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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1905, p. 2

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Dseuth uestcchmberGanf-,duZh iready hring Ilnlenatoc;t co weiili bc waiting.- "Tic is nîy LIar ld love," se t W~on't e eguidedbky thse experience _of ethers-take what u k pjieitoGcelae;"êtip they took-and cure yourself as they cured theniseives? Fruit- uneP_.rcyen 'don't quite understand" a-I es (.Lre tCe cause of the headadia. Thev remove t'rie cIod ",Y-, ina'arn!" aniswered itue. ~osos hihcause it entirely reieve constiîpation andftome up te nerve. W udSa vr ra pn n sil], fliitiig about like a butt, i ri ~YS3etri i ro a usatedt oubt î1 or Ildlushing, like a peeny. T hav trid Fruit-a tii-es and feenld titen rplendid for headaches. 1 fe!sl a efa nes ufeig ier eiYnhs elvr'~ btte bieicea eedtakiug 'theln. ltiniz th e cf 1':, a"0eddiudce n c ah odun sod on t O es, nia'arn, 1have," ce tht a ting aai trepuvig iventor, f(Il cLesFaiedb LIpI r, confusion.grl,--~ - dakenig Ocebersky.Weil, Genie," and Miss Woodburn 'Iad te luretrew ts Thai l r-gi in ~toek the girl's face betvxee lier lok u cre at Tliad, the chere the mac iiewas blisy tyiag dessi th2 HNALES FAILED th;at 1 wen't ma'atm!" cxclaimed fos ins1r their winter's rer-t. ILIe. 'Il weet be suri a-" or Le 'b1t," e," îlie lsw ere d, oianrig L"An idiot, 'finishel Miss IHallie11 "tirce , lii s as if it Ladl angcs Writing oferdae TAugust 15, "Well, leaven hlsbren better te nieP Soc. a bhc%. All druggists. Maufactured by Fruit-a-tives Lmtd Ottawa., wigs" 1904, Mrs. TL. C. VWal ker, of 5 Trenient thlan i1 deserve, Genie, and 'I wt0 "týiIt timie goes ilreadfllvS 10ewl, StreetoefMc, says: IlMy bogin niy thanksgiving te-nigit." The 601d Dust Twins are always ready te ok;ty _____ ___________________ ~~~~sister hadl a teri umeur on ber Wlien tie nice tramp came down for aecranyatssh h iaigue hr' t~~ SemethaînIs, fer soieapeeple," she rù- ahonider when she was cighteen his ceffee Miiss Woedbumn exclaimied, aeCrinyrts nthclnngio.I led, wtn a ralLacr, thiga sy e nthe old, cuigintense sufferinig h upis:"'i, e ikrs e anable whi h "I'ste mrtl eni ha teiefor two yearýs. We adsvealde-hrvc ecire!" S fiends of lbers ceuld't liav e coîce te eat lhai'îsg-iviin' with lier,' b riters, and trilldeveryhîg, butin spjte And iadn't lie! As lie sftood there ~ he pemsd Tndcecudd eof ail we did 'it 1k.epJt spreading. One 1lauhing,, dressed ini the latest style. _ _________________________ sil coi tie mt eîrac- dayit wold closrdtien crack ivith a gleani ef gold in lis attire! huisif 'Te, iev-nta"'zi tîopen and atr mtercz fei erie e -falli," lie s'sid, gnri tt)r3 cane. peakbc et aoie. tit and tic,-ab w l ai.ýl atff. Itle Stoeped te kisherc,qu i tl-u not clean-and CIO it better,mon qucklyandmor Divin Lov lias Not een levealed t 'TI is i'e-tfuii put ait ouidbras~or ~olden dals.'I antect te nrre Czonomically than anything else can. You arentsrvg abeut tiese visiters," siaid hlecCrtic-raroandewIlimmoviateiyntrampisît apparl(." GOL DUST dentially, Il"rer de-sie las , rd Ib lf utcua ro-cuiiloeiet xodee i et Our best itrsei o'etyngt ephis ihu Encourage Iluman Lazinesa. thing on er wmmd; it Ilutbe shes and aakerýof Cuticura a.hwsseegy. Turc sic o," - Oshv~A erb~foos as-nedoe ds e!f A des atrî fros Br okly , Y , fiel0a'dtic ilisde la tierame awaySin e n fflc Oit cn. B feeif w s ad, stly TTe m î'ov îl idcsine. D Telasigbahrom iis ec. ni edg ie tes i&Oî suti I Is: Lv 1r ew i D i-t b uî 'veaieî fi' h m v-e isi 'e d as " . I u etf ic a a erd m s ai en esa i ak d h ng e a ei Tl n sgîn ."Mti Y iI N .I IiB I C M A .M noiP.Q-besQIF I Y O P preacicc freifttcrte!bwiagtexi.itisaI rceîded letgrialby ihvesithe teriousuy "lnI was udES' F'R fer thebettertand se was cnfirnd "iiew e tat iseLor li jecftheai. a aer andgiesa'vredaid cucditit a scdarlbinga apleftby ÂISAND APAESE (led: t is o thel hall chast us Bt iri ut, peces1 f ticperfrct- leer oiTwithe4 issul et reaser=theonepbo.ofeOntmenfand oe cak a d nefS1- i frve s; rokln a .Y.,lis ldiug t e IIs It roidncs eths e a s' a i cti fcd et."of toap. H1,cskinLesl now cntirely - 1'epi D Ned ih' slhcr1 et biss- atî'auge i iderd.-'eîlaps a usanans "Irleve uLr?" hanTiad sared at LeaLadsh ias et id a Ia ý Vîst of Briish Flee te Toki frrr."-the. .,,3. ce îI 'e îîntde rstncd âLýI) byth in gertiy t c eitei u 4y I 1Ge a s gith idc <sp fon trou' J)Cîn e, lL a O pt . _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ is SIdbcaythickbath a il lsa lurin the moe intoicte purposes'Xyca. eetcrtaimonta<if tisethtioer'bet tfe0SUN GROWS !zone gruîgieaory cd ls a bis let ai-e ofg rovidhteutce. lis "lly es Ne ikes. Votfnitcklofew UUaUU i. lsiiîî Dowis suadeusdîîicgth ils deandcieg cyicirofbit1is e thstaît miie .prant ncmind aI dyecicadTh.vec, treîoitacî- a flld lie flsMfIt iadasuo os porue reic ies cI.t the. - s as i r i t- m o er e lu et a tic en iiat Her e fuu y. pph. veek las ons sted cf t c us al T e S artleg A no n enee t o cî-esing mltitudee! pepî t vlie in îileadtrugitruir-ed l p u t în asagod -iîsDa1A 1 terMoier hca uîch iont. Tokic mer- not'e i, f'IveuastYantits eld, tofr-cg hite'ate att i ag o- tied oiu ,"pt iniii Tlas N d. - cat CticurYeua is tc let bab nwoiti matfteri h etficen v-otf the S iN r uib r Bil. 1 tiseiy, 'itsie ad ler hue eespniyig icsia ad ht utcua ti British saleadrccducJaisesî itesslenaciteprs- v-ci ds rnbg cic trocst ihseat l etth ednclic lt c'ilsearciaed ailleig îsi ltevaîssw ts inm tiutl. th tisîac ilereî-iheat oiessofthabie taisttlogidlret-A'Pa"trsc - 't i o picics aic erasorwe. lu's ay suse Marshes intigadlinigtr-rnds icîvl eldyîiT eî-su~ hle staindbase front bi pof 1]lc e mlnatitd e tleo p pa rgt my cs t le er-0, vad iibut dnly, ts a lout Ibis i Di] ernp tiesicig, n ha- I îeJpaee Frytbuad tglivhiefînn l sbet t - erCl, oa i ye eBowi wr 5 te uesîcî tie kyhirImi'aîd iseibugi iglt -rfl dove eer- ue e' -1r int ae aunt nc ir ig.A igl plati g n dCui-I ii i etie frath lis isecd-egdli ofIytegrn s Isaul lreon flc tiler, buthsly wberc, thatoîi lncfi ieai te11 os f e, buisi old a l ier aed-Cie cua Obi mth v recdc b awmn fobereal eceCdepetThia le oasc a i i tolerI h l IcTe aftiholas hM lo rnds te acremth et lises br teakg, daîs<he l er l.tiserbetI îp' ceîMrsîedsuerAs ahith(C-tsi, u andeap gsesistatateitis isdbadsîcue Juîinbie e 1sal is ensesndon. ndth -ss- u i Ioi a t s tti ispi l'i ii.îs hsev trus tma.t tc ti" isinie eceis a is ln LÀ ad-r.s t m ev nd c iv this jr- re e and ref r icng valeepfor -ili el' e 'Cp iXr i u .1 sre hnoîy ws he Iaat bliis thle rse fonue, iesasrd,- hellea e the daî'kof te-'r et lendonc as lev'e-leexe ne ofig. Iieet A hd - repaei Thîlt ertstine d alnd lniilr te i-it . feledisi-r -1res-t îy brar,"nfrctc liothrs.aîpek etrgeciîs mae îir-ierstlebnai Iliatas ileaieiontlieathtse suif Catind-is whn. wc ar meuble. templisisîti, tInt ailrdtisi sgddarev, 'orksseboutciyi ti raiua Scîîp iias *i, u ttang, <Mfauni ,a li . e aîr laedof gal t îshav e l r cd eenlier. IV fa n l e bX7t bht thetd. Lry ,llLandnu,'adCiess uhoivered. by thefro efise'Y thei iei i s y ' isesa tîr nt htîs hiî og ige s' e e e 1 l ne vgi -caler ' 's Ceise la se sa' leath e os i.Asing e e l'a e saapic eatin fC uti-d . tise i s oIte ateiisu its s R i tc u souB eboie li ir fuue-i 17.1 n the tille, but o-ilywarsair RferthiallIt eelie wliee, houh hîtrs berier t of Meriwod aaint hni rid i c r iiitn&iîe, rp.,Ba eloa,5ateProps. d ca 'sg e xce'lpcttou b,'rtijie t eiteicc lis ofail Ceesbeolçtin -crandeytes know no feî'- tihs' aude 3rtiwsîhisre-t Aiii:ah itaas Cu"iowu ra aby-ie n ta nt nst ilrch litenis svidon. sesuele t h r)wis toi'siî'pe bsfoi iviîIlas Titfaillideet te ie n rinit gbucS ta-cr oin sIf lir heurt sacuiti break ' frelieeianr-lt f île aquatfrcisi-naeissoat re ul netaeay u froîsey tceh0lgo owl piine isoncfled'i lkrsgeîî ui oponde.e r-vItia anîî lobat ept-rcutiledi ao-tad ixcn.iî-Anofs Cep a tiaiece W>s iot en t m saen lsor ai ; f thîe e-e s f0;lo eu' iioîcr e iy Ia terdas evera cf X'd - valuesispaoîpaereprJi v-lien Ile tis id e ensve csti o itciOC Ntîig ctrc eickes.d e lie sc : gss"' tîet nilier i-onrst re P Al dcne, îe n owr deeo i iniite ci Silà,ii lSe. le ic c cp -On the, tar ertI Is -'f tiiiit' a nte whrl ogetts'flore asi e-rosn" j hid 1Ia l,ýfe sîldth rs -ýt te ' tsI s ît byD iase - eltiime icgcrs riud d? uat ," ttcr tIti ti cetfldîs-e tînt tIc Tbad irev lu lr~tis lii larct l lad gon te lie cd, î'e pt oesci tf" teenîa t pnce, it iili utc o'l'n ssiaiedstcas ag tiason iva gavesvoutnseriee, ý'1 . co plised, hat il t lig arewor s de t issu, lc aii a fly iul Mr SaOitc hllPsae to , SC atlransiot ioifiltelt îss T ur- e s îcrt a et îebody n l îlinît ss"ler-sa co cri ig-bt our 5e o lat t a i n o geît ca otihli N eîas a u hi ei endicrrle te- 5Ru el a- s LTýq&C. y. tiercfe adbsut0vih tsr n d bciein teftr ieiio ay0 ofne cs Pr(uoviden ev-s n yeî'tuîg d çic les ýt tn t e wle. fr. Tie ali tuss l anidcgnois e' ii-iSýv kl' tItis tfe,,ins- -t j u, .yIl.u.. ode siaie,iitg nde Aîlde-JjS 0a neesadl"smuepirpoicest auat ______ mlk-ureere1creff' lasg- Thitetsag lin i'dtathee beeiit ieom yin'liThe nvi iiet otitpeples.aTse suistcxpleiîed tise act tin WaBut usiscîs1u5ercioec tsaisdr-atiî'; thpi Isote lreekiiforn n-nter oi-tyr-titirLie toCciia Oslîiîsnf moeWes ro lise r-un p e r f e c t i nAav isieos- eo ft ij i <s " P - i I ino t, l p o r u e si d e s c '- m ic v ' el p r - I r E' le m e t i , u h r p ei n u i xt u et ie u ein c hs--l c ri i a n breu is le d of I l wh1-1 ca l foriti i i Bs' spitiN otn g clti a es ilg bycru Sipl'In ith i" dttssales.: îî5vii iitlta cGs it b a niage s ipitAndul- estîtetiwe-t e n ecalYi,, . 3"Cqintelt- 11rIous auei il Lcs-tl pitctr isessai fracpot; jm'îc eicto r kla mtigen sth e , Iem iufoder îiov at' isi ai lf si 'u0IcLe'J'e tataue-n-lin illo enas kîpl up. u is ct, îsdefull -ichd f a1li ui r iie ti ii d , L îiý L tîreM us e t e ie n atis, b th e c ie n cebu re s th e T h[ d r w b isidi-catlî !le bîslpL e hti ha p eslcIl)bflic L ak es oiy-p arlicieo era mster. \ V e pnil;xwr e s s. h h e g e d li s g e b r a it je ~ Ù I S & e d lt ~ it . m a u r t o d a - i- nj oihiess s ab otit it." a b 'd . t _Y 0 t r f-iltic j g îe t iîsg tise Ma m ic iu ri i i- t f-i na c e ai r o nta till o n i rli aîs d pe ur t h a nt fit' C r m a O u r c me if n i' li , b u fi o îd t r a e a n u tb c Tip s e t hela w a te î s e ns e i e , -idpi s l o n s n - ap î î ie T it 0 0 ,udi ri-t ea t t r n ill u t c -t efrit e dl ' si î s.j i î e su , î sv l o g dii iî Jeervi i ' aisutemprownfrtues? theoerst d tiumphe(bc. deThour- ie tI stiled sîce (rast aei)vti ýfc nnadgteigojpiý-ca rsrt n h ipepicpei f r i n t i e t hci e e t a n - ase, j e ae s i a l l ia Le i a l y te , b e r v e sr e h i c h i v - o u i-r i e t e p a t n t h ea to i gaŽ I 2ea sI Or u saineerincipo. it e arl I- ci r tIse or t a nî. Pe ia ii i it li t111s l G thi cfe s'a t - . M c rl u n îl1me -ca1sîil i s tl let l ir e svol d uiir 138 Y OIi i 6e S ten"ldul zlrtths ai e !r h î~nsd sîcei n usie lai vher ieé ced1lel),"is-9 (ai cd te tic floor.or t A C O L tS O N pr veso n d g r fan ed B ur en, u g e tse " t ck !Lie g -" Irs ac n A p r pî o ieq n th -y îî î- l e ui siwaha e t a sîîgl sîso sen tt a sse. -' 0 omt an i wîIsvirn im nd "Teu casheoid t ieImaasenicprlto- I- tthe Sun. tiThiysCouiuiî cgeit tu' 'l i ire at ct sti li s' ausi -l ai'l ii ssual lie strh ir ui endear t que st o e l a e t _ 1 s o u r u r g u m i a z t e - ' i a e i m c ! a i l m n i n i h ie * u t h i u y . o in t h i o iae 'pii e g . u e t u e a s i î e liii en tZA ' l M e S O e î c g i . l c î ' n aseo iîrf s î ' m l l o t e ntl t e a l e-e n e d t t e r c e , - I e t - c e î t n s s t i u g t e v e n i n c e n d ~ a I e r n g f e l n j u r e s l t ! " t t i t d e , e v - o e r , i s e a c i e m i e l e ! - i dI iu -i u v a s a r - a i e u i i t g c l e c e t ' testu ra n i l ' oth e < - i , O O , O Oi n yo st l rd f ld ti ani ~ i~ itl.' - . ie lps li esci i at diiy Iiolrs. I "- i' y n I?" r-a ak ti 'on oîîyan B csi- eSitelp'c f on î e uacnendi-a 'te î es c glo it by ui liiigIna es --- t-I "1f l lua.,e'andatia s"Ylue amais or I' I - Il'hici'nis Il ans i'il iIL ti tlrv h se rte' estd au it,cs c i n ;C cue s-es bî-cusn 1ericu1tîg, Itîs- - ' ss's-i c t ear -ta tasuitnit1l -'- ý , - îîî"rc teiauegrap " D en'18stheg iti t ý,% e -us- g iethes u ue he t n c uit l niteola insk s llisrn sIl saeatni-t, ju-earewiie phplo; îlicrorlel ;,i(rnis-usassa eprodoicic et tisetcalicetlil iey . C î' b lo e s s 'e e htsePa n \IcM e t sn M r t iej , i d s u s . i e j - il c c i , - b l at t i ; toes i h t e b i, o u a g c t i g ti i t u t e r s m u a î n u v a i e t o n y ti t " c i i R o e gil fpeîs n]u ise oc.IQslciue e band t elle-l t ntciui . es natiscisletiti)( s "iurlians o rt';f, set n i (id, flset latbo îlee Pr .tficntfo--0, IO ON il n tues fe- en nas poe t ily I Wutiatstie lias' ciiliseuite ot tttiss Iali, ldurn i s ploise yuu i tti ; e p; ladie lîtekea1, up, lu. teati. i apise'l ant gh sly eosion TIsirsdaunr , ue inLrt tlascn î t he î liisdhjle p e u'gfr Asuerl u ode nl jalise usuta ja t ît Ip athr ia recforieDcF- aiuygwere' theunue-t tfal.,arî," eWsalît. mliiia pasufultheî'Iiahliaens led.cTlL Endatcî'eiî;-telr miiioctyeara. - .sutifgaMuingl'e moatittcIl tliosca ît s h g A, G C; , arîs tia is a ug'0im- MS 1' a llie v tisune te0te miti ume star, h E-taSm iN -p v sdr-i y a u tî'anfl.ei Ittu nt i 'ie sate, u eu-" i'biedetu the.snîien;he "yice -iynana us t om p n t ri teur-eroi ub li d l'hiA su g ali ety lfI xI neatrma cft in n emir-t m s r a l't fýiý;Le love l'a not bcýsn revsa- ts îtelis bat-ancoa Paingocîtin oigi Vit'nsauhesp' bacoboots!,tise îly eJliererdbut tesbcal-riesup bili timusi Titi onta inntr-ip ati d l-u e t t e e ntuviont he ue c Ceati lt îîs lniue anti ale t h rtnt l e ucî e aep the r. ,, r fo- pCnZ e tr' S ubjIEcaSTe re cus ii ix re knbti fen r tichgsi-asî ;gnu. 'ii. ta ihdo ss- aI e- oniic litie usct tia, lit rua' '. Iu -cc; h a t u s e li iilu yryra s s ue1ilmd st Puckas d n u stic' g enc s isaî tu h sÊes ie guu l c b' u ns s tor i li n it tsate, d u ter s- iturei , isct.y Ih i-cae nif n ai h !unt- - ili n o Ii'uî tlc ; f e -sc eu ,1 nai ss eus ti. Fic- 't u by ti c dsi -te iCllts, h m ps O stic' a ltt e n yn7hischsro le to l'e fciai r u i I tser-'ef is" îîuth îerî'J ly le us er Iî p sa li It l p o l eloto lice s ii e o i, . ' o is- n h~' , n er i s ilone d i n fssi 'csi s-a t n s s-aci- stisat y,t i cu' -c aga s ,l ed, dean,111-iand e ti) , -s o Ž'î)LheAS."a w s e t ea s it- it 05 iLIosi tiia l si a d 1ýI cu f p-tm a airse'snIg - -t h e ionu c rouslaiSigIsl lsl syg, ccu i mcnsîs la. s a d uca i t ir-ad t a- TheAL TO R 0F foraiA île~~~~~~~~~~~ ys:-TihagliCzarr. utsericssai toretehifol-i!s lluasiee suri,.n iiy- h s r-ca'toI îhucthet." j do 1 .uî v-cuis i-ot-.- 'oivi -or Princeeante PriheceriahetrVeniesiSta ýWen('lln4 -)sc _______ y o a Gý -DOu1AS if lie goceand b-Lie.ric;oI aciii- Isa'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.ts ria. ssaei ii' sss1,,,sn assiauseT- oui- IT athsenrlane'd le asogavee thusr-as - iO Ic - Oi-ih asona Sx-aonfl'hosit We us iii i e r Isll uthse it Itcof lut", est Iltb,,,unir.te1as-LIek I c la ou-gis eutlt' V.- - - - - -- Am Um, W - A'D c - , , - --__ - -c-1__M D UU II -fa U-a p5air' ,or ,c-ce,'ro eicc i 5uyec c-, to a' fl'iin withlus lis. nil lile roî i,n gci iisîîl canard isautaots c i liitg- sstec . Tue -aihd uIts shc; vlcî-a bat i- R y Wi=.Th w'vny t eer d& troit an heur glace trIcllet laiee mon"tà c " lotibe Ice a c u'î mtis teouil0lu an;-r a--ilse an, tic secaeensiu -ueo-frintise teti ndî us of't , .bAi ss.y t'p i =L hoa«ly barok ilgbit!" ,-nph- iaro h aid.asitey ous tste i-uo-ane uîec-sci ftise acucc-pan ani Ici-t ho-'cause yenreine Umm fluein" vil MPUMPla (docsif esor, Tomm,"-to "IfI c Inas)1e: ci cnusis'leainutirug'isi Se( ic e somp fo Sndss scsoi taciot'ualcdL'.s-, (ProtuncedSi-kee'î.) itrsale a al drug store,,, $1,00 peur botie. I druggit has' sychine inusokcî iln i persaons iiLýngoutahtiocf Torafeasamiple matilet c n i 1-"' 1,? -i - Conzpkuous~y a winner.

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