-Grand Trunk Ralwav Svstem. iRAMLWAN TIE TABLE. BOWMAItVILLE STATION. GOlMQ RAS? CoiNG W145T Matil........ 9 06A. M, 1 Express .. .. 5.y2 a. M. 1 Exp l-10 10 mN1Local .... 757 *' tixe.... 3 39 p.rn. 1Ps.senger-.1 36 p. m. Local... - 649 pm. 1 Mlxed. .7 33' Mai]l......1024 p>m EXpress ...11.40 p.î.. liunday OnlY.1 Tickets to certain points soid iu aceordaue witd fspeclsJ holidzy rates announef lu another 'column will flot be honored on trainsý Nos. 1 or BTàirT & Juav. Town Agents Beware of the Imitation. In ail Can:ad a there le no remedy for roughness of the ekin that willi give quicker results than1 Oream of Violets.1 It cures in One Night. It bas gained such a reputation i.n this seetion that an imitation bas Pbeen placed on the market. Poor things are never imitated.' The genuine is only sold hy Stott & Jury, Large Bottle 25ce. The E YEF Is top delicate an organ to trust in the bauds of the inexperienced. Your Eyes May be troubling you by smarting "Just a littie." Hleed thie warning --Whenthe eyes smart, iteh and burn iiniae y~tanl taken in time the trouble can be e-ntirely removed. Il nec -lected headac-he and general depress!Qn We have relieved hundreds in ~Jthis dis3trict and if we can't reliev-e you; it costs you nothing. Examination Free. In private Optical iRoom, Stott & Jury, The p lace whiere v ou get. Satisfaction," -2 Graduate Optîcians. Phone 78. R 1?rouohes the Tiekie, Jt Stops the Gougb, In an experience of over 25 yrs behind a drug counter selling al kinds of cough mixtures we have neyer found a remedy that will ac- tually cure a eough or cold quicker Tamarac -Cordial Many cough remedies disturb the stomacla and per-nanently iinjure >the bronchial tubes. heasandi Cordial soothes and beal an isentirely harmless. Large Bottle 25c. Family size 50c, Your money promptly retur- ned if not satisfied. Stott & 'Juryr Druggists and Opticians. Phone 78. WOMER'S ALILETS. E ighty per cant. of thislus of womankindasre due to Kidny de1rangenient. Backacbe, pain in theýsidc, headache, depression, jPimpleis and eruptions, swelling offe Pet Ad taste In the meun, al camec from disordored iriduieys alilawin,, p oisons wich should becarr-icd off te roemain ini the '~Dr. itcher'sBackache.Kidney tabiets positively cure al kidnley trouible, and frec womnnfroin aches and allient,. M rt. Richard Meyrs, Prestes nt~, sayï z Ilha , asevae.pain lu my ba hat gave mne ircna.In tise daylie nddisturbed me nigista. DrBp th r'sfeksco he Kney Tai. nel~rtiat depresing wtaknenu in h. mornjnqgag to erly."1 r. Zina Pilciser Co., TofGnto,' Ont. BOWMANVILLEI, OCT. 25, 1906, POIRSONAL. Mr. Harrv Penningtou'ia homne tromn Maio.Man. Mr. Ed. F Wèekes, Toronto, épent Sunday et home. Miss Carrne Martyn bas been visiting relatives in Toronto -Rev. S. F. Dixon, Wooler, was guest of Mr Pred R. Foley Monday. lliss May James, Toronto, is visiting ber mother, Mrs. R W. James. Miss, Eva Stanlick, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Miss Ida Richards. Mie~s Ettie Oliver, Toronto, is visiting her mother and other lriends here. Mrs. G. RaLworth has returned from a pleasant visit with relatives in Nap anee. Mr. Win. Fielding, Minden, spent Sunday with his brother Mr Robert Fielding. Mr. Fay M. James whospent'a month hers bas returned to bis home in Short- Tract, N. Y.. Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, K. C., bas been appointedMinister -of Labor by act in Council. Mr. Oswald Pollard. Toronto, was guest o! his father Mr. S. Pollard, Reg- istrar, Saturday. Mr. L. K. Farr o! ýtise D. O. & P. Co. office staff, is bolidaying witb bis par- ents in Newmarket. Mise E. E. Hayeraft bas returned froni a very plesant fortight spent at Rochsester, Murray and Holley. N. Y. Mrs, James McClellan, Wbitby, bas be - eying with ber motber, Mrs. JobW*iîght., sr., during bier illness anid doath. Rov- J. Rodzes, B. A.. Oshawa, preached la St. Paul's churcis Sundav. Rev. Hf. Muaroe, B. A., preached in Oshsawa Miss Lîlian Smale, Providence. wiso is attending Model Seheol, Port Hope, bas beau elected pianist of the Literary Society. Rev. T W. Jolliffe preached lu tise Methadist Tabernacle, Whitby, Sun- de Rev. D. O.- CroLzslev_tha-paBmr- iseiug et Belleville. Mlie s Ruths Kirkpatnick wbo witb bier parentsie imoving 50 Winnipeg was -presetedfthaniiaddress and an-ei erald ring by ber 3-oung friends beforQ1 leaving Aort Hope. Hon and Mrs Edwerd Blake, wbo arrived eut froni England in Angust and bave bean visîtîng lu London, Ont. roturned te Toronto yesterday, and are with tiseir daugister, Mre. WNg Mr, Robt. Rutciinson of! Ris Mjesty'e Custonis, Listowel, gave us a frieîîdly oeil Wednesday. Ho was guest e! Mrs. W Cryderman eund visit- ed Mrs. Chester Power, Maple Grove, and bis sister Mrs. Blewett, Lesisard. Ho thinks Listowel witb ifs ovor 8000 population couSsins morefine residences tien any other town o! its size in On- tario. >"108"-Nox-a-Cold. Bt' aIl drnggists ti is sold.. THE CHURCHES, Sundey evening next lu the Mtho d. ist churcis Rev. V. H Emory wil preacli a speciai sermon ta youug wom- on and a choir ef aver fifty ladies will sing tise f amous 'Glory Song" and otis- or selections Public cordially iuvited. Tisanksgiving services wiIl be iseld lu Metisodist ciurci etlil a. m. Tisursday ýtU-mHurrow) wneu xtev. Wv. ilipin ai Trinity churci will preacis Local ministers wiil assist ln tise devotional exorcises. As 5h15 is a union meeting it isaped al churches will be ivel represanted. Collection for Home of tise Aged. Rev. and 'srs. Vernon 1H. Emory gave an At Home te tise-young people 1o! tise Melisodist churci on Wednesday evening lu tise Lcture ro et tise churcis, Games and amusements of varions kinds were ieartiy engaged lu and tise yauug people were made to feel vcrv mucis at home and enjo ed a pleasant social evening, lue creaniand cake were served t tiso close, Suridey week llcv. Il. B. Kenuey, Fenelon Falis, preacised twice lu tie Mthodist churci. Tisis washils first eermons lu tus cîsurch Botis dis- courses were hongitful, well arrFnged and splendidly delivered. Mr, Kennev is an t ftise progressive menonfe!tiss Ceuferenco and stands well to tise front among tise younger ministers. Ho bas given excellent satisfaction on ever3 circuit an wiici I e bas labored. Wieueerlisereturus ta Bowmntyi!ll ho cendepend on n cordial weîcno Ho was guest of Dr. J M ,Briniacomboe t Green Court cottage dnriug bis stay lu town. Tise regular meetinlg of tise Epwortis League 'tue'sdav ekenug Was in charge o! Mise - innie M Martin, thse topfic beingý "Tise Advancemeînt of- japari." lu tise absence a! tise Piesident -.,Ir. L. K. Farr, Miss Stelisi Mason coLducied tise devotional exorcises Itet. T, .W. Jalliffe read tise Bible lo-sson. A duct was sung by Msses Ida Pinci and Minnie Lindsev sind a solo bi, Miss A. Caldwell. An ir tie au"Tise Outlook lu Japan," was read by Miss Aileen V. K an sd a very interesting taik on Ja'paln was given isa ir -Arthsur Emnortý-. Hev. Cisarle- J1f*:rs. W:tfodstl', losed tise mceîs .<iýth the oendiet ion. Rev. V. H. EPnri -,reacnýIiso'b tNounn mon in tise Metilist i tfl inudaÎ; evening. lis ssj tw,%3 eri usi-v and practically iruenserteri- Yïûuigiiin were present lu large nuisers, ltsý, seating capecitï! f ticseliburoihein weIJ îaxed. A choir of !1bsut do maie voices witis Mr. EH J l{night as leader, Mtss O Cwkrosasst tiucted lise song service wisicls was a inost en,to. able fetture. ,',eFqrs 11, J.Kiit W. 8. Bragg end tVesi'- asid Ci eS Allia sang a q-iertet "Sweet Sabbais Eve" tisaS was muacis aupreciated. Pas- ton Emorv's morning s ýubji-u't was "Leaves"and tise durcis decorations were ef autumu baves nicoix' arrang-ed A GIJARANT>EED CURE IéOR PILES.l Itehing, Bhlf.BeeIn r romfigPiles. Duggitrendnoy if PAZO O1TMEINT fans ta cure any caýuse, io no mtte fhwln standiing, IluI>to.4f ,Frtapcto tsenid 50ec bstamnps ana it will ho forwarded poSti-paid 1-7paia 'etle Oj.,2t. L*- sMJ I I I q'u~' ~ ~m i ~ - - .-. .. - - - steamers ruunîug aetweeu Boston, Mass , and Glasgow, rScotland. Very favorable rates aie given. Appîy ta M. A. James, Allen Lino Agent, for rates saiings, etc Mr. James Doyasan represented tise Dominion Organ & Plana Ce. et Brad- fend fair wisere tise Dominion plane was awanded first prize lu a keon ram- petitjau with lise Genherd lleintzman and New Scale Williams. 1Everv Public sebool teaciser wiso reads this notice will tisank us for telling tbem ta seud nîne cenîts in stampa fan a ltIe book entitled' 'Tise Teacher's Prableni." Address Educational Department, Youtis's Companion, Boston, Mass. j Me0Fn7Qii& çwrr 3id big deal witis Mr. Ruthserford bu'-ing bis se&son's pacis, approximatelv 6000 bbls., wisich will meke tiseir total sbip. morts [romi Bowmanville and consig- nons stations in tise neigboniood of 20,000 bisis. o! apples. Mlr. James MeLeen wes appointod a member of Propentv Committee ot Trustee Board of Melisodist churci on Moudav nigat. A ver' isearty vote of tisanIts to lishe fiower cemmîttee was passed, higis nppr,îciatien a! tise servi- ceg bein-g expres3ed Neani-, evene disense originates tram îmîsairod tissue, tisat is wisv Vite Tonie raroly t aili to off ert a permanent cure, its acts as a tcod for tie systeni. Put. ont mediciues, on tise otiser isand. pro- duce onît' temnporssrv relief. Vito Tonic is composed o! herbs, herks and fruit Mr. R. M. Nlîtcnell, dnnggist, keaps it in ste-k Mn iRobt. Ileiths bas entered tour Hackneî s for campetition attise Nation- al Herse SI-ow lu Madison Square Gar- den, New York City, tram Nov. 18 to 18, We0 Fofoite four animaIs mev brn-u or-ioy teseWaverlev stables as w ofdni expect they Becau'oes-cI- GnIInis keeîîlv inter- ested i flu'Wtr laWear and \Vien te Wear It " Tise Western Home Monts- ly of Winnipeg, ceci mentis finds many brizbt and s9asouable suggestions for tise woman wbo would dress becoming.- IV anti attractively witisont extrava- gan ce. FACIAL PARALYSIS, MP- W. J, Bxax-ý xAN, Western Hill, St. Catisanides, Ont writes --Mv face was ail twisted eut o! sbape witis facial parai sis, and &ie doctors failed te cure or ex-en neiiexe. Bv tise persieteit use ot Dr. Chase'sj Nerve Fond Ilhsve beeneutirclv cured. aud have returned te wonk strong and well. I bave gaiued in weight ad feel tisaS 1 bave 9a aew lbase o! lite." Tise D 0. & P. Ca. Banri did a god business s-trotte lw4t wek wben tise popu!ar Marks Brus. gave ive appear- ance,; in tise 0pere Hanse te large audi- encs ivngsetsfctryprogram et everv eue Some thiik tisis Compay aesed et any other troupe tisetlias4 boon L'oeo for- a long time. i TIn BleeT YET "108"-Nox-a-Cold. By &Il drugglstE It is sold. Miss Editis Quiijg l visiting At bel home in Fonelon Falls. Miss Lenae Pennington bas accepted a position ln thse Post Office.- New Ladies' Neckwear an elezant new linoe just ln At The, Mason Co's. Miss Charlotte MeDonald North Bey, is visiting nt Mr.ý Robt. Mcb)ougall's. Miss Zetta Limbert, Cemborue, ie visiting bier cousin, Miss Dolla Osborne, Miss Allie Cawlcer is visiting Misses Sarah and Edîth Courtwrigist. Carbon- dale, Pa. W- C. T. U wiil meet in the Primary Class room of thse Methodist church on Tuesday Oct 81st. Mrs. Wesley Soucis and sister Mra. J. B Hopkins, Montreal, recently vlsited Wisitby relatives. Mental andphysical activity are pro- duced bv Miller's Compound iron Puis. Sold by Stott & Jurr, druggists. Mr. David Darch bas moved into bis renovated residence, King streot East wbich now looks like a new bouse. Increased, vigor and vivacity, tollow the use of Miller's Compound Iron PuIs8. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mrîi. Roger Cole and daughter bave moved into thse Darch cottage on Centre street rocently purchaBel by Mrs Lewis Quick. Cobourg Congregationalists held a thanksg-iving service Oct. 16, cleared tise remainiing debt and burned tise mortgage. Mr. G. T. Charlton bas bought that nice trame bouse and lot on Odeîl St. tram Mr. Wallace D. Downey and is advertlsîng it to rent. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury and Miss Mildred Jury have returned from an- exstensive trip te tise Pacifie Coast and otiser places in western Canada. Clarke counicil at last meeting paid $42 for damages to sheep worried and killed by dogs-F Brimacombe, A. Me- Mullen and J. White being tise losers William Quick informssmis tisat after inspection of oreards in which bis firmn are interested tisattise' great winds of last week did not do very serious dam- age. Provincial W C T. U. convention is meeting la Brock ville this week Mrs. Thos. Hoar Is representing Bowman- ,Vi1ThTiiifoi aiiiVMis àtar oino U-n- ion. Epworth League convention of- Bow.j manville District will be beld lit Ennis-j -sillen ùniiay-Yo-v7Ib opening À at 10- a, in. Grand time expected See pro- grains. A niew telep)honeline has lately been completed by the Bell Telephone Com- pany from Oshawa te Taunton, whieh will meke it possible to goS telopbone connectionvith residents la tisat Miller's Kidney and Bladder Publ cure heedacise, indigestion, riseumatisma &nd aIl alments caused by affected kid- ney audbladder. Seld by Stott &Jury, druggists. Trinity Ladies' Aid will isold a HaI- lowe'en social in tise Scisool room of thse ehurch on TuesdaY Oct. 81. Good pro groin and zood pumpkin pie Ie promis- ed to ail who comle. I1ev, y, I, Emory, Mrs. W 1Il Peara and Misâ Funnei are att;ending tise Provincial Sablanh hool Oonvention at London as delegaAes !rom tise Metis- odist - abisats Scisool. Mrs. C, A CawkIer is arranging for a bigh class concert in tise Opera House the early part of November wheu soase excellent Toronto talent will contrib- ute. We hope ta give' full particulars next week. Allan Lino Co. have a new line of Jyt' e- in eaPnanLamisand Bochanin; aIse Mink, Sable, Electric Seul, Persian Lambs, Westeru Sable, Ceeu Sable muifs endruifs Caltosee Show. M. Mayer, Furrier, Bowmanville. A. L Nicisolis, Ag-ent for 108, GoS e botle et 108 at Nicholîs'. 25c, for 108 Nox e Colai ut Nicisoils'. Try tise Crullers and Donghituts et Tisas. Tod's. A full lineofo G. B. Chocolates just arrived et Tiss Tod's, Miiier's Grip Powders Care. Sold by Stott & Jury, druwgists. Bloed meal. Meat meal, Oyster sheil, Mpagris1 et P. Murtoui's, Use L.evcî',, Dry tSoap (a powder) té çvash woolen s and flnos-o'llike il, 32 I know 10i8 is ail rigist, try it now. 1ÇS cures cong-hs aud colds 25c. et Nicisoils'. For tise finest stock et Dress Goods and Sibks lu ail colors sind ail 'qualities, eati et Concis, Joisuston & Crvdermen 's. New Dress Gocds witis now tritu- mings ta match, sucli as Silks, Velvets, Appliques, Buttons, etc For choice, go ta T ho Mason Ce's. Mrs, A W. Peedwill redoive on Weduesdav.afttennoonafiÈe vening Oct 25tis. Af er tiLat tesiewill boe t home oucis Wednesday Ladies' fine Alsie.Bokberen5 French Seal aund Pesian Lamb Coats -tise finest stock lu town-at Concis. Johrs'on & Grydenman's. FREsU Fisia-We wili have a variety o! Fresis Fisis event' Tiursdev anti Frid-îy, Tiev are tasts, leave ýour- order-s ear'v- T, H. Kuigist. Men's and Boss' Suits and Men's and Boys, Over-coa1.tta,- TnVewost 55' boand pen! oct fttingý, jutt ouot et Concis, joins'ton &Cvemus I eao ynr orer eruly for choice cbictken wi-'-(C. M. Cwe & Son tliey haveatien 1 ý)0 bitscrae lfej for their thntging trade, isoiy are beauties. Cncis, Jobnstut & Cryderman as-e hongasap.es-b stock o! o Ladiîes' ('oatl '1U'ieý tïb ~tise iue t ttck o! tisese goods show'ý1n byý any bouqC lu tisese courfsie.. Ladi5' nr-ine cet mdo to orden bv . aver, Fu:nieR, Bowmauviibe. Now la the tune ito haverunr far. alter- ed and î-opaired ets , Uade, evin th ie M. Ma% or, tise Fus-ni er, bias a full lino '- esscnts lu Haccon, Woirbat. WslbY, Rsie Ca"l! and Bug'arian lambi. Fur lined ost roa$10 -up.* Cali ta sec themn Tise Observer seq ngo! a concert recentît ' -helid-lu Pcri lPeýrry lv s"Mr. Haf-tv Kniaist fofBcmn i sng very stul ital on wiii efaveur ebly ree'e B eeral opinion is tiset Mn KraIi - s thi iuH,-bas net iseen equaled for mlany years, Y ny gentbe- malt la the village of Portf Perryl". N'tO9of Berthe, 25 cents;*, arniages, 50 cente; Deaths, 50 cent@, eaeh en- sertIon. WIhen %unopal carde1 are PrInted ut the».Ooie, Insertion fre.. tzwis-At Cobourgý, oct 3rd, te Bey. H. T.- and Mre. Lewis, a son. MICMUaTk-At Winnipeg, Oct. 13, to Mrs. A. L. McMurtry, a son. BURGOYNE -'In Oshawa, Oct. lSth, the wife of Eamnuel Bnrgoyne Of a 5.n. PÂS(OE-At Enfield, Oct. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Pascoe, a son. ADAM-In Canaan, Conn., U, S , Oct l5th. a Son, (D#aglas Geikie Adam) te Dr. and Mrs. John Geikie Adanm, (nee Ena Trebiicock>. Tise premlum PictÉure issued by the Family HIerald aud Weekly Star of Montreal for seubscribers tisis season, le tcertainly tbe best voet sent out bv that g-reat weekly. It is entltled: ",Queen Alexandra, Rer Grandcblîdren, and Doge," amost cbarming and interest- ing subject, of wiih any home may be prend. The Family Herald basý 'mad a decided departure from former, 3 yeers, in the solection and- style of re. production of this picture, and the change is sure te bpi popalar. We pre rdiet for tise Family Hereld, with this picture as a premiumi, tise greatest year ln their iistory The publishers have aIse issued a bsook entitlod: < The Parm- er's Manuel and Veterinary Guide," said by men capable o! judging te be tise mest valuable work ever issued for the benefit o!farmers. This book can be bad on very eas « vternis- in fact ab- solutelv free. Tise conditions on whieh it ea bc ad at this office, or by wrlt- ing te tise publishers if yen, are flot flow a reader o! tise Fsumly Hereld and Weekly Star. ColIt for sale. See edvt. Silver bracelet ct See advt. 108 curse a cold, 2be, eat Nîcheolîs'. Fullilines of g ente' furnishings at May er's. ,,lo,"-Nox-a-Cold. By ail druggiste It is sold. Buy Iyour Poultry su1pplies et P. Murdoch., Homemadc Meat Pias et Tises. Tod's -try them. Yomt cent feu te ile Tnu STATESMAN it is se newsy. Geo, Smiths makes good photos and prices are rigbt. New weddiag caýe boxes-loively ones -et STATESMAN office, Send STATE5MAN te friends. Only 25 cents te Jauuary 1, 1906. Try Lowney's clobrated imported Chocolates at D). Luttroll's. Try tise Homemede ,MapleCrosm and Peauut Crisp et Tisos. Tod's. T. H. Knigist wil pay iigisost cash prices for ail kiadg of produce. --tve -yo -sent T E Tsmxt-- your absent friend? Dg it new. For the best rang-e o! Overcoats and Fur Coats go te Tise Mason Co's e-Mn's-funur-lined Coats [naIIT4uÜal- ities at Coucis, Jobuston & Cr3ý dermen's Pratt's Poultry Food, Pratt's Stock Food, Ppatt's Lice PowdW at P. Mur- docis's. The best bOc underwear in tewn is to be isad et Tise Mason Co's-eithor fi6ecy- lined or wool. Miller's Compound Iron Pis, only 2.5 cents for 50 doses Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists Coaghs, celds, boarsentes, and Other threat aliments are'quiokly relieved. by Oresolone tablets. Sun cents Der box. AUIdruggisits Couch, Joisuston &ý Crydiernian have nover shown as finec a stoelý o! Dress goods and Silks as the'y do this season. Be sure and seeC eo, Smith's new photo meunts. Tise uw wisite Tor- scison is abeauty. Studio SATESMAN Block. sisowinga fine sokc RSbeIuffs. ,No fluer good.,,and no bttýer value any where, We have just opened ont -e fine essort-1 ment of Scotis Tweeds and Worsteds. Now is tise time ta beave your order forf a new Feul Suit. Concis, Joisuston & Cry derman Hundreds-- 0f St 8enographers, Typewrlters, k.eýýCorrespondents oiffice men,* ~plaees fronn the cek e Every fermer, teacher, scholar and* fclerk get catalogue at once. Could flot* 111il1 positions offered iu Ociober. R. A Farquharson, B A.* SY.M.O.A. Bldg. cor, McGill& Yonge mis.* Toronto.* CLARR'S HAM LQAF bas, ail the appetizing flavour of per- fectly cured hem Sliced thin it is a wholsome adidition to any meai. NEWCASTLE, Mliss G. Barfett has been visiiiýng friends ln Coiborîse. Keep ycu -0open and be sure th _wht ou ask for Perry Davis 1Painkilier îou get juet that ardnfot hinZ 1 ýs e. Useit promptlyto ecvre criumps ~t~uOC~LI5U IJlt tr OWel cumi- pla insli smmer. Mn Robt, Stewart sodi bis tesidence to Reeve Jî5me8 Parker for $1500. Tisere is no sucis thing- as a isarilesF congi. Thie ironie gssfrom i -toS wonse nuless cheeXed. Allen',, Lung Btiisam dures thse werst of colels It abbays inflammation anJd lears tise air passages. Tisere was a large et tendance et tise Tisauk-off ering seivices ktt tise Methodist cisurcis, Rot'. S J. Shore v, Osisa ons preacised. Contributios damotedltu Thoisei~k anJd dlicate peopie envy tiseetrong rauJnd obus. Weare tbld tiseS 'rie D & L"' Ernunsion builels îtp tise iioilt Wsnt ek M rt gist abent ut. Mr. Louizo Cowant waà s ý3l inudlumer- risige Oct,. 18 with Miss MouLssa Taif, tise cerernony taising place attise Metisodist parsonage, liev. J C. Wilson tsing tise nuptial kuot. Not oen utwenty are fnee tram so'ne ILubie ailuseLt cancel by inaction cf lise lii or. Use Carlen's Litha Liven Pills Tiseresuilt wsllbhoa ple'tnant SuFpîlse. uisev givo pgsýýtïve relief. Mn. audJ Mrs. Nicisols, Port Br-italu, visitod et 'ties'srs. J. M. Cobbledielk's and Johnsueci's-i._ra, Mat Mc Cartv isas.rpurchased tise Mrs. Barre .5 residence... Nins. Josepli ard kils The Gentie K,,idney cure. Don'l think tisaS Bn-lu la net -effective -because i15'dues -not- "Sean thinga loose.11 Tinfan, who tallks most, doos beast, Kidncy nemetties tisaS purge- and cver-similaîtis e kidneys .-npsot tise stomacil-ane goin1g te do yenusmigisty utilegood. TH-,EGENTLE OEY2Ç_- CVRýE gots about cnning yen gentiy, mziidly, correctly. Vounenverj knaw yen are taking medicine --excocit tseS yen begin te, get better and kecp on getting beSSon. Bu-Ju heais inflamn- mation iu thse kidneys-takes away tisat sharp pain in tise back and theduil ache tShrongh thse iips -stops exucessive uninr- ain end ieLeýs tise disea- sciA portions of tise kiducys to heal and strengtlhen. C'taes aheumnatism TOO. Tt% Os.AFLk4 CO4EMIOAi. Co., LlihtiizI TRADE mARISç Rubbers, are nmade only froma the best "Para" rubber, Madle to fit evèry style and sh ap'e of men'll shoes, ladies! shoes and shoes for the lit eOnes. In ladies' sliapes they are neat, liglit, perfect fitting and lasting. KXN(4-PALHER-Th Toronto, Oct. i8th, Harry RKing, Toronto, and Vashti, yonngest daugUier of Henry Palmer, Ojhawa. WRitGHT-DICKiN:,oa-In Hastings, Mich. Oct. lOth, by Rey L C. Rogers, Mr. Byron J. Wright, formerly of Oshawa, and Misé Allie, daughter of Mr. Byron Dickinson, Hastings, Mici. MILLEfi-PicARmON-4O Oct. igh, by Rev. Mr. Crozier. Ashburn, Mr. Jonhn Miller of "Sittyton Grove," Basai. and Josephine, youngest dangliter of Mrs. A. B. k'carson, Toronto. BONNYCASTLE -MARTIN-At Enxerald. Amn. hergt Islandi, Oct 10th, by Rev. R. S. Wilkinsion, Mr. F. C. Bonnycaçtle, Carupbeltford, and Mis Mary Florence Martin. Brother of Dr. G. C. Bonnyrastie, Bowîanville. WTCKEIT-HTjmr-At Port Hope, Oct lSth, aS the residence of the brjde's father Jnoi. Hume, Esq. Edith Mary: Hume and Charles Hearn W1ckett. PHILP-WEA&TRILT-In Osaca, Oct. 115h, by Rev. J. W. Bnnner, Newtonvîlle, Mr. Kenneti Philp, Port Hope, and Miss Mabel, daugliter of 3fr. John Weatherilt, Osaca. BEE 5ORD-PETHICK- At the Methodîst Par- sonage, by Bey. M. E. Sexsmith, B A . L L. B. Oct. 311h. Miss Alice Bedferd, Milton, and Mr. W. H. Pethick, Bethany. STEWARr-LOGAN-ID Pickering, Oct. I9th, Dr Robert Stewart, Markham, and Flora M. Logan. only daughter of Mr. Win. Logan, Pickering. DIE». WIefli-In Darlîngto., Oct S-9si, Jane B., relict of the late John Wight. ini er 90th year. BÂTTY-At Tenarth, South Wales, Sept. lst, Elizabeth Shillito Batty, of heart failure, laie of Brookln, Ont. MILLSoN-At Port Hope, Oct. 18th, John B. Millson, aged 78 years. ELLiorT-At WaWanesa, Man.,Ct. 17th, Jabez Elliott, lu his b7th year. Brother of Mr Henry Ellioti, 1egstrar, Port Hope. IiÂRKNESS-In Mlllbrook, Oct. 14th, Sarah Barkness, aged 73 years. GIBBON-In Cavan, Oct. 13, Miss Mary Gibson, aged 92 years, uoîe -at once, xiýFk*Alasr-À AC1IKRl-WANFfEI)-Fp-5 "., Nu A N E DExpeiencd acion 6. Maple Grove. Pergonal application, N T lu larernto rciano trequirired. Apply 10 WILLIAMe JEFRERY, BOX regulators i ag oot in at15.5,Bow manvilie.4-t ory.0 Besi ws gos in the city. Apply Drawer __________ B. Bowîanvslle. 423w 1-lOUSE TO RENT-Nice white C0Ace flis pretty w myüear C trae ouse, 8moios; splendid dollar; very promisinz animais. Over stocked. WiUl good hard and soIt water, stable and orchard be solti rigit. GF.O. WEaCI], lot 30. con. 4, Dar- Apply to G. T. CIIÂRLTON, janitor MethodisL lington,Taunton, P. O, 41 3wl Churci, Bowîanvllo. 43-tf. 176 CRES FOR SA LE - 17 ing part of the James Shand bracelet with padlock lûst Snnda'y een th andf5t con, oft East Whitby. Apply tu lug on the street Fin der will oblige by return. J AimF A. BunNs, Raglan, Or JOHN SADLETO, IDg to MiSsîGCss l Queen street, Bowînan,ÇinÙs32f TE PAY SALARY-TWO TO SIX 'PO' II O ENT'-65 acies8. prt o! C W dollars per day-either sex- Introdue- -V l 18, con. 5, Darlingion, (Hiamptoýn). ing Our 1'NEw IDEA": free training; rapid ad Irïnieciate possession to plow. ADPply tO1,-) ivanddmont; opportunlty sure; NiciiLoS COM- W. ALLIN On the proises -Or so ticwer :ýàjy, Limited, Toronto, (Mention tiS paper). TUiOMis ErLl:Xn, Hampton.8-f -__ ___ ___ ___ 438 V UNG WOMEN WANTED-To, n'.u.IiaZlelvood, M.D,,OM. Forpartidulai s~~~ î8.6 ibire BOWMANVl LU. . OT. 108 lainSi.-, E., Lansing, Mch. MEDALIST of TrIiÎyUn- 1 PAYED-on or about ýOct lst, a G iveraity, Toronto; Fu à ted hîran lmb came on promises cf Phyican ndSureo atMt 3-1ýMr11 cspta, Udesige ot 1,con 5, Darllngton. Owner Pitisburg, Es. may hv ame by proving property and pay. Office and Residence nezi Door to Ex-Mayor I 1' gexpensea. ClIA14LES J,. KEsISLÂKE, Hamjýý- Mitchell's, Elgin St. Telephone NO. las ta l. 4. r fl OUSE TO REN f-brick bouse -.-two storyes on Elgin st,,with al corven- ieoces recor.tly fitted up. Also good stable. Apply to J. B. MÂN¶vss, Bowmanville 41-tf, T EACI{ER WANTEDforb.S. ,N: 6n,10. Appiy stating experience and salary wsnted to Teos. STAiscroN, Taunton, P. O., Ont. 4 - f ~2 TGood bouse, barn and well. Siail orchardion it. Sonth of Piesbyteria.À Clsurcb. APPly toMRS. P. BARCLAY, Enisikillen. 39-8w., se-r se-n--wih E u Gents' Wihte .vite in tion oCops, E Wintcr uu E chosen w'it Llie We kindly sec our 'dispia Wintcî. Coat-s Confident yoU nc to bc the able, perfect- clss nd up to bc found à Also to sE Eall ready-to Our Fall Stoc Dry Goodsi 'plete in every Weînvite you your inspeC- New Eall and s and Over- Sw e have pa-rticular- Style, work- quai ity, and ýe the 'values rpasse'd. SIFurnis!in>ii, test novelties S$ Ties, Shirts Collars ykept in afirst elass, Ss' eue bis talLen as M1t stadrd0nk o invite youlte ay of Faliat 4v1ich~ r 1iipronou z È-fiîrinLr, high to date Coats -n t1lÎs towri. ;ee oiur New o-wear Skirts A - or general is 110w û'lm--2 yî departmen t ir inspection. and eey Gents, Fur- =P cah i. lmiiiiIè ýQl Tür nvQT Mr. John Yeo, born At Bradford, near Bideford, Devon, Engiand, who visited Norths Amenîca last year, attending World's Fair at St. L'rnis and crossing the Rockies to the Pacifie Coast, bas been chosen May or of Pl, mouth for en- suing 3-ear. The manv friends and members of the Yeo famlily ln Canada join thieir English cousins in congratu- lations to their-rela-tive Albln~o highlv bonored by bis fellow ciies (7D WAGES-for more women 1 1 1 ýU i =Lillii Man -l- ý r -l fi