Fte a ou veany rofea Ofta on at Iowef pat.y tourBe for za Qood Paying Position #~ We belicve there ifs on sohool &ial1 te o s ufor imethodie bufglne2astrali12 4 J frproducliig good rat.we 4> Eolicit investigations and ý omparîioo. NNTBH ANY rIME. NO VACATIONS. Y onge and Gerrard Sta Toronto. W. El, SHÂAW, Prînelpal. Telegaph CAN BE ER D la from five-to bevenimonths whon a position paying from $45.00 to $60. wiil be ready for you wth spienod prospects for promotion. This is a young man's oppor- îui~.Let us mail 3 ou free ont handsomely ilustrated bookr, giving fuiI particulars B. W. 5On1ERS, Principal Dominion School of Telegraphy and Railroading, e ADELAîDE S-IiEEKU EAST, TORONTO. INew Teieplione Direotory Buell Telephone Co, Ltdi 0F CANADAL 15 about to, publish a new issueof the Official Telephone Directory For the district of Eastern Ont- arlo, including Bowmanvilie. Ordlers for new connec- tions, changes of flrm namne, changes of street address, or for dupliente entries, should1 býe handed to the local man- ager at once. L. N. SWýINYARD. Local Manager. I hie CaRadiail Statesmail BOWMÂNVILL, FB.28 10 townszhip iast \V',unesdai' resultti l u lhe ciection of Nir. Fred Iligz by a majorily of 124. The3 votn wais: 1gg Magulire 1309, Recreation for F ebruar L4a as full of Interes-,t as evejr and klora of sport wiii ba inter estdinlureadinil s articles li month. Publisbed Pai'23 We3stT wenty- fourth Street, New Y.ork Cty, Li, S. Outr readers m-hcav silver tib-rada among the goiti" can wellrm br tue good old fashioosd bornwbr - ou a stormy iiigbit t would sit bj the oiearbs xn wilc othe great Ifire up tib6e himnei roared- They can %et sec refiocced from tbe ever changtngr goldencn of the blaze thbe images of1 mcrrv bo, s aud plas ful girls, with hi Plates and pencils and sc'àsool books, solving bv te fiickering igbt the p, rob lems assigncd them bv bc henýid seool masier. WbVat visions tbev eau Sec iu tbc fire, visions of tbe forgotto bslnz a.go, of jnys and sorrows strangely mix- , d, visions of romping anti laugb"n Lrirls. visions of love's first dreani, 0f e) es that caught the brokeu storS f rom l4ps that could ual speais it; visions of the bridaI queen crowned with the cor- onet of maiden blushes, visions of life's Stern baille; viaions of sorrow's f irst sbadow, visions of life,s cbnickcrcd pat way as ià winds througb flowerv fields or vain's bot desert sands, tbr ough the fr.tgranit spica groves of joy or sormows crags. 'We wouid flot be an aid f ogey " but ourmoen and beautiful homes of to- day wiîUh their darkeucedl pa-lors that thie suigýht mnay flot fade thie carpets, wher:e a nurse instead cf a mother amuses thc children if perchance t-re be anv, seemeti artificial compared witb ttc homes of oCher days, As we recal these incidents and pictures of the dist- ant pa we sigb for rtumu to the gond oId da3 s wben weal!!la andi faBhion uniting diti not rob homet of half ils reai enjoyment. THEEONTARIO LOAN AND SAVING'S COMPANY. 1 hsi 33rd aunuai meeting of Ibis Com- pavwas beld in lbe office of tb. Com paniv litre, ou Wu3dnesday,ths 2tst iust The Presideijt, W. F, Cowan, ksq., occupied the chair anti presenteti the Annual Report for tisa* car cnding witb te 8Ist of December lai. Prom Ibis wc learu that the amnount loaneti ou inortages. during the 3 car was - even lu these pro.iperous days no lcss a sum than 8124,140, being some $883 627 if excess of lait 'ýear. Repayments of principal on boans amountedto $ 108,223 or 936,278 over last 3 car wbiie on inter. est the sum paitiwas $47 209, or $6.848 lu ativance of tb. year preceding. AUl told the business 01 the yearý from theseé two sources, reacbed $155,433, making the total increase $43,125. After meet- in >"ail demands for wbich the Comoany la 1 fable, these earniugs have enabie d lhem ta pav the caomary baif yearly dividentis; keep the contingent accout at $25,000; Rest at $75.000;' and place bbe grass assets at the maltnificcut oum lu rond figures af a millibu" dollars- $998 578. The sagacit»V of the Company in seiecting ils Offiii oadantiMan- aging' Director is argcly3i, if not altoget- bier, accouiab'e for i 4 iscntyl- creasing populavrt' and pjrospcrity, BOSY CHBEKRIJ DBABIES. Nothing in heworli la5uch a 1 fort ara joy as a iltyhaty o~ vigierd ~ th mohers art. ThIl Witie illa 0nf blvodcre udr anid ic twise mior vill aI'wt1-b-ii a poiin 0teat îbu i o nieicnecaoeqalBaby's Own Tablets nad tciare guiarant-cd e~1tl fi Le fro pates iand hatrmfidrUga. Mrs Wmr. Sn laiHbroi .. a P'Bb' w alt ar'eth bs mned!cýe I ko1 of for euriug heils cf 11,og ejîdren. 1I alwava keePtilie Tab leýtS ti e buse, and (doi ot knOW IiO IC)uid et lun without tbem. "Soqld hv ml ieiine dalrsorb gmil a 25 cents a bo,,x. from The Dr Williams MedîicuneCo .,brockvillei. Ont. Miss Cl%mlius' Kelly, Buffalo'. is with ber grandparents Mr. and Mro. J.-J amie son ...Miss Jessie Binghim isvisiting relatives ai Woodvlile .... Miss Ida Allen, Miss Gertie Creeper and MrW Moore, Hamnpton, visited our League on Fridav evening and gaN a a readiug, a solo and 100k charge of the topie and were much appreciated.B ey. S, 'T7 Dixon, Wooler, preached bere very acccptedly Suudav -morning. Mrs Archie Virtue is Aufferng from rheum- atism,..Mr. John Virtue and familv have moxýed intotbe bouse vacated a %ear mgo-by Mr. Jas Storrie..Miss rMinnie Lindsay, lo wmanville, and Miss Emma Werr', Toronto, wcre home. TH-E EXTENDED POPULARITY 0F DiamoRd Dyos Induces 'Speeniators te întrodae Weak and Worthless Imitations DIAMOND DYES, truc home helpers and money-savcrs for mthers and wives, are dear to every woman's bea.rt Recently, speculatorc bave gonzi mbt the package dye trade with the vlew of gaining a share of Ibte immense and ever-increasing trade held by the man- ufaeturers of the DIAMOND DYES but ail such efforts wiil, as àu the past, re- suit iu failurej. The crude and worthiess dyes brougbt outin uopposition 10 the .DIAMOND DYE.S3, can neyer bejcome popuhlr, for thec simple reason that they have not one good quaaity to boaiat of. the merch anIs of Canada wbo were induced' 10 buy these adultrated package dyca find them dead and worthless stock. 9 The pr ogressive and busy druggists and dealers of Canada seli onlthebb DIAMOND DYES, whicb have an est. ablisbcd reputation ofover twenty.five years. The modern merchaut bas ual the lime or inclinationto encourage tbe sale of worthless and deceptive goods. If our Canadian womeu desire full, brilliant and fast colors, tbcy should ai ail limes apk for bhc DIAMOND DYES, the ouly guaranled package d5-es, iu the worid. Wheu buving package dyes sec that bbc- words DIAMONIDPA- AGE DI ES are on ecchpackct hndled out by your deier. Wnu.s & RicîiA-ip soNýCo, LIILITED, MONTR.AL,, P,Q , Wil senti f ree to auy addrcss tbeir'New Dy-e Book, Card of D_3ed Samples, and uew book in verse entitieti11 The Lougiohns, Trip to-the Kondike." This 11111e bock 18 inttýesting thiousandb. 1 7 CRESFOR -SALE- 176bA.lngEpart of the James Shand estate, compoaeilof p rtof lots 13 and 141ln the 7th and trh on, o0 t btby. Appyte JAXEs A. BUnNe, BRaglan, or .1o ICBDE Columbus. 82 îi M f\RMON~Y MALE QUARTETTE. L ADY WHOSE NEAR RELATIVE HAS BBEN CURED of Eplieptie YIts, out '~ rttude, wiskes to send (by mail) partie- ulr ftecure to f rlends of those slmilarly affeeted. A ddresu L. B., 754 Albany Street, Scheueetaidyï N. Y.6w F ARM TO RENT-130 -aères, bfeiiig lot 2, con. 2, Darlington, on whleh are. gond-framie bouse, barns wltk-tout z' Rbliug>" etc. Posesion for plowing, fail of 1201; ful Ëposeesslon following Spring. Âpply toWP. Elford, on the promises or to box 121, Benwman,- Profossor Dorollwon& 4 eÂWelI=-Dressed is to be caref ully dressed f rom head to foot. But, after ail, the important feature of a man's apparel ils his suit. The man who,-in addition to being, correct .. as to Hlat,'- Shoes and Neckwear, wears a :~2oth Century Brand Suit, is always known by his exceptionally "smart"' appearance. Careful dressers ail over Canada are now S wearing( this fine ready-to-wear clothing in bV~preferen+-ce to patronizing a high priced custom tailor. They've corne to realize that none but S the most expensive among the latter eau equal S the style, fit and finish of this brand of " clothing. Sole agency for Bowmanville at McMurtry's Fit (luaranteed '--- Special Orders Taken Here John Mcflurtry W The Leading Clothier. Bwavle