Your hairs wihl talk ! I doesn't matter how much you tî'y to silence them' with heavy veils and broad hat the ends of the hair wiiI stick out and eall to eve y' passer by, "Seo h9w dli and bu-ttie we are! She nezlects us Everv wom thoilhave beaL.bhtl and abuadaoit lha5cfor nattire l]cvishiy rewards iii se w.I I i~ nteiigenWy to preserva and beaiutify it. Is yonr hair oly or sticky '? it 'ml or lustrceee? ave you dandruiff If so, you siouid usa. Newlhro'3 Fferpîoide at ane I 13 llahc, erm or microbe that eausea dai:lt uff a fiilirg hair after wkiîch. the hair wtIi grow as natuýre It stops itching of the scalp almost îcstantly and give thie assurance of a cure froni the irai application. It cont'aïi8 ino où or greese, and la uns,îrpas2ed for its daititineas :It akes th' hair 119rbt and flat!y aud gI'ies if a iliren glosa, Send îec. iu ztanaps for sample ta THEf HffRPICIOE CO, Dept, L.1 Wind4sor, Ontario. See Wlndow Display At STTT& JRY'S Specîat Agents, Bowmanville, Il. mde a great- record throughont aU manada There are geod. reasons 'why this ta se. Iielanced lUIgIet -Does not hump up. lnsproted Plate-Cuts and turess. over, _ilitcheS WeIl Back-Easy draught. This Disk bas several Imitators bu t no noal, None gcIlce without the came "ISSELL." For Sale by Agents. Manu- factured by T, E. BISSELL, ELORA, ONT, __ [111 Aak er uolet I"E." f FARDIERS, ATrENTION I J, E. L.;CoIe, Hampto'ibaYs 9c. Pe lb. for No. 1Steer HflES, 8* c. lb.ifo cows', heifers "and light sxeer bides; 80c to $1.10 for sbeep ski ni; /Calf shins3 10( tallow 4c;HORSE 11HIS 2.35 eaeh;tai on and taken off from »pose to hoof, ni cuts, ayerage size Old plug hors S2.00 eachý Cattle kilt cd here for 60c HAMPTON, Mrs. T. Creeper la anflenlng from an attack of ery8lpglaî. Mr. T. G. Stouehouse le eenrlouely Ill. Mr. N. H. Moore le delegate to the Ep'wtonth League Convention,Bomn vill. ML G.Creeper le also attrend. du ln adicumïus ion oJunior Leagne !IHB DEAD iN 190U. A reut 'f onge eternMiD ýg L ' ! ut rd inlA lRinluBowman- villeCoematory, I19Oi. 7-Danlel WhIte, 81 years' old âge. -Cetlhegine Stanton, 7M yere. 8- hM.oney, 94 pari, old aze. 23-Emma Down Downey, 55 yare, paralysie., 28-Frank M. Soucb, 45 years, cen car of stOniach. FEBP.UAR.U -Mary Ann Cieyton RobbIns, âge ,70 yoars, beart failure and asthme. 4-Meimoth Miileter Orchard, age 10 moriths, inflammation. à-R.oeinia haille, âge 43 years, consumption. 24-Maria Olapton Cox, aga 73 Yrs-, brouchtti. 28-J anet Tait, 54 years cancer. 28-Snusan P. Spry, 41 yearis, haart failure. MARGE,. 8-Ablgail Lister, age 75 yeais, 1 9-Reuben W. James, age 78 years, âenile decay. 16--Marlon Eteanor Flebleigh, âge 17 monthe, inflammation of lunge. 17--Letand Lunney,age 4 yearo,dlph therta, .20-Thomas Vealo, age 82 Veare, pneuaiOnia. 26- Win. Charleq Pendie, eue 50 y's, paralysie, AÀRL 13-John Archlbald Galbraith, ege 65 years, pneumonie, 14-John Fleming, age 93 FOean, se- ilie decay. 17-Martha Power, 58 pears 7 mths, heart falinre. 20-Edward Heddon, aga 2 yrs, con- auinptlon. MAY. 2-Wilson Adams, age 70 yeers, eulargment of liýer, 5-Thomas Beckel, age 78 veare, i3âight'a disease. 7 -Mary Prower Medland, age 67 Mee Ahig laeks and hr Stab- bing reina That Xalte Litc Aimnet Uneauiirabie. An aching. breaking back,1 sharp stabe o! pin-that is kidney trouble. The kidneys are reatty a spongy filter -e buman filter to take poison froni the btood. But-Blck, week kiducys cannot filter the bbood properly, The delicate human filters get ctogged with li puies, and the poison la le!t lu the system to cause bacacheea, badaches, rheumatlsm, dropsy, and fatal îinfleme- tion. Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pilla are the one sure cure for sick kiducys. They make new, rlch blood, which flushes them deian and -ivea theni strengtb for their work, Dr. Wiiliems' Pink Pilla set the kîdnsys rîght, and make lame, aebing- becks atroug and well. Me, George Johuston, o! the village o! Ohio N. S., says :- My son, now cigbteen years oid. suffered from kidney trouble azid severe pains in the back, wblcb caused hlm mauy a sleepless night. We tried severat medicines, but they dîd net help him, and he grew so weak that he could net do the work that faits to the lot o! a young boy on the fanm. We were advised to try Dr Williams' Pink Pilta, and this was the firet medi- eine that reacbed the cause of tbe trouble. He took the pilla for e couple of inonthe, wbcn every sympt-of o!--- trouble was goue,and be was as hcaltby as env boy of bis age, I amn -satisfied Dr. Williams Pfnk Pilla wilt cure kidney trouble in its moat severe forme, " Dr Williams Pink Pilla ectually meke new ricb blood. 'iu thet wey they strike et the root o! enemia in- digestion, kidney trouble, liver coni- plaint, erysipelas, akin diseases, neuraigia, St. Vitus dance, and the specýial alIments o! growing girls and women whose heeltb depends upon the richnus and regulerity of their blood. The genuine pille bave the fuit neme, "'Dr. Williams Pink Pilla for Paie People,," on the wrapper around eecb box, and mey be bed from ail dealers or by mail et 50 cente e box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Ce.. Broubville, Ont, yeers. cîsuetes Widlinan Me.JonMKay cf One Htundred 1mûre Young lien and 14MadýHedoag 2 yarBeaverton, Mes (Rev) S. H. Edwards Women, who are ambitions and etrrsn 14-aumin Hdo, g 1 en Mr. AI!. Mitchell bas gone to Toron- Todmorden, and Mes Thos Tod, Bow' tO SUalif Y 1i t 15-Orlon J, JnliIffe, age 54 years, to for treatment to his byes. manville. Tbhree sisterg survive berEL IO 'T 20-Charles H. Wfiýte, age 1 day, Mller's Grtp powders cure. Sold by Mes. (Rev.) Joâhn iMil sGuephMrs Inanil dbity.F R. Kersieke, druggist, Palmer, Grimbsy , Gu es el , à' 22-Violet May White, age 10 days, Dr. Gilbert Atkias, Banff, Alberta Barrie, The lest two were' unable to Infant, debIiiy, bas been gueet of Mes. Drummond be present at the funerel, Other rel- 24-Mary Andrews, âge 80 jeans, Miller'8 Compound Imon Pilîs,_ ont 2r Edatie rseneeRvcnsfr6 oeSl yF -Vro Eodwrd eterbd oonUSNMr.O LE E throat trouble, et o 0dss.Sl yF ,z edwarORONdmrOen ONT.o r- Mrnon.L TORONTO, ONT.oMrs 26-Eveline MarIa Annie Laugmaid, slake, druggist. Geo. Wright, Brantford, and Mr, W. for the many positions open to ail hose age 58 yre. 7 monthe, beart falure, r h.Bie.Trno omrWihTrno who are thoroughly prepared to acceptthem, 29-liâ H eage81yeasropy. rdet !Chas lleTot, as foereWightTortto.A six nontha' coursie in this col le e eaus 29ElzîHqmeag 8 yarsro'y rsîen o tisvilaeha bei vsi. There wîth happy children, fryogmno the rtght kînf an edu. ing old felends. Robed lu snowy white, 'aor neenoet better than many trades 1--radeFe~uonStptsag IIf your systi n neds tonIng up, take 1 shaît sec my Saviour orprofess.ocuin rnoney earnigpowEýr Miller's Compound Iron Pillo. Sold by la that world so bright.fre- " te 20 years 7 monthi, pneuâmonie and ', R. Kenstake, druggistW.. LITPieze pleurisy. E insuo!ame emuft NI ILEWJ.ELTTPrcpa 1-Alvin Fran&'s Branton, âge 5off the expretS agonelnd fraur ed NIKILNCor. Yonge and AeadrSe monîlis, hemorage o! lunge. offthe bopess wgone r Rantvsids:MsGibe Adr-____________________ 6-John Martin, pneumonie, F oe i n r -Rcn iitr:Ms iletAdr 9-Th.omas Mnning g 8 ens !ifty doses for a quarter! The best son, Thomipson, Dakota, and Mrs, J. T. meneoefyail tonies. Mlter's Compound Iron Cote, Hampton., et Mr. H. Rogers'; Mes y Pilla. Sold by F. B. Kersiake, drug Vausiekle, Havebock, et Mr. John Ru 12-Walter ahrru ge 45. ist 9 ton's; Mes, C, J. Mountjoy in Toronto; 12-ams liiht âg 5 yans pr- Miss Luchla Cotwlll bas returned to Miss Elford, Toronto, at Mr. - eo. 9 Ya ý9S. alyss, oronto after a pleesant visit et ber Reed's; Me and Mes. A. Aruot lu Tor- MJIJLT. father's Me, Ueo. Colwill. onto ... ,A large congregation enjoyed the sermon given hi' Rev. Jas. P. ±ierr.yTO N O 17-Wiltlam Wright, âge 81 jeans, We know o! a number 0f supposed o! Hampton Suuday ou educationial Dualob's Choca ~o~sol ei a dropey and asthme.- consumption that have been cured by work .. - Oyster supper and concert at Floral flesidus uraloctos MJitter's Coimpouud Iron Pilla. Sold bt Leagne Thursday Feb. 1 Ev ervone Flowe-ssipd5 u on ewe al r AWTST.F R_ Kersiake, druggist. Le. . XOld t5MOày,.i s<aLa )r 1-Eleanôr Mitcbell,age 1 day,inft. Mes. Alex McLeod bas returned fromiIlsrtdrieitto iptaia le debillty. Bobcayïgeon, where shre atteuded the - SOLINA. Ilusrte rre List, ion , ýc1 - ~~~~~~~funeral o! ber uncle, John Carr., 0.WRs jýse 1a= ai 12-Carollrue Glbac.u, âge 61 yeârs. Wheu childeen are pale, peevîsb and Herbert Rogers is home,,,, Mrs Levi JOHN H. DUNIO? 13-newîsonyo. rcstiess at night they require a dose Or Aruot and daugbYter are vtsiing in 20-sra Neda,âge01.jeas, idtwo of Miller's v.onm powders. zod NMichigau, . ...Division social was wel a. e.SrhNadaa9 yao by F, R. Kersiake, druggist. attended and bidding _sptritedM "'49 24-JonathaoSteuhanCo ge 87 yrPntwater, rg&d 7VFSsvens ancttoned the 24-JondeayhnSehes.g 8 ~ ~Mich., bas bcen visiting bis sister Mes pretty baskets for $21 95 .. .. Frank m6enue de Liby 6 yarP. Kenefie after au ae'ence of 45 Wirden heving soild his !ariti to James apoleQ. onee kugwe botter than tl-,ose Who CQ...,has Blse baý-1,d and wife Cole- 26-Mns joLhn Bonathen, ege 79 ys. have used Cirter's Lîttle Livor P'îlbrated their fil hwcdu anniversae5 A L N L I NL E ohronie catsrrh o! stomach, what relie! tbey-bave given wbcn irtek- werîfriends presented theni with aj 22-Elizabeth HIII,"ege 73 years, en for dyspepsie, dtzziness, pain iu the batlcombîed dinner and tee set dropsy. a~~ide, constipation, and aisordered t ..Rcetviio W:Xn. Knigbit and i Lkrpool arnd Londonderrv' stomah~ Mis Coiill, ethesa t John Vice's; ROAL MAIL SE iSOieBrodile Chrîsîle, âge 119) i nM ilijo-nTAr3AQ , IlMNissMinnie Ashton, ;Fol ey, et Chenet i FRoM ST. -JOHN Fno-1JPTF Â~î~ urne illen ewo V l ù, a i Nl ý,no a- ~ aS a. .......0.J-u as d ~ in a Ie~ vr'~~ a, . . i a i K MARY COLJSMAtÇWIq1Â1t Oneby nethe 0old and respeceged -eç,deD'cs f DPr;ingtOzý gnd Bowymg~ F o r L U vile aé pBst~ aAyLast week wef wQre agai', calted upon to record the! death o Mary Coteman Windatt,, relict a do l "Leighton Farm," the home of ber son D Mr. Thomas C. Windatt, near Beaver-c'm ton, on Saturday Jan. 13 lu -ber 71st year. Deceased had been ilI with There is one thIng thatvili Lpueumonia since the second week in cure It -Aycr's Hair Vi.r. bDecember and though somewa ro tI rglr ,, i covered the heart was flot strno i eu a frsa-medicic enougli to perform Ilts functions and it quickiy dcstroys the germas she pas8ed peacefultv to rest as above stated. Deceased was boru ln Bow- which cause this discage. manville on May 8tb. 1885, and was the The unhealthy scalp beconios rsecond ffdaughter of the late Peter Colenman. She was mariedin October hcalthy. The dandruif disop-. 1854. to Thomas Windatt end for oome pears, had to disappear. A years tbey lived lu Bowmanville, Clarke and Tyro-ne. At the latter place Mr. heslthy scalp moins a great deai Windatt died ln May 1875 leavinig to you-healthy bair, no dan- seven smaîl chidren to a mother's care and education. About two years later druff, no pImples,no eruptioma. Mrs. Windatt and ber family moved to The boat kfi44 of a teetimonie- Thorloe township near Beaverton 118014 for ôYer settvy yMr.l where the familv are ail located wlth e .u gt n.LWèt .S the exception of two daughters. Dur- f ing the last f ew years of ber tif e she divided ber tie among ber hblidren. à2 % PILU. Tbome Wbo weee acquainted witb Ieq>CW.MYPECTORAL. deceâsed can speak witb- assurance of ________________ tbe noble character and fine principles she always exhibited froni early wonianhood until ber death, principles _________________ wbich she sti ove faithfnll~y to instillintb the minds of ber children and whicb ieantcot, ..Bi' could not fait to impress ail Who came in the heart of thiCty A! Toronato, under ber influence. A zood woman, a sincere Christian, a -faithful and loving Blritish A merican mother bas gone to ber reward TheB funeral- service was conducted by Re. . . isar, . .,pato o usiness Cui1 ge tbe Presbyteeian cbureh, Beaveeton, so I g of wbich she was a faitbfut member, TahsSotadadBsns previous to beinz brought here for courses th&t brtingstatoseer ie Lnexperience. peýr,ona1 âttentloo.mdi- interment beside ber late busband ini vidt,ýsIiùstructi count. speciai dâ- Bowmanville cemetery. Tf'or-on 9e PMOA ad .W.CUd, and two sons in-law were the pal. E NTER ýA N Y -li M. CTC ATAàLOGU11E bearers, Tbe funeral took place Mon- AT-NC day afternoon from the G. T R station bere to the cemetery, service beînz con. R. A. 5'APQ-RA21A B. A. ducted by Rev. H. Munroe, B. A., Cor. MdP.f i YongiSte,0Toront pastor o!St P&ut's curch, assisted by Hevý Vernon H. Emory, pastor of the Methodist churcb. Deceased leaves four sons and three daughbters Who were aIl present at the fun@r-Messrsd z u ~ z~ z. ParmersH1 e -------- -- i ~1 NEWCASTLE