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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1906, p. 6

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FN NOTE S AN D CO011MMEïNT-rS Cen uli'e it cVe r Puus. DilotBefr Ignaiture of SeoPaoSimleWrapper Bc2aw. AD RTIINGRATES. 20 S .ten-n Ilin'k, King Street, Iiowanvj43 Oît., by Il. A. James. Edl urad I'roirietor., SubscriptiOn i zuieeanun, or $100 ifliaid rtotyl dvanee Advertising rates, tra'-'et dxc.iisi~,tên cents per ;,na, rs ,,rtii. five cf,-ts per ine each 5tiu~eo,,tInertonContract rates en 30iitrSliter &-d Convevalucer. OIICC-ilph lomck, King Street, lioWanvmme [rney ta; ban et reason- IIOBEIT YOUJNG, V. S -n's, 1lNa1-ioI 3EV'S ]LOQK ýl 1 rsi tê Towri Hal Entraneï' 71PeSewîm e ffund tram 8 e.n,. to ~p n ngtcalltaet ,e'idence, d1rect- ÏY 0Pi> 'GtrUil 'Shed. 17-ly. SIMPýq SON &M BLAIR. i~ Sil'$N.K. 0., CHAS p. ULAiS iaristra~Solicitors. Notaie,, etc., uuri icUm-stairs. Ring stretiiwma vie. Solicitors for theOntijaBak. rivI.moneys boan- C'~- MANE, L.D.S, fleltl ungeaus. Ontario. Ofile~-pprteT,'a offie. VITAIzEDAIR. 7-,ENcmiFrcMALt PILks ~.rathe alR~efiCient re-nedy £or Delcyed 4ensr'at.îe au Iregulritce.Pull ized twaIaiarbo seul lu plein sealed package ou re,1ýýcpoaiancdollar, Duvout edicine Ce., T«oonto. 00, 0F CAnADA uter -d labiuhdi8 Guriarruetee, ete- 4 / ALOW~DON ,ALL DEPOSITS SUB40TTOH MAU I i Two direcLL1. oposile ageda ree w'rkupn li Eglsl pech, outý a ex-l se;Cure a yslm ofspelling 'bc sa meoreaduaeyrpeen lesndo words, the scndi tna c b dapt file sundud of'lhe ivo 0tespeilhîg aud to reduico doilî xrssos flic deed level0f ilgic Thie spellîug rcform movemneut re- spends to an almost universel tfeeling tuait the .pelling 0f Euglish li oes .il Cumbersocie, that il makes the wa,,y cf the cbild and the foreiguer too liardi, ccd thaet il causes a waste of lime. Ycl the feeling la beld bock frin any greal cf- fecciveness by the coexistent conversa- tism of the educaed mind. The power nfyoutbful mernories is sucb thaï;thIe siglbt of a word spelled differcntly frein lb, way one lie;s been accustonîed bo from cbildliood is a distinct shacli. Thie reevemont is extensive, but' col strocg. ludeed il seemus flow t e on bbe de- cinc, practically, bowevcr many thlio- ictical adlierents lb may 'have gained. The Brilihreading public bhave not lîkrii kidlv o ta nd IbehetrAmeni- can r;1Llshing bouses have droped irany of Ilhe refornîed pelqw1ijigs wic Lhave foi, years disLiicguished ,1Ameriýcan usage, Tbere ib e stronger rearelization of the uuîly of Ithe reading world, On the allier band, the pronunciabron i f E'sglisli wards lu Ar'se'ica is drift- ig fartbei' from btia ý:dilional stand- ard. Tic large numbe)r of immigrants rnm Eurepen counties îa pcartly re- sponsible for Ibis, but Ibe u ltimata re- sponibiityresîs upon the schools. If a large number of leachers cerne frorn homos w'bere Ecghlisli eerrectly spoken la net the home language, and if their xoeabulary lias been gained largely Vrom i'cading, xiiboul cny conscrousus of the pitfaîls diat turk for bliern xhen they tiaeisiîbue the visible igu ie the au- Oille word, il is also hrue thai the lu- l'eritors of Euglish speech loa often dis- 1AIus the aulliority of their own kcow- îedge, wben challeuged. Tennyson speaks of Ibis strauge abdication of niemory ai the miomnt wben il should easert ils savereîguty: Aswe we dwýell uipen a word we 1n, V Bepeiicýg, 11ti;'he wýord wc e w S wýeII Becornes a, wandmei, and xxe know notý wby- So the child that lias alîvays pronone- ed"forebead' correctly 1111 sse-leemus la-I1 spi,u vivetafh Ibe aPelling peinfuily .sc" lorna berseif le say "-iL,, beed. 'lic L'oneiy of pritmdkes Ilie hý,chi!,!' vereîy format wiîb sncb words a s "boat-. sive7in" and "forecaetie." Tîrore b, au awkxvard hiatus in sncb a combication asý "uaOl at ail," as the slaves of formai- isci pronaunce il,- noue in thie naturel ulterauce of tlie ords, The serne MIS-, f aken zeal corrupîs, icstead-of improv- îcg, many phrases. The descendent of ['uglish speaking people says uncon- scieusly "Iledn'l you baller?" until un- mh oiesome bmaading o'ver the phrase, ai dedý by ;suggestions tram a haif limed teaclier, substîlutes the erliliial 'Wauid you flot better?" k le, 1'1Te Pace in the, SPicture + + speilred aItirnes 7ofe'r atiinig7 and il liedcorne l;c, xhlmn eeue We alid blco u xvrkuglogeli ! S usuel, ic Berfrdan 1 wokigne wit l iglil lal andmemr jest a liraI, but lu bbc depeiu ileuce that bed fallen upon us lu tiH ese latter dishearl- ening days. Awd suddenily Iliat silence lied licu boke,%Aheavy sîroke frons Jim's pick lied looscued a alali of rock, acd as it Li cîl cei-,ng dow'n ha alag- gered' back and threxv up bIth bauls iilla dry. 1I rnoved qîickly towards hlm, tbîukiug lie miust bave been slmulik and burt by the: falinig atone. and 50 lie. lied. for the blood xvas runcirîg dowu bis liacd; but il is certain lie nover felît hie weund, and ivîen 1 saw whal ho lied seen 1 did not wender. For the sil btlied fallen bcd laid lie another la1yer lu the rock, and that layer, for the Lentii; f a yarýd or nmore, hoeked like ans oîf0f olid goîd. Ayie ccd iA was slidgol, bo , orilmeasnt the cretng aU bcdamsteecl xxrt erîlirhl aud mefor ve shebred our iuck, for botterl m,or xes-tiifty thousanil pouuids atlhe levestcomputation, as xve afterîvards foncd.,I A xveek taler weset one ciglit for lhe hast lime in our btn, tic claire celd, and the rnoncy bnkdte our credit. To- morrow rnoruing we mincut10 uake Iracka for akh l !uglcuad. We lied bc no in ru cculcontent for sorne lîlieue, Pcc busy xilhh ib owc tiseugits. vhýe.n siddcc ly hlm t1005 the eé- way from lîîits lips, "OPd cc" icsod,"de yeu kuow, Ivo boc vî' ueycic iIlonce or bwice-tHisgae? "Sa av ,"InesWvered,' smoking s 1teadilyon "Acd only one lhîcg bas kept me on witli the; grind ail thîs woary wble" ":Sarneheme," I agreed egain. "Here's rny reason," said he. wilhî e sor't of challenge in htis voice, eud, draxv- iug aornelbing that lookcd ike a pheto-1 graphs fro is lslreat pocket, he laid il ou bis kuee and spread a big brown baud lenderly over il. "fl-ere's mine," said 1, net ta lie bebiîid, aud 1 did lIse sanie xhing and xvarlad for more. "It's a wornan's face, Ibis," ha said, sloxx'y-"tbe face of the aniy woman 1 axer bave Ioved, or ever shahl. bbc prnmiaed ternarry me as seen as aver Id made nsy pile, and I rn geicg sîrcîglil back b(,1dim ber, God bicss berl" Iude.Once more bis case xvas mnine. 1 hick we lied knonr somefhiiu of i lesotail along, and that kriow hodge liad lîelped ta make ns the frieuda we "Show, 1, ccnd baîf if led my Siowly the greet baud thel 1 used r thinh rmatchcdl Jim's gi'eat bcart ifbed ilseîf iu L,, is tum, as if înxilling ta ex- pose I'eheasure- tisaI iay bonealiti; in 1Ic dtntse iiin firont oI,f fi Aud sfora nuteib at eed bo thie ex'i bbig thal bla-ck chance bal cocjurcd np. 'Ilin, xvth a grean, Jirn1 covered lis face witlitlie baud hlia be iifrcd fmom liTaIt aise pictured aise, for tiare iva sonethîug thema Ibat coex'en bic own fansilier frieul miglit sec. As for me, 1 sîvore undar nîy breati long and sloadiiy. Fer thongli 1 sal starng, scarcaîy chie ba cradit blie evidence of my oxyn scuses, il lied ue u a glande ta canvmne me f bel th- pictured face ivos thesm is Jiross photo as lu mine. The îovely, dan,,cing ey, rihe curly faim beir, the dimî-pie 1fIbeiitof Iliesitlicg monîl but li iled ! asek a!f n l hig hbly' ifrut 1,i posýl ý liitin aJ ibe ý'ispemili ,Ïl cal bow nles -1b liglif îl in cer haimiw'ay;lu al rIas il ouke alti Iliasema AulUvalwoma, w alid! cricdou m nockivie h1Iît ir b ad gj'um a asefc cals rensemrauce aiselad Iicked anole Stolen Plensure The chldren wilI show you the ruerîts of Mooney's biscuits if you give them the chance. NâooneV's Perfection Cream Sodas have male îthemselves famois- ail over Canada i a very short lime. Crisp, iuviting, t as t y Diff'erent from any other cracker yoiu 'have ever eaîen. Say "Moo.ney' s" 10 your grocer. PRINCE RUPERT. Thle ave caplian l& tha auplonious cul apprspî tata niame which timuGrard Trunk Pacifie havea aopÈîed fDr their ta' n muý,sni e Pacifie co1118liapao. PIe aI Canadattý were given ain opportrun- 11vy0 , ai nxing Ib-' icty. wmich saie la- will beoewme anc' foi egrea ta- seaparts on th6 W-t, ru zýcRat ai Amarica, and 12,000 ltf ï u nines subiitted by ihosewbo 10k art bui contact A name bas beau cho)sen that is siguificant af Canada arnd oua liaI was prominaul la i a early historv oflthe country, whau neArly bhe culire area of Britishs Norths Amepriea was knawn as Prince Rtupert Lealii Under the tarins of the campet- ilon that thea naine choml contain, iat more than tbreû syhiables, nor more tisan tan etters, the naine whictî eom'. pliaI wth thre conditions and mosl sîcarly raeffmbled tIrat, siectel waB Port Rupert ibis name hein,- cuggested b - Mrd. John Orme, of B )unecliere, Ont crir, and Iry Mr. R. Ki r, wood, of Cap- p euif, Ontario Tise jadges, kowaver, dcidd I lat"Priuce Rupiert" was a more pleule.img ume almare mpprop- riate. and awardad the twn buyidra and fit ty dollar pr ize ta Mies Eïeanor A %IacDanald, rai WinîIpg, Manitoba, who was tise OLI ane who rsubmittal lb!9rama, The Grand Tumsk ecilic. ntowevar, recognizing limaspirit aoftIre conate't awardel thesancae amanunt ta eaeàth tIra wo tnuar ets i osel- milIed ltse naiue Pot c prl But why Prince Ruperi? at ad tisa dashing yçung cava rIkr oï th,_ cavaiicrs ndarhy Ibrep hu_ d eams F.-o ta do wit i Caa? Prin lce upert ,-e ; roaalyLtise t r niihCeidian winclue s magna a. Ha lowas c promomet- o!f tha HudounýeBay Company, andcitil frst Go-v n'r in 167i0' lu that yean Chsarles IL grtatal a cî.ter ta bbe Prince aud saventeen o etý,r nablemeai a.d Igentlemaîinconraigtilm aina 'The Gnvernor and CC"mî'-ans' aofjÂd en urars af Erigianid, Iradinz inta Rud sau'à -Bay," aud securiîug ta tbem the eole trade and commerce ai &il tIase seas aud straits. ha c, rfi er,, akes, creeks and saunds lu whatever latitude tbey sahilbe, tIr t lie wiîhin tIre eut rance te the Strails commouly e lied Hùdsou's Strats, together wth ahi the lands and ternitories Liouthse cou ntrias' coasîs and confines of tasaesec afoesaid tIrai were uot already actuallv paosses6oel b.-ozrqi-aute l ay (f aur uitsof uy ate hitAn Pr ince ojr ;StLe Te r Unt emmat!Ir kuwRs Ruper7t'à Land woro minde en j ainýes Bay andet chýurChiliamnd, H0yle'sý i n Ce"Ru Pert 'W ï Pbora lu1. 19, îl PDick! ;is ilreally ou?"shecîdle eys alit, lir hol fceros xît wlippines "illast-at onlst yubv havne bck t ackbume!"iJýoJ!ý Then Iliq e dancinglcyeslo.okeint a is c, andtheid lginto seutou. Sud- seylink baca roeme cluear. "IYes, I acsweed her, slawy, cuelly, tlrm eeat?"soc ili rad c n o le cwIt have or-n bone but Ji Brfod ia Not ad safhiei ou liyav?" cse- hrlie xhe ips shooad a uer- mtan hou ametfieugl tliemasd sh4 r irog once ah nd aeto ml speech.Sud dently ie voiewamethear. m brIs caver eloved hîmdid ou hin th l heced, eA nd clung to amei an ic b as, "OhehevetlN o ne NoTherdsof dhaine oud av oe accsci waiste o i getlve o tirevvsti rinl rulaig inetliaslanle s spcecb. round.haseshe lied sbown toue. h, bitret e haril towards; andlu ier aexvashedw.o e "Lie -abl-vholt is Ilial l iolse wihsterrod. Fiersli1 akninger poinhe 10 a amah aroundbo Te Ilet cthad ea Ibrougi th pictrom fceli ward thredgmunia, s wilifie. hog htfleflefc cl vous-onbils t-ale'1-e ye "lt wIllterror. r dw n h gon "Yor e, and se "You bagcssod. al it. T'Hie lt momat 1acrdeJîm by eat rom ison iand tornemonîlis Cge sed IlirougI thkneishe-falemfae 0f ourbes onis way! shen wthi" In tbrewoerdono h gon btefere lendshe steagafer ekavid atpe cry-a ctlrng lu y ars en alrostvke lu r yue fl n or li fîrtl stle cpity. "Th uet moent Iyenarder my h"art d ean d mmcd o rey bei Ie xxouîlecufe, n puuismen withotît step wmu suesprecg aller e àand sloppae e cngTig te my rre.isno minc; ,tieU ye sbafl s-Icla o lie i! r-sile cure "Ou haveow crlme youave ou mu st, 3 U ary! Oh iersec li ail [now w-Iunerledwlînt ou thiuk; but the sumnier you were bore, but you must have beard iîneofrcu mention lier?" So 1 had, 1 remembered il noww acd suddenly 1 f elt my beart give a grent leap that almost lefI me breathiess. Could At lie rue ivas il possible that two, faces, could lie 50sîms-ilar? If so, 1 bad indeed rnîsjudged ber--cruelly mis judged lier, asslic lid said. "Stie wes only a year older I nd u w e w ere always w onderfiiu, llyelk, on fer ssrs"shp wPont cri. "Ptpq wul offen remark ou if, aud we ucdloi dress our bair the saine and ty ufun to accentuate thele ikeness. Ltt.did we dreem ilion the trouble il would ceuseý! My poor-poor Mary!" tb glauced down as she spoe, and thlir ,ïlr fled ber' eyes. New I nobiced fr Ihe A itlime thaltlhe dross she woî'e was bleck. ,"-lie died Iliree moulli a go," she said gotl ns\vering my look. "Oli, Diee,, h ave nissed ber ao! But uew I1 aIa- nilost glad-gled that sue will neyer- know., And tliey are holl inl God's bauds,' Sbame and rernorse filled rny soul. Al this ahe bcd borne, my poor darliu g, and I1lied but added Io ber sorrows. "Alice, wbat eau I say?" I cried. "I have been a fool and a bruie! 1 mighit liave knowrî you botter, I rnight have tîusted yeu-et Ieat, 1 mîglit bave xvaited 10 lier wlîal you could sas' on your ow'n behali!1 New, surely I bave kilced your love for ever, and àiis ne more than 1 deserve." I (lare nat even -ask lier b fergîve me. But ;he was on!e ilu en tbooLseud, IliL girl cf mine. bc afdlber twi)o bonds o mybosad irfcluistne ptt~and orgieees, ws lie an'su J ------------- And a True Story of How the Vegeztabje- Compound -1 Had Its Birth and How t!he "Paiiic of '73" Caused (ùt to be Offered for, Publi c ' S'ale In Drug Stores. cud invectigatiug minI, au carnesl seekeTr aller kuow'iedge, cul ebove aIl, poseessel af a wonlarfuliy sympaîhetie, nature, In 1843 shc marriel Isaac Pimîkhain, a buillar and i-al estale operclor, cul their early marriel lite n'as markel by prosperity culdlieppinae. They lied four chldren, Ibree sons cul a lau.-hton. Iu Ibosa good ail faslioneldevas il was comimon for urothers ta maIe Ilueir axxn home medicines tram roots and herbe, nature's owu rensedias-eehling bu a ph3 sician only ini speeialty urgent cases.- By tradlition cud exporieuce many ai tliem gainaI a wxonîerful knowvledgc of lIa curative properties ai tisa varions mats cul barbe. Mrs. uha a agreat intarest lu the cuyiroots andl herîs, bleir echar- acteristics citasero-ver disecse. bs usinîainaî tliat jlas nature so bni- 1u11ypro-viles ilu île berveast-ficîds aulý .rchardS Vegelab)'ýle las ofai. i Mule so, if w-e but takea île pa ins ta finI Ibaîn, in thc motai-iculherbs u1a ilIe fieltises-e ai-c remelies expressly lesigued ta cure tise varionss iîs cul weamesses of the body, culd il n'es lier piensare la s-earcli blase ouI, cul prepare simple cul effec- tiv e medicines for lier own famiiy cul friands. Chief ai these xxas a rare comibinelian ai the cloicecî medicisal moots aul herbe fud lest laptal for thse cure aI tbe- ilsl wIrueee pcaie t îe teinale sex, cul Lyda,., iklcmsf rieuls cul neiglibors lecmuel that liar couspoupil relie-vedal culcuredaIndcL lbecame quile popular arssafg Ihsei. Al Ibis so far was doue freeiy, witli-nt maney cul witlhoul price as c labor ai lave. But lu 1873 the ficancial crisis istruck Lynn. Ils leng acul eerity w-arc 100 mach for the large reaI sIate interests ai the Pinkhaîn iamiiy, as tlimeclasai business suffarel mnost froin fearful de- pression, s0 w-lau the Ceulannial year Imunnalit bud lIair properxty 5wî-cpi awvay. Some oaller sourec aIlunom,,e lad This Temnrkable -wausen, wliose malden name was Estes, was boru in Lyun, Mass., February 91b, 1819, com- ing tram a good oid Quaker family. For same years she tauglil scbaei, e"d beecuse kuown as a womnatrof an alert their mother, combined farces ta restore tbe family fortune. Tlsey argued thet the madicine wich wes 50 good for'their, womean friendi and neighLbr a qai goal for the wamai;ýn of he hoè u rd The Pinkhaîns had ia acy-n 11111e credit. Their fi aI lbor.try e the kilehen, where roots nd lerîs were,ï- stoeped on lie so'o Irauîy fillng. grass of bIlles.Tieîcretcueio of soîliîîg ilfracsbfr hyle gîicu im'e ral. by hiaa jo caliedLdaE.Psba'Yeebl lythePihe sesi Bot, .New Yor.ýk,auBro-,n Thcmrourf(;ul uaive ,^,%-%propartiCes af lie medicinrwar, a g ctýtnl sebf-advertîsingý, fr loae .s tra-. comînded ilàte others, uîedeai gradually increIasel. Iu 1877. by crbndefrstofmi lied saveà nnhmny acmec nawspaper avriig rmtheat lime the growth and suceiss of thecinter- prise were assurI, nitil o-ayLydia E. Pinkliam and lier Vaeal ornpolind have become liauseboîl w,,ords avery- where, and maîsy tous of -roots andl herba are nsed ennually lu Ils manufacture. Lydia E. Pinkisam heiseif did flot l' ta tee the gret cucesof Ibis work. Sheý passed ta ler reward years ega, balü nol 111 ie ie d prov idel menafor continu- ing lier work as effectively as cie cauld have doua il liersaîf. During lier long acd eveutulI expari- once shc was axer methodical in ber xî'ork and she was al ways care fnviîtac pre- serve a record of every caqta ta ene to lier atteption. The case of ex ay se woaen w-liaepplied t erfr dyce and thera e e tosel-eci careful study al thý'Je dtis nld recordaI frftrerfrna, cd ta-day these rcrs tgtir xihbudeea wihraus t claoiîi aI ac(rPy ian liardiy la equalal lu aiXy i iiriluthe worll. Witli Lydia E. Pnha ora er Iengliter-ini-iew,îthe poelMs Pink- hem, She was carefully ýinstmuictel lu ail lier lîaîd-woînow gand for yaars sheaEscislol lier lun1-r s st carras- Dondence. To lier bande naturaily felI the direc- tin a ewkwlie n l owinti passaI away. For nal wît-l' vearc cIe bccotneli,,cluohn su the vwork se- hniiafrtyi E. Pinkham dropp l ler , al t II preseul Mrs. Piukh nnw tisa mother of a lareeniy took il ami. With wroman asistant zs cme as capable as lier- sel, tbe present Mrs. Pinklian continuas thîs great work, andl probably from ilihe office of naoallier parson have -) nrRny women beenau avîad liow taega bealîli. SAck x ame, Ihîl ad-vi-e in "Yaurs for Health" fraely ginif you only write ta ask for il.

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