Ian t~tmian, Per Annarn. AGVatlCe. O ui oW N &ND COU TY ras ; TK~ W nLD A w j ,~ .M.A . JA M ES & SO N , ProýprietGr BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARy 14, 1906. 'V- m 1Great Bai c And WhE Great Re( Ladies' and M1 .Annual )ck=Takcing4 Sale Now On ,rgain8j will be given in ail kinds of Winter Goods. en we speak of bargains we ineau what we say.4 ductions will be made in ail kinds of Furs inchiding fen's Fur anad Fur-lined Coats, Muifs, Ruifs and CapB. One lot of Ladies" Coats wilI be sold off at One Dollar Each. And a lot of our newest and uip-to-date Coats will from th is date be sold at Jiaif Price. eoucn, Joflfston & ervdermfan ' M1* S That CàI0.c Ton have, had ail winto aik e h. "The eamile that won't copjeof" It's A Stayeti Bit you do flot want it ani longer, Ton have tried 'various rernaedies] noý doubt, but have youa trio3d Kerslake'ls Emulsion of Pure Norwood ùod Liver Qil It iî the mest pleasant to take of JLil Emulsions, and thý'e a're none better made., It builds up the sysLemu and heals the sores caused by ecughiýng, It flot onily relieves the Qgig but it is a food arnd strengthens the whole sy4tem. It is excellent for delicate cbildren. Large Bott1es 75û. Trial Slie 40e. F. fR<. KER4SLAkE, The Druggist &Opian Cjash For Farm produce. Tho undersgned Is prçpgreýd t,. buy ail good farm produce, nanely: Butter, Eggs, PouIltr'y. Dressed Hogq, Bea&ns, Boiling Peas, Driedj AppIes, etc The higheSZ prîce will be pald for good, f at, welI dressed tock, (drv lkewlth wings feet and hegd on and undrawn, at the saine old stanid-Tempranee St: south of Standard Bank-Bowman villa, JAMES MAcCONNACHIE The Corner Shoe Store Ata Smah Prioo1 HISTORY OP BOWMANVILLB. 13-M.fJB. FnInR1AMN, P. M (Coni?,nued from kW eý we7) Mr, James MoClellan, sr,, m*uat have been a citizen of the burg !somewheeli the tmentics. 1 rememnber wlien uic was in Mr. Browrnans employ. Pe wa s for makny years head distiller, and one of the~ most quiet, honest, <ronscientious mnen that could be found He vas a stauncli Presbyterian from the north of Ireland and lad been well instructed iii that faith. He became convinced, after careful considerution, tlat the liquor traffic was bouind to bring uutold evii on the community On1 reaching that con- clusion he couid no longer continue maigthc distiiied poson Hie was earnestly solicited Iby hi employer to, to continue, but no monvtary consider ation ou11l induce hlma to do violence to his s;ense of duty. He Ieft, and bouglit a farmi on the second concession (now owned by H. B. Poster) and for somne tUrneie tîflled the soil. The Port Dar-lington H-arbor Co,, ûf --hi'Senator Simpson was President, watnted a wlarfinger and made it worth bis whie to move there. After useful service lu thiat capacity, lie wus appoint- ed surveyor of Hl.AM. Customs, whldI office lie filled for a long time. 13y lis firmn, intelligent and honest iscLiarge ot its duties he earned the iasting respect of the business men of Bawmauivilie Hie was retired ou au allowau.ce and lived to a ripe oid age 1I may give ex- p ression 'w the saine wish ou behaîf of his Fen and grandsou as I did to, the McMlurtry's tlat tlicy too mnay continue resideutýs of our good tiovu and perpletuate 'in future ge-nerations the name and famniiy virtues. There were four: sou)s-John, thaeledest is tW5 senior- mnember of the firm ocf McCiellan -& Co, coul au-d iwood dea'ers, wlio do a vervy large business here lu their huie. Jamnes lives in Whitby, Josepli H. in Peterboro and Williamn inSt.Thomas, J, Alexiauder McClellan, the grandson, son of John McCleliau, is the popul1r Manager of the Ontario Bank in Bowmunville. There was a man out west wlio suid lie had undertaken to serve God and the l devii and found, it a " hefty" job 1 amn flot in s0 tiglit a place as that, but( nietaplorically, next door to it Tot attempt to give even a meugre outtine of tIc men and wormen who holped toi lay the3 foundation'of our deliglittul and embryo city, is no small task. 1 can ruly do it as best 1I may. and wiIl try to, do so up to 1840 The camnera of mý3mnorY Secs a gOncent tration of business lu the hoilow,. Mr Dnnlam D. Wiliiam-s, father of Mr. NIark William; ,liad a fulling Miii, the bLiidiri,, tartbest dowu tecstreamr. He crne froin the vicinity of Napanc. Pcssessing the spirit of ente-rpr-is-. liet tried to aud did meet a mudli felt want.1 Lt took uuy amount of determination tot -cornplishi sucli an un dertaklng. There were no bunking faci! aies and but little money iu lIe country. Exchiauge of r co-mmodities was the principal way lu whldli trading was carried ou, liowever, he, managed toi get tlie miii going. It wus runuîng in full biast Iu '40. Mxr. Williams vas a çrood neiglibor and a £ t 4 1; ýE- 7ý VOLUME LII. LNO, 7ý hoLeirb effý Ouiz TowN âxi) COUSTY FMST WouîD ATTEZWAIMM, iWonder if any of my fellow-workers iniJPRBNL this novel branch of industry are living and an iriicrberit ?Mise Frankie Je@well is vislttlý friendu9 Wý'hen we had our Centennlial celebrat- In Toronto. ion, the public meeting was addressed MrCoi eanTrntspt bY the Goveruor ofOnaE o.Sir George SMr. Ct omeLn oot~ pa Kirlkpatrick. In the course of bis re uda t oe marks he reforred facetiously to the Mr. Geo-. W. S. Jamea, Toro-(nto. kind of books that were in use in the spent Sunday at home sChofo1s in the early part of the century, Miss Lydia Moore, Port Pearry, fti quoLxng a couplet from- Moore theiC1rish us of Miss Louie Jaekman, potce ouly bookýs were woman's ismro s visîting frieuda3 la lie s Ho as foilowed by thie Hon Peterboro and other eastern frlends. Edward Blake. Ml. P.. who, when on thle,àr liDsahsreuedfoa saine topie to!d, bis H-onor hie ïhould M.Wl utnla eundfo have eomnpletedl the3 qutation,-' And visit with his unle, Mr. Peter Conrie, and il she tauglt was fol" He said, Kene. amiongohr thxngsý that thbe present Miss Maggie Bogue bas been vikiaf editions ivere more daintly gotten u1p, biercouins te Misses O aibraith, more elegantly bound and miore attract- Whitby. i iv to the studfents, or somnething to tihat M1r. Robert Beth ias been r-eectei effect. 1 lie reference wvas brimful of director 0f the ldedi MreAU. humour aýid created great amius-eent sociation. I *an incliled to t1iuk 11oug1 tliaRt the The TD. O. & P. Co. baud have lQee4 g:rls wvlio wn to our- p'ace of instrulction, the Opera bouse and drilli grounde for wlien dressed in a ratty colico,ý a mulin May 24th or a liomemade wvoollcîn dreas, we-e a neatv and attractivey - -,,Zandi Mr. A. -E- Skth attended the fiueral ed as charing- as anv of the Catr 0 i ut .HnySicPr editions Mnyoithtli with the bloomHoeSudy of healtli on their cheeks, their brigltit Mr James W., Yonug, Mmaarûef eves fuili of mirthful gîee, were just as The Durhiam Rubber Co., is ait;preent bewitehing adselasnymem iii California for his healtli. fash11ionuble dlame, no matter how Mr. Lewis Corniali, Strattid, bat attired beon visitlng bis aunt Mr S.Joh,1 nIMoI- Mr. Wiiliarns did his share in lie1ping t3yre and other relatives bore to A~t out botli maie uand femnale in good MIr. N. Greenfield and Mn. F. ROM& solid appurel Mr M'warkç D. Williams of the Durbam Rubber Co.. have ne- is worthily represenzing in business life ceptedi positions in the Dunlop Tire the energy of tho paiter, Go., Toronto. Nexc-t on the streim was a tannery M1r. Carl W. Shragg, Toronto, visteé curried ou by Garner Gifford. Peoiple 1frienuduhorf3 over Sunday previous ,tg lad to have foot wear thon as now, and!going- to Cicago, Iii., whero e li as a thc Indian mwoccasin di 1uîot answtr as a good position. substitute for le ither- iniaUi eatliers. ýr3ILMLa h a envet For years he did a tliriving, trade. 1 rsM oLa bolasbe.rat thi k l c me rom Co our . 1 c un1not àng lier sister, M rs. W illiam A dam s, sayn mu cabote i from ooreclecig Oshawva, bus returnaed accompaniedi by but 1 know ut one time lie was well to do.:irneeMs oaAas He was fond of a good teami of lorses, The Oshawa Vindicatr says tlat it and he buiit a doub'e brick house on uow looks very mucli as if the South Scugog St , which is stil standing It is Ontario County Pair will be hbld luI not mucli te look ut, now, but it cost Oshawa lu future, iustead of Whitby, what wus tlen a mint of money. He Mr. Geo. W. Ull3cott, ex-M4avor 0f was of American extraction; quiteia num- Manitou, Manitoba, lias boen vlsitinz ber of men were employed about the Mr. James Moore, Ha¶ don, and other t anneryTh'e water was obtained by friends lu this vicinitv ga0ve Tin dmxgthe creek. We used to cross STÂTEMMAN a frieudly call on Saturda the dam to go to the distillery. Tliere Mr R. Norman Jolliffo lias been eu- w re a number of boys in tle houselold 1 a e ss-ou f Vctra Gc Club but now tlieyaxe ail beyond my ken. onttheir annual tour this season. Theà Wlen I first saw Canmeron Muusdn, Club frnished the programt at the% ýwhiose golden wedding was recently Ontario Ladies' Coliege Convorsat celebratedwitlisoimucli eclat, he was Fridav niglit. eriguged in z wrestling mnatc'h in front of -.C rw idawoat the tannery. T icugh al the interven- M r. D . T e , L n s y h ce ing yers e as been grappling wïth a s judge at the Poultry and Pt rc mrany weiglty problemis, ou the whole Show recenty held there, was pl*-,-ar. coming out as le did hen, on top H o( c3 d witli an address and a beuiul wouid beea ad man even now ,to tackle quiarer-eut oak rocking chair as a l u a c li nie li. Q u ite a tr a d e wa s d o nie i n to k en, f P p r e i o n f t e è x i t r , those ancie nt thes i-.u cta1E r;i:s o. Our- boots wvere constantly wet in the winter OUR NEW PHIOTOGiRAPHER, time, after ruuning in the snow ail day Tley were literally soaking. T o get M. E . B n etla o gi r m K your boots off was a serious u dertaking. A . J e e titoga phic plat , eqiM .. Mny a tug I ad at t. After a nigt's AJmste-otgahcpat dry before the tire they were as lard as ment and good-wili of tleFreeland stugsg granite, there was no getting themi on in THE STATESMAN Block recentlyopr w t o tthe greatest difficulty, ence the ted by M r, eo A Sm ti Mr B n .t demand for cil, How the oung hopehas had splendid success having learnedl fil]e-vir &iew Mýfif- 41,the business firt with Mr. M ith anmt4 de, ""*U ý ý . -. . 1 -* y - i-, -- - - Id -, -