a1ndý -suexcanc nbrc -cta tee btOSit4II{ ~~JmMaac umber-c - i i ca)n6s cents: ts-.LTe hima m MsrGral mi-u- ' ve got sm shopping that muet At this point 1 iras brouglt te Oouch then suggested to Miss Alleu xbe1 done thafiturncon,, and vou moi,, myseif by a poke in the back froni that site wthdraw the latter part of ber cen nJhelpme Stufl'y, dear." Sylvia, %NIo asked me sardonicallv letter ankd comsent te reasme ber for- lica hre meýntion that my re-i whether I would perhaps libe to mer position on the staff with Mr. eeme Ohilrtopar, ut S-li- in spend th< rosioft he afternoon in Frogt am Prîcelpal. ~I~5 Ol 111c;ru a nickname ni-thegoedpriet atl Miss Alleu, however would not agrea onc rdiulurau unpîcasant. IIow- turned and followed her as she sali- te do this, and subsequeutly retized ~'ea~she uses it eu1y in private, ed with her flose slJghLly tilted pýst from the meuting. 6 ubmit. ceunters laed, up xvith silk arnd t k then snoved by Dr. k. S. Tii- -WilI it take long?" 1 asked, mèeîi- chîion. Th-e ,qigit of seine blouses eçdd > ,M. Oawk-r, 'Plia niared iiieeenand-levn, hwevr. his Board doesanet eccept the resigna. 'Ohn,- was her airy reMp .3p caused lier te pause. An eagie-oyed tion cf Mlos Allen, and maintains her ~lehailed a passing hansonri; "-about -shopwal-clýýr astened -up- ili- oMephis-ila t he0 P0 Ëi -9L-8asPr inàcipa1, -and ttfî Lal! an heur or se." topheles to emnpt her. "Ilait an heuri" 1 smile hysteril- 'iheso are quito a special une, the Chairmasn notlfy the male beach- ]y wheu 1 thiuk et it. madame,- lic said lune'urucst toner arrs that Mios Allen iles uitthe Principal We get eut at a tailoî 's haîf wa '- "Straiglit oxier- from Paris; wonder- Of the 8011e01, aud ibis Board exPects -aj Bond street; Sylvia explaiaed fully cheap. Or xve have another1 them te render te ber th-i' reepect and that she wished te erder a coat &nji blouse at twenty-seven-and-six, iquite regard whbich e Pr!nclpal bas e riglit 'w skirt. unique." roleve from aisiatant teachera. "And you imust holp me te chooe'ec Syvia hesitated, and was lesft; Moved In emendrnent by Jas. Gale, P, for you have sucli good taste!" flîrce minutes later she seemed te be aeconded b>' W. B. Coait, That ail the 1 was once incautieus enough t.) suri eunded by blouses et every de words Ia the abGes mýîlon &fier the adfmire a gown that she Lad design- scîiiitiOn. firat "that" be etrook ont and that the hdlerseîf.'0 coursenia dime'" raid the gIrH following worda ha Iurerted ln their The tailor, whe possessed the tu- wlo had been called te serve lier, 'sread: -No action he taken now and Napeleenic temperamient, conibincA t, r'n omaioi ewe th ht the Board adjowsn until Monday xvith a Jeiîr exterior, had a loig -and slie e led up the 27-and-si ean lug next, te further conalder te dscsussion with lier as te the aowa blous-' and this' -bor-e she held up matter.", th l h -tithe -shape, ta iinings a- loue_ - l alot ef lace on t -xmadnu eo u-as]ont Once or t-ice Sylvia .ippealed i-o ii' laiked 42-anJ-ne. on theii oip i'!n Y .Cuh laý the matter etof erbut evea then Tlîat'r very înuch like ene Mîlli-Ns-C erTlly Bo- w c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o m t n o u n d a q ar e Ld" aG a, ie.5te i i o -~ ,~~ N-r gr '- C iw k r, î- _ _ _ onn lieuwe oùerod. thugli" Fnd Crri ' onbbcfeIlewiug-divisLin "}~er ~hey-in~ re tat- ee' eii,- 'd~~ .,t va th itUi-' 1YeaesB oei :a rticb,Cawker. Tilleu, Me -ved b> Miszra. Hizglnbo'ham sad McUllla, tht ate c adit o-f the Secratary TreaLnrîr's Booek@, the ab- stract be publfuad in ens of te local papere. The Public Subooicspmýector'îq Report iras preaented, shewiog the standing of the-différenýt clases Lethte Soboîýl, and on motion, iras reaelved and fylcd, for 'Ane Priîàcipal and Teaclers te examine. On motion, Board adjourned, Publie Library Boaurd. Anatheî, -exlJniis'-Ve cc- is iit laid i three plaits on the shoulder, leaving the front iluile qiain. A designi Ol large crysatlîemunis iin raised cm- l-roidery crosscdthie fr-ont diagonaliy. Th le siîalloxv cufis arc aisoe embîoïdcied. A pale blue crepe waist iras a marvel e' ocedlweorlk. If was as nearly plain ,as _possible in ils general construction, not a luck or a pl-ait apearibg. Thel eiitire front tees a mass of embî'oidcry and open-meslîed lace motiv es. There iras a square yoke -ef lace -in- front -an d a dozen or more smal oedaliions, and al the ricî f e bspace tVas fîickly cm- broidered in a whbite hawthorn design. 'Tle faintesf green ires sparingly used in tlicstes. A. lovelv yellow waist had a round yol.e renade with allernate roirs etf nr- rot' Vaenciennes edffing and folds of the crepe. The points of the lace over- lai)pedthie tolds, eleiosf hidiiîg Ihoi. Four' up-and-downt'on s of rarrir in- sortons striped the waisI. and betireen. these was at cry slighf eibroidery inj n hile, ot seroîls and lent es. Yellow crepe de chene îs a perticularly enga g- ing mai-rali. l'li palest shades of ce- naît, or the r'arirest golden icîmes r et.A e-Id ye]llom is -oxceedinglv iua- becoreing as a rue. and hrsides, i fies ni way oM killing tlecolors. Foli 'v.NNGWEAR. ' ,y r utehup .A o kete c dr au sreoinr~u~b5 .Itqa'y dforlvesthoticud luotu lers thefor y-ouugbrakud ol a cts. bett ESie.GHS 1 -SN- MOTHERS