We Wankt Barley Every bushel you have to spare. Very highest price paid. a.nd well. JOHN MoKkY TIrite0 eleted-P.Pres-J.- Ashton, 'Pres.-1 Mr. W. A. Windatt bas purchasedI iIettorejV.PesA. w~hS~c- M~.Nobles ýruperty-rcentIT- adT-- Fred Ashton, rl reas.-Fred Griffin, tised for sale ini THE STÂTESMAN. Mr. Chap-Wm. Gfiffln, lnsjde G.-S. John R Windatt and family will oe7 Brav,-0, G -Wm. Siute, 1 'comte.- cupy a bouse ilu the village during- the W. ýAverv, 2 comte-Wes Knapp, 3 winter. Becent visitors: Mr Lorne comte-H Pye, 4 comte-John Avery, Robbins, Leskard, visited at Mr. R. 5 comte-H Tink, 6 comte-Fred Bray. Avery's; Mr. T. Lewis, Kinsale, at Surgeon-Dr Treblieoek. Trustees- Messrs Allun Bros, Mrs. B. Dickenson, S Brav, W Avery. Auditors-W.. Hope, at Mr, T. Rowe's; Mrs. Gilbert Griffiin, S Bray and A Beach. _ Anderson, Thompson, North Dakota, That tired, languid feeling and dàull with ber sister Mrs. J. T. Cole; Quart. beadache is very disagreeable' Take erly Sacramental service, in the church two of Carter's Little Liver pilîs before Sunday morniug Feb.4th at 10 80 a. m. retiring, and you-will find relief,- Tbey Business meeting Monday afternoon neyer fail to do good. at 2.30. _________________________ Touis Trînra FLEsm.-"1My children were taken witb an itching skin disease ___________________________and their flesh until it was sore, and their shirts would sometimes be wet VflLY witb blood, The doctor did not se New lelepliolle ireiory knor what aied th; angdrcu applled it did Uts work well andl bas Bell TelephoRe Co, Ltda entlrely cured them of this horrible disease. "-Mas LouRg MCKAT, Tiver- Is about to publ!sh a new issue of the POULTRYÏ STATION NOTES. 0Offi clai Telephone Directory 26- 43 - 41 - 50 -,61 The abo ve figure represent the' res- pective number of students in St. Cath"- armnes Business Col- lege during th e month of January for t h e last five years, which time theCollege has been under its present managemenf. w ny t h i s yearly in- aftncÇ,~ 1ur~~ n,,mh~u nf th,~, mamhrn-c ,,,.,~aant DISTRICT DiISION. The annual session of Du rbam Dis- trict Division will be held at Hlampton oni Monday February 5th opening ses- sion commencing at 10 30 a mn., after- noon at 2 o'clock. Public meeting at 8 o'clocik; Mr. F. C. Ward, Gy. W. P.. is expected at eacb session. Evening programn promises to be first-class. Bro Ward and other prominent speakers with the assistance of members from variaus divisions eau amply repay you for coming. Collection at evening meeting to defray expenses. F. BALsoN, W. C,. Werry, 4-2w. G W. P. D. s. CLARKE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.. situations offered 1905 1 BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS. COLLEGE oldest quickest safest, R.A ARQUHARSON, B A, Agricultrual Society kas held in the C(ounceil Chamber"January'10 witlh a 71