CAUGHT BY THE GRIPM REEAED BY P-RnU-NA.' y L A 3r P.I Isepidemia catarrh. Il " re. no slmor(natIamalty. The ogtie" aad th. 5gor2m1, the arsteersî Md*0 Peuper, Q6e zmas-a" sthe d4g*m aremalHke nubJeeýt tbla grippe. X . eema"eh re lhable. Baeyen 1h. gtp? Or, rathor, lias g-,Ipgo& r.ýk CîTp la 'w-oh named. çolh*4jina>l Peaaà tern, la grIPPe, h&by ,Le busy .aet onm od "grlp.e' 'Wthout Iubendng Ios- me-ea vwSd hlas been coined thsIeellty deacztb&s the oaa.. As If .oehid.ousgatwt afl rad >clvutmhbed ns i I e faal clasp. Mm', ~.oaus,~t ioebefnl grip of a ter- selves us 1ta th.e ffieecy of P, r-un&in cases ot la grippeor tt-W fte"r f cs Atter E1ets of La OsippeVEra4llcated by N-na-na Mrs.. Fred Weinbeýrger, Wsol~ Albany Connty, N. y., writesi: "ScoveraI -eara ago I hadamiat tac~k et la gp ~ -hici leit 111y !Iesl % prosrai d cnditon. honI ýd -an- 1os. a tried tire. good phcioiau bu2t I7: ai. gave Prn ra lui a 1 waati eI msfeeling o r sud now I fa:-aswefl As anvyxa'- what It is, aserving on publie bourde a iinuen of timeq. TH. endnrsea Pwrma Lu t.he fol lo)wng vords:- 6S am8Year o041, aun hale and hewnty. aud P-rna liaa lpedme attela 1IL Two yesag o I had la grippe-mry IU@ asdespmired of. Pui avd ..Lý A RefaUIve of Abrahasm inus. Mr. Si asL S. Linoin, who regides 918 1. Street, Yi. W., Washington, D.. . ham th. honor of belng third ooulta* .kbr*alla Linoin. HRewrites: 111 had la grippe li're timea beto»' using yourr medicine. Pour yeara &go X began the use of Peruna, sinoe which time 1 have flot been troubled with Iliat disease. I can nov do sasmuch wur k ab my dealc as I ever oou]d la my lîfe. 1 hava gained more than ten pounds la welght."l-S. S. Lincoln. Pe-ru-na Not Onfy Cured La Grippe but Beneftted the WhoIe Systrm. "Last apring I suffered froni la grippe a.ndI wai p-.irialy cured but th. bs4 afe 1e offses reimaIned Ibrougli th. sun?. mteran1 sudo.o i dd not gel stroei as ~ - I a e or, ne cf My Sa"e fý-rinda vho wvas visitligngtm aked me te try Penunb &nd 1 did SO and foCni ia nd orre tàIhax hd erc.ted. lB nct only cuired me of 1h. ecatarrh but rcatorod me to perf-ct health, buflt up. the entfre systeni and bro)ught a*happy feeling of buoyaney vhich I1lied ii.t kuovu for yas"Ale M. Drni.,, Misa Jearn Cowgill, Gri6wcold Oper% -Hou-a., Ttoy,-N. 13, athc eedîmg-lIy vihthe Âibry 8týek C o. 8h. vrftsu the fofllwing: e'Durlng the pMat vinten e 01f, S-Ufftred. fer soyerAI veeka frolia evet atîack of grippe, vh ch lef t %anzoS eatarrhal crdition oft he throst e&M '<Some one augg-eated Ieana. As ni last reset, elle vaatlng mueh 11mw aud mesiey on phyueï&D-q, 1. IninI h. y-femo fy % n- i W -a- vas ase w-el as ver."8-Jean cmwrUl, A Sutben .IutgCure& JuigeHoso .G.,arwl 0 fflorneav* rsxyssaoIhad fa veryoere .pefl QI rippe, whleh loft me villi syotemle catarrh. A frtien< advi.od Zme .try 7yon r nuaw1hech I dtd, and va" lmrnedLately buenetd and, oured. The thIrd 1oWte eompletod 1h, CMre.-. J. G-O&s If yen do net dort-v. pro>mpt anégastU- feetory resuit. fm 1th.euse et Perun% write to DrT. Hrmaglrtnq I ftilli statemenit of yocr case and hewflt b. pliost4 te gTve ycn hlm Taluble sd-. i t __ DAËLINGTON OQUNOIL. Toir& HALL, HAMPton, F01b. 24, '06. Regular monthly imeeting; members1 ail preaent; Reeva Pasos presldlng; minutes cf lait meetinag rea6d and con- firmed. A oomtmunicittlon was reoelved froin J, I. Devltt, M. P. P., wlth aopy of notes and proceedings of Octarlo Leu. liatlys Â1senibly. Filed. A petition was received ilgned by W. H. Creoper and other ratepayers, ak ing âasstance to Mr@. Hudsgon. On motion $2 par month was granted. T. J. T. Cole applted to have By.Iaw passed granting prîviloge to the Dur. hamn Union Teiephone Qo., te erect poles, etc., aélong the romd ways In Dar. Iington. Laid on tabla. An eccount fromn Dr. Trebllcook vas received snd lad on table. 1Aipplications for conisenbt ie boild wire fencem for bonns vere received from J. Lsnginald, E. Foley, J. Trick, J. Abernethey and Alfred Marn. Filed. John Greer presented an acceunt for $30 for services wsiting on a amali pox pstient. RAerrd te the Medical Health offioar, Oa motion tha Janitor was reluested ta have the chairs repalred and' cah- tons reoovqred. T. J. F. Cole pald Treaisarer $3.7à for tii.. A. By-iaw Nýo. 635 was passzed, &P- polnting Pathinasters Poundkeepers snd Fenceyieweirs. On motion the Reeve çva s athorized togrant orders on the Treasurer as foliowa-Mnilolpsl World stationary 2.0H.AllUn, error In ascmeant $49;J.Johneton, aheep dawages $5,- 331; E. J. Burk, gravel $9.1O; Dr. Col- vilile, certIilate of insanity, Mnri. Wil son S5; H. Elilott, Regiatration teesl $27.40; Indigents-Roue $4, Wilson $5; S prouleà $2; Lane $3; Branton $3; Dart $3, 1 H ,oaken $2,50, Hoidlge $2; Laviesa $6; Hudson $2 N. 0. Rum- ffl-a,-funeral exp2nsma of-the lato Mra-M Mculough $15. At a recent meeotIng of the Board of Hoalth fortarinton, iasresolved that il should ho optionei wth parents au ta vsccirrating chlldren who h;ad not already beon vaeoinated. Counoil sdjourned 10 niseton satur. day Marioh 3lst, &t 10 o'clock. Township Olerk. OBONU. Mr. Chas. Awde la taklna acOUs a% central Bulsineusscoilege., Toronto. T. Smith, Ausessor, ha. scommenosdi work. Miss MoOnîcheon, Oâhawa, la visît- Ing at the Ttnpeanco Boose. MIsa McKay bas returned froni a wohths vnuit at Amonte.. Mr. sud Mra. J. A. Jeromie vjet@d etI Mr. J. G. Honey'Es recently. Mn.. A. Henry of tho Temperance Rfouse, was lu Oshawa recently. Mr. and Mrr. Danlel Hall are vieît- in -endaughiter, ?Mrs. Eli. MortLn, taind teLeaFe ales St. us- day evening. Ai enjoyed the evening. -More casesi of @ick headache, bilious. nesa, constipation, un be cured la lees tCime, wlth less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pilla, than by anY other means. Anniversary services in MIedoalf church Sundav'wock were very success* ýfui. Rev. S.T. Tueker, B A , B.D , of Beaverton, preached two excellent sermons. Last Sabbath,Rev.John Potts -General Secretarv of Education for the Methodist churcb, preached in, the Imorning, and Mr. Thomas, Yellowlees, of Toronto, Secretary of the Provincial S. S Association, in the evening. Memibe3rs of Siméne St. Mtethoist PURE RICD ELOD. -4» Is neces8gry tg Health, Stlrength and Happines8. Pure, rich, red biood ïla neieded by eery voman, young or oid. Thin, weak, water.y blood la the cause of ail the headaches, and backaches, and aide. aclbes-all the weakuesa and weanineas, ail the di7ziluess and desponldency, ait the neryounensï and falnting spels that affict girls and women. The only thlng that can help you la Dr. Williams' Pin k Pilis These pilla make nov, rieh, rfid blood, that gives ew lîfe and strength to crery organ of the body. In this way they maire pale, feeble girls develop into healthy, happy women, and for the sanie reason brlng ease aDd comfort, and regularlty to women at alî ages of life Miss J. Dietrich, St Clomenta. Que., la one of'the many thousande made well and harpy through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. She says- I 11I trled several medicines but got noý- thing to help me until 1 tried ;Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Puis. I was subject to palpitation of the heart, a throbbing in the head, and dizziness and fainting spolia. I had no appetite aud was weak pale and discouraged when 1 began the une of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla Sîiý boxes of theso have made me feel like an a]ltogether different person, and have given me mev health aud trenigth. Rich. rod blood la the true secret of health and strength, and it is slmply because Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla make new, pure blood, that they cure such troublesanamla, 10as of appotiteý indigestion. neunalgia. rheumatiem, St Vitua dance, partial paralyais, kidney troubles, and the speclal alImenta that onlyvomefok kow. But vou mus, got the genuine with the full name, Dr. W iIliamg' PInk Pilla for Pale People" on the wrapper around oach box. If lu doubt, send ta The Dr. Wll- Ilams Medicine Co , Brockville. Ot . and the pilla viii be3 mailed !at 50 cents a box, or six boxes fo)r $2 50. OSHAWA, MrHerbert Mitchell, frrmerly ongan- lut of Simicoe St Methodist church has accopted a-position at Canleton Place. Miller's Worm Powders are a won- dernlui medicine for aliments of children. Sold by F R Keralake Druggist. Mn Chas Andorson, Woodstock,.. vlsited his parents on his way to Peter- boro, whoehe has accepted a position. Simeos St. MethodiatLeaue nter.j E THr-MP£SON Go. E InvoiGes are now being cliecked of our E Direct Inportations of British And Foreign Goods. 'N o b A o tI EF The best values are obtained by the direct importer. * Wonderfal values in Linoleums and CarPets. Extraordfn- ary fine goods in Cashmere Hosiery ini every size and weight for Ladies oi- Men. BeautifcLIl dres3 material- elegant Velveteens. Table Linen, Towellings, N"apkins, z Musl-ins, Laces, Curtains, etc., at unapproachabIe prlices Eexcept to direct importero. Our French Goods Importations ~ Inelade an endless variety of Ribbons in all leading colors and widths. Our stock of Ribbons will bc very * * omplete for spring of 1906. The French Dresu materials -nmuet b. seen Io b. appr-e<4a-ted W-e have -a- v-siy ehoec selection f rom !bc Ieading mnfcuee German Hose. The ellermsdorf fast dyes" have a world-wide re- Lputati on, and a very complete assortment are included in 5 See them. Ei THE MAzS0N ee. 1 1 A11à_11A11à 1 L l# l10k1i 1tb11d!r 1 te 0 u -L