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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1906, p. 5

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Gran Mrn ala Sse.~-r. Wm.ý M. Jariess left yesterday for Buy your Poultry supplîes at P. nd L W Ân Taill E T A B LEm . the N orth W est, M urdoch. M r ~ w t o m n il , M r h t , t BoAIWMÂNvILS STABL. MrÏ 96.a TTEMNofc.o atra nya hsp Tod's Cpa-A 11)r N ~T Fb O t r BOMNIL' TTO. BOWMANVILLE, MA.7, 196 'New wedding cake boxe-s -1OVy ones H e-made peanut Vrs Ot e bM.adMs m atevasn 10m 10 iU Wa5 E 8 N L r'c i _ î 7 lry the iom e iade M ple Cream and G anonz Bros. celebr ted G . B. H.ÂTO I coal v îe, ilar0 . h 4 ?t r eh a .............. 6.M.1> eheIe aEprS full fine a. Ths m' i fflý -r 3d... 36.. p.n. 1 Passsenger-... S6 p. m MsKthenPeanut Urisp at 1?hos. Tod'g hcltsafl i.a hs o raSMs Vse rno.~sn Mail ...... 102od. Mis -ahl Meath is home from Home-made Peannt crisp iOcto per lb Pratt's Poultry Foo0d. Pratt'ti Stock CNI-nEs hty e.2t i, h EJxpremm .11.29 p.m.. Snnday 0nly. Toronto, on Saturday.only at Thos. Tod's. rood. Ppatt's Lice Powvder at p. Mur. _________________ ~ ~ d *Daily Except Mondays Mrs. L. Cornishi it visting relatives Ganong Bros eeebrated G. B. C hloc. doch'. wife oLI Ç :i onioras Tickets to certain points sod in accordance at Markham. oates A fulliline at Ïhos. Tod's, CII( maids are not for sale at any P.LR Molns AtE 4Î l r Vith ialhi rates annonneedin»another 1O3NRD]IK-t irtiode" by R'w. posm Wil fltla ~ tan ecal Crago,Toronto, is holida - Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are other cigar store but Pethlck's. Try Hý E, Abraham, b1r. Wv. Pollard. canton, anS ing at home. dailv opening out New Spring Goods. one, HopMssJese, agheo!Mr. Geo. Roddick. Potïr &Jope. Townne Agnt Our, Erneet Lez netie e amlaecai h ati h Missoh A le's oefornori usta ends to a six o'clock tea Wednesday. market at T. . Knigh-.W(Modàl 2th, by 11v. W.tP. letcher. A, brother-in S T O I, & U R . TMnr .ni M i sJo h P peno o t , is g e t a rs E n s e~ e n t e t a l e d k a t M ar m l d o ra, tH e ea t's M o d 12t A D R O -At S u b O h w e I f y o u a rýe d is s a tis fie d w ith th e g o o d e o r g i g M1r. Ed. F. Weees, Toronto, spent Ail wool HŽtlifax twe Ads nice shades, Nroewry. fr îawer ofle' th riade. a AyldelsCEoe, o adsc us o'uia a o e nlv B9ts. Seethem at The Mason Co's. Ne0iefra uatr1 ie' Com Springield.t Specially Fitted Sudythm. Ovwset Ohw il'Hce emdtae ond Iron Pilis. ~od by F R. Kersiake CGaÏFFî-1WrnTI-Ill GsbaWaFeb 28bb li, 'y1rst-CIass uroce es Sunday at home. Whitby Girls at Osýhawa on1 Thursday Greatn, Oshawas atili bein gieni3W.t Mr. W, Densem visited in friends in nghi ail kinds of Furs at Coueh, Jonso& MICL-LW-A tihe Teonkeneo e If, you mr stsidhcottrn andc 1res 1 nwy fw spectaclos. ~~~~~~~~~bride's parents. by 11ev. E. A- -ens! iib f), ca t supply yuwt otrgoeisw nvb bet Torono laslweek Ail ladies Fali and Winter Coats seu- Lryderman's. Mr. Jos. H. Mitchell. Dunbarton, and Miss a iiyu re ntalti oeponty Miss May Shaw. has beeu vîsitinng gSf thî rc a ocJhso ave time by buvinz yonr marmalado Anniie, second daughter of Mr. John Lewis,.r ropl friends in Oshawa. anid Cryderman's.orne tTH.Kitsadg hei6a- MisAyL r1mu pn udy Ladies, if you buy your marmalade Ioan of a slcer. DIED. -isllh inents ith theCanadia Kodakwith friende in Toronto. oagstT.HKnhtsewilan Large quantities of new; British Goods WOOLNFIR -T omavB.Mac n, L' mnswtth aainKdk Miss Smith lias returned from the liu aslcrtorpae hthowersdee. e are arriving this week at The 1Mason Elizabeth Ano Welsh, beloved wif e of JosepWcar iJ f Che ElctiLih Groler ondefeateprsdomlinr peig i oono Co's. See advt. Woolner. aged 72years.Yane eofrsfl-.C.SroWht Go t en oeoftei eprt o ilier oeinsinTootote Mud Lake Dashers at hockey on'i q this town to give free instructions Mrs. Hepburn, East Whitbv. is vIsIt- Thursav niglit lu a score of 3-2 Yau c and tou 5 a t Pee,8bachlrfr1 e daim îgher ofor. na nvule, R.M arch id, ag ih am n ruSn ls Eern ,C dit, fafu n in Amature Photography. ing lier mother, Mrs, W HligîiP, Try a box of Ganong Bros. G B. Stor ahd fiarst shop.d ofigîe o!ser Mr. anan Cr.J( ofoaS sd 4 Lottie~~~~ .ale isor andtlm Baebe Chcsae r oxopowe 2 vears 2 months. Bring along a negative andi get MissLti falyi siigleholae orabxo oey8 TeNwCyt it jtintTe HER-At Port Hope, March lst, John yosef a print rom itsister Mrs. T. Fishlelgh, Oshawa. imported Chocolates at Thos. Tod's. ThRe byt asjs na h eard aged 95 years. If yu hve atitroule ithany mrs. George P. Freeland, Toronto, Coagts, colds, îorsemest, ftud *thes th Masoene os.hbes utewrd. Houc. n bir Laytona, Feb thNîhO of >y D. S. lte yor films catoule ani gth n spent Sunday with relatives hers. - imients are qtiickly relieved by (Jresolen e chiconw haes, formerly of EnzilskillenL (~ platter eflms n ed ad.e h Mrs. W. SqUires andt Mrs. R. Moore, lab1~lets ta uéPer box.. £UJd.rZggts A lot of ladies' New apring coeats and By.Fb2tWlam£5.KsI ___ mte xlne.Brookli, recently visited Mrs.R. Colla- The MasonCo., will show a larger new skirts just opened ou1F at Couch, RGjv , soi, of william anid Anne Ue eue h ae coLt, stockr of clothing- for Spring thana ever, Johnstou and Cryderman'b. Goyne, in is 82nd year.'11 MrB.T.H. ,,McMnrtry is visiting frIends they have the best moas and patterns. Suuigt oaplabote thaix 84oeoaa 3,ÂiDSI Osaw,ý leu2 erei O ANVL . v '~~ftj~~fl at Rlichmond Hill and other western Farmers, Tuesday March 13, is the but is best whonL uned la the 5=1ightway. 4yas Mr T.'O H. Robison points rN nage horses and colts, ,shorthorn anid Gaiuing steadilv lu both quality and WH.uivEteAr, ntotn St.yJhos Rspi2tal, was ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý heeatnig h uoa f his grade cattle. quantity, the National Meagazine has MLUHI-nOhwo e.211 was ereattndin th fueraAlex MeLaugblin, ag7ed5years. interred il, Houra 2 toi 5 p. M. mother. Mr. and-Mrs. W, G. Rundie have re-; taken1 high rank amion, the very bost Bnwmanville 7 o9p . Misses Allie and Annie Di!ngmain are turned to the eity after spending -the American monthiies Its M1arelh number MAo-uOshawza, on lreb. 25111, ai the homeý, atenin t9 p.ler OpMigsl winiter with Mr. S, C Rundie and other contai ns mauy good articles. of ber son-in-law. J, 0. Henry Maria E. Mor-' Toronto. ned ati iiiy M. Mayer will seil b7i ontiro stock of rison, relii or theý late EdIward Mjajor, agd8SEEYfiN E i".i.fu.u ,v ..Uiir Mrs. P. Tyler, Fairview Farm, has 1Couchl J ohuston and CIrydorman have mnscasldiscotrfsmusTREiEER-In Osgnawa, Feb. 2stb, GaeAD UT-A. ~~~ W ~~~~~~~ ~returned from a very pleasanit visit vit.h 1ju1st opon1ed out several cases of Men'e, caps, caperines, etc., etc., at cost: als;o Hrirle fteli onTeer gd lie nece Ms. rak Jue, Prr kiff au! soft hats., The Iatest English ties, gloves, and mitts at ogreatlv redue Years. The D)ruggists anti Opticians. Centre, N. Y.adAecStes.M edayîe. Ci n e o oref so-aDrlgo.MrhTi rni e i n Mr. R T. Stephens le! t ou Wednesday Thun Marna h oehsrsgo . man if you Mý oef,3 eog I for, Indiau Head, N. W. T., taking a her position, to take eff eet nlext m1onth. toa a fyu r hnigo Tingle, aged 70 years, formeý.rly of South Dr'1ýI ~~~~~~~~~~~i V a odo 9hre. Jntll a hhas given good eviand the kiea course at la busiesscoeeunonUclo!M. n.HBkei Oa fla ei D9 as'es On flr Mis ndtoAdrsn btter e'upan f) onv~ie and ewhe Ff rn it r Jl benMisEiti hnersn aunethe Misss Having a large stock of furs, on hand any young mnan about to etron the-N beau,___ audtu ben order toe Mialee nomfrs rnesponslbilities of Mie for bimsLf,11, you A GUARANTEEI> CILUE FOR PILES N eF u rn 1 JE _______BecAe.adn____t mkoromfo prn had botter consult the advertisxgIcigBmd leig rtuigPl~ ____________ Cryerman, Bech Ave.goods, I will sel, my entire, stock of furs couu 0 E TAISITN h St. Drngtind re attedi.- to rd ney Pie pisse Frande suaeMterdn baf etera- ______________of_________________ThI Free D rnonsratio . borhospial luSuccesion o Mis Colo de.-nng er p hroug th fo -t Prnia at Durhamear boyric- -.oT ,rPETIEW Neudî men if'ueoscsoes nifi o ht iea arng Moiss Fradc due la Mter abento Ptc .MyeFuir Catharines Business Collexe, which bas PAZO Oinimen fails tnure;jýin 6to14 days. O'Wetake advantage o! this s ea, of thCe, o h ___________ato Tansration DepaImi rint mafnd FakWright, ofesunusually Iitney durig th pasY ayCar, ma. raspratoneprtet avfidinducements to those intending to tÏake Central Millinlery, Bowmnanvle.6 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Werry, Currie _ý' application blanks at TE STATESMAN, a course. The attendance at this collge Crossingry w ha have en istn n.ofie tits year bas is larger flian any-previcus -4ARM FOR SALE, OR RENT-14,7 We are pleasetid to, kiow thiat our efrst iecsonr iUI ti ewlî home alt er a pleasantvisit here. Port Hope, juniors playod Hockey year which spoaks for itself. FL acre(s, Base line, Pickering posse-sion with Woodstock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at Toronto, Wcednes- _______Arl1 9' pl e~ .RÇ~Do, bright and Up to date goods lias be prcac.Ta hsi Rev. H.V. Mounteen, Orono, WaS 'ai d,,' and defeated them ln a score of 7-1 Pickering. 51f ,he case, is plainly shown byorlreinreaelslstirn p ci l N otice. Lindsay last week ad officiated ai the This maltes Port Hope champions cf SA EV g *- e ,wo e ,'osa,-.1d .ap s er Wood and Mn. Edward' H. Develine, I sîetm egtabranl h ocr otoe c a.2dGooil pay. Address S. S-. McClnre Co., 67 BasIp We are planning some great surprisesfraury nt the____ fuKin.istinolsclihs lhecncr potpsskon.Mr Now StrS5., New York Ciy February andii you are, requiring anypie ffrtueo Mr. George E Deroche cf Deseronto, tI nln.M Mvrwl elhswi bea given lu Salem Churcli Fr1-'.O AEAqatt fcoc butt uns ýie o antafr -At ouvr store yvou cati get yuwhwaîaeypoitdsnrcunystock cf ladies and geuts' furs at cost. day evening March 9th commencing ai ' OR ALE-iA qau tt y d es o choe aotofuisahm.Yo notaodto istispp- earefully xamineti a t lîe judg cfs latigs ponty, seno sorn It will pay vou to give hlm a caîl befone 18 o'cîoeî. Admission 15c or two for 25egodCndnilaySe Pa.Asto tut e!t es h.bâgato4pcalsî office by Couuty Crcwn Attorney you bulv. M.Mayer. Proceeds lu aid ci thme Sick Çhildreu 's D.&vs & s, Foley, i,. o. 9w .~m na aya osbeat e u eue witb thehigestgade.ctfapeeaele mbLadies, you can savo timo and you Hospital, rcs atý au 1w a price as you would have wl Andeon ais Bebevi, e. at nd will find it muci more convenient wheu Keep the, littbe nues healthv anid i TToUSc(qlt TO w LE V t- Churdl St.e willn taielad up hais ne duia atil oWc U7 £LGN i ý( okso to~m r ald ba haveher aih u h d r n r . .A a e r x et sîlcer. happy. Their tender. sensitiv bo ie ed spl caty e l pitSadppr Vo ayaesewher e wlouî le a nadMn AJms r xet Buy ornlýs at T. H. KnIght's aund ha require gentle, bealing roe,,idies, Hol omniî t.L vantaes tht we ffer Oti.ed home tus weeia fnom New York City w;iîî ban you e slicer. listen-'s Rocky Moiuanin'Tea will keep ARS FR SALE-. 1 o r s & Sn Wef Charge nothing whatever whr Irhv pn he ek I 1 flre. even was a specifle, for any them- strong and well S15 cents, Tea oir O an aeo ae hn omnl rn fo tsIi oir aniifyti heir two daughters. They fouad more Wa~sd rSfoiiad4nh frt-s'I% orsiglit soblrhnthylfthnbtaocmantteCte'Little Livel' Tablets, Sold by Sti andJury, drugý- est po"' CI opr1 "f cft 1pa 1 tle andPlU fl for'sü,,oe sick leadche gisis.' utari is s0 serionis thatý you neeti there has beon nou-e since they'have PUId evrv wpcaen- shldkuo fIlsch, JAMEs.sL . n Bo, Raln o jli l .-1. '3 l been Hanteer woan fman ho d no th Mn. ~e 1 edcl tenin eîelbeen thera. but Jthey speak cf the wea- 1a kneic teto etl thon being very flue but extremely coud Only oue pll a dose. Try them. ______________________ yo 0 s rany. some days. âin. Cobbledick, Brantford, has pur- C4~ Z 0ARPENTERS Wýýanted -Two jour-1 '%Ir We ae plai d'toknowth- i!icn. A goodI op)eini with scad l', S ttJ-iry, bas bEe eaddi th ate ofii M r. d e c Ml. 0taking sbWsinet oý ,, ucyme orpners g10wae.oc .-3 W_____ avenue, East ToronLto. Mr, Cobbledick 1Suuday ai hm,... Miss Anie Wlo o n a~t fa.Jn Traffle Manager of tle Lake O 'rr çomes highly recommeuded, as a first- wa s ci lied home [rom Toronto te waltb RELATIVEmpîu Thei E.te Ilonsevtor JDin'stn, uan class. uenirtaker aud' we predict !or Oune oInwoi recoverink, frou TLADY WH&>ýýUtit NEi zEATV The afe satsfator Drugîs ansd Bay cf Quinte Steamboat Company him a faim share cf tIc business o! Ibis inlmain Mn. W. R and Mi1ss fiAS, BRD ef E. 'u(by and Opticians. wbo las been promcted f0 Gefieral Ia, MteAdhew3-pgý'o t CI c-tiure t wiens t, .tbnî Manager. A Kingston despabch say - community, Mn. Cobbledick too po6IaI lnabeddtwdigPb. utvr f graiteue, wîsbes ai)pate erauae of"H isa oug an agresie ndsession March lst-Toronto Jundi 1on 28t1 of thon_ clousin, Miss AInle Lewis ifetd drs L. B., 764 Aee -,~ Orai~~~ Oti~ ~îege "Hoisynug mn, ggrssie smdLeader. A ODI >EDYsecond daughtr of Mr. and Mrs j ohn Schencviay, N. Y. Yorkia Sehooal Collpe, newsen n ere offic of th~ore ws L aeii eumny fhfal ocr. ewMnsan Mm-e Mitchel i ofcp he hneluirt*ls cniio ota Chicago Ophtialimie neplowe o!d cunro usind ies mag noV' sihaue lu onR Aec box, INe fanm rEeui puchse Lekradltinsl-od9ae'h . New Colleg e, anen ofinessMr ouse lu a Tok LAXATIVE 811011 quiînine Tablets. tn Mr. 'es. H. Mitchell, cf DabnoSomwihoar aSintd n cener, àf rat,_M. ____M. ___ey Mitchell near Brougham.b... i and ~ae-. Good fruit trecs on land. For further DetoitOpica Cobee. ate M. W.. . orsy.Mrs. A. Moore ar visiting lu Whitby ,iformi-ation apply -to Rd. Hughes, Bowmn-:j A lot oF ladies' skirts, sample, skirts TE URCHES.ile 0-i selliug off at about haif pnice at Coudh, Treltl ae ealsnl e 0 Jonstn ad Cydemans R-orering ervceswîl be heil n STo ruaie lite happy and bnigilt, -TTELP Wanied. Hined mian waui 1 Jo4so an rdra lioen evcswl ehlll mile lu tie monning, amile at Écu, i o o eS ai' once, One that cen iii anSd wh- Marha HihSîolwsbredti einiidrI ac 8 Take Rocky Monntain Tea at rnigh. undermtandg farm macbinery. N-o obiectiens, lasi woek. Fine iii supposed to have Concert ini Salem church nexi Friday Scld by Stoit and Jury, draggiss eamrîmn a ebuei reie.z stsirted from an overheated hot air pipe. eveaîng. Good pnognam. Dou't miss Mn o.îtoîybsscndsvrlPlace conveulent te so-hoel nSurch ForMI Loss about $5ooo. ifteiclr p] e .A aeBwa lange confracis for coming sea. See '. Green's Big funl show proseutedl 'c The offliciaI Boarnd cf the Miethodisi lis mon.. MisM' .Kee- ~ A~ .~,~LR1B soties o! first clasi pnograms, Thiunsday,, j urciË will enterfain île younz pople son Toot, hm.--lIt. . EllitirritrSlotrNoe ule m Fndyand Saturýday eveniugs in tLe cil c h ongregaticu on Tuesday even- lasr 1 Vn fi evaonfo tC ',1, Clanke pvaanCmny Zs oreeà Opera House. The rognanus, consîst-'ed 1în;27 Mer. 13. Oaw...essI LBrnadcuenrts.AntfrT iS auJ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I DNEY i ___________________ cüf mcviug pictures, illustratod- scngs Re.T olfewiprýýel mis- T. tû1wilnprsa Hamf o - u S>Vrevig u peny, cMe eopposIte J. LI. _________________________________ &t. Il o! which were gnod, fieý moîgsoaysrosa iknn ici tameinl Timone M ar e aty' htrEn.t emuil 8 T A LE i pictures belnig a tnhîe bei wO e Audiley. Suuda-jv Clan th1f0Ciie lrdiaiiyc e- seen. R~~~~~~~levv W . J' ollci, Pas"tor of C aragn some of île ci"rcuits; in fle BWA IL AKT. EFrtsîmn forSrn od a Guy Grant, 16 yeams nId, accident- lotte Si, Meth odjis Chureh, Peterbono),Ditc, aly uthislfluîl igt hihand President cf B&v cf Quinte Coufer- arrived in part Timyureàdai affernoon while killlng a cal! nelsbe nief0îeWse CLABK'S POUX AND BIANS - Soree usa~cmrsn fo afrmr aet NcolsnarPotChurcl, Clinion, and Rev. H. M 'Man- ,a a dîIl-uy efclvcceFân l...ý.,2 10 1 1 R 5 Bnitain The sharp blade entered ie lim, te presot'u pasion, lias been lu- tafl esudaud er y utritions anld WIIFaîl, buh,.. 1' O t Ci ___________ nobwnnk o! artenilîe about tIe kue. Ho tePeeron economical, Gel scime. Plaini or tflavoned 1 n S-prîng - GIVI ldt from a clot ol blooti eninz the Me1ds Clul Sudy1a wifh CIli o'r à'mt Sue e n f...09 : 8 bat. Siet 0,ucBeand EiT, !, liIK n 1D. J. Gibson, Newcate las aoebr f fhe "Boys Pn Yonî1;ef u. os....0 0 7 ILC p s ___iores , ____ _ . 40 ' ne~~~~~~ i-n-t~ of-aýlribedcr' i

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