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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1906, p. 3

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--- y p Pu' ear Signature of e r, m rws PILLu Ï; CNSPTIl CUrE Z WCK HMEDACIIE. ADVERTISINGrd 41ES. Th'e Ca0ain- StateernaLn is pubtished cvcryWedissdoynorring tt the office S ,Sn te ,,,a n iiock. Kilg Street, 1.- ,»,1vi 1, Ont, 1 M . James, ~ditî url'roitor Sobscription Ftrict!y ii vnc.A dertisingrotes, tratsien anlcîtiing, tarients per .-ne: irvt isrin iecns per lune each Cubseuent nserton. on tiact rates3 f A. -E. 3Mîc LA GH.LI m flrîtrSolicitor aud OonIï'îyancier. I ~O~RTYOUN V. . 1 y o >ror iSi d.H1 7-1y. lU. arristrS olicit ors, N otaries, etc., sBltock, op-stairs, King FIRST GLIPSES 0F THE FAR EASÎ B3v iPaos'CHAS 1', PAL M.à As Ient1 e the beautiful capitp with its fine moctoïn buildings, it uxurantaveu~sof alfns itspbi garlus edoeitwith tropicil f' ani as I1 s uttied the groupa o! Âgae wÙihthrq-iet, uuassunng mien an p creque thoutib ofteu seaut cosi ure. vondercd whmnhter the geoi ~hit anmit been a little ton bard üi thie cam islands o! tb,ý world SceHeo)er's5 day great chang-es bav. hee iwrolightim ce Iont. Un&' Britishi control a fine rchool si, stem eU5 brsiciug bot[iEoglish and verrnagu, 'Ubjacts, bas been developeoi 1Tbeî are churchos and misions of maýn dttiominations,xest I hase r,'ason t t3eltevo thtat lBper"s picture ne th- degradation tf Mauin l>Ceýlon hi, haids. B-avîng scured a gond guide I it was in tnese I canght fli lirrti g im 'f- i'es of Orienital et'n . In oli' street there are theee lido temples, ail muuallh exelu,-ve, patronized b' t hree cases of worý-bipers Abo'ut the ioars and in the interiar lolild biz fi pri ests, smeared wîmth biz danbs .lJ whure paint. wit1 er little cise ti co'er thiir sanctiî 'sîýmfi !tiften crawed about the fileor kziocking tni nefads now and the la homqzge te a 1-11-l' bru ze foifOn:ýe or a -big mu iaoi Lie chie[ reli,ýzîion of Cevian la Bu'ldh iirsbt ttu suad omnda iî~ ae aanropreseteî At Kand "i4me miles distnt ro Coîmba, 'i8 the ,reat Hdha epecontaitninz th- imprint of ndh' fo, îirac'e il; aton" wicnattracte multitudes oM Bnditpîgr>ifm' and flot a few enr,,iou teth taitso! Malacca, and the ntixý naltin g -pla»ces are Penang and Siniga- It was mv intention to cail on Rev., %Ir Cherry during mv' stav at the lai;! named port, but i. Isarned to im grea î dippçaenmî't thet he had just left foi America, No d;,utt by titis tinxue h Mwîll have arrived in the dear (Ad t 'wt and Lgivpn an accouût of hmee! a miost BowmaniiviiLe boýse uh,obl do.) A prtinihient gentimni ao!fig -;ore splýg.e o! Mr', Cer work ai oli hmpersonailly inthe O lsttr~ At Sngaoreonuget a oreteste i,îi ChiaCrodso!' Cinese coolieT wamon the likan n l1cm thi tOU 000 o! ~em inhebit ic.Ln> stet Ci"esh pS Lt(t e1t ýh e tb!t nee;s of tleS(3e xc atriated celestials who have fo failed in expoit the peculiai odors that belong ta Chinese streets. At Sink-axre 1 began to resd thii i Chin rns t .îrh ast!,, Noriýh iiin i The average horse, uih h usial flow no' saliva, cats one quart of nais in about fifteen i nutes; with tisfiow partiaily stopped i t takes thirty minutes. This shows how important it is te have the proper qoanity of saliva and digestive Joi"ce. inicreases the sa l d dgestiVe jices because the feed( being mad e "tasty" it makes the animais "mouth watter," thie sa me as our own when we add butter ci'jani ta our soda bis- cu it;, it makes it more enjoyable t. cat. The horse, therefore, eats its feed up dlean. The incrca$ted digestion and assimîilation makes thc blood circulate better, oonscning the bide and making the coat glossy. NothInZ injurlous Initl and can stop feeding lb uitboul harin- fui effects. Our Heave Cuîe, Tar Foot Remedy,, Colic Cure, Embro- catýion. Liniment , Gall Cure, rasaime Healing Oul, and WomPowders are eqUaya gcod in thier towvn wav. Moncy herfiyrunderi by 1i ielr if 2ran ,y cldeale Pre'natinsdo not give satis- faction. Try HercUles PoUltry Food. Clyekddle Food Co., L1Ialtec Tai-ortG Ont, IHOLÎPÀAY VISIT us-CaOîpt. AdaM ln ,e ciry; Mr't.lroa la lKirk. iuld; M triaiP& tez ïgn .Taonto, nt Sr. Ico. Davilion'i'; VMisPeatd ONeil, et orne; Mr'end M a Frsa5rL ttle apent 'Cm1a1a ar. ilsfaLhOr'&; Mr' aid î4r&.T. 'V Jackion in the oiry; Mr'. Wr'. Me- 'hrsn Taronio, vi% 'ed t? e M e3 1loPheroee; L'vI as McNiD, ý -to, rîrh her coustri,Mr. R. O Oawau; Mi'.î ,har es Doneisater ,and idîug >1er, of i)Shawtt; NMrJas. fil>.lett. Ir,, 'eot i home; XMi>aBella R tsL, b nint, t vlsrtit.g b er uole, M- '. P4a2le; tilsel lu notta suand teLgigh, Te- into, ai home; M- ii..Bsâiat la -Ihorne; Mr' Wm Ba ten and dauih o', Mie Ete, lu thie O tY; Mies Me. Iutrem n.Os3haws,wlîh h'-r sier Mýs De.ry Mr. and Mrx. Daeid WMai h üd M gis Aloah nt thie nid homaes eid; Irie Sîowdon, Mertlekvilie, ut ber inher'., Mr'. R ibr. oastham; Mils Itrie Barry, Toronto, geao!o M ai V o a J âckasoa; Mr, and MIrs. B 4rat t b(îd daugher Mýy. at Mr. FI'ckin'e, M~r~e;tr. aue Mri. John M at end re M Sf45 Gi mer, T'iront-. %t Mri. Ný P'. a :il *; 14 r and M'@. E. E gans*a n 1 'on, Y.>îlvernn, wlth fer aste a, the 4týeei cO vIl -; MIVBaî'l Fe z4a rald. .î Miîhhrook; Mtr O W. Sm hi aýnd wo ditah er@,Por.ý, erry uni Whl'by, efoh hiy eau, Mr~ T bmith; t4îaW T, '4riuirtt an 1i M Manseili 'i.eutre, at Janovi 1, n Nul. o;Mr and 'trjs. -n G4 msby sud tsm'Iy wîth ler faeh er, 1rWm. Alams, Bwsvl;Mr 4nd Mn.. Jam-* 0'Dea send d&ugia mi, ,f Cadl mc, M eh., wîrth liermither, Are.. Gïie' n; ViNf. W. L. Loue aud, ismîy aoca M Fas rvlyn H ttyE'ra, .î their "t îe,>r J G., Rney; Mi'. .ud Mre Abtrn Ton'j i. of Beulevile. .nd dauiîhter, Mises E m4b Tierji., t,! roronto, et bomne; Mir and Mrs WM )p'r0 , with nni danghters, M s. L)unubr onuand %â OadwlIPerry. r .ive; M' G W Fife PeterLoro, et t1apIs Av. 1îock Frui; Mr ' ud Mra- lohn tetthew, ud î 1ughter, M ss 'tisy %-ath v'ts, O tii s itiuC berpi er, m'B R. 0..,aa : Msa R. R. NadiýeHj, Chs. Mlecli t 'n- uGarnd. ly, bid Retherford, Bey Coj;Vrwsusd' uabt Bsiniet, at hom ; tiri à1eEva Mc. %ltion Toandeý, ai-entM ri ameM-n MsAbrtMuu San a; Mi'. terAI-, m*, Duid,nall, wïth Nir. J, G. Honey. Trnme (4G Th,,mr,,,a a foîrmer. t (b On Frlday evâninL DeC. 29 h, apon tho raen o! M1c a, dr, 74 Hall,0, thi î'r'a home. ,Mr'Etaa te $b pend a soIciable eveaa4 sud te express teo M'.. Hali t'îlm ilgratitude for har mervicea s organis of thie M>fbnodlst SundAy ïohool sud Onurcli. Verbal addreeaes w- e viven hy Rev. T. Sniacrn anid Mj . & Werry, assistant Sipt 11 S . 8,houl, îla whiliithie oberful. unfi adi ing way ia whtch 1411performed ýer dutisw ere emphlîe d ri,Elodee. choir laider, then p-emeuted Mrà. Hall wtîh a btraufltul alîver service, ou a iver tray, s a token of the apprte a- dion of bat asyvîceti. Mr. and Mrs. Rall wore saonet rely aurprlaed by the kioduoe aoF thetr friands that Dr, -rai'ýhi' 'chrepi ad on their beaaf, The reet ('f the time wasaspenni in gamesr and musc, In whlch vryone seanmed te enjoy them~solves. METII 155DISTOuAGZINE FOR YA-XU,&Ëk. -Th>. va> irui m.y mq zeobeirîna s K volume woh làhIgh- was aýmber. Ir opsua 2wuh a stlrrung ai' tigie on Jiapan lu %' ai' Time,', wlth over a scon eo! hena me engravinge. * Wîth the (Jîncasian R voluLoouaîs' is ,ba»thtr &a t eo!A intense Itareas, shîoa'ng ftr' ie frfaîl dîsoritaniz tir n o! of th.4 cuuatry. 'The Torr-y-Aisxan.- dot Mjtiwaimtaae7;ll îlluaîr- tedaric a' as zw aIe asby Riv. J T.,P1h- rou -Tho Flylug o)! Birds,' sho- e, the ex rarai~adaptation (A M, aýi to en for tht parpoisa 'l'ocial L te ia Gi'. ,.nty"' Aei'ets veEvageltem,' by' R v G êW Ke-ýby,a revlmw of tbe riew yina book, if tie Weeleyon and i hedilet HE>)sù .pal C.iuurbea, illustre. ted revie.e o!f the two brilîliart boniks 4f àoaad'sn verse- the posamsa o!Mide lstbella Vaý'ancy Orawvfexr sud William WI fred <ipmpt)bll. N"Xv YeaPr'Ca ieltes, poemanad current hitor>'ilu est in maire %hie a numllar of sp c ai Interpet. 'w î la sgond lma teuh crlibe. No- otert'ud D voemb r rumriers -rete iewp anacrîbra. bû dance.,o bei. behai oo rC o!Bo zo te %boe,îiiayfai avu y proUti sa 43Do You w a nt a s of Any Kind At ~ 43 Less Than Whoilesale Prices for Cash, 43é The fnerigedlrm lias id to discontinue the 61- 43 manufacture of harness and w111 close ont the presbeuit stock P Il 43 of Single and Double llarness, Collars, Swea-t Padsi, ana 01every part (4f ilrnes, Horseme-n'sSppisCryC mb, 43 rushes, Whips, PRobes, Blankets, Rugs, Dseretc 43 Trunks, Valises, Gwit Css This affords oppor tunlty for getting a îsupply of 43 harness or anything you want in the Mine at'i big reduztionsý STheo Bron& k4atyn fRarlless (O. &M 33-tf.BO MN LL.S -.&K.las -restored thousands Qof wea1ý dIsae mat obs inho.N mattr hw ralny doctors have fa;led tce Fcure wVon . rve Our tzeatniclit ilffairti.

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