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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1906, p. 3

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LiEMANDS I3IIOAD EETINLAW. termination of the Sovereign to It'ito-nenewal of A dspoe Iui S. etr~ur s (s duce constitutioiial goveni(iit. lit thi l'he Jis anici uorgniz- a anunced on Wdosaythat th tien by a ilpolitical purtjy in ieihstrte Emperor bas ordcred ia cuci A despatc of lusia tht ! te Cnsituioal inisters' to elaborakte n mecuint ursday's Demcrataopeed oreon hurday ~ nu.,oranlo law.s of the emireinreport of tt Two bundre and fihtydelege tes1iepre- mty xith the nmanifesto O!fCtoberIteda i senlng ixî prvinialorgaizaion, Aiboglithe announcement ,is U)t1lan Steamst o 1 ieIamn satisfiîed tbat it certlinflY Sion of the Wo'Opreent d ie rîîîitire rprset einýiltentlions of Nicholas. taken up an eio! M. etuci teb, ci I te0on1-the sub-co venionto u h isuson0 h A GRAIýN FAMINE. the contract tic National Assemlbly. %Prof. MlukfScond reports fromýjj the famine dis- ive ypars fi Editor Heussen anld Prince Hkfsybii are very ïliiiijing. Grain cannolct ai upon the wero tho eadn pekr. Th w h rnpotd ing 10tahledsoga-fast ser first namedadctd pricptinn Ilatonf! hPi', ysrvc. is re- en dtersi tihe Doumaii, but olyseloga s i twas otdfo îf htarra urgsi sudr shewnthatbbc mjory o!tieHio Douma haIve !brokeneu areh. Polemstr cith r sympatbized wîtb th ile 1princLiples of tlie!Ioto!on Ille1Don bsbe nitdfrcnrc l pry PrfMi4ofdcciared thlat un- net preventiin a masal-ýcre ,of Jews. cotincil, wbl bas~~~~1 th eut ftopriiiniaryeic tionai ic, iiicertain slipd heni emoras, helatershuldwih-A dsat S lo t, Pters;burg Sayq: flued y l drnw from he lecoa cilege. Te oliaytrue n Bssan oltih i repucsnair. nteDim mc-i is inprat elecoa apia FAMIS f e - .ttue ilte ietisdmaddThee ill ho I ba conferoeîi o(f leader and assil abrod an siple leciOii& to aliedmoderato parties fromva- ery u iawv, istai 0f ho rset rh (ms"es parts o! the empire bore this wek, 11; ble plrggmut(ereemeC'oi 1This ceaittii, wbich emnbraces the ATkc along tthee 0ld Unles. alnd al the forCes ,if rn ,, ni ,aw, a ,.,rer.the Oi'tobihUits oi 4Atlantic Mail Contract to Allans te ho Grnnted. th from Ottawa says:- At session of the Cabinet the the sub-committee appointed bh the application of the AI-ý bip Company for aýn exten- ,Atlani-ii mail cnratwas ni dojnît with. 'l'le report cf mmiýîittee recommeyinded, that -t bc extended for a term o! frum August îîext, conîditiuon- e omnpany putting two more ;hps lupon Ibe route by 1907, ioimproving the ser-vice.1 tood thaqt tho Cabjinet agreed Irt, an1tat tho five yo\ars' Il h sanmctionocdbyorr-- lobh [vîl alo epeer t ýte gcrnt a s5h11 f uribher ex- q Million Persons Khoivn eu ho Sufering. ) Russian Hol A despatcb fomVancouver seys: G. APulnm, Suerinenc~et cfFea.ringthe Iin d ieatb at D'Ac s Fearmera' instiute, in an-, drssdeitland Lzae)oCu! ! eorgia, a Ci- withsoma feaUres o! agricutura!edu-1nese leperbas ben onlvng for somo lim caH-on. fie drew attentinbe te fe o n bc stmp o! anobd cesar dmreto that hamesin 10e mnany cases (ii Io , bbc eîi harm rnaci, juýs i uside New take ad,,tae f he opruiisfor We m"-inster limiits. TePovnilPe- educatinnd benefit offred by Covera- iceý discovered hlmi in bis; forost abode men Dad ther institutions. Farmers' on Wednesday. Ho had an umbrella Inttue neetings and conventions iln ovor the top e! the troc stump in order gencra',l vweï,re net patronized as they 1ta) keep eut the rain, and oxcept that'bis It is caused by the clogging o! the bowels and intestines. Keep the di- 11 s1 Ru GIG L gestion active, the stomach right, the bo>wels h lealthy and open with ConttuinlDmcasP s lu FirseL Convention. Sold Everywher-. Iii boxes 25 cents. BETTER SERVICE A CONDITION. ITM'Dîamond Dyos. HAPENIGSFRONI ALL OVnw11EHAÏE 3SAYED O GLOBE,1 AND PROVBDBLSIG Telegiriphic Briels From QureOn nd TO MILLIONS 0F HOMES, Other Countries of Rece-nt Occurrence.M CARE DIN MANUFACTURE CHEEANDBUIE DISCUSSED BVý WESTERN DAIRYMEN, Valuable Poipters on Preparalions of Canadia Producis for the Britislh Market. At the, Western Datrymnî', Conven- tion held at Ingersoîllestwoe, Cee ., Bar', chie! instruc-tor for Wsten O- tarie,r" ntda re ort !Pte work conducilcteJ d during ,ibm ýpast s -easonm. The numiber o! struciors mihie dstrctin 1905 as one getrthan drinig the previcous yoar. Ia the districtth; eelare 21 cheese factories, and o! these 111 were visitod regubarby; 590 patrons vr visi- ted by the instructors, and $3,33was expended in bildJing new factories anid meking general improvoments. cien- erably, bbe quality o! mibk delivered at the factories showed considerabie im- provemenzt ever the previous year. S5h11," said the instructor, "there-is a lot o! ever--ripe cream coming ln, and a very regrettable feature is that in 1905 thero were more cases o! watering and skimming milk than in 'the previous year. This I censider a reflectien on the 3fer- mlers." TMc qualit'y o! t1(,heceese pro- duceýd wns, on the whvo1e, superior te anythng ev r ured eut befrore, but a fewv dry bard ceeeswere rmade during thei btume nontàs, tha th cobinci oldoutpute ofl": United S ate lad Alasýka. livereýd b) J. A. BýuddIy ani J. Aý. Mc- Feeere- ! Od wenSond dlngwith somieneeds e!otheiudustry. Mr. Fluddy referred bthe c(, onditcis ln Europe, and pointed ouit that considerable less resulted to the butter trade through mould on butter. Prof, F. S. Harrison, of the Ontario Agricitural, Colege, Guelphi, discussing this uesion sated that 'moulds were encour'agod by ï loose paicIîig of butter and thý e se f green wodfor boxes. Hercmend that bu!te pr be dippr-d îintofrmln as the beat preventýuivo moasure against mould. PRESIDENT CIIELUMAN. Mr. George C. Creelmn, Presideit O.A.C,, Guelph, gave an addre-,ss largely of an entertainingchrte adapted to an audience wheroethes tan those directly conneeted wt ar work were representod. He xrse a hope that he would see the day ihe,;a in the old land, one county wudbe inoted fori'lis sheep, another one. for, breed of cattie, another for another bed so that buy- ers wanting a particulair ciass of animal could go direct to the particular county -n scure wbat they requîired. Hof ap- proùved o! Premier Whitney'"s scheme Idi have ngrieîltural high sebools in varlOUS parts of the Province. LIVED IN A CEDAR STUMP. Sciieme of a Chinese Leper Ite Rtain CANADA. The Dominion surpilus loui,'alst hall year 1.s $12,129,472. Nearly $1,000,000 was s3pent iný build. ing' in London last year, Prof. Zavitz if the 0. A. C., Guelph, is taking a year's holiday. The city's shkare of the Toronto Eili- way CompaLny's reoeipts from fares lestý year was $2Ij-,7û6. Last ya net a sIngle ChIninman entered Ca)nada. The $500 poliltex Thie Rceiu&Ontarico Navigation Co. are 10 add. three new-,A boats to their leet, Mi'. Goidie of Gaitha organized a society with thbfectof ibeaut-ifying the town* Homnestead ntrýieinMniobthe Territoriesq and British Clmbanum-1 bered 2,334 inDee er A Hamilton woan bs sed afi agera Falîs brokýer f or $1,00 dmae bcas he issed ber. Anumber 0 o- du'lS ihwy Tw e ueI l ldermen, C.E. 1Howmitt and Geo- Penfold hae rsiged wîn lo tecbnicald il ificaios havý,e protested gane the importation Tha ,Hailton Cemetaàry Rnarciba brn sked blly the Hamilton in Isterlaî Aýssciat ion te discourage ISundey f une. rais,. A contOreot for a 9,00.onsamer bas bet-en placed by the Farracr Transportation lmlttiopacagedycs are stili soli by soe ealeBýrs who are littie for the. confort' rftadSCOIo n IO mothers and daughters Ifyin w Ould avo home dvelug doue ruccessfull and prtfltmblv fneisi upon havlng tise DiAMOpND DYES Neycýer be lnduced tocep wrtîesdyaies anv pric, ýThe Poour dyese wlli urelv ruin vo'ur bandqa alI au yur goods. DIASINDDYES for w t-fv yeaxra tise fayOrItes tof our wom,B ar 3old by ail nr<in-resnI&veand bnu çldrnw.

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