-4-++~+++-*4+--+.--+++ "rawn buýtter," Itikened Wvith cni + + starch. Graueen eie ced add-te bbc + sauce, thinning it 'qsbitn atri + yen have net sliin. L'ino a dcepF' + Abou House pudding dish fvthpetbilding up i/1/14__ + - ith, edges sîh svrllayers. Fi11 the +F,,U + disti svitlisthe si e licken, cysters - an a. usue ver al and + buke wits a top crust tlsatbaasqre' j- ;%h pr.ing ise Ibmiddle, Cul out &n ~MA~ ~EA~oreomenlt rous [ho I'Pie Poste, bake il separateiy-a ros050 0f maey loyers, and SOEDIT IFE. leaves turned upt) ed cvr-ond insei-tI For Water Iig.-Mix logether hul iihsnthis cpcning ibeforo scrvieg, quite sgnoeth boIt o pound et icing TRAE MRKsîIgar, ai-id tsve tablespoonfuts cf cold sxater. lut this ons le the coke wth a E&ÏGLESS PUDDINGS. speen, lettiîsg ut lie w bore il falîs. Pdiî-cl are imaCe only from the best "Para" rubbcr. citutisf oalmealtone Ta0 o fleur. Pint of cbeslnuls-and reunosve [ho brosvn aile large speoeful cf builer, a toospoon- skies. Cover [hem w-ifhblubiiîg wnter, Madle to fît every style and sha-pe of mnen'a lftl cf bakieg pewder, and a pinch Iî~ add tbc jubce cf o third of a lemon anmi shoes, ladies' shoes and shoes for the hittle ofCs. Press fiat, and bake tiRe griddle cakes.' the water ai-d press tisonstlhrcugh eacl. To Pi epoî e Brea dcrunsbs fer Pudings and or. W 1ýhip a pinI cf creains vih cee- In ladies' shapes they are neat, liglit, perfect --Spread o sîsotet o paper on the table !liait eue cof pesvdored sugar ced vaîsil- Ou pastî-y bord; place a wirc siovo the lt, sherry, eî- a iittlc branidy for Pcav-- fitting and lasting. wireeg sida up eus ft. rub e portion oi cring. Booltishe chestnuts througb -'A thoe, ruuîbs et a claie [oct througb [holiîgbtly w itb a tork ced serve uun glesses Insit o the"Male Laf ieve. or grole t on a brcald grater, Ihen c1in lu tIle îneuueds. This maRes a gccd Pls[lie cruinbs tbreugh thie sieve. disb te pack in a mcld and fuvuozeý as Brand - it's on every BR plasibhus udy- vl eso t-ove a delicicus dish. Wipoasndcocre, Pruine Tapioca.>W/ash cee-haIt cul)- rubbrIlIse cptes uecessory for yaur disîs,,hit fuil cf tapiocaaryd sca)k it oser eigbt in dois et uthe ocres righi threugh. Into thrce euPs cf eold svater. I he [ho mm-_________________ Sold by ail dealers, theo lles put a tilîle bit cf butter and ieg put heth the watoi- aed tbe lapions iesonulcbno.Pace eceusapple is the oue iîboiter and ccok foricl tîmus tue/stoP [n Iabaking igts, prieR cl heur. Before Ibis svasb bbeI)ruioes ced ceeu swi[lbaoskeuvr, and bake vcry slcwv hit [hemn in a sau'onaîs 55 îh enouglu ietil the fruit riuids aracluranspar-ent oeil cOld wateru le cever [hem.. Lot [hem situ-u the csrup [s quite tbick, Ilion baile, and Fer rico pudding oltcw' cisc mince ced mer geelly unitil tlioy cbsorb, the svo[er. seat. halftocf nec for a plut etfnsilk, ac uitIure eut te ccilansd renioe ethe st,,,,,. LmnMraadc.Peaeadce Iwo 'eouruces cnd oait et ofbutter. Afler \Vlen théè tanioca1 bas eoched @n heur lis the caissexva.y as orunge irmalade.1 wsiig e. ri l pt[ ises lr ilu cee hauftefaspoceful cf Salt,.oneebut ailoxv 13- pounds et cugalifor eau-h saucepan xih the 1 tber te warm tihleslsoou-fui cf lemon iîlc, and one- Poîund cf Ooohod fruit and uvater. Vuheus slow ly, se 0at1h01 [ilce suicks up the hait cuoDful et sugar. Spliaoaleror o!slicieg, put [lie pila lu nasnsail bexyl,. butter. ,iddItIse îîilh svhile stiriig.au-I il iiii tuabelttenof a bohing dish, sprint- coer sitilîa oprtionufset tiseessurîed w hon ail is bot psut îuto a pie dish. Coak le. wit pruines, isext xitil anotîsor h1v- w 01er ced lot stansd. Next day press off lu o slow oven front Ilwo te bhree bonis. cou cf tapioca, and,,e 5on, ieoving lthe the svatei-, squoezieg liard. and odd il ___The rice con ha swaat or scvory as pr-',- last tapioca. Bake an hour ced serve le tisa fruit« tc-rrcd. f'artially ceci. Grape Frhuit Marmalode.-Make inhe S "Course; anc than 1 play [ns arivung Vegeable Pie.-Take aquai qucntiî'cs samnesvay os orange irmalade, ucing "The-the what?" Iwo celons. cund Isseounces cfduippieg. 1IIOUSEHOLD HINTS. pus udoqatrt e oudoî Y0OUNci - sin y u ko.My.î'b 1Cul the vegelables le pieces aboun Pu Mun d 't e t neponean 1Yincou-dangcfpsuethyeuinnawau en Ccld petatoos drcdged wîb fleur fry a c f sugar [o the pound cf cooked X lu s s x e p iss u I i k e c v e y îis u i g î c li l o n g p i c o h e m u n a s a u e p a q ic e r ca n d b r o w n u b tte r , y u u îî a ed s a t r a c c r d in g Io th e a c id ity eschImae these 11111e bordas îîy, î1 t11lyeîu! w itb Illedripping ced oissai quaustuty Hr c scises rbesi lb e b rutrsd Bru llay sîl crep ack 50uset dy c uxito. Saso wih sIt ed epor ed xitb vaselina, svil become sofî %ud Preserved Figs.-For [lus preserve use 1 taRe the breons and duiva euserout t basIc. Stesv geeîly cx'er a slow fiplu nt agai. Tîsat piay's fin, tee," -and svhee tender plut unto a pie-dish <t svbt ore kncwn as bcg figa, wichbave CTs emove fur pot staiuîa front \w idesv- net ee prsed Iotehb saine extet as TI-E LITTLE GIRL W HO PLAYED. Te Visilors ey os wero geîîîcg s cry g et cetd. Cover w itb short pesta; cok sls b ahig tei wiu ime w [o [yu p. Pc leii o ou r m s T h e visit cir a n d S u e F r e c es s ot c e th , w id e op e n x n d eed . S h a b d n v er p l uu- ' tl ii th e p a s t ' is d cn c . an d serv e lie[. s h ei s , c e d nbin so th e a i i n we \ oth aer. SI0i i k d 0 h e x er , ig lît e ~ leoasantsI hady piazza, ealing ceekies. eti sweep ci bodygua,.rd [he baby. Sud- Chkn Pudding-Propare the cîscken Ashst nreep slotn uie cerexcl-temsugh v nder oakcver Droin svups olean bites ttsey 100k long, stircggly deusly site rcmambared a kiuîd cf sverk a,,for pie. l\ake a boîter cf one piuit lAîs utri telyfeu aes niuig. A ke nd h alovtlsre-quarusDcraind cfglË atichs e od Caie sevs; tbev nuoceldipîa. , ieuk eee.ortv psahOucon quickly ansd oasily ho removed sugar t eue pouuîd cf fr~uit aed cso hI ihouph luy sxeu-e usîohîg Lady Claire "hiesscbn [odsa.-os ing spteacpcoefilcf bakîng pexvdcr, aced tosi.c rptlc xî is l e h sueu ~ ic-.Since lac Vsiteu- c arrivai Ibcy lriumpbantly. And us sureO as ou lbe a sotpoetulilcf sai, Butîter opud- AtalpoutteIurctepu-cint wbradodltetgatr lidplayad grequelcand balu, pe-a-v[siI-theo ebîer girl nededonfitbofgîce.nting dtish, pultea layeranet cisuchen le il,ý lipt d eel,_-vegdiurawa's" ic l [boc l ias a day, S ip- dotshboîerthonlayer er cet intîer'c the copper xvhen boilieg xvhite cle[b's sleaavieg [boni ox e hotvator for tif- choo, tave an guss hats t11iii aid the w'hilaning precess censid- teen minutes. Sieuner xory gently un- 11u1 îy usind. uvroclu, 1 coîî i cntop. Bake cnd serseo witb gravy eal.ltfil rnprnbtuirkn made f[l fury raspt-hteIsteh!(,eee Tusey veu-e u-aly. qîito tircd cut play- «'Shipw'reck!" the Visiter gasped. eaetrk a cen stock. Te cleais a hitchen tablaei-oh greasy sldi-isming out as donc. Wlbon ailou-e inp. "Yes the dishes Irimble ite te boit Cbup Pcalces.-f.leose large pelaîos slaiswl c siuctsncrî okd etdx b yu ullnc "\Vho'c [bal sripcd 'flleogirl 'cross îng SOC, xavcs alw'ays ara soapsodsy on aed aller peeing p Iens w astiquite dean s-aiseda 'tcr, and [be, ey wllsaadf lv aed, oit, dd Ibe ia, riegagn t a tiiere, w'heoing a baby caî-u-ago witbeub h [p, o1 nxs Iplay a greol sbip cdsiody rtlsedcsietii~ diseppear. the hoilîuîp point, fias ou vary tointîy Eny bat ce?" inquired tIse Visiter, sud- las becu w recked, and fins the îfe-anîd ogain ihngthwise into stu-css place ntcnly. ing staluceer sas iug bthfolks. Tise i-u ia tringepbasketcand fis' untit a pale If stoelkngs ai-e wasbed hofore beiuîp wîth vacilla 0usd bisaîlaai ence. Sua Frausc'es teck auother bite and whitec dishes are [ho hirsî cabun paisn-golden bi-oxyn l ean. belîeg fat. Scat- suoékingtlsey xvlî [al-st twuco sel c heBr it isy-rp irtestieari-cc uinssou-d "Oh, that's the 11111e girl svbe pers ccd lIhe orocked ced nictcd cnes ter-salt ever, and pile ori a ýdisîs. N. P.1 havrlays. Shes aiwcys whaoheng cr the aeoned-cabins, ceid the pans aed! that the fat throsvs off c bine pr uci[oohrcehîg o sfrpaeveoo'e iîia smok beorethepotaosarcputin. W/hon maslsing potatees add the milk puriportions. W/han qute iranspare'i t;weepiusg or doleg scme[b[usg; she neveu pets bbc stoorapos. The scucers amr[he inkbftehoeeacsacptu. fiscd îu h u thii;ley xit te set aside ontil ne-st day. Drainoff tue tbcys aid the cupa tho girls, ccd the huit- GngrBer-T ak ine pattonstouuid lei homuîch xvhiter thon wtsen bbc syuîup ausdboil down taltit s ory tbiick.iý "Nsoracy? Se Frautees Tresvor- er plates [ha 11111e hablas. t'sbhe [ho feltowîeg ingredients arcneccessors' iter îs used ircl. add[eg àaýpuece et vanilla beanto fPavoci. greaestISîi Iat Tc peued cfwhie siga, dc on~- A poicon cf ccy ceeceh-abte deserip- Set aside until cclP, reuneve tis a vnîlla 'Wel, enetshue- ier dees. î 1heVfierwet ac t ,SieFiances oe-s(f1ud cf toednr lime uicePoundevoîntin cd pctecy mcy ho rcndeu-eP prac- and add>an oqual quucety oetIhe sestI y fis tt er if yeu tvedon lihe ppo- silb a theuphîfîsi face. She Isad quite ofrlssiey, aed efîso galions et waîer. Itucalyliohrunless bhinstantely drinkiusg IFrench brandy. Arraege thoePpiglii sio l iu,ýfrgttn ad Care woýanle g- - oe alo adIsslfto pills cf suxeet cil. hatlles, fPlI vithtu ho cyrup ansdceI -i o i t I l s ,i l n c k s e1c b o " o r g o t t e l y b C l a re , h c dr1l e P o i l t h e g i n g e r i ii e e g a l n c d a t A f l r s a s h i e g oa u t g l a s s a r t c l e d r y S s x o b P c k l e d P r n e s . - P i c k o e e r o s TieVstrgel up raîher suddeniy. uciosyîi eueto. icG' wxve t afan luthnadte ew :tIgess11take Lady Ctare te svaik," Sue Frances xvcs pic1ieg lea partv; ri i o îafci uu, io d h lîoreugtîly cnd bruch il over sviits pos- ai-id scck four pounuds cf larg prus sPacci: shonods cnstîoIln" 1 [m eecIready..- "W/clI,'che soidsuttai-. ibe uie, tIsebouey, wibh to oe tca-,Usr sf tiushs, and ge fer 24 heurs, thon-stoans foewu 1woty Bout s manet et Lady Claire'c lîeait csiîg rîthhofli ei-n- -remainder cf bbe sxoteu. anîd stra drï ms. s sot1 l[ctbrouugh a. cloth. -W/hen ce1d add trie d eut b ihlrs cs iues olbptle e osminutes ýh a hnig h atdt oatait dntyupt e rafly?. W/bile paint may ha cieaneod by Pub-' two Ponnds et super. cee piust cf vinegr ittle neai-ere te the Girl whc ['es an [bat peor fltle girl 'cross there - thit inchie f one ed ue.ar e i tgert oifoso ansidipde. uneccacntsî lo'sce t-R PAcrod cte seetwse ekyuxheecb arig e erp a-[atingte Tbn foteuir cays.0usd Iban etble. This moRes lta pste msade et whîiiî ansd xvcter, cinnamcn ced ene qucaret ceanoucue, Acras he tret Ie bbycaragefoxor iey- onexcllet hs'eage whics sîîîkee j can ddicg a ltulle scep pesudem. cf ginger. APP [he prunes, siniser so-v anecletbvrg.wihwl ep Physiciojus acceért 1ha1 baked pelatoos pently uctul tender, [bon can aed seat. camne o stop as the Visier apcoac« "hopîcys oit the lime,- t,.he Visiter for severalhmenths le a cool place,. r oecurhesIa heecchd\htaakev scvrpue r ed. The Girl who Nover Pieyed wa saud, quietly. "t know, 'cause she scîd A uicb chiohen pic is made'oetOce e mr urtosIhntlecoe Wa r nw s irpue r nSmiliuigI bae oked jusît ike ether littese. Sse lbas the speedidest limes svie- Co c[P hileP obicken, cee siiceofetcetd ein a thar cay. Ad Ihat fied oess vary gccd xx bn prepa-ed un ibis wcy. gil.ig ccd tckiusg care e' tho baby and- bcited hains, cul[n smets dico; von or bbthemest difficuit te digest. Aprtcot Mrmaiad.-Setect a fusle- :'Ho'd ou o?"shenoddd. ou lies watelse Sio Fancs Te-Toc mucuscou-e cennot ho exercised in grade et sun-dried fruit, pick over and " H e w d y n d o " c e n e d e d v e u p u e ' u s s v b [ c I c , u i e r a n e T o - 1 c e ul a s u C e t a n1ut t e n e r u cj e p i n g c l a n t h e o r d n a r y l b o s e b r o o n . v s h , t h on s o a k [ c c o l P w a t e r f r 2 weit, thenk yen," murmured [he Xisi- right ce gnesstng utul the MIed "Iljuice et fifty cystars in making a peed leis acferippbe, sma la caefox-Ilepflurs.D ain, w[be-quartdus for a end tom in sortse cenffsion. "Yen den't look fores er. She incles a spleusdid play cul i grso rpe mlpx cre e-pudalwtreqatso on ai bt ditterent" sho added, hcnesîiy. cf w ashing the dîshes! t'--j-ou-e and other discases. et sugar. Te four pcuuîds et fruit cdà «"Me?-diff'recl?' in wendiem. The cambruc ea ii the t[nv geld-and-1 i j f- ý8 !é tM*0<e But[ermsilk is scid tl e ie soy fettan- thesuper usd as sasbcpulcxce 'i mean becouse yen donIaveu play. white teapeot prew cetd w'l ele its , llIl1 1II li ns n sn edieeae o ee-cd okset ntroucedle f atmc 1 S&posed you" teck-" *at gazicp ocmoss the sireeit w o cder1 IIJ-J i uu u tory people, dcc il corrects certain jmalade, sîirriuig frequenbîy. "Dent ever pîlay me. h,1pa sturuclu faces i the Little Girl Whon P1a.ý- physical dischîlîties. Hot hulbermilk 13 Prune Mrmalade.-Pickevrsvb attl lt imeF"Wl tye. i h iw'hie stie pâb ectîy, i eccnsmended fer ,,oIds. and seuils2y, peunds et prines over g "Oh, stmmeed he Vsitr. OhCheertully svheeted the ba-Ihe czar, I T 'trise '1 il, . eimo. Fer heerîhurris laRe baîf a tumbler if niphî. Staw gently unbii bander, usiugsg Oh ," sta ml eme ti a r Vi it. 1 Oh , Âlflp O veflsan duieu inOthe suni m p O V cold w a e m e w b i tus been added hal t just en ug l w ater t e c ver. S et a ide i e pc yn eu' i s o my p a n d wheo t s e e-îra d de n i I e su c in . -erish ed b lo o d ,* needs a a p ro p er ia t asp eecu t e r bonu-,L atecof soda; u til cool en cg b te l cede, hen r om o e r -fertilizer. ,A sqiitb nly- tueeze tIis i ,îce etf e mall piece Of -tlie piîs. Beti-in te tP lire xvibh six ft é1l , d; but 1 play «l tise lime mon. aîsd dinu3np!vze efc-rvescing. lreape aecse c îci l'ieu cfloing il. I aixvays take tise baby eut The Grip. ing the î3oî eau tell you ha W/n nbtn -o felng socniig , ehaIt et a pound e uprmore if bheV výli ýý, Yu sppor 1pla Ul"Ipioebah ins11ide b ise ieg, -anpin pples omet very sour) cead the juice of b lik Iis shaîdoye sppoe poy "Beforo we eau svmpathize witlhfertilizer to use for dffret is blt sIoiy eeic- ii cet w aos-P ek[ amraoe ihun ? I w e t a' Y c l n n c e e . o h e s w m e h V u f e e d o rii w k c p 1 e a n , 'a n d c v î m e p f a nduen t t s a t s e m i x u r m a y e miccsstis steet Ye cc caerguess es Il NO eue CAn refiiza the suuffering IProdUcts. snls rut tcuripesetaleasei.Cna ne se ['1 oitye. I wcs playieg body- attendant upon an attack of the grip top.im ;i ýxr unless ho has had thte actual experiemice, If isour blood is ipvrse Raisin JOîit-Pare cfld sUice aodzen Tise Visiter's eyes cpjened wudo. There la probablv unedisease Ihat - ecrn rw b enve rmlre cu p-tuîeswoeî cicter tie peemis et "'Yes," iaughed lise ther, "t'm [ha cauïea s0 much -phypical and mental your doctor wilI tell you what semucaused by), ,usinsp thees wîlh sort-i,- ufloswecdr lvpu f Lodyguard, yen knew. The bcby's tte agony. or whieh u'o-àuccessfuilv deoues o edt etlz tadbciled eggs-,. 1s1 tehýing a lîlîla cemmon seedcd rcisins acd eCe peund cf supar.r uZau, ced ho cen't go'eut alene for fouir medîcal aid. All danger from the grîp youn ,. to .rt î7 it ndu-esaluly mwenbtngthe m d vhc 't inedCos ow time te koep tsbueg, Stiî' t ci! beung bombed and-thucgs. t have however, mav be avolded bv the promptit the îîch, red Lorpuscues taa see isapearubigi. san hc iltmequotentîy nd ufrntx'er g.sefirst to stay' nîpht witYhlm every minute to use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedv. r l I ayb o or bus ise mclimorateit ireug asiee. a turw e eystisprsun- Lodygnai-d hlm.' Amang the tous of thousands who bave, cekîlzng ln it t mIbeir ireor aiuns ten t iotea ntpoentuethl oilhie e [e bn oItte se.n f "To, ven I feed hum i have le tasle used Ibis remedy, notne case bar ever need a tonie, but more likely you tîim air Sxvlei oit ntconcearue an- Carn t, m.-W/asis and scaor p ,15/et yîig pflu-t te ho sure il went pof- beau reported Ihat bas resullectinCro a.Wsadsrperprel éon his; thct's [ho w-cy they do wilhrI)neumonia or that has not recovered. Ineed a concentrated fat food, dard reesedies, orifleui-and cil. Do muet large Carnets, cnt in inch pieces and ýcýýIarcza, yo knw. tak li- Fr sae b al draglos rmove the dressinsg until tise inflamal- woipis. l'e hree pounds aletux lrcea Ille bcegul a , w en A now. t apise i Fora e b i d u g s s-and fat is the ele mn ent lacking in subsides. n crts et gisupr , c 1-are- 1- - c i Siha Ocîu. MIL su otree Suaogtîers c-r aîîInt back and theduaZ thouhmimable slcry hy E. Creyiee McCants IfT tc ecre lc e 4hus tise hips-s-îopa excessive nrin. ced [haro are viv[d "Litle Stories o e cat UI i.U ii Blrîsg quiclsly t le tuehefing Point usiusp ation-and enables the dse%.Lite" by Arthur Chase, G. W. Opdan ani CE I a-gt 1 oceanlre ete n u sed portions ef thse kidneys to Anne O'Hagen. Wallaea rwie'simp'HMISS as gt ei pcreelaiîi-inds arce) ael bea and <strengtse. suve s[ory în verse, "Flow Muchea You TO OROlt, oult. ciorIIty teeder b he cacili pierced with cue Rea ..im To.buin [ bs ucesu nme; nlPy?" is oe o f tha Mst ne aleiecetru- 6e i o a sx.Ccl n cumî st cdefo ake La aiveu-u YXE OLAFUN 0)4rm4eîLc00pcUVmuîiieadPuaceeepetnderîsl pro sti- Seven MiDion Lboxes seld in post 2 mont Wi@s hi, lWYm nuterest. i bled sia.Pi lwlLtseoIty Inb slrips. Stearu the^ c:i roüts until ten-! cracker crurmbs teo wcucps of n!jll and der, Ilion press throgh a sies e. Addi seasonin-g>-with a tabiLspOeof buter the gîaled yeitew rind and strailied juice or the butter miay lie .rubbcd with an of [lie toi sens, the o-'ar and shiredde-1 e'ýuai part cf fPour and added tc Lý thobo aimcinds and heat siowly. SiIinev for tnIîk fnstead ci cracker crumibs. Add s twenLy minutes, stirrinig s ory oten, [thon hait cup cf freshi hoi seradi h -teciter put Up [n jars.' ( these fouedations, and soit ajnd ),pppe Spiced Pumphm. F arc and steara [o taste. Horseradish is ascml- wU pumnpkin until tender, thon dr ain and the bot apDle sauce whic h î[s served vwit press throughi a sieve. Moeasufre and te roast duck or geese. Fs-tpuf t 4 applu eacli quart add the straiinçd juice of 1w!o sauce thrcuglî a sieve, aid ;b onieLa lemons and one pound cf gi anulatod cup cf [t' add tw o tablespeonul f pe sugar ai-id tcok slowly util aimost as edsuao-frt c 4 thick as marmalade. Add ceo-eighth of hoderdspe, an -fdth cupanfe, rAa' c teaspoonfîîi eaoh of mace, and cloves, whipped creamn. and cne hait of a ieaspconful cach A 11, is a pleasaîst change to bahçecr ginger and cinnamon and simmer for quettes. \iakhei sanie as for frying n, tif [cen minutes longer. deep fat. Make a sauce [n puit ing tw Cranberry Coniserve.-Pick oser and lanespconfîîis cf butler [nte a fryn wasb sufficleet cranberries te wxeîgh fis a pan, witb cne slice cf onlion, one"l pcurids, thon choep ccarseiy. Put 1waC carrot, one clove, and a bay [caf. Cook pcunds cf s-eded raisins lhrough che ail together untit thii blIer begins la food chopper, usifl tho cearse knile. turn brown. Thon add cne tablespooný Thiily peel tbe rrnd froin four large fui et dry Poeur and stir untit il bureis oranges, thon take the pulp and juice cf dark brcwn. Draw -an os frornsthe fir6 lu o. Boit [ho id in svator, cliangiiig and add a large cup cf stock or bot sevcraltlimes until [t is very tender and wtcr. Seas-on cnd cook for Ps e minutes. ne longer bitter, thon chop fine. P['iii Oa little cf Ibis te [hoe cttem c, f a the fruits and rînd in a Raille, xith tive shalw cake pan aed put> in the cro. poueds cf sugar, heal and sinumer atlowly quettes. Baste witlî more sauce and put unlil reducedto a lac', thon ean and imb sabot oveni. Cook util Oresuis hast« seal. [ng once or bwice, and sersve w Àth thE --------rest cf tDe sauie poured arcund thons. To préserve tbb coter cf green beans ai-d oelier ,e,ïetables w hile cookiitg, THE CAUSE 0F noorly ail Frcnch cûelks mn a litflo car- bonate cf ammioiia, .Thic anmonia ha ne bcd affects, as il t prtswhl 'Wu1YAI S TROUBPLE biling, nd- ny aninfet'ia crueunt is requircd-say. wi ict f ý ou could lay on the peint cf anaurinsv perknife. I Dseasd Kdney andtheTh! Ttisnl tesson [hieoor ut boiliîegcab- Is D seas d ,Ki neys and he bge. Uure is uoctcis tSidcney, Wonderful Cure 0f Mrs. Jame s Iinselha WhO Slept la a Chair for Two Sum-. mers-What She Savs of IL ST' MAL-A0AIE Que , Jan, 29-(ipe- eial)-A cure of gme-a interesl to womaic h'us altracted the attenuion of tbelus teresled tn medicai maltera in Ihis nejali. oorisoOd. Mrs Jas -Kinselia wlfe of a well-known citizen. isad suffered trom a ci mptication of troubles for about l we %eans She bail a pain in the rigit hip. mn the back and was obiiged to -pass water every fif reen minutes in a burning [tehlng sort oft wav. she couid not ëleen at night anid bcd to sit up ln a chair for Iwo suimmers. Dodd's Kidney Pis cured bler. Mrs, Kinselia speaking cf ber cure qaya. -After the tIrsI box of Duudd'i [Ctdney Pis 1 fout mucis botter, Thmu I got more ansd tbey dld me a worid of good. 1 have never slopt la %tise chair sioce 1 have uaed Dodd'a Kidnoy Pulls" Weman's bealth depends on huer sid- ne-,s. Nib'e-tonths of the se called euualecomlaltaare caused by unec ud l te ictCure r*ur VKidmoîs9, uvbtb Dod d s Kid fnoy Pille and' you eta ha-e ni) u04rlcaiî t ihel LUSFOR I IE COORý THE PLOT TO KILL WITTE. L Mony etf[IleConspiratorus Arrsel jThsreîîmtjiîutssin. A despacus frons i iisys : thtu Vileus correcpondenit cf -Ilhc Lonîdon 'f - egrapu sayd a uneiibeu cf lIse lerrrist pîeup hbac licou rreslecl ilîcè"I-e Thsis ix lIhe gî-onp tîpt l[tls .- mdci akeus te i.kll uPrime 'miýiistou W itte. 'Tlie police 'Say that cseî-au cthoî- ceaspîrator have heen arrested finuoh pua'-, -. Di-ume~nb- 1ha1 tIse anitîso-ulues- saî , cd 51Kw -[bal us cely Conrt \ViI te. buL i;iiiter oethlie Itîtenior Durnesoouud N ýice-Adns[rcl Dubasoff, Gos ernr-Geneual f Mes. o, w une rigiealy doemed P1 thce -Terrerists. It w-as utiussately dcie[dd to eeecentrobe[ie cahch upeus Ccua.t W/itte, Pecouse it suas beîîeved bis Peebh ss'uld lead te c spread cf 11he dîserderî, and e nex ced succecsfu[ ir'surectius. TUE NEW PABRLI %NENýT, 11111 lie Assesulib% hy Idnq nut Qt d espa[csfrî Leonsts l e ctbcotiyausnnnscd ceW nd ia VigExn- m ucuAexusm f urus s ashied potatoes brough f hî ý 1'e u Ui Ut -,ý iii,, ,5,eejz Wiijt D 0. rber lIet a bot baking dîsb, [n as evpn pied wtbpreilinin1aies Ied lu the a- a slap as possible. -Dot wtbbits, et but- mo t at ouo f lcth t h oer, and set under the breler Untit rispofteHue and brosîn acl throukb hoetop. With a thiîs-hiaded, sharp kuif e il is psseible [o separale the oraîîge ,ptlp fri ii XIILLIONA-DO!LAII SCIIEME. bhe membrane and yet keep il lu sîsape. CuI down trom the surface te [lue cenere Grand Trunk le SIpend-Large i4unis in at oe side ef a miembrane inclesing a Iniprovemens i London_ scoen of puip; Ilion eut dew e close te ho pulp oce t hîer sideocf the mem- A London, OhI., dC!ý- hsays :I\laî- brane; a [bird lime eut desun te, the ager MeGuigan, cf theGrandrnk centre close ta the next esornbrane, ond Rafîsuay. ifnorsncd Mua-f ciîd ceTues-, ake eut a section if puip, v bicb bas1 day Ihat the cemril- aey wvilsîxrud one icen ioesened,lu onc pieco,. Thon Cui million dollars ho. e i he cirinl seasen, lesun close le the otiior sideofet[ho mem- A, new station, lthe risiisg of traohs, brane, taldng eut the puip as betore. veidening eft rai, aud building cf sub- Semeleimes the fat bliat tsas been n cd v sys are included ins [P c seee Plans a geod nîcny limes for fry iii' ced bas tlare to e o ein.lee(lu inlree w'eeýs, îet boon straîncd., wiilgetltee miscolcred to use. Put iii wil il about s'x limes as - much bot svaîer. bel foi [w eîty uuinuies, and bure [etc a pais b gel cld W/bon iriscs te a sclid cale oniitepput b ite the, trying khoule ced add acul frave petalcoe-. Whn tha'lldts sipuiies witl galber on bhe pelatees. The -plelîsest cf simsply boîled beeýf b ,ornes a delicieux oand appetizing dieuýj fish if it [s only soi yod wl iic rsorcdislb suce. There arc many recipes for luis, ýut ticy ai-e ail takeis lîoss twe funda- ioutlways etfîsahýiîg-efilier ae un- A ooked dressinsg, fori llehthe fosnda- 1 cii is wvlippod or cm, or o healed ced îickecd sauce, made wtb miih. For t - le first whip hait a cup cf creans te a l - ;iff fretb, add le il cisc salîspecîstul eof ;gar. and four tablespoonfuls of bouse- udish, If flot sour cîîougb odd vinegar oG b aste. The cocked dressinsg may hbcfI hickened by adding a hait cup (it > Qqini Ofle, ths, lui winter sports, rlieve j I i