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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1905, p. 7

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47:. JIxfter Sufferýing For- 10 Years With Pain in The ack H-e 1Was Comnpletely- Cured BLy "ri"ie " rut--tve"crces disoeased an-d irritated kidnueys whoenaiL other treatment fails. Th'le proof that <Putatys is thue greatest kidney cu-re kn-ownm to sciece is dxostae by these tablets emoingalil pali1in itebaknaig the kidneys healy-adcrn hoi oiain of,'s Cur,ýes Cougho GRAYý'S SYRUP dees -t hat eue thiug, anul boa it-wel.I' n 'cueAil,but a CU-RE ,folr al ratnllung troubles. GRAYS SUP0l' REiD SPRUCe j OUM rsteps bb',c frritatîUig tickýle - takes away 15 see ssothnsd 'henla the thrat-udCUREFS COUGIIS te stay pleasant te b. 0-5 ots.btl. DON'T READ THIS. Every Day is Bargain Day Qe At the 3Pe oples Fuel and * Lurnoer Depotl'je * We are satli andiing BËest Brands Canadian * emèints, British Columbia Red Cedar and other good * Brands Cedar and Pine Shingles, Pine and H-emloek Lumber, Dressed and IJndressed, Doors, Sash, I3iinds and bMouldings. Fresh Mined Scran ton Goal, Cannetl Goal, Steam* * Cahroal , Bard and Sof t Wood, Loýng, Sawed and * Split, Slabs, Edgings, Lard Plater, F ine and Goarse Sait iu barrels and sacks. We aiwaysaim te give the bç,st, reasonable prices. - lighe8t Cashà Prie S #'-nd for Grain and Seedsý. * Ring &StEast, Bowmanville. 4î LBARLEY WF'ýNTE-D. 3 4O 4? Farmers Our new Chopping Mill is - > doing excellenit work and farm- AQ 1ers who hiave favoredl us with çrdeîIýi a.réwell pleased. Wc sc,!ýit a trial. A11 kiads ci gr-aincheppedand aI usual prices. 10,00 ushlsof Barley wanted. von MacKayLimîted, 4-f, Bowmvianvi Iii w; re Appetizer, Br'aýei and Digesýti've Qu1e-quarfter tesponul sufficieut for a-7,cup of bouillon, a plate of soup, or a dish of vegtabesetc. Sold Iby ali drugistsaudgro.cers. AUMUR LUMITED,. Tortenio soid by il goes HISTORY 0F BOWMANVILLE. BY MR, JAS. B. !FA1kAnÂla, P. M. < ntufi-tam first page.) Sormewbore aboi-ut 1810 the place ha growu te q, t'i au extent, thn setie meut 61 Darington had pzoceedecd ïat a' rapid rate, the tewn-<keeping paea wib tl. The pr-inc"Ipal buinespaces aC; thatt:lime were on IhCewesteirn ilitAor %Voreothbrear o toresi, a large t aver and cooper Éil'ep The Methodis church was thon aie on bte 511. T go backz a Litlz, M àr. Colemin state-,s. and, I ttîinar, correcllV, that the first store waa oý-piuei1 by Lewis Lewis, who remaind in bousiness for four vears 90to, ol ohrlsBwa lh is 1e-10 swa in '1824. MàIyfthrcamel te B"wý-mvîifi e a(n teC chrge ef tho uieain 18-24. From tha jtiïa qthe lis ut was eected tit0Uton, :5 lu croe was ,very sloGw, a acosu tke 118 perseus ail t!,td, t1hora ein euy ounue on th;- nortb sidW'a rcf tha 3road. As for the Inidiauis, I de net thýink they wera verv nuinoroýus ,aloug tnche 0rij o! Lake Ourai io, bîouToronito sud the ha> cf Qinte i hero is ne evi den!c,3 te show thna: sncb was tha ,>cas, lu inte shape cf rel us, sucu as Rrrowheads, ec aîscoprivl verv faw have beau Zound I su P ose this is accoiuted for as their faovorite huntin.- grounds lay farther nco1:th among the amaller lakop audl rivers. 1 have been bold that an Indian burying grouind was found on' Libertv Pt., a: lt' sosma remains were discovored. indicaing that the sand knotl bo±s been uscd forbalpros, atsm remote perio i s was net 'Ar froniMr onMdadspeot bas ever bjeondscvrui ri'go Iit ra-W-8alinyreutrsettbloment of theni knowu 1qte eorysIl tere.d baudof 15M' Rice Lako Indianský mer tio n suddewnour esbut' tbey nvritotrdwilh the -wki e raplea a' peari ng qoîtlehrilssu 'idndl dJispesed ,l ut1838 I remeo-ni ber qite ra numbaj, j:r wco-ocapo nl wihamsonthbi row of 15e 5billnoar 1Mr. Mairk D.WilasrsdceTo cýame fîropi 5e wssc, 'the nbs co aud althongh he e brlubitauitt usedte til omanl ale aouttem, euchexiledonl luthavivid imagina. 11e Us 0.f Ul rehearsers 1 nCow refer te ý15e Brkaseeof the mis, 'howed eut a home foîr thcmýsUlves on the shora o! Ontario, audgwcr-, uloselY ideuîîfiod w.ith and had a goeýd desi te do inut15e succ6eding an~eousd g-rowt.9h1e business 1beth f n df týwnshiPs. Oa f the sonus cfJi ubu Burke the pioncer, rerlained ou the Somestead, ewning the 400 acres cf land, they haviug buiît a flue large fi aie bouse thora at a verv early period Ttc ,Barke farnilv wei'-e noted througb ah Lis tý.sction for :thair kinduess andt hGsapilaiity. Prom the vorv earliesî perîod af (or thorv were surrounded withf the ordinarv comforts of a farin bouse i thie reLuIt of thair own akill snd tbui i he door was over open and help bestow. ed upon every poor strug'gling settler who came te bhom fer asisi8tance and eug-h tbrough lapsec e and chaug.t ing ,onditions it ilaseldoin thought ef,1 stili thero are some aven ýet cf thee descendants cf those who wore belped,1 wha speak of thein witb gratitude- Mr.9 David Bur-ke was a highlY reli4rious1 nian su'd did much activa work lu the0 cbures witb wbich he was conneected. Ho had appeintments lu different'parts cf the country aud bera thora woe ainy settlad clergymen ho did a goodt deat te try aud alerato the moral condi- tie o!--5 people. lie was ene o! Nature's noblamen. Ha could have hiad but few early advantages in the way of adncation Lut uotwitbstandiu thls drawback ha was quite a uotad figure among bis compeers. A truec 8tory sud a geod oee la bld cf au occuri ronce lu conuection wlth the rebellion of 1887. Aflter Bpu LotI loftIthe countrx aud a reward of £300 stirling wss offer.t ed fer bis, capture, dead or aliva, theE whoîe community was ou the qui vive1 and the extrema party were se snxious8 for bis arrest that aur' I idings of! bis whoreabuuts wero eagerlv seught after !L wss while Ibis publie tension was at its height Ihat the followîug teok place. Yfr. Simpson thonunisagement of the Bowmau businessî, had gotten a.number of Roman Catholie Lrishmen frein Ops tei werk on the mili dam which hsd been carried fswav by t!ho spriug freshals. Mr. Burke being short ef banda lu the hav barvest, gel ene of the mon te go te the larin te assi8t. He was. put îti workinlu a bd by hlm.1elf. l Ihe mesu- lime a brilliant idesstruck youuigl Drvid who was aIhome sud ha determiuad te bave a 11111e (un a: the expeuse of the raw Irisýhian,,dressed approprtatelyt for the occ-asion sud srmed witb an old blundarbus, ha suddanly dropped down on tho man frein Opa who was evidenty taken aback by the apparition -of aun apparently armned desperado.,3Mr. Dave -111 hM -- th. haP.-as Bo-LaI.-sud1tha Thora is n th1e liasî dngýer imgir. Chamberlain's Ceugb Remed-y Vte amaîl cbildreu as Il cutains ne opium or otherhbsrm!uh drug. Il bas an eitab- lishel repubaîon o! more thanu thirty rsaas 15e mest suceýessfut niedicine lu use for colIs,, croar i atI wrsoi ceuLrh. Lt alwavs cures sud is pleasant te take Children tike ir. Seul v ai druggisls. WEST DURHAM FARMERS'IN STITU TE The genaral meetings of the Was- Durham Farinera' Instilutte il ýibe hall as follows;, XENDAL, Weduesday, Dec-,-iber 1815 aI L280 p. m.. lu F oresters' al OitüŽ!O, Weduesday, eebe 3h aI 7.30 p. in.. lut,5e Council Boam. BOWMANVILLE, Thuirsdav, Dcme 1415, ut 1i 8ý p n in lthe Counceil Roon Cenreu. -Thursdav, Dcmbr14h at 7.80 p. min lf1e Son4e' hall. Thie speakers are isrs er Gtuenanugf Manîtîs sud W. F.,, Kvda, SiMcoo0. Sbes:Mr GlendannhiiLg's -Fed sud Feling" "Cutivaîof ths ou eud Rotation ! of a,"'The iBoefileof Clover," "Tho, rewng ReBd sud AI. '~Uradig su Fediug15eBacon IHog" 'er2stqîu-d ïIbm te Dostroy Tbem," ' Water Supýpty,"Evn7 g Mr KYdd's-"-Am I 1Baisiug 1the Most Profitable Hlorïie? " 15e Dairy Cow, ber Summer Feed sud Winber Car1a, '1Smsll Fruits sud Caire o! OravFe Vinesý, Peach sud Pluin TreesF," 'Ci;ultivatiou! sud MLuurc " Eveuljng,-" AS1tick iun experîcuce sud ar6 eMllpostal ou.theirj subjoots s ati aUaudanca Iis dlsired Fcmers aul thtersi" rotdsheuld !et not1îinc provaut 1cmfrinSing,( Dre-seul aIt heso mïreoligC.Qesin sud free discussion open le ail. Coma snd 'benijt. sud be bcuafiîted . .JJin SanWÂAU, H. C. BAu, President. se rtary. old Ras a gre(ýat secret whta tii ebad encouutero'd I becamlntiwblsp.eod srudfrin aoeete suether unlii i roached hocarsots e 1ea-;îberOitiýs Tha~'flîr beieved that ti5e olerilus rebt as bOin1g barberai by Bnrke's, Dr. ýLewwbo ,taat Iht tlime liHved lu WhIilhv suad was lu coinmand of a troop o! îl"ixia iras eit!ru-ted te ae tp fr LibQi, capt u ra Se eu iie ri wt irile 3 M r. iBuirke asud fam-ily ieeenjUviugIhr uulrepose, toî'allyunouciuse!auv 1ipout1inig dnewere Suddenly; arioused somo lima iu the etrlymrnv by vioentt kneckiu;g and urgent do- drossiug sdreac_-ub1U 5e dooý)r ho was rrnddby amiliîariygur d t15e ofiein c'harge told Smtâat te weredtbl nora hat LaIt was aboutthe pace Te %bi MrBurke ae abuthm or bis wTlraabuxs. Chy atIA t gveup t15e chase. it hadram- mad(1 a FiProty sorýshw. r'Brk ga ve thelil a heîrbreakfVastsd[b;l theingeedi(-by-e. The truc iuwarilness cf the performance did neot coma ouI tili semau 3Nelro fera Anothor incident ltitûis sine eoc tien happonad on the westerni fan onýj occnpied, by a whoita soued brl, Yorkshiremau, Mr Johin Fv'ank, ,Ybo came te Bowmnanville lu 18,1 fiHo ecca- pied it a n-resýter prto f bi lîfexîu,. luis rs l utOu dock I %in glaiteay Iw 1 bdth1isbas .afc. Ieioeut eue moîîici ta- 5'o cerîi fieid wirbere hoiadescrled 1a insu soSund1 asee' videntýy ,se i-ou uiludSse soundlv iii 15e rma ! torheu finl te baosS'aeso i gl V aeVt bis sidýa sud ha wý*a, i terio 1r ad tb h 15e bah Mr, rn qit stipped uap, graspod 1 uu sud w e the slepin ower, esmnglîna- hi- iserKoigtthoiath malsu sebadlv w;1luo, bal with 5etruei nebilit'.of auEgiha, agv l isoýMething te aansd tbld hlm to erava as snu as po8slbbe- The lage mne3e reward coud net topi hflm nte take ad- vantage o et the Lpîeseutlawý, Wh'lilc writibg suein t t, 1 stated ýin s o erltter 1 Iiteddg-îiGug au outîlua cf ltsD7)i lnca1reer 1 was thonunder tîta imnpiession that biî conunection with 15 reellonwaS trti Lhat of a&iiguided parin, nue hundrî'ds o!fothers who ssrilicd iteu aîîd meas s lutho hori.,stbelle !thm:tht', irare deing i lu 1e hstntra h f:e ceuntrir. I1iras more Ssu 1sur prisod te find frei aconversationîithIli r. j ames Hfai aiqO ae-, bwheisîhrznew the whole ircamstau,,ces, thath was the individual wit se3 brutailîr, lu cool bleuI assnssiuatod Cutau sîte3r ati Niagara Falts shortlvafo 1eburuiugi-1 of -'The Caroline," aud that ho )aIse ws the in uwhe commitîthe dstardla feund it impossible te find oIfrein auv information I con1d gleaiu, Soir Se first became ideutWlled uwth Ibis meveme3nt Iwoald semi lafbar 15e& baîtta o!, Meutgearv's averu, Toroutj, a refugee, cama ý)dem rough Drig týon. Ho ,looked sud acte3d fike agentle-1 man, eue whe had ocuirï,d a Zgoed positioniii itec bat preseu 'i, g 19es rearance o ! a hantaI erit0ilotibot sud oulv partît' cloibed. Bon Ieook hlm1 undor his protection. Thaey want, casl sud csugbt the Kingsaon stage sud ftiaýlirlanded lu the United Statos. Bit turned Up ait Navy Istaud. 1 finI his brothera. aI lesteue o! thein tried te excuse the fouI sofe!killingCaptain Usher b,, sayiug Ihat il was doeut cf reveuga for the cutting eut asud seuding1 The Caroline" ovar 15e Fâi, bu'.i nntbiug ou e-rth catld justif v Ihe sot USh#3r ias cntertaining a parîr ior frienîs ait his houîe, irhen the assass1in called hlm eut under a prelEixt ei manit. ing te speak te hlm sud shot hlm daad The late Mr Robert Armour, se heng a rasdent o! Bowmauvil le, mas oue o! the parties who boarded Ihat 11-fa tal steamer sud helped tu break up tibe Navv Island enterpriso. 1 Iùhoete speak of Mr. Armour aI greater long th later on. (To be continued.> No Opium in Chamberlaia-'s Cougý,h Remedy. At lecast 5,000 Telegraphiers wili be rqfe ythie nwCnd Rýailw-ays now undeilcosrutin adfor wihcatr aebýeen g-,a nted. By telegrap.her w manoertoss ati getsand Anyyounrg, man of aver.9ge ability and gooid habitz cani qualify f or5 oeeùo thebe positions at our school ini from four t sevenn ths , ad wiil then be right in iné for promotion.. * OUR NEW 1T7LL E GRAFH 1 B-Cý OK Showling illustrations of teaching staff, different departmnents of the sehool, aDd somoe of our successfui. graduates, gives full partieuiars. We mail it free. Let us mail it to v OU to-day. Our facilities for 4teachIng telegraphy could flot be better. We not ouly' have the best equipped school in A merica, but we ha ve the finest staff of experienced teachers ever engaged by an institution of this kind. RemembeQr, we place ail graduvates in psiosjust as ooon as they p -ss their finail exaininations. , B. W. SOMEIIS, PRINCIPAL Domr'inion 8Schooý,l oflTelegraphýFy & Railroading, 9 Adelaide St-reet Ees::t, Toronto, Ont. WRITE NO'W RIGHT NOýW 45 Years a College. (1) A Complete Commercial Course. (2) Single and Double Entry Joint Stock. (3) Pitinan aid Greg,4Shurthand, Best two on earth. (4) Situtions on completJng required course. Don't attend any sehool without e' u. .Catatogue free. F. A. FARQUFIARSON, Principal. Y. M. C. A. BIdg. Toronto. What a, course at the St. Catharines Bus!- ness College ivould mean to You. to OurSon, Or O or Daîghter. x1 Through the sci;ent'Ific way of tuhn penmanship yen wudbecorme a neat. rapiid writAr YO& would nôt think it possiblete iomprove as much in sea short a time (2) Frem tule daily driIýs in Speliing yen -weuld be able te scnd onit letters or manuszripts, withouit misspeilling words in avery day use. ù) Your evçry, day work, behind the counter, in the barn, on the market, at the desk, or wherever you may have any calculat. ing te do. would becorne ea';îer by means of the RapidCalculation, Drills and many sýhortcuts given.', (.1) Vonwoul get a general idea regarding thec law of coiracn ts and bu-tsiness paper s sLuvh aýs notes, drafts cheques, leases, etc , thiat mfightî in ifter liffe savýe you many times thie cost of thie wisoeA coutSeI. (5Such a general knowlîedge of the principle-i of Be'ok keeping for Single MProprietership, Partnership, or joint Stock Compny concrnswoul berecevedtha-t:ifvouIvanted te foillew the pro- fession of B300-beeper yecud adapt yourself to that, business, or if yen did net wish to be a Boek keeper yourseif you w.ould 'have a gra'-p of the subets that yon couid IG!okaflerte one who kesyor r oolis for you after starting eut in buýsiness. (6 hudyou, wish! it yen conld get a nweg of tebs system.c of Shorthand lin exis tence te day. The GRGGý SYSTE ýI rs aw-ay ahecad of ail coompetiters I!there arne osharpý or acute, anges e nak oneshadjing orwrtn in poýsition as ,l h Pitmianic Syýtems. In ýa test i Torente, last Juiv M'r Ra-'yýinond P. Keliey as reporctecd by the Globe, wrete riew malter at the r ale ci 33 WRDS A MINUTE, and his no,,tes were read( back by otheris writers5 of thie svstecm piresent wicth, apparent case Th u shewing -te soniecxteýInt the possibilites; of thSsystein It is easy to e -aru, easy te write and easy te read. <7> The course', w iIlseems somewh0at expenisive inco a. ison ith!J the highi schools yet ftrm ils practical iinre bir;t the gradu'ate ""reuro quickly that often lu ei ne mionth lie gelsý back the cost of tuition for six monlhs, or in two mo tte priýc of a yer'lIitioni, buit silould il tatue s!, ix ontls or a yearï-, which is neot at ah Iike{ýy t1 repay the cost of hi:,s course, hie then 'las a Ile time ahed;of'hm teIse thlinhde hc hnha k Liverpool armd Londonderrv ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROM ST. JOHN FBoM HALIFAX Virgipman. ... Christmas Steamer-. Mon. Dec. i. Tnisian..Sat. Dec. 16.... TeXan nec. 18. Corintlian . . . Sat. De C. 23 ...Mon. Dec ï5. Parisian ... Sai. Dec. ........ Mon Ja..1 1Rates of Passage Elrst Cabin (Winter Rate-,) et-Ond upards Second C.%b'n, Li7vpoland L-.die-,40 $42.5Oanu pwards. Third Cas.$2,0 u $2 75 te Liverpool, Derry, Belfaît, Gagwand London Boston to Gagw Mongolian ..................ot.Dc18 Haiifax to London, Hîr-ve. .a m ta ,... ........ .Satý. De(,.,, l'or Tickets andlEvtry nornto Apply te ISTEAMSIIIPS. P1'LÂIJD TO LIVERPOOL WEEKLY SAILINGS. Dominion ... .D1w. 2. 'Jre,4hman... an. 5. Corisýhman ~16. Domino,,.. 18. Norema . 23. *Cornishman.. - 2c. 'welshlmàn ad 8. 'Thesc Steamers do net carry passengers. RATES 0F PASSAGE, Flit Ciass-8550O; Second lass-$40 60; Third Ciass te principal ports in Great Britain For aIl Information appir ta M. A. JAMES, Agent, Bowtmanville-, Ont IN THE MA1TE10F 1TK Est ate ,of 7Bogue BrandàIr(,ate Gofthte ofnhi i atig n nthe Counîy ùî Dur/tam, [armerc eaed N OTICE 1 , IIER EBTY IVEN, (1l7 hat ail pesos avlnýg dawims or d-m ndR againt the ,taýteof!Élie sald Ilogue zch ueca Il. (l ied on or about tho th day of pai or dler ili e tho undersigne-,ileeto of!h, 1,eisat wîll an testamecnt o (hosIcdeea,s ed on, or ebefore h FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1906 theîrir hitian anld surliamles sdades Witt felU pan uwritimig of tibir ims;ýjij of the secnitîeeý'(if anyi) 1bel by llum, cooltostribul the asst,,ýe'iof thle s;ld deeefl 1ard o tic daims oe! wh(lh 1 ai lthon ba l( 1cî anid thle aidiexcoorwi l 1net Se isefr s a 1î nssotsf ýor a art thoen!)fteanry peirson o -sos f wbose daimntice shah î,otba. co res,,lved b(i Ïy Siuta t i nie of ~uch istriutIon Try it withaJdsho Tod rl N771 W. N T E ......... I R L E y

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