JAE FR011 NATIVE ROOTS. SAIrE AND RELIABLE. SThýa t the roots of many Ina-tive plants, rowxiug, wild in ouir Ameýrkcan forosts, nssss emrkale roertesfor the cure >hmamnalD(-Iesls wellprovwl. Even the Dntutered ItD h lad learned the curaivevale etsom o!these and tautght ,thecarly settiers their use.s.The ïndliartn neer iked wOrk se Il("e wanted jhis suwte get wei as :seona s possib l e that she migli dothewor an lt»him lhunt. Theç'refere, b ,li dg pao"s rot"fo ier, for that wýas -,their great reme,(dy for f e- male wakeses r. Pierce uýses the Favrit Prscrptin,»skillfully (com- liind wth the agntsthaLt make It moeeffective, than auy other medicine ln curhng ail the various weaknesses and painful derangements îeculiar to wromen. -Many aflitced wvomen have beenI saved froin the operating tablead the suir- gC eon's linife by the timeiy use of Doctor tierce-'si Favorite Prescription. Tender- ness over the lower pelvie regien. vwith bacliache, spels of d izziness, fauintne(ss, bearing down pains or distress shlould net g-o unheeded. A course of "Favorite Pre- suriptien" will work marvelous benefit lu ai sucli cases, and generally effect a rpeýrmanent cure if perslsteýd ln for a reia- soabe length of turne. The "Favorie Presc(ription"Ilis a-ares genti, being- wholy repredfrom. native nmediciïnal rnot~wthot admup of alobl in 13 ts make upwhere-as a I ther mediiïnes, put up f'or Sale hrogh ruggistS for woman's peculliar aýilmenkts. contain large quanLrtit'ies 0f spiriutuons lqorwhicdh are very hainul epeiaiiy te delicate eme in ,n. l"Favorite Pecrpio"con- tainis neitler aloh or brnflhabit- forxnlng dmuigsý. AUl is ingredients are printed 0onf'CIIbottie rper : is a ~ owrfullnvgoraingtonLc, lmparting ealt an stenghin particular te thie -sàd sicklyYwmevni,; toa wnet" 'deblitateýd, eSPýecýiy for wernen wi -~bril< mntore, offiéc, Orscolrmvh or etrhev louehl bnten sC!andfor l t urisigm r Dr Pi'skerrite -Oat Our-glvn or. s t p Forlreco;nndstýito )c, tusclntfl COPYRIQHTS &o. 4etuky acranor opinion frise wtether an ,tvon tien s p-rolabty pateiltalile. domeunicla- ti.rns stretily conhtutetiat. E andbookeon Patents sent fr».Ol ei eyfor securtuug patents. Patnts iseth rough Marin & o.recesve -syntiai i 4,:thut Cho rre, ta the enatnc ny sctenttflo journal. rnis, $3 a ft:nýr nuoutho, $1J1 Soldblyall neysdeaaens. [VIJNN& C 1 eBr.adwa,,NwYr UrnhOc.85 FLt.' Washingtoul. D. C, HOMESTEAD REGULA?'IONS. ANY even nuunbered -section ne Dominion Landts In Manitoba or te 1,ettit etProvinuces, excsptting 8 sud 26, lot y" »c vedmmy le lomestûà, de ly auy peueroi mhoIl uhe sole henad of usfamily. or any malle Dce'1 years of age, teothe exteuitofone quarte seuoiSi) 0acres. mouse .r tems. Eu1t - v uaay lie made persoualty ai the louai 3i»ed office for thitit In lui~hnthe land s stnt.or if the homesteader destt es'ne .may, or) applicationî te tIie Munster of the Imteritut Oliaw s. the CommissJiiuer of Immigration Wuutuilpeg, or thei local agent recesve auttuority froi-n seine one te make entry for hdm. The ltomrsteuîder Is equireti te pefor-the; c'dio»cennecteS therewith uLe eeu the eloWirg pins i)AtI teasi six mnh'residewice upon ar utiei't t thelain esci ea for thre fai l 1» uctîiy t he t[ndet»ed o h t, Sucli persoçn eiLig wth t0,_fs-iertf m ther.ý Ie) If i1ii» sottter lias lit8 permauueut eide pen f 1rl anud r'wiîetiby lituýinîe ,> vin. ity cf tusho>mesueadt, the requtre-ma..tis as t me te, my lie satistied liy residence upo.ý SIX moulJi' notteiceluwrtiug Ohosuld lie give 'o' t(e the (jommisstouuer «f Dounetoln Lands rit Ottsavr0 f iztention te appiy for patent. W. W. CORY, Deuyof the Ministce f the Interiot N. -Uauhorze puliation of Ibis adt vetaictwîti not be p JS fer, ý\Vf!TH THE MAINSTRELS. Banc MisaliGwaynus, i heeri yo' dIonc e il drei icalphabet yistidday nwnnan' viit y' wasn'tf satisfieti. linterýlocuî-Yu hearti 1 iwailoweti <Lue yce'1rtiay morning, anti Yef a- nesats ed? Uoxvdo 'yen kîiexv, Ge i gtati warýs net satiafiet? Bones-'Cause, ne yo' sxvallereti de alphabüet ye' et cteraý"-. Interlecutor L.atibes anti! gentleman, M. loneysuckle %yl no1'v sing Break the News Gently taIo th EXTREMES. Oh.xve sahshowv thie h ywey -For man L Ive u 'ouî ay te dayv" UVionka unti l ýuis tregîIIgîesont, Or ci c lie ats anti geLsflic get, I r T e -.-----.-------;------- CON FID E NC IN ONErU NOIHER tWilI Be a Very Dark Day For Us When We Lose Thîat.- WVho sall abide in thy tabernacle? ' * - tHe thaf sw;careth te has own hurt anti ligeliot. Psclnîs x'V., 4 lt La a good dtiai casier te admire tint tien Iian iL la te imitale hum. Tmulh us jeiiseen atar, but, corning near, and 'ufugits Reen way iotao our tentior )lacýs, separating us tram vieli-leveti iains, rebbicg us et the mDsuks et ceun- îentional ighleticaneas, 'teaî'ing axvay tur veneýers, or shining xvbhh iLs dent', ,iti liglit se that aiLltliings licome visi- teü in i îctnaketi charedteî's, our et- -irafLn is liReiy te lie temperedti ill 1iien he mot debemnuineti optimisi -îu1st secinues ienîder vihether Dalviti >4utint e ith deliberation xvlat 'xc ols s ponce afi inis hast,f, "Ail cen re iar." helerlx inuytng iii' ehùn, nword or deeti, xvitlongueor te fite mn vhedelibcretey ndaxor tii etit a concliun other than tha te Rovis te lie nglt i out ee ar hidbymnyre. e r ofu tsmartesiargely th nency(,'truf îyec !ýnuonaix hetseron is staliuity ticeR azi sa-ishiLs. lue ., tstde jîoituns ayingil y tLt ai., îbsprcias eereilj le keepa uten tramnieraI asinkrn look.feif îny f 3ses r f S greteLILr iotiinlite reasures et ines tyani the approel ut vgie e bldli nay ue ve r Butx e mlese vi hi i think'î o! tuth ....co ...yas.h. srvnt.e.pr .price o! cenformity ia more tien yeu cao 1attend te pay. Andtifheme neyer wias a greater mistake than te beieve, that i0 entier te get on in the wvorld iL is noces- sary te geL aIf the track et trnth anti 1riglif. This is net the age o! moral anarchy; alieve ail, atter ail, niglit mules. Siot'adic rebellions theme may lie anti they may seeni te liring power te theun promoters, but you have neoniore mîght Le jutige the Lene o! aýn age by the moral obliquity et a- fevi than te proneunce e verdict on a goveruneot on the evideoce et the mistieeds commiLteti under ifs mule. We jutige tee olten xvitlîeut perýspec-, tive. Wc gaze in xvender etahl, vl goý np vibilithe giory etfflic rockefi, for-- gettiuîg te ask the past wheliîer aniy ) the constellations came ta theit' places iii that nuannen. bic niý rghLf et ur yesbertays vie cao tJiscemoý but a few -f thsevho luveti for VATHAND SUCCESS ALONE; they\ giome ut las wmnns, hile about !them, lar oer ah, sibgun- meveti iypaic" atifeans, undimmeti iy thme ant cage, r te ofese those that baibveti r ovfor itl. anti riglit. xbo lic' ý;Ycti lt rui e.o lavi efthficun, eseatîid tennud theil place in lice temle 0Oct Tetesqt (etf'a man's ver'lacUity bînut alone in the exactituide o!fi ttmna he may alvicys fell the precise verbal trutl anti stilie e t hîearf a lier anti-*n tact an outcast frein the lbeuse etfbaon.r The Lest 15 10nvihether lie is using flua cnrrcncy o!fxverts solely with a selfusth plurpese or wuth il seeilng ever te serve men, te enricli the ývorîti, wblling Io mee-t asq If iev ny vn Theise aretliey xvha aile in bis taber- nacl;0a1;1te naine opurchas'ýeti iy flic nis e! închtatlssreuscnet Ab sel A h x ile they '5 t liveti tey viaikedtheflc xay, o!fLu'uthanti enfereti inte theit' beritage, flic berifage o! ihe pure in hearf, the dlean e!fitanti, the 1vorid enrichicg ite.-H-enry F. Cape. lienefits whicli the stockinan richly de- $serves. iItl sa amatter et importance th al the that a great variety lie used. Cern Il sheuti net lie given in veî'y liberal quan- ________________________________tities for it la net' the material eut of which geeti bene and muscle caon je madie if fed alone. Il is for betterle THE SIIEEPFOLD. give some June clexer or aifalta each Inth days Mhen weel grexving was day, together witli sonie cern staîka le iue rimarY object ail sheep cr bred chiew on. If the cern staîks are net feti wtia viuxv te woei alonie ai their in tee large quantities, andi are sprinkîsti iwnrs eemti e ergt tat shepwith av littie lirinethey will cal the leaves soli aen et fr missio, wrtshe and a lreportion oethIle atalk, Mr'. XVý. A. M'Ce'y. Se now we fied a orleppyteand a, grounti itb he Man going into the mutton business hiecen cliaialmct ihwit often lias Loo inucli et the xvool torm îin mititiinga, rnalip a good ration. As the bis md ntilay teemuci sres ~farrowing tîtrne approaches, rmots in a gecti fleece wlen aLlier qualities are am iqunttie wthsoedbannih ao laciing. littie 011 mneai can i tteiwt et In coosna flok o ews, gt teniresuits, as constipation is thus preventeti 10 hooinga fccl etewe, gL teinanti the tevereti condition that semetimes as neailv square as possible. vth a asste eetth oswl e p stiort, thick heati andi lriglut eyus. -a pcauses hefn ed ierat thonisch i c tp lar1ge tramne. wel sprend rilis, giving nopeaeLt te liely ofsat, tetsbu Plenly et heart rom, anti net hell]e\vnemaiexsieyftacnne jusiI ac etbbc boutier. Aso alewdisposition wiii lie cuitivateti andtibis i iwi ; ck f te soulers Alo alowbeneficial te lioth aow anti the coming PlcntY ef space nwbre a large anieunt etpgs foodi cin lic cenxerteti joie mutton, or ae h swconfrtabie liy giving milk te taise a gooti paur et larnbs. The, lier a warm, dry place, in xvhicl Iol motiel ewe fer raising a strong, fat lead tsinlmefrU b- Lamb sheulti le bubît on the sanie wetig- sleepaneti thsniliedoturnishoflie shapeti forte as the nîctel dtufuy ceci. 1 bding fTeneutdtepieipel in tth e have never seen a ewe Liiet, al a rear heDtiîîgottenfanetiheplace Lt withnet vie-, presenteti a wide hind-qu'îrter, Coe qnre confine Ihopbreirwsnt laeel badul there-itifehedtian abuntiance ef exercise. te make them lanili. a'lç, bte wais nra kflestieveiop bhune, muscle, lite, anti a viger- lamb Hae 'he ees s nar aikeaseus constitution. This makes themn capa- jossilile, se thëý -inug b t.t'tiLune rani ble et transmîtting te the pregeny the they w-ilI tiî'op lamrbs ef a unîioim tvne. 'ia anti costitulbonal viger nccessary Pf thc ewes are et [lie Dowvus rani te niekt tlirity anti profitable animaisý, u uli ie ilrepshirce, Hamipshire. Ox.- fordet outtioxnbut if they are lýong1 xxelet th iraishouldi liea Lincoln, Leiestr o Coswoti. [li nerercieDEIIOBNING C A LVE. ap;r li ihepiuebei. type, by fine This la most rapîily dene while ca4ves. breeti 1, o oeperfect wilî the off -are Young, anti twe general methetis seî'ing lie. île sheliý lie aý thiek, blecky are emiployeti. The first la te remeve flo bu, uniie os. shui l i the ,bore wben it fîirat a ppears by bcaies 10treilwitî ticklîao., broati means et the caustic ipot;ish trealment, litwen the cyca, a shortL neek andtIbut for mature aninis deherning with heav dhubes.T'f li sheîter thedis- the knite is licteor. tnefront lis moutl te ulie stomaci In'the flrst meýthet i i s oniy necessa,-ry Ibe botter. 11, back shou!d bclieprfclly Lu carefully vatch a cal! anti as souti as sýtraigit. Be sur'e te geL your liantis on thie sinalbttnd the hem can lie feIt aim anti by pr'essing firmly on the back upon the heati , h air sheuld ble clippeti notice wh(-tb;ýer the liackbene sticks up closcty fremn arount ili anti the butteon liRke the llaieetf a Rile et if ilicre la a rulibeti, alter 'Liing moistenieti, wha c a,"ail alng ha liack anti more stick et càustic petali. Thisepatn nuticealb towvat'the tlîl, intiicating a unay lie repeateti until the iteiin ne- wel spî'eat inb anti a thick coveriuxg of cornes very mcd anti inflameti anti seenîsi meýat, If the latter is true lie is -a sire 'if te lie tender. In a short weîbeý it \viii laiîalý that will lie easily ted anti thiek liarden anti drop off anti usually the(re Ilealiet.> willibe no furtîter appearancoefe the As soon as the ewes are breti the rani hem)r. In some cases, howcer iti is shoutilieb taken away. Then %wherî necessary te maRe more thani one appli- sîoî'my weather commences in winter catien. thîe ewes shoulti have a dry shed tt run Older cattie nîay lie deierneti wilib in al niglts anti eut et stoînîs. But hem celipipers, with but Mll1e difficulty. tliey aboult net lie ahut in uniess there if lacilities for holding thein are -,t is danger Item tiogs or trcm soîne other bond., Ah that s necessary ta a narrow cause, as tlicy ar'elijall o Lble over- chute, xitlilwhleavy atanchions at the heateti u tne close a place. At Ibis Lime ent, btwen xhich~ the heati o! the if there is gooti claver hay a very uitilU aialnav lie firiy helI. Thetiwirh grain wijlIdo, but if the bey is ntetgoot i lite eiti e oneo!the uprve i e a mixturije of bran, oats anti cern, equll iippe!)rs cthe(eraylie remqvved wýith parts by weight, should blc ted about asngeoperin. If the,(h' m is ene or twe pountis per hea i eaclida, ieewulh an1 ettheeruie nst'unent depeiinig on the conîdition -et the es1 xxich irst appe)(aretiup the market A god hing Ite feeti at Lua ime nwi--,s os___________________ or silage teo keep the system 1buseani cool. Voc neyer close aur sheep baroi THE PEOPLZ ALL tîglit untLiJil R gts8or 10 degrees below zero r eryý stornîy until lanlling timne. ka ChGrue Crild, Give lUs Newbrûls WINTEBING BBROOD SOWIS. This word Il is neit a goot plan te ever gel di-, wbaî 1t h»exw cunrageti anti ngictteprepenIy teeti hbas yel lie» audnti cet-eortixe broA otise .She i l l EWR' -~~~~~~~~~~~~Wi îîahn htl aaii vi e niwîfor tbý crtfor e etv rin iîapgaipeopie who1 otti atis its iflic viaste fi-Ii nd îhîg, 'we, xeeetts i !ill MII (nti1cu l m1113c- ans , ,,a du',c wtt e iti ttial mb aietable antid l' Nw"ir IwteaL t l preent pnice for utîease dans gi 'p piitoi tl, ceis 5h11 rnorîe le ie A si lIt pg usnes.TIcir, tsovilw nadiiIei mc uttu [ uc pt-yeranillitheug11 l htI 1»b-th eiro' niiie l icrts,.e.ll edsr inpreIp utl 'il W ui l 'te-1 w uI-itlItv 'iv!bair gmOws. eI1t laIe b as hco b inevery- i, andi many are wend.erlng erdx sIgýnifies, though rne ene n feunti, wbie will denlr fiat 3H E RPI-dC IDF',dues the oî,vig -e 'informaýtion o0f IbensantiiIis o! liker to know aIl bou a eet T'ou-lia say that HERPIID estroyer or killer o! "HIerpe," for thus purnose, the heati et the aima maylie bruiseti serieussly a n equire subsequent attention, Il la frequentiy a gooti plan ta cover the wvenn tivih al dauli et ceaI tam or some other disinfec- tant whicli will prevent undue lileeding anti assist bn the heafling. PIG NOTES. Il Is better te rabse iglît geeti pIga tlîan twelve intemior cnes. There. wililibe more money bun the fornier than in the latter, liough they outnurnber thein. Quaiity is more important than quantbly. Ail trouglis anti feetibng pens alieulti1 lie kept scrupulously dcean. Den't let any foodti maii iethcy gel through with foodtiun the t rougtu. liLsours, mouflts. anti is ulely Be suire thatpgebv a treugh for themnsel[ves thatcanne le ehtiby thein te Clantipd n bikg w ai anse r 'peLt affictetiwilh ihe1uma-1 tlie HerýAld. tdntn Ida er *rV. 'bat thuunk'4 teCh amber! iln's Pain 'atrn amn alto once m ore to attend to u, Ine t Il; the bhast cf lin1Uiments ff troublent wit heu tumguePaitn ýalm a trial and vou qere certain ite be more thatipesd ibte rmtre- l 4, whiciî It aff»rds Oee ;iappîn;4lîfi'n me- isuves the pain. Ff)rs;ýae 1v al duggs $10 WASHINUTOI'l EXCUR~SION $ Oý Via Phitadeiphta on PrinayFebruarç 1611e frein Sutiienssion Bridge, Niagara FMIts, via Leitigli Valle; Raîlroad lekets gooti 10 da, s. Alinw stop over gt Baltimore and Phtiakdîipbia un retuma trip. For Ticktets Pu lau.gide te Wasbngto, eu o u oradrs -ot ~ Lwis PasenorAgen,'t, l. V iU Ilrilish AmrlyTeýý stSpeedy -Trans- Ain depedl ren ono s(sJ T as anexperrnen lai the A(ltmiruity e lini et hw seety naetnee -ity troopa cenyli trnso liLetefr xxý est,7 Canadian Physicians"ý Endorse The Çanadian Discocery DR. AAXNIDER FÂLKER, Williamstown, Ont., a physician, Who las enjoyecd a large practice fer thxe past thirty years: - 'I lave inuch pleasure Lui certifying f'o tie value et 'Fruit-a-tivcs'1 or 'Fruit Lîver Tablets' as a ucedicine for cironie constipation a-d bilions- ness, dyspjepsia, etc., etc. 1 have prescrihetilis iccine for lie past six meontils antidanstroi1gIy recommnend ,'Fruit-a-tives'1 un 0al cases of constipation, inldigestion1 anti flatulence, inatisches (Lue te weakened digestion, etc., DRt.-A. PIIÀNKFORD ROGERS, Ottawav,, a physician wh'o lhas enijoyed eure of thie largest paices il Ihiat ý'ity, states :-»' I lave ne h-esitalion in recemimending 'Fruit- a-lives' or 'FutLiver Talets' as the fac t lie etallcs lieing ma&e f rom u4 laxative mý-jaterial extractlt from ripe frit ppeals, anti lhas appeieti to Zmy jutIgelmuenIt, at have us -, di ese labits CeXtcsvl ii niy pradtice and lwaswi me t atfyn trils.tiepo thue tahlets, te physicians., anti hen1ce any physici*an setee ait and recommlend tli r,,IiIl 'ýlobs o!f rset Thle fomnula cý-f »Fruit-a-is ecertainlY aeInagni- ficent eue, sud in mriy experienlce ne snedicinie ever use,1 by nias,;ve sud hexcellnt rssinontia tion sud stomach surd iver trouble as Frut-ativs' asTîiat 1hesef tabiets set lnecilly njue kitincys ai skie is bynideoulit and inlu nauy cases ýwlicme the skin vas lugisl ud-naceanC. i1dIhe- com1plexion lad 'Fruit a-tives» 'haveý given 1 le Mest Pleas-ilg rc'iuits Dit. D. J. CoavvLL,ro, memier et lie internaI staff cf ic Generai Hospitl, Ottawa, anti vIe bas extensive experience, 5!tates :-"II have usent Fruit-a-tives',or 'Fruit Liver Teilels' wilh imoat benieficiai resuÏts in olistîniate constipation anti biliouness, anti foui lix eir action suilti anti non-irriltaling, and yet more cnrati've tiar, anxy stiscine ever usati prcvious,,ly. I'TrýÏongly t recomnienti 'Fruit-a-tivýs' le tiose sufieriugtrous these Conîlaints."1 At ildmugglsfta or sentpospldou neccne PfprîCe. O.abx rh oe for 1.0 UANDS OFF17THE EYES. A hbtvci d aypeople Inve un- condiesiyacqubrvet i la-IhL etubling flic c-yc v il I banda o"r ncîg at ilhcm viîl1 i te e II"ra, vihendver the r yes feel ii hlenat irritatet. 'li han dlonct by this cenemon (,nhal)itt cen neyer I'C etmaei Occasbocxally paintul ilc- idities rerntid us torýciily 'et ils 'agr A tew mvieoka agoiaman weýt-iisnidg in jsle Cileagtod stme'4 "l'n thMet a ir eyc itcet a ti jseveýral limes hl tooR his h;anti frein flic atmap anti rublic the eyel iii iL. . Soixalter ha readtiûme uis 'ycs bedaine betty unflumeti, and in a shlort Lime lie xas unable te see. Upon examinafion, the physicien came ta tle is promnptiy eieveti by Beecharn's Pills. They neyer faau. Speciai di'- recctions te femaies with cach box. Pepressien, aick icatacic, hack- ache, paiencas anti nervouaness al disappeýar aiter usung Soit Everywhere, iu boxes!25 cents. conclusion fint the ipstnap te xvhiiCh flic man. het eenholding htiliemi in, don- tact wihthian o!. a tLestpra areieuly at that île discaise gerulna casig uities.At pesntth an] ' bte ilin iniindtIL us nïqesti n he-1 Ihucu'r lie viliever ljuie able Lesec aeg-ain. Ne mnater hov dýleanly vie ar-e the liantse uiecontioually cumrir îg in con- tact with foreigo subjstances antide li, the cyca with the lhant mieans that vie a're dclilereteiy ca-ryingtic- impure mat fer fle ancoaI LIe tmosf delicate anti sensitive orgns-t'fi ety. Beis the dangeýrîr frin injurionr)s germa, flic îr. r;itation xvlc icmlib)ing alene ceuses ia hairntuiï. Often thm esyca11dbor secin te hu liecause tuaI lieas aceunuýlateti n thelasca ant do ti lits. Ta a dlean, selîf, vuile clei, inm'ent ln hit !d ater oý,nt veli ff fic ycagently. Or maRe a vicak soluinoe sit vater sieentcp tutti» y ut tvnuuw open» ii nughiLt will net hane yen; lte fresi ait- milnake yen sleep sounder, but aI the saine ime yen imust have sufficient lîglit dlotliing an the lied ta keep yen frein catching colt. A Gooti Shampear..--The beat ahane- Poonorthe bair;is matie by iîreaking np biLa et toiet soap nti liinging thixcn le a liu in lot vaLer. To Ibis sheul'] lie atidet e teaspoontul o!fliorax te a plot et shaïuioomxtutre, anti, if flichaîr lie oly, eatdsetofaldebai. Ths cen lie tubbitto the scalp, and t i s varrant- cd perfedîly harnîless. SoIt Hanta. Tic hanta may lie sefî. cnet anti vhitenet by tic use oethte foilowing peste: The yoiLksa!Ive re aimants, tirygrammaes ocrs-vtf m anti Âight grmnîa e tnetmueeofin r.L.Beat np the yoiks wbth tfic it tuncureet eozi. ur sirif e roemry orarnutit crn imifs soep lii elrcaplirlii ai Lcns o a tvidays. Ayr'iee equal emety a quanmties t f'ecAhil and batme toc cyea ii lins, tBcsure tie l'enta bave licen xvashed cdean betere usin Lhm i bahin th cya. IpcA SION FOR EVERY HOMEl tic cycsoa cdean toviel viici lias oi Iteen useti for ariy purp)ose. Tt scems an CATAIR sud CONSURPITION .imost( crirninilyc'es habit te dî-y -If every home in Canadla had titis sigu t1hcý- ycona toviel vilive use 'fer calr Are Kludred Dlâsases wonld be fa- le"s stckne5ssanddîesatihm rarta t îlehetiyanti ometiea onanc -wonld bc a happier anti brigie"r place tino it i es -ýcaulmg Conrislption, '3,meti1mes je. and C IuSUuuutiouu Itseif. PSYCHINE can ielp cvery tmember oýf the "Mne jwas t eSnr oshii Càaturmmh The siightesýt coe HEALTH HINTS. or change o wsterwol caueei toeetumun ecdi rem, ie' om ot wilh em ailyto, ntiïex Vâlu et real Air-fyen vilai Leworse t han befeme-. There liige astd»Wans»N peî, kýeelicaîlli ati vie1, i, hae plcnty nt.were pains suad pressure freal air;m feç ers an S niigît betsle- iy, if; on Îtic'j . cehpyL u o yn~noltesn.At ather wîth a'd ColdaorChili brou1gitou goroi anti fit yuny ouî wrk A- uï wi t up blooti, by 'expesure at his daiîywok ___________________________ L saw Ps1ychuuse atvertis.- Tic Chidren wllhteir innumrabie 1H11. eand decidedto t y iL." aien. STÂltSLis L4-,ERTSR. AIlthsecan l)ý-ecureti b PSYCHINEt anid the hom, sc-sJ uuol, luly t Bonhiis Cusmpton L Gipe.etc'. te sPSYCHINEjats Puirchase a bottIn of FYII-' is vînter nl e ill upîeit Iit1sn tesevva !th', fittestu, we f1 ibd1how mchsuifferingit Vwill re ïld nI iow much mariey if wiilsaeyu woî'td b'Cuse ou, ceSe re butter tlhan ba' tho utwrsan 3eSiei '-PSYCHINE (pronouinced SIJWkeen_) taUc? PanttOclietseua-ers s.The Creâtemt of rail Tonîca Ail Dru~dIsts r"reeý Tri, 11HEALTII Mo-st persons tinkd the scurwvy 0iily )n Connueon with thle privation' and dis- iress tatwereSO etten enduLred by sol- ier a rdtsaiors a century ùor more ago, for the clîsase lias become se rare as tu lie but littie known. But a very sim- ilarafetn occasiouaily attacits iii-1 tants aitithe present tUne, especiaiiy the Lotle-fed babies in large duLes. It aimost alxvays appears duiýrng the lirst year of life. It is net peculiar Le any climate or scason. Liability te IL is increased liy overcrowding, uncleanli- ness and negleet of ventilation, but the, disease is net reslricted to the chidreni ùi the peor. Poss-,]Iiy it la infectious, ii) wlîîcl case deficient o r impiirope(r nour-'. ishment acts only as a peipsn u Iluence. The iilness befgIisgadal with peev- ishnesand rslsns.Teappetite is lest andtiheie igestionr bocomes de- fective; tIltnl e ryadcated and thie bretht is foi. If wh litie 00 Very soon ther is a nuino iet t eneath thie ieriesteum ,i- themebrn that envelopas thebne-podig sýweilings nrear the joit, paticuiarly Fmnt1et1ohese the retlessessan sufe- tten s svere ýthat the legs aredrw up nd hlid rgas ï if hy ee aa cur, but t he eyeýs pretudLin seývOeecs esani te eyeids may lepu'd4p nd dEicelorca 1 by blerod witin thorbit IL is net to e e1nerefrein what lihas diet in aumSingtHie disease, tata beal- Utliy' inat lirîin Lg on ri wictael footi, nntbepoiddwitli oeotrto rneurialimerint in order toprtctj frrn tie curvy. A chiange otf diet îs ottencr liazard(ous ite an infiint, and Ihe1 crv S blevdte le ee ntal l a gra xetby addfiýngtex)an o! thilel or thîe sainuanttyof ieg lue Fortunafly theies yedspomt ly te heamiitrto ffrijues scrbe ne or mtwo taspoonifuls daily cet orage-uic. Lmen,ý-jice may e em-j pleved(,.aod xvlien the (chîltiis mreth-an'i a yeer eld it can ie icgiven bakýed apple and potato.'î ARE Tolu APRS ER iaorgether own chais by the iecfaiyot expoureto cntaion disaseor he ex:eSSeS of! maubood. The fel he ar nt te cathell'y on ght te bu or used te bu. 'The vn vigr adv ity of zmatuhod are lacil l.a e yenneron aa dspodet?î ri teth* mornnhv e to.are oase t boghtheday s wOjle? hacve Yon littie ala- titi. ouat nraeyuIrtabIl'ni eCitabIle? ce-eF enaen epr .d dhagr i pinuery poor and bru afageL ave yoa w4ealr bai wt;b dreame and 1Qbas1e at ailght eoinus rinewek s7 nlt?-yoa thave IYerv~s DbiI1tniudScwtswLEDIWS OrNEW METHQ TREATeýýr t l en teect Cur o N Py.25 yeatp li, DT3trQit. BDae4r ~ Sccultky. ý3cearc of quacks-Coils1utt old eiLa1ied~, cetbeh-r Ican. Co 2: 1 wnv.c: qlppn with vmir wintinw nnp.n al. ý