The -adaLR atcsfi& BowMÂNVILLE. FEU.1,îL6 Mr. o-a's ette onhi~recenit tnp t, cuba wi11 b- 3d ihvr r lnt4elt Csudtas v411h limnited irueanLs art adViýecd teo e" rather thz;D tu Blde3 a mueh ther istucie r 'd- D&iliMglon Counc!i1s andi the Iligh1 apidéar on inrpages Tko little qiurrvamong Lheachr sj tka fligh Suhool bar-s passed and cale, an4 acfu are the(ir dreams once more DasBurnGaâle tousider hlie won a g'.at -moral vctor PHis stabilit ' and hseismin as 4been the talk of the P&àtmaster Pairbairu's articles are cc(aùut wide-spread intore,.t, as l8 whewn b! the lettens he is receiving from uid reidents One astonishing fact is lt ha writes from memor-y altogether t ral suggestions have been maie that 1ke articlea ha pubiished lu book fürtn for preservation Mafer Tait is to be sincerel5y con grat- ulatod on his inaugural a(ddneýss as pub- 'hshod in minutes o! the Townu Council eseawherc It possess t.ýihe virtue of brevity sud la -maty" withal.He has oma Uly rsentd a program that wili keop bssiege utigadnal mue-h wmore bshcutld ha ýdoue thvais iýfore- abadowed la bisaddnesz. toe itzebsend Severai cpisof TV£ S.rATIÈsMASever.y week to istanz frionds that they may r6ad Mr Pair- bairn'à articles. lu orden that ail who wish c14 frieuds may be given tis priv. liogo w.a wiI enroli sucli persons as eubseibers at 25 cents to j uiy 1, i1906-- only a trifle mowre than ý ou wouid psy in pStag.e alone. We ean furnialis n(Narly alr bac : iiumbens cortaining the artiol4g. Mn A. IL -A. C&ýqueloun's appoint- Ueut as Deputy Minister of Educaibu) hae recoived favorable c3mment bç tlie preïs of Ontario irespective of polties Iti leecnsidered a capital appoinîmet by, edacationists, too. If !Ion. j. P. Whitney wiil appiLut Dr. D. Il Goggin, .TRIP TOiCUBA. INGLY OF 1111 EBTTIP'O(k. P5lor 1,1? LITED MEAN5SI.111)U111 NOýTG0OTUEeM u CNDANWS IS RFRL. For thi intereIat dCaalau wo haz,- lands :lýu i.-a &ad etrtjmn of My many fienlid-S, i wliwrt rey of my trip to teSouithern àSeýa. I leit Toronto, the Cil i io 13al jCaniana speak o!(4 th ove and praise toIL) the3 tjurstj ht lx~ elabroad, on thle afternoo()n oÉ!4Ja,ry 83rd on 11w Bla that raus Ibtwcen B1uffalo and NeW York (Ciî7. ýVe 9arridnlNew ÏYork th8 onn of the 4th vwhere 1 rena-îred1 Lo the 0, inseruavory pietty î otel ju,ýtoff Uioi(qure.Af ter a rpfreshà- ing breakfast 1 took- the electrie car down the great Brýo dwa3', Broadway the beautiftil, writh Its hundreds of sky scrapers, sonie o! then runing Up 23 and 25 stonies, and l;undreds of thons- ands cf people coiuig arid goinZ this was and t1hat-ïtrec,,t ca.rst>*e head, under the grouud sand on the level, till there seemed hardiy room for one to wvalk la s>det3. ia1n dai Wall St. gettiDg off the tcar I waiked, cown Wall 1»,. to the U S. Tressurvý. On the site f the mà,eaive ,aton(e building George WVashington took is oaîh asi first Presi- dent of the U, S.Icorne soon 10 the wonderful WiLU Street Stock Exeh;Iange. Ever'7bo)dy who vs New Yýork should take 1a lou)1k a htpaewhere fortunes are made sud li0lu and hour, yes, lu a minute. ' tod lu the gallery of the pit and wtJcd meài cid and 3oung, below mne lu that pi,ý whoopîng a,,d yelling, thirowing"ztheir arms above their head s ý buLin adslln such a wVav that to aystranger he oul thinkt hey were almost fighting. Lk an hiiman one Lime whýiJo came to the U. S Whenulie landed his frîend tock Patrick to the ExebIange O!céie they put the Irielimar( lu the galler> Pât looked down for a minute and sain:l "Sure Mike it makes me home-sic. 1 know why thev put me in the gallery. It is the firot figbt 1 haýve seen since I left dear ould Ireland, u me with a bran uew cane aud nojt in il. " I was joined1 by Wesley Shaw, formienly of Bo)wmanville, next day. We visited different parts o! the city and ended up on the dock o! the S. S. Ward, Lino steamencr, the Morro Castie,. the larget boa ýt ' Iliat s ils lii Southern waters, hý r Weight being 6 500, tous, and over 100 h1appened to esat a gioom over nuùr1 spiritS We had ilbeu ihugw some people burs heres.Justt!hen drw ~ lirce pair of beauliful black norses. undrelsof othon rnae equlvgoreon foloed As Ibis à;car Y01111g-Cubans w vho 112d crn01wno the boit 3with ius, walking bhiu-d the car, One ý o!fhe swme uijd runingi. oven ho me sid luingl ,'llm m father, he just tdb." cb boy had only gotten off the boat that .1mniDg. We passed bLirocug, lietral Park an(ý our way bacli, a beautiful plaecewitb dozeus of royal plme. ,ccoan)zub palme,ý umbrella trees aud aliltropieal plante, growing By the timo we Xrnived ahf Our hotel wa were tined and bungn. After tea some English tounists and i1 walked from the Central Park dtiwn the Parade ho the maie3con, about onu mile. The Parade is conwidered one o! bbe most beautiful avenues in the world. t siopes gently down to the water front where is a large nand tand. On tbis niglit the thermometer wàms about 76 degrees o! heat The Paradle iwaza blaze with xows o! elie diiih e h moon at the full and hundreda zof thoàe great blgtropical stars fioating ovoer head, the waves breakig con the) rocks and thnowing their spray 50 fottlun1he air. A spieud d band pl un ud hundreda o! fine loiglde nd zentlemen proanaing a round the Malecon made a Pictune ort'a goiigl 10 Havana 10 see "Chat oeigon the Q o'clf-ck trpan1I;,,rtedf or Giog-o De Villa, 25) mlsup théi Van l ine raliwav. ArnîiLg I book a bu, and drove ont tb the plantation o! the Cuban Developing Cornpany lu which Me. Jochu H. Kyd ormerly o! Bowmanville, is iuteremted. At Ibis patainthore are about 2000 acres o!f rag trees, 100 acres are loaded witb fruit. The trees will bc planted Syears nLext mouth. On these small trees there are fnom '41000 to 10,000 crabes cf fruit-orange,,ts aud grape fruit. 1 saw five boxes cf grape fruit picked from one tree just three y ears old and the fruit îe veny mueh sweeter than any othen fruit 1 aven tasie I- Youi do neot use any sugar lu oating the Cuban grapefruit as you Petd te) with the Floida sud California $15.00 Overcoats $10.00 13.50 669.50 12.00 8.5 (Buy the Boy a iReefer or Overcoat at Big Bargain Prices.) M M M w M Many Good Bargains In Every Dept IEMBROIDERY SALE SILK WAIST SALE LINEN SALE BLANKET SALE DRESS" SKIRT SALE REMNANT SALE GREY COTTOIN SA LEtMIT and GLOVE SALE Ail Winter Goods Must Move-Reduced Prices, Special Orders Taken for Suits, Overcoats and Trousers. x w mm i ere-M BUY NOW while prices 2Oth, Century Brand Leads the A Ba-rgai'n Sale of '..~sni4t,, ~ atv~ *i.Ca,.,~ i~4Lq , LIi~ .Afl*Ù a ~, .. .a~ *a flvu.. a. rit a. a,. f ~ -----. ~-~---.~ ,.j ~. ~ tpJ.,.,a~., ~ ,,,.. - ........ ~ ~ ~O H~ '-.ç-,'~r. ~ ~ ~ *,~ ~. ~ a~orva.'n ',naurnnn' o o ro'a ,-n.~t ,.~,o à ....~4 ~ ~ - -.4-V fa-aJ,,jOO.flj ~ Va. t, ai. £3. ~ 0, ~ ,.t~, . ~, iL .i4sa ~ ~ ~ '- '--.~ - t"içaavaau *-.-.'. ~a.o'p o! trn~ nrrntvnp' i , ~'-. t k i ~ . ~- - t- i-i. - ,-,-, r- f ~- f ~tq4.t~- >-.~ fi- - -i - - r- t-- t - - t~ -.- - -t--t -t--- ~- 't,-. 5-t-' ~tt-s.- ~ i- t - C - t-',,- - -- - t~4-~ q .-5.-k#r-4- 4.4 tt~ ,Otk' tikt- f t4- itt' ,4- as ___ Ove rcoats are iow-Our Clothing is the BEST made in Canada. race. $1lO.OO Overcoats $6.50 7.50 694.90 6.60Waterproofs 4.00 a" *l I " ~ q .' r - -~ ~ --a f~ a,- -it 4 - --- - 4- - t a- - ~