STCYT & Juavr. Town Agents OUR NOYE MBER BAIR BRISil SALE A 75C. 00MB FREE With every $ 2.50 Hair Brush. ALSO With every 81 75 brush a 50c. comb f ree. 8 125 ' "25C. 85 " loc. Remember our Hair Brushes a nd Combs are ftilly 25 per et. lower than ordinary prices as we import inlarge lots and save y on the Sw holesuler's profits. In addition to this we offer you during our November Sale a Comb free with every Brush. Don 't iiss this Brush Sale Stott -&aJury . Druggists and Opticians. Phone 78. OOOD TO YOIJ FOR 10 OTS. A better Cough Remedy was nover made than we are selling for 25 ets. In ordeor to more thoroughl.yintroduce it wue-will giýve %ou a boule for 15 ets if titis ad et 15 Presented when, buying t. STOTT & JURY rhere la only 011e S Optical Rooffin11 BowfflanvÎllo, There is onily one Post Graduate Optician in Bowmanville. There is only one place in Bownaanviile that is thoronghly equipped with ail the Iatest inven- tions for,,iakinïg a strielfly aceiurate atnd sc.LIenii examinatibn. You get ail these advantages at our store FRIEE 0F CHARGE. Stott & Jury, "The place. w I rel' ougt S ifînl -2 Gradato y C 'ar4 Pb xi 8 rTh0 xonderfully rapiti eer'.of lDr, 'Ptchers Backachc-K;<iey Tablets ln c-ur- -ug lte severest kidney, bladder anti utin- -ry troubles, makes ilînse affecteti rejoice. Suc-b diseases anti dit-ardelrs, as lame or wsak bac-k, sweling et the feet, 1.uffiness under the eyes, gravela, brick deposits in tite uinea, scalding, frequc-nt catis during tite day or nigitt, pain lante joints, u'ic- acid iunte blond, drowsiness, headache, rapid lbas of fiesh, habituai constipation, liver torpor, weakness of te urinary or- Wn n uchiltireit and tie ageti are ail i_-kly relieveti anti permant-ntly cured. Mn. E . Dawson, Mini St., Kinc-ardisîe, Ont., says:- IlHard work andi constanii alcoping, together with cxposni-tcoldt brougit on severe backac-he anti Kidney', trouble. The aocreions were titick andi La' anty Nothing relieveti me until I gelt eabottle of Dr. Pitc-her's Backac-ie-Kidney Tabietis. They socon stoppedth ie pain andi soneness '. l'iteKidney action hecame -normnal anilealîty. I arn exceedingly graleful, nti glati to adti Iis testimony 10 the exFrcsýsicns.- of goodwili I have ite-ard ,ohers _give u1tterance 1." Il is no wonder Dr. Pitc-hen'sTalI -ure so Nweil 1' 'hey are tae prescription ofa Kitiucy spccialiast anti coatain ingre.ý dients not founti lu comrnon kidneypi. 5cD Tablets in a bottie. Price Soc. or 3 fi qxjj t digacr hy m;Il. ThIt Dr,, -e;1b. C., , reet, 0-at, Mrs q, J. Courtice anti daughtor lha Louise returned bomne last week acootu- opnmed by ber imother, Mrs. Levif Aýnris, Courtice, Ont, andi ber sister,S Àr' H. Brent with Miss Evelî n anad >,as.ýter Howardi Brent, of Týrone; Ont A GAATE CURE QOR PILES. itehlong, ;Bind. Bleeoding orProrudnPiles, Drgssrfand money Uf PAZO OINTMENT fat~ t cre nycas, no a tterof iow lon stn in n 6to 14 days. Firs:apliato givs s.s ad ret SO. f our drugitas' tsed Slclu tame na l vlibecowre post patd by P, arle6e' lue C0, t. LouiG M BOWMÂNVILL1E, NOV. 1, 1906. THANKSOI'VING VISITORS. Miss Lena Jarvis, Toronto, at homo. Mr Ernest Smith, Trenton, at home. Miss Florence Re3 nolds, Toronto, at home. Miss Maude Harndon, Norwood, at home. Miss Winnio Peuuington, Toronto, at home. Miss May Foy, Poterboro, with Miss Ida Pinch. Misq Luella Andrew, Toronte, with friends bore. Miss Lily Potbick, Toronto, at Mr. Wm. Scott's. 1Miss Nellie Nookes, Toronto, with relativ3s bere. Mr W. E. Pothielu, Toronto, with relatives bore. Miss Welington, Brighton, guest, of Mrs. W. Isaac. Miss Pearl Osborne, Toronto Uni. versity, at home. Mrs Geo Wright, Brantford, guest of Mis. Thosi Tod. Mrs. J.W. MeDermid, Toronto, guest of Mrs J. R. Finkie. Miss Kate McMurtry, Toronto, is vliting Miss C. Stephens. Mrs. Wm. H. Carley, Toronto, at her father's, Mr. Isaac Hobbs. Mrs. Wm. Rogers. Toronto, visited bier sister, Mrs. H. B. Creepor. Miss Mary Mutton, Cobourg, witb bier sister Mrs. G. T. Chariton. Miss Harriet ýBartlett, Coîborne, at ber grandfatber's Mr. John Heilyar. Mr. ttnd Mrs. Thoodore Fisieigh, Oshawa, at ber fatbor's, Mr.L. Hamiev Mr. Hubert Higginbotbarn, Standard Bank, Bradford, wîth bis brother Creighton. Miss Winnio Jouies was guest at the wedding of Miss Boamish, Port Hope, y esterday. Misses Hazel Bennett, and AnnLe Mayers, Port Hope, at Mrs W. J. Humphrey 's. Mr. aud Mrs. W. H. Rane and daughtor, Toronto, at ber father's Mr. James Saunders. Miss Loretta Sanders, Uxbridge, Miss Ella Sanders. TY roue, visted th eir aun t Nre.John BrQck Miss Ethel Colo, Trenton, spent Thanksgiviug witbh er motiter Mrs J. R. Colo, Betbosda. Mrs. A. L. Vaustone and son Wilfrid aud daughter, Gertrude, Brantford, witb ber sistor Mrs. P. Trebilcock. Mrs. Frauk Haicit bas been visiting ber Mrs. R. W. James, p i. on to Winnipeg to live. Dr. Gansby, brother and sister.1 Messrs. Ray, Sberwood and Alun Bruce,1 Miss Beatrice Tambl',u and Mr. C. C. Tambivn, Toronto, at Mr. Wý W,1 TamblS n'S.-j Miss Florence Joliow. Messrs. Frank Joilow, Harry Parker, George Black- more, Toronto, and MIr. Robt Sprouie, Oshawa, speat Tbanksgivîng at Mr. Lewis Jollow's. Mis Lilin VtbikMiss--Argue, Mr. W E. Petbick, M'r Powell, Toron- to; Mliss Mande Scott. Miss Addie Scott and Mr, Richardson, Fleetwood, speut Tbanksgiving at Mr. William '-cott's. Messrs. Colin MeLean, Gordon Jury, Geo W S. James, W. Power, F. and P, Trebilcock, A, Wiilis, B, ron Haddy, Hlarry Pingle, Alan Koith, Fred Pattinson, Fred Sparliig, Toronto, at their homes bore. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Webster and Master George, Mr. and Mrs. W J. Trick sud Master llarold, Oshawa, and Mr andi Mrs. Fred L3ie, towu, wcre grt"ests at Mr. Wm, McRea'nolds' Bnroo[kbil D.iry" Suaday. Mrs. Murdoff with relatives in Treu- ton, Mr W. Pearu with bis sister un Oshawa. Mr1H. Workman at bis home iu Nirs John Beaefick with relatives Ln Toronto. Miss Belle- AHuin wth-f rionds in Toronto. Miss Olive Osborne with frieuds in Toronto. Mrs. Thos, E Osborne with relatives in MWbucbv. T ho Misses M,%ocicerntt with relatives Lu Toront.. Miss A. J. Mlo with bier sister Mrs- M1. Proutt, Toronto. Mr. andi Mrs. Norman Thckson witb relativc.s la Oshawa. Miss Ivy_ andi Master Lînton witb relatives in Toronto. Misý- E. A. Ailin, M. A ,wt e -1 I ~.- -I .1 illo Dý n- 1 trnnî (rtstrft; BOW';'_a JILLE-,44R"i niglat. Posters willbheot urdue tc ime wit fuller particule rs. Mn. H. C. Hioar, Corected cachi Tuesday Hampton, is lte 5'ecretany 10 . ..$20b820 If3ou wAnt tb Save 25 cnsone rv wHEAall, busi,,..,. O 0 0 lo075 dllltt, bue your stootis St Vc e I sPrn n........O 0 0'IlQ7F If you wàaua delîcions ant oî-tto l Q9 .neh0t'67 khot-drlnk -on -a cold -bii vto -D IALT uilo.i- .0ro Luttrell's. BPE , )q, 1,,21... 040'rî, 48 Hot Vig-oral anti Hot Bînil ar eisI " n fi 8 ..0o of 0 oqo8 the toiin,-for a ctei nig' ti-si n 'Two rowed O 0 0 ilO40 ýe D. Lutteill's, bgk en- ,5whitn 'il.... ......... 0 0'il 3 The largest stock and gr'ixtt- 1 invRT, 1' . .O6 "O5 of untierwear, gloves mi-;s n-i-r ,icîwHrrA.T1l... .......O 0 'rifO50 etc. are to ho folunti e t It 'l.un<'- J P Bs lakoe, it-rbush.. 0 00 'e O 00 wVash grr-asy dit-hes, o .o-a5 " Canadifan heauties 00 110 nO7.5 Lever's Ps-y Snap a powtiEy lIt w' Ill 0 0r1; o unveheuaswibhereîetc~ l~ Smalî 19' O 60 t0O 60 o Biue fi 0 00' 06 G Ladies' flac Astrakan, t> a ý CovRSEBIS>............ 0' O O0 -Fî-îOh eII anti Ped rqit1o - rHOHV SEED ............ ) >O0 -the fine-',stCk i *t St ai , betct ta~lcP O1)0 0 vr-u C j obr st oîu i r î ti-rml' .&,tû dt - 'C" 2 PilEsîsFs-ewl hii aîtvPr ~r ~b1ush uew .0 0001-r 0 of ProisitFiait , et-t .-Eb mr',650 t 70i Fridny. The-. are te .- i orders early. T -fi. KtY t Merr's anti Bn. s' Sis oitMs'an Bois' Overcoats. e-ss-t-tle a, perfect fittin-~, mot tJ e for Bowmanilt- t f P l. c-ib r,d Pariien~orel o's jr,,-ai j ,5s O ICE is herebv given thrtt ail La's c -sen on-o .,* - _ï' boeTa. Colletatule for, ihe Mulnicipality lie Town 0f BOwtaanviî]e, and rernainlag The i'.ason C. jb;t , 11ireciiiopad for te year 1905, moat bo patd on or ho anoter suipreal I tîw 8tleto 1ifoe 1tua Flfleerth Day of Novemier. Lardies' ne- wAr; lhts toI m ui soeof thé nice-tst sî' satr' nt And al.said D04 Tax re'aainlng nnpaid 'we biave ,ever aft-ie LLae, wse'rauits of Destreisswill tue TO CUR-P, CUeLU esnedî for their collectio)n vitiont fuether Ail ruggsls efun liemon I5ARRY CANN, E. v s lgn$'re efttatsî une oeck ox tieBownianville, Oct. ah. 1003. A music feast,-M7sf. Hastings, Violin- lst, Opera House Nov. 1tit. Mr. Stewart Bruce, Port F'erry, was guest oi Courieillor Ciemens, Loyers of the Violin shouid hear Mise, Opera House Nov. 1tit., Mr. and Mrs. F. Mason, Peterboro. visited MNr. and Mrs. Thos, Sherin. Miss V!ctoria Tamblyn là vlsiting lier sistor Mrs. W, H1. Greenwood, London Mrs. James Bryans, Toronto, was guest of Mrs. W. R. Clemens ovor Sunday. William Hlenry Davis, editor of1 The Ontario, Belleville, died Oct. 24th, aged 86 years Walter M. Rosebuck, oditor of the Tomlskaming Herald d ed Oct. 24 in Toronto, azed 23 years. Ladies road the Home and Fashion columns. This week they contaîn much vainable information. Mrs Goo. Mitchell has removod from Toronto and is now com!ortably settlod in her new home on Duke st Don't faîl to hear Miss Hastings, violinxst, late leader of the Ladies' Boston Symphouy Orchetra Opera House Nov. loth. IMr. J. J. McDonald. of Bowmanviile, visited Mr. Herbert J. Booper, of the Watchman-Warder staff, Suinday.- Lindsay Post. Couch, Johnstou & Crydlerman are sbowing a suporb stock of Ladies' Coata They have the fiuest stock of these goods showu by any house ln these counnues. M. Mayer, the Furrier, has a fuli lino of mon's coats in Raccoon, Wombat, Wallabxe, Russian Caif and Bulgarian lamb. Fur lined coats fromn $10 up. Cali to see tbem Mr. W. L Smith, editor of The Weekly, Sun, Toronto, favorod us with a fraternal caul Saturdav. Ho and Miss Smith were passîng tbirougb town to visit at Mr. Casey Trull's. Sore ëThroaî uind Co'ughe A smple, effective andsafe remedy for ail throat irritations isfound in Cresolono Antiseptic Teublets They combine the germicidal value of Crcsolenewith the soothing properties o lippery dlm and lieurime I" AU lDrugglluta 40Q Mrs. W. R Goodwin bas veturned from London, Eugiaod, and a pleasant sojourn with ber brother whoin she hbad not seen for 35 yoars, She is looking very well, the trip bas improved ber health greatly. She will uInl c residcle rQ 1We 4fl alÏwa3s8 pl eased to hear of the Isuceffs Or advancement of West Dur iLam bays and are. glad to see by the Kincardine Review that ai a spocial meeting of the Board of Education, the salary of Mr. S. J. Courtice was ad- vaneed $100. He, had a tempting offer from Toronto but wiil romain there, Geo. Campbell, ex-M P. P., for East Durham and ex-Warden of these United ÇCounnes, died suddenly Pt bis home Lu Mlibrook Sunday of boart failure. Hie was a life-long Couser- vative and at the time of bis death was treasuror of the Township of Cavan and member of Mîlibrook Sehool Board lio laves a widow, two sons and one daugbter. ' T H. ilassard, Millbrook, has just receivod a notable shipment fromn Scot- land of 14 registered Clydesdales, name- ly, 8 stallions and-6 files.- One of the- staýllions, Prince Alexander, sold for y6~ st earing and boat the 015,000 Prince o f Albion for the championsbip a>t the Highland Society's show ln Dunbee Thrce backney stallions were also in the shipment 11 It williinterest althose who gener. ously put their hanidsLu their pockets and beiped to make up apurse of money to Mr. John Luxton, jr., when hoe bad the great mtsfortuue to lose his barn and egntents comprising this season 's crops bv fire that ho receivod the liberai sum of 8l70. This speaks well for the kindness of our.citizens and bis other frientis who "cbipped in". Mr. Luxton deshres tbrough THiE STATESMAN to thank ail who contributed, realizing sincere1t that a friead Lu need is a friend iodeed. Silver bracelet lost. See advt. Full linos of gents' furuisiigs at B!ue o-ur Poultry supplies at P. - lomere-ade Meoat Pies at-Thos. Tod's -try thena, You canît f ail to like THE STATESMAN 1'i onew. A ui L ino of G. 13 Che-colates just arrived at Thos. Tod's, CHURCH NOTES. LRev C. W.Bartiateopac. eti anniversarF services et Betbany Sunday. Rev. D. O. Crossioyv. Wblitby, preacit. ed in Charlotte atreet Metitodist citurcit, -Poterboro, Sunday. Rev. W. C. Allen, M. A., Milbrook, bas beau appoiniteti Rector of Cavan parisb as suceessor ta bis fatiter Vouer- arble Arcitdoacon Al1leit aving resigned. Epworth League convention of Bow- manville District will be helti at Ennis. killen on FrLdav Nov. 10 opeann at 10 a. m. Grand limte expected keo pro- grams. Epworlb League Suudav wiil beoho- servet inLutue Methodist citurcit on Nov. 12 Spocial sermon 10 Leaguiers. by te pestor and specLýal sîngî-ng by a choIr of Loaguezts. Rev J. S. McMullon, Trenton, proacbcd able sermons at !Hil ton, Sun- day week,,It being thie re-opening of the Metbodist churcit. A lbauk,.offer.. [Dg of 8800 was genorousýiy' laid on te plates. '1'here wilho a HarvosL Thanksgtv- ing Service lu Trinity ebureit next Suuday oveniug-. Thre choir is pre- paring special music asîtI will be assiat- ed by outside talent. Pbi cordiaily inviteti Tho W. M S. District Convention will be helt inL the Bowmauville Metho dist chuireh on Tuesdav Nov. 14, begin- ning at 10 a. ma sharp. Sessions will bcbe itiiat 2p.întand aI 7 The evening session wJi be of very specLal interesl. Rev. V. H. Emorv 's s pecial sermon 10 young women drew a great audience 10 the Methodist cburcb Suuday even- iug. Il was a ver,-, compreheusîve, praclicai anti intenesting' discourse anti was attentivelv heýard Tbe ispecLal choir of over fiftv ladies,, wito bat been CIra ined by Mr. H J. Kiitlt wiîb Miss C ke, rgnisî, sang spienditly, lite"Glry ang being spreeally on- joyeti. Mrs. C. A Cawkýer sang-& solo in excellent voico The Rev. J. Cooper Robinson, Assist- ant Secretary of thoMisour Society of the Churcb h Enl i luCanada anti for Ibirteen )years M;issionary Ln Japan-wil1 preachinLuSt. j ohn's cbrcb Bowmapnviile, Suntiay, Nov. iat il là i. anti 7 P! m Mr. RobiIoon i al0o give a lecture ln St. Jolin's eburcit by sixty beautifully* coloreti lanteru viewse. Collection Lu aid of ,be work. At a meeting beiti lu Trinity citurch Tnesday evening a Trinity Club for 3 onng mon wats organizei,. The fol- iowing officers were letd-Presidont R D. Davitison, Pr:incip)al Public Sehool; 'Vice Presitient- Sidney Morris; Secretary-Charles Weokes; Treasurer -Ed. McKowan., Particulprs of mem- beri5hip mav ho obtaineti front aay of the above. The Club is undienominal- ionai anti is free 10 ail young, mou lu towu., The ladies of the enurcit served a ciffce supper at lte close Union Thanks2iving services iunlte Mthodist cburch Tbursc-iay were fairly well attonded-by ladies, but monm were causpicuans by their absence. LoyRe. W. Jolliffe in lte absenice of ite pastor presidýeti. îPeV . W1.Camn0flt Disciple churcie sitt LhWeoin al exoërcises antiretia S-nilr; esn The preacher of lte dywas e.W Hipkiu of Trinitv Coingrýogational chu rcit wo deliv-et ia admirable serman for lte occasion. Tite collection was for the Home for lte Ageti. Tite Methocist Epwortb League on- jo3 eti an eveniug witit Longfellow last week Presideut L. K. Parr was lu lte chair andthie prograin was -ander the direction-of Miss MeWain sud Mr Wiibur Hoar, The losson was reati bv Miss Mabel Brook. Nfitsic was furnisit- eti by Miss Nellie Wig-ht, Providence, anti N. Wlbur Hoan, iuterostiug papens ou the lite of lte pool were giveou by titree Public School teachers - Miss Etina. Fieldtiug, Miss A. L, Armour anti Miss A, L. Hancack. The lange number present were mucit pleaseti anti profiteti by lte excellent prograna presonteti. - C-LA-RK'S --ýSUPSx. -- Spicy andi app(otizing. E sily prepancti -make a gooti begiuuirag fr oveniug FARMERS' INSTITUTE. Mlrs. Oawker'a Concert, 01iizenz are antlclpatlng wltit great and 'llvely Interent, the itigit-ciau. musical and llterary ontertalument aucouneed b7 Mn. 0. A. OJawker for Fîiday Nov. 1à. Admirable cholce bat beau made by Mrs. Cawker In lber, selection of talent, for.. no more popu. fer singer le before thte m4ioal public to-day titan Mr. Dunaid 0. MacOregou, %ho was eogag3d to tour theDomiïaion laet month wifi-tte Irlih Goardse Band tbat returned 10 Euglaud on Prïday, lait by the Allan L'na Steamer "Par- When Donald M&cCOregorst appear ed un Bowmanvlille, THE XEws sald of bie sluuging: 'Donald MaoGregor carrled the audience by etorm, sud the people conldn't gel enougb of hlm. Hie stage appearance le excellent, and hie rlch itaritone volce bolds bis hearers spoil- bouad. HE l ever be adrawingcard lu Bowmanville." Tnz STÂTESMAN Said on titat occasion: "Tiis as Mr. MacGregor's second appeanuce before a Bowmanville aud- fonce and the general verdict wse"hoe ls botter titan ever." Among bis nunt- bers, hoe sang wlth good voice aud splendldly clei enuiclation "Thte Joli7 elacksmith," and "Thte Idol cfthec Nalion,"and by request sang set-eral Scotch souge. He bad te rospond te hearty encores on every appoarance, and on-rouderlng bis final, number ho ho vasrecalled threc tintes. No singer over recelvetia a moreý cordial graeting ,bere. or gave better satisfaction ~' Toronto Saturday'Nlght sald of a re- cent concert: "The concert ln Massey Hall on Moudsy nlgbt va% a moat on- joyabie affir. Donald MacGregor won a triumph In a double number, being foreed tb respond to encore demands ihat would take no denylng." Tite prose everywhoe speaks Iu coin- plimenlary terme of te vceallet vlth tho Irish Guardsi' baud. W euct thc foilowing frointhebcPelerboro' Examin- eor: "ýMr. Donald MacGregor, tbe youug voallet, scoreti a triumph lu bis nom ')ers. Mr. MacGregor ls a greal sinner, a~nd lt la te hlghent pralse to say tat pauy ho keepra-a gooc...,S ltsc band le lu ils way." London Free Proes: lu a reviev of a groat concert thoere' ald: 'Donald C. MlacGregar bas been board bore 100 oflen to need further comment titan taià ho fuliy bore out hie excellent ne- putation as a singer of rare mient." F. M. Bell.Smitb, lthe ciever enten- taîner w1 l1assis' ou the progran wnith Donald MacGregor and Mises Hastinge. Donald Macgregor, bariione, Mita Hastings, vlolinlat andi F. M. Bell- Smlith, the higit clasa entertaîner wili maire a atrong trio for tiisconcert. Granby (Que.) Lader, "Miss Hartý truge la. an excelitoualiy ciever vîo!inLat, and bier solo wslthe hest feature of the eveiilng.-' Opera House, Nov. 10. Peberboroogit Ont.) Revlew,- "Miss Grace A. flasiinge, slollu soloist, vas certainiy captIvating lu ber ie- p,,re>atiou of "Balati et Polonaise." As au encore abs firsî gave lthe cId favorite "Suanee River," and, being reoailed _a second lime, aie re8pondedi with a tird seleetion witcit vas deligitful la bis musecal qu litks, and served t e e- phas!zs 111e fact madee alriklngly evident iu ber tirst number lthaI the poeaBBed a masterfol talent aud brîlliant execu- tiozi." Opera House, Nov- 10. Mise Grace Hstings heldth ie posi- tion of Solo ViolLniate anti Concert riîstreas viith bbe veli knowu "Bost,ýn Laties Symphony O.echraîra," for an tntre season. whlch took lu the ieadl- ing c1iic of United St'ates and Canada, Thte Toronto Giob-, "Thte violiu solos of Misa Grâce HastingasaM the concert tsodered lthe C. O. F del-3gares at Brantforti on Tuestiay nlhî, proveti Gea. Smuitht makes go-oti photos- anti prices are righit. New weddiug calebýoxes-lovely ones -at STATIESMAN Office. Seuti STATÈESMAN- to friends. Oniy 25 cents ta January 1, 1906. We give TuB STATESMAN free 10 enti of 1905 t10 new subscribers for 1906. PURSE PouNDOn Pair Groundis Friday a purse contaiuing mouey. ,EuquLrG at Tiisg STATESMAN office, Noties cforBirthe, 25 eents -,Nartriages, 50 enlts; ODeathe, 50 onStg, icaeh i- sertIon. When fanerai cards are -printed a t ta oflice, Insertion froce. M&ARTN-In Tyrone, Oct. 38t, to Mr. and Mir& W J. Martin, a daugliter. CLAR-In Darllngton, Oct, 22, the wif e of David Clark, ofa non. FýAIR-ln Oshawa, Oct. 2lst, the wlfe of jas. Fair', of a son. MoREN-In Bowmanville, Oct. 29, t0elMr. a td Mrs. W. L. Morden, a non. M ARIEDI. COLEM4N-MCOLELLAND-In St. John's Pres- byterlan church, Toronto, Ct. 27, b y Bey. J. lme P. Scott,- Vincient Coleman k'ort Ho pead Miss Helena Miller. eldest daughter7 of M. iiobt MeCielland, Toronto. LAwRENcE-REARH-Ifl Osbawa, by Bey. J. Hl. Talbot, Oct. 25, Jos. Lawrence, Oshawa, and Elizabeth A. Rearns,-Hultsville. FARWELL-MCGILL,-At the residence of the bride's mother Port Perry, Oct. 18th, by Rev. Wtn. Cooper, 1â. A Mr 'Charles Franklin Farwell, Saflt Ste. *araeand Mise Dora Mc- GUi, Port Perry RANKIN-MCGILL-At the residence of the bride's mother, Port Perry, Oct. ltb, bv Bey. W m. Cooper, B. A., Mr. Charles Shipman Ran.kln, Cincinnati,bOhio, and Miss Helen Me- GUI, Port Perry. WARÂM4-CAMRo-In Oshawa, by Bey. S. J. Sborey, Oct. 25. Peter B. Waram, and Corg Q. Cameron, bcth of Oshawa. FAaueOW-KaaRnATazCK-In Oshawa, hy1 Rev. Jas. Hodgjas B. A.,Oct. 25, John Farrow,1 and daaM. irkatrckboth of Oshawa. 1 LYNcH-O'DELL--Ifl Oshawa. by Bey. Jas. Hodges, B. A., Oct. 25, Mr. Henry Lynch, and Mise Sarah A. O'DelI, both of East Whitby. BALBON-MURasiy-In Toronto, by Bey, Thos. Mitchell, Oct. 24. Mr. Jno. Baissai, Dar-M lington. and Mr&. M. Murray, Toronto. 9 REREsES-ACEy-In Oshawa, Oct. Sth, by Re%,. W B. Tueker, Jas Reeves, and Violet May Stacey, ail of Oshawa. Y OUNG WOO1EN WANTED-To take Course j,. Training School for Nurës For eariclars address Mrs. S. L. Kilbourne, 108 ain tit., E., Lansing, Miei. 42-4w. S TRAYEID-ou or about tOctl sI, a heifer attd lamb came on preuises c(A underaigned lot 21,econ à Dar.ington. Owner may have same by provtng propcI)rty aud p>ay- iiigexpenses. CEIrABES JKESLAKE.J :MP (1ATTLF, STRAYED-Prom lot.19., '...eJ~~~ yo.8 earlings and 2ýïu J~ ~ ~ a c'vs ie asrae reti. ail are partiy dehorn- I d. lnformiathuiioading 10 reeovery wilIibc tta,,ktuîlyireceived. W. J. JEFFREY, Box -nJJ flowmanvilîe. 44lf fl TOUSE FO~I SALE-Gond brick 11resicence containîng 8 rooma good stona celiar underneath, icrd and soft water, ý acre of land, on whlch are a number of fruit trees atad small fruit. For particutars appîy on tie premises 10 J. M . HaE, Odel sr, iowmanviîîe 44 1w. "jARMS F0OR SALE-Bangain lit -P.ofvaluabýe far-ns niaitdesceitapiis I cated ttt Fruitl and Canningr Factory districts and elsewhere lu Ontar-io and North West suitable f or ait ktnds of Farniang an alaohing. Gel our lists before bayingi. Colonies located. W'Ie list faims fre. ALFBROWN, Rieat Estal, e, 44 w. ~___ iton, Ont. D 0WN A N y, LE5. . NT. G i 1O2,) 'TAL! ~o 'liyUn- Pitysietan ana Surgeo ý ti a U Ce ml ospital Pittsbnrg, Ks. Office and Rcotd teoe ne.TtiDaor tu Exw-MaJuz Mitchell's, El.gin Sýe. Te.npiohne No. 118 For lte fine-t stoc.k of DressGouis anti Silks inaail coors ani al qualitles, cati aI Coueb, Johuýston & Crytierman s. as-Ï E adies WTe kinidly invite you to sec otIr display of F'uII and -~--i tet--~~ r lots-hiehwe- Tre licionfident e-î ii pt-ollou- nce to be the niost desir -- ablc, perfect-fittin,ý, high l cîass, and up o d- tecot o o bo found inu this town. E Also to sec our New AFal ready-to e'- Stijr Our FadI StbçhI ,-era]. Dry00 dooliss UuW 6'm- ~ARMN~~~p letein every departaient îWoinvite your inspection. E We invte your înspec- Etiori of our New Eall and E Winter Suints and O ver- coats which w le haveJ E chosen with paruictîar c- re, as to Style, woî-k- E manship aiud quality, a~ndi we guai, antee the vaiues eaunotI csur-passed Our C'ents' Furuisbinig O ~-Dcpartmentis nowv fiiPý wiýh the latest riovetiiîs * kij Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts Co!îars and e Sthing. usual y kept in a first class Gent~'i, r Snishing Store. Grocers' due bllis tak on as cash. 5'a W UTAN T ED--ExperiencedIactizn yye' gar in large Toronito piano fact- Ory ]3es11111toaesin the city. Apply Drawet B. Bowmany, le. 423W TEACHIER WANTED-for S~. S. No. o., Ont. 414f, HOUSE TO RENT-Nice white 1..frame house, S rooms; splendid ceIlar; good liard and soft water, stable and orchard Apply toG. T. CHARLTON, janitor Methodb4 Church, Bownianytlle. 4.tif 20 ACýRES LAND FOR SALE- Good hionse, barn and well. Smail orchard on at. South of Presl.yteren Chureit. Apply to MRS. P. BÂReLAY, EXlr.nillen. 398W.* TVEAOHER WANTED-For S. S, No -I 6Maple Grave. t'ersonal applcalloub reqUrlred. APPlY to W LLIAI- JI.FNERY, ReI 1.55, Bowmanvilie. 42tf BLACKSMITH'S APPREN-LICE- BWanted at once a young man te, leara blacksntlthlng. Apy to A. W. PIOKARD, East-En~d BlackeemUbBowmanville. 4441,. WE PAY SA&LARY-TWO TO SIX W dollars per day-etther sex- introdue. Ing Our ',NEw IDEA": free training; rapid ad- vancement; opportnnity sure; NIanOLS COtU- PANy, Llmated, Toroute. (Mention this paper). F IOR SALE-Good brick bouse on -Vcorner of Welngton and Temperance nt@, containing eîght rooms. Good bard and sofi water. Apply to CttAs. DANcESTERt, box 334, Oshawa. 4 - W B1' OY WANTED-To soui the ChriGt. -0mas nunaberof The Canadian Graphie. $10.00 and awatch easlly earned Write l'Le Canadiaen Graphie Pnhlishing Company, Liina. ied, Toro to.4-2w. T-TOUSE FOR SALE-Woodb ine JL-Cottage, Duke street. tne residence of the late Thomas Coleman, eontaining nitre rooms. There la a stable. Over half acre of garden plaited wtth a variety of fruit trees. Apply to TnommÂsToD, Bowmanyille. 448w* F ARM TO RENT-65 acles, part of 8I o 1, con. 5, DarIinaton. (Hampt.n), htmiecIiate possüesion to picw. Auply to FRIÈD W. ALLIN On the premises or to the owner TnomAzs ELLIDTT, Hampton. 88-tfl IîeNR-In Darlington, Oct. 26, Maria, relict of the iate John iikard, aged 90 yeLirs. EutOR-on Birmin gham, Alabama,Tiursday Oct. 26ih, Mr. A.B. Elford, aged 46 Tears. form- eriy cf Solina. CHÂRLsSWO-RT-Iu Hope, Oct. 27ti, David E. Charlesworth, aged 67 years, THoRNTON-At Peterboro, Oct 19- Richard Tiornton, aged 86 years, formerîy of Orono. TENANT-AI Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask., Oct. 19, Joseph Tenant, aged 22 years, formerly of New Park. Ioterred at Orono. BURNE'T-In Oshawa, Oct. 25ti. Dottie Hink- son, wife of Andrew Burnett. aged 28 years and 3 menthe. BABET -At Toronto, ai Grace Hlospital afier a Phort illness, Oct. 27ti, Arthur Lester, youogest son of the Ilate Wm. and Sarah Barret, Bowmanville. The tories of meetinIgs of Parmers' LustUlules for West Dunhana are au- nnnceti. Bot Governmealt speakers are weli kuowu bore-Wr ,-Henrv Cientiinning. Manilîs,ni OMr W P. Kydd, Simcoe, who was eon irtjatige on ligitherses lbere two yasago. Dates are as follows:Kota Dec 13 afternoonffOron at ni.-hi; Bowmpn- Whooping Oough, croup, Brouiohitis Cough, CrfpAathm a, iphthcria Cresolci-tola a boon tz Astimaties Is ireN tet- r-t., elabistct t-n' .tand,-'d remedy1 fer tht-edl eute, utdated. It t-st-sbec..usethe air rt-n dercid strongly entiseptie is est-t-ed ot-rrtii, d'.eased sur- races of the bt-ont-butl tubes wth eve.ry bt-tatt, gieiug Prtonged sud contant te teot. TChýose om sump- tive tesdee3 -or,nfl'e et -t ,-ro fo iti, 1x inn-edt8 e l'omt- w obn tt-i . rn("ii r.nece thet tt--tt. Vapo-Cresolene Le t-oui by axugits or sent rt-3- CbIXt Cai ,t- ieGeiPt of p-ce. A Vspo-Crosolzne oui.-- U. ln-lludbng a bOd.ttof , CeosoIene 91.50. Senad for . e r tere, ilIustrtaed booklet.- LEMMI.NGIîLEScO., LI, r-uts, 28St. Jorist-ti, Try lteé Crullens anti Doughînts et Titos. Tod's. Blond meal. Meat maeai, Ostier sheil, Mica gril, et P. Miuriocd"s. Try Lowney's celebraîed imported Citocoistes at D. LutIneli's., Too eanl *y Not a bit, 10 buy S our Xrnas prosonts et NLchoils'. Try ltaeIlomemnade NMaple'Creesm sud Pearint Cnîsp-at7 'hoa. Toti's. -r Hi. KIngt t wll pay higits cash prices for ail kintis of produce.ý Have A ou sont TrII STATESMAN t0 your a'enl fienoé.? Do ilnow. Ho ! ! Saunts Cia ns' iteatquanlers will -be at Niciinils' titis l ear as jUp-al, New Sui's anti Overcoats ai special pries t 'reNtg,90n CUts. Seoe--dvt.- MeW'o fi e fur-lueti Coals ln aillquai. iti03 ait Cr-uoh. J ohasion & Cr3 tiermau's Hot ,rink -;i-ason bas apeneti. Try, 0. Lurîreil's bol Vigoral andi hoe Bovrur. Don%'twî'rn- about bnw Nichoils sellii so che4r. Jnst lako ail the Enaps tat are contàinu- our way. People'w-ecr n low Nicools sella so clieap. ,s' ni e now, anti bave a look, a., 2-,v 1:1 woriter more.' T[i, rn - irn slling the nauv 'Loosc U - la N>intruble adi- ju-stin, u e t!"re with ibis collar Cengits, cSa, boarseneas, and otler th5mai nolments are quiciiy reieved hy Cresoicua tabicts, les. cents àper hoz, Aild.rugiats If s'-u w-nt iny ef those oddt pieces Of Chies tr-stNiechoilsq is solling al lons titan hal f once, 'ýou will have ta banni,. ('auch hriston & Crytierman bave nover shtwi. as fluie a stock of Dross goods aund >nks as Ihoy do titis season Be sure- andi set) Oea Smith's nevw photo tT')unts. 'The uew white Ton- sehon is a beaîîîy. Sqtudio STATEsMAE< Block Coucb. Joitasto-t & Cn-,derman are sitowing a fine stoc-k oaiSable Ruifs. No linon gootis ant i o bolie r value anywbere, Ladies' fiar-lined oals mati t ode b-) M. Maye, er, r, Bwmaniile. Now is lte lime b have., our furs., aller- eti anti repaireti anti matie over m lthe latest svïle.