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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1906, p. 6

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A iieavy Load to Carry. cause a disree0to el os not per- mnit the food tg 1be propert dgoteaud U' t prodUcts assimlised by tue systens, ep blood la chargeti wltl pjoisons which egansefrom is dlsa*rdered igestio)n, andi hi l'uni the inervea are not fsýdon gooti, yod blood,mi we saanp ofo!nerv,- çusness îqýpens and greneral break- 4o,)ïi. t t h ea-d work, nor over phy- ~lcal exe ti ttidos iU, but Spoor tn a ch work. With poor, tiblood the- b o d yl n t p rO V o t d a a n t th e a f c 'If germaof grip, brouichitis âsud con)isump- tio . F'otlfy tÂL'a atafonce with Tir.1 Pierce's Goldet-n Medîcal )ISCovsry - a raeCom1bi-non o! natve mediclual ooswithout a particle o! alcohol or da-ngerous hbtfomîgdruga, A biteýook &1 extracts. from promi- neu .indical authorities extolling every Inigred',Ien't contained lu Dr. Pierce's Gol]den M',,,edical Discovery will be msiled fi-e ta any addrese on rcquesf by postal eard or leffer. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Many years o! active practice convineed Dr. Pierce o! the value o! many native r oafs as medicinal agents sud he went ta greaf expens, both lu time and lu mouey. to perfect bis =own euliar processes for foiafrtive sud rebuilding agents. The emormons pepularlfy af "Golden Medilîcal Discovery"l is due both ta its scien!tIfle compouudlug sud te tic actual nidculvalue 0f Ifs Ingredieufs. The publlcaiion o!fie narnee of the 'Lugred- -erntsan tic wrapper o! overi- baffle sold, gives full assurance of Ifs non-alcoholic eba.racte3r sud removes aIl objection ta the use o! anunuknown or secret remedy. it las net a patent medîcine nor a secret oeeltber, This f acf p uts if 'i a cksa ali, by ltsef, bearing as If dosa upon ever boêti e wrapper Tie Badge of Honesfy, l theile lig1sf e!ifs ingredieufs., *li ~IlGolden Medical Discovery"Ilcures, 'weak somaci, indigestion, or dyspepsîs, torpid i liver sud biliausuess, ulcerafion of amac'msd bowlesansd aIl catarrhal af- fections 'no matter what parts or orgaus rnay be afoeted with, if. Dr. Pierce's Pleasauf Pellets are tise original little liver pilla, firsf put up 40 years ago. They regulate sud iivigorate, stomaci, liver ruod bowela, M uci imitated but'inevor equae. Sugar-coated sud easy ta take a-S o&udy. One te three a dose PHi OTOS 0F DlSIiASE GERMS. ,,,f Important New Discovery In Medicat Science, A despatch L fo Boston sa,, : A dis-, oeyOf 9great importane in medical cinehas, been made by Prof, H. C. Enet, the bacteriologist of the H-arvard Medcal hool. The discovery relat.1s. b ,~ phetography of disease germs, wfthout the aid of chemicals coloration. Prf.*rniest, who has been assisted in hîs thre years' experimentation by Prf . L Morse and W, C. Sabine, has cvovedaness of phuiographing-Âhe- eraby means of the so-called ultra- violet raya of the spctrum, so thatecd gen tands out separate. Forrnerly tis-rcess of discovering tie size and shape of ge-rros ),as carried- on by chemi- cal means, -11It he Î 'ss0f MIanuý,facturers, '0n gI-lniiers and others who realize the advisabil- ity'o1 having their ratent business transacted by ýxpcrts. PFrecliinaryadvice free. Charges ýsio4rat, Or Inventor'r Adviser sent upon rcna.Mrion & MroNwYork L1f1 Bidg, Monte~; wt Wa~ngon, D.C., US.A. 8Y~@8I80F ANADIAN NORTH-WEST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. A N oven nunshered section ef D1,,Ominion Lands In Mantaoicthe I 'or'baft jejxptrg5and 26. not] re5e"rvd' May bc bomesteaded bv any person ,W Is the s'ole head ofea f ami'. ,-or any male or 5y ara i ge the ex .t ~ofeune quarte- section o 6 ars'mrAr e ETryALybe spaiie neîq,)Latlyj'ai the local land1OiÏffie fMr tihe istilix wilch the land la slut.or U tJiboinstede laires. he May, en Lppli(.LGttentohe Mînister cfibe Tterlor, Ottswa, ie Ommisioerof Immigration, Wiilpe,i or thlocal agea t receive o hrt fà on oiu ne tO make entrY for in. TLue bom, steaer s rqln eto psrform the eodtlî eueted tberewiith nder one- of the fC"oiwlng lans (1),At at ixmo(h' eee ~upon and eiltvtton0ffi l nh sryear for tbre (1 f the father fo.r inoiber, I"f the father 1is deseiof thIehoetar resides upen Ialei ie hcvieinlty oaiàte indexiùed for the reqoiement as'ri ed nmay b8 salisfied by ~ ~ ~ m mc ero rsdig'ithe sfather or Ci) sellier as erma entrsidene eipon ia'rrmýing anavI' waed by imilie viin. hýY of is hme toa.q tie rquiremenîs as to reilnemy be stlstid by residence open Ub aIic rnd. Six mouis'ntce iiiim samuiS ho 'van in itbse Coissioer f Domiio anfsai ()tt~w cf ~tsnt1, Pl py rut paiens. W. W, CORY, Dýiiuty cf Ibe 1initer of the Interiot E. B-nuorzdpublication 0f thia ad- vrlmetw1i not b)e paiS for, 8 6M UCflUa LV UUIUIb, SPLI'T PEAS MADE TEMPTING. SplitI peo are nef enly polofahie oui lautritious, iut easlly digested .and' cbcap. Like beons, thoy coutoin soire nutrimnent according te lie ceai' and' lie osdunt rneedcd le sustain fie body, thon seat e! .any kiud. Deicious Soup.-MoLe pea seup off on lu xxinter in barge quantifies, as il koopspec!ecfly for doys in a cool place, heccming quite aolid wbcn colS. lif cati lie heaf cd et a momeut's notice wien- ever îaeood, eiug dilufed avifi water il tee thick. To malte it, taLe 1 pf spli peas, xasied and drained, add % sodium-sized commet and Y, barge onien, hotu chopped fine, oa sa11 iandful of celory louves' and sait and popper ta faste. Tie original ule calted foi' ticec or four slces o! fat sait peck ciopped fine, but iusfeud I use a large spon o! ment drippinga, prefemubly fres roat or fcied peck. Te fiese ingredienis ss added 3 qts axater, and lie aeup is ai- lexved te cook siowly foc sevecal heurs,ý or until hfie peas and vegetobles are se! f enougi te press tirougi a aleve. Watcr siould ho added te if as if bouls away, se fiat fie original amount is Lept un- fil lie soup is doue. Odd remuants oh grayy arc us4d lib tis aoup. ,buf if il bas heen fiicked xxifi flour ifl sa'added aller fie soup is doure, 50 tiere xxill ho ne danger o! scorciing. Anotier.-A soup con aise ho made froui spliL peas lunfthe Englisli xvay witi hec!. Use 1% Ibs bec!, ,icaromt, 2 oniens, IsnmaILSTLaCelery 1 pts lit peaasal and pepper te faste and 3 qîs axater. CooL aboWly f il doue, tien rub Ilîrougi a aleve. Tie seat cun becf aken eut as soon us if becomes tender, and hoe servcd cold. a amali -ameunt beîug cihopped- very ,hfneanud added 1e lhe soup jusf ho- fore secving. Baked Peas.-Splif posa are some- tises baked like beous. and moke a pleaaing change u in-tebill of fure. SoaL splif peas tlt i oft t lion place lu a coe O- cd hakiug dish i xxh a làrge onuon îiopped fine, sait and pepper and cover xaif atcr. Slice bacon vcry tIm and spread Il over fihe peos, and hbake slow- .ly foc '3 boums, adding bof waler as îîeeded. o1,ifgcavy or stock ihataIbaud if wil 1h ike a nice addition. Cutiets.-Split Peaocufleta are sldes seen , excepi in vegotorian restaurants, and lu homes aviere seat- ha nef used, but tbev arc, se xyell liLed hy aime-3t everyýone fiat fhey xiii hocxx'lbied ut any table. Souk fie peas, tien place 'u a double hbor aili water te caver lhe.ia and cook fili tender.. Drain, masia shigiftly and add o- utlle finely clioppoei r t Il Millions of the world's best people use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuti- cura Ointment, the great skia cure, aud purest and sweetest of emollients, tfor prescrviug, purifyiug, and beauti- fying the skia, for cleansin g the scalp of crusts, scales, and daudruif, and the stopping of falling hair, for eoften- iug, 'whiteuiug, and soothing red, rough, aud sore hanlds, for 'baby rashs, ichin a sd chafings, for- an- nloying irritat 'ions, Or too) frce orrofen- sive perspiration, for ulcerative wesk- Lnesses, and many sansative, antiseptic, purposes which readily suiggest them- selves ta women, especi ally mot hers, ns well as for aIl the plirpýos e s 0afthe toilet, bath, sud nursery. Cuticura 5oap combines delicate Ï amallient properties derived froax Cu- ticurs, the great skia cure, witla the purest of cleansing ingredieuts and the most refreshing of flower odors. No other medicated soap ever coax- ponnded is to, be compared with it for preserving, purifyiug, sud beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hauds. No other foreiga or domestic toilet soap, however expenaive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery.-Thus it combines in one soap at ane price the nxost effective skin and complexion sap, and the 'purest and sweetest toilet, bath, sud nursery soaip. Culieirt Soap, Olrîtmesi, and Pil ara ,old throuaheut the worid. DeiLundis, 27 Charterhouas Sq.' P&ris, 5 Rue de la Paix; Ausieulla, 1%. Towne & Cc,, ydimey. àoirDr~ Chemi. Corp. Bogtom, ePp. - sp" 5,60 fr ew te ËrogencreeTfy wâd 5ssul&_~ ~bs 5i~cs1pHs d55H~6~" mallet~ 'tenUes or tue storage o! certain pariai- aile articles wiici ueed a loav tempera- turc, and Atis unxvise te use it exclusive- ly for otier purpeses. Tic ieatiîag ap- parotus la veîy apt te make tic average cllar 10e worm for fie sofekeepîug -f fruits advegetables, anti 05e for imaniy dafiry producfs. Thc ideal Dlace for kecýp- jing perisiable gooda o! Ibis nature shieul bave a cold. dry tomperatur, jusL above tie freeýzinig point. To eh- fain tis ahl ason requires a uitIle foresighi-iod prepaýrafion. Tiecedllar o! lie modemn bouse siould 'be dividcd inte ut bWasftirce compart- Imeula. One for ceai and wood, xx'icb necd net ho' large, but fie partitions a! whicb sieuld ho se tigit liat ceai dust and asies fres tie furnace caunef os- cape tei otierpatso! the cellar. Tic seonid comiparfment sbould ho for fie sterage of peristaubie geods, sucta as wiuter fruits, vegetables and butter. ceeec and eggs. This, in turu, ceuld ho siubdivided fut o separate compurt- ments for tic dairy productsansd fruits and reel crops, se tiaf fie fermer can- net gef faintcd by fie adora !rom fihe latter. The tîird compirtment sieuld ho for a general werksiop, floaver boes, and for miscellaneous sterage o! articles fiat arc net needed lu fie living roem. Assumiug fiaI5, fie cellar loor'is of geod coucrete, wiici ail i ure pro- tection !romn dampuessanad excessive moisture, if is wxise ta mokc the divisioni into cempariments accerdiug teoi e spe- doal ueeds o! tie differeuf stock, Tie Lperisiable geeda require ne sun, and if is btter te locale tic compartsieuts foi'1 tiem on lie northir onrtiawardsideu!)f fia, rellar, wiere il wililho casier te se-i cure an evoix lomperalure lirougieut-teVi ainler. Te masure ibis, bowcver, double1 'saab windowýýs siouid ho supplied, auJ as ic winor uutvauces tic wfndows aiouid be losed hy piing straw 1111cr or hay agaînatt f imon fie outaide, \t least eue or two sieuld ho le! c unpra- tected lu ordfer te secure proper ventila- tien andosunliîght. Frsi air sioîiid bo admitted oxery pleasant day, and xx ic tie fenaperature la uet excessivP eut ide a conlinueus circulation o! air sbould lie obtaiued hy an ouf aide sia!t and ai open xxiîadoav Tic ventilaI cd slaaff i, lanuiagbuo simple, elongotod box u î'eui, i1)ieli ouf crs'Me coulac post ewiudoxv whilchislate ho le!t open. Tuis avtatila- tin-g tube siould bave an inside and ouf- side, door, or sliding hourd tec close h lui very ceid x ato.Tieaindoax'tlaat is nef losed ti,ýgit for fie ainter .sboutd have an ulside wire netfing le pi'event fie sifting of articles lu tiec dllar. By iaviug double xindow sosies flic co-I eau ho kept eut o!filis single window very wcil. ____________ SECýRET 0F' SALIAS a foiat oaci piece olfie iugrodieîîis1 io i hodistinct. Of aIl things avoid ai Iaa.Ticý oit muat predominate,; nearly -Il filure.s in saaaare due le Ie, mix- tuýre, heg aui aîad iac ioL. ii ta more uoelt huo!ay te or' icy. A ti dî'essà, ing moy net hel made o!baonorofier fat. luay h anytuîng es semad, but il isno ' salad of petuteos. Tie skiiled wa-iy ih',li mako it o! pot ateeýs specuiallyiiod auij dresaed wajIbîlo f1 xotmfros coekiug drosiîgoil ;lu proportion ircefale poso!oit teono!rviegf orfie juc co ali reî iîau mix ixt hr ýa wlaale malinioun,1 gîaeo o re.siiced thAinly, if pr",-1 !erîad; and îacly equal quantity (i! cioppe)Jd uand tiiaaed celcmy, endiveo,1 cabiag , larcd e cttîco, etc.; dressing 1 fiie to idiscretion aaitb young lttuce1 Iavecs or aiîy fresi ouîag growti o! fie, vegefahie moat convenient. Add aE fexv ilives or diaopped pickiled boots aun- ,cgs hard lailed, To make bulk, if otier thlugs are scýoit, ir-hîe oos miay honixod aifla lie potalees, but oýý a reliahif1 lure is ply o! -Jgreen shah!if ibus is nef neccssary. f!for n 'main su- pur dsvOî'y well. Exiteent ai 'ciu tarîtof reat vi greuaiy effeet a sianl ciild. If hasf belu positiveî riglif te have trIl the- sleeoh tey necrf anti ticir waking boucs quief ond undis- turbeti, If f ioae rigif s are infriîngeil1 upon tli îouier isust expecfte opay lie penalty hy carýiufr a peex lis, uer- LEAUI DBYEXPEItIENCE. Haeyou. evor lhad Four seul Irieti ix seig thi ck ivlovey mocin'gue slip- ptng an -ti sýlhdinjg aoton lie top o! youc ceam 0pie? Wii-nxl fiie xx hin yeî pile il (oi, faofec -l, and 1g il Soavu i ligitly ijno f ;ý lethga i,,,pie, and yeu will fit fwillstyicylupae Ditiyou vergelt o! nipatieecut- ting cak papers frhafadezen loy- ers? A- Ne inie, instonti oc! laaîu1 fr'esiapaper oaci lime, tmg Iului11ing over i1 ue previously used, seeiug tult la avelgroeSP. Thais lsa alriglat witi nvy c, aSopoKy tfrfcea vifi sýpengec(a 1ke. Did yu ve îotec boxa' ven n tfi- isceso fîaiis crleaservattaili alialau elex'w aute gtior on tie hip aide 'of i ui'Juat rmb ataa hit e! ceokiuù3g sodaanS seciaaav quickly il aili aili Aie geùur îraie hbes bard te aasi? Affer y aur j-e la deie, peur' about fwo lablespýoans o!soda (for a large beilor) a vec ils surface cexe)vr if igitiy foi' jusi Dees 1ie baby gel e 11111ePl idem-- clatie "puîty" blck, sftmtîgacouîd on tic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1u gunaSsubngaet1he' About the iHouVse anti otfi sm lmeIaouldi ho ulilzeti1 for purposes ,vw1i(iil avii oti thfe pbea- sure-anti profit et lie eccu:ponla-. Tie- ceihar hos unidergoneropii evlufions i ie pafstozen yoac ,[tiinsfeotiof!3a xxel, unfloored apac(.e, whece diseuse germa axere ireS, if la usually previded xati a cernent or couccle botes, brick walis anti plosîem-ed ceilinga. Wifli tic iaeathng oppam'afua located n il fie dol- lar is Lepf from treczing in fie coldest waeuler, and t f an hc mode os deuandn 8w-cet as Scsirod. Heavever, hi lla a mmaiy u r - -.-- Fringod towels are nef os muci used; fie white eues are lie onhy kiîad in de- moud. As if to sake up for fie back of fringo s050 o! them are elabo'ately (de- curated aiti emhreidery, aud baujd- dravu aork and menegias orinta. Very fine eld lace eu an b aifild caned by being sewn lu a dlean piece e! linon and laid ail nigif lu salad oil. NexIt day boil Ainl a large pan o! seapy wç-uter fer a quarter o! an boum', and rnein several avaters., Dip mIe aougured w aneod pin on o sfroined clti la dry. Waiig red lanols, la quite easy if you bave a geed latier et soap, te avilci us added a teaspeenful o! powdeî'ed borox. Bub oniy witb tic banda, aud rinse lu wumm water. Press very dry befweeu a loti, and siuke welhefuro iauging in a siody place te dry. To dry dlean evoniug gleves at ioule, mub tioroughly xiii fine Fuler's carti, aud heat witb a dry flanuel. Shakoaili fie poavder off and complote fie cloa- ing procesa hy ruhbing wiih a ittie French cialk mixed witi sifted bran. ANDREW CARNEGIE HELPED. How the- Philanthropie NMulti-niiîlionaîrc 1- Worked New Rochelle. A--despatcb, from New York soya A siery wa bld lhe rtier day in New Rochelle o! iow Andrew Carnegie ielp- ed tic memnbers o!f the First Met bodiat Churci te get o uew pipe-orgon. Tic cougregalien avant cd a $1,000-însfr'x- inknl, ani-nue- oLiiaie-meaaaiars--wraf--o- Mr. Carnegie fer ieip. Tie philantiro- piaf replied fiat i!f 'he congregatien would firat cuise $500 ho weuid soc wiat could bho doue. _Thia response avas en-_ ceüuraging, and fie fleck soon iad tic meuey plodged. Tiey tien bold Mr. Carnegie, whae lu lie meanwvilie iad in- vostigated fthe needa e!fie congrega- thon tirougi fie secrelary. Tic deacons yeatorday recehved a lotI or fres Mr. Coi' negie, avie, iustead o! seudiug is cheque, soid f hat ho had !ound liat tic cengregatien was tee amaîl for a $1,000 organ, but fieugitthuLaonee fer $500 xvould answer fie - purpose very m.ell,i and, inasmuci os tiey iad ceilected filsamout, hero was noeneodof any help fros b1is. ATTEýMPTED MURDER. Fariner Shol Thrico Whiîe Beturninçj bleuie FroniOweon Soundi. A despalci front Oweni Sounid says Ws. Mocion, a prosuiecous fuinier living near Leiti, six miles fros icro, tV5Si o df tiUOLVLV1C U5I(lCiÇ- ti robhed ef $1K5 wiilc returning froni Owen Sound on Wednesday-night. Fle xvas found in an, unconscieus condition some ie after. So for ne trace has heen found o! tic iighwaymaon. Moîrrison came foi tewn on W eJdnesday vi1 1,a lof ! ogs, wiicih hedisposed of foriabot $15. 1He flefi foi hmeabu dua, od ook tihore \ood.Atl loei sof whee res adrtic rood o o aide,,tac as atake, bt twicetiroui ti head, tind roiied.1 WVicn f ounid lie w as taken 1te us home ini Leitiiand doct ors w ere summoned !rom 0wi-en1 2oun(1 Morrisons nrca vil1 not provel f8a!11i1unlesaiodpsoig et n Be xii, oaeve,]ose lie igu ! on e . Te event has stirrcdtup lie ,ývio1c neiiiiiodand is tic týi1tIti have occurred in fhat section. Mrs. Smith: "Had yoîr, daugiter a pleasant vyage? " Mr. Ne",rich: "Yes, hut 'tieèy must have iîad zon accident. Sie wrote tiey landed on Terfra Firma, and i know tie boat axas bound foi' Malta." is the way people in China say alîainos t ever is ain - uîlquifry vaseln tausin alcohol; paintIlu tur rutains in 1 ardl, eroeneo oa iwiteo!ancgus cidtcr, wilu toinas o ifkcem uao syrup staulins ok ofd Userai Mdasor ithoand aterpotsad',oriejl greai-se or mchie sans sild lc rubbetdorit.lard nd -alowecd b stand a f e miutes, Ten tatthearsicld e cefeorcooca istaîns siould h rempaed titb f cd. We boiling avlrwf atn te wi acid frtironhestisdprts ander tne botaiidpose lemo ito and sli; wtin bra lut un Il tic îtn osfo dis- Bed o! ocid. Wt hen eiing' ater dis not touci any silk emiroidery or other 014 symptomas and my appelile la good, digestion splendlid aud miecmpexo as clear asq irisa Iwias a young girl. Also lie constipation fronmi ihix i S snffe1J7rcd s long ])as bee1 eatireiy cureS aud it h ual uccessary formne ta talas the"Fruit-atirs'ioirýes la M qulte vw' 1 in every way. I tale no medicize but "Pruita-tives" but 1 foiîo-wed falifll isedireCtIonis as la Siet etc.. girsu iu tie pamphlet wmick accompanies eccilinoxf ~iretsbe~ (Sgd.), raoaaxs-CP aîae Every part of the body is constanitly decaying and Ibeing rnwd The dead ceils, or tissue waste, shotild be rmvdb h kn kidneys anâd bowels. «When these organs dIo not, acýývt recxarly, this poisonoils matter eltays in the t3ystem-iýs takeni up 'by the blo-- carried to heart, liver., stomach, brain and nerveýs ail orver thie body -and poisons everything it touches. "Eruit-a-tives" keýep each orgau cleýal and healthyb 'rtvta tives" act on the skin, stimula'ting the miillions of iminute $ Rand opening the pores so the waste can escape. They v nt ' er sendin'g more bile Into the bowels and making thie bowiels monve regularly and naturally every day, They act on, the kdes strenigthen-ring and invigorating these organs and cýurng ail lddniey I'" At ut dru'ista or sent iostpàld on recetpt of pric- 5or- a box or 6 bczes for $2.5c. UaMfctuoltby Stll Gowng Dcmand for Mi-o-na Stomaeh Tablets Continue@ TC Although Ml-o-na was introduced in nese nd alseeple., siee8 re cixed :If%* Bowmanville but a short time a go it te aches, bpackaehee, and rheumatlc palie taday outseillng ail ottier moelfus for are prevented,' and thare will bje a thoe ur.e of indigestion and stomach more poor appetite. dtetress aitôt ent- troubles lng, heart-burn, or bebllity. Mi o-na almoat invariably curer, all Mi ofla,,costs but 60lc a box. forme of indigestion and stomach if Yeu cannot obtain Ml-o-na of your troubles exeept cancer. druggist, it willbe sent by mipeut- It gives sucli health and strength ta paid onùf eeelpt of pric8. Write us for th.o weakest a5tonmach that ail the food advice on yeur cae from a leading aa readily converted into nutrition, soetrnc peiitw i lIl be 2ent thut it gives nourishment and hitalth te free The ïE 1. Bot'hà compary the wholemstem.In this way nervaus- Ithaca, N. Y. BRITISH FORCE OVERWHELMED. Farce of Fanatics Have Overrun Portion ot Sokoto. A despalci fros Loge, Britishi Woatý Africu, says: A force e! religiaus fana- tics la repeotied have hnvaded and overcun a poriîon o! So1to1n, Nectiieru Nigeria, fron thleni e !ùbax'-e-xstroy- cd a French post ucar f iefrfierîtu, 1511- ing five French officers and eaptjuriug lave, and te bave oerwh'elmed a qBritta dc,1cimeut, aviase cascailites are ual LAME 9BACK. Tifia;afîment la usually cauRed b7- rheumâtism a! the musclesa nd mav 'ne uured hi- applylng Chamberlaa'a Pain BIstwo orire tiuxes a day,-and mb- bing fie parts; vigarously ateeh a- plication, If tlha doos net &ail-,rd relief, biuid un a pitee ri flani Uîiydap- ened wti Palm Balm and q uick reiïef la almoat sure ta followFor sale hv all druggiata. SPECIAL RATES TO NEW ORLEANS For fie Mardi Gras uatvtisat New Orleanîs, La , fhe very 10w rate o! ne-way flrst ciass lare, pins 8Ï2 25 for the rounid trip, will ho lu affect Good geig Februrary 21st to 261h. valld ne tuirniug on or before March Srdý Cal] on Agents o! Grand Trunk Railway for fullparticalars NEW CLUBBING RAT ES. TiraiSTATESMÂN wllIbe friiu o 1906 in conneotion withi the nd,1r- nameti publications at the PIîc îatd. Toronto Daily World, $3 5G -Tûronto Dailly Star, 20 Torâonto Daily Gloibe . 4, " 5 cck cýieditia;n 8C Week'u Globe ,wlth illustraed prsi9 i Daily Ma&il and Empire 7 WVeekly Mail and Empire i9 Taran.te Dally News 1200 Veekly Witness î 75 The Weeklyv Sun i90U Farming Wrl1i50( Farmer's Avaae t 25 Family Harald anid Wieekly Star 2 0 Ladies H-ome Journal 22M Wom's H8 Iome Conspanion 200 Breeders Gazette 2 25î *Chriatian Herald 22 Screr'bsMaaieforMrcopn w-if ione o!fie mna c delliitl o! ctei- siabile joui'oy.s. as dosýcrihi b !yHec Normani, M.P., under lie fille "Ih Flewing Boati." Franea Viso gve souîe o!flais cbacmhug recelectjIeus cf Jioseph Jefferson. Anofie pe fudli A personai quality isý E. S. Nadal'i"om imrear(stens o! Licoîn." A ýsiocf sf ory fraswTI-omas Nelson Page, "rofýlior le Diagen shaowsvala ypfe w-mýit ou I is a ery beat. N. C.Woh tue wehl-knowmî artiat f o Wstr sen famuaesofronfispiece and eaeîa etieî ifros crorducetiin calera, xx ici rprest th Ibf ofe!acwhy T 'ishoer tar - are A draf"iïi (ratil- timuse ne itticut; amie n turc- i -- fa ho *i~ii muid sharp"- ail I - t, a-t rîarmiso '-I lit sac rai of . e Uis.,icp; AZgent, L. V -P, ee-l uiît TeLs fln n - . I We also Bell Best qOuialityj axiole laid iniabav nlitccai- :md are-,etsBritishComba Red Cedar shingles la soMsNEwe i paret-a- boa ,'L' %Mi'sUoCldteaaii are l1arge b oe f I ranSodatit aua ",naa:-l.,ma s ts eg a' î John GDi I bert & ,Son jwgl&lcuuie1dý~ cceafîn usavnrvo force thaaubythlîma"' 1e -:-ef-. 1- ' -la i 'ala, - ! Uiof Dc. Ciaus NoepFood pieSa'Ilîr-7'.'il wyt 'tîa i TIS greatfood cure acing thaough r1,ammLeScboxi nu SpMtefath, dmpam- oMevorirufrndaly. unW nen tlimy ho ! ao box, 6 boxes Ar i$et n u i',eirlmîl Otiiiteguac 1efa Dyspepsia., Indigestion, Bilious. nesa or Constipation canuet exist xaien Beechamn'a PIla are useS ac- cording te-ieîjua For over 50 year tiy hae cceddiso)rdered meusrcmcy. Tmey ent our Aniria. tiboxes 2b cents. Idaho Ocegn, WashingloCaionia auJ BuitisColumbia. PR'tfe freux To ronto ta VancouverVoi, New Westm-,linttr B. C., Seakttie, Wash. 'r Pertland, Oregoni $42 Ste Pa, Frautoico or Las Anzeles, C al. M4 il Canrespninmgly larW rates freu a?,it Beat aI servicem. For fuý l i-at icuma and fli e ail uor rit. fiBo- ne4tt, Generai Agent, 2 îtiag B. Toran)toO nt. 6 . OUT' 0F'DATE. t ~icolS Yiiî~" iav alo od em iaet- ap " CUTIURA SOAP The n[' Greatesi Theo Worîl's Swvvees ToC2iletSoa p duc!t of Otor VSidoSoaDs. SoId Whar-ever Civilization Bas ý- -Pen emiL -ý tï ine re ow, i oflont pyt epa articseenycrs a ýff or if ha lùsIpro- set seules l ic 10hope Ufiat the d sayin wil pro e t u itit will ha1ve use t ut fie end o! iattise.Ifca-os have no va'uefor you, ýbut peisailyon for otýersset tics geing on, a mission o!uu1i nsa. Pentyo!amilbrsahokawi ee dad c aslai itscves eut o! fie wa anurg fse ees arviii iotd pýItc itee grhilýyea fraogf us lél re as uvpeti ofcuphoo, esids iugaov aeniexBut f e woheusekeps si nd over pd anr eo frn aenfieaseges itb pr aperbs- burg. If swi wietae pafufcd wîli avil teatopsio cpo ho lt hare oad uwio duat witi a paper fitfed juat to, tic edge aud fils cou be lifted off and buruci] witi fie hurden e! duaf. T HIS PRaETTYCANADIENNE Sauced From Tx 'erribeýle IdneyDiee r have mucl iesure la reporting 1 0 yôu te great benefit 1IQqae r-eceýive.dfrom iug Fru'it-a-tires !"-an'1 'C ý h' I el a ic ot say tau à ~~~mch lu fav Or of Ra mediCine Whl.Ci lias 5doume gMue L 11hgood, iiras ,a marztyr ta thlat Sistresa;ing Compaitchraniecontpto copn i~thicer lcaaces bekchsick g1%ai nSaizle syîmptomso0f '- d sîa. I Lad a isoa adreadlu1 -i op 1exinsellin lthe teteean' - black under le eyes;. I Lied (eery sm>o idënksey 1rnitîatia Liad beens old hy physicians tian my lkidcisereafe, osle a n muer "f physielans and ,clo, aiosrmeisbuaci tïvey littie benefit. laitMSaylIwas advised taery -Fruita-ire" nSwheu 1 hegan tb take them I b aS uitile faiti ai gcttling auything ta give me permanent relief, but after I ba aSli haf a box of Fruit-a-tîvea" Ibegan ta feel better snd before I bad casiS nebo)x l.5 constipation iras relieveJ, the h'Adacies ic t nme, tic pain lu my bacs ushe an sd I could sleep as sOundly aýs wben 1 iras chilS. Also, suy complexion began ta lerup again, nil tihe salair. nas disappeared sud tise blackr circles under =y cyca scrit Thy le pain In the bacix gradually left me sud al aigus of Sidney disease di3appea red 1 y -tise Ilira oi August mter I faste aud fera infuI balla like cadfisi cakes. Dip fhilubouton ogg, tien iu hceadciumseauJ !ry-iii hotf atlI ice12- hroxvued al ever. Serv'e fildO. eafler Sliaining on browu paper. W HEN THIE BABY CRfIESý i, ù11 my belle! tif la uliy babies are lia py uJ cnfe ad ultat avion tie, deo r tbi'e a a îeasfor!i t xx îte Mc. ice Gry.-Muyiu-p huby ýs iungy. Of ena clmldhos ýau ahun daccetfood hut t ilacka,11 nourisiment,' an 1f0xt S-ais! lune Tonits boîter a weauti chcild anied o lae ru.For' thec frmst ticaee, i eatmagtim'5should be tavo ieursuptî mah as neof imueferrosi 1, Led au ,,clle cesulta. Forui>lts oppy avar Ii e li etestomaci and abome an g" - a bé tx i ic eospeons cfÀavler o bol as onhotaLon, A !exvd'es epr ii odded 10 I hia a eefcil 1;ari f ticoxx-.. Inucau acasedo iel reserf le neiefin(cunfloas Lif lareallyj rmcecssocy. These ] iidr-en are dsS icheletel-. An imjectiýiam-,o!w orna aater anS pure cstbesep x 11usully hitî about Sexirod rosulîs and iolp teo bauxabr. A eooaiu yaung! naoliam ofln dous hemciilu inhot i -L weatier wfti dbthing suilable for mid- wfufer and- lion-wauders why tice baby la se reafles, Cousider youm' ewn feel- ings and dresa fe ie 11fle eue accocdingly. Agalu, if fixe chi cries xx'ien iyiug doavu, perbapa its clethes bave goflen lu a hunci and hurt lie -tender litI le flesi; or, il muy have lalu ftoiong lu"one posi- tien, or t hut position may nef ha cesn- fort abie. Ofien baby cries hecause o! ciafing rosulfîng frosn weacing ciothaiug impra- perly laiundered(. Napkins sieu](f nef lie uud fie rccod ime aiietbeiuig xasied ou ad ýis bellt' net te bue ii em. St"aihaus ho place lu babys laties un- bsA in utic skints. if yecan fhiiok o!, ne reason for baby s cryiung watch fer, syniploms o!fuace Ti' 11e lau hnda whIl ofren go te the seat a! pain, and semethies fthe mesher avilI disciarge. Hot applications give relief. and naluiug quile equals hread und milk pouitices le aviiba conip and a feav droeps o! laudanuam have heen added. r- --4- LL -r L 1 e-J

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