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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1906, p. 6

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Cenuine Littie Liver Pulls. N CURE 611<HEDAHE S' t t"eianaii Eock, Kin g Stret. %7- Ilau Vilfl. Onlt., by M. A. JaeL,e ut au> , mimuuc. or $00 fpA '!ri*tlyIr advanice. Avrligrts trzznsiqnt avriln.Incentr pr .L e Oylrgt tlrrton: 1v ent pr lnoe aeh aesaeit nertion. contract rates on Il s lo lîel lai oceî tvilmate butter. Baked by the Mooney use o!liss Crozier's Iterotsm anci sel!-1 baicer in tht Mooniey wvay. inlIe lain o hudrn gan oscrfie.Ilwil rbalyreus t sc Sav Moonrev's 'tu your groce-r, proceeiongîleo ld!ashîaerd or lIai île abject of! alluautra nf-o~c--êoecto deavor le ta promoie lit e, iberty and.0 lsppiness, naita diminisl unhappiîîeis, by destroying life. \Vlatever île "higherI 'an i. hyteia, aysa le -saciaiagy a Iofl cK alwvtn n'aheaderrhlteally ,co,mmon sense will stick ta ici or M ns S k and ta îlie processes andi rmedies LItaC c - -4 I oiene uinst île nurfocsal. a. revoit "lu'l"t h ~- 4-'tui t Me LnMioughts a Mar pS-?y Xii WouOf îdV rqattuia t ud p Meda ! ais panIte O'>cee asi ,lteostacle in lte way. C&Stle ist VVdeaday Iroins2 pm VÎille, rear of Higgiisbosihama drug FOR OVEII SIXTY YEARS. Irs. Winslaw's Soothîng Syrup las U~ U~ ~.>-U- ~ , ~ been useci by millions af mothera f or ES1- I~1 ~. umL.ebq/ t.hçir Iidren whi le teèthing. If dis- ai u t e, no Ryai Coilege of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. Oftle.-ppoiteT.'a olice. Clairvoyant MEDiF[CAL EXAMINATION FREES B-- Dr E. F.,utrili 'ane N. Y. Btein ci oairvo abc?, or net, thIýee teno e gainsm lne th8 facet thédt the d0ctor cn explate the îIoureosandi causo <t!you dseuesttermetýralor ph, i. cal. rund hLas restored tZ9hba&!th. aln hpiesmanv persans whe wouldj have reImaimed heIpieee Invaîids&aIlý theu iv eg -e8d iock of hâïr, siarca, Dge anci etamp te DR. E. F BIJTTELRFIELD). turbeci ai nigît andi broken o! your- resi by a sick childeuffering andi crying witl pain a! Cuting 'ieilh, senc ah onice andi gel a baille of "Mus. Winstow's Saoting Syru " forChlaidenTeeihing. fi will relieve the paor litile sufferer im- mediaiely. Depenci upon il, mtlers, thare us no mistake about il. Il cures Diarrhoea, reguilates-.lIa -stomach-__and bowelci, cures Wiad Colie, safiens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone andi energy ta tle wlole sysiem. "Mrs. Winslow's Sooihing Syrup far children teething s pleasant la the tate andi is tle prescription ai anc of the aidesi and besit fenIae physicians andi nurses in île Uniteci States. Prico twýenty-five cents nà all.Solci ly ail di'ugiss trougautîleworid. 1Uli suî'e and ask for "Mrs. Inslow's Soothl iag rup.1w"iý7to 4h-dt an' a 0as ' fer gipped Ilme wa9 I. Iaade asI u. en n"ulcidfi ua sItlac ooeih-;be Ia asbenbuiagfr husn1siIdx aeliiani r. lisn eî wus sammut wrang. aa~-tw t iok, la my ýface an t riei3ci1r 'adsnt'rflyNîin' lu rnyam. taaacsac nesnboclur ioin ih Iýi sfrnmn JAs ltae crtaiaty forced itslsif pn u.Evea asjI ,t,,od, incapable afma-of tins pii-,ei tc isps.Nilc uixeunima acesfîmr oa me I startaci 'ome ea, a rua. Feorle "ae"' cld amua err in' a limI, an aid lidy with liglt iiïantito ialiiy o! riýen and îing t11cm taO. IL i-s ual lmne lt-enl- ia the busy. sireits tuneci an' giared "s'clp nie, 1 wus coasiderate! 11'v,3 candle in 'ecr 'andi showad lei lte im ai s stand radicaliy uniniral con- ment andi tle bouseLa loo1 faithfut a s at me as I thrust 'cm out a' my way gaI Ici' fiid lte read y. Dan't blamne daorw'y, an' 'uddled behinci'c îdtlois witloui cansequeni degradatian. servant ta le denieci sucha amali fayot-. ran' toue blindly along. Pantin an' me. Illame lte noble lord wha owns cauld see lwo frigbtened womn ser One aller. anoiler our greai pr'isons are ;_ ncarly done I reachaci the ltants an' Ibesa rookeries an' insista on 'is vanta. Il wua lte kînd-ayed Iidy leiitg condemneci as verilalel anares ý)f FAFIM NOTES. r, stumbleci up t11e tairs.' Frm lte renta prompt." wha 'ad leca with Min, aIVIte lausi. hunuan lufe; tlis lecause men is consti- groom came te mumble a' quieàt ali, clasaci 'is mouthn with my fisl an' J. tacognised or at Ea gience, t dt beionalurc's pure ai.-, notý Carriages shoulci be k aady an' I stayed wiv mv 'and on lte laIt '!im for deadci-o lte graunci. Li<e, an' sIte knew me. The gl-m. gel_ thecontaminaed vapors o! absolute con-.typae hr hndl.amdrt dooer, my cari thumpîn', an' a sautcramnirIfuhlt cpwîrs- sprung ont o' led an' rua eradsfnement. amouini of lighi, alcrxise tIc colora coyfeelia'Alu my throal. 'Thin 1I cd up ta lag mei-fouglht tOI they'ou. THE COW QUESTION, wi le affecied. Wm ashould le ciîoky aacird ta preveat duii 1 ras a! sun -pusheci it open an' staggaî'ad la, ta droppeci me senselassa. "Mther!" sIe, scucameci. An' then stop, like nanman suddenly paralyzed, TItcy sent me down agan, Sam' agen, ".Motbor!" then, is xxheiher caille may le aubjeciel jslrikiag th icxhuile. as I took it al la. bacitolathe prison cel.; 1 put up no The look of astonishînent parased 10 rtirlya'tfilcoiins dl- Fiyare maeaoo !mai Tlee n-a mattreas--in-the corner defence. Thte trial seemaec ter mie just froni 'er eyes as lte womaa tivinfed nitcly andi stili pueseux e a tîralil ilat i.s; itl muchl irs iand .tben lts ia very lay Min, wiv a beutfu .ait, ie rn. aeian' ika ram about the frightened gl aoasuspicion. N'ia f ecw icae-s wl aucesfu buins nd e1har ýIoa s'au thîn white face, an 'er eyes lixaci 'arl I atoaci in the dock while îte an' I saw the glistea of teaus, recaîl the lumric and viciateci aimas-1 if anc adapta hîs ci'ro nc eboat 1in a gtarasy stare. Siutin' by the judged an' sentenceci me, an' li'e a "There, ltera, my dear," sIte saidiphere lIait they have encounnerd upon îthe aumber 'fai cres, and'ae if il la rtalle wus a wamaa-a lidy, you chulci I followed lte siopa out o' te (qîietl[y. "Ha will nlot liarm yeu. -apening flecdoar fa a well-ffilad 00w rougI and b roken il may lcmadet ccoulci tell at a glance--wlv my, 11111e court mb lte van. Mia wus gara. 'Arm 'er!f 'r1 mv aw ctll 1 'îstable on au ialr rorniag. To lte ipi'odticca good d(Iail owar a oiffit fgel lain'au rarma murmuria worciso' The du11 pain o' ltat know- sPeleeUas if tlIte wailJs ws ushia' 1 close]3cIy cofilne(ci cw titasus o! thîe: able living if jdco~ymn ei scoiauot, an' by 'er staod tîee itielecged deéadeacci ev'ry other feelin'. 1round nme, an' î pr-esseci my v'anidmta 1 constant cniioIThceeare fcore tuiIginiup parsan who 'ad donc ila lest ferou(meNohin ese maltered now.I my 'ead. iFor a spel I stooci î'iuerc 'l'he rcn îearc !bvn ue-cern colüs ia mm, e dm lfr tîle aI île trial. IIgav'e 'cm naotrouble in lte jug fou sw ayin' like a drunkea mac. Then,1 cubasis us uitibutii dby". aytacls'pr o f seli l b diaesfo d j ý,,k 'l'lie daily task seemed child'a with a'as l areomlIta jcïýwls ionfinenuicat. A ilîe vi-dfadcssertgfednatls Aolernas For spîl v'rthig ewm u mypla. Iwomkcci in a suter freaP ,On ' y oc a' alei em< a0'isdseselaila ecmeun1 uet! dltraio s a cer oi iîtocs Îly l i ihe uld an te r t r a " H a e r i r i Yuca e m v m siiu , O l tIic eh u d c m e a ' s a t e e v n s a ' , s u t n tàd c i e s i u h e i e ifu r n m a s c r o g i d n l a u d g e r im s l 'au tgra, th e a iCi leshtuic ai.Iy (' Vv SiO X Xtu 4ù 4iIr 'bmn'mem lrw u 's'at:ai ltst1 wil a d grief li e asi te do r inyt i .. 01 . '-'4---' me! t ou ht lIaI Mi, ad sIe iv P. em nt, h in for me butt h lae o ui11et Iid al c ndti ns f.' is iiltat ot ý;. - - u- CUIRRENT OPC. ini ffe, h e thaught Uthat aur JIdustrial system, with its features (A! nm y cou)ld flnot bce împroved hlivowuld bta some f, rien1dly plnetiglit coudiie witbI ourglb and put an)n dàta its eitne But Hxe believed :n the possiIlityIîý, the certantyi1, o!great social improve,,- ments, and was iling to dispense witb the services of friendly planets. Not Sa,' apparently, Miss Crozier, a Philadel-1 phia "sacialogist," wvho, havîmg worked ý hersei! thin and shouted herseif hoarsoi trying ta abolish mhisery and squalor, naow demands in sheer despair "proper autthority" ta administer chloroform ta poar, starving, neglected children that sýite cannai save. While waiting for the friendly planett b solve lte problem of aduit poverty and destitution, Miss Cro- zier would mercifully administer relief on her own account ta juvenile sufferers and victime, INvting better fo r you--noth- irig more inlVitin g eal of Moonecy's Perfection Creain Soda6s Mooney's Biscuits are an even!y balanced, wholesome, nourishing food, equally good for y i, and old, Made froun Canada's finest wheat flour, rich cream and pure' tha sIe wuld alow us t (0 it!kn P et Coulci teli m ýe nothtne er. She wavnted ta bc. 'eue, she Vocilcet ht the littie pairsoi an ndse meýý , when lyou Came out, to %welcomle t rt hig a"ewsgarn aw'yv you, aInthe 'c;alth 'ad brakiendwn ne,* as 1I knelt, an , mtanii' PpresSed mIle aIn' tok mme eweefor, a er littie wet face agent mie, quliet tlalk. Ev'rythjing wus dark. Ir sEemed ýiï "Wotcher gain' ter do,.ak? 'e if ail the d'ys of mylue, 'ad gouni for arsîked. "Gain- ter tryý an' pl'y lthe Lvr, an' there vo ntigbfr straight until 'unger a' deS7pair mebut blak igIlt, drives yer ter break a, wiaideror P"geV The l'iy wu-s seakin', wotvwil fod an' lodg in', o 'lpeSef te it s1te wuis syi'?wt ver want, like e"'uulc "The ltle girl. What do you pro- La l'anflo hiesfa is pocheýt. pose ta do with lier?" On prett i nighit's work, cly "ho , -Lrd knows, ma'am," I crîed. s a id, grinnin'. "Fer the next f liie er ta mue," sIte said. -II 'l yin' 10w; but s'y the word an' wtli ake care of heu until yau waît I can put yau on ta as easy a m' rk! her baci." as ever wus struck. A crib la t"-" 1 puelt the child down an' laughed-- country, a' 'armless aid lidy an'tw iaughied alouci in mny bitterness. JTho or three femile servants. with acs re.solve Va, Itve dean, the deterrma- o' sparks andi pretties fer the picki' tion ta miake MNini an' the kid 'app.y UP. A kid's job." an' praud a' ime, the aopeful thougýhts For a spell 1 at mum, Sam, weigh- which 'ad been wiv 'ne inlthe black in' il up. The life with Min seemed dy's, seemued now a cruel moc,.ery. ail of the parst now. I should neveu, Min wus gara-gara from me for sec lier agen., In or out af quod, wot ever. dîid il I'd gat ta live mnv "Let the chuld go, Jake," said thel lue, I wus in that stato o' minci parson. "SIte will be weli taken that il wanted littie persuasion ter care of. Il wilI be for her benefit. ' senci me ane w'y, or the other, an' 'lhe kiddy ton taken fram, me! I bef are I 'lait 'im tat niglit 'e 'ad clutcheci 'er frail luttle bady in mIv fitted ime u'p for lthe job. arms, an', kissin' 'er agen an' agE.n,i A short raiiway jaurney, a trallnr shoali my 'oaci. My little Min, w; through a Village an' along a coln- showed'in ev'ry feature a resemblanice try road, an' 1 marked the crib. The ta 'er mather, tamn from. me! Na: ai 'anse stoaci back from tle roaci, an-' thousanci times na! An yet--wot 'ad iis approacheci by a drive. Cnel the parsan said? "lit wult be for 'or ed behinci the trees which barderci benafiit." Thte cojntra9st of, 'er liue by ý,a drive. Uon)cealed lbeh-ind f':4 wiv me the aukeci crook in the treeus ~hbreeilthe grouunds T i su.,an' vwat it miÀghft b2 with ti waiteduIntil an aur'adgor siCeý kn-edlidy surgin tain me, a'ev'ry glim ui due 1n wis Iokeiagen aýt the dead face. 1 t hicx sýock-s over nybot, irowc wouýl2d MIn 'ave me do could shie sy the lawn an' gat, ta wor-k on t1il, I xorIdered. Fec idr e iue'sln 'Somcthingjseemeci ta urge my armsplay ith te t ;ms anirug h forwNard. 'oie ïi the .glarssa1I shot the boiUS "Take 'er!" I cried; an' the woman, an' sJlped iniside carried 'or, screamin', down !,he Wastin' no lime, I made fau tl'e stairs. The parson stood by the hall an' crept noisolessly upstairs. dooer.1 There were four djoors an the tandin'. "«Jake,111;lecame an' talk with yoil an' judgin' the -)id lidy's badroomn ter Ipresently," ' e saiid, an', turnin', left. face the front o' lthc 'an1se 1 made forî me alone vîv my dlead. that ana an', gently aei'it, peer-ý I coen't cr ,S amni For 'oiirs,-I__cd insida. Froi- the bed Cama,% - A C r u f ov isameli isl )ndstimulant coibinedý î adconicentratcd. ) ( especially good, -fo r l%, there's nothing which V furnishes so much nutrï- ment in such a sm-all compass and iii su c h 4 palatable form. When you9re tired orcdobth notin~elquals a cup ofho BOVILLIMTE, LNDN, EXG., inti NONTREAL, CANAjDA Purvevors L'Y sp*cizAl apocmn SanCoupon Uove, uerk ot of Lan1d jet BeautIffti Peîmle~ is caused b-'y 1t11(i îîca e in' the W of the cow,ýs wtadvane ni g a h. v Rj ~~ie there -appears ta l1e a paraI1eU; beixteen îl wo sts c iguesfor ilIe wilrequire a Larger portion1 of uins CONFINEMENT0F CA'iTLE. for the produiona ui ! lk c t

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