<~:.ss..:: <<.~:-<<.. jAUjTUMN P AYS. When the crown of -Sumrmer'a giory, r3ou irlect J D eToca Uns at length begon te ofade, And the steady hand o11Aitumin ciea d T s U P), n a l n a t u r e l a d , Then oi ur feelings seok expression lIn the Song ef grateful praise; hcw othei's hv suffered witih lite sainecopanndhwte For we prize the jey of living founid relief front Biliousness, Conistipation and Stomach Trouble. The lu theNE happ OTTC CHILU. -%aeztphysicinns Lin the world cant do more than CURE you of liliousness and 1,ixer Comiplaint. That is 1xcl htFutatie o eel h The responsihilities of parenthood Wihosrat cyca beholding proof thiat proves:-nre great under nov circumistince; O1tee a ndrpadgan 1I si takiog Fruit-a-tives and must say they are the best remedy 1 have ever seena but the tnsk of nmaking a weillbaýi- lm we praise w ho haý,i rûvided for l4ver and Stoach Trouble. I would net e wthout thern et aoyprice." neueu iienvgru aAltia lto h etl plain, MRS. FRANý BUSH, 1ýssex, Ont. body and spirit, of, the chid w o s e glide acgthe wat-rs, starts life hnoidicappcd by a delirito rw ine nth as nervous organization is one Of the We re- taught iifes 's deper mcanng bnatseios ndfr eachinîrobinJohese rcstful Autuniin days. I 1eis f wich L i posibl teconFloeks and hieras and living creatures The delicately poised and high-lectntencnarmoe strung nervous systeni of the neuou:e-ies ad fuC n iapoi tlè child rendors it abnorntally son Speak of God's uniiceasieg ,love: C7e ~bcs sitive te ail influences fer gocd orAn nstecalou 50C. àa-Lex.K al druggiÎas. maeflusc ued by Fruit-a-tlves Lited, Ott"wa. evil, înentally, nmorally and phy sica-l- IGAndnes plaino y crow>,îs our t vays ly. It forias a predispcsing facto Teavraehese itth nvess ainltybecwtcntcd ays ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ o th uînot i poranc la the pr usual flow, of slveatLs one le these buoyant Autu man days. duction of theo maoy fortis of mental quart oif oats in about fiftee Ccdmorl waknssor istse vhih ninutes; wiîhi this flow And we think how maich we doubted unfortunately appear to bie constant- partiaily stpd i t takes While there came ne dew ner raie, ly imcreasing with the developicotýI thirty mnts And wc feared that times of plenty of civillzntiocc. TI-e present co!ndi- Thisshowtýsho important Nover nmore would come aan tiens of lfe are sncb as largely te it is t- 1e 1h - ceproper! uanity 01 car doubts and fears re o1i )g oninul the brutal, but le the long ruin of saliva and igestiveuces. Bri.,Tbter sconmes our eye Sui eys, T2101Salutary wor'kings of lice law of the J And cxc praise our gracietis Father A ln Cannlot Nourish lus Morals If h Suirviial'of h itst n tisteFý r Sc Vor these bounteous Autumi ays rght of the littie euecs whose mental Negleotslis uferdthoih h ±#uoiF Ë- 4;k" And we watch the day's conipleteness eelcs H s M sls verspecialization thiat characterizeq Blonld xth eve'iing's penceful calot _______ _____________modc7erntimes to lie se teri4,krly and iceae tesli a anâigetie andcejuieiofdstetvlg xisely guarled duritig thir u'period cof 3 c i b cse the fee r beig - he ad thanksgiving psalmn. A despatch front Brookzlyn, N. Y., goed we ought te rontember that cegro-xvtb thiat the ev'r-pi'esqent dngr ade "tst" i mak,,es ý,the Mo re and more we prize tto gcod- s:-Tlev. Dr. oNexail Dîight illlis car.niot do good work with, broetin of s 'riens nerveus diseuse shail bc, nmi mot ae,"te I c ienhdfrom the felicwilig text:- iute ltols. A heart cnnisecratedlwnrdecdoff»am s u nwbnwead Wbicb our Father's love, displcys: -1iorify Ced ln yourbedy-J. Co,-., l vnsxokciioda r Withcuc chiidreci the inerely scho- butter or jam jt-jcu oura50 bnds- renidethc-nks ance:sinlg Vi. ,20bg e body up te is hlgbest ef0x- lastlc trainiing of the nomd shouldlj-or hspecu Ati.nda. Aithoagh the werds of the famili ir CiOC as aitinistrument fer doing ass~ume seconid place, ansi every ef- t a, Tehre hrfr, Dn1lesvihle, Qe T. Watson. daeCne Dii, Lto'~l..&. od. Yen o lorify the 'et4'~'~4 aslsfe i en collar e e efu~ e iigb neore by the healtlc tlat m. The increasemoaldigestion aandti bide th sprlt0f lte ayig ~ ports cheer, the stî'oug haîîd that moaqaîtsed t esmltin aeshebei atfrengly eiiphaAlzu.d thierc. 1ut t,) lifts big bcun:les for pcor old aladossbe.hd svgro nia- cruaebetr osnn h IB.R lTS thgbenin iurî!thla elien psibehide aind imaking the coatglessy. -ehrits hygienie and physiologic,%,l1'tht. otluro-tie child usually needs no Nothing ijurcus ý;init i d çcan The feature o! the Amuerican Ilma- inistructions wouid make a book cf Speîî virtue la your ewn life thoan y icceýntixe te study, antd is Ofien stop leedlnug iSt wlthoýuî harm- tredMginfo ombrstc 11o Smali size. Ih contes as a Surpris-- n bar 1S lrauer meeting whincs or by tae aaiefrNvnbri h te hos popi ixe îcigie tat Pemos pixî wihe fo lie terta ancecg th(, prize xinhers 10 his class- L;fui cies. first installment ef a rcaiiy absoo~, 10 hOe pope ho main th-i te, os poti wshs fr heeteril sbut the feverlsh overactivitv cf Our Heave,re. Tar Foiot ing biovc! by Mary Cholmendley, ih- sole purposo of religion is te fit welfare of yîour nieiglibors. ' lic ipnlabe artcfmai chlfi J'htittipity sirpl minstht arly voars is only' tee of ensuc- Remiedy, Colic Cure, Ebo called "Pisnra" ieder the cao- iceý seul foi' a Place un the s'kies te le al thinga the religions man se& code b nrvusbrokow lt aonPleilen, 0a;]C, tePb o ohn i tr. ce. lihe grown persen's ess respo- Bian ieHe-in, O, alF. 1Lîdcilsie Fyles tells of Clydeo let1tlat tho New Testamentfo e' vefaulisubn orei eefa, om ower aeequaily as Fitch's 1power iii the thoatu'cal t exmlmentions the body ammoast velopment, -tçicetîter- it te cfl body Oc, ýiv aute,çhc oedo lr sepl rfue egoon ad ecoin- go nter w ayuvrld, as nuaker o! pepular a'tre"s-- tbroo timo ns-!;iel 'Ithooseul îîîîed orlîmil, Tfborsiacss o r 71a p a le ny cae tb cou la at te i et-orsocial ife; lhe b(ioves that theo - .ceslit n of lice labor antil t1îMnycerul eudd o.Jrdrc'ae oprla 1Most iHigb is 1ct lri ayaI xedd rneus oetýy bas been re- b h eiri n Cyedl eyraace ril n"iehoo ,n>d the nesi cotntmnicta, toi,,jd; dut ftic impression able mîuud Peaai 'd e iesti- fiTcdicyii'iton"adMs line e imrtagtcand ie-bths cxcrkmeansicip ccming te its boat,1Gfaten divore piey frm lic p~ sculj inost perfectly roaliziuîg his purposes, locf the normaâl cii sesiiy over- fcia atwrtslc ilr fBiacf wbethcc'eplilydfrnththe tsidubyith way- 1 vorked- 11, ioo o rintlTry 1Hercules Poury F'ood. -tleo Likt ticCzar cf tîce Nei-tli" tbrews it enlyilio thie r l.braini efr the e tan he Clydesdàle Sok UdCaLnie vithic caracterisfic ('bore). Tiere us lirai froiiiil nl atrsid'e or bis croix ning cvork b ooc roincnar rae to tlceT.otOnt.L iii--l frlgoni nvamte iaise a plier by l'iss C ail, 0o1 o! wýhat yen tlîlîk or feel it i JasTicerefure the religions mon se.-!< te case 1-1 a child who is pitmsicaliy uasil 'smd sa I oner the Ahi Wise witit a bodiy xeak. .......'1nySri. h hr tre opnoas cbepas a uinpo cxt orthv cf ils Maker aîcd te serve the Te lici id oe th n d ipc ar "e y Mrs Il. Ah~sh rture rtalas ream s in. in an as!Al Loviuîg cith nmembers that gladly olte eCs abundant sloop, abnnd- Tan o'tyCnetJer ' wnn o eliIonwhhly tday "Ii1 do bis wlll. ant froaic air ancd suolshine gecd adot l.weter, quicklvlolid Mr ocrClieat 1ýatarlgo hlyspiritual Ihat bdc h iiee nims aiyw rang ont, and nppled over the Hfenry A. Shute, anC Norman If. Itmy oanasonassaî,uc1 FR OVER SIXTY YEARS. digestible sert, bilt should avelt painful part la toothache or flou- 'roîxoîl; TlJenry Wallace Phillipa'sur- f tcottable bcratiiiblhucra-Mrs. inlow's Sootlcing Syrup Ilas taking înuch uneat, ta and cofflernuwl eeai fodpecp dcnldsiiii acbr as religionut -ýlu wb orlycftIe seul it bei useti by millions of moticers foroand spics. Abovx o ail, it n -.cds foc- i relief.. Asrpo lne rla'i con tmovel te iceaven on wigs; if if. their chiludren whlue teething. If dis- iearng, tacfltetlet -e rmlfle c,;hie i di o bistechngby his owuci lio!5 MoeolUCabelans ouhlimitations o! ye-yur stnrgthland-fer-use. pnin-il puclab'-52 vek -u, g -noer e orethn ~~,ues, eÏven soil aones, each a apperan e le co crime te de ý Iiueacet- oo)k l its'oif, re-fiecîlog American ivcri's gelet cork woniti watch i Flemedy than Of AiU Others lisicet without ovorfatigne. JE' 1 MAV EPlt nhmcm n ili it 3,îceîlo bis wno eqniipnc'int. Fut Together. Avoîi wuiokling lice brou-s or ll l ine alpadfed it Wbo!lýever weakensth ie body xwrongs -sccecviucg upi) teeyoa ivien titin1ino. If Imay iceip sounobureneichari apecuizarticles contribuietidy font' or in is heovy baC te belau'; oua meut andiwmo-rae ee s' ,-buchcaven and huincoity. Sca rle.Gogamrhn t~o ta-glace-Sucb centectiona of sevie s ic eiduie f ahStocal inrTotaGrio a' "Ihae hadthe teuaIf rauaceaoyony ltle son,;o! mne-7aists, soldiers, sailera, itatesinen Iclflesibh vne pfo oi' 1- oa aeny erChmbr1iî'sCo-hîcmey areming. s n e-May cheeî' o sou I mcv an-ud ocen of affairs. Tcve hundreil b',J- iys te intrument of our sec- C ayeusîe4 ~ dnîeedinKi ic hdcligtrpôma f m al ne 'ev1gou thiëcfuL lai-îiuneibylcedutial- - iýce iii Ibis ivomil. Ilealil etusl db Canada, andciI seD as mucb of il as 1 do condition, with sturict regard forOe r ing kuo lm e as la gai el tIces oulicpotn o lihuireand io rsongici for lice sake cfthie largor iun- cf alotherfiues 1 have 0on my iiteîves diet, dothing and exorcise. O lbig some sbdocved oui te msti qu sto.ie heucdrt 0an Veatmenl rtil etades ouce te mlake in l'ut togeticer. Olt linay dozens sold Do net try al the cures antid gciIifly comlte swtenios dy ieoat <C- TEE 11WAY 0F GOOD MWOHRi. undeî guaran'ee, 1i ha;e'-not had one laudies siug'gested by frieutds uuutii 1 shal not lr i living !. cer ý j sto of-wchie-tor sorlcoc- AlA enidycri a aas de aototer hboîle returned. I canpersonalyuecom- Ye ox )ie ond freirn yoluc picysicianIf1na epWvdi_1 .eSo1-lnr Oetusn Des n uclcile e ieaentItn at 0f tue týnendtitis meda.ine as Ihae used it my nicther sûcb treotîruont cii beoefit TIf my lp ecrihorei oes 0f bam, oýo Ouce thonvoes nh xiatpcu cyodcdia.se'f anti gi'en it te îny ciiltiren andi ail you' portictîlar case. Irew people ITfI iny teib's g rnatce' fieofseesanidscovr istoa lh J! rlieln isa mtte'- Cin1 ways with tice beat restits." For sale by sufîeu' front exactîy the saneaymp fJna tad atrn cd iliclscec ninin1ibsey or0 oigalltiruggists. toi-rs.Or help soeine iar ho truuo-Tirethonsanti dright anti omusing ____If J may dring a tenider tond aunecdoetes, itemts of stroange and Res a d ftFERLINTRS TOT. PU HT ATR.Te some hoiie, couch of pain, cur-oIOn5 knooletige, penta nd TRV HOT WATER.Or wiisper wruasPER Io!S OT._ hope antid eccs Succssfl Ti -Ilotxvaer as aý ore edial tregthThis la riat lice Companion offers For ~deys Sucesa Pa ri Dentid on a te ti a.s faelieor knmedicol tOtH lie In vain.is reatiers turing 19C,6, Andtihie yorýn.s r l nfa- Avrito fth c7r i h y oreuse it is s0 easîîy procureci, quaiity 0 t1isfoihy oO,>al te lice If ou kineuîrenh nfim- A anhtiîîo! ic hcar i lie y-tiousantis tbink Il rajueless. The -!If Imay giveo nateeioINes quontity. Ticepape r il teneating ntd-ftere are eharp, shooî- Stor trick bas becuî succossbnhIy play- ' btrae-rhcrvr iecmestn "Cwlci figsnienl ngc ieg pains i h ie sntlh of tice eC ouia o 'i'uineucx detîsi o! l'aria. siain-1 rgi batk ati uhlach lcrogh tot nco Ou o audsubtane nany. Foc exompie, there is no- Or resceelith p'se d fronthands wilheul deing flaaly, oievoting and the h a-dif lcr a cestouith Aa'C souci.. lic a (ien substanîic cle 1tlinglicol so quichly cuis short toit- Of cruelty anti grectd; lrenglbeuting withcout beli. gproay- desire te urinais--if lte urine 'cal icg ait oyatoc cal1eC on hit. lice g-'stien e!flice longs, sors licroat, or If 1 moy dring crInicord anid love a papier for evcry nîeîuîbeo f lice is liai anti Scaldin-g-if tie cs cutist extracted tlie substance, nirheuuratism os bot water wben ap- Where strife nC haIre- eige, founily. hceati ocbes anti spýec!ha flnat îeunt i te do a lar-ge Pearl. The ýplieti pronîptiy andtihooughiy. Or de a frionri te frî,inilescees, A bull announcencont (-,f lice ew. before the eye-you can't patient ibm ecir ha o bCIleadacice almnost airys yieids te I %hallfnot live la voieloumce nilho sent witic samýipIe iaiewlti relief liccre is îd els tclaru Ieed fnd e goC 'ihe aitotultaneemus application o! hot copies of tice paper te any airs foreyou a I s te accept lice peoni as rater le île foot anC the beck o!flice If 1 amy bdollo 'noatralwrolcg, on requesi. lice nccr sudacrider ber bis bec-dnlueck.A erl bideC severai tintesJSernteworlrlly cDrnenýt lein1906 uho scotis U.75 fer lhice nw ____________________________Or give a ban d e!foiocspvolante ai once cill neceive freeah lice a s ew IC O a d g at e W h oi'e o t ier h I s en en ntlie re un in i g issu es fo r 1 9 0 3 , e s. ok s coiade j nt, nC ga e1i g'o s r e t d ,ni don, cludig lie Do nde Holiday N nu'ci- cm trai 1 fril, lhe licelint Aîtid ilfe's streýss n, aIrain beors; aise lThe Companioct'aMnue hati gen e h iscoveredthatlicol licef iceor ras lot gnuino Ho gvejAnI keep a pure heam evrywiere men" aeia r r1906, iiticegrophi- 1 aual nt ir lu vlaetclari r tevcolora anti geld. 'lic TH GNIEKI DNY (CURE chose anti capturîeC lice man. Yui' Componion, 144 Ber'kcee A tlice police station the mon con- I a iefrhsiuaiy îet otn as "!cee wonderfuh Uitile pilla fesseti that lie Ica payt ic aeLIedlkep aicoor cfass, sothlsd heal kidoey5-1a'cd luici5 eigict limes succoa,3,uniimyt1aI (,apmalfat ole o ed Mr. Russeil's stirî'fîg "oe bbatir-t ayal pain- 1day, T rnerbiiîso rîl'rn,"l ie.Nvcde'Eey 0h i ic n - de 7s t(~ I , y u r f r e n d a r e l a i v s u i f r w t o e e u a i m o t m y d ,d d ' , w i t h i s p r cp be c y l i c l it e golrniclc igc uan ulme-Xusoto, hiFl, plpyS.Vtu'Dneo aiîc ecîas ie oîiof5b ssoc Ilgetseilgcatxei aniin -ani rli-c eeryIds ta"rîl s he he",Sop S1oîsWrtefeStrai ttieandvazaiCe.I- Jdutdo he bin Ionitnsxiid tic io0 iecn trae ! oic kdo y ioule ma -" lc re y ob I, ad ni" teaim onsnb ucasetoI1nLasu Ce, sca;,ntfira la7 on eo le" M, aw en us lu Cn we he .~ a ia n To , "B tcviih fa e le l t ua " "W y, î -egSret W,,oeno, C naa. Al is - o1 ' Insalm (;f " rui I i ba bee yig l lce in or er drugi t seit o r SUo iî bt nforteai ziý -ou--1- +-- Font e." V nc T ompl, l a TH C AF I C E~I AL Ce, Ii~IT D jtie o rsQorio k er w îî it b s i L n t as o u xr C e on lnt nei e d rle , A s lice WuaaaitONT. * NE Yen. ab lI." L ~ ~ r i ~ ~ bof lain coke amn zing lîSsery f "lceTc).s j;r m 1 71i'e Gold Dus'. Twins are always rGady to work; they eýrc certairily artists in thle oleaning, lino. Thore's nothing oleanable whioh ieill not clean-and do it botter, more quickly and mr economically thani anything else can, You are flotsevn your best intereus if you're trying to keep house withoUtU, GOLD DUST. OTHERGNRL'Irbcbi looi', washing ciothes andcl islies, clesnln wood. UsfS FR wo1 ou lt, silverware and tinware. clllln rse werlt CiOLD DUST IGclng Dba rosa. i.çpas. etc.. and making thce sftsi o Lii e by TIUE N. F,. FAIRB ANIII COM- PAï4Y. Montreal, P. Q.,-Maker of FI RY SOAP. I 411 childa of Fra.nce;" Ernest roolo givos a mis 'radie yoang Jiossian tiî tdentýs iccartbreaking stcry lei"'Plhe NigicI thot Matie me n, Bevolutieniat;" BEd- rnui,C 2Russehlldrings the Orienît pon'- Serfully befoîe the rentier in bis il- luatrateti descriptiont cf,"the Sacreti Animiais cf Juda';nd in bier con- tinuation of lthe histcry of "Pila Fiawis Ileader, Fiunancier," Jul7et 'i lber Tempkiois toilla of the adl- ventures lin Peru of tiis ceai lifo e r- one. Jo dlsinctiy humeoxous vcln is Eugene Wood's delriousiy iioform- ul essay ' Ch uckens." Censpicuous ut lthe Nec cmer fiction. is George Breitseuî:-l hoxvai-d's sîreuug Philippine ,lory, w itit the piquiîîg titie, '"ice Firaýt JLove of the Saxont;" Marlon Hamtiltont Carter gees te uctedieval Italy for the ilicine of lier viviti story, "Plhe Beciiig Silence;" "Hell- for LçI,ý0her" is cite oftCe beat of G. B. .-ancaster's pepular stonies of New Zeoqlatii taies; oenl Fccderick tween Life Tihe cause of almost eve ry organic disease is traced to a weak Ilroat or -affected huegs. Tluo longs bcing ticupriin- - -aiocgans-un-c unla-of-le--b>,.d, if they becornu diseaseti tice blood t kes on inupunties 'iricciarc delivre oti10every part of thce body. You -aYy ou are RUN -DOWN, bave STOMAC JlTROUBLE, KIDNEY TROUBLE, CATARRH 0F -THE STOMACH, OBSTINATE COUGHS OR COLUS, LOSS OF FLESU-, NIGHT SWEATS, CHILLS, AND FEVER. Al of the above are tice -outcome of tiiseased lunL-s and are thce allies o! CONSUMPTIOfý LtJNGS MADE STRONQ WITI'IPSYCMINE RE.MAIN 85TRONQ MoTOUtA WALENto bu S'eenanyday on a biotve Ave. cor, Toeno Cureti cuLhPýsvcl-iic six year s aolis iwgtoul as 1n0t1eticned Perhaps your timepiece hias flot been giving comr- plete satisfaction of Jate. No other establish- ment in Canada is 50 well equippeti for watch neetis as is Diamonti Hall, with its recently eniargeti facilites- and its haif century of experience. le NHcv 2Ëeed Be- andà Oath. MotormatriWaldon'as tory oIH los and Butisquent ftecovery Thu'eugh Uning Paychine. Mc. Walden says: "About six years ago 1 was taken dewn with la grippe, ihce posuinonia andi typicoiti forer, inducieg serious long trouble, whic soon de1velopcdf inIe donsemiption. I ltadserieus triai of it, anti was tnder tneatment by seveýral pjhysicians cf Toronto. lThe disease gained such beadway that hospital ire,- t- nrt Iras nesortedt , but gare wme ni, hopei o! recoveny.Iaiepetealmenth Convalescent Home, but lthe dieae r lerneti ritlincreased severity, anti I 'iras regarded as a lopeless case, 1 li:fite city fer ticdontry entier lice belle! t hat it woeld renew my strongth and ireckee wevol. On parting. witlmy breter deb;.ait afterwar tht I " nover expectedti bse mue olive again." _AIlilc out of the City began iising Psychine, anti 1 am proudti t say it lias been o blessing te ame. , 1iras etiabled te rotera homne aflen osing il feir a Shocrt lime, anti d0)nti-uedth ietramn witil ae.verai botters hldbeen useti nîc.d I ivas able te go about. Wicen 1 bgatlce remiedy ncy ceight lad beenroduceti te 140 potiîd-now 1 weigb fuiiy 210 euda do 'lot know its medidal pcopet-iea-11y that Psýychine, ant fithng else, bas n- storeti nue te lealtb. Toerb ne n are awxare cf chat îny cond!ýitin c-s ac ltce lepelessness ef My case. cr sn mnedicîne h;nlice world lceP yhi ' lîung trouble, andi I a soro if it ccd nt beoit for il I WOULD HAVE BEEN Iý,ýA DEAD MAN." A. WALDEN, 7Crri tTrno TIA BlOT TLE 7 Fe aeby il d)gi a 10 Cr botle cFr frier 'eio niieora t ien 'irteorI'cali al Dr. Saîm ittd t' 'i