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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1906, p. 8

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Our lý PlStrlong ,Indorsenient of' CARIWRIGHT SU Newhro' s Hlerpicide r Hvlg ufftred for years with a veye obt- ate case of dandruif and falling hair, I had almomt deapai'red when a lady tiend Induced me to try7 UNewbros Herpielde. Now after a thorougli trial 1 *eannot saty enougli in praise of It. Prom a duli lumtrolessa hoad o! hair I have now a beautiful head of glos,3y hair which Ican only thank Herpicide for" iSiznedj-MADAMIE THERA. CarL New York Clipper. -Am pgood za s Hriie etfle fam illardim t11ata macda 'or na -y reo.callE.1d grmd ron g arremedieq,Nebo Hfer1iCc ies hOri i remedy th»t k1Ml the, dandruf gerni znd itrS wonderfuil aueýSa and popularity account for 6he il- creaing umbe ofimitationG of it. Why flot get the original? SUbtitutes are always dlsýappolnitlng, flerpIcide klLi the germi that Causes; daudruff, itcîiug ezcalp and falllng hair. Emtraordinary re-sltsjo1low lUs use. Stojp 1ching of scalp instantly. At drug stores. .$end sec lu stmst e lierpicide Co, Dept, N , Windsor-, Oni., Iora Spee Widow disHplay at DA E T : Stott & iury's Speciai gns cns deslelng help tbroughi the n Armay Immigration and utation. Department mav fndM Iona blaankp at Tup; STATUS MANtre enrie mentisa mtrrorein Februaryling, cf Reviewsý in whicb a grou"p of sprh headed by Rich)ard H.Edmonds, Leap 1-knowna editor o! tlie Manufact- ever Record, o! Baltienore, describes 1Del'v r. John Tabýb, Bwavle iie uda liere. .In nrecent correspond. eMr. Johln Sandoi, Jr., sbould have MnVl. John Samrelîs, Jr., is complet- bis liandsome nýew residence this [iag,. - The following Epworth ýue officers were elected, Fridav ning: Hon. Pràsident-Rev. R A. ve; president-J, M., Emerson; lst instead o! Tliunsday. Election 0of offi- ces.... Serv'ice next Sna aternoon iwihil büe ccnducted byV Rev. j p. Berry. Hlamptonj, in the interest o! the Ewrl League .. .. Congratulations t o Mn. Charles H. Snowdon and bride,,TUR0- cent visitors: Miss Carrne Power, t4own .lneuc SIJFFERING WOIEN. &y Sehrol i f tiareoý ~u iiHealth and Strengtb forU March nd.. î the Use of Dr. Wi' for Farh 2nd.. A. . Crscd~lLn Pink Pilis. UNDAY SL'HOOL Everj growing- girl and ever IETTýjueaning middle lite su!fera from CONVE1L~NTO oa-I The fourt'à annual convention of Cartwright Sunday School Association waa beld in the Mothodist Chureh, Cad- mnua, Tue2day Feb. i3th At 2 p. in the convention wras oponed by dovotional exorcises by 11ev J.- Croight on and the Presidont Mir. J.ý M. Emerson took the chair and called on tho Secrtary Mr. W. C. Fergusion for a report showing the wolk of the association to beo satis- factory. Reports of the varions achools showod that amid biomo dîsecouragments1 good work has been doue ln the achools during the past 3 ear. A paper full of usefual and spiritual thougnit'As read by Rev. D. P. Oswald, Pontypool. Rounid table conference conducted by .1r. RIlMoment, Orono, drew forth mome very intiesting questions. An able, deep and instructive address was given by 11ev. J. JI. Berry, Hampton, on The Bible and 2if . The evening meeting ,ras opened by 11ev. H A. DoIve vrlth prayer by 11ev. IL. S. Wight, Tynone Plie newly lected officers are: Pros- ident-W . C. Fergu;ýo1n Biackstock; lat Vice Pres.-J. H. Devitt, M. P. P., Blackstock; 2ad Vice Presý.-Gib5on 1Hooey, Cadmua: Secretary Treasurer- Peter Wright, Nestieton . Executive comraittee;-J, M. Emorson' D. Ml- colrn, R. Sugg ýitt, Riobort Philp, S IH. Nicholson, Alex Johnoon, Chas. Fallis, J. Sanderson, H. Trewln.E.ElilIott and resident ministers. Vlsitlnz committee -Secretary and Rlobent Philip. Tho rctlning president in a neat address in- troducedi the new pres-,ident?. Able and instructive addrossos mwere given b-v Messrs R. Moment and D. F. Walsh, Orono, qnd a tolling speech by 11ev. L. S. Wight> Tyrone, on The Teacber's Personal Influence. Good mnugie was fnrnished by Cadmus choir and a solo dy MNiss Eily Fallis in tho aftennon, and ini the evening a violin solo by M-o ell M1ontgomery and quartette music by 1'ey. R. A. Deive, M;. R. McNally and Mligses.'I'avlor, MceNally and Wight of lesok Next meetingr will bE 'w0UW4an GePen u f i iLi1es9and regulanity of ber blood. Look at the young girl whose blood je weak and watory. Her face lq pale, lier lips anid g unis bloodicas. lier liead aches anid ber back aches. Sho bas no energy no lite, a poolr appotito and no dosine for exorcise. She ccinplains that ovon to walk upstairs leaves ber breathlesAnd the womai -n umlde lite - she la ner. vous, Irritable and depressed - liable to sudden attacks of pain and distres tbat oniy a woman knows of Slie turne trom food; horrible dlzziness, bot and cold flashes, make ber life miFerable. But Dr. Williams, Pink Pilla banish ail this mlsery bgcauso tbey fi the veina wlth rlch, atrong, bealthy blood wbicli givea tone and strength te every dleli- cate organ. The case o! Mrs. Geo~. Danby, of Tilbury, Ont. la one of the many that proves that no medicine can compare with Dr. WillIams' Pink Pilla tn cniring- the Ills o! womran kind. Mlra Danby saya: " I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a blossin.- to suffering womnen. For a long- time I was a great suffener fromn the ailmonts that o!fect iSo many of my sex. I waa oxtremely nerv- oua at ail timea, ïEujfered a great doal witli headacbes and Indigestion. ln tact I wYas in a thoroughly mieerablo con.- dition when I began the use of Dr WILlliams' Pink Pilla, but atter taking tliemi a short time I began to improve, and, tbrough tbeir future use. I am now- feeling like a new wompa. I arn sure if aIl sick women wou!ld takeo Dr. Wil- liama' Pink Pilla they would ho convin- ced of the groat --cec they can d. " Dr. William.i' Pink Pille can make every aiing girl and quffering woman luf the land strong and liealthy if they are zi ven a f air trial. But great cane must be tatken to see that you get the gen uine pIlla with the full name, Dr. Wiliarns' Pink Pille for Pale People.on the wrapper around ecd box. SoId by medficinc dealers everywhore or sent bv mail a t 50c a box or six boxes for $2 50 by wrltlng The Dr. Williams', Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. THE MF)SON Cc, New Gooda ' j] L gris NC. w bBifu recglBï1 illh 8toGk. corsets We have now en sale several xieu- stylei whi*à are exceptionally good value,madé by such standard make:s -ma3 Cramptoni, D and A Paisian and Otliery. Silk for Wvaints In plain, plaidshot effeot etc. Beu i oda and at popular prices ranging from 25ets to $1.00 per y1i WhIte Vesting For WVaiste Several n-;w designs, good w veight, fine and hand.. some ina appearane Spec-iat( valuie ut 25cts a yd in Our Genti furis-hingc, departmnent.We have jaFjt receiyed a large shipmrent of New suitings You have the filil Choice 110w, eail earlyr. No-w Shirts and4 Toohs Beat make, gunnte ood fitting, ail ncew pattermu iPrices 50, 75c, $1 00, $1 25. 25c and 50cL Special value New Co011ars Including full range of sevoral new stylos as wllas the more staple mai-eS. Se Our collars for style andlc valuc We arc sCil! ruinning off the balance of our winter goods, including, furs, ladies and children'a coats, -blanïket, -t4, ný - U----------e' - uilIn ir inacf patr nd o medicineés, 'but inos Pilý la e hihy eom to try them seud thEvm cure 0f m[ rae. That fis tw ba ny-i7 eoapatonci heCiMa-qjaikest îdd Izeoo dl hwinTrno -Litte Liver!1-Ulm .One a dseSO nl une cure comp-canon rue nu, jeu; onaitse j- dfl~ s linî PewersCuri. Sid b e f 'at- M, I Mill, 1 We a MÈMWWEWUM

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