t i~.* -~ 4* ~ii.~r~ i~it~* ven jus, linfore sccci g, ndnlsprmîî- Skled alih mgan. ~~551ft ~ T'licceaferpiece of tie tabla at fhe ~~nu ii in *:*Tlaeiksgiîiiîg inuer eau lic a big I~~II~1IH ~openi îvrk Insi cft, witifa ced citai lahme fruits-. iuts anud ccandiesm, ta carry ouftie saine ien, dam an csev- -, C eý niiitfour Iittto basketse similai-iy TLYE MENU. lxd Policions homo made cnnlie-s eau 'Fhumu Iksgivrig Day menas g ýocdcl ccer blermade by boatirg stif tfe ho mtes ald1 gcoaning talas. iihm s givea of 2 eggs, itdiiig c-neefin's sLi- a - 117;ic iriici thflicccipes are ai go-c ceatiI oi riglit coîsistcncy, and a ttdan,; feseoci If t cfiatandGd i loirdrape nA nny desiror f.avoig. imeayt'abca n îel-îalaniced, moita, 1TaLc sacali lemhhe off fils pas-teanul but fa have dtses fa suif fleic di. roul ittaoblang shape. Itoiove 'tic vtduah faste, stance ai dates andpunt hait off flc Ccocy Soup-CmI lira lade aidata ifliar side aofuis -...ixturc,. cclcîry i,s-mail pecees and bail ta hot Wlien danc tt:eso arc delician__ wýaf r ecîttl percfctly fonder. Hiave Affordimicer cafbee siaîld le toryl rad tfita ereai sauce muade ai 2 sfrang and blacL, aîcd may lia cern- fnlespcanneltecd butter, 2 table- ed eittîci' -ftfe table or ime i sPoi5flour auddîniik ardori loînly, pariai, nat il rigif Cossimteucy te ôlitnined. Maicheyfn eagi calaîdcn toc BOG 01 LOINELY VESSEL. oughly. eason viti pepperandara diciceiory s-ait. Scrve liot, witîc peedtng Acrose Atlantic Witli Ifti suaesof toast.Ail Sais Sel. Cadh mnkd afl'FaToiatos-Baii fA.Neir Yori, d vspatcli<shys: A sail- irc-sh CaifisitUîîmii tnder. Pick np jin -- rî ssel tanucini cdaii, ceserted ly Oncli ioes ud noiteatboou hiyler ereir, hiut mît oils set, and "titmaos(canuaSdlisait, pe-pri-pracca ýding, iti fate spacri homard mmd drp o soof horest-sbro i e scliieofa>Noth Autien, iras Saue pb,,,b r ramsaxrrrhd y tice-"steamer r eu-tou'c, tara Bae aîisi sdîsnîcil Set. \mIel-h armivod ImeeounTlirsday. 'Fli A god szc f rtey seod oastiT'eutonics aticers l'invefloitthfe orait Uc nI ilt tii-lians. ML fice~ aytrsîefu s bilons: ilIais ceccduîîgta n w -oi os rimsst ,age ce ceet tioaicgiîy roîr ci-d arem ri-oaecilat1wen'y bre-mni ttli flc nystorliquor.fre.in thii'r hip b3;ytfiee papytr, ait, a t oacstria-irand, - taumer Etrurfea. 'lie 'etacra On r,2 fableaas in ed tic dcsertrcl slip about 40mie ;ue iaîd E1pt. oysters slightiy c-op- sthix'e ihlt rmm--n spacas emmetr buter adîts av. about fie li'adred miles enet ai tie 'iccrnnirrny sauce slauld bh adre Ni rth AncricanCoanst, lino Cahly a it cai' elorc acmd placed ta a. moird-black:dog -iras rt-a n fite ian'ly ýýo it v'ill tarit ouftansi-pc. Serve vtescil by the Tontantc's passengere. výiti a spray offced dhrysanfliemuens 'Flicbarkl's iviccimos lasled, andr stFuc-k un thec ceîtr, if tlie table d-,lien cours-o iras tc-ndily soutîmest. canoýtions arc ta liec ed; ansmd by t-hiel rom flic îasticnd a di!strusesSig- inay eching conid bc' prettier titan 1 al ias lytn. nteicdon yeibom cinysantiamnums ta ocaclr fanie ta fiee disîner. L Ma l ptaleswitth pleîîty of A DRUGGIST 'SUICIDES. crom atIbuteranri bail t-be squshS n long urn nii very tender, If isJ CLcka tie dlitou I hghl sasne . C. c n, of Guelph, Too-k Dciifptatce nd quseau o. Dose oft<Carboltc Acid. gmnsewitlfiparsley. A Gusi ýhdespate.,ci raye: Pnoably Macroîi taie iiti ciieose maikes worried hby caiîs illhI-cafl, Me. mi d-itcane idc is-i Us utlicinî 1 J.- . uit, drUgg-tst, faak a baraci, braea itta2-indh pieces, oe0fcrt1 c-i'd dariîîg \en ta ~ ~ 11 abu al O apding disli.dy ig ad te îmaw dearid 'i Bai ra iiîtaslted wat or for lin s cciOf1lîî ai-emaaou abot 20 1ni:îf as Drain andialoc7.0,min le loI t fthe otel lar tastndi ccAîriwafer a lowirtsn- b lins leen afnying sinco purdlasing_ý Praît.lIta agin.Put a layon off fli business tram M _r. Lawr,abu lisma abkt disi, tIen nlyr a e aa(. ai gmtdcos.Antier layon ail hlmaori tl bfaoighi on .Mürsdnaj nuootandi se on unt1 lichediý s le n ing, fia chrk , III L.Cook, an- fild1iaýving the top laye'- cf dces !,d u ishocledttr n Poraxrti ol cam acaI - msfrecdiou fie loor of a Lsmtc oi 1tbepa î ii a ai aa oio i n ui HINTS ON Ho110WTO SEND THIE1I TO M<ARKET. GovrnnentNYjl LadtheRefrrnTiaelyfIlief Inssued b -Agriculture. Stnrv'ing.-The cnidcas should L1 starxecd 2,1 iaUrs' beforekita, . The St. ~~~~~~~preveatfoocdintae fl-suraorspnelýadGr crop an,,,ilne Tho it. ct'rbur corcspodcu andCon.i{oumin ixh ex i:ndtlines decosnposing dnspailiii, i ai thc Londan Tlegrant daims t lcrporme a rcfl gi itrc i b ihvra k1tiîa ht s-ss r nfodn oe ccc 'srucstattrathe i'last ifood nllow thé ciicýnh gmufagcetimjporte,-, botis Il gi rpise Il17idýicainont;s1-baht water fiey wish ta drink. Ti i11canetin wthth ccnbtsmct occ,î to w bs l i -,:atin., should thon have a comPlilet o fel ai the Nationlal \ssGnby, ta wmhiei I ount eci WttcIdecacet iat fiL L:e ei til tliay are killed. every reasclahie iacilify wil tj-e 1C(zar'S g1,,to. romn st bconaa lFoig-()Pr mhrt gotng sthat you can bake- in t] givcn forrmakigflepatcal candi- consitutinni s-t rcga itsi-; al ittaimmediafe cosisumpti1omî on thc tion of the people practicaIly as frc is Kiug IId lacd, iaorieraior loal local nîarket it w iii Le mcst ao n n top at the saine tirne vii- as that cf thoir Westernî aighbors. i rjcsositfy nîp' od b a n -ent to disiocafe the nrwith 'fiaeI other. ý 11 i e 1 aui ft baad sîold fie chichans lods 9ad inta e flcussiani administration, after tocrattc îeÀimc. lie licsttate_ýd ta wtngs ta elle irm grasp. Place t P e But you can do both wiich the Ga crament wil fry, ta gsant a cnttto soiely becausa hlcef linger off the right hnnd on fic cd, instend aofaiolowiag, the reform ho te yet naovicd lat fia, an- righf sida off the neck anad flic i- tilpe on the Pandora, bcs movernent, adopttng lines of polic-y fion destred it. Count de Witte in- mainirag fîngers on the lef t side. and is at ail timnes under t ,vhtc i viii na paralle] wifli the ro- timntad that it would ha flic higli Crasp t-ha head ta flie holaow off the tarinis dernaadod by ftie Moderato- mission of tha ýNationial Asscmbly ta band, witli the fank of the fin-ers control. Libeaas. express the poopl&s w ýilI in flua ce- bolîtad the br-ad xxhere it joins thîe Ild Thc atm will be fo allowflic pea- sct, but ilie uc ndrtase o nci. The bnci aIoflic chickca boing If you d the cool-cî pie, throuigi thetr choseaýci reprasenta- nA et vidpa iInt the lande upwards, ILoid the laegaant the ca apecae tty h tii as, ta wori ouftichir aira destin- cf tfia reactliary c-loaniselors w10ltoftit îp, and tic bead noafr tie riglît cnapelr xcî i ies an nation in tes. 'Tie people surroi fin thran. thigli on knee. [tond tha(lic-id back'- xiii b pcmiff cd ta dorct fraely mcm h ar-spnct dstint It !S wards aIs Par as psibanad at tic bers off tic National Asscmnbly, dn-dificuIfta forscls)csSfor tioea sane f irnastreteli thea nIck, whea ift didates viii bo nllawcd ta iublishi ovetrfaa. Te[tfrer re'opro- is cilctdtmeifl pull -tic addrases, nnd dlii er ape'lies-, tic ýfatladlY sepic l aa ssi)ctoas ai licnd about I ý incio,,s them flcn, retrciosonrie preswill bec 1e- 1thé aeîmu fa bymyper- l I itic îvtingse ficmly nifter kiliag2 pea, lc-1,anad tflic pte nerally will sist ta fia:1 ir pesnfinten tion ai Ca- nndallow ttac chickeis Ltend ta ong ho freatcd îîith confidence. In a terintic Nat -iîl ionlAssembltaIf7 de- down, se ticat flie blood can, eollet ce tain scae i; te con ingchnges nrd an imnctt catrofliber-1tantic ncck; tic icad te attached .ta snay be descrtbcd as a rovolution tt s. T'IcCagr-s oif irmrta the body stmply by tie skin ai ti, from above. blia ada Movci Wun aasn ccir. w tîl gv aeto niatnon this (b) Cickte fat arc, talic expart-eci EhWAtD~ ZAI~ MDE. point. TI irst eii lectoraýLl meetLin1g cr prt toto cald storaga must bu w; os hbld ta St Pefersburg W1o raas- kiilud by stic-king ta tie mnouti. Ouf The St. 'Petersburg correspondenit day.Seoasc-ks urgedl tic cx,- flo arg arte-ria-s at flic sidos ci the aI of1th London 'Fines says fb-af Count tcnsion cf t"-,f-(h'ise, patai iii st mc,js-t b'luw tien cars. This c-an 0e Wtteta teholding iaformal couler- tint f11,,caial, iti ppuatin lionc hy introduciug thekf3ir' tt ___ onesei vthimincttal s--formers, nacf- of I-_tOOOOil, !lýias oîy 00 dcc flic trantand givimcJ a couple of1 1cr fatted clichons sold by live nbly Editcc lessea, off fli Prai a, tors. qutck turus up and clown. Wlien wavight, îîlimc1d -w igit cr d-nwa i __________ -bleetting frccly driive fie blacde at wIleight. an gle wththte bird's bill tnt a tic Ltvc ctvoglit--6c, 7c, Sc, 9c, 10c, POITCASRUN AK. NVA L VICTOf S _'7î1IP. blck paît coftte roci ai thte monf.ll.îî, 12c, 13c. B3e sure tic biade is firougi ftlia lac-Led weigt-'74c, S Cc, 0.9c, Casher Tool Landarntcrt and Tien Togo, 1Wi*fhAmri and Sailors Ilony structur-e asnd lias cîïtored tic uce, 12.4c, 18.6c, 14.8c, l6c. Shot Himacif. Attends &L -TemIple ofIses. braie, tien givo a qeelck hallfieura fa Draun vciglt-lc, 12.S C, 14.7c, j A Pitts-rg, lPa., dcspatdi sa 's:- A Talci,,Is d cth saî s:-A de- fia i loe. s teneates paayis -l .c,84 2e2e,2 . Aller ai investigafian ai thaelbcoLs s t fran acd Ise J'rovInce, fhm Pcsohf lc. la istsable gi-ethe ficseller a a ir spafcb heair e lck IIwic-a as fa w'ltihpays fie bcst. N--o of tie Entarpriso National Banl, 0Of reports tint Aentlral 'Foga and flic ,hc btrd ta lcnng by its lect until Iaccourt lias bec a faia aifl-e cost Ailogliony, ahici. disclascd fiat flihe admirais une'lits comnmand, witt lpicked. ofI Ltlliag, piuc-ktng or drniieg. bank wns tasaslvotit, T. Lee Clark, finir steds nnd _ ' 2(<130 ai-îad and cnshierofathfe institton for years, '00Lnam i 0 Sato naP lucktng-- (a) W'lccaktllmng by ries- ________ da ,0 , n marines, locafton, commnence dry plncking as wcnt fa lits liane on Tuesday iitf, pe-ocecded oai. Wac(jhesday tfa fia great so steY-c edsoae.JJEýIEDINEIES spent a sieoPpiess, norvaus nigif lard Temnpla ai js fa w'aship, nking asonaflc-ckisilontdJVEIED IN NES on, Wednesday fooh. an ounce off lana-1 most imprGssive l Fi_ tDirections for luckiag.-Wlt'i a ae I tna-B dnnum aned iemi siot hlimeiifiroulgli JPceui-'c Katsucn, winanssumod fie hligfi li-c afi atln ,jToFound on ftic Street s. fie liaad, dyieeg ut 2.30 pdti. An iesc ceg Mnso iaext cnet fia tai iathers and the hour belace tic annouadoeaint- ci lits Baron Karcumtia, tic Foreign Minis- quil ftr'rs d o! fiemng. Allw lad A despatfelrcm Oflaa ays: A deanfli ias rcc-tved at fie bnîîk ai toc-, irc te Amendca, ns pence pion- coceîîa's had ian thedan ns n fis eive-yea.--old boy, via îas f ounUd felcgran camo lcom tic Compfrahleri otofceîiary , leau reliai cd oi lits cmec lnnole etescn ouhlicstretsliclplossiy tntaxieatcd, 01 Curcaacy at WVashinigton ta close chalttes as iito for Uorciga Ai- fie hnck r'nd wiags; titan piuc-lrth5e apae iIh Mgsrt' or flic doars,anud appoinfin4 Bul mE- isbreanstand bairer part olfiaheneck, onppe'dnetay. Oingîthrsenrf laminer John B. Cunnngiam as ce- anoikfeaikn tic bototae gta.ic, iplt il boy nearly ns- young uns dis- ceiver. ad u n h ,i> )e g .coi c-ced ita ndruneita~ t-c la ou' off 'FlichePrcsidcnt ci tiheliai', Fred $100 LeWARD, $10û finisheliflcbnci aad wings - te iy a'îes, wrierc hoielad bcýen Cimneer. cii1 iVedlicesday anaaunced -Louve tho boliers c-ahelie ack for loft-itwomn.ETr iae e thnt Clark lad loaned fliausamîds of Tic readers aii pprwll be pes-t fice inclies frem inte iad, a ring of10.1 b ît n.L-rsa'Ii a~-ius t Foo h bni htint ilin ,cr, is lcsc.c ne enefaIclrs ai-oicd fie, legs at the hoc'- r-d<eotaee elinuon dealer vica iviit oliiita, thct science )l3Ias lie teo)oc t il -,Ishr ntefrihd teby ihw.sýy fiat ehoiisaIf ad cîcdorsed io sagos, an, gd t msI Is nt iIîîo1O atarioicets,anad tice mal feabe n i a ieeficby tiiviL w-tt t5e att 'ont:"lbtie îcacagea d i SOtil "Cloanplock-fli rsf ai l iic on %i lyhe F,000 ho lit: idS- 1 oî gldy1nUt tI' oor n- etic mînaî,lccn i fanies icr aak IAITIES INI JAPIN. wa nyil Iî -- aciîîg dl Ï ( 1 jcl pi ic l dadinn ~nlic beýov ird n trcie n asbc pntIfcsc i isoa iri oir yt-ng the Be !-cîîac aPrfi 1 a.Fal arty O o-x-emnment in Ta T'ic bat ias Slite deisits Wbicitudcil ftcdeocaidiiîOeptetta emca Fo wti mun t it0,Ù00, cf ihciscigIî ly oiduir 1mc,îti!c coî,Ititntiola and - ir i adhaee, fesi eui Country a Farce? ~3 ,100 is- ici tac dieckf-g -or atv sita tt irc ta dig ttcwürnt¶.- Tie- pro- fogr'-tlicr r iti m t, tlieach - ------ I e ccfad i ctt ftcsik pltrshv 1 ahfaith ta ils elamt'e T1)Puci~ ,e Ci- hf e 'lcpeactmcnty linniaJ becone fonre.noynoi lit i lois u cre.S an fo Oc otBle Pl tcirisi ante gCizta. ou athe foatball off Jaipanec-politicul Send for crstiît 3icy aller Oceiiduid ea Dallai s for li. iwncar t iisstfe eaf cieniis.lar-xntî licopratcs h,, rg-as prties, if -ocld l itec-ntn - 11,1r. eoiy370,0-0 ic sta ot, Audrers, F. J- CassEn &Co., Toledo, o flic wia1g bafwcoten thtumb nlacdii s-f point ont cxac tly vah 'ce tic' y stasnd si:Sold by Drnggilr,,7c. tv-o fingers -1 f fie loft hcnîd, holdingJanfo xatlytîcitti e 000 State cdoma)sifs cf a-r tankL is 'l'ke HAll's Ftinily ills for constli:ation. fie aoc-k btetii tic tuirc and littl' nny diflirot. Tiorearuco ut tl-ora W. o H .-drwof lia aced uentciy s. fingar.Tlis pives tle oparator c-an v-oprincipal parties aracînd wmidi $40,00;L-'andeeak J 'ormata lia l -rol of flic lird. ceimite a nuuiler off persaon-,I gIoups ro40,d00asidrakh. I orraneatlia brNOTICE TO B50UKHOBORS* Reaiava fiee large wintg feathers an-ilsecking pcaîuteace and spatixli en loiw mach. i3ut fhe Imnii, 1 etata, f-o suffaic atth iullnfe 0c.ppatunity .presenits. 'i ia eS sli eit." Givca Two Xontie latIhiake Home- jaints iith tic niglif baned. Itomox o 1geeseive pas ty is lad by Canrt CLu- ____stand clEntry. tati feafliers çaithi nue onick fvisfing nia, "the cage of i'Jsieda," -ha, it CAS. Daphn dspldi sas-To io. acse icongit land naptd- ita asnouecd, v ii appas-a fite cadii- 1-AMILTOJN L'aURDER CASE T\om- nat1 ly 'w. hobac-k, froim cump fa cationoîaIflith aty ru<,t GoemmntOfesa tmad of oniboslaebenna IeOîzd Iby flic lk, rcmoving tie font-hem ifitbittecr fighfor,I n yamt 0mn s Goermet ffrsa evar o i,,{!ýro efm:ýi thiimb and lacefinger. Shitthfe bird thc landg o'nalitc ppaea- iV Six 1H-ndred Dollars. lo n mîleefr o hirhm-ten ta tie lthaad anti use tic bhowu hlm iipiys ol ta,, iia- Li pioes, bat A despatch from Torauta sayS* hef tr L-ýýhod ici)h i iaiers t.nat abafo1 onjo t Cfia icmormî Tie Gavereemeaf decicieri at- lic ýCab- stns, vne li rsa lig l tm i best ing natre an textre fl I hits o pin-- imtîsfmeigon Thursda.,y f!-,l ller nla dt-dhecufiemn orfs oc catis bIlnai c T-ear. "lîcî-sia i fnEsime l o uî'dren off'6(1fioccnths- ldyaresue (le-st eri ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r leroclcsi manket s hdlie pnoériy lapd anmstueeulrrpesutla lel-fieGeova eegnc n ai Epced l ccp--e"t gvstlee admpctp Th iede,t ficcasttuiaal pnrfy gn irppF,1rance1-CE cariEî flic erli f cctd ralyldbyficMc masciahiG ner ta îlse ca' a t j'Fon He i 'ig I oveenniontheau-Thisharosiii fmd 1- - ' 1gllt-irea eug a ueulmn.'li aty rccutt lc i-tade puble. H mlii de fIa-lt--fa nake a ro posI f a p~icpane r in bardsth e etliehIe ae-y -ii s err ly litoatd 4v&t os, WTe aepoterttoo s fo tir -irPiaTe(h hrseson amnaiýýcrr ir cneeît>rh-uax'tc--mr ti-aa ,_(0I -aerimss> lidi t uictsfa at ail i'-tenaictofai ggsand miii. %tî fanc in t flic aitng pordier, fuitiî clke avr sml' gem pe Oa yau g-tcmen a in accd icico, t~f suars cc ai, nd;1 eu"ia yo n-cocusir," l'e- tac-n au bmasie-rtvc-t"o bnnidin fn i{'ý( GO Opticnidccc afi Fernciflsca' aenIat' because Cii ourishes 'chein back i 'HOUî4J UO.i TEKIR î; For 0ethosanLavinfi oTI5ly a nttc1-nli aa t ailm'il oi7 rat ýier na to their naaistreng'ch. Thaî' ange' s me aGrlSmdnesîccal packinr' caLs-e, 10 liec ialmd [cannd lceie'sa'em hov cotsEru 7ndas ih off l aaUter-y t thc grmaay store, aililice fa'.nd imeu-ad fia Caulfici-ace cf tic -mi R sore chroata aoge a coli. A dol' Atef- l - m une.seat- fCilhy) 'Ifne+cry. p e lceuonacsto -d'c-rain'iIfcl Duaeai ctrîaof5Biang V. dir f WE'L Ela di IniacilyCol'oadt-rdreLqizeptuna ya PMAn ofs nnsy, lLu ncr c M ThCLre1 s flot an- other range built in which the heat 'may bc regulated the oven andi cook.con the ithout spoiiing one or the -equally well at the same LUSe its heat is flot wasted the simplest, Mnost positive ig of your household you iat tliis mneans. HOMESTEAD 'îEUUîrIN A N Y even rrbrd scino PI omirion Laida sMailtbaorth North wes rvneecpiî 'd2,50 whoO hs ol bnd f f mlyor any mu niýer 18 yeaýrn cflige, to eteli't of one quwlte' sction of 1630 acres moerteesf. Ert-V-May biemonde persOnaflY et the locil 1-nd ulito for Oie di--rj rla xshich the land is shooate, or If tehemetededsires, lie soy, oit appîlicaon r Mnte r u(ý oft Oe Intertor, Ottawo., Ille Comisdncr of Immigrionr, Xinieoie oa gatre eautiïority frOýtn seule one te imIe entry for hlm. The komi steaderls required to pir ferra the Conditins oneeett theewith under one of the following plans (1) At least six montbis' rsdeoee u pou and cultivation of tbe landin eaeh year for threaj yeaîs. (2) If the feilier (or lehç fthe father L3 01 nef t fle hneedrresidrenin aa duriiti th ic aiffy ol cia.d ctetcd fd;r the reqnAriîeaus asto ýîosideaceMay bc sstisfied by snch persou :redcîing th re father or motber. (à) If the otti r i is -rernanent incideace nty Of hIemeCd. 'th îure1is 1 resi dei myb sife b siec lo tile Sait lard Six m r-ntb' n,.ti, ili writing c i:1M 1)ogiven te the Camîso 4rif oino nia <ltasa f tatcî o pcfor p 'uld W. "V, COR1Y, Dei îîîy cf the MInIstroff tie Intc-lot Ni3 Uiîr.cth Alicd a'etion off ihis ad« i ertisem i 1il not bc plpatd fur. thesi c-niy snd ymos-1 aeteta cilors, ani ii uthe a ne ofiïtltt' un- peror they ,--t. tba t1 fi h . 'ie. statesmen difir mach eor ts- in tiGir party afiliimtioeîs, but th,'ýy one anA ail belong to thei-iatsu ia, tie Chuý- Shin oosnoaaof îhàsniailor nffiiatcd clans of sou tient Japan whicielh ed théo1ciperor on bis tirone , gn erattion-, aga and have monopize.-àd bis: attenition and hiscofdnevr ýIt lis bentiought by snaýnytt ia of ic sno -st patent cuss'fz h flussin warwns the, neoessity wiel ths otiollnse at fcn lcdrsî 0 ppa a r. i 0f tc emerarareinefertir",still cussin1g tes mtte fr I- ls fine ycars, nn insuci atou a suggested tot-)ie lad's i tc'i1 thec dcsirab)ili-y cfchagingtIcsu ject. It is a î1m o fr IeJ-Tu panes s ec tý,' hitfinrbivdIa Lhx cre tli psiio o nwal 1~~ 'i