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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1905, Supplement, p. 14

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J hn MacKay -Co. Mn a, br ia i, it prevîou s ly Limit~ mae hi h~jug~He bas recently ~et~upho sccepngfor himsf, Th business of making pot and ud iv4,snear the nmilli pear bariey waiu begun ii~i Bowm an- Pbotos of the lIne Mr. Mac[Cay wssomething unique i'tilen, and lins The foriner wlll be rcognized byostat isola ion" Lo titis dày, for il is doubtfnl if there la anotheir e'is ee ud '<cl Ibaley , miii luOntario ail P trtu d c th resent time. Seeda>.' Técredit of establiihing anid M. Murdochi las mcvd unBowan nati - of los,hire. Scotland. Mr. a n ineteMurdoch Bros. rau Ma( ~, .aftenconminz tù Canadaaton t--th ;carrîed'on busiine-ra;fGr 20 years' ln Dun4las, Ont, and later was lu Chat- bairn for a few, wben be tomn- cýd lis attention in tbis dinectipn,j mnd cstabliblhcd ais indstry lu our' mid t. Mr. MacKay's specialty was tbe 'makifig of Pot and Pearl Barley for table re and in addition th.e nahýing orf bnxley fecd. Ble was o! an inventive tura of mind, and de- vised mny ncw machines forte makýing of burley into dpsirable Sois lun tits bis succesa was phe- nomenal, a-id the produet of has MiilIla îl te fineast o! the knd ou the înaijket. As a resuît ais business grew tu large proportions. Ha bad THE LATE JOHN MAeKAY. ag iits in bbc lange Nwholesaliug centrhs, and bis shipînents weut evrnywherie, ir. MacKay had sufficient enter- pri to10 nake cyhubi ts b many large ex oos, andl ha wa awarded nu neous medals, A, lange bronze mealwas gic.ihimi for a Pearl bar. wvants Io go up toWin. Bis rigs are gqually as wiiling to drive al[ over town to colicet passengc'ro or bag- gage. Those iwho wish Io drive irili find at biýsables good ouitfits at ail timea. For forty years aiso Mr. Giover bas carried the milîs to and froua the station. Bis bas been auseful servicer to the cummuluiy and lie perforins it faithfully. Blis stables are ou the nortb aide, of ling street, almost opposite the Beu- n'Ott Bouse. John Gaud Contractor and Builder. A large number of the resîdencles of R. 1 ' -o " so efi.4l y jun-, r M , , le-n 1-!OU, 1U"Irt ifu ... .. LUI -d 11-1- --.h 1Utrvnr 0 h-1ro t John Gand, who bas speut the last quarten-Icentury bere un the vocation of contracton and builden. Twenty- five yers la a long time to be lay- ing brick upon brick, and fashion- ing in w ood and sto-.,e and brick hunecs aînd business places for tbc citizens o! the cunm-tnitY. Mn. Gand w-asa Dariingtun man hýefone locat- ing licre. He owns a niee home and acarpeaiter bop on Sougog street. Be is an ail round builden, la Mn. Oaud, for lie can do niany thinga hiieseif, and lie takea tlhe entire con- tract fo," buildings, from the tîunu- ing of tue frirst sod for tbe excava- tionî tu the 1ast bib o! decnation befone occupation.. Mn. Gaud bult bhe Disciples' ehurcl inruthis town ; alsu a fine brick home fo r Mr. R. B. Turner . and a nice bouse for mn. W. H. Thomas at the làke. This past suniumer Mn. Gaud bîifft a liand- some residence ou Welington strenet, wiclhe h as suld tu Mn. Reluder, o! the foundry. Ile ducs tîtat kind o! thing o!ften, lu fact makes a business o! building and alling. Bîe Will1, however', do ail kinds of jobbîng just as wcll and faithfullY as hl will buld ax new bo-use. Mn. Gand is ax dîrector o! the Electric Liglit Co., and lsa unemben cf the i lOo.idge. Ius has been a hardworkiug life, and lie sPeniîs to huave madea good place for himacîf lu the cumînunity. The Balmoral Hotel The pictune u I te balmol Bot"l wbih i la accon Lthýi page shows that bouse te be une of splendid appeanance, of large sizu, and oc- oarsman Oý'0onnor, Mr. O'Connor bas had mach,ûe'xperieuce in hotpl business, as bis 1family rau tbe OConnornflouse, Ade!aidC stre-ct ireat, Tornot, for years. .iust blue- foure eoming liera th-,ý nais. manager bhad been rratvelinur lu Britishi Col- umbia for 'ibrce years. Ile î s z- sessed o! a pieasiug rmi.ner, atnd witb lis largi e experience t-,aidhlm he should make a grcat auccesa of the Balmoral. A splendid photo of Mrsý. Jaekson la bene rres"uhu'd. Bler many pat- rons and fnierds wlll iial for lier a speedy return to aieajtb). Murdoch clalias to do a gond busi- ness to-day inu ýceds o! all kinds- garden seeds, field seeds, etc. He is agent for the "Ideal" irire fenee, also poulbny anud stock foods. Thîis lit tic store caririe-s one specialinituu apart fromn acedr, and that s te-a and coffee-of which Mr Murdoch sella a grerit deal. There are those ,whuiik-e the brands o! te-a tb-ey eau buy ut tItis store, and su they reguiarly conchere. Mn. Murdochi livies a quiet, con tcnted life, and la a citizen of good nepute. Be knows a good deal abouù sceds, and la thus able to helP those not. SO Vvellinl- fonmed by a littic judiciois adrice at timec. John Gilbert & Son Grain, Seeds, Flour and Feed. Tt la a lI-rgo business that this finm transîxefs in the town. They box and seil grain and seeds of al kinds, MNauitob-r flotin, coal, etc. They biiy ,,pnobably 60,000 liia shel,, o! grain a yean; fhcy bhaudle a lot o! flour and feedý I'hey supply seed lu a larL-c farming and gardeuilug Inade; their coal business is e- tensive, and tuicy sal1 British Col- uimbia shirîgîca. Thuu finva bas eu-ai shedr- aad s' at the west end of the lown, and an elevator at the station. Mr. John Gilbert Is a. native o! Darlington cn-nslîip, near Bowmnan- Ollie. Be begatu bousitiesa liere seven- teen year ago, anud ba.s worked up a tbriving rade. 'Soaie years ago bis sou was takcn lo partnersbip. The firmv's yearly turnorer ruinaup loto a great inany thousanda cf dol- lars. -l Dr. Boith lu.onue o! the b-a f knowa meducal uractitiuuren u Di-hamjr Couuty, boxiug begun practice he- fore qorne o! bis conpetitorq wene bore. Hagnaduatcd lainiOiand us ia M.D.C.M., also a meauben of tbe Collaege o! Physiciens and Songeons, o! Ontario. The doctor's office is utu near ut the Mitchell dnug torp, wbere lie may be focnd doning of- fie houons. is home es on Chancli Street. The doctor enicys tlic es- teem .and confidenee'of al classes of citizens. Dr. BeiLlî h-as been lu [lue town Counicil,anid aerved oeeyear n ltheb Couuty CounciL. Be has been a memben o! the Publie Scbool Board for a quarter o! a cen tory. This alune tells o!fbthe perfect confidence bis feliowv citizens repose lunbinm. He la a brutber o! the fa.mons Back- îucy breeden, Mn. Robent Beibli. Wm. Richards Implement Agent. A mari vbu knowa West Dunham froun ceutre bu bounda ries, wbo knuws tbc peuple intlimately and whom tle people kaow, e Mrn irh- ardu., thse mani who sells, impiem'n Is. lie iras boru lu Euuglured, and came te flua land o! liberty 43 years ao. Mn. Richards fanmcd o un yeans rne-linCounnice, then irent te Columbuis. B crame to Bourmanville 22 yeans agô, and for years drove a waxgonl for the Grigg du-y gooda store. eive years ago lie aeeeptad bbc agency for agnicultural impie- menta, and b-as made tht bis busi- ness even siuice. Bie a agent for the International Barvester Co., anrd seplla their MeCunnick hinden; sella wringens, ira sliiiug rmachines, and 4 <J througlt iater power. The miii is tborotugbly evuipred witb ail tlhe machiner iy recuired-inclnding sever- ai barley huilera, Fcus gri.pders, reels, dust collctors, etc. Every ap- pllaîice and con venieuce .'or the rapid executioii of tbe work Is pridý, ed, and tbe MacKay company nuw as a bet'ter miii than ever, and are pre- pard 1forincireased buRineias. The cpatîy s'laibing utiidr g nc do advnntige Jii procuring bar éy, as the SIIppl.? tp soumewhiiat lii&d this Sa,IISOn Ln',for LuiLtely tiey hod on lhand a Supply fronu Iwe year. Thie capwtl4rof Liie miU !G 125,000 buslites per year. Mr., A. G, Hoiiand. th caabl n;-ae.cie to Boivmcijvie frQuu1 and livrny business un thia towa ha lias ha.d tbbcpniviiege o! earriuug lui lis canniages miany tliouu.ands o! pueople. To-day Mr. Glover ia une: o! the besb--known mcn n tlubhusi- nuess lu Ontanio. ITe una.ke8 a. rat- bling suecesa o! if, becauuse lie givÊs il bis pc'-aoual attentionu. Land w-len une avl t blie station, hie ila almat sure to ccc Mn. Glorer blieoeto di- bus, tf0 1 to miaket for- (lbc «ý thle servieý icely secired tue services o! an ex- pplloni- <'hinesi, ehrf, i-the mea nsR -thab --the table o!fts hotel will eNcel bbc gutd repution alre-ady estlablishe(d. ilrs. Jackson came bu Bovjman- ville from Tforonto, where ahe luad condnictcd flic "Pinca," comnbn Blour land Dundas streets. Unfrtuiiately she bas nut for sonie time cnjoyed cen se aud te weddîug rng at tbc same tima. Mn ikard la almuat a Ille-in resideab, as lic went bu sehool bere before guiag to Guelph. John Baboock & Son Boots and Shoes. )t and ahua business w-as y Mn. M. Teeleven. Thse 'r came bu Catiada !rom -al', )ing., in 1869, and landed jwînauuvulle in 1870. Be ete- 'ce employ o! Mn. Treleven, and tuis way bu bc f oreman. ýi -, irad thc owan Ilarny Uice, tîte manager o!fblie busi. neas, spent tivo yeans witb Mr, John Lyle as buuk-keeper, two yeans ,Aitb W. -,. McMurtry, -.)i ti, and aine yaara wlbh Mn. Richard Worth, in tbc atone lic noirowns. Mn. Chas. Rice nîso 6crti cd lils time with Rich- ard Worthi, and lias beau ln thc store thinteen orfouirbeen yearns. Bobli anc practical hiardware in, having gloivîl iglît up witilî bbcbusiness. back a cotusiderabie number o! yâars. Tuep prescrit ownerîs boogît froni Mn. Worth, whîo luad purchaacd fronu Mn. viousiy. EBuw lonîg',Ir.. Manning b-ad carrnicd oui bbc business tbc bis- nouf ay,1311t, it w-as The ladies of Bowmanville, and viclult3' hve Ilu the d rfssmaking parlors or Miss Brimacombe a shop couveunitot the dry goods stores wbere dress gpouda would naqturiallyr ho puroliased., Upstairs over the mitchell drug, store is the location. Miss Brimacombe lias catrri(-d oen business for sixý years, and Ias a j of sýx a' s Thizdo, 1îxs ea ti s rt 0 et o y v Jr~ plaloc3 anidtJ nt ol ar eû,citgiven paiflsÉaktlg care., Miss Brimacpombe has ilved here lor years, and cliorouglîly uud"rstands the 11gb t of day iu the Ilie -ofWight, but came to tbis ýcount rymbm'qyears ago, and is, onl te oid residents o! the town. B-e bas flot been act- ively identified witb theonduct of Lhec store for seven ya~ but still retains hi-, luterest thereln. Mr. J. 1B, Crydeimar lsa inat ive of Da)ýrlingtofl towisbip ile was with thý firmof MeClutig lràs.- for mauy ~Çab pevi'uato'enteriug this part- -ltip e lias bccii ârinvred wjtb Thestoe o tis e1l~knwufirm h.siuaedoil lle souilil s de o!King c et~i~st Sle trect and the Public Sebuool, und is convenient to liotc-cisheds.- b ngraviugs of the three memb f irm appear lu th!s$t the businesýs. The stock carried ia business iliýI the es sMoie tOnk CocJhsn&Cydma bouta, sboes, trunks and valises. In hold of iii 190, anilt'hoe Inge td ail tbese a goodiy suppiy of excel- lias not, uide yuee their Dry Goodsai-id Clothing., lent articles is rantaiued. Tbe abie mainakgementi.FOr' neaxtly a quarter o! a century store bauasays doue a. gond busi- Tbe firýtimLiýprePsionpoi, that tbe aMure namcd fiin las been Iu ness. A splendid repair department the trauîreir getfs un et~ the business ilai aaxined thene la une of (thecfeatures of the stoe, store is o! an immensestuc(qc_, stock Ihl,.no name lai Durliatu County better The business is aow carried ou by that crowdt! he preinIses fo thne ut- kiiowf or mure farorabiy regarded J. Babeock & Son, Mr. W. J. being most, and the pnemises are by nu by the people. To be exact, it la now arsociated with h fathen. Mr. mearns aal A very large sýtock tweutytbhrec yettrs since mPsýÉ-s. W. John Babcock lias atuck te the huasi- of abeif aud lie.avy 1ardwa)re a- B Couch, J. A. Jolins8ton and J.' H. nesa, and bas succeede-d. Ha hlas ried, and ln addition, paleits, -cils, Ciydcrmnn entered loto pantncrsbip net bcen prumineut in any public stores, thnwutrc, fuinaces, harness, Le conduect a dry gooda and cloth- cgacity, thougli he is couriected budera' Psupplies, ht.acksi-itbs' sup- ing business. The membens of the wltli seictrai societies and the Me- eis. aportîng gouda, etc., are car- firi brooglit to the new enterpis thodiaýt chnrcb. The young man, la uîed. a large aleasure-o! business ability aiso eonnected witli the saine church. The stove business of this store and mercbaudizing knowledge, a~nd as May thi-eir succeas continue. la large, and at one ahipmeut titis 'a resuît tbcy produced a store that PENNINGION & LAPLANTE [Hardware, Diumbing, Stoves, etc. This business is only' a yearling, but it la developiug into a iusty youili, and gives promise of an ex- cellent future. The partners camp together as if drawn by a ihagnct. Mr. Pennipgto-i was a carpenter by trade, son of Contractor Penning- ton. of this town. Mr Laplaute ca me liere f rom Carlton Place, whpe lie had passed twenty years in thor- ougbiy masterlng the trades jf tln- smitbing and plumbing. The youug men forind a store ln the Borsey block, three doors east of the 13en- nett B7ouse. They put iu a good stock of abeif hardware, plumbing supplies, and a lune of stoves and ranges. Tbey haudîn Moffat'a rangeq and beaters; lw-jm- so's "Art Garland" stove; and Me- Clary's "<ýnuishinie" furnaca. Tbey bave sold lquite a number of stoves, and bave placed furuaces ln some of the beat bouses in town. . Iu tinsmitiîing quite a big business lai donc. Tliey do a lot of0 cave- troughing and metal roofiug, auid seIl a lot of hardware to buildera and farmers. In graniteware and home-made tînware they excel. Their repair and tinshop la lu the rear of tbe store. Tf there is one feature imore than nuother that thîs young lirmugives stpeeial attention to it la plumbing. Mr. Laplante solicits the unost diffi- cuit job, and will assure perfect sat- isfaction, becanse lie possesses tbie requisite skiii and knowiedge. Tbese young men are botb.lbard ,workers, and they purpose to menit suocss by antiriug devotion, to business. i ILJFI-e 0 wl 1 i 1 i -r ranges ivas brougltit n. Rice & Co. anc sole agents for bbhe Gurney Tilden Cu.ýë; Souvenir, aud tiireeare 500 borae;lunWcst Durham it havPar been supplie(]d -et thflua r-ange thnougb bis store. Otuen makea o! stores carnipid by blils firvia -re, tbe Chiampioun, nuade by D. J. Banker & co., Pieton ; and tac Mapie ben!, by bbc Beach Fourdny Co., Win- cie ster. 1The exclusilçe agcncY for the Peaue fururtees is lîeld by Riuie & Co., and -ixtecu funiece hure been put li thus faîl. In -VWest Purlir 125 o! blase spieuudid baotraare lu use, ail soid by tbis bouse. This finm ,ut tlie furnace le the Townu Hall., bbc Higli Sebool, thec Mvetbodi4,3 Churcli, Pr,,eayteriau C'hureb, 'Pie-. ity Chîureli, Disciples' Clurcl, the Bennett _House, tbc Anlitugbua TIotel, Coail, Jufluston & Cnydenmaru's store, and many othenr placeis. Plumbiuug la a branci o! th!is fiua'½, business, and sonir eery hand- some bath roncios bave been fitted up, amongal bhc ot-ders f ilcd bcbg tint for thec Townu Bail, Bowmaniile, Dr. Devtt'5 luonse, and the fîrm la at puesent !itting one up fut Mn. Be-a- man, o! Ncwcasble. A tinsmithiflg de- parbmeuut, over whicl Mn. Jas. Me- Brien presids fas uk.iled !oreaîan, la a bosy Icatiiref cthila business. This depa.tmenti s A stta. k lange brade ilu ea.eti'uughing and met-ai ruofing la doue wutli great succeas. A very fine ranuge o! houaefurnish- ungu and granite-tiare la alwayq heme fou, the hou sewife'a selectioi, and tbc lai geat and fiecc,;t stock of eutlery lu bC towtî is claimed by Rice & CO. At flue Bowmanville faIr this yeau' fli firva made a liandsume e.hibibiua uiu cubleny, whioli show- cd te good ailvattage t11cm stock. k <'e& o. have bIc sole agency wbere it was a real pleasure to sliop. The firm's experience bas -widened with, tLe paýýs!11 yeara, and tliey hiave held to the pac set lit the initiai stages, atnd are to-day reaping the. ba.rxest of intelligent sowving lu the spning-time. As an indication of cexpaiiding business the fîrva bave taken lu more room on several oc-,a sions. They bave re- cently taken possession of wliat was forauerly the AdO post office, and thley have Dow two large rooms fully uccu pied. Iu the staff of tbis store MR. W. IR. (OUCJI. there are fourteen busy workçers, whielî indicates the large trade dune. This store is, of course, well stock- ed witli gencral dry goods, which arc purchased, like everything else handled licre, for cash at the low- est pnices given to thc trade. The, qaalîty of gouda c arried la of tbe hest. The ready-r o -wear clothing deprtiueint is ghveu particular at- tention, asnd a large ous tom la en- joyed; a.nd in addition to this the tailoring department is une 0f uîuch aetivity. This departmeut lias be- corne one of the. best knowit la thia section of country, aud tbe firm are justly prend of the excellpiit ne- ký 1 i

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