician . ... ...13, Tu,15n ................" 0 Vîctorian ........ 1, atsof Pasmage Firpt Cbt-i5,sd upiyàrh .aerdg to steamer: Second îim ;ýýi. ixrpciaîLoe* docderry 40 4.0$im Lîîu310 extra. TnirdGas e75,Vctmaa( MONTREAL TO CLSGW IRcT liat n . .... Parlîlsa ..........rl-mr st281am 1For Tickùes nd , cyIu 'A~to .Apply te M.AJVIS tlowAaî ,l pui ~The thermometer 'on -1the Pandora ra nge oven, means precisely in ac- curacy to the cook what the square and compass mean to the draftsman. W.ithout the square and Vý compass he draftsmnan would have to work en- tirely by guess, just as you do without an ac- curate and rlal thermnometer on youir oven. The Pandlora thermometer- redluces cooking to an exact science. You know precisely how much heat you have and what it wilI do in a given time. It is one of the small thinigs wich makes the Pandora so much different an d better thaý-n common ranges. Wamrelheuses and! Factories g Lo~aonToronto, 2MOntreal, 'ý"Tînnipeî. V'ancouver, t.John, N.Bl., Hammilion

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