OluR Tow-N AND COUi'NTY EixsT; ance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, ~~WARDS. ~M. A. JAMES & SON, Pore. Y, NKOVEMBER 22, 1905. VOLUM.E LI No 47 Cul i special att v~ Iii Astrak4an, B a fine assortm-û Sable, Grey La .FUI in several qua] and we guarani Corner Shoe Store!, Wool Fleece Lined. Au increaÊinig number o! people are wsaring FIses eLins-J Boots ibrougb- ,"Iut Ibhe col-J season. A-J-e-J eom!ort ~bttsr bealîb go witb thein use. odwe bave lidh in a large stock, coin- prlaing several styliesa, 10moisI Ibis growiug demaut. Splendid Values. Meui'as sf Igrain!, laceti, felt 11used._.................20 Mea'ï grain-J Alucheus, fisît liai-J................i175 Ls-iy's flue kid, laceti, flisecis li'...................2 00 Ladi's DoDnola kidi, lace-J, flses e11usd_. ...............I145 Lady's Dougafa kidi, lacet, fleece lins-J,... ..............i150 Lady's pebble, laceI, fleece liasil, common senise .......... 35 -Bots fcor Baya, Girls, Inafants an-J Chiljda,fliees Jined,-CIUEAP. Lady's feît, lace-J, buiton or zaiteis, fxad wiih kid on pebli-VE.tzyWARim&. - ow or hlgb Fi-ant slippers, aIl or t fet, satin, plu'sh or fanc-y carpet- FalBoots. Bsables Ibis ordinary ina, we havis sie extra g oui Boots lui Cal! and Dongolîa, 1(so mins i eutiser ired3 te'. sho0w buera. Perbapa von haviscaught a gips o! bem lu ouwindows. Tbisy Sareîot bealen lu Ibis Iawn. Lower puices than slsewbere, quality considereul RIJBBERS. Our cheap knochabout Rubissus weau -bave also the fluest ligbîweigbt Rubens in ail shapes an-J sizes. PRICES CLOSE. Men s Top Bots, Rubber Top Boots. TheBUrnN Cod Jà hrston & Cîiydletman -tentà-in to their larg iad elega.nt stock ofFus ne ' m"y G oats 3okharani, French Seal and Pursian Lamb, alIso ent of Ruifs and M-uiffs in Sable: ôx Columbia4 amb, Oppossum & a finie range of La9dies' &MenIs Ii Lnedc[ oats Lities. These Furs were made specially to Our. f-the besfand mos3t rellalile Furriers in Canada tee our values to' be unsurpasseci anywhere5 B owmanville, WANT19ED. ýA reliable agentl for B.,, .a.ville and suroudin. coutr.-God pay weekiy, exclusive territoryý . SapLaseor outfit free. Our terins are the bast in the business. We need a man of good character and abiity during fai and winter mouths. Over 600 Acres The choice8t and mosi. extensive list of stock ini Canada. iucluding fruit and ornam entai stock, small fruits, and seed potat,)es. F:ast seiig speciaities offered for the ist timnt. Write for terms now to THE PELHAM NURSERY CQ: 40-Sm.Toronto, Ont, THE ONTARIO Business College, BELLEVILLE, ONT. AFEILIÂTEIS WITH THE INSTII OiE 0F Ci3àR-rEiiED ACCOeJaîANT8 For 38 years 0. B C bas rnatntalmî- ed bhc highest standard in C;-rnrer. ciat Education Seuil for catalogue to the Princiral, J, W. JOHNSON, F C. A. I rigRecent Montils the TORONTO, ONT. Cor,- Yorge and Alexander Sts, lias reeeived ten, fitteen, twenty, and evnlfytres as many catis for sien ogrphes okkeprec. se a students graduattng during saine neonths. Souse of the salaries offered were from $.40 a month to $ 20 e nnu This clearly indîcates the has hootfor Young men and woran to patronîze. Enter now. liand@ome catai.gus frec, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Hundreds SBoockeepers, COarresp onetsofcem,* Bine; teac.her,Ri'L'way clerkis getL I RITL L A-ERICAN lrkg et caaloueaonce. Conlidnt* Sfil]l positions ofered lu Oýtqbîr. * S R. AFarquharsoii, B. A, * .CA. Mldg cor, âMc(,ill& ogeta Tororito. A Cough There are many Coug advertised to cure Cotx etc, But if you want a rel'a-bie, a tried and tes medicine, you are sure à you insist on havingK<jý The best Cougb edc or old. Sold lu 25e ané F.R. Kerà The Druggist and Pbont-,49ý. B Eyes Examilned F WOME!4 'S INSTI Edwin Weýstcott, o! street , aud Mi'ss Nelli Seberumerboru str6et% 9 aI 5 o'clack aI St. Pe Re;. Faîb'er MeGult rnaid was MNiss Ailes groamsmau John Ebd happy Pair starleti brideg-rooml's former h returu la Brookiyu ah( tbe wili reisi8epe-rr lyN ,Daily Eao THE LATE PRINCIPAL GILFILLA1. Andi now Ithe final curtain draps about That Ibrice crowned 1,ea1, lu pride sand Silence Iay Laýve's unrelucltaul tributs ai the feet Of hlm wluo lefi more rich Ibis woîld! Possibly no deaîb lu recent years lu Bowmau sdîle, bas drawrt forth the deep- er sympatbyco! more beartesu Ibisth passinz 10 resto! Ibis late James Gilfillan B. A., Principal o! Eowmnanville Higb Sehool wbose decease we bitfliy referre_ ta last wiekl as haviLg cctrred ilu a sauilariwim Laiseitv of Hamnilton ou titis morning ollise 131h inst., froinbisait weakuess. AlmosI couIiuuousl%, for 40' yearo ie bas Iaug-ht Public snd lligh schools lu W/est Durham during whicb long service bundrede of boys and, girls have had Ibis beDefit of bis instruction, Wise counisel and( Christiani influence Be was lu ils Iruestan sd best Fense a good inu. is laIe pastor bas so ably ai beau-itully presenîed bis vii tues andt he exceliencies of bis noble char- acter that we gins la its entiretv tbis ldtler he seut bis sor, and wbich was read by Mr. John Ierîev ta Ibis cAugre- galion in Ibis Disciples chutrcb Sunday snorun.,g 1Mr. Job» J. Gilfillan, My dear Brot£her : Yours Just receivist iu & re3viuai meýinar la th6 onulv As a.ipoutue dear suienitface, anti my bisai rises up saiag 1ouhîta go ae.lway SBLOODLBSS GIRLS Jil eUd 11(ttilYOUbow vry deilly . fïtn;Y lhisBad bereav;ement and s.9 DISTICT IVISONgrios asSuch a iovingtiusbauti sud DISTRIT DIVIION. inil New ltIh Throul heh faîbisias biswas, the soul o! kinuness "All IS7UWL 915.Jb an""sd warm atlscb ment snd pure affection The Autumu Session of Durhamn Dist- sud ever tboughtful for tbis welfare f rict Division wiIl bis held at Tauntoniiu in Pi al Wed'clav Nov. 29th,commencng aI 10.80 use-iofA Dr. I cam Pn ol an crel aeilsie osi a. mn. The mel-ng pram4ss 1bis anisIa u sarwil wbmI 80it i cosso-l o! intisiest sud profit ta aIl wbo eau ta n ihwo orenl so attend. A gooii reprissentamve is ex ciated libish Lord'a, work, sud alwa_ý s peced îo Grnd ivsio taasisiaI Wben vou sec a y ou Pg girl pale suld SO piasatîr, bas so sion gone 10 Uis peacb ses Gr Dvsion. Got pog a laa fing aniu sd wastiig away, you kuaw rswaîd. "Wis look sweel counsel to- proviesedsfor, evenirgrasess nghih aIbuilding womanhooui la making gether, sud walked unlo ibis Bouse o! commences ai 7 45, when Ibis public is ne w larands upon b:er blood eupp!Y Goci in company." Ps. 55: 14. coriaîrinvtel.whicb able canuot meet. M',outL a!ter 6 1 am distiisssed for theis, my brother; F. Biallv N, W CeWERY montb ber bsalh, bar sthntb Pbr very pleasant hast thou bison unto me." D..ËLS, P.C. Sribe. very l'fe, 18 beiug- draine-uT 5wSy. NO2 Sam. 1: 26 46-2w. DW.P .Srb. food sud no caris eau do lier aiu v -gou b Common mouiclîse canuot s loie-i M. hugbbs go over ibisyears of oui AUCTION SALES. from broken bealth sud a bopeless is- sa pteasanî acquaintance, sud dlweil - d~eine. New bIood lais a nis Ihine that pensively now, sud wiIh former appris WEDNESDA-r, Nov, 22nd-Mr. John eau make ber a healtby, cheerfiil, '-ciatton inreusinied andi beigbtened. I Balson, wiil seli by auction ou lot 32, cbisksd girl. And Dr Wiiiiarns' pj3;î, îbiuk of the ý sais o! bis faitb!ul leader- Con. 3, Daiinglon, bis valuable faimý actually -make new blooti wit i r, ship o!fIbis Sundav Scbool sud bow bis stock sud implenuents. Salis 10 com- close. That la Ibisevbole Feeret of lsaw beart was in the work, sud bow ho was mence aI oniso'clock. JAS. Bîsuop, tbay b a v a savedti tousands o lu1is be eaits o!fslIbis boys v and girls Aucianer.pale, anasmie gzirls from an learl\ sud teachers, sud bow iesessimed a usai FAY, iNovr. 2-i iel nt grave. Miss Alice Chaput, ag-ed 17 pastor sud father ta îbem ail. I feel wRiil seNov 2by publ erntiAn ot visais, living aI 475 St, Timothei stsreet for Ibisse boys aud girls wba are uow 2il Con. 4, D blienabctouloluoresMontreal, gives stroug proof of Dr-. ,Wil- usai mouruers aloo, sud 1 saat[ hink o! o~eav ieitme liýar os liams' Piuk Pis 10 cure. "A couple o! Ibein as siltiug among tbis silisut Some ood edarTime nfo/ar cealoisgyears ago.'" says Miss Chaput., i s compauy precedinig Ibisburial. ta April- 5907. For paîticulars sec an almost contiuuons sufferer, and bis- But Ibis impresa o! bis tins sud noble bills Sale ati D .n L. A. TOLE, came so week 1 could bandly go ab- life sud pure exampie lisau luhenilance out. I suffeied fromn frequenitPsud pro- Ibat will bis enrichenent 10 ail Ibeir li-.es ancioner.longe,1 ïpells o! dizziness, 1 had frigbt- Mauy limes as I went 10 visiilthbis ick THuRSDsAr, Nov 30-Mr. James Gilbert fui beadaches, sud my stomach was or aged I fiouud hlm thera or is bad just will soiou lot 31, con. 9, Dailinglon. comnpletisly out o! orden. The le,- x. been Ibene, and offertMis Gilfillan witb about 8 acres of veîy beavy standing erîlon wouîd lisave me -aornouMA n-Jhl; sud I offert woni-erisi how bis bs- limben lu 1 acre lots. 'Tbistituber 1s brisaîblissan sd I dl-J ualappea' tila bave strisgth for so maunv services; au-J1 et Maplesasd Beecb visry beavy an-J s drop o! gool blotinl mv bc t.I bi Lord so fed bis hesît lu Ibis miuistry nuculed. Parties wili bave 10 April consulte-J a doctcoi wbo aid cune bs iat ilWAs osotugo i as 1, 1907, la remove tieubisi. Sale aI 1 trouble was. genaral debilil'-, but hbs Sa long aI-o was ho an etucator o! p). m. Sais bis L A. W. TOLEj treatiment dl-J fot he!p me a particle. eotsdfo i aeu riig8 auctionissi. To ad-J la Ibistrouble ruy neuves -gave m and oug is su- wou raiingut way an-J I oflen passe-J sleeples3 nigbie. weil eqaippedu for life's tulles, thal I CHURCH NOTES. At Ibis stage a friend adviscd mis1tu-'y Ibink o! Ibis very large cliche ma-Je sa-J Dr., Williams' Pink Pilla, sud I got a bv Ibis eveut, and bow many o! Ibeen Rev. Wm. Jolliffe preacheci very se- few boxes. The firsi benefit 1 notice-J will bne thens, an-J bow many others c eptsblv lu iuinulty cburcb Suuay lun !rom Ibis use o! Ibese pilla, was, an ili- heariug o! il wlll long la bis there. tbe absence o! Pa6ior Hipkin wbo la lit prove-J appetite, sud ibis seeimed ta As bho spake kimi su-J wise woreis as The rite of Confirmation will bis ad- briug- mucb relief.,.I continue-J takiug Ibis classes were ou the plaîforin wben minisîered lu SI Jobn'tq churcis, Bow- Ibis pilla untili 1 bail useul six boxes,i courses we fnsdonw ahi mauville, -on l2ursday eveuiug Ibis 23 - when Iwassfu'ly restoredtoh0 ealth, ai crise lafiiishodandtheow, as bishe courseavs fluihed aau-J'IbisGrisaI Teache iiat., at 8 o'clock. Ibv lth- J,' lna ic.Iof alibicsimpassiuto the bighergrade, Pb'lip Beaslip. Esq, Police Maglo- cannai praise Du. Williams' Pink PPill Ibsewbo uow linger wiîl a1so may- Desronows rceniy e-eece eugh, for Ibis creat good lbey bave c î Jus"Wl eiel"a- o liste: oeota eetyr-lce doue me." revoient bisants lu silenit acqniescauce. Riscordiug Steward o!fItis Quarteily Apl1nei esnneaol a Ilikat !Ii aJgopdwx Board o! Grace, Methodîst ebuicb, a Apaeaamcpro ed Llvoe 1tikloofhsc gu ow-t position bis bas bel-J for 57 years thiug-nw blocl, Dr. Willlamis Pi Ibis He lome for Ibis Ageci wbeue isbisant 11ev J.A. auki, Crltn SI, Mth.Pilla do one thiug oly-they make new s0 oflea is-J hlm au-J where bis minislere-d o-lia.cJunbA.roulon, wlo t. et-blood. That ta alil tlev do, buït tbey doli hings spiritual %ml temporal ta ibeir oilit carch Toonto wil prachan-il well. Tbey .ian'l sel ounIbisbowels.emot n hn f h atr 'nî-vcsary sermons lu this Mthodist Tlîey dou'I baîbisu witb cmfolan- I bik o Ibs astî' [cburch Sunuiay Dec 8 This Board lai~ o' ueay mesamos lamc, 18 Te we)'t ure u- sease Ibat isn't asking for Ibis ususi tbank--offerirsg caas- %Igaliy fîcen baul blood iiBt _NomayIwsrcilsaebeal Special music la bsing prisuairisu by tbe when Dr. Willliam' ts, 'Piuk P illa s lc to bavs'had many sncb unves liveul lu choir. 'bail blond. witb g-,oal blodibev ,tîkitlium; antiI can perceive bow Ibis fatl Mu. Thos. Boar, Ibis "Wanidering straigbt aItberoot %sr.d cae a! a.Il nÀcsoM1 wil bisrecagInizeuisud feît by Ibis ap- Bo, slby special rqist Kpe bS' Mou dijsisazs lik, iaahs iecespeilv iieso! BOwavlo I sddnesli on bis trip t tise GrisaI West,iu acacls kdny tr1ýoube lvr o.also wel kuow ttow many scbwords ibis S A. Bauraeka. Mon-JaIv Nov. 2-7.' Ptplntbiouesndguoaamî wiii bis spoken ounIbis sa-J occasion sud 8 p.mn Bacla att aendancet. Silver cou eraga citc, ooaoraai bow many more wili bis spoken libish ection Al welcome. sud Ibis spectiai scrt troubles ýtisaI lisS1 i lOinis earouthe IisfriandlyV tire- The anr,iensry services o! SI.An--eveîy womau kuaws but ituaI ts1110.10 daides. .indeed we mav ail tIhiuk !cfhlm rews bucb.Brgbo-,wee el-dNn.Iiem like to lalk about, even a the1,3" n luhbiswords o!. Sir Piiip Sun 5. 1EcvH Mnroi, B.ABowman- do.ctors, Buityou mUst 1bave Ibis genu- '-Higher e tltagb, ville, preached î'morninýg au-J eveniug 10lu in3TLllaor ")(u can'i bu c (ure-Jî, aud Ibis Siste ilaiiseheant o! courtisai'" large ain-J ttentive audiences. Botb gýenalune al7ways baye Ibýis fuli naine, Sweet pisses bis nt. ail, au-J meicy dicnsswieeo!'a rbigb aider van- Dr,.Williams'inik Pilla for' pale piO- u-Jcomfort !rom oui Go. mucb ujovsd.-rightn Enign. pie,"mon ibis wnapper arouid tise bo)X. B l AD UseLeer's rySoap (a pcler) to î Sld lby ailmedie deaies aor 9sent wasli wool,-Ite &-id drect biy ail ai 50 cents a bjox oi, six BttfFalo, N. Y., Non. 14, 190-5. was wolcn an faunlsyou1 hkeboxes for G2.50 by wriiing Ibis Dr, Wl- Thedscuri hIbs prisent 'pa-Stor, il. s 1l~na'Misicin .,o, BozknlleOi#. 11e, WJ, Cdin n ueaylncoriujg j adspcri rfrece10Ie ctv. ,e chGooi Mesqsslames Beith, C. Higgln. i fui. Christian if e (f deceased. and was botbamn, Gordon Mitchell, Chas. Msn [baredl on 1 Cor. 15: 58. The Fervice of Howard Rickard. Rupert Hamblyn, praise wae; 's ai l for the occasioýn Garnet Jardine and Leslie Cox. The funeral iserv ieý on Thuirsday% whicb The floral offerings were very beai3t fun are mnore fiillv giv'n hereaýfter were and injcluded, the followirig unde MasnieauspcesWreatlh roses and chrysanithemums- Deceased wvas born Sept,-14, 1842, On H-igh School Board Bo%%n aiville. PH.- lot 2, con 5, Dariington. iýs parents bc- low,-FamDiiy. WVre-ýih roses and chrys ingJoFepharLdlaneGilfiilan, hismotber's eîc--,îajor j W. O'Deîl and A. O'DeILl enaiden name beinig Herron ie received Cobourg, Gaies Ai1r-Hlizh School hîts early education ila Claîke UxVon Pub- PuisadSaf1pryLl fVîe liFchool, one of bis teachers being &ir. and V-iolets, Mliss N' Hlall S ray- Wi. Thompilson. iiterwards M1ayor of Chirysa;themumis, Chriistuian End,,avor Bowreanville. Fie aiterward atiended DiscpesC'rhao i sii - Ithe private Academny in the South W0ýard (Square and Compass) Roses and Lily of conducted byN!r Chas R Loscombe. faiber Vle euai odi A F. A M of Mr, Robert Russell Losccembe. Bar- Wet-RssadCîrý s Sunday rister. After passingthe teachers'. cxani So;,hocil and Ch1>is Ian EnideaÀvor. Vi reath nation successfuil]y adrcivnh Curch_ of Christ. SryWbt Second Class cerîlficate from the C(unîy Cbrys. M iss SA ilde, Suit. YWC.Ha-m. Board lhe began îeacbiing schodi. lHs ilion. Cluýster-rNtises and Chrysý Board first school teaching eiperiený-ce was ' in of y Wý. C. A. Hamýiliton Spray -Car- S. S. No. io. Hope towvnshiip br ations and Cbry. Mse csea taug-htt liimidsurpmer Fie ttended the inlte, rseer ia ton Y S, C A, Tor onto Normral scbooi the balance of Wreatb-Roses and Chrys, The Percy ihatvyear,1î854 and was enga.,ged 10 otea-ch fanllY. M1apie Grove. S S. 6, Darliigion, lor Ain lefinsfoiadsac 1865. 'T'ectrustees ,whose signatures Amescri e riendrsls ffroa itace appear b'. the agreement werv Samluelpeenee:MsJs ilrM ie Jeffeîy, Jonathan Porter, Che-ster Poweril McGill. Mr. iiluhyoeTrno sen.NA ile eacer i thi s ction1heIMrArthur Roberîs Mrs Dean, Cobourg. was appointed Superiniendent or the àMi. aner, JhnLt nge Musn Sabbatte Scb'ol. is deep interesi inmiGan, ts temperaýnce work also dates froin bis lh is uifle malýiter ai what hour of, the conuection wiih Maple Grove Division. d ay In ï866 lie was engaged in his homec Theribeu fail asleep Death cannot school. Clarke Union. wherec he remained , corne1 tili 1871 One year of ibis period bie was 17o hlmi- untirnely who has learned ta die, engaged in farmning At New Years, 1872 The le ss of this b ief life, tbe more of hto entered upou bis duties as Fiead- heaveni; master of Orono Pub!ic school where hie The shorier tuime. the longer immortai- taught very successfully for foui yeaîs ily - Dean îMunauî -'A hilee ehe-beg a-nac a ec-orle -m-coa-- - nection ilbt the Christian church he REBIAÇ. formneriy baving to'teün a dcep interesî u a EB.inOI the ereciion of the church bunilding He The fuineral 100k place Friday after- soon proved te be a very acceptable ,_xi noon o! Mrs Elizabeth B. H-atch, wvidoW bhoiter and for a portion of tbe terni in Of the laie Samuel B Hateb. Mrs. Orono had charge of the,ý services preach- Hatcb's deatb was flot unexpected as ing vr Lord's Day Fie also began she bad been an iuvalidi for tha past ta fil oth -r appoiniments ia th'i Christian too be eî w os rp chuîcb, in outside places -Oshawa, New- of British Cblumbia Aud Fred of the mark~ et. Scugog Island and Little Britain, Wbitbv Saddler 'y Hardware Manufact- La n 876 Mir. Gil fil an >m oved to thi s uring CJo . ud three daughters, Mrs, iown and attended Fiigh*schoal, after- T. G Whilield and Miss Bessie Flatclh wards succeediug NMi C.I. Kermoit as of Whitby, and 'Mrs. Joseph Irwinl, Principal' o! the Public scbool untîl î8o Toronto, surs ive heýrr. M is.atchi was wh,,en lhe joiued the High aschool FHe 1baiinla (orniwall,En inu18,53, aud passed ex-aminations for a Firsî Cîass ai e to Cr.aaaWheon 12 a-soag, certificate ie continucd his stndicý for1 living j Dri, gonwith her famiiv. a stili higbher standingl and atterded she mnvoed f0o Wnitbv, over fifty yevars lectures occasionally in Victoria Univer aZo where si-e hfas ii% id ever sinca.ý sur, C-Oboria.lgtwîs-nAl r 1flntcb waa nni2-r f th"bi etbc degree ie passed thee uec-essarycx odisi cburcb an(! was a womîau most amiýnation to obtain a Specialisi stan;iaý igblyreopcied lui the comerunltv-. in Science and afîeîwards com'ple'ed is DISTRICT MISSIUNARY CON VSWIIO.4 1Arts course at Qn-eeni's Univ;etsity,ý.-in ston, laî8g6whlen over S ars=o!M age1 u1 1897 be 1a8 Prcornoiedtu the Princi- The tbirteenith annual conventioD al p.alsip )o! tbe Higb scbtool, a position -!be the WoMený's Missionary Socie.ty to! Uts filled uni forced by ilI beaith 10 retire Bowmanvilie, District was held lu Bow- front active teachinig lasi Easer. i-lis wanvilie Methodist cbutrch on Tuesday wbole career as an educator bas been laý.t. & noticeabie feature was the characteîized by such a i-horongbness ver., large attendance aI aIl these8sions, ihat bis pupils have invariably been very Most of the auxiliaries in the District successfiiHFe was an inveterate worker were weil repreisiented and the reports alwa % s, and so coetinned to the end. from ibese and also Ithe Cireles and His îvhn!e soul seerncd centred on hbis Bauds ail showed increased inlerest in sehool arnd the welfare o! bis pupils. the work. Two new auxKillarles andi And yet bie found lime for social engage- one new band bad been organizod dur- ments, Sabbatb scbool and philanlbropic ing Ibhe présent % ear. Numbers of wpk. Hie was superiniendent of the speciai interest on thes progrirn wùeîe a S~bat h sc b3oi o! the Cbuîcb o! Christ, feilowsbip and memorial service led b~y Presideni of the Lord's Day Alliance, Mirs. (1ev.) J. C. Wiisou of Newcastle Prebident of tihe Bible Society, Chairman during whicb iestimony was bora te since it was esiablished of flice Home for tbis great peisonial b nLeflîs receîv1ýed the Aged and Chairmian o! the Cburch lhiough cotetc: ion wil the Women'a Board, Treasurer o! tbe Durham Couniy Mbssionsrv SaOcieîy aud feeling refereuce Teachers' Association Treasurer of ibe was made to four members who bad Fiigb School Board and au active Teen- died duriig ibhe vear [lho Missionary perance worker. Oftea hee bas officialed riee" whi ch is àa(,.hat iliustrtiug th"e aifuneris andonmany occasions pîeach- conneclion, growlh, fruit and o! the ed for ministers of any of tbe churches differeni branch auxiliaries, circief anua wbo asked for bis services. liewnas ever bands was delighlfuily presenîed by instinctive and interesting, bis sermons Miss Luelia Everson*(,f Oshawa A, comparing favorabiy wih ibose o! the "Model Auxliaryi" by members ont be-t ordained preachers. Oshawa Sincoe street auxeiàar.ý wasifu'ill Fils residence ai Maple Grove ln 1865 of suggestion and of interesi. Th-,e seems to bave had mucb to do in sbap- convention was forlunate la havlnjg îng bis future career. Il was there bie 1wis îeturuied missionaries lu attend- bezan active woîk lu cbuîch, Sabbath aLce-Miss Jackson wbo represeuýta, school and Temperance organization tbhe W M. S. ai Kitamaat, B. C.,,-hbo and there lie selected bis firsi helpmeet, gave a deeply interestiag account of -MAiss Almira Power, whom he rnarried ber work among tIi au girls in the in 1866 and wbo is the mother o! Mr sebool-at Ihat place, sud Miss.Howle of John J Gilfilian, Pbm. B.. Orono, and Shîdunoka, Japan, wbo deliphtecl-t'e Miss Viola Gilfillan, MA.. Secretary of large aeudience with bradrsTbe tbe Y . W C. A of Fiamilton She died musical paît of itis con,,enîxon w1 Ap)ril 5, 1874, andinu December 1875 be vtr, anuch appîecialed coiusing of married 10iîss Wealtba Andins, o! Orono, salas b. Miss~ Baîker, Oshawa, LMisa wbo suri ives him. Dr George E. Gîl- Floren ce Emoîy an-d Miss J. McLeaB5 flîlan, o! Uxbîidge, ýs a son by the Bowmea'."ilie. a duel hi Mis A.., E second maîriage. Rund;e andMrs.W.1R Courti ce, Courtîe snd a song service lu tbis evsning by The funeral Thursday a!teruoon took B-cavleMs ion(Jche undýer titis place from tbe Disciples Cburcb, every leadersbip o! MriiW S. Braigg seat being filied long before the bior _______ service and an immense tbioug of peo1-I, East Dkuhan il RifleAsocalu standing around the churcb onîside The bas eiected tbis loi owing officers.-Hona organ, rillais. pulpit and deceased-s PresidentiCol. 1Fi. A Ward;Prsdu chair weîe beavily draped la black The -A H. C Lon,ýg; Vice- Presidet- G, H service was imrpessively condncied bv Ridstou; Laptitifl-W. J Robertson; the pastor, Rev. W. J. Cadman The Secretar -Tr-eqsurer-A. B. Barker;- scripixre was read by the Rev. William Executive Commite-J. Lawrie, 11. iJolliffe o! the Methodist church, aî,dl Mitchell, Fi A. S-cnlthoip, G. Mtcel', prayer offered by the Rev. Hughi Mnnroe. F H. Barres,,, F. Pbii1p, W A. MeM- BA., pasior o! the Presbyterian'cbuircb Ian, W R. Jewt3il, W. Mar8!hail, T, Rev. Mi. Cadman's address was ba-eti Campbell. on II Tien, 4-6 7,8, * ForI arn now îeady ta be offered and the turne o! My departure l Ibuec" Fie. gave I ndu iedts tmany 10ets eiit f -41.0 Per Annuin, y