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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1906, p. 4

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uoe ~w E THANK our- nurnerous customers for their liberal patronage during, the past Oý yea>r, and wish one a'nd ail a Very Happy *and Prosperous New Year. I Opposite Post Office. Bowrnanville. STOe= TAING AýT CHINA HIALL tIROCUERY. erockery Dept. mi@ The ÇalladiaullStatesmaii BOWMNVLLEJAN. 10, 19C6.; Mir. T Il. Suf aS been uapPOinfsd ieneCommnissioner. If lie acceptï; the o111Ce1 he caniiot 1be a Townl Coun- Cicr. lh isrpoted tat he declines' Wendler wht .,(ourýi. Toleo did flot in- troduceue cof the by.laww atTuesday's ecuacil meeting înte ' f ha Colleag. uers hâvinz two each ? Was, he a bit sh 'y of the jeb? Or was hb net given a chance Rev. Dr. Chown is thus scored by the Toronto Telegrani cf Jan. 4: The moral reform branch cf the Methodist churcli is not a uovement because it dees flot move Rev. Dr. Chown, the moral re- f erm leader cf the M ethodiQt churcli, is i'i fot a leader. because lie does flot lead Rev. Dr Ohown talks weIl, but language is net leadership. The moral reform niovement bas- higli aspirations, but aspiration is net achievement. A moral reform movement which men jein as citizens net as adherents cf any partieu- lai- church may be strong or weak A moral reform movement which Rer.Dr. Chown leads wlth due regard te ai the partisan susceptibilities cf members of his particu'ar churcli must be weak. A WORD TO THE MAYOR. Your position, Mayor Tait, is anvthing but an etviab'e one. Vcu start eut te face the conditions we have outlined else- where with three councillors, crie cf wbemr was a member cf your last year's ceuniicil Two are new members. Lt is vour pniv- i'ege te make known te the electors the men yen wculd like te help ycu threugh the work that must be done. Von should sit dewn with yeur cabinet, se te speak. as the directors cf every large industry or other'financial organizatien will de at the first meeting in the new year, and make a careful surve! cf tne operations cf the past year. look caref ully inte the record and tstrive te discover wherein thoîe associa ted with you failed in doing what should have been done. Yen and yeur new board shou!d then pýan for this year, carefully' and consid- eratly Let there be-ne neglect cf werk that dexnands att-ntien, ner any1 bit or nniss" ventures by inexperieuced niera- bers Don't trust te the chairnian cf a ccrnuittee te cari y on the operations of bis department throughcut the year, you reinainiing ignorant cf the matters tili the bils cerne in at the end of the %ear as bas býen the case, Decidedas aboard dfn it1w- +- V. 1 f4L- . done .-na L.a-fi A v ~ ~ eie5~5I~t~ -1 1e apevnraisp Kipperec tlerrnng 1ic. Kirre lerrnin aTomate sauce 10c. Freh erring 0e Domeictic Sardines 5c, 6 fer 25e borrow mones; appointing Gordon D. Fletcher a member of Board cf Health for Syrs; Dr. Levi Potter, Medlcal Realth, ifficer and Chef Rd. Jarvis Sanitary Inpco;George J. Rowe and Wesieý eJ.Souci, audilors; and Di B. Simpson, K.C., Higli Sehool Trustee. was instructed te Issue bis wariavntfer Eeeivedwaaalga r-n odn Bring Your Produce, Eggs, Butter or Poultry lleatli nd eauty NOMINATIONS JAN. Il the Counicil ïRoom nt'Tuei at 7.30 Business men, attew WM O F PRAYIlq Thse Cong-regations cf the meet !a uiiien services forp Wednesday Jan ltb, ii ehureh, 1ev W. Hîipkin, te The Unmaved. Thursday Jan. litth, in ehurcli, 1ev. W. J. Cadmas, on Soietv Evangilized. Friday Jan 12th, in St Jo lican) ehurcb, Rev. Hugi Mii te speak on Missienary Zeal The opeing meeting cf washeid in St. Paul'd Pr chureh Monda y nîglit and largely attended than for % H. Munroe, B. A , Pastor, 11ev. V. H. Emory deli address and Beys. W. J Hipkin, W. E Carroll, B. A. J. Cadman assisted la thE Last aight's meeting was1 church when 1ev. Mr. Carrn speaker. THE CHURCHES. 1ev. Dr Crethers, Peter proacli missionary ermo Methodist churcli January2 The Christian Eudeaveur thse Disciple Church will giv tntertainmnent in the achec the church on Friday eveDnr 19th. Admission 10 cents. Salvation Army will holdj prayer meeting every day tt the Junior's il cf the Ba tween twelve and one o'clocL cordially invited te attend. 11ev. J. G. Shearer. B. A. cf the Lord's Day Alliance, in the Methedist church Sun ing and la the Pi eshyterL Sunday eveLiing giving an the work undertakeni and ac by the Alliance te preserve tl of the Sabbath. Goed con, greeted hlm at each service, The annual meeting cf the MiSSionars' SecietY cf the W byterial will be hein la church Wednesday Jan. 17ý wlll be given by represontat dîffereat churches in the Prei emeis cf the three sessiens, Griffith. wifeof the returnedu will speak la theaftnerneen sday n1iglit L.Our Prices Make Trade.-One btiyer sends another-Mor Clearing Linei. town wili in:DisipDlAeW D the serseS Iresbyter*a was orem-"Get the tlost and Best ears. 1ev. .,presîded, F rY u o e livered the F rV u o e cHliffe, W. le serices UR IIANDKERCEIJEF SALE and many other lines were of such in TriaityW ll Wast~ele 0 good value that they were sold on first two days of sale- so ttiat if you see any rnentioned uine below that you think you ne corne early while supply lasis. rboro, wilI ons iil the 28th. 1Society of Ive a social )0 ro c f Jalllary le Sale. 911e1's Canibrio 9 1-2c a yd. agJanuary 2-2w. Cashxere gloves, ringwood gloves in 25 pieces of this fIne, soft white eottou a noon-day blaeks, eream and in popular shades divided goes on sale Wedniesday morning, regular this week in it w osfrqikslsa i eu, eln re 2e SJ rc ý àrracks be- 9t w osfr ue ae tbi eu- sligpie 12of . Salie p ie.....4 A. Ail are ~1 tions.9pecsogodfewhtettn SNo. 1 Lot 50e Gloves ................. . regular 9ea yd. Sale price.,.. .. 7c SecrtarvNo. 2 Lot 35c,25Glve......19c. 8e and 9c Liglit or Dark CrashTJow-i- 3preaehed ling............................ -6c nday morn-____________________ ian chureh outli ne of 27 ieutOfDeaGosFaro At BigiReductioDns. ecomplished _20__,_Discount___Off_________________ lie sanctity V igregtionsDress Skirts at Clearinlg SaIle PriCes, e Women's8 Vhitby Pres- Allotiler Sale of, noslery. Stylishly inade-Perfeet titters--depend- St. Paul's ai and handsome eloths, Addresses Scotch Worsted Hose, the kind that $65 id 40 $45 id 35 tives fromn$.0kns$.0 84f0kjfi 35 Syey MmsSOwl 4.00 3.00 3.50 2.75 ~.Ms .Sizes 5 te 7- regular 23e to 28e Sale Price- 1ei.0 2.25, 200 i ý) missionarY, Sizes 8 te 94,,reg._30e___35eSale______28c iand 11ev. ~e.3et ~eSl rc 8 _________ crefë at ilcS-as-j ýtiý r-- Y ~ JM1yUEt~tf CA'c fô e il.- Z - t 1

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