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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1905, p. 4

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UVENIR RANGE J1UST THEf RANGE You Want Fér lour Kitchen1 It Gives Every Usàer Entire SATISFACTION. Bakes Perfectly-- -Saves Fuel. Kee ps ire day and night throughout the whole winter. If you are going te 'Guy a new Range ask your friends about the SOUVENIR. BOWMAN VILLE. Rice &Go.Agents. Ilr ne ss Do You want Har-nes s of Any Kind At 4 Less Than Whotesale Prices for Cash. s 41 The undersigned firm has decided to discontinue the uq manufacture of harneas and will close out the preserit stock' 4Î of Single and Double Rarnes; Collars, Sweat Pads, and every part- of Harness, Horsemen's Supplies, Curry CombsS 4~BmUshes, Whips, Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Dusters, etc 5 STrunks, Valises, Suit Cases. S This affords uniusual oppor tunity for getting a Supply of .~harness or anything you 'want in the lune at big reductions. 41ThE Browl & artyll Harloss -Co. 33-tf. BOWMANVILLE. S a M R L E y .N T LD.~¶ s Barley Wanted VHighest prices will be ' ' 4~ > paid for, any quantity of S 9qBarley, deliverýed at the MillS Chopping done any time 5 a, usual prices. ~J o hnriMac Kay Limited,, r' j 4ç ~ 43 -t f. Bowmanville. ' îBAR L EY Wq N T E D. 4ï s Ches, Nîte lw BuggiesHEA e-Sti 1 Top Buggy ï Wheels. ' 44I Top Buggy ï Wheels. a, Iï Stick Seat Road Wagon. ct 4î~ Oushion Tire Runabout. t ti~ ÂLL ND E CONVINCED. t 2J F.i.Mason&son. 4C~J2t, Bwman ville. 1 P1 l L8OWMANV]LLlX NOV. 8, 1905. rrArhMtCaium retcelved the Conscervative rnoination lu cNorth Tonk te qpMro lei .A B.4'cleawortl and Atoasb?..Wr issued ci 'Nominations are - fxed foi- Novemer !FjRDd poling fer iNovembei The New York Ouitlock centaine man ilustrateda rticles in aïdition tetIÉ usutlhsncl treatinent eCI the eveiti et the Wfflk and ediýtonial comnmenDt o politica', econ-oirniea.nd literary meatter Amoing tne portraits nI the n bel we natice a ca&pit;al veeofMs Charie E. Hughes, whose conduet cf the iF surauce Investigation has e-xcited tue admiration. Thanksziving liay came too car- this v~ear fer,.farmnars and numeroi complaints agaiust the <&vernmieu are made in consequence. Why don the wise men of Caada-they are foun in Parliameut of ceurse-agree tapon day and maite it a permanent holidal The second week lu Novembes won] be acceptable te the majority of farineri posslbly. as field operatiens are tht usually oves. lIt is aiwavs a double pleasure rccommend a reallýv good publicati( because we therebv confer a doub favor-on the publisher and eur reade who are interested There are sever high class farin journais publiFihed the United, Statea, but one of the veî best of its class-and in a sense It @,atna majesticallv alone-is the Counýt? Genitleman of Albany, N. Y., an agi cultural newspaper l1'is reports crops and prices, especiaîly its mark, îuatons ae yryfull and reliabi ?tis auall-round agricultural asc farnilv journal. Yen Caui get a. samp > opy for the asking. Inspecter Brown. Peterboro, advi cates a system for countr scbools in summer. fremn 8 te - i f( seniîor classes and from 1 te t4o'clock fi juniors This plan will permi1t largi pupils te keep up with their classes an at the samne time do a lot of farm. worl Toachers. bow do you think it woul work in your school and how would yo like the change? We should like il see cou utri, pupils helped by everv poi sibie means to continue lu the Pubi sehool till they have completed th curriculum prescribed for the Fil t claLss, tbep thev wouild have a goo practical education if they never wer te any bigber school. Enterprising citizens of Carnpbellfor are taing action for making thie vi lage into a tewn. A large dam acroç the river te cost $10,000 is proposed aui an advertisemen eontauigthe f dustrial advarinae 15 te be publishe for a monthî in Toronto dlailies. W gdmnire the enterprise of the people an wish thein succeas.No good reaso exists why the place sbould net be et larzed to tewn proportions anid tb Inamne reduced to a modem ngDt) Life 18 too short and full of social, eli cational, comnmercial and indu stri activitiesto tolerate suich unconscioniabi iexigthy namies ais- Campibellford. Every Counties' (ouBciller believed i his heart that the grand jury 's report o the conditions of indigents ait the Hom ini Cobourg were exaggerated aud prE sented ostensibly lu the interests of th indigents, butin realitiF te secure fo Cobourg what the citizens, have long bý agitating to secure. The Port Hop Times, possibl 'v under inspiration c the Wardeu, referring to the questioi states3 that in Toronto the two counlt. officiais Warden MeLean aand Lieut Col. MaceNachtann, Stated that the g-ran4 jury 's presentmnent gave an erroneon; impression of the state of affairs u Cobousg jail. The indigents, 50 or ii in nmber, are flot huddled into thq ceils occupied bv prisonera. b)ut ari housed in a portion of the bui1dinc which waa from 1882 te 1889 used ai court anilcaunty offices. Thev admit ted that overcsowdiug existed,_ but sald that se far as accommodation pesmitte the indigents- were well cared for aniÈ well fedi. TEACHERS' SALARIES. Dcesiing te convînce Public ac-hool trustees of the folly of empiiloying- inex. perienced teachers because thev arc wiIl. ing te accept low Salaries, we again refel ,,o the-Subject o ecer'slris e cause the whole kernel of the problem rests with trustees and the salary they -pay. Liberal salaries xviii in time bring the geod teacher. An exchange editori- ally says: It is neotiug short of am-azing how carelesasemrre peepile are on the question of good school teaching. They appear te regard a school-not nas an ;in- flu-ence which wii leave a permanent im- press.upea their grewing childrcn at thetr rnosc impressienable age-but as a con-, venient placete owhich children may' be sent fer a few heurs every day to guet themir eout e! the way. "Mr. Dooley," whben ýasked if he thought that vouug men ,Ihoultl be sent teo Coliege. replied that when a yeung feliow was of the r ight age ce go to Coilege, he (Dooley) ' wouid net Lave bim around the bouse " And this ïs the spirit in which many pairents appear te send their childsen te school Bt what such parents want is a nurse and ntot a school teacher; and naturally they :hinkz nurse 's wvages quite generous tnoutgh. Stl it was net by this sert of sc-hool :eaching- that the generations o! the past made proress. The great achool teach- ers e! wvh(om our suc-cessful mecn are al- ways telling us, were relatively welIl paid and were men with a genius and an :ntusiasm for their wýork. But if weare oe keep the teachers' salaries at the oid low level. while ail other salaries and ewards ef labos are increasing-and the cost of living with them-we must expeet to sce the enthutsiasm dissipated and the genîus diverted inte more pirofitabie, iaitevor eccnýred te o that most ickass cmmeces iththe Stomahl Lki'ý is becauise the, blond becexues im- ov'eriSbed thrcý"Iuglsacà cf Uouiliihhý- te 's Xl he le, Plainly L'err muaU8U ine tr bVUUI sud ,Uidren, isud te soldtUnder a ise ta contain neo piate or basin- g l', cures a'emsjmch, bewel and anrube, sd by Iha natural, aCCOIeaprcometpealeeIOp bnd e- it m&he. littl I ces well &nd ,hema %e!!. Mr. W E. Ausaîl, Fiaê, Que., riaye: "I rould every niother wi:b Lctik or frtt- ýdren te use Baby'a Own Tabîes. nr the meut stsaoojmediclua evar trird, sud 1almosi inagical r E-flets."' Yon eau gai the e frcm an-v medicipe dealier or b ~hmail oi 25 centa'a toi by wriDng the 1't TOWN OOUNOIL. d a R6gular Meedlgg held on MOIda Yeveziufi ls.î. mbers ah PIee idMayor A. Tatit presidinLg. Minutes or J aEt meeting ,read, uionmetion A petton ras recelved eom _Dr. Reid, askiug te ha relbieved frein pbying te drain tax, au bie drAin was entfrely ln- OU dapeudent ef the town draIn. On me- le tien ef Ceuni, Spry and Kiuàg the se- ,r.s .a queât waa grâuted. in A petitien was eceived froi Mrss rv Bar:ieis,. through Mr. Galbraith, cern ? whI ELah.clalmed had doue $100 dam- rj aka. Refesred ta Reada aud Streets of Committe, te seport on. et Coun Clemens stated that the coin e. aittce a d reportad on thlu drain he- id fore. The oniy way was te drain the le water through Ms1, Duistan'a lot, whicl ; hey h A ne rIght 'te de, au the law would net give thein the sight te dig a 0- drain thera. .IV Frein D, G. M. Galbralth and Chat. r Rîce, asekiug per:mission te out dows )r trees.Rferred te Roadeansd- Streets Ir Comantteu wlth powes te &Ci on. td Coenu. Spry made a verbal raquest for - 'Ms. Bounaîl, &&king permission tu cut 2 dovu a trac neas the FIse Hall, whicb nu wasa r damnage te hi. roof. RAIsrred tc 0Pub. Prep. Commutee with power ta le A comamunication wat seceived froin e the DuIa Rubber Comnpany, Limit. th )d ed, asklug fersan extension of time to toolete their building, as they bad beeu delayed by unfoseseea circuIn stances. Laid on table for anotherl dFreina Chief cf Fire Dapt , W. Edg- as, asking for suppIesfor Go. On Mo d tion cf Ceuni. King and Maton, the' a-comnmunication ?was lafIn luthe hande ef dthe Fire coin., wlth power te auta. eFtrai the Durhamn Rubber Ce.', dBaud, aaiklng Ïhat Ceuncîl remît taxes non their Baud Stand aud the lot on îwhichh w.. ae rooted. Referred to e Court cI f Revilon, on mtofe i. Ceusa/ Maso. snd Break. i-, Froin R R. Loscoanhe, oomplalulng al cof dnmage te his property through le orlo! etwater Cou h12 lande -sud linaing damnage cf $56. Ona motIin of Cocus. ýSpry sud Cornish, It vas se- na ferred te Roads aud Streats Coin. te ýn report oni. Le A Report waas reaved frein the -Caretiaker et Cemnetasy, giviug number e ofIntarments durIng past mouth. Re- )r coived sud fyled. ýe F'rom Town Clark, J. Lyle, gtving Samlount et meules passlng tbrough his Sbanide for the psst mouth. Recelved nansd fIld ~'Conn. Mýason, Chalrman cf Finonce d Coin., presented report recominendiug ,, peyMeFut oe! accounts amountinu ta a$198.99 as follova: Fise Dapt., $71,90; k) Roadr, sud Streets, $69 90; Contingent, $ 8 82; Cematery, 83.15; Foot Relief, S334;PrJIntng$3.75; Pub. Proýp., 3 Coun. King, ChairintIu ef Fise sud Wae(oin., presanted report et cbaug. InIg the pumtping of the vates frein the ipres3eut syftein te Vsnstoue's inMil. he report vas recelved sud fyladl, as the Concîl thong ht that no action cenld hba taken tiisyer. Ms. SbaLw ssked for a reduction et the sent of the field ai the cametery. As there wvaos nae c acould net use the lsnd for p .gture, sud zattr the »crop vas Ohttlit vas Bne furtiher use Moved by cnn, Spry, seexudafi by Coup,. Brook that the sent b. rcAdnoa f rom $36 tea$30. Ceiun. Maison repcrted that the Fi- nanc Ce 0. had raalised on a note whicb bad bheu oatrIed by the îtewn for sým emas. A4,so that the Provincial Auidîtor had beau hare and looked oves, the TressLuers'. sud Clark'. bocks, sud ifounfi everytihîngý correct sud neatly kept Theý only rhing be thonght that was flot rlght wtas that neither eft those offi-olals vasap%îd enougb sa'ary. Tbie Major staee that thare vas a complaînt frein the Electrie LIght Co., thet parties b.ed brIIken lto thair plant sud comýnml:td ds-preilÈousdam- sgiug thair machinery and asklîng the Coui3cil te effet a ravard for the appre- ha Alc t he partIes. Conu. Magon thonght ibis Connoil hrd ne rîght to ceffet any reçtard. Mr, GrecuwojodI, areectaie f the Company vas preeni and expisn-c ad the cruaacs The Irupsessai in vas that gi a been throwu on absh liachý171ery, causing the boita to heat Up, ni1stopptng its runuing. Our stock iýs Plailinarked for successful se-iling from the very first. An fUnrîvalled ditplay of Uress Goods, îFGrs, Clothing, SUtaple Dry G7oods, Foot wear, Menm's Fanrns, WomenD's Wear and Groceries is slhowri at tlie Weslt End Blouse. Brin g your Eggu, Butter and Ponltry tLo this stlore and receive in- exehange goods Mf merit and a' very loweot price. Â Scotch Season Tin>e for B1ankets. ls upon us in the fashionable world and 'it is time to get yurEla-ukets In readî. S if, you have not yet selected your plaids neaïsý for winter, It 5tm osei o ~'oushold d soat oce.don't need some, new ones. Any night yoin They will be the correct thing al May require h,1eavier bcd clothing. Our, S winter as regards medium priced Dress blankets are sof t, warm and attractive with ~ Gods.We avea suerbUneat:perfect colora and certain to wear well. 25e and 50e per yard. Our priCes make it to your intereot to buy. -à - a Pr. Up to se.5O. Stands Alone. Our line of clothing for fail stands alone &Un Attractive By S as regards being the very best. The gar- ments are mnade in a style that însures Everybody shows inerst in an at- S popularity. They aire of excellent material trcivboanwetk tretspiaî and carefully cut and fitted te perfect inacîtibondthe'Lakittrct esp ljYo S models. At these pnices they permit a i ltigte treiey Yu saving over specia1lly tailored garments but Boy wiIl look twice the littie man he 's if S give you a pnide in their appearance. he wears otir special line of Suits and Oveer- S Suits and Overcoats coats. Mucli style about them, a lotý of $7.00 and, up in price. wear and not hîgh in pnice. E 'yEogl Flannelette Wear, M To get the wrong kind A splendid sbowing of Womien's and ofU clr ea.Children 's Night Robes and Drawers. e- of U derw trimmed and wcli made. Plain orïstripe Easy Enough to get the right e1oths of best qulality. kind too. ______________ If you corne to Ilctlurtry's. Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Luxurious Furs, S specîa1lly finished and specially low prieed. Fuma are a luxury in one ser~ and intending purchasers should use tirne anci ý ÇlTgvryvm ~ care in seletn hm ii i he other VV~U.L.LL ~stores fthen corne here and we will gladly S-,>orne good uines addedcto our already aieb ordcso 8rgrst h S large stock of cornfortable footwear for statements we muake that our furs consider. the cold winte-r mon thg. Low shoes Bals or ing worthiness and lasiing qualitiee are S Congress. lower in price than elsewliere, THE Mc Murtry,'Iiead-to-Foot' OUTFîTTER. BO0W MA N VJ1LLE. Mrs. Cawker's Concert. OlItizena are alitlalpatlig wlth great4 and lley intereet, the 'high-ciass musical and literaiy entert3iinent annunced by Mss. 0. A. Cawker fer Friday Noýv. 10. Admirable choice boa been made by M1rs. Cawker lu her selectionret taIlnt, for neno.nere popu- lar singer la belotre tho Musicl Public to-day than Mr. Dinatld 0 aGeo who was engag3d to tour teDmno lat month wi'h the Ilsh Gaarda Banid that seturned te EunlaLcd on Frilai,, lai by the Allan LinwsSteamner "Par- F. NI. Bell-Smnith, the clever etesP- 1 ainler Wll aSsis o)n the prograin with Donald Mcrgrand MissBastings.. Donald Macgregos, bartone, Mirs lla8tingsi, violinisi and F. 1M. Blell. Smnith, the high clan enitertainer will makke a strosig trio for thls ' cucrt. Grauby (Qiie.) Leader, "MiesHat ing, t& an exceptionàlly claver violinila, brid hýrr solo ws the beàt fvatüre of the ~ ~ ýPr eeîn. pErafluse, No0v. 10 DONALD G. M. 5*ALBR1TÂIH BarristesStr, Notary Public, etc. Private and Oowmpany mnouieýs to banat iowest current rates. Agent for The àlidtnd Lean aud Savings Com1pa.11 .Oftce opposite J.E MArtyu's store, King. St. Bowrnanviile. 22-t! _ _ T 1 H l E_ 1 M PýRJMONY MALE QUARTETTE. F. M. Frost, A. E. McLaughiini, H. J. Knight, W. J. S. Rickardi. NI NTMý Consecutive Seasoni, 1Q05-6. Engagmentsfor Concerts, Church ea.Anniversaries nd Cther Eniter- taiiiments , WiII provide, the entire- iF.. viwFROST, AS , IbE.Out -t <N A pls W a te . Ladies' fine Astrakan, l mpple Waned. ![ýFreuch Seai and Pers"iLa -the finest to"ck in tw- To Ail COnCernied iVeteninary SU,,geonan lit wll fONOIZARY GRA}UATE o euil apples, both peelers and eider LIatteieruiýýY ga1Toronit apples. We want ahl and expeet cealis promptiy I*esýpOndcld to. 2deorsf iorth 0of Percy'sBakt to buy up te Dec. 1. hnne1.Siert Bwav FINLE& CKEMA iWV The Evapoma ton, B3owmanville. 40-t f. Go to Pennington and Laplant's For Stoves and Rangea. We, expeet a f ulli hue ef Heaters aud Parler Cooks in a few days. Cali and seec for yeurself befere byn We are aise haudling a tirs t. ciass Furuace. We are prepared to give ui custorners 1a flrst ci ass job and would ijke you te gt ur price onr plurnbing and hea i or honte. Phone 26, - wuîvle bu Cani We have our, shed fllled w Highi Grade Ail-Rail Co and are prepared te o com ordera Bpresent and fUture delivery. ' enstantly growving trade whicih enjoy ev-idenea atike te thle sal faction expemienced by oui, patrc in the rýesults ebtained fi-on*'r Coal, and teoOur methods eft., busineass. Our ceai is f romt Most 1noted Mines cf Pensylval ýant O h ioand cmrssN Stoe, urnceGrate ai -seieceted Lump foi- Thremi Wec 1i Besu Qualii MX;atitob)a Flour and Fee a nid are Agentrs Britishlnnok Ried cedlar shilnges. Irn easùrln lar bav n~ars~a, 1-tail1 1.

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